When a tiger came to paradise

Story by SolarTiger on SoFurry

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Hi all

This is a porn story i was asked to give a go by a friend of mine.

Never really did a porn story, let alone a long story before, but i gave it a go.

So i hope you enjoy ^^

Tiger belongs to SolarTiger

While the art and Pokemon Anthros belong to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lysergide/

The sky was burning orange as the sun rose over the horizon, a new day slowly coming to be; but the peace of the ocean was not what it usually was. The sounds of a plane cut through the quiet of the waters, with loud mechanical clunks and bangs shattering the peace. Its left engine belched black clouds of smoke on and off, leaving a flickering trail stretching for miles back. The plane itself was an old seaplane from a bygone era, rusted paint barely clinging to its body. Though it wouldn't have been much of a stretch to think the engines had been fixed to the plane with rusty bolts and possibly some tape too. The only new thing about it was the paint job of scantly clad woman on the side, the words Angel written under in red, it stood out from the rest of the rusted flying heap.

Inside the cock pit the lights flickered red on and off, warning its passengers of the current state of affairs, not that they really needed to be told as the right wing had now started to cough and splutter black smoke like the other.

"Huh..? that's new. Its usually only the left one that does that" The captain laughed, tapping randomly at the dashboard and flicking switches up and down, trying to figure out which one of them would stop the light show.

"Don't laugh about it like everything is fine Barron!" The large tiger known as Solar looked at the small dog next to him, his nerves shot after a long sleepless night in the cockpit. Barron just looked at him and grinned as he usually did. Wearing his flight jacket that was a couple sizes too large for him, (in what Solar could only think was a way to make him look bigger) and a flight cap with goggles on the top, of course like everything else to do with this plane, they were broken as well, with the goggles missing one lens.

"Ah don't you worry, just Angel being playful is all. Wanting to give the new guy a good scare" Baron Laughed.

"Scare ?!" The arm rest of the seat Solar was strapped into was pretty clawed up at this point, he had dug his claws in good just in case he was shook out of the plane, which was still a possibility at this point. "Never again, never again am I going to get in this death-trap with a little lunatic !" He yelled to no one in particular.

"Lunatic ?.. Death-trap ?.. " Barron looked puzzled, looking around behind him for another person.

"You, you old fool ! Keep your eyes in front" Solar grit hit he teeth as the plane shook and rattled more, the blaring lights and rattling sounds giving him the longest headache of his life.

"I will have you know that Angel is not a death-trap, she's just an old feisty gal with many years of service and only a few of major engine failures" The dog reassuringly patted the dashboard.

"Wait.. what was tha-?" Solar tried to pretend he missed the last part, not wanting to add to his already growing list of worries.

"Calm down Angel, your scaring him stiff? !" He smacked the dashboard with his small hand hard, until the lights turned off. The engine was still its usual noisy self, but the engines had stopped smoking, not entirely but not as much. "See, there you go. Nothing to worry about, and look? !" The small group of islands slowly came into view. "Made it in one piece, good record I would say. Now apologise to Angel"

Solar knew better than to argue with the old man, as stubborn as he was, Barron was more so. Never taking no for an answer and somehow always getting his way. Better to just give in he thought. "S-sorry plane.."

"Her name is Angel, got to say Angel lad or she might get offended"

"Sorry A.. Angel" He said while gently patting the dashboard. Barron seemed to be satisfied, so he just went back to staring out over the horizon. Watching the islands slowly come into view over the ocean as they started their decent, Solar went over in his head what he had read about them, and what Barron had mentioned.

The Lushaya islands, as they are collectively known, ranged in different sizes. From large rich green lands, to just small stretches of beach visible during the day and swallowed up during the night. Each had their own name, though Solar couldn't quite recall what each of them were. They were famous for their flora, colours and those that lived on the island. Usually the latter are more well known more known. The inhabitants had grown a bit different in however many generations had lived there, the changes coming to their bodies more noticeable as they got older. Some simply became larger, others developed strange patterns or colours, and those that went through the biggest change had their bodies change to adapt to certain aspects of island life. Some had ventured off into the world, but others simply stayed on the island. After all, it was a tropical paradise with all the modern conveniences, there wasn't much of a reason to leave other than to see how the rest of the world had changed. Over the years they had built on the larger of the islands being careful not to harm or destroy their natural beauty, going so far as to build around the trees themselves, homes and stores having the trees themselves growing up through the floors.On the smaller islands they had built places for the tourists, bars and the like, places to party hard without disturbing the city. Others they had built large homes to house a large community of like-minded individuals who like their privacy but aren't shut off from the rest of the island. Everyone there was generally regarded as friendly towards one another, with a strong community spirit that didn't waver. Solar thought to himself it would be a nice place to visit, letting himself relax ever so lightly for just a moment.

But the moment quickly passed, as the plane shook violently. A loud whining sound rang throughout the plane followed by a loud bang that shocked them both. Solar almost ripped the arm rests off of his seat as he looked over to Barron, his mind racing as to what had went wrong now. The planes nose started to dip slowly, the ocean slowly becoming more visible than the sky.

"Er.. heh, nothing to worry about I'm sure. But to be safe, check your side for me" Barron grinned at Solar, little worry in his face that he tried his best to hide as he was gripping the flight stick and pulling as hard as his little arms could.

Solar looked out of the window on his side. The propellers were spinning, but the engine itself was nothing but a large ball of fire with more than the usual thick black smoke spilling out. "This is how I die.. dropping out of the sky in a rusted death-trap with a crazy little-" He looked back at Barron, watching in disbelief as he was pouring down the contents of his flask down his throat, lazily pulling on the flight stick to level them out. "Dammit old man !" Solar yelled, moving along, grabbing the flight stick, and pulling back as hard as he could. Uncaring at the age of the plane trying to fight back, as the dog seemed to relax and rest back. The plane started to level out, gliding down towards the ocean.

Barron took a hold of Solar's shaking paw, pulling each large finger off the stick. "That'll do lad, that'll do~" He took control back of the seaplane, with the biggest grin on his face. Solar was too shaken to be angry, but he supected, that it was all an act to scare him senseless. He would have to get him back for that one.

The plane splashed down soon after, a wave of water drenched the front of the plane and put out the fire in the engine. The propellers spun slowly to a stop as the plane drifted towards the islands. It bumped up against a large pontoon with some rafts connected to it, and a small hut on top, with what looked to be someone resting on a deckchair underneath a large umbrella.

Solar unbuckled his belt as fast as his clawed hands could manage, and scrambled out of the plane, almost taking the doors off its rusty hinges. He fell onto the wooden pontoon and just lay there, for a while, glad to be on some form of stable ground.

"See ! Told you we would make it" Barron spoke smugly, arms behind his back as he walked out of his plane. Solar just started at him, not wanting to give much of a response but just to let his nerves calm for now. He watched as the figure that was under the umbrella rose up slowly, moving it to one side as he stood up tall. He was a full couple of feet taller than Solar was easily, and looked to be some kind of panda chewing on a bit of long grass. Though it was no kind of panda he had seen before, he looked a lot different, built like a large bear and by the looks him grumpy that they had interrupted his sleep. Solar simply put it down to what he had read, the island changing its inhabitants over the years they have lived there. The panda wandered over to them, pulling up his shorts as his sandals clapped lightly along the wooden platform.

"Panpan old friend, how have you been !" Barron took the panda's hand and shook it, the difference in size between the two was surprising, as Pan cast a large shadow over the small dog.

"Just Pan, Barron. Just Pan. But same old same old I suppose. I see that Angel hasn't yet taken you through the pearly gates.." He motioned to the plane before looking down at Solar. "..And she is still dragging poor unfortunates along for the ride and scaring them stiff too. Honestly, you have the money, you could fix her up."

"Eh, wouldn't be the same. But she's tough, no one can take her down~" ?Barron laughed, as Pan just simply smiled and shook his head. "All right Solar, breaks over, need you to start unloading the goods, then you can take a break while we get refuelled and then head back"

"Oh.. joy" Solar said as Pan laughed, the pearly gates comment floated around his mind. He started to unload the cargo he had loaded back in the town where he was picked up. Nothing too heavy. But from what he could tell it was mostly just bottles of alcohol, fruit, and other bits and pieces, along with a few personal packages. As per pans instructions he lowered them down to the panda waiting on one of the rafts, setting them up and ties them down as the waters gently rocked it. Some small crates and a few packages were left, Pan motioned to leave them just under the deckchair and he would sort them out later.

"The we go Pan, order all sorted. Pleasure doing business with you all again" Once more Barron shook his hand.

"And here is to many mo-" Pan was cut off as a loud bang rang on from behind them, shaking them as well as the pontoon itself. All three back around to see the other engine in flames, a panic came over Pan as he thought the pontoon would catch alight. Though luckily that never came. Whether it was the years of service or just simply its time, one of Angels wings fell off into the ocean, putting out the flames. The rest of her fell to the other side, and sank a little into the water, half of her sticking out like a small metal island. All three of them watched it all unfold, before Barron finally broke the silence.

"Well...that's the first time she's ever done that" Barron simply laughed it off, a little less louder than usual.

Solar just had enough, tired of the old man's blatant disregard for his life. What's more he realised he was going to be stuck on these islands for a while. He marched over, grabbing the captain and lifting him clean above his head. "Waitwaitwait !" He tossed the small dog into the waters as Pan just roared in laughed, watching the captain splash and swim to the loaded raft, looking more like a drowned rat. "Dammit lad what was that for ?!"

"That feels sooo much better~" Solar breathed a sigh, finally being a little more relaxed. Despite being stranded, he did find it pretty therapeutic to toss the captain into the waters. "Well I've already gotten paid, but I'm going to have to find a place to stay till I can get another way off of these islands?"

Pan mulled it over in his head a little, but eventually pointed over to one of the islands. "Well.. I have some friends over on that island, bunch of apartments that a few families bought that take in new folks." He paused. "That is, if you don't mind all the-"

Before Pan could finish, Solar cut him off. "Anything to get some rest, I feel like I haven't slept in a long long time" Solar didn't care what the reason was that Pan was going to mention, any bed to crash in was always better than no bed.

"Well.. ok then I will let them know your on your way. Just do me a favour, take those left over deliveries to them for me will you"

"Yeah, no problem.." Solar started to load up the other raft as the panda jumped into the water, creating a small tidal wave and drenching Barron once again.

"Dammit Pan not you too !" Though Pan simply thought it hilarious. The water came up to just above his waist as he untied the rope keeping the raft in place, threw it over his shoulder and started to tow the raft off to one of the islands off in the distance. "Well this is goodbye for now Solar,take care !" Barron waved to him as Solar waved back, keeping his notions of crazy captain to himself as he forced a smile.

Solar climbed down into the warm waters, watching for a moment as it slowly came up to his chest, before undoing the rope and moving it over his shoulders as Pan had done. He towed the raft over to the island, it was one of the closer ones, not taking much time to get over there. It gave Solar a little alone time, thinking about making some better choices in future. Such as what jobs he should take on, but more importantly checking the mode of transport before accepting. Not long after he arrived to the island, staring at a large wall, wondering at why the place was walled off. Solar supposed it was for when the tide came in at night, stop the place from being flooded. After dragging the raft up the beach for a little he found a pair of wooden doors. He unloaded the boxes, and left the raft tied up to a palm tree before carrying the boxes up to the door, settling them down again and knocking on the door.

After a little while a spy hole on the door slid open showing a pair green emerald eyes staring back at him, looking up and down checking him out with a sigh. "Look, this isn't a tourist spot, ok. Don't come here looking for freebies, all right? Come back again and I will personally toss you out and drown you in the ocean" Before slamming the slit closed.

"Look Pan sent me to drop off some stuff and bunk down for the night on account of..." Solar took a moment to best put what happened with the plane. "...Divine and merciful will intervented, and stranded me here for a bit. Said he would call up and arrange a place for me to stay?"

It was quiet for a moment. "I see... Fine, he did call, just no funny business ok"

Solar heard the locks click and snap open as he reached behind to grab the packages, hearing the door open up behind him. "Believe me, after the night I've had I don't have much on my mi..." He just stared blankly at was in front of him. The door had opened up to a naked grey furred, dog, as far as he could tell. Her face looking pretty impatient and smoking as Solar found himself looking at her from head to toe. Not to check her out, but simply because this was the last thing he was expecting. She was pretty normal from what Solar could see, minus the black penis between her legs. He closed his eyes, shaking his head for a moment, before looking her back in the eyes.

"You coming in, or are you planning on spending the night on the beach" Not waiting for a response she turned around and headed back inside, leaving the door open for Solar to enter. He stepped inside, his eyes wide at the sight in front of him as the door closed behind and was locked, his attention drawn to what was before him. There were a lot of people, all naked, wandering around, talking to each other, or lounging around and enjoying the sun. Each of them looking a little different, in size, gender, colour or species for that matter. Speechless at the differences between this island and all the other places he had visited on his travels. Solar's attention turned as he looked back to the package, noticing one missing, but now in the hands of the dog woman as she headed to a cabin next to the entrance.

"H-hey, wait a minute ! You can't just-" Solar stammered, still taking in this new place and all the naked people around him as he fumbled with the boxes in his arms.

She held the box up and tapped the name. "Helvetica Müller, that's me. I would show some ID, but as you have obviously noticed. No pockets" She said sitting down on the step, as she set down the package on her lap and proceeded to rip off the lid which offered little resistance. Solar looked at the cabin as Helvetica rummaged around the box. It was a small teal painted wooden cabin, big enough for about three or four people. A few steps leading up to a door, and a swing seat hanging from a support. The blinds were drawn. Solar suspected he had woken up her up from a nap. He checked back in on her as she placed the contents on the floor. Few cartons of cigarettes, packets of batteries, magazines. Her eyes lighting up a little as she got to the bottom of the package. "Ah~" Helvetica said, pulling out a dark bottle, similar in height but rounder than a wine bottle. From what Solar could see, the label on it said TentaRum. She pulled the cork from in, her blue nose twitching slightly as her sniffed its contents, before taking a heavy swig of it. Her body shivered as she swallowed, before corking the bottle back up. "That's the stuff~" She smiled slightly. "Been a while since I've been able to get the good stuff"

"But its still morning right now" ?Solar said as she grabbed a cigarette, grabbing some matches from somewhere on the deck lighting it as she stood, bottle still clutched tightly in one hand.

"Well its got to be afternoon somewhere in the world" ?She took a little stretched before she started to walk off. "Might as well leave the packages there. I will sort them out later."

Solar paused for a moment before nodding, leaving them in a tidy pile, and following Helvetica

The two started walking off, heading towards one of several apartment complexes. Everyone saying hello to Helvetica as they passed, and getting a nod from her in return. Though seeing Solar fully clothed and someone from off the island caused them to whisper among themselves. He wondered if they ever saw a tiger before. But it was nothing negative from what Solar's ears could pick up, just curiosity more than anything. He didn't mind it so much, his eyes were more occupied with glancing past all the nudity as quickly and best as they could. The small town within the walls was quiet and nice, fairly normal too. Green grass, sandy pavements, bushes and palm trees. In the distance he though he could see some courts too for ball games. They walked passed a few buildings each a beige colour, with a few floors to each them, each apartment having a balcony of its own. Solar thinking to himself that the view must be pretty good.

Eventually Helvetica had stopped, and started to chat with someone, Solar looked past her, eyes wide as his jaw dropped a little. The person talking to her seemed to be a bright red naked, fire cat of some sort judging by her colours and markings, a little shorter than him too. He thought she was just topless at first, until noticing the bright yellow around her lower half wasn't underwear. Though that's not what caught Solar off guard. He thought it rude to stare, but she had the largest pair of breasts he had ever seen, more amazing still was that the feline could carry them at all. Her bright yellow eyes caught his, a smile followed by a playful grin and a wave as she caught what he was staring at. Solar quickly turned away, feeling his face grow hot from embarrassment of being caught accidentally staring. He was looking for something to stare and get lost in, not hearing that Helvetica calling to him but soon felt it as she flicked the tip of his ear.

"Ow- What was that for ?!" ?Solar rubbed his ear as it stung a little.

"Pay attention." She blew a cloud of smoke in his face causing him to cough a little. "This is bouncing one here is called Titania" Helvetica said, taking in another lungful of her cigarette

"Hey there, nice to meet you. Everyone just calls me Tits though, sure you can guess why" She laughed happily, extending her hand out towards Solar, who grabbed it and shook gently. The irony of her name not lost on him as he played along.

"S-solar" He managed to say back. Feeling the mix of everything that's happened in the past day and now all of this slowly getting to him. Surely someone was making fun of him for something he had done in his life. He gave a shaky smile back to the grinning feline.

"Ok,now that introductions are over" Helvetica chimed back in as Solar took his hand back. "Slight issue. Apparently this one says that the place I was going to set you up in is occupied. Family moved in a few days ago and I didn't hear about it. So I'm not sure what we are going to do" She tapped the bottle at her side with a clawed finger tip, eyes closed as she thought. "Well.. if you don't mind the cold a little, you could just sleep in the cabin next to the entrance" She motioned back to the wall. "We will get you some blankets and-"

"Hey Helvetica~" Tits' said, cutting in. "He could just crash at mine for now" A smile she tried to play off as innocent enough grew across her face.

"Don't you think you should check with your room-mates first ?" She stood, arms crossed, seemingly against the idea of someone coming in that wasn't a part of the colony.

"Its fine honestly. Dani is off to the zoo on the other island and will be gone for a couple of days. And Prilly is away with her dad. Something about her mom, lawyers and a pool boy.. I don't get it, but its just me on my own right now" Tits' said, arms behind her back and slowly rocking back and forth on heels of her feet, chest bouncing lightly with each motion.

"Look, I'm sure you mean well. But you know I can't let you do tha-" Helvetica was cut off once more, this time by another dog wandering over that looked like her. With darker fur, and face a little lighter, but also minus the penis too.

"Hey sister~" She spoke in the same bored and cold tone her lighter sister had. "We've got a prob.. oh hey, it came in huh" She slowly grabbed the bottle from Helvetica, uncorking it and taking a long drink herself.

"Hey Perpetua. Yeah the stuff came in. But what's so urgent ?" She asked before taking the bottle back and corking it up again.

"Just the usual, people trying to sneak in and get a free show" Perpetua said, still licking her lips from the drink.

"Again ?" ?Helvetica sighed. "You think they would have learned after we buried them up to their necks in sand after the last time" She turned and pointed to Tits and Solar after a moment. "You two, stay put, we will be back soon" Before either could get a word in the sisters, turned, cracking their knuckles as they went off to deal with the trespassers.

Solar watched as they headed off, turning to Tits to talk but saw only her grinning back.

"Soooo.." Tits' started off. "Want to crash at mine. You look like a wreck" It was less of a question, and more that she had just decided that Solar was going to crash at her place. He didn't argue with her, after a long night and day so far that he had, he was ready to crash anywhere and just deal with whatever later consequences came from the sisters later.

The walk was to Tits' apartment had been about as awkward for Solar as when he was walking with Helvetica, his eyes unsure where to look. All around him were the nudists, and leading the way was the very much naked and friendly fiery feline. She had attempted to make some small talk with him as they climbed the stairs to the apartment on the third floor. Tits' body was bouncing with each step as she made light conversation about the complex and the people that lived there. Occasionally she had looked back with a grin, catching Solar's stare as he looked away again embarrassed. He was told there was no elevator, though he was pretty sure that was a lie all in an effort to make him feel embarrassed. A couple of minutes later they stood at the door, Tits' pulling the keys from somewhere, Solar was unsure where given her lack of clothes, but let it slide before being let inside.

"Soooo yeah, just make yourself at home" Tits' said all grins as she headed to the fridge, leaving Solar to look around the room. There were a few rooms off down the hall, probably Tit?' and her friends bedrooms from what she had mentioned. A kitchen and counter, and a living room with a large couch, TV, stocked bookcase, table, and the other usual items. Solar was getting ready to crash on the couch and sleep for as long as his body needed to forget about the day. "You might want to take all that off first" Tits' said, popping her head from the kitchen with a grin.

"Take what all off ?" Solar asked, a little confused.

"Your clothes" She laughed. "Its hot out and you went swimming through the waters to get here, so they must be soaked right ?"

Solar checked his clothes, patting down his pants and shirt, feeling the dampness that he had not noticed before. "Have you got something to change into ?" He asked, taking off his shirt.

"Not really, Dani is a bit on the smaller size clothing wise" Tits' grinned at Solar, watching him undress. "Just go naked, after all its just the two of us, and this place is a nudist colony"

"Naked ?.." Solar was caught a little off guard, he knew this was a nudist camp, but he had expected some privacy and not to be giving a show. He tried to think of something to get out of it all, but his brain was running on fumes by this point, and just simply gave in. "..Sure, ok. I guess I don't have a lot of choice here?"

Tits' kept watching, all smiles, and playing off being innocent as possible, her eyes just watching as Solar lost each piece of clothing. The smile turning to a grin as she saw his penis slip out of the damp shorts, slapping him against his thigh. "Heh~ Nice." She took the clothes from him, disappearing for a moment to put them somewhere for now. "So the couch is yours for today, so crash as long as you need?" She disappeared somewhere in the apartment soon after that.

Solar got down and stretched out onto the couch. The sun was still high and shining through the window. He rolled onto his side, facing the back of the couch, and just closed his eyes. Slowly drifting off as his body finally gave out.

Solar woke up sometime later in the day. He rubbed his eyes and stretched out, he stiff body let out dull cracks that sounded through the room. Looking down he realised and remembered he was still naked, across on the table were his clothes lightly folded up and cleaned. He thought about getting dressed for a moment, but decided to stay as he was. It was their lifestyle in this place, who was he to be different and difficult about it all.

He looked around the room for the feline that let him crash, and saw Tits' ample frame on the balcony. Solar didn't say a word, just stared at her body from head to toe as it glowed with the light of the sunset, even he had a hard time to deny that she was certainly beautiful. He walked over to her, as he got closer he found himself looking at her back, it was all toned and fairly muscular, certainly strong. "Well that explains a bit" He muttered to himself.

"Explains what" Tits' chimed in, her back still towards him as she gazed out over the balcony. "Oh, about how I can lift the twins" She laughed, tensing her back to show off. "You would be surprised how often I get asked that?"

"Sorry, it wasn't like- I had them on my mind or anything" Solar mumbled, not sure how to respond to that.

"Its fine, I don't mind being noticed. I kind of like it actually, makes me feel sexy" She looked over her shoulder at Solar, showing a big toothy playful grin. "I noticed you looking at them earlier too, while badly trying to hide it. That was kind of cute"

"Well its not everyday you come across a nudist colony on a tropical island" He let off a little laugh himself and got one in return from Tits' as he joined her on the balcony to watch the sunset. He started to feel a little calmer for the first time in what had seemed like forever. "But its not like I've got much to hide myself now, being naked and all"

Tits' gave a little laugh. "Very true. Though you shouldn't be embarrassed around here, the whole point of this place is to just be free. Added bonus you get to see as much boobs and cock as you want" Her mischievous grin still showing strong.

"You seem more interested in the sunset right now though" Solar said looking out over the complex.

"Sunset ? Oh yeah, I guess the sun is going down, didn't really notice" She said giving an embarrassed grin.

"How could you not notice ?" He moved and stood next to her, seeing a pair of binoculars resting on top of her large chest. "Are you spying on people ?"

"Well.. kinda ?" ?Tits' fidgeted with her fingers, trying to come up with some reasoning. "Look.. after you went to sleep, Helvetica came up and really let me have it. Told me I was under house arrest for not listening to her"

"Ok ? But what does that have to do with you spying ?"

"You know the bottle that Helvetica had with her" ?Solar nodded remembering the bottle. "Well that stuff is pretty strong.. and when the Müller sisters drink it they get a bit.. playful" ?Tits' sighed, taking off and putting down the binoculars to one side. "I heard she got a package. What was in it ?" She asked, eager to change the subject.

"From what I remember, it was the alcohol, cigarettes, magazines, and a few packs of batteries" Solar said.

"Batteries too ?!" Tits' pressed her head into her hands. "No wonder they're having a great time.." Whining softy.

"Well.. I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry you missed out by helping me" Solar reached out, patting her lightly on the head. "Maybes next time they will let yo-"

"Nope, I have a better idea" The sad feline had disappeared as she cut him off. "How about we have a little fun of our own" Before Solar could get a word in, she took a grip on his penis and walked back indoors with him, Solar following without much choice.

"Ow- hey, stop that !" He pleaded as his penis was pulled like a meaty leash.

Tits' leaned over the arm of the couch, her yellow behind swaying back and forth in front of Solar, trying to tempt him to just jump onto the feline and go wild. His penis slowly grew at the sight, he couldn't deny it was turning him on, and Tits knew it.

"Heh, I don't mind if you get a little rough" She laughed "I can take it~"

Solar shook his head, deciding to take control of the feline and blow off some steam. He grabbing her body and made her stand up, much to her confusion. He lowered his head slightly, kissing and lightly biting along her shoulder, his hands tracing from her hips and up her body.

"Look I'm not into all that gentle stuffffff~" Tits' voice purred a little as Solar hands each cupped a breast, slipping each nipple between his large fingers, squeezing and pulling in rhythm. "Umff.. y-yeah, that's fine I s-suppose" She meekly said quietly, as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"Don't worry" Solar whispered into her ear. "Gentle can be fun too" He pushed his penis passed her thighs, his thick pink shaft grinding against her soft wet pussy. He grinned as his tip brushed her clit, making her whimper slightly and her body shiver a little. "Though I wonder. Can you be milked ?" It was an odd question for sure, but since her breasts felt heavy and full, and since he was in control Solar allowed himself to give in a little more. To be a little more aggressive since he was getting into this as well.

"W-what ?.." Tits' looked over her shoulder. "Well.. yeah they l-leak from time to time, but I'm not some kind of cow.." She looked away, annoyed but blushing heavily, clearly still enjoying herself.

"Never said like a cow, but lets try something" Solar bit down hard on her shoulder, keeping her locked in place as she cried out a little from the pain.

"H-hey ! What are yo-" She tried to finish her sentence but stopped. Her body shaking more from her sensitive large pair being aggressively handled. Solar's hands grabbed Tits' breasts, slowly massaging each one. The soft fur and flesh of them spilling over and through his finger as he pressed the nipples and breasts in towards Tits' body. One after the other as if he was slowly pumping her chest. The milk inside each of them swirled around, neither breast was safe from the tigers hands, as they were roughly handled from all angles he could reach. Whether is was the front or side, or bounced lightly from below, each and every sensitive inch of them was being touched, unable to escape from his clutches.

"O-ok, you can s-stop now. My boobs are s-sensitive you know that much now.." Tits' ?begged, feeling the pressure inside slowly building up. Both her legs were shaking but managing to keep her standing somehow, her thighs grinding against Solar's shaft as she squirmed in place. Her pussy was soaked at this point, coating Solar's penis, the excess slowly starting to drip onto the floor. Solar didn't let up though, his bite kept her locked in place, but giving a hint of a playful grin. His hands started to work a little rougher, a little quicker, making sure his fingers squeezed and teased each nipple, pulling and pressing them both rapidly. He knew she was close, her body shook more and more as they went on, she was getting hotter, and he was sure his hands were getting a little damper.

"N-no please, Prill's will get mad if I make a m-mess on the floor agaaain.." Tits' was tearing up a little, a surge of mixed emotions flooding through her body as she begged him to stop, but wanted more. Solar did as her body wanted. As she got close, Tits' kept crying out as chest was roughly handled by the tigers strong hands. "Nonononooooo.." Her body gave way climaxing harder than she had in a long time. Her breasts spraying out a backed up stream of her feline milk, soaking the floor as Solar kept massaging and squeezing. After a minute or so, Solar released his bite and grip from Tits' body, holding her by the waist to let her catch her breath. He turned her around slowly, looking into those bright yellow eyes with a grin on his face. "Jerk..?" she said annoyed but a brighter shade of red, still breathing heavily from the excitement.

"Well. I better clean up a little of the mess" Solar said, moving to the front of the feline, leaning in close to her chest and kissing the tops of the large pair. Making his way down one of them despite Tits' halfhearted protests. His tongue slid over the damp nipple, a taste of her milk on the tip of his tongue, before his lips moved in close and closed around her nipple. Slowly he sucked, a little roughly at first, teeth playfully biting down and pulling as Tits' squirmed. The tongue circling the trapped nipple in his mouth. The tiger's hands slipped around behind her, squeezing into her soft behind, claws digging in and massaging.

"N-no.. fair.." She managed to get out, pressing Solar's head into her beasts, holding him there as she softly moaned while he worked. Her free hand massaged the other breast, so it would not feel left out. The room filled with the quiet sounds of Tits' moaning, and the sound Solar sucking, both a little lost in the moment. Solar's grip relaxed a little, a little too much as Tits' took a step back, stepping into the puddle of milk she had spilled onto the floor. Her body fell backwards, bumping into the arm of the couch and toppling over with a heavy and loud thud.

"Ow ow ow.. dammit.." She said rubbing the back of her head, looking up and embarrassed yet a little annoyed at Solar. For a very short while she lay there, breathing heavily as Solar just grinned at his handiwork and laughed a little at the display. Tits' was laying on the couch, rubbing her head as her breasts leaked, spilling milk down the side of her body onto the couch. Her yellow behind and soaked pussy on display.

"So then.. It looks like all that gentle stuff does work on you." Solar grinned.

"S-shut up..Is that all you got ?.." Tits' tried her best to sound like she was fine and ready for round two, even though she was still breathing heavily and shaking a little. Her body tensed a little as she felt the same two large hands that had moments ago been stirring her breasts up, stroking slowly up her thighs, clawed tips scratching lightly under her fur.

"For a lady like you, I guess I can give a little more" Solar said smiling softly, caressing her body lightly as he moved in close. His penis softly stroked and rubbed its length up and down Tits' soaked pussy, giving her a chance once more to feel each and every inch. After the teasing from before he didn't want to make her wait too long. He plunged his penis in deep, about halfway down the shaft, slowly pulling back out before thrusting back inside of her.

"Aaah..aaah..." Tits' tried to form some words as her body felt the excitement build up once again, but struggled, her mind lost in bliss with all that had been going on.

"Its ok, I understand" Solar said smiling. Slowly he started to push in each and every inch into her body. With each inch he could see her fingers dig into the couch just a little more tearing a little into the fabric, biting her lip as her body rocked back and forth as he started to thrust into her. Her large breasts swayed and danced as Solar started to go a little faster, struggling to hold back much after his penis was stuck between Tits' thighs during the milking.So he went as hard as he could for and with her, their bodies slapping together loudly as it echoed through the empty room. After what seemed like an eternity to them they felt their bodies getting closer to the end. The sounds of them both heavily breathing and just enjoying the moment were getting rougher. Solar's penis thickened and pulsed as Tits' pussy clamped down on it.

"R-ready ?" Solar spoke under heavy breath as she responded simply with a panting nod "Ok.. here we go" Solar lifted her waist up a little, helping to make sure each and every inch of him was felt in her body. Her legs wrapped around him making sure he wasn't going anywhere, arms reaching up and wrapping around him to pull herself up into his embrace. Solar winced a little as Tits' got a little payback, sinking her sharper teeth into her shoulders. The soft damp milky breasts pressed up against his chest, rubbing up and down him with each thrust. Solar kept going hard on her, pushing up into her body before they both stopped all of a sudden and felt it, their bodies reaching their climax that they had both been building up to. It hit them hard, Solar let all that pressure erupt inside of Tits' body, his thick hot seed pumping into her as his thrusts started to slow. Tits' held onto him as tightly as she could, biting down harder as she whined and moaned, claws scratching up the back of his body, feeling all of it flooding into her body. Her stomach felt so warm and hot, so full and satisfied even though it was still going on. The tiger was very pent up, emptying so much into her that it started to leak out spilling onto the couch but mostly onto the floor. But after a while Solar penis started to slip out of Tits' pussy, leaking its new contents messily all over, as his cock slowly joined in, in short bursts. Both of them too tired to care about the mess by this point.

It was a while later before either of them could move again, both exhausted from all the excitement, and still holding onto one another, though neither could disagree about the fun that was had. Tits' tried to slowly get off of the couch, knees wobbling, legs shaking, holding onto Solar as he started to stand also, using him to keep her balance. Solar looked past her down at the couch. It was looking fairly damp and stick. A combination of sweat, seed and milk had stained it. Though he dared not look at the floor, for that surely looked worse than the couch itself.

"Well, looks like my bed is a little worse for wear" He sighed and laughed a little.

"Heh.. who says your sleeping on the couch again ?.." A tired Tits' laughed in response "You are coming with me for the night." She said, looking over at Solar and kissing him on the cheek

"Whatever the lady says" He grinned, moving her arm over his shoulder, both staggering over to Tits' bedroom. "Think your room-mate will notice the mess ?"

Tits' smiled weakly. "Honestly, I don't care at this point, that's for another day to worry about" She said as they headed to her bedroom. Leaving the living room proof of their messy night, as they crashed into bed slowly falling into a long and much needed sleep

The last thought on Solar's mind being, that maybe being stuck here for a while wasn't so bad. As he cuddled into the fiery feline, and drifted off.