Commission: Buwaro's Very Long Day

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Buwaro has been going through a lot of changes lately, however the biggest changes would soon be happening to him after some old enemies decide to make use of his body.

Buwaro: © Slightly Damned

Buwaro was not having a good start today.

That probably had something to do with the fact that he had woken up on the wrong side of the too small bed that he had been sleeping on, his own elongated frame having long since surpassed his normally diminutive height, which subsequently meant that he had rolled out onto the hardwood floor while on the edge of said bed. The feeling of his face planting itself into the ground was not a great one for the fire demon, as could be heard by him letting out a yelp and then groaning in frustration as pain asserted itself into his life all of a sudden. Pulling the rest of his body onto the floor and then lying there for a moment Buwaro let out a loud yawn. The fire demon blinked his crimson eyes twice as he looked out the nearby window to see, from what he could see the sun was just about to rise into the distance.

'What a shit start to a day.' he thought grumpily as he flexed his wings behind his back several times to get the kinks out of them.

Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees the fire demon cracked his knuckles a few times before wiggling his black clawed fingers. A few moments later Buwaro began his morning exercises, pushing himself up and down against the floor several dozen times, the gentle sound of his star medallion tinkling as it tapped against the wood over and over again became a base melody within his head. Once Buwaro finished up he then got up and hauled himself over to a nearby wall. Walking up the side of the wooden shack that he had been using for his self-imposed isolation Buwaro smirked as he thought about how well he was doing when it came to his control over demonic abilities, he then grunted as he thought over how much he had been slacking when it came to his physical training.

'Stupid rain.' the fire demon had found out rather quickly that when the sky decided to piss over the world for long periods of time the eternal flame burning within him slowly dwindled down to small embers leading Buwaro to feel disgustingly lethargic. Thankfully he had enough dried meat stored in the hidden basement within the house because the fire demon hadn't even felt like going out to hunt as the land around him became soaked. 'Glad it finally stopped.' turning to look out at the clear sky beyond his window the fire demon could feel the hellish flame inside of his soul rekindling itself to its normal roaring burst as the warm light of the sun lanced into his chest. 'Need to make up for lost time,' Burwaro snorted as he got himself into position to where he hung from the ceiling by his toe claws and then began to curl his body up into itself, the feeling of his abdomen crunching as he worked his body over, again and again was a sweet pain as always.

All the while he worked his body the fire demon kept careful eye on his star medallion, knowing well enough what the consequences would be if the golden metal dropped off from his neck.

'Hopefully Eric has finished making that leather strap that I paid him for.' Buwaro had come to realize early on that, like Iratu, the angelic medallion needed to actually be touching his fur in order to have an effect over him, otherwise he was no better off than if the magical accessory had been left behind on a desk somewhere. 'He better have something for me today, otherwise I'm going to have something for his ass when I see him.' the fire demon chuckled darkly as he thought about what he would do to his human acquaintance if the other had slacked on getting to his order. 'Heh, knowing him he'd probably appreciate the attention.' While the human wasn't all that attractive, Buwaro honestly didn't see too many furless creatures as being all the arousing to him, he could still appreciate a tight hole wrapped around his most intimate area.

Putting such thoughts out of his mind for now Buwaro continued working himself over for nearly two hours; the fire demon shifted from curling his abdomen in half to going for a nice long run within the forest surrounding his little hideaway before finally stopping to hunt for the day.

Buwaro found suitable enough prey for himself in the form of a moose that had walked into his line of sight. Crimson eyes narrowed as the purple furred demonic canine silently climbed his way into a nearby pine tree and then waited for the feral animal to pass his way. The wind was thankfully on his side as his ash laden scent would have no doubt startled the moose into charging away from the area. When the horned beast slowly stepped its way underneath the branch he was crouched on Buwaro licked his lips in preparedness for what was to come. Waiting a few more seconds for the feral creature to lower its head down to the ground to chew at a nearby berry bush Buwaro coiled the muscles within his legs and then sprang down with his claws outstretched.

The brown furred animal let out a bellow of pain as Buwaro ripped into its side, the larger creature bucked and snorted and yowled for the fire demon to release it, however Buwaro refused to do as such, even when the animal's ruby blood flowed down across his purple fur staining it red. The moose bucked and kicked in order to try and pry the now laughing fire demon off from its slowly dying body, however Buwaro was resilient in his desire to see the hoofed animal made into his morning meal. Though the constant flailing about was getting on his nerves, and so Buwaro dug deep into the moose's hide, his clawed hand going into the animal until it could feel the pulse of the guts within. Shoving his hand in further the blood splattered fire demon reached for the moose's heart and then pierced it. The feeling of the organ bursting was so deliciously macarbic to Buwaro that when the feral beast finally dropped dead from having such a vital aspect of itself destroyed he ripped out the remains of the grisly mess and then let out a howl of demonic victory. That droplets of blood were raining down onto his fur and face didn't bother Buwaro at all, the fire demon instead licked his lips in order to taste the ichor which poured free from the no longer beating mass.

Taking a few moments to enjoy the start of his meal Buwaro found himself chuckling as he thought over how disgusted his companions would no doubt be at seeing him delighting in such monstrous behavior.

'Such a pity that I'm a monster.'

This was a truth Buwaro had come to accept about himself a long while back, his nature as a fire demon had long since been brewing underneath the surface, even though it was greatly restrained by the star medallion his father had given him as a pup, however as he had grown older the knowledge of what he was made itself quite evident within his mind.

It had started out slow at the beginning, what with him losing interest in the simplistic things for which he had grown up around. The games that he had been taught were no longer activities that captured his attention, instead the fire demon slowly found himself wanting to feel the thrill of fighting and hunting. He wanted to bleed others and be bled by them. He wanted to feel life struggling underneath his claws; the dance of death might have been seen as madness to others, but to a demon like him it made the flame within his burn so brightly that it often escaped from out of his maw whenever he became too excited.

The first time Buwaro had willingly burned another sapient creature alive he had felt an immense sense of joy, the likes of which had left him almost gleeful as he listened to the other wailing in fear and pain as he was slowly roasted alive.

His friends hadn't been so thrilled with this at the time, they had amonished him for such a blatant display of murder, though Buwaro had countered with the fact that the person in question had been trying to mug him. That in itself was rather humorous to the fire demon, as one look at him should have made the other know to back off, however, since the demons that lived outside of hell were so neutered when it came to their actual ferocity the robber in question had chanced trying to threaten him with a machete. He had ultimately paid the price for it, yet Buwaro's friends hadn't seen it that way at the time.

'You don't have to kill people, Buwaro.' one of them had said after the remains of the thug were carted away for burial.

'Maybe not, but how would you have felt I had been the one in his place bleeding out on the ground?' he had challenged with his arms crossed and his spade tail twitching violently behind him.

'That would have happened.' his friend had responded.

'And why not? He was more than ready to slit my throat, or is this wound in my torso my imagination?' he grunted while lifting up his shirt to show off the deep cut drawn across his white striped fur.

'There are other ways to handle a situation like that. You could have...'

'Been killed while trying to show mercy? Or been robbed for surrendering to him?' the fire demon growled with crimson eyes narrowed into paper thin slits. His friend had quickly raised their hands in an effort to try and placate him and so Buwaro swiftly calmed himself down.

That had been one of the moments that had shown Buwaro that he couldn't stay with the others for too much longer, yet that wasn't the incidence that had broken his patience with them.

Looking back on things as he dragged the dead moose to his cabin the fire demon realized that it had honestly been numerous things which had fractured his built-up restraint and growing sensibilities as a demon.

'Don't eat with your claws, use the utensils, Buwaro.'

'Watch your language!'

'Please don't use your powers like that again.'

'Can you not growl all the time?!'

'I am not a whipped dog.' Buwaro angrily thought as he dragged the dead moose over to the fire pit that he had dug out after he had found the empty shack he was now taking residence within. 'And while I might not be like Azurai, I am still a demon.' Drawing in the surrounding air Buwaro stoked the hellfire within himself for a few seconds and then opened his muzzle to release a gout of crimson fire onto the motionless animal. The dead beast was quickly consumed by the flames and soon enough the scent of cooked meat rose up into the purple furred demonic wolf's nose.

Buwaro chuckled as he heard his stomach let out a hungry growl. Reaching down to pat his empty belly the fire demon licked the side of his muzzle while his spade tail wagged behind his back expectantly.

Nearly half an hour later Buwaro found himself burping rather rudely as he chucked one of the moose's leg over into the pile of bones next to him. The beast, while massive, had been nothing compared to Buwaro's hunger, a consequence of the fire burning inside of him was that he was always hungry and so any chance he got to gorge himself was one that the fire demon took great pleasure in relishing in. That was one of the reasons why he had become the massive pillar of muscles and fur that he was now; after abandoning his friends to live out his life as a demon Buwaro had allowed most of his instincts to run wild, and as such, he had hunted to his leisure while exercising his body to the point where he would often drop dead asleep once he crawled his way into bed. Now the benefits were easy enough for all to see as the morning sun shone over his bloodstained white striped form.

Standing at his full seven foot height most people who had known Buwaro would still be able to recognize him, yet those who he hadn't grown up around would not think for a moment that he had once been a scraggly looking twig of a demon some ten years earlier. Stretching his arms up to the sky Buwaro allowed his tail and wings to flutter about for several seconds before he turned to sniff at his armpits. The scent of his ash laden musk mixed with the blood of the moose made for an interesting mix as it coated the fire demon's purple furred body, however Buwaro wasn't all that repulsed by his scent. After all, he was supposed to smell like something that had crawled out of the bowels of hell.

'Though I am never going back there.' that was a promise he had made to himself once he finally realized what his two options were for residencies.

Hell, well, the ring of the slightly damned where he had grown up, was no place for any sane creature, though calling the main body of Hell a cesspit would have been a little too harsh, as there was a working society down there, however the place wasn't called 'the pit' for no reason. Dank, hot, dark, and all around unpleasant, Hell was a realm that Buwaro wouldn't wish on too many creatures, not even those that wanted to come after his life. It was a place the gods should have been filled with shame for having created and a dimension that he would fight to stay out of.

'With that said, I wonder what Iratu and the others were up to?' it had been several months since he had heard anything about his brother, and at least two years since the pair had crossed paths with one another.

The elder earth demon still hated him, but that was to be expected. Iratu blamed him for what he had done to their surrogate father when he had first been born - tearing the man's eye free because of his out of control feral tendencies - something he honestly had no control over, and still didn't have that much control over to this very day. And even though he knew this, and suffered from his own physical maladies, Iratu would often try and find ways to make him very, very dead. The last clash between them had resulted in deep wounds being placed upon both demons, yet they had been saved from death's scythe thanks to their respective commarades.

Which was a very good thing indeed, as there was nothing left for demons on the other side of death.

'Why am I suddenly thinking about that idiot?!' Buwaro questioned himself as he released a relaxed sigh and then dropped his hands back down to his side. 'Whatever he's doing right now has nothing to do with me.' that was the story that the fire demon often told himself, however, somewhere deep down within his heart there still burned a small kindle of familial warmth for the earth demon. 'This is all your fault, dad!' Buwaro snarled.

The angelic man, the gods rest whatever was left of him, was a good person, but Buwaro couldn't help being angry at him for not protecting him from Iratu's wrath. Which, in and of itself, was not fair.

Taking a deep breath to still his tumultuous emotions the purple furred wolf demon let out all of the emotions within him in a one deep, heartfelt sigh. He didn't want to ruin his day by thinking about things that would ultimately not bring him either pleasure or joy, so pushing his brother out of his mind Buwaro reached down to scratch at his naked groin, his sheath twitched slightly as his sleeping cock roused itself slightly at the feeling of his claws teasing the furry pouch it was kept within. Because he had been living on his own for so long now Buwaro didn't see any problem with going to sleep or walking around in the nude, after all, he had fur, so what was the point of wrapping himself up with cloth if he wasn't actively going into a fight? A brush of cool morning wind across his body brought a deep purr from out of the fire demon's throat, the taste of the coming autumn made the mounting pleasure that the fire demon was feeling all the more exciting as the chill threatening to settle over the earth stoked the hellfire within him.

Moving his other clawed hand up against his chest Buwaro allowed himself to enjoy a few minutes of blissful pleasure before he started his day, he had been saving up blowing a hot load for a week now to increase the intensity of his exercises, so this would be a good way to make up for falling out of his bed earlier.

Rubbing his black claws through the dense fur of his chest Buwaro rolled his hips forward at the same time he palmed over the first few inches of his cock rising up from out of his thick sheath. Looking down at his groin the fire demon couldn't help but grin as he noticed the tapered head of his dark red shaft stare back at him, a droplet of pre-come rose up from out of the hole within the center of the red mass bringing with it the heady scent of brimstone and fire. Buwaro had found early on once his body began to produce the lustful burn which coursed through all fire demon's bodies that he really liked his own scent, the touch of masculine musk mixed with his natural ashy scent was something that he could easily get himself drunk on. It also greatly helped that he was flexible enough to draw his black nose down to the length of his erection in order to both sniff and lick over himself whenever he wanted to really get lost within the throes of passion. He didn't feel like doing that now though, as that was a delight he would enjoy once he had set 'the mood' for himself, so instead Buwaro continued to toy with his body, going so far as to slide one of his black claws across one of his coin sized nipples in order to stimulate his senses.

Digging a talon down across the opposing nub the fire demon stroked his nearly foot long erection for several seconds, all the while rolling his hips back and forth with mounting force. Closing his crimson eyes Buwaro could just imagine having someone wrapped around his groin as he squeezed his palm over his now throbbing erection. The feeling of them squirming underneath him as he rutted deep inside of their body was a sweet tease to his senses, and yet it was nothing compared to the cries he would draw out of them as he buried himself over and over inside of them while threatening to press his knot deep into their cavernous hole. That he preferred to bed those of the same gender had been something he had been somewhat unsure about earlier on, especially since he still technically had a girlfriend, however at this moment the thought of bending another male over only made his fantasy all the more delicious to Buwaro.

The fact that he imagined himself over another warrior was one that the fire demon tried really hard not to think about, especially given that he desired the two of them to fight in combat before they shared themselves with one another.

The mental image of how he would get the warrior of his fantasies to submit to his lusts was the best part about his daydreams as Buwaro could see himself standing over a defeated male, the two of them soaked in blood and panting heavily mirrored the huffs of breath which he was letting out in reality. Buwaro would then kicked the defeated male's weapon away before growling down at him superiorly, the nameless individual would look back at him in defiance spurning the fire demon's desires for the other higher and higher. Buwaro would then pounce upon the defeated male. The warrior's eyes would grow wide as all he would see would be flashing fangs before he fell back onto the crimson coated ground underneath him. Buwaro would then take the other's neck within his throat and then bite down. Not hard enough to kill, of course, but hard enough to let the other know who the submissive one would be between them. The other male would struggle and squirm at first, forcing the fire demon the snarl and press his teeth down onto him even harder until blood coated the fire demon's tongue, but he would finally submit to Buwaro by rolling his head to the side as best he could.

Buwaro groaned as he moved the clawed hand that wasn't currently wrapped around his steel hard cock down over his belly. He gave himself two good scratches, his leg kicking up slightly as he did so, before he sent his free hand trailing down around his peace sized balls. Palming over the low hanging orbs Buwaro stoked the heat burning with the twin spheres at the same time he felt his knot growing hard along the base of his shaft. He hissed when he brushed a clawed finger over sensitive bulb, the touch of promised pain was so good that it made Buwaro's fantasy all the more lively within the darkness of his mind.

Withdrawing his fangs from the defeated male's throat Buwaro would then lifted his head up to howl at the silver moon watching above within the starless night sky. His victory would be made all the more clear for those watching to see as the warrior him refused to move from his position beneath him. Once his song of joy came to its natural end Buwaro would then tear the clothes from both his and the other male's body. The sight of the other's fur would be a delight for the fire demon to bear witness to, but it would pale in comparison to the defeated warrior's look of lust when he guided the other's gaze down in between his legs. As within reality Buwaro's sheath would have been expanded with the evidence of his desire, the pulsing hot flesh would then drool out the slimy brimstone scented ichor for which the fire demon was now liberally producing. Buwaro would then grab the back of the warrior's head and coat his face within his juices, his animalistic instincts telling him to mark the one who had tried to kill him as his bitch. The nameless man would try and struggle but he wouldn't let the other go. He had signed his right away to complain once he drew his sword against the fire demon's flesh, and now he would bear the mark of his submission both outside and inside his body.

Back in reality Buwaro was huffing like crazy as his hips thrust into the air so fast that they looked to be a purple and white striped blur.

Buwaro let out a loud yelp as he felt something slice through the fur of his left leg.

Snarling and then dropping down onto all fours the fire demon whipped his head around to try and see who and what had just attacked him. He was sadly unable to see his assailant, however he was able to see the massive dart which came barreling into his side just a split second before it kissed his fur. The feeling of metal sliding through his body wasn't that bad to Buwaro, he had been sliced into by broadswords more than once before after all, however when his mind caught up with the fact that something cold was being injected into his system the fire demon reacted as all fire demons do in his situation. Opening his mouth wide Buwaro let out a spiraling gout of crimson fire into the air. Snapping his head down when he felt another dart pierce his other side Buwaro's flight instinct roared into action making him flee the current area.

Racing into the forest proved to be a bad idea however, as whoever was attacking him seemed ready for him to come that way, as evident by how, when charging forward, a large net immediately sprang up around him. Buwaro howled as he struggled to get out from the trap, yet three more darts landed into his backside ceasing his useless struggles. The sound of footsteps crunching along the grass was the last thing the purple furred wolf demon heard before his hearing failed him. His crimson eyes on the other paw were just able to catch sight of someone small and yellow walking towards him, but before he could process who this individual was darkness swallowed Buwaro up into its unforgiving hold.

"Wake up." Is what he heard right before a stinging pain rattled throughout his head. The sound of flesh hitting flesh followed suit and soon Buwaro was pulling his lips back from across fangs as he bore them at whoever it was that had just whacked him across the face.

His crimson eyes blinked once. Twice. And then a third time before his vision finally focused itself. Once it did however the figure in front of him was one in which Buwaro found himself none too thrilled to see.

"Why did you slap me, Iratu?" Buwaro asked in the most deadpanned voice he could muster.

"Because I wanted to." the elder earth demon spat back.

Buwaro was about to rise to try and punch the monochrome canine across the muzzle but found that he couldn't do so as he was currently strapped down to a metal table. Struggling to get free proved to be rather useless affair since the binds which were holding him down seemed to resist his natural demonic strength. Of course, Buwaro wasn't one to let a little thing like bondage hold him down. Sucking in a deep breath the fire demon felt for the hellfire burning within his soul and then drew it up out of his maw. Iratu was completely caught off guard as he looked to see crimson colored flames pour towards him, however, instead of yelping in fear and pain the earth demon found himself snickering in dark delight as he looked at the tiny puff of fire streaming out from his little brother's mouth.

"And here I thought you had gotten better at that trick." the monochrome canine chuckled as he watched Buwaro snap his muzzle close in complete shock.

"Wh-what just happened?!" his fire had never been so weak before now!

"You've been subdued with a special flame retardant cocktail, that's what." said a somewhat familiar voice.

Turning his head into the direction the voice had come from Buwaro knitted his brown in confusion as he looked to see a faded yellow furred jakkai make his way towards him. The other sauntered over from a table filled with numerous vials and beakers, some of which were bubbling with concoctions the likes of which burned Buwaro's nose whenever he tried to sniff in their general direction. Snorting to get the strange mixture of scents out from his nostrils the fire demon looked about the room and found that wherever he was looked to be some kind of alchemical laboratory, the likes of which he had only faintly seen once before in the various guilds he frequented. Before he could contemplate why he was in such a place Buwaro's brain was skipping ahead to a question that had silently been brewing in the back of his subconscious.

"Who are you?" the fire demon asked even as he noticed Iratu moving back to allow the other to take center stage.

"Does it really matter?" the off-color jakkai inquired in a smug tone that made Buwaro want to kick him in the teeth.

"Considering that I want to make sure that I remember you after I kill you, I'd say so." the fire demon growled as he watched the smaller male jump up onto the table he was currently spread eagle on. Looking into the other's moon colored eyes Buwaro had the strangest feeling that he should know who the person standing in front of him was, and yet for the life of him he just couldn't seem to place a name onto the face of the jakki.

"All you need to know is that I'm the one running this show now and that you're my captive. Let's not complicate our relationship by getting too deep into each other's personal lives, shall we?" the jakkai smiled at him with a look of clear insanity running within his eyes, yet unlike a demon's natural madness Buwaro got the distinct impression that there was something else within those eyes.


Which was saying something, all things considered.

"If you don't want things to get personal then why am I strapped to this table?" Buwaro asked with a snort.

"Because you're strong and expendable, that's why." the nameless jakkai smiled.

"How lucky for me." the fire demon huffed. "Though with that said, are you going to kill me?" There was no sense beating around the bush with regard to that lingering question, and if that were the case then Buwaro figured that might as well make life as painful for the others as he could before he expired, after all, that was no afterlife for a demon once they expired.

"No." Iratu said in a clipped tone that made both Buwaro and the jakkai turn their focus towards him.

"We're not?" the nameless yellow furred asked while flipping his long serpent-like tail behind him.

"No." Iratu said again in the same tone as before, though this time he curled his arms over his barrel thick chest and then lifted his lips up over his fangs to show them off.

"Might I know why the sudden change in the plan?" the jakkai gazed up at the towering earth demon with a look that was somewhere between anger, surprise, confusion, and mild amusement.

"Because he's more useful alive than dead." the earth demon stated while turning on his heel towards the only exit leading out of the room. "With that said, do whatever you need to in order to get those potions working, Moonshade." and with that the large monochrome canine demon slipped his way out from the laboratory leaving a scowling jakkai and a very befuddled fire demon behind him.

"Hmph, of course, general." the jakkai replied before laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?" Buwaro asked as he looked to Moonshade who had nearly doubled himself over.

"Honour." the madman answered pointedly.


"Hehe, it doesn't matter." the jakkai replied before hopping up off of the metal table. "What does it which potion I'm going to use on you first."

"How about the one where I break these bonds and then tear you limb from limb in between my teeth." Buwaro smiled predatorily.

"Yes, that does sound like a good idea!" Moonshade nodded as he went back over to the table he had pulled himself away from. "But I think we should get for what's to come before that, don't you?"

"I'm strapped to a table and unable to use any of my demonic abilities to get free," Buwaro reminded the other. "What more do you think needs to happen to make me ready for whatever the hell you're about to do to me?"

"I need to make you compliant to everything that I'm going to do to you for the next few months." Those words made Buwaro's blood run cold.

"You cannot seriously think that you can keep me here!" the fire demon allowed his panic to come through despite not wanting it to.

"Of course I can!" the jakkai snickered while grabbing a vial filled with a purple liquid. "After all, demons such as yourself don't need to eat, and so I don't have to worry about cleaning up any messes that you might make, plus, you don't age at the same rate as most mortals, so I can keep you here for hundreds of years and not have to worry about you expiring on me." Moonshade smile manically.

"I am going to get up from here. And I am going to kill you." the fire demon snarled right before his throat was grabbed by a firm hand.

"No, you're not." the jakkai said while shoving the open end of the beaker in between his lips. "Because that's not part of the plans I'm making."

When the warm liquid trailed down his throat Buwaro tried to force his throat closed in order to prevent the unknown mixture from slipping down into his belly but the devious little jakkai was making sure to massage his neck in order to prevent that from happening. A few seconds later the beaker was emptied out and the fire demon could feel the effects of the concoction working its way into his system as his naturally high metabolic system began to work against him.

"Do you like that?" the jakkai asked as he watched Buwaro's crimson eyes begin to go glassy as his mind clouded over.

Buwaro wanted to shake his head no, but it was nearly impossible to do so as all of his thoughts felt like they were wrapped in cotton and then tossed around within the wind. Lifting up his lips to growl proved to be a herculean task, the likes of which ended up with the fire demon awkwardly smiling at Moonshade, which in turn got the madman to chortle back at him.

"Good, puppy." the jakkai said in an obviously mocking tone as he reached out to pet the purple furred demon canine on the head. "I'm sure you're going to be a great help to me now.

And that was how the fire demon remained for the next few days as his body was studied by the jakkai, his muscular form was kept strapped down onto the table as his mind found itself constantly wrapped tightly within a haze that seemed to not allow any extra thoughts to come in or out. This proved to work perfectly for Moonshade as the off color jakkai was more than happy to work at his desk in relative silence at his desk. Day in and out the madman flipped through page after page of alchemical texts while undergoing his research into...whatever it was that he was researching, all the while the fire demon was left rolling his head around drunkenly in a faint attempt to try and gain control over himself. However, whenever it seemed as though he was coming out from his mind weakening stupor more of the purple liquid was shoved down into his throat.

Buwaro came to hate those damn things and swore that if he were able to get away from the other than he would never so much as look at any drink that had the faintest hint of a purple hue to it.

Sadly it seemed as though the jakkai's earlier prediction would reign supreme throughout the weeks to come as Moonshade soon began to feed him potion after potion. Some of them had the oddest effects on him, for instance, there was a dark red potion that Moonshade forced him to drink which had made his body swell up with muscle. The jakkai seemed rather pleased by this concoction in question as the madman would jump around with glee before going back to his desk to write down some hastily scribbled notes. The next potion that he was given was a deep blue elixir which seemed to have no effect upon his body, despite the jakkai cutting deep into his arms, legs, and chest in order to test his body. Buwaro felt very little pain when the other did as such, so perhaps this was the result of the potion in question, the fire demon couldn't say though, as the purple potions within him continued to muddle his thoughts and voice. The white potion he was given helped to dispel these effects, and the effects of the other liquids within his system, much to Moonshade's annoyance.

"I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart!" the now normal sized fire demon swore as he fought against the binds which were securing him to the table.

"Is that so?" the jakkai replied as he looked over Buwaro. "It's nice to know that you still think so, even after a full year of being here.

"I-I've been here for a year?!" it almost didn't seem like it, given that there were no windows within the room, though given that Buwaro was left with nothing to do besides sleep if he didn't want to constantly be trapped within a world of cloudy haze then it made sense that so much time had passed him by.

"Indeed it has." Moonshade chuckled. "I would say happy birthday, but since I don't know when you were born there's no point in such a thing. Right? Right!" the jakkai nodded several times before bouncing over to his work station.

"I am not going to be here forever!" the fire demon roared as he suddenly fought with all of his strength to get off from the table he was trapped on.

"Of course you're not." the off colored male said making Buwaro pause for a moment. "There's so much more that will be in store for you, but not yet. First, we need to do some more testing on that delicious looking body of yours." the jakkai grabbed a vial filled with a green colored liquid in it and then slowly padded his way back over to the now concerned fire demon.

"...fix him..." Iratu said one day while looking over the sunken form of the once proud fire demon laying on the metal table within the laboratory.

Buwaro would have tried to get into the conversation, however, two things prevented this from happening. One was the fact that he could barely hear what was being said, as his hearing, much like most of his other physical senses, had long since diminished after Moonshade had created and then used a potion on him which had left him looking like a skeletal mass wrapped over a thin blanket of purple fur. The second thing that prevented him from getting involved in the conversation was the fact he couldn't find the strength of mind to care what was being said around him, especially since those who were talking around him were people that hated him anyway. After all, what was the point in wishing to spit venom at creatures that were impervious to such a tactic? According to Moonshade he had been locked within that room for well over five years now, and if his threats hadn't done much to them by now then they never would.

"...useful tool..." Moonshade said while sneering at the earth demon that towered over his diminutive form. He was soon sent flying into the wall behind him hard enough to crack the stones they were made from.

"FIX HIM!!!" those words were roared so hard that they got through the haze that loomed over Buwaro's mind like a perpetual gray fog.

They also served to make the fire demon shiver, though that may have had more to do with the fact that the hellfire that within his soul was now barely more than a few faint sparks, the likes of which were threatening to extinguish themselves from existence, as they literally had nothing for which to feed themselves on.

When Moonshade rose up from off of the floor he brushed himself off as though nothing had happened and then scowled at the incensed earth demon.

"Fine." the off colored jakkai shrugged and then returned to his desk.

Iratu snarled at the other before turning to look at his little brother, an unreadable was cast tight onto his monochrome muzzle before he turned to leave a few minutes later.

Buwaro didn't see the other demon again for several weeks, which in itself was rather good as it took that much time for Moonshade to create a new potion which would work to build up the fire demon's muscle mass without making him into a hulking beast. Thankfully enough he was able to make such an elixir, however in doing so he had found himself stumbling over a side effect, the likes of which he quickly began to exploit several days later, much to Iratu's chagrin.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" the earth demon asked as he found himself watching his little brother, once again back to his normal size but with an oversized cock and coconut sized balls, being mouth fucked by the mad jakkai that had been experimented on his body.

"I'm taking a moment to enjoy my success, if you don't mind!" Moonshade said while pumping his furry hips into Buwaro's face.

The purple furred demonic wolf couldn't resist what was happening to him as he found his muzzle being used by the other as though it were some cheap whore that was desperate for a few gold coins. The smaller male wasn't that large in the genitalia area, which made sense considering that he was only about three feet tall, however what he lacked in the size department he made up for sheer physical stamina as he had been thrusting into Buwaro's face over and over again for the past hour. He had of course dumped a sticky load down the fire demon's throat, as evident by the matted fur which glistened within the torch light cast around the room, and yet whenever the shorter males tangerine sized balls would clench and then spill their contents down the bound demon's throat Moonshade would grunt and groan and then lift himself up to go and get himself another of the yellow and gray potions he had created.

"I do mind." Iratu growled while narrowing his eyes at the jakkai who was now slapping his thighs forward into Buwaro's face so hard that the audible sounds could be heard down the hall outside. "He's is not to be used like some cheap toy."

"That is very ironic, don't you think?" Moonshade chuckled before shivering and then giggling as his nuts jumped and then poured their contents through his cock deep into Buwaro's mouth.

Because his brain was still caught within the heavy fog for which the purple potions had ensnared within the fire demon couldn't do much more than gulp the sweet nectar that he had shamefully grown used to over the past few days. Moonshade raised himself up just as one strong pulse surged through his cock, this consequently ended up with the purple furred wolf demon's face being splashed with a string of white cream. A few more blasts followed suit anointing the fire demon's face muzzle with the evidence of his submission to the madman, not that Moonshade cared. Instead the off colored jakkai lifted his head to look at the growling earth demon in front of him with a sly smirk. "After all, you were the one who suggest capturing him for my experiments."

"I want you to make him into a real demon, you idiot!" those words came out before the earth demon could stop them, and it was quite obvious that he was not pleased by this as he quickly gasped as though he had been smacked in the face with a trout.

"Oh really? Hehe, I should have guessed that this was the case, all things considered." the jakkai crawled his off of Buwaro, though he made sure to coat the bound demon's chest and abdomen with his semen, before jumping down onto the floor.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Iratu growled, the entire tower shaking as his rage seeped out into the stones which made up the tower.

Moonshade answered as he took a swallow of one of the pink potions that he had created to help him keep up his stamina. "You have always had this little shit on your mind, but you've never killed him. That means either you're in love with him, or you want to use him for some kind of nefarious scheme." the jakkai made him was back over to the bound fire demon and then hopped back up onto the table. "However, since you claim to hate him and have a lover in the idiot Azurai, that must mean that you want to use him for scheme or another." Before Iratu could say anything he watched as the madman curled himself around his brother's towering red shaft, of which had yet to go back into its sheath, and then began to lift himself up so that he could lick at the tapered tip. "I don't know know that you have a scheme for him in mind, however your plans are going to have to wait, because right now he's mine to use." the off colored jakkai grunted as he shifted his naked crotch down to the point where his well proportioned cock slipped deep into Buwaro's tailhole. The purple furred wolf demon grunted as his anal virginity was robbed from him. "And I plan to use him for quite some time, especially since I haven't finished testing all of my other potions."

Moonshade cackled as Iratu turned to retreat from the room right as he began to thrust himself deep within the purple furred wolf demon and then begin rocking back and forth. That the metal table underneath Buwaro had deep cracks within it was something that went completely missed by the jakkai, but would not go unnoticed by the fire demon later on once the other began to test a red and white mixed potion on Buwaro.