Call of Cuteulhu

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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AHHHH when will I learn?! I've been wanting to write this story based on this (Thank you to kiwi hermit for making it! :D) adorable pic a friend shared with me, but I always keep procrastinating until I leave it all for the last moment. D:

Oh well, still 30 minutes of Halloween to go for Illinois! STILL VALID KINDA SORTA.

In any case, here's a tremendously stupid story featuring Cthulhu and chocolate. With tits included.

Warning: This story contains growth, macro, hourglass expansion.

Call of Cuteulhu, by DragonMasterX.

"Horrible and often unspeakable things have been done in the name of powerful names, cults and their idols. Mankind is a woefully unprepared species whose sapience has brought it only sadness, an overbearing anxiety ever gnawing at its true potential. A thin veil of self-righteous order and structure has made this species forget its roots in chaos and the virtue of true knowledge!"

The ominous words solemnly reverberated across the deep waters of a huge grotto. An assortment of black candles provided dim lighting to an otherwise dank environment. Four figures coated in dark robes were present, with one standing away from the other three across a crudely drawn symbol on the sand.

The orator continued: "Brothers and sister, we have gathered here today on the Hallowed Eve to bring an end to an age of ephemeral comfort, of self-serving hypocrisy and loathsome ignorance." Their arms raised above their head, holding in their hands a moldy-looking tome with odd and ancient looking characters scribbled upon its cover. "Behold!" they exclaimed, "The book of the old ones! And as decreed by the prophecy, the stars will align and lo', the great one will grant us audience and offer us its infinite..."

"Dude, you're really going all out with this," one of the robed figures cut in with a snort. They lifted a half-full bottle of beer and took a swig. The two other listeners couldn't help but snicker.

"F-Francis, shut the fuck up...!" the orator snapped, slamming the book down against their knees in frustration. "You're ruining the ritual!"

"And you're ruining my Halloween, dude," Francis scoffed, "C'mon, Greg. Hurry up, this is taking forever. We're gonna be late for the party at the Henderson's."

"Aw, don't be so mean, Francis. I think it's pretty cute how into it he is!" the sole feminine voice in the group spoke up, standing close to Francis. "Plus, you did lose that bet!"

"Don't remind me, Sharon," Francis grumbled, turning his back and stretching his arms out. "Honestly though, this the best you could do, Greg? Black candles at Jebediah Grotto? Thought it was gonna be spooky."

"M-maybe if you kept your mouth quiet for a minute!" Greg stammered. "This is the third time I've had to start over! Ugh! Muh-maybe I should've tried harder with the invitations..."

"Yeah, no shit, Greg. Sully here's only here because you gave him all your chocolate," Sharon giggled, pointing back at the fourth member who seemed to mostly be concerned with alternating between booze chugging and candy swallowing. "You think this is spooky, Sully?"

Quiet at first, Sully let out a rude belch that echoed across the grotto. He tossed his head back so hard his hood was blown back, revealing messy, dirty blonde hair. "Hell, that's the spookiest thing yet."

"Dude, nice." Francis went to high-five his friend. "Yeah, no offense, Greg. But seriously. But this is a bust. No one else showed."

Sighing, Greg threw an arm up in frustration. "At least let me read the lines. The stars are gonna align in like 5 minutes. Supposed to shine down on the water from that hole in the ceiling," he pointed at the ceiling without looking back. He had been planning this event for the last three months. Getting his three best friends to agree to dress up as cultists with him had already been hard enough. All the preparations had been costly, especially the large book in his arm which had been the most expensive and authentic item in his list. "It's gonna be cool, I swear."

"Yeah. Gonna go take a leak," Sully said after finishing his own bottle; the fourth one that evening. "Keep going without me."

With Sully gone, Greg didn't have a lot to say except make pleading hand gestures at the remaining two. Sharon clung to Francis' left arm, rubbing herself up against him with a smile concealed by her hood. "C'mon. I read about the stars aligning. It is gonna be a thing. Don't you wanna see that, at least?"

"Tsk," Francis pulled his hood off, revealing his short black hair. He pulled Sharon's back too, making long red hair cascade over her back. "We could be making out at Mr. Henderson's toolshed right now."

Biting down on her crimson lips, Sharon glanced up at her boyfriend and smiled. "This could be romantic, too."

"Guys..." Greg spread his arms out impatiently, "C'mon. I've had to start over so many times I gotta skip out on most of the ritual."

"Don't you think it was all that preamble, man?" Francis sarcastically responded, rolling his eyes. But as his gaze met Sharon's, Francis found himself deeply breathing through his nose. "Fine."

"Jeez, thank you," Greg half-heartedly said, proceeding to comb through the pages of his book in a hurry. One moment later, he cleared his throat and begun speaking in a solemn tone again. He regretted having lost the entire built-up atmosphere. "Crazy monologue, crazy monologue, and we offer sacrifice..." he muttered, the sound of old pages flapping on the verge of tearing matching the young man's exasperation, "Aha, here. Ahem! ...and so shall we cleanse the ignorance of the masses and bring worship to the one capable of bringing us salvation. Unlock the mysteries of the great beyond. Illuminate our lives with your presence."

With every word spoken out loud, the grotto's stillness seemed to shift. The calm waters behind the freshmen trio appeared to stir. Even Francis fell quiet as the murky depths began to illuminate. Greg smiled to himself, and began chanting: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu Jebediah wgah'nagl fhtagn. Cthulhu fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn!" His foot stomped on the ground twice, and his hands clapped down on the book he was holding.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound followed by a strong wind whirling into the grotto from the exit, knocking Greg's hood back to reveal his short brown hair and blood-red eyes. The brief, bizarre reveal caused Francis to drop his beer, and he and Sharon stepped back from their friend. Sharon tightly held her boyfriend without intention of letting him go. "What the hell man?!" exclaimed a disturbed Francis seconds before the wind knocked out every last candle in the grotto.

With the candlelight gone, the dank cavern became uncomfortably dark. Sharon couldn't hold a scream of shock back, squeezing Francis' hands while burying her face against his arm. Moonlight more intense than any spotlight began to pour into the grotto from the ceiling. And in that moment, Sharon and Francis saw the place turn a vibrant violet. On the craggy surface of every wall, messages in some strange language began to appear in white. The same symbol drawn on the sand appeared at the wall overlooking the murky water at the very back.

"Cthulhu fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn!" the chanting didn't stop. Greg's arms were up in the air, frantically waving as if he was calling someone, or something, from high above. The grotto was caught in a constant shift between blackout and shadowy violet, like a particularly creepy rave concert. Francis went over to grab Greg by the shoulders, leaving Sharon behind weeping and shaking.

"Snap out of it, Greg! Damnit, man, you're freaking me out!" Francis demanded, but Grey simply continued with the otherworldly chant. "Shit, he's possessed or something! What do we do?!"

"Blaaargh!" Greg opened his mouth to groan, bringing his hands down to his chest. His fingers disappeared into his robe for a second and then with a wet, slick sound, a blast of sticky plasma-like substance completely caked Francis in the face.

"What the hell?! Fuck!" Francis reeled back, frantically trying to peel the thick coating off himself. "The hell is this...? The smell!" Francis grunted before his nose became attuned with a familiar scent. "P-puh-peanut butter...?" the tall freshman brought a hand up to get a good feel for what he had gotten stuck with. Before he could further process what had happened however, loud laughter boomed across the grotto. The violet light had stopped flickering. "Huh...?" he turned around to see Greg standing in front of him trying not to die laughing.

"Oh God! Hahaha! That was awesome!" the robed orator cried out. "I knew this was gonna be awesome, but I didn't think you'd buy into it that hard...!" Greg guffawed.

"But your eyes...!" Sharon pouted as she came from behind the equally confused Francis, "They're red! They're full of blood!"

"Contact lenses, Sharon! Got you too, huh?" Greg grinned, hissing a little as he popped one of his contacts while showing off the near-empty IV bag on his arm; the source of the "vomit" all over Francis.

"But what about all this? You also did all the weird letters and stuff?" Sharon was still trying to process it while trying not to smear the makeup under her eyes.

"Yeah! Wind with a little help from a turbine, UV projectors aaaaand I can't really take credit for the lovely moonlight. That's all on Mother Nature, people!" Greg explained with a smug grin, which gradually began to shorten as Francis stomped his way.

"You little punk!" Francis went to grab Greg by the neck of his robe, pulling him in. "Think it's funny, do ya?"

"Aw, c'mon, man! You wanted something spooky, didn't ya?" Greg defended, but the truth was he was now standing on the tip of his toes thanks to the size difference. He was now reevaluating if he hadn't brought his prank a bit too far. But he lost his train of thought when the grotto began to shake. "Whoa! What the?"

"E-earthquake!" Sharon exclaimed.

"Quit that shit already, you try-hard!" Francis planted himself down to avoid losing his balance. He had to drop Greg to avoid losing his footing, especially when Sharon started clinging to him for support.

"Quit... what? This one isn't me!" Greg was left panting and gasping for air, doubled over with both hands on his knees when the tremors subsided. "The hell? We've never had quakes in this state before."

"Exactly! Which means this is another one of your pranks!" Francis aggressively poked Greg, who swatted his hand away in frustration.

"Shut up! I'm telling you it wasn't me. How do you even fake an earthquake anyway?!" Greg shouted.

Sharon huffed, so annoyed that she thought she was going to say many unladylike things to Greg if she opened her mouth. She hated being scared, but all of her friends always insisted on going out for Halloween. She would rather be at home watching movies than out here pretending they were going to summon a demon. Now her boyfriend and his friend were arguing like idiots over a silly prank.

The redhead decided to walk over to the water illuminated by the moonlight. She briefly considered what a romantic getaway it could have been. But she became distracted with something on the surface of the large pond. Sharon crouched as she approached the edge, squinting her eyes at the bubbles bursting at the center of the grotto. She glanced back, following the gently billowing mantles in the back concealing the turbines Greg had hidden from them. They were shut off.

"Guys..." Sharon was about to ask what kind of fish live in the grotto, when a big bubble came up to the surface and loudly burst with an almost deafening pop. Sharon squeaked, falling down on her butt.

Greg and Francis had to stop as they were forced to watch even more of those monstrously sized bubbles burst up at the huge pond. "Shit. What the fuck...?"

"This..." Francis tugged at the collar of his robe, starting to feel hot in proportion to the bubbliness of that murky pond, "This ain't funny anymore, man."

"It's not...!" Greg was about to shout, when all of a sudden the pond grew immeasurably dark. It looked like a boiling cauldron. The place became engulfed in sweltering heat for a brief moment, so harsh that the equipment in charge of lighting the place up with UV light became damaged and malfunctioned.

There, in the moonlit grotto, the trio of freshmen was witness to an amazing sight. From within the profound slimy black waters, a gigantic figure emerged. Scalding water miraculously missed their faces as it splashed in every direction. Surfacing like a submarine coming out after a long time of diving, a figure taller than a house rose out from the depths.

Saliva had gathered at Greg's throat from staring up so high with his mouth agape. With an uncomfortably loud gulp, he meekly finished his prior sentence with a weak: ""

Initially, the mysterious shape appeared to be like a black mountain about twenty feet high, with more having been left under the basin. It stretched upwards high enough that it was only a few feet shy from touching the tall ceiling. When the three robed pseudo-cultists saw the mountain move, they couldn't do more than flinch in terror.

At the top of the monolith, a concave hole appeared to hide something within. Bathed in the moonlight, Greg's eyes eventually noticed that hole was no different to the dark opening left in their heads when they wore their hoods.

The young man looked left and right as if to convince himself and he saw them: Long outcroppings on each side of the mountain going down into the basin and opening underwater, like sleeves. The mountain had shape top to bottom, and the more it stirred and moved, the more Greg was convinced that the shifting black mass was someone, a giant someone, wearing a dark robe like theirs. "Shit," he muttered under his breath. "Shit shit shit..."

Squirming shapes appeared to be coming out from those sleeves, and they suddenly lurched outside, making Sharon cry out and crawl away. Numerous slimy, wet tentacles with discolored green pigment launched themselves at and coiled around the stalagmites by the edge, as if seeking support. With great force, the tentacles pulled, making the robed creature ascend, more and more, rising until eventually the grotto could not offer any more vertical space. There was a violent thud which shook the entire cavern when the tentacle monster banged its top against the ceiling.

"Oww!" a shrill whine reverberated in the grotto. Francis hurried to Sharon's side.

"B-buh-babe, are you okay?" the tall young man asked, still unable to quit looking up at the monster above them.

"Th-that wasn't me, Francis..." Sharon said, her voice cracking up.

The tentacles on their right side pulled back and into the water. As the giant seemed to bring its sleeved arm up, the witnesses saw each tendril disappear into the sleeve, replaced with a delicate looking but all the same gigantic hand of the same discolored green. With the giant taking a seat down, the grotto shook one more time. It brought it hand up, grabbing onto its robe's hood to begin pulling it back.

Greg, Francis and Sharon had their eyes frozen with a combination between absolute wonder and paralyzing fear. The creature's hood fell back, revealing a clean, bald, mossy green head. The forehead was scrunched at the brow and with eyes shut as the hand soothingly rubbed at the evident soreness. The freshmen's jaws all dropped in disbelief as what they saw was not the face of a human, but something else.

There was no nose. There were no cheeks. There was no mouth. Thick, relatively short, ribbed tendrils hung around the creature's face, giving the entire head the appearance of an octopus attached to a neck. When it opened one of its huge eyes, it looked like a beacon had flashed in the grotto. The creature's eyes were a bright yellow, with no indication of pupils or irises, almost like gigantic, obscure yellow beads.

It brought its other sleeved tentacles back, replacing those with a hand as well. It used it to bring its arm back and push against the back of the grotto, seemingly trying to find a way to settle itself into the basin it was occupying with its gigantic form. After some shifting and wiggling around, it seemed to settle on sitting down with its lower body being brought fully outside.

Massive, yet slender and green legs emerged from below. The limbs looked human and knocked away the middle-cut skirt of the robe, fully exposing its knees, and the back of generously thick, muscular thighs. Everything else that could be seen seemed to be obscured by the murky waters and the rest of the skirt.

Now that it was sitting down, the creature could decidedly be construed as female, much to its otherworldly appearance. Her robes loosely clung to her clearly lean arms and the top seemed adjusted around the area of her bosom. The group could not believe it, but they didn't dare comment on the decidedly meek manner in which she was sitting down with an arm under her chest, still rubbing at her sore head with only one eye open. The octopus headed green woman with yellow eyes was, however, using the one open yellow bead to stare at the much more minuscule robed figures before her.

All Greg could utter was a defeated: "I actually did summon Cthulhu. Shit."

"I wanted to stretch after such a long sleep. I don't remember R'lyeh being this snug..." Cthulhu grumbled a little. Fully opening both of her eyes, however, her pained expression soon turned to cheer. She waved a hand down at Greg and the others. "Greetings, pathetic mortals!

"Crap...! She's talking to us!" Greg clawed at the sand underneath his hands, his whole body frozen even though every instinct was telling him to run away. "What do we do?" he whispered back at his other two friends, who were so at a loss with the situation they couldn't even speak back.

"Oh!" she brought up a hand to scratch the side of her head, looking a bit flustered once she finally noticed the book lying on the ground by the basin. "Wow," she seemed to be quite happy looking over the three robed humans, "You guys have a whole club about me?" she let out a giggle, "That's adorable!"

"C-club? Don't you mean c-cult? I m-muh-mean, oh great one C-coot-cthulhu!" Greg was a mess, he couldn't speak or think straight. All he could figure out was to simply play along and satisfy each and every one of Cthulhu's demands, if she had any. He hadn't meant for this to happen. He had done the research, but he had never believed in any of the hogwash of summoning the old one!

"Coot? Hmm," Cthulhu seemed deep in thought for a moment, but she was more distracted by the distinction the mortal tried to ascertain. "Oh puh-lease. There is only a thin line separating those, don't you know? Now, you're my summoner, aren't you, little one?"

"W-wuh-wait," Greg raised both of his arms, raising to his knees before prostrating himself, "Please. No!"

"G-Greg?" Sharon shakily asked, her eyes hopping between her friend and the staggering giantess, "What's going on...?"

"I'm bound by contract to give you a small taste of the knowledge you sought, sooo..." Cthulhu shrugged before reaching down and touching the very tip of her right index down on Greg's head. Sharon was pulled away by Francis to avoid getting knocked away.

Greg was silent for a moment. When Cthulhu pulled her hand back, it definitely looked like Greg had been physically unharmed. However, he wasn't moving. In fact, he was face down on the sand, twitching erratically.

"I still don't know why you tiny little mortals are so obsessed with knowing that much stuff all at once. Your heads are so tiny!" Cthulhu laughed, putting a hand up in front of her face where her mouth would be. She seemed to be way beamier and amused than Francis and Sharon. The former rushed to Greg's side.

"Greg! Greg, what's wrong, buddy?" Francis flipped Greg for fear of his convulsing friend ending up twitching himself into the basin, but then Francis immediately regretted what he did. Greg's face was gone. There were no eyes, no nose, no mouth. Even his ears seemed to have been removed from his head. "Holy fuck! Holy shit, no! This is so wrong...!" Francis fell down on his butt, screaming. He crawled away in fear back to Sharon, who held him while hyper-ventilating herself.

There was Greg's body, constantly convulsing as if he was being endlessly electrocuted. Yet other than the rattling of the sand no sound could be heard. He silently squirmed, thrashed and inevitably, he stopped all at once.

"What did you do to him...?" Sharon asked up at Cthulhu, "You've killed him...!"

"Nuh-uh. Did not," Cthulhu wagged her finger negative, "His mind couldn't handle all the stuff I showed him. Even though it was only a preview, really. My summoners never get past the first minute. Which makes me wonder why they keep calling me to do this. Puny little mortals, hehe!"

"What's wrong with you?!" Francis cried out, "You took his face, you... you asphyxiated him!"

"Ah. But it is necessary to first be deprived of all senses to reach a level of enlightenment on par with ours," Cthulhu explained, "Mmm. This little club is a bit barren. You two don't look nearly as depraved as the last species I had audience with! I'm honored you're wearing my favorite outfit, but you should really loosen up."

"Huh?" both Francis and Sharon exchanged glances for a moment, completely dumbfounded, still processing their friend's death. A sickeningly sweet scent, however, was making it hard to focus.

"That should be long enough," Sully yawned, shoving a boulder back in place to hide the switch he had been pressing for Greg's show. He bit off another piece of his chocolate bar while fussing about the lack of mobile signal. "Stupid prank. Boring to be out here. Should've asked for even more free candy," the young man stretched, deciding to double back into the grotto.

On the way back, Sully's ears picked up strange noises. He had to stop and catch his breath when the tunnel leading into the grotto started shaking all of a sudden, and a loose rock fell on his foot. He yelped in pain, but managed to scoop it out. "Fuck, my ankle..." Sully shook his foot a bit and tried to step on it, but it hurt. "This stupid place...!" he hit the wall out in frustration, starting to limp his way forwards. At least he didn't seem to be wounded, but he would need help walking around after he went to pick his friends up. "This Halloween can't get any worse..."

What the blonde freshman had never expected to find, however, was the sight that opened to him when he put a foot in that cavern. There was no convenient place for his eyes to have started. There was the literally defaced corpse of his friend Greg, a gigantic green woman with an octopus for a face sitting at the basin under the moonlight, and then there were both Francis and Sharon fucking like pigs on the sand. They didn't seem even seem to register Sully being there at all.

Any number of expletives could have been used to describe the urgency with which Sully felt he had to get away from that grotto, but his twisted ankle had, unfortunately, decided to take its toll. The second he decided to turn tail from that corruption of his reality, the young man felt the sharp pain in his foot send him clumsily tumbling down into the ground.

"Hmm? Oh, good. More admirers!" Cthulhu clapped her hands giddily. She beckoned with her finger, which levitated the collapsed Sully closer to her until he was close enough to almost end up in the water. He squirmed and kicked all the way there, calling out to his sex-frenzied friends who were doing it doggy-style in a pool of their own bodily fluids. He couldn't look. "I took care of my obligations, but if you're the only one left, this would make a very boring orgy..." Cthulhu frowned, leaning down while making Sully float off the sand towards her. "Which means you're my very late, but no less important, sacrifice!"

"S-sacrifice? Lady I have no idea who you are!" Sully gasped, spinning about as if he was swimming in place, "Please let me down! Please don't sacrifice me! I have no idea what they did to piss you off, but I had nothing to do with it...!"

"Mmm, did mortals of your species lose their ability to lie convincingly during my long slumber...?" Cthulhu raised an eyebrow, narrowing her eyes down at the shaking Sully.

"Please, I'll give you anything...! Anything you want, ma'am! Anything!" Sully continued to plead, but he really was out of his depth. He frantically reached into his pockets, just rummaging through all of the junk he was carrying, dropping his phone, the pocket flashlight he had brought in case of an emergency, his wallet... Everything fell through his fingers except for one thing.

"What's that?" asked the intrigued Cthulhu. The frontal tentacles at her face seemed to twitch and squirm like a pair of alerted noses. Sully was gripping the last full size chocolate bar he had been saving for later. He was in no hurry to deny a 40ft. tall octopus woman, however, so he offered it out on his palms like humanity's finest treasure.

"It's yours. It's all yours, please take it in my place!" Sully's words machine-gunned out of his mouth.

Cthulhu cautiously approached her face, and facial tentacles, over to Sully. It wasn't going to be the first nor the last time she devoured a human being. However, something about the fragrance her sense of smell could pick up from that wrapped confection aroused her curiosity. She brought a finger up, pushing the tip against Sully until she took the offering off his grubby little hands.

With only the most basic effort, the chocolate was peeled. And the giantess' big eyes became laser-focused onto that plain milk chocolate bar. It was the smallest treat she had ever seen in all of eternity, a sacrifice that should have insulted a being of her infamy and caliber. And yet the smell of processed, sugared cacao with any number of additives was compelling her to take it over the pathetic little human.

Sully saw that giantess rear her head back for a moment, and in the next he wished he had closed his eyes. Her face tendrils moved to the side to reveal what seemed to be an abyss comprised of fleshy rings and sharp spikes that covered the dark tunnel leading into her gullet. Instead of him being pulled in, however, the unwrapped piece of chocolate gently floated towards her open mouth.

The candy had no business even dreaming to satisfy the palate of a creature as physically large as Cthulhu. On the other hand, the great old one's manner of assimilation was, although similar to certain species', quite different in its own rate. Every last combination of atoms in that comparatively infinitesimal piece of chocolate was sampled at once, torn apart, sampled individually, and then finally consumed. Sweetness without compare. A creamy delight. Cthulhu was simply overjoyed.

With both hands practically smooshing her non-existent cheeks up, she kicked one of her legs up and began to wiggle in place. "So gooooood! You, puny mortal!" she accusingly pointed at Sully, who still was having trouble processing the initial, cutesy outburst, "You will tell me the name of your most excellent sacrifice!"

"Th-thu... that was... chocolate?" Sully couldn't believe he was having this conversation. "You liked it?" he tried.

"It was better than the time I kicked Hastur's five behinds at gllarpkurp!" Cthulhu happily thrilled, her face tentacles curling in excitement. Bringing a hand up, she snapping her fingers. All of a sudden, the grotto began to rumble and in that moment, Sully took notice of something down below. While unconscious, both Francis and Sharon seemed to have stopped their frantic death sex marathon and were now lying on top of their discarded robes. In similar fashion, Greg appeared to have recovered all of his head's features and was definitely breathing again.

The floating boy couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't believe his ankle didn't hurt anymore. Everything was starting to make sense again for him. But before he could even thank Cthulhu for her generosity, she began making hand gestures at him.

"I simply must have more. Or else I'll wake them up, kill them seventeen times over and flay you alive each time. Give, give!" Cthulhu excitedly begged with her hands, even though this was no less than a hostage situation with a sugar-fueled cosmic psychopath.

Sully's every hope died when he recalled that had been the very last of the candy bars he had gotten from Greg for helping. He had a problem with his sweet tooth but he would've been carrying truckloads with him had he known his life and his friends' would depend on it! "I..." before Sully could finish his phrase, he changed his tone for a more affable one, "...I know where to get more, miss... uh..."

"You can call me Coot. I hate formality just as much as the next manifestation of pure chaos," Coot reintroduced herself, apparently too delighted with her newfound love for chocolate to care for doubt. "To the chocolate repository, puny mortal! Lead us... with your miiiind!"

"My name is... Wait, what...?" Sully had very little precious moments left to see the inside of the grotto before he and the giantess suddenly collapsed into a warping area of the space they were in. They were both sucked in while leaving the unconscious trio behind. The grotto was back to normal, as if no elder cosmic horrors had ever been sitting in its basin.

"Oof!" Sully grunted as he rolled on grass. He suddenly found himself out in the farm house of the Henderson family. The loud noise of party music could be heard everywhere thanks to the arrangement of buffers and speakers in the farm. The animals were all rounded up in the barn, with costumed dancers having a good time to celebrate the Halloween eve.

Sully couldn't believe it. One second he had been thinking about how much chocolate he could get from a big party, especially at the Henderson estate, and the next he was half a mile across town exactly where he had been hoping to be for most of that night anyway! As he stood up and dusted himself off, Sully held his head, groaning with dizziness. "Fuck. Did I imagine all that? Must've been something in that..."

"Lead me to the chocolate, puny mortal." Coot said while sauntering past him, not two inches taller than he was. Sully's eyes went wide as saucers. The giant octopus woman was now human-sized and blending in with every costumed guest. Sully lamented it not all having been a dream or drug-induced trip.

"R-right!" he said, immediately recalling his bargain to the elder goddess. Sully found it hard to concentrate and search for the candy tables with the sheer amount of people in the party, as well as the fact everybody kept stopping him to say hi.

"Hey, Sully, where's your pals?"

"Sully, got bought out by Greg? Low-effort costumes, man!"

"'eyyy, Sully my man! Now that's a convincing Cutehulhu you bagged yourself! Hey, give 'er my number?"

"Fuck off, Todd! Hey, come here Coo... Ms. Coot!" Sully had to forge his path onwards, just pushing people away. Coot was going after him, but she seemed distracted, looking around with great interest. His main objective was to get her what she wanted. He already had seen many disturbing sights that evening; he didn't want to have to imagine what this monster would do with this many people if he failed.

"Finally. Are we there yet?" Coot impatiently huffed, resting her hands on her exceptionally wide hips. When Sully turned around to address her, he caught sight of her standing pose and simply nodded. Now that she wasn't large enough to destroy him by sneezing, or whatever the equivalent of an octopus-head could do, he had to admit she had a killer body. He also made sure to never use that mental description for a woman's body again. "Oooh. Scrumptious. This form will allow me to enjoy these treats at their intended level, as well! Out of my way, puny mortal."

"Ack!" before Sully could even step aside, Coot's arm swatted him so hard he flew five yards into a nearby table.

"Oof. Better luck next time, Sully!" one of the guy's friends laughed, having caught the scene half-way through.

Coot was met face to face with a collection of large bowls. In addition to chocolate, an assortment of rock candy, lollipops, and even Halloween themed cakes added to the sweet decadence of the table in front of the elder goddess. However, nothing seemed to make her face tentacles curl as the chocolate kisses and bars within reach. She began to help herself without any reservation. "Scrumptious!" her cries were very much a woman's orgasmic cries. So loud and awkward that those standing close decided to quietly move away as Coot continued to stuff her face with chocolate candy.

As he recovered, Sully shook the birds away from his vision and finally saw his "date" just going to town at the sweet table. Even though he was pretty sure his shoulder was going to need an ice bag or seven, the young man was satisfied this eldritch horror seemed to have found satisfaction, and likely lost her bloodlust in the process. "To think I was worried about my twisted ankle twenty minutes ago..." he laughed to himself, still lying under the broken table without any rush of standing up. His smile disappeared however when he saw another person flying past him. And then another. And another. Sully pulled himself up to see Coot just jealously batting people approaching her table with simple swings of her cutely slender arms.

"Mmmph, mine. Go away. Mmphmychocolate." Coot was lost in a sea of ecstasy. She was so consumed by her gluttony for the delicious sweets that she couldn't properly focus in instantly dismembering mortals or making her children spontaneously burst through their eye sockets. Her super strong arm swings seemed to suit her just fine in dispatching intruders, however.

"She's already almost done... oh no..." Sully's heart skipped a beat. He forced himself back up to his feet, trying to scan the area to find another sweet table. He couldn't find it in that sea of people! But just when he was about to give up, he saw Mr. Henderson, the owner of the estate. If he was keeping any backups for his chocolate table, he was the person to go to! Rushing over to Coot, he reached for her arm, "Ms. Coot, please co... waaah!" he cried out as he flew in mid-air back to the broken table. "Oww... my ribs..."

Carefully this time, Sully approached Coot from behind, trying not to gag. "Ahh... Muh-Ms. Coot, I think I know where we can get even more... ahh... chocolate?"

"Really?" Coot perked up, turning around from an empty bowl while a quartet of tongues of variously different contextures flew out from among her face-tentacles to slurp the smeared chocolate off her face. "Let's go then!"

Sully half-heartedly laughed, still holding his chest. He had been hoping she'd fix his aching bones like he had gotten his ankles fixed before. The young man couldn't believe how perky this elder goddess was for being such an unrepentant, manipulative monster. He wasn't sure if it was the pain, but he could swear her robes were looking tighter around her torso as well. Before he could pay fine details anymore heed, however, he finally saw Mr. Henderson coincidentally moving away from the group he had been chatting up. "Ahhh, Mr. Henderson, Happy Halloween! Making the rounds, sir?"

"Sullivan! Happy Halloween," Mr. Henderson was one of Sully's school-mate's father. "Is that Sharon in that octopus costume? Hello, Sharon!"

"Chocolate." Coot responded while fixing both of her big yellow eyes on the cowboy dressed adult.

Mr. Henderson laughed. Sully was terrified and hoped the old man didn't say anything he might instantly regret. "Haha, charming girl."

"R-right! Charming! But no, not Sharon she uh... she's like my really distant cousin. Never been to a Halloween party before!" Sully rapidly tried to explain, "Also, she's like... really hypoglycemic and stuff, was hoping we could uh..."

"Oh! I'm sorry, dear. Guess you're up for a visit to the tables, eh?" Mr. Henderson laughed. Sully tried to keep his wry smile from giving him away.

"So like, she really really likes chocolate, but the table ran out! Think she's gonna pass out. Can we get some from ya real quick, sir?" Sully insisted, hoping with every fiber of his being he wasn't going to see a head sever itself from a body in the next answer.

"Of course!" Mr. Henderson laughed, "Follow me into the house. You can have as much as you like."

Sully sighed in relief. He felt like he had just single-handedly averted a public execution. Times however many hundred were in that party.

"So... much..." Coot's eyes seemed to gleam with happiness. Back in the Henderson main house, the living room was simply stacked with boxes and bags full of candy, and in a little corner there was at least twenty times the amount of candy she had taken from that pitiful bowl, "Chocolate!"

It was like watching a child pounce a mountain of candy. Sully and Mr. Henderson couldn't believe what they were seeing for vastly different reasons, but the latter seemed to be satisfied. "Alright Sully. Gotta keep making the rounds. You guys might all be a year 'til drinking age, and this might still be a costume, but I'm the law 'round these parts," he snarked. "You keep watch on your cousin. Be sure she doesn't get a belly ache!"

With a polite laugh Sully hoped didn't sound too dismissive, he waved Mr. Henderson good-bye. He thanked heavens that the host was such a people-pleaser and always bought truckloads of candy for their Halloween parties. But before he could take it as a victory, the elder goddess surprised him one more time.

Coot was just inhaling the chocolate at this point. She was crawling around, over the wall, anywhere as long as she got a good angle to suck chocolate from. The proud candy mountain was very steadily starting to crumble, coming undone by the tentacle-faced alien. She seemed to be insatiable! "Mmpphh... more. More chocolate...! It's so good!"

And as she ravenously consumed all the candy, Sully finally confirmed the feeling he had gotten earlier. With the way she actively moved around to shovel more chocolate in-between her tentacles, it took very little focus to see how Coot's curves jostled about in the super tight black robes over her body. Her breasts were pushing out prominently against the top. The skirt was riding up along her rump, revealing way more green skin over her hips; Sully could see most of her thighs and even her part of her ass whenever she bent down.

"Uhh..." Sully's brain seemed to be paused. He wanted to ask Coot if she was alright, or if she was sure she should be wolfing down this much candy. But part of him wanted to see where this was going to lead. Another, much more sensible part of him wanted to stop this whimsical tyrant. However, the part of him that appreciated being alive advised him to be less dictated about it. "Won't that... upset your stomach, Ms. Coot?"

"It'sshogood," Coot moaned through mouthfuls of chocolate. She wasn't even bothering to unwrap the ones still in their wrappers. All she was concerned was with getting it all inside of her. And with every few hundred candies, her body seemed to swell up top and down at the bottom. Her chest and hips expanded until the back of her skirt and the front looked more like a loincloth hugged by her ass crack and plump thighs.

Sully finally took notice of a large, thick, reptilian tail hanging behind her. As her chest inflated, the dark robes up top continued to do their best to hold her bust back, but it continued to grow with her chocolate consumption. Inevitably, the enlarging mounds made the robe sag and tear from their weight, exposing an unexpectedly common pair of huge jugs to the evening air. And yet despite how much Sully's eyes seemed trained on that monstrous cleavage, Coot appeared too sugar-focused to care.

But the goddess eventually did find renewed frustration when her coveted reserves began to wane. Curvier than any super-model slash porn-star Sully had ever masturbated to, Coot approached him with a menacing yet equally adorable frown. "More chocolate." She simply demanded.

Sully had little in ways of responding, other than just his jaw bouncing in place and him making little goofy sounds. Just walking over him and suddenly stopping sent those ridiculously supersized alien tits jiggling like crazy in front of him. They were a Cadbury crème egg away from just bursting out. And at this point, Sully truly had no arguments or pleas to make.

It was time to make use of his mind to find them more.

The city had been having a quiet Halloween all things considered. That was why no one expected a 300ft. tall, extra thick eldritch goddess in tattered, overly stretched clothes suddenly materializing in the industrial district. Coot had made a cosmic beeline to the biggest chocolate processing plant in town, done with assaulting parties and pathetic, woefully under stocked marts.

As she knelt down before the factory area, Coot clapped her hands while giggling to herself in anticipation. Her massive tits rocked left and right, swaying like the titanic, sugar-fueled jugs they had become. Reaching down, she only had to exert minimum force to quite literally rip the top of the plant off, exposing several vats of melted chocolate swirling in peace, unaware of the apex predator looming from above.

Sully found himself in the difficult position of being brought everywhere by his new, supersized boss. He had been carefully wedged in-between Coot's massive mammaries now that she had found the perfect size to be at and the perfect places to assault to fuel her newfound addiction. All he could do at this point was just be thankful he hadn't become red-paste between the giantess' tits.

Coot just bent over, shaking her big fat ass in delight as she dunked her face in the chocolate vats. Freezing cold or meltingly hot, she didn't care. The taste of chocolate was simply irresistible to her. And with each vat she drained, she grew ever curvier. Her ass and tits billowed like a foursome of blimps jealously competing for space on her body. Her robes simply shredded to tatters, and even the most stubbornly clingy pieces inevitably were peeled off her body by the wind. By the time the plant was empty, her chest and butt had grown another few sizes and that had been enough to leave her completely nude.

The giant, hourglass-curvy demon rose up to her clawed feet, licking her lips clean without a single apparent concern about how incredibly busty and naked she was. Her tail was swishing in delight, and her recently revealed dragon wings beat at her back like she was proud of all she had been done. "My sweet chocolate guide!" Coot sang out, looking down at the somewhat comfortable looking Sully, who could only sheepishly grin at the overwhelmingly large female. "This Halloween event of yours is simply fantastic! And you said this is done every one of your calendar's years?"

"R-right. It has been for a while. Don't think it'll stop anytime soon... Why, are you thinking of visiting again next year?" Sully asked, immediately reviewing himself for insanity.

"Don't be silly!" Coot giggled, making her breasts quake like the most deceptive natural disaster ever witnessed. She began to saunter her gorgeous green body around town, planting tentacles over each building she passed. Or at least, the ones that her wide hips did not demolish thanks to the natural gait her large ass provided. With each invading extension she left behind, each apartment building was transformed, turning into spires where the windows turned into eyes and the walls sprouted squirming tendrils. "Halloween can't be just one night. It must be several nights, at the very least. I want more chocolate. Everyone is getting me more chocolate."

Each infested building was acting like an organic radio tower. The message she spoke was what the inhabitants of the city, including Sully, began to understand as their one and absolute command. Nothing else mattered. Sully was put down in the street alongside the millions who responded to the call of Coot. And that call was to bring her more chocolate.

All the chocolate.

The End.