Pub crawl

Story by Commander_eagle on SoFurry

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This story is an entry for Coyotek's third story contest.

For those of you who have not been to Newfoundland and have never heard a true Newfoundland accent, you can replicated it by speaking without any accents, removing the "h" from any word that starts with one, adding one to the begging to any word that starts with "a" and replacing the "o" in any word where the "o" is pronounced like an "ew" with an "a". So "Hat" becomes "'At", "At" becomes "H'at", and "To", becomes "Ta", the word "you" is an exception to that rule. This is an extremely thick accent and most people here do not talk like this, but every now and then you will come across someone who does. I hope this will help readers understand what some of the characters are saying. There are other words that get changed too that I hope you will understand as you go through the story. On a side note, some of the older folks around here are known to call younger people "me ducky" and "me trout" and will use the phrase "I low (pronounced like allow)" at the end of any sentence that is an opinion.

Geno and Coyotek © Coyotek. Story and all other characters © myself.

It was a cold dry day in St. John's. Even in may it could be as cold as nine degrees Celsius, but why it was dry and still not even the locals knew. Being this close to the ocean it was normally windy, especially in a cold front. But it was almost as if the world was still today. Geno hated it.

Arriving by plane from Ottawa, Geno was on a vacation of sorts. Alone and away from worries or cares, she wanted to go somewhere that wasn't unfriendly but still had some urban qualities. Somewhere she could make a lot of friends and still hit a few bars. A friend of hers recommended St. John's for one street that he claimed had all that and something called 'screeching'. George Street.

Geno had never heard of the place before but she took her friend Coyotek's advice on the place. He said that she would meet a lot of nice people and that he still had some friends there. When she left St. John's airport and was greeted by the cold mid-day air, she wished she hadn't.

"Last time I go somewhere he recommends." She mumbled aloud as she hailed a taxi outside. The front of the airport looked like a crescent moon shape made of glass and rounded steel with a small sheltered walkway that extended into the middle of a large parking lot. About the size of a Wal-Mart parking lot she thought.

A yellow four door sedan with the words "Jiffy Cabs" and the number "722-2222" written on the side pulled up in front of her. She noticed that the "I" was dotted with a smiley face. The driver leaned over a rolled down the passenger window.

" 'Ow h'are you doin' taday. Need h'a ride inta town me duck?" The driver was a older canine, with shaggy black fur and paws the size of a bears. He wore a salt and pepper hat with matching brown pants and sweater. Geno was taken off guard by the accent and stumbled at first to speak.

"I'm looking for a Bed and Breakfast where I can spend a few nights," she said, "nothing fancy just somewhere close to town."

"H'alright," said the shaggy black dog, " trow your stuff inta the trunk h'and 'op in me trout. I knows just the spot." Geno threw here carry on suit case in the trunk of the taxi and closed it up. When she came around to the side she started to get in the back. "No need to be shy me duck, you can 'op up front if you like." Thinking that it would be nice to have a conversation on the ride to the B&B, Geno got in the front passenger seat. "So what brings you ta the rock?"

"A friend of mine said it was a nice place for a vacation." Geno replied with a smile. Ironic that she was supposed to be enjoying herself and already it was to cold for almost every outfit she had packed. Shorts, tank tops, tub tops and fish nets were not cold weather wear.

"Right on, right on. So what's your friend's name? 'E from 'ere?"

"No he isn't from here. His name's Coyotek." At the sound of the name the cabby tilts his head as if he is trying to look inside his brain for who that is.

"Da you know when 'e was staying 'ere?"

"No the month but I know it was summer last year." Geno said, a little puzzled at the cabby's reaction.

"'E got glasses?"

"Yes he does."

"'E's h'a feller from Warsaw Poland right?"

"Yeah how did you know?"

"I knows 'im. 'E was staying up h'at the Banberry 'ouse 'eritage inn on Military road. I lives down that way. 'E was telling me h'all about his sister; said she 'ad h'a real good friend liven up in Ottawa. What was 'er name?" The taxi stopped at a red light and the driver began tapping his head with his left hand as he thought. "Geno?"

"That's me," Geno gasped a little, "I'm her friend in Ottawa." She was a little shocked that her cabby knew her.

"Jesus Mary and Joseph! You're the girl 'im and 'e's sister grew up with? Well I can't bring you ta no B&B now. Coyotek spent h'almost da whole week down ta our 'ouse when 'e was 'ere. You can come stay with me h'an the misses while you're 'ere. Free of charge." The light turned green and the taxi continued forward through the intersection of the four lane street.

Geno was shocked. She didn't know the rates at the B&B but she knew that he was giving her quite the offer.

"You don't have to do that for me." She started

"Nonsense, it'd be h'a pleasure to 'ave company h'again. We missed 'aving Coyotek there." He smiled a great big smile. "There'll be cod au gratin for supper tanight, h'an the misses makes it better then h'anyone on the island I low"

To Geno, the thought of fish on a hungry stomach was sounding great. And if he only offered after he found out she was a friend of Coyotek's, then he probably wasn't a creep. So she trusted him.

"That sounds lovely. Thank you very much...I never got your name."

The cabby gave a beaming smile. "Me names John Miller".

"Well Mister Miller I appreciate the hospitality. Thank you."

The taxi continued towards the down town while Geno and Mr. Miller talked about how he met Coyotek.


Jenny Miller was a Newfoundland dog that spent more time in her apron than her bed. At fifty seven she was a master at her art. She looked more like a performer than a cook as she mixed the ingredients for that night's dinner. A small pie cooled in the window while she mixed. She was putting the cheese on the top of her master piece when she heard the familiar sound of a taxi pulling into the driveway just in front of the mini van. Her husband was home a little early tonight. It was only five thirty and he normally got home around six. The timer was set before she even heard the car door open. But when she heard two doors close almost at the same time her ears perked up a little and her tail started to move with a mind of its own. She heard the trunk close as she got to the window and saw her husband of thirty five years coming towards the door holding a suitcase with a young female cat wearing a tank top and shorts in close pursuit. The girl was shivering. 'To cold for shorts,' she thought, 'we'll have to get her something warm while she's here.'

The door was unlocked and her husband came in, suitcase in one hand, keys in the other.

"Welcome home dear. Did you have a good day at work?" Mr. Miller gave his wife a hug and a kiss before he answered.

"The best kind. I met h'a friend of Coyotek's h'at the h'airport. She was looking for h'a bed h'an breakfast h'an I told 'er ta stay 'ere with us." Mr. Miller turned to Geno with a somber face. "Pardon the rudeness there. Jenny, this is Geno. Geno, me wife Jenny." He smiled a broad smile as he said it.

"A pleasure Mrs. Miller." Geno replied

"All mine my dear. Would you like me to show you to the spare room?" Mrs. Miller indicated a set of stairs to her right. It was to the left of the front door when Geno came in. The house itself was very old fashioned, white carpet floor with soft cream coloured walls. The baseboards were plain and white, and the furniture set was made of a love seat, a sofa, and an armchair, all of them white with a pattern of coloured flowers that twisted in vines of green stems. There was a small brown wooden rocking chair next to the arm chair and a dark brown wooden coffee table in the middle of the arrangement. The living room was all open to the porch and only a half wall divided it and the simple little kitchen. The kitchen had an old propane stove, a small one door fridge, and a small table in the center with four matching chairs which all matched the canary yellow walls of the kitchen.

"That would be lovely." Geno said, letting Mrs. Miller pass first she followed her up to the spare room. A soft blue room with a small twin sized bed in the far corner. The bed was on a metal frame, but the mattress looked comfy and the blankets looked clean and warm. Warm was what Geno was looking for.

"This looks lovely, thank you very much Mrs. Miller." Geno said as Mr. Miller slipped past her into the room with her suitcase in his hand.

"'Ere you go me duck."

Mrs. Miller smiled and nodded a thank you in her husband's direction.

"Dinner won't be ready for another half an hour, would you like to rest for a bit while you wait? I can wake you when it's done."

"That would be great, thank you."

"You're welcome my dear, you have a good sleep." Mr. and Mrs. Miller left the room and closed the door behind them. Geno laid her suitcase on her bed and began to unpack her few changes of cloths into the empty dressers next to the bed. She found that the bottom drawer had some jeans and a couple of black T-shirts in it. When she was done she started to get undressed.. She removed her shorts and thong and let them fall to her ankles. The cool air greeted her mons with a little more bite than she liked. She removed her tank top and threw it to the floor. Finally she undid her bra strap and let that meet her shorts and thong on the floor. She stepped out of those cloths and put on a pair of blue flannel pajama pants with a navy blue short sleeve t-shirt that almost matched.

She crawled in under the sheets and curled up into a ball. The blankets were cold because no one had used them in a while, and it took a while for the sheets to warm up, but by the time they did, a jet lagged Geno was already asleep.


Geno woke up with her short blond hair in tangles, one leg hang out over the mattress and one arm under her back in such an odd position that she couldn't seem to understand how getting into it didn't wake her up. It was early morning by the look of the bright sky outside. The sun was high and it was summer so Geno guessed it was nine o'clock. She looked to the side of the bed and saw a fold up table with an empty plate and glass that both looked like they had had something white and thick in each of them. A sniff in the air confirmed that the plate had fish and cheese on it while the glass smelled of vanilla.

Geno yawned and stretched, eyes blinking sleepily to try to remove anything that might have accumulated during the night. She got out of bed with a stumble and walked towards the door to find the bathroom. She was almost at the door to her room when she heard an unfamiliar voice yell from outside.

"Mr. and Mrs. Miller! I'm Home!"

Geno heard the sound of the couple heading down over the stairs as fast as their legs would carry them.

"Who is that?" Geno said out loud. She walked down over the stairs to see who was outside causing the racket. When she got downstairs she saw Mrs. Miller, who was a good six feet tall, hugging a grey wolf. He was an easy six and a half feet tall. His fur was a little matted, and one of his ears had a piece missing from it. He was wearing forest camouflage army fatigues. He carried over his shoulders an olive green duffle bag. It was lumpy and looked like it had cloths in it. Though the military fatigues were baggy she could see that the wolf was muscled. His legs looked like telephone poles and his forearms were about the size of Geno's calves.

"It's great to be back mom." Geno cocked her head. Two black dogs couldn't have a grey wolf for a pup.

"'Ow was H'afghanistan?" Mr. Miller said with glint in his eye. The man looked like he was talking to a friend he hadn't seen since high school.

"Not too rough. I was a mechanic on base so I didn't see to much action anyway." The wolf's left ear twitched and he immediately turned to look at Geno. "Oh, I didn't know you had company, would have gotten a shower down at the base if I had of known."

"Oh I almost forgot all about her. Geno this is my son, Archie. Archie this is Geno. She's a friend of that nice boy we told you about."

"Ah." He said with a raised head. "So what brings you all the way out here?"

"I'm on vacation." Geno said plainly. The wolf had to be adopted, Geno thought, but it must have been at a young age because he was a lot like his adoptive parents.

"Well then I guess I came home at the right time. Sorry I didn't let you know I was on the way back in mom. Had a lot of work to do and forgot to keep track of the dates. Still can't believe it's been five years."

"It's okay dear; you sent us a letter last month and said you'd be back this month. I'm just glad you're back home. I was just getting ready to make some toutens and pancakes for breakfast."

"That sounds excellent."


After breakfast Archie took Geno out in the mini van to see some of the local sights. It was an old van. Geno couldn't see the make or model when she was getting in, but it was definitely American made. She could smell the diesel burn. It was a navy blue van with beiges interior. Archie showed her Signal hill, a tall hill that looked over the harbor and all of downtown St. John's. He showed her Cape spear, the most easterly point in all of North America. During their trip around town, Geno mentioned why her friend recommended St. John's and what kind of vacation she had in mind, so Archie showed her one more famous land mark of St. John's. George Street.

The street, from one end to the other, was pubs, bars and clubs.

"So this is George Street." Geno said. She was eyeing the signs going up and down the street.

"Yeah, this is it. We can come back tonight and do the pub crawl if you like. I got a couple of friends at the base who would love to come along."

Geno looked at him with a baffled look on her face. "What's the pub crawl?"

"The pub crawl is when you go to each and every pup, bar, and club on George street and have one shot at each one. It's called a crawl because by the time you're half way through it, you won't be able to walk straight, and when you're done, you'll be lucky if you're still conscious."

Now that is what Geno came looking for. "So when will we come back here?"

"Tonight after supper, you'll want a bit of food in you before you start." Archie headed off George street, onto Queen street and headed home. "It's four o'clock now, so we best start heading home if we want to get down in time to start."

Once they arrived home, Archie was on the phone making calls. He was finishing up his last call around six, he made almost ten. He and Geno had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Miller before leaving. They had BBQ strip loin steak, twice baked potato and caser salad. Geno and Archie had water with their meal while Mr. and Mrs. Miller had a glass of red wine each. It was a cheap wine; the millers didn't need expensive things to be happy.

By the time Archie and Geno left, it was seven o'clock. They walked down to George street, and stood where it met Queen street, just outside of Dooley's pool bar. It was just above zero degrees so Archie gave Geno some of his cloths to wear. They didn't fit her at all, but even in those baggy cloths he had to admit that she looked great. She was wearing a black zip up fleece hooded sweater, a black T-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans that she had to roll up so she wouldn't trip in the legs. The jeans were a size thirty four in a man's, and she could easily fit in them even in the fetal position. So Archie gave her black belt with a simple square shaped chrome buckle. The belt didn't have enough holes to make it tight enough for Geno, so he used buck knife to cut one for her. She was also wearing a shinny silver cross that glinted in the street lights.

"I look stupid." She said as she stood out in the cold, even with all that on. It wasn't weather for standing around outside in.

"You look fine." Archie said with a smile Archie was wearing similar attire. He liked plain cloths and had a lot of the same cloths so that he always had a clean shirt and sweater. The only notable difference was that instead of a cross, he wore a small dull metal hammer on a black cord around his neck. "It's not like anyone cares what you look like."

"Okay then." Geno sighed. "By the way who else is coming?"

"A friend of mine I was deployed with and two of my old high school friends. They won't be drinking and neither will I. We don't drink out in town, but we love the places they have around. Besides, we need to watch you so no one tries to make off with you when we aren't looking."

"That's right." Said a voice from behind them. It came from a male German Sheppard wearing army fatigues. He was joined by two others, a red furred vixen wearing not too tight black sweat pants and a navy blue tank top, and a male ferret that was wearing a grey dress shirt and fedora with black jeans. The Sheppard was around the same height as the wolf, six and a half feet. But the vixen was only five feet seven inches, and the ferret was five foot even. "So this must be Geno."

"Yes it is, Geno this is Mike," Archie gestured towards the German Sheppard, ", Zach," He gestured towards the Ferret, ", and Sarah." The vixen smiled and waved. A friendly bunch of people, just what Coyotek had said she'd find.

"Hi. So where do we start for the pub crawl?"

Archie swung his arm around to the building they were standing next to. It had a picture of an eight ball next to the name Dooley's. "We start here, make our way down the street, cross it, then we make our way back up."

And so it began, bar after bar after bar. Laughing and singing and dancing their way down the street. When they were half way down the first side, Geno could barely walk. She lost count of how many shots she'd had. But she was laughing and having fun. That was all that mattered.

They came to a Pub called 'O'Reilly's Irish bar'. The first thing they heard before they got through the door was the sound of rock folk music. When they got inside, Geno saw at least ten other people all in a circle dancing. They were all bears and they were all stomping their feet to the beat. The song must have just been starting, because Geno was dragged in to the circle with them by Archie and her three new friends. Her head was swimming but tried her best to stay in line with the others. Then the lyrics started, and like magic everyone but Geno followed along in perfect time.

"Come get your duds in order, cause we're bound across the water. Heave away! Me jolly's, Heave away! Come get your duds in order, cause we're bound to leave tomorrow. Heave away, me jolly boys, we're all bound away."

It was like a chant, and the affects were powerful. Geno didn't even know the song and she felt like singing along. She learned the dance easy enough; stomping to the beat with her right foot while she clapped her hand to the same beat.

"Sometimes we're bound for Liverpool, sometimes we're bound for Spain. Heave away! Me jolly's, Heave away! But now we're bound for old St. John's where all the girls are dancin'. Heave away, me jolly boys, we're all bound away."

Before Geno knew what was happening she was in the middle of fourteen people who were all stomping and clapping while she danced in a circle. How she didn't fall over she would never know. The song continued and Geno stepped back into the circle to replace Sarah as she took the center. But the rest was not to last, as Mike nudged her in to join Sarah. The held hands and spun in a circle for what felt like eternity; but the song ended and Geno, now dizzier than ever, had to sit down at the bar. Archie sat next to her.

"Archie, I'mgoing toneeda break. I'm feelingsick." Geno managed to get out without slurring too much.

"You take all the time you need girl. We don't have to finish it all in one night you know, we can always come back later in the week."

"Ohhh. Okay." Geno said with a smile.

Archie turned his head a little away from Geno and watched as a black bear from the group they had danced with came towards them. He was a short male, about five foot eight inches. He was wearing blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt that was tucked into his pants.

"How're you getting on? The girl here's a good dancer, haven't seen any of you around here before. You come here often?"

"No," Archie replied, "I'm just back from five years over seas and she's from the mainland."

"Ah," said the bear, "sounds good. I'm Jim. What're your names?"

"I'm Archie and this is Geno."

"So how long have you two been together?" The bear asked seeming almost uninterested.

"We aren't on the go, just friends." Was Archie's simple reply.

"Really? Oh well that's too bad, you'd make a good couple. In the mean time, would you like a dance, Geno was it?" The bear held out a massive paw and Geno held it lightly.


The bear led Geno to the middle of the dance floor, soft Celtic music was playing and they slow danced in a circle. Archie ordered a glass or water and surveyed the room. The whole theme of the places had a dark cherry oak wood feel. He sat there drinking his water, drinking in the atmosphere, the sounds. He really liked this place. After finishing his water Archie got up from his seat and headed for the bathroom stalls.

Archie washed his hands and dried them carefully. He left the bathroom and headed for the dance floor. What he saw shocked him. Geno, have asleep and stumbling was leaving the bar with the bear while his companions chatted away with Mike, Sarah and Zach.

"Whoa," Archie called out, causing a not too drunk Mike to hear, "you can't go leaving without us Geno. Pals have to stick together."

"Ah you worry too much," Said Jim, "besides I'm just taking her out for fresh air." The bear was practically holding Geno up.

"That's thoughtful of you," Archie told him calmly, "but you don't have to do that. I'll take her outside. Your friends are probably wondering where you've gone."

"Na, it's no trouble for me. I'm happy to help." Jim was starting to sound almost annoyed.

"Then we'll both take her out. She'll love the extra company. Wont you Gen-"

"Hey why don't you buzz off?" Interrupted Jim, obviously trying to get alone time with Geno. "Thought you said she wasn't your girl. Well I'm taking her outside and you can fuck off!"

The commotion did not go unnoticed. Mike and Zach headed over to investigate, but one of the other bears in the gang stepped into his path.

Archie couldn't hear what the other bears and his friends were saying, but if he went to help them he'd be abandoning Geno. Who was in no condition to fend for herself.

"Jim," Archie started, "we've all had a good night tonight and no one wants to leave on a sour note. So let her go and I'll forget all about this. We'll all move on like none of this happened."

"I don't give a shit about what you think. I'm talking her home and you can't stop me." Jim was turning around to leave, but Archie grabbed onto his shoulder.

"Put her down and leave or I'll break your arm."

Jim dropped Geno just like Archie told him. Then he grabbed onto his waist and charged into him like a bull. Archie hit the ground hard and the bear was on top of him sprawling to get closer to his face. But Archie had combat experience, and was trained in hand to hand combat. He wrapped his legs around the bear and locked his ankles together. The bear wriggled from one side to the other and fought trying to get a clean shot at his head. Archie grabbed Jim's right arm with both of his and brought his left leg out from around the bear and put it across his chest. That brought his other leg to the front of the bear as well, and he put it just below his chest, leaving the bear's arm in between his legs. He locked his ankles again and brought his hands to his chest, still clutching onto the bears wrist. He held on tight and brought his back up in an arch. The bear cried in pain as the pressure built on his elbow. Archie was watching the other bears.

"If one of you comes any closer I'll snap this like a twig." One of the bears moved closer and Archie pulled back a little harder. Jim howled in pain and clenched his teeth.

"Do what he says for fucks sake!" He cried

Mike, Zach and Sarah quickly moved around the group. Zach and Sarah went to help Geno onto her feet, while Mike backed up towards Archie.

Mike removed a pocket knife from his belt and put the blade to the bear's throat.

"Don't move." He said calmly as he nodded in Archie's direction. Archie let go of Jim's arm and dismounted from the arm bar he had put the bear in. He stood up slowly and tapped Mike on the shoulder twice. They slowly backed out of the bar, holding a defensive position. Sarah and Zach carried Geno with her arms over their shoulders while they held onto her waist. The gang of bears went to help Jim as soon as Archie and Mike had left the pub.


Geno woke up at one in the afternoon the next day. It was cloudy outside, looked colder than the night before. Her head throbbed when she opened her eyes.

On the dresser was a small glass with a little bit of amber coloured liquid in the bottom. Next to it was a note that said "The newfi cure for a hang over." She stumbled over an open sleeping bag as she walked towards the glass. Moaning, she reached out and clasped it. The cold glass shocked her paw. She drank it quickly and put the glass back down. She coughed loudly. The liquid burned her throat like nothing she had ever tasted before in her life. She walked out into the hallway and down the stairs. Her throat still felt raw from the amber fluid and she had to stifle more coughs.

"Morning sunshine. Get a good night's rest?" Archie was sitting on the couch next to his father. Geno made the last few steps down the stairs. She noticed she was still dressed in the baggy cloths Archie had given her.

"What was that stuff in the glass on the dresser?" She whispered. Her head was still throbbing a little, but she could feel it easing off very slowly.

"Oh that," said Mr. Miller, a little to loud for Geno's liking, "Tis the screech me duck! H'a little ol' newfi tradition, its rum that came up from Jamaica. They used to bring us rum, h'and we brought 'em fish."

"Its strong stuff," Archie added, "but the best cure for a hang over is more booze, so I left a little for you to help with the headache."

"Thanks for the heads up. My throat fells like it's on fire." She massaged her neck while she headed towards the love seat. As she sat down, Mr. Miller got up.

"It's getting late now, got ta get back ta work out of 'er. Don't forget ta get some lunch. No need of ya going hungry. Your mother's out ta the price club; she'll be back round five."

"Okay dad. I'll make us some chicken noodle soup." Archie yelled, as his dad was closing the door.

"See ya when I gets home." Mr. Miller called back. Archie looked at Geno. She seemed to be calm, relaxed. No signs of any tension other then her now receding hangover.

"You remember any of last night?" Archie asked cautiously.

Geno's ears perked up at the sound of her own name, she shook off her grogginess and stood up straight in the love seat. "Not really, I remember blurs of us walking in to a couple of places and going out almost right after a shot, but I also remember being in a circle of people and dancing. Then it's all black."

Internally Archie sighed. He was afraid she'd have remembered the bears and that she was almost kidnapped. Not the kind of story he wanted people to hear about when they thought of Newfoundland.

"Well, I'm thinking we can make some instant noodles for lunch. What do you think?"

"That would be nice."


After lunch, Geno and Archie hopped in the van and drove to the Avalon mall, one of the largest shopping centers on the whole island, to see a movie. The one they wanted to see, a comedy action flick was sold out, so they saw a romantic comedy instead. The movie was better than they thought it would be, and when it was over they shopped for some warmer cloths that would fit Geno much better. They picked up some long sleeve t-shirts and a few pairs of blue jeans. While browsing through one last clothing store, Archie and Geno were looking at some wool shawls Archie suddenly spoke.

"I'll be right back Geno; I'm going to go check something."

He was gone before Geno could say a word. Content to browse some more, she waited for him to return. No more than fifteen minutes later Archie returned with a small bag from the local drug store.

"What did you pick up?" Geno asked inquisitively.

"It's a surprise. You'll see it later." He responded as he stuffed the bag in his pockets. What ever was in it was small.

Archie took Geno to the food court and they each had a six inch sub from Mr. Sub. Geno's was a cold cut sub while Archie had ordered a special one with one layer of every kind of meat they had. He sprung for the meal and Geno thanked him with a hug.

When they finished their meal they threw their garbage in the bin and headed towards the garage. They found their van with little delay as the mall was all but empty. When Geno hopped inside the van, she saw Archie fiddling around in his pocket.

"Am I getting my surprise now?"

"Yes, and it wasn't from the drug store, I just hid it in one of their bags." He removed his hand from his pocket and with it came a pair of silver earrings in the shape of crosses. "They matched the one on your neck, and I remembered that they had them in Diamond Design, so I got them for you."

Geno was shocked. They looked expensive. "You didn't need to get me these."

"I know I didn't need to, I just wanted to."

"Thank you." Was all she could muster up. She gave him a hug and they set back out for his place. Geno took out a pair of her earrings and put in the new ones. She put the old pair in the cup holder of the van so she wouldn't lose them. When they got home it was five o'clock. When they entered the house Mrs. Miller was already putting supper in the oven.

Later that evening after Mr. Miller got home; they had macaroni and cheese for supper. After supper that night they sat around the table and started to play a game of Texas hold'em.

"So Archie," said Mr. Miller, "you thought about screeching in Geno 'ere?"

"You got all the stuff here?" he replied.

"H'all but the puffin."

"We could leave it out I guess."

"I suppose we could."

"Screeching?" Geno asked. Coyotek had mentioned it but never told her what it was.

"It's a ceremony where we dub you an official Newfoundlander." Archie said matter-of-factly.

"Sounds like fun, when do we start?"

"What do you think dad? Leave poker for now and start the screeching?"

"I'm done with poker for the night. We could da that now h'and 'ave 'er all done by bed time I low."

"Then let's get her started." Archie said as he put down his cards. He and Mr. Miller clean up the cards while Mrs. Miller pulled out Geno's chair, with Geno still in it, and pushed it up against the wall. Mr. Miller grabbed a dark brown glass bottle and a shot glass while Archie put the repackaged deck of cards away. Than Archie and Mrs. Miller sat down in front of Geno on their chairs and waited for Mr. Miller, who went to the freezer, to return. When he came back he was holding a large frozen cod fish, a wide brimmed rubber hat, and an official looking piece of paper. He handed the paper to Geno, poured a shot of Screech, and put the hat on her head, leaving it on the table. He stood up next to Geno.

"We h'are gathered 'er today ta induct this deserving Mainlander inta the Loyal Order of Screechers. By the power invested in me, I now invite you ta become h'a part of that great family of Newfoundlanders that started over 500 years ago when John Cabot first landed 'ere. Those forefathers grew in numbers h'as they 'arvested the waters of the Atlantic that teemed with cod h'and caplin. The first music was the music of the sea h'and those of you living h'away, can 'ear the calling of the sea. Repeat h'after me, 'I 'ear the calling of the sea'." Geno repeated the phrase. "Promise ta say this each morning h'and each night." H'as our forefathers grew strong h'and robust from the food of the sea, we offer you h'a sample of that fish 'ere today." He put the cod in front of her face. "Repeat h'after me 'In cod we trust'." Geno again repeated the phrase. "Kiss the cod on ta lips." Geno closed her eyes and kissed it square on the lips. She could taste frozen fish on her lips. "H'after h'a 'ard days work our forefathers enjoyed the rum of the

island. This was discovered in the Carribbean Islands while they were selling their fish. Sample h'a jigger of Rum!" He handed her the shot and she once again drank the searing liquid. Like fire it burned, but she stifled the coughs. "h'after h'a few swigs of rum, you'll want to rant h'and roar h'and dance h'a jig. All join together to do a jig." Archie removed an mp3 player from his pocket and pressed a button on it. Music filled the room from it's internal speaker and they all got up to dance. It reminded Geno of the dance they did at the pub. She could remember the odd dance fairly clearly. She couldn't remember if it was the same song as before, but the lyrics 'Heave away' were repeated often. The dancing slowed and the music was lowered but it remained on. "H'as h'a official member of our line island, you must promise ta work hard, eat plenty of fish, enjoy our music, dance h'a jig and drink Newfoundland Screech. Do you promise?

"I Do!" Geno yelled loudly as she received another generous portion of Screech.

"Is you h'a Newfoundlander?" Mr. Miller said as he handed her the sheet of paper. She looked at it and read the first line. Which said just what Mr. Miller had just said. She read the second line out loud.

"Yes I is, me old cock, and long may your big jib draw!"Archie and Mrs. Miller cheered as Geno gulped one more shot of Screech.

"How does it feel to be a real Newfoundlander?" Archie laughed.

"It feels good." Geno laughed back. "But I think I'm ready for bed now."

"Yeah, I'm ready for bed too now."

"Good night you two." Mrs. Miller called out as she watched Geno and Archie walk up over the stairs.


Geno grabbed her pajamas and got changed while Archie was in the bathroom. When Archie got back, he crawled into the sleeping bag on the floor. There were only two bedrooms and his parents were still awake downstairs so he had nowhere else to sleep. He rustled around in his sleeping bag and finally pulled out his jeans and t-shirt. He rolled around in the bag and tried to get comfortable.

"You don't have to sleep on the floor."


"You don't have to sleep on the floor. You can come sleep with me."

Archie turned over to look at Geno. She pulled the covers up over her and patted the vacant space on the bed.

"You sure you don't mind?"

"I'm sure."

Archie gave a half shrug and climbed out of his sleeping bag. He rolled onto the bed and pulled the sheets up over him. Geno put both her hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. She pushed her lips to his and wrapped her arms further around him. It wasn't long before her kissed back. His hands around her waist, he pulled them together in a tight embrace.

Geno's hand slipped down to his waist. She rolled on top of him and straddled his hips. They parted lips as Geno sat up. She brought her arms down to her waist, and pulled shirt up and over her head. She tossed it to the floor and bent back down to lock lips again. His hands drifted down her back to the waist band of her fleece pajama pants. Her hands met his, and she encouraged them further. His forefinger caught the band while the rest of his hands ventured below. He massaged her firm rump slowly, while their tongues wrapped around each other. He began to lower his hands further and the pants came down with them.

Geno felt the cold air hit her ever moistening slit. It sent a shiver up her spine that tingled all the way to her brain. Archie continued pulled the pants off slowly, tracing a line with the blunt claw of his middle finger. When his body stopped fabric from moving down any further, Geno lifted her left leg and pulled it further up. She let him pull the waist band down and off her leg before she kicked it off the other. They held tight again, and turned once more, this time putting Archie on top. Geno pulled her legs up and hooked her claws into the waist band on the side. Using her legs she pulled his boxers down to his knees. His member was now erect and poking out of its sheath. He lay down on top of her and she pushed them the rest of the way off.

Slowly he inched his way down, leaving tender kisses in a straight line as he went. He reached her pelvis and slowed down even. The kisses were barely a centimeter apart. By the time he reached her awaiting nether regions, she was wriggling with anticipation. He could feel her heat, he could smell her sex, and all of it drove him crazy for more. He kissed his way down the slit and back up till his cold wet nose touched her clitoris. The shock cause Geno to jump a little, so to warm it back up he gave it a tender lick. She sighed and started to grinded herself on his tongue. Groans of ecstasy escaped her throat and she put a hand on his head to encourage him to like faster. When he was up to speed she massaged his ears. The constant assault of his tongue was unbearable, and she hadn't gotten release in days. Her muscles began to tense up and her legs began to shudder slightly. She was getting very close. Her breathing quickened, she huffed air in and out at an amazing rate, then she held her breath. He could feel her muscle spasms before he felt the flood for juices coat his chin.

Geno was still shaking a little when she began to tug Archie's head up towards her own. She could take more, and she wanted something a little thicker than his tongue.

When they locked lips again, Geno could taste herself on his breath. It was good. She used her hands now to guide his member to her awaiting lips. She couldn't see it in the dark. But it sure felt big. Maybe six and a half inches long, she couldn't tell how big around, but when she got him started she didn't care, all she cared about right then was that it was big enough to stretch her. He started slow and rhythmic; he made long strokes and put force into each one. She could hear the slap of his balls on her ass. The feeling was breath taking.

He began to speed up and so did their breathing. He went faster and faster. Soon he was pumping into her like a piston. It was all she could do to hold on to the bed as hard as she could. He breast bounced to the same speed as their love making. Archie felt Geno shudder again, and he wasn't far off either. He kept his tempo, she held out as long as she could, and then they both climaxed like the 1812 overture. Mouths open, muscles tightened and convulsing, they stayed in that position. She felt shot after shot of his hot man seed spatter her walls, and he felt her clamp down on his member to milk him for all he was worth.

By the time they were done, they were both exhausted. Archie collapsed on top of her, and Geno didn't have the energy to turn them over.


After that, the days seemed to meld together, by day Geno and Archie roamed the town, by night they continued the pub crawl, they finished off with a strip club on Geno's last night. It was a fun week. But like all great vacations, it ended too quickly. By Friday morning she was in the airport with Archie waiting for her plane. They parted with a hug, a kiss and a smile before she went through security. They didn't make a fuss. Geno was through security fairly quickly. May wasn't a busy time, and before she knew it she was on the plane. She was sitting in on the far right with a vacant seat to her left. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice that she couldn't quite make out. Loud foot steps got closer to her and then a black bear sat down next to her.

"I remember you." The bear said. "We danced together at O'Reilly's. Do you remember?"

"No sorry I don't, what's your name again?" Geno said. She'd been to all the pubs and she remembered dancing with someone. Maybe this was the same guy.

"Me, my name's Jim." The large black bear said with a smile.