And The Ants Go Marching On (Cleaner)

Story by Omolaud on SoFurry

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In the not too distant future in a world not too unlike our own, something horrendous happened on the moon. What it is that happened is not for this story to tell, only the results are revealed. Genetic abominations were created in lunar research facilities. The Abominations claimed the facilities, then declared war on earth below. This is not however the story of the war nor is it the story of the moon, or even the abominations. This is the story of the dregs of humanity after the world has fallen to horror and chaos.

(Extra clean version...)


We'd laughed. Government propaganda meant scare the population, but was too out there to even contemplate. We mocked those who believed, those who let fear rule them. Monsters on the moon. Creatures from outer space. They didn't tell us the truth, didn't tell us that_we made those monsters_! We wouldn't have believed them anyway.

We'd laughed, even as the broadcast came denouncing humanity. It was just some Hollywood quality production. What was really going on, we wanted to know. Factitious governments trying to wrest control back into their hands. Nation blocs on the edge of war perhaps? The broadcast was madness, unbelievable.

We'd laughed--and then the rocks fell. You didn't need a degree in physics to understand what it meant. Kinetic energy is simple, throw something hard enough and it will hit hard enough to kill. Newton's laws writ large. Throw a rock from high enough orbit, and gravity will pull on it until that kinetic energy is enough to wipe a city from the earth. We laughed until we cried, until we lost friends and loved ones by the thousands.

We'd cried until the ships arrived. Tens of thousands of inhuman soldiers. Bio-engineered monstrosities. Civilian armaments could not readily penetrate their natural armor. Human military had already been crippled. What police force survived was quickly overrun.

We'd cried--until we could only scream. Humanity had fallen to their own creation and screams filled the streets of the surviving cities. Differences no longer mattered, any age was taken, the innocent and the guilty, white black and anything in between. All were dragged from their homes, from where they hid, from where they cowered. All were dragged into the streets and put to uses most horrific.

1 - The Bunker

Jim gestured at the screen, "See how it's antenna turns toward the camera? See the spacing of the spurs? Natural radio, I'm sure of it! That bastard can detect electronics as easily as you or I can spot a flashlight in the dark." His hands shook.

I stared as he spoke, empty inside. I'd lost everything, everyone I held dear, everyone who had ever mattered to me. On the screen was a trio of ants. There were other names for them of course--official names, complex names--but they were ants. Each ant was the size of a middling horse, black as night, and impossibly strong. As I watched, they flipped a car to uncover a manhole, then tore the street itself apart bit by bit until one of them could fit down in. There were others, wasps I'd seen too, perhaps others. A moment later the video died with a sputter of static. "They cut the feed."

"Yeah," Jim agreed, he sounded almost as lost and empty as I. "We... we need to shut down everything."

"It's too late! Don't you realize that? Why do you think they cut the feed?!" I could hear panic in my voice, pitched toward desperation.

My head fell back as he struck me, not a hard slap, just enough to cut through. "Stop it Cassie! They aren't here yet, we don't know that they will ever be. We can survive without power for a few days... by then they might be gone, you know?"

I stared up at him with hand upon my cheek. He was as panicked and desperate as I, but at least he wanted to do something about it. "Right... Okay..." I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. "Breakers, behind the server rack in the fourth room on the right."

"Right." He started toward the door.

I warned him, "The air will get quite stale in here, but there are manual vents we can use next week to refresh." I rose to my feet, my knees shook, I could almost feel those saber like pincers on the back of my neck. "I'll go tell the others," I told him as he exited.

The Bunker was a holdover from ancient times, bought by the university for a long term server farm that could be protected in the most extreme events. Jim and I were simply students, students who had the luck of taking our turn manning the systems when the rocks fell. It'd been my idea to bring survivors in, a few wholesome looking individuals we'd witnessed wandering in the dust choked streets.

I followed him out, but took the right hall toward the mess. Behind me the heavy door bang shut and latched. I was not looking forward to navigating in the dark, place was hard to maneuver through at the best of times. Low ceilings, strong angular archways, and lead core steel doors with latches that stuck and hinges that groaned.

I pushed my way into the mess and looked around at the numerous little clusters of blankets and sleeping bags. It was well organized, I'd seen to that, but now I saw how futile and pathetic it really was. "Alright, listen up!" I shouted to get attention. "We have discovered a tactical advantage the enemy has over us. Those bugs can sense radio waves. That means mobiles, computers, and even flash lights. Turn em off, pull the batteries. Jim is about to cut power to the bunker itself. The next week or two, we will be living in complete darkness, understood? We cannot afford the oxygen budget to light a match, and to flip a flashlight on might bring them down on us. Got it?"

The faces that looked back at me, I'd never seen a people so haunted. Weeks in the dark? My stomach quaked with the thought! But I stood strong and stared back at them, tried to appear a solid rock to which they could cling. In the back of my mind though, I saw those ants chewing their way down from the streets above, right through the very ceiling of this room. I saw those black saber pincers closing on necks, I saw... I blinked away the thought and nodded to everyone, just before the facility power died and darkness came for good.

2 - Deepest Dark

I didn't judge. I didn't blame them for taking whatever comfort they could. In the dark, I listened, knees to my chest, fingers laced over shins. I had my back to a corner with a blanket draped over my shoulders, and listened. At least two couples. They tried to be quiet, tried to muffle their whimpers and moans. They had thought the room empty. It wasn't like I'd answered when they knocked.

I listened and felt the emptiness grow inside. It wasn't that I wanted to join them, or even find another to stab his flesh against mine--I could have. I just could not stop thinking of the future, or its lack. Those women, moaning in the dark. Those men spilling their seed... Could they imagine what a future would be like for their children? They probably didn't even consider the possibility.

Someone gasped through teeth clenched upon a lip, her partner groaned, breath hitched, then gasped. My own uterus clenched in sympathy while a sickness threatened to rise in my gut. My underwear were sticky already, even as I wanted to vomit. I felt so twisted up inside, but I couldn't stop the visions of those monsters and what they did, what they were going to do to us all.

In time the others left, the scent of their pleasure however lingered upon the stale air--as did my own lust and fear. In fact, the entire bunker smelled foul with unwashed bodies. It'd only been two days we estimated since we cut power, we had another four or five until we had to open the vents. I didn't know if I could bare it.

The cold walls behind me felt solid, but in my mind they were little more than paper to be torn through. We were in a trap, a fish in a barrel with no where to swim free. More than once I'd thought of simply opening the front door and running into the night, but I knew better. No one could run from the monsters, but neither could they hide...

The door groaned again open. Another couple, come to find a private place to fornicate? I didn't know if I could endure it. "Cassie? You in here?" Jim.

"Yeah..." I whispered.

"I brought you some food. Hard to keep track of time but..."

My stomach felt empty, I'd not wanted to put anything in it for fear of it coming back up. It would be stupid to waste food in a situation like this. "I'm alright. I'll come by when I feel like I can eat."

"You said that yesterday. You never did," He pointed out.

"Not a lie, still don't feel like I can eat anything."

He approached slowly, banged his head on the angular wall, swore, then crouched before me. I could feel him like a muffled void in the clawing darkness, a comforting void. "Come on Cassie, you know better than that. If you don't eat you'll become a burden on others. They need you strong."

I snapped, "what if I don't want to be strong? I'm at home in a fucking server farm, not el presidente! I don't even like people."

"Too bad Madam President, your people need you. Now eat," he ordered. His hand fell upon my breast, then jerked up to my shoulder. To my surprise, it felt nice to... to be touched. "Sorry."

I reached up and laid my hand over his, then laced fingers, "No, don't be. I'm sorry... I'll eat."

The food was cold dry oatmeal soaked in cold water until edible. Nothing fancy, but it filled the gap I'd let fester in my stomach. I discovered my appetite after only two spoonfuls, and cleaned the bowl quickly. Jim sat at my side, shoulder to shoulder, a quiet presence I'd grown comfortable in. He too was a quiet nerd who spent most of his time fiddling with database tables and SQL queries, just as out of his depth and comfort zone as I.

Carefully I set the bowl down and reached out. I found his thigh, then arm, and followed that to his hand. "Thanks," I repeated. Suddenly, I was one of those other girls, no thought in my head about the future, no consideration of consequences. I wanted him to hold me, I wanted him to drive the nightmares from this dark abyss. I felt like crying, or moaning, or... something. The intensity of the emotion was more than I could bare and I didn't have the tools necessary to express myself.

"Do you wanna..." Jim began.

"Yes!" I interrupted.

"...go back to the mess?" He finished.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Huh? What...?"

I flushed deep red and looked away, as if he could have seen my burning cheeks in the dark. "Nothing, I'm just going a little crazy down here."

In absolute silence, he took his hand from mine and laid it to rest on my stomach, just above my navel. I flinched. His hand lowered, touched my thigh, touched both of them. I parted my legs and said nothing. His palm cupped my crotch. He could feel the sodden mess I'd made of my slacks. I still said nothing, just sat there, heart racing.

He broke the silence at last, "You are very wet." It was about the least sexy thing he could have said.

"Uh-huh," I grunted back at him.

"Do you want me to..."


He asked, "You sure?"

I reached down, bold as I could possibly be, and laid my hand firmly upon his crotch. I could feel his erection through his jeans, it strained hard against the seam, and there was a damp spot over the head. I gave him a firm squeeze of affirmation, but couldn't think of a single word to say. He accepted my offering with a huff of breath. His hand left my sex, cold now without his warmth. I heard him rustle about, the jangle of his belt buckle, then the rip of his zipper.

With sudden realization of what I was doing and what was about to happen, I rose to a crouch and pulled the blanket down from my shoulders, then began to undo my own pants. I was awkward, hasty, and desperate, but in no time flat I was naked from the waist down and upon my back with the wrinkled blanket under me.

Jim fumbled in the dark until he found me, his warm hands traced finger-lines across my ribs, his palm cupped a breast, his other found my cheek. He didn't ask anymore, he didn't hesitate, he crawled on top of me and jabbed his penis against my stomach. A wet smear was left behind as he shifted and dragged himself down between my legs, to the snarled thatch of sodden pubic hair. Then he was inside of me.

It was a sharp, minor sting as he stretched my hymen open and tore it. He was thick, not terribly long, but very thick. I refused to make a noise as he entered me, just bit my lip and clung to him. He didn't need to know, he just needed to hold me, that was all I really wanted. I trembled in his arms as he did, tears ran down my cheeks, I buried my face in his chest.

It felt good, uncomfortable and a little painful, but so very good too. He filled me, touched me in places I'd only read about, and held me in the most intimate and primal embrace humanity could offer. I clung to him, raised my hips to meet his thrusts, even forced myself to moan for him. I might have even climaxed for him like those other girls for their partners, I might have...

The ceiling cracked under a hollow boom. Lightning like streaks illuminated the room. Above me Jim thrust and groaned then stopped as he bottomed out and looked up. I felt blind, my eyes shut tight, so long in the dark; sunlight was too much. Another boom and a chunk fell away to crash into the middle of the room. We were bathed in sunlight briefly before the first ant forced it's way inside. We didn't even have a chance to flee.

Eyes closed, I didn't see Jim torn from me, only felt his clinging embrace as he was dragged up and away. Oddly, my first thought was that he'd never even gotten to climax, a strange mournful pity. Then I too felt iron hard pincers close on my neck, and I was dragged from the floor and passed up into broad daylight. Into a darkness deeper than the Bunker. I fell to my knees in the dusty grass, dropped there. My nightmare had become reality.

3 - Violation

By ones and twos the inhabitants were dragged screaming from the depths of the hillside. I watched, hollow inside. People I'd known only briefly, faces full of fear. Those who fought, were killed on the spot and eaten before our eyes. It was a gruesome lesson I'd already learned through watching the video feeds. Those pincers, those horrible black sword blades, all it took was a little snick and a head fell to the dirt, the body soon following. The sound of their feast was worse, sinew tore with pops and snaps, muscle slurped free, organs fell out and were devoured in wet huffs.

I just knelt, naked from the waist down in a muddy puddle of my own piss. My eyes met others, then looked away. I'd given them hope, fed them lies. Soon we would be divided, then marched off into the wilderness or carried away upon wasp wings. I knew very little about the others, the wasps, I'd only seen them briefly as they dragged men and a few women into the sky.

Just like normal ants, they had six limbs. Unlike normal ants, the middle two limbs were more like arms with strong hands attached. There was a new type however, somewhere between human, mantis, and ant. She moved between her kin like a queen, short but proudly upright. Unlike her kin, she had four aft legs, and the two front limbs were almost human like arms. I might not have noticed her at all, but she came right up to me and folded her arms before her chest. Her face was utterly inhuman, but possessed an almost familiar mouth, a mouth that spoke. "You are their leader, it is obvious."

I stared up at this monster, her English slightly accented, like a southern belle. But her eyes, dark things you could find no humanity in... I felt a chill spread through my gut. I would have voided my bladder a second time, had there been anything left in it. I realized, she expected a response, "Y-yes."

"Good, that makes things easier." Her antenna twitched and another ant, slightly larger than the others, approached. "Slaves, gather around!" She called out to the others. Some had to be prodded by our captors, others needed no extra encouragement. "Your leader is going to show you the way. The only way to survive. Any resistance, any argument, any fight..." she glanced over toward the stain of blood and tumble of bones in the dirt, "You will only wish we ate you." There were murmurs, quiet sobs, whimpers, but no outcry, no argument. "Good, that's what I like to hear."

I stared up at her, terrified and confused. "What are you going to do to us?" I asked, my voice sounded stronger than I felt, but something about all those eyes upon me, I couldn't let them down.

"I believe in demonstration, words are far too weak and so very full of deceit." She stepped away and the large ant approached. I lost her in the crowd but heard her speak in low tones to another.

I looked from her to him, his black glassy eyes as empty of empathy as hers. His fierce pincers were smaller than the others, but no less sharp or strong. Quietly I debated which was worse, the unknown to come, or simple death, beheading wasn't the worst way to go. My deliberation took too long though. He walked over me and those middle hands reached down and grasped me about the waist. His fingers were like cold iron, sharp and angular, but he was careful not to slice me apart. Instead, he dragged me up and over, I fell back into the dirt, and watched my hips raised into the air. Soon I dangled from his grasp, only head and shoulders in the reeking mud.

It wasn't hard to grasp what was to come. The conquerors had come to pillage, to burn, and now... His large abdomen angled down, segmented plates slid as it curled in, under him and between my dangling legs. The tip of that abdomen was a folded bud of plates that opened to reveal a pair of gray flesh puckers. Before my eyes the upper one pulsated, then bulged outward, it unrolled like a rolled up sock or a fleshy condom from within. A limp drape of flesh swelled and bulged, sticky strands of yellow mucous fell from his flesh as it emerged. He jerked forward and slapped a wet smear of his sticky wetness across my stomach and pubic mound. The stench was incredible, sour bile and bitter acrid, my eyes watered, my nose burned, and my skin itched where he tainted me.

The erection took only twenty or thirty seconds to emerge, and by the end a sticky spire of flesh protruded. It was nothing remotely human like in appearance, with ribbed lines encircling it at intervals and a head like a rose shaped fist of slimy flesh. He stabbed his abdomen down and that phallus landed directly against my passage. A passage that had only an hour before been virginal. His erection was wider than my upper arm, but it squished and molded like dough in plastic.

I shuddered violently as his head nestled between my labia and smeared mucous into my pubic mound. My entrance, wounds still fresh, stung as he deformed and smooshed his way inside. His flesh felt cold and greasy. The strings of slime clung to my inner walls as his flesh reinflated to fill every available extent. His whole erection was over a half meter, and he sank more than I could have expected inside. He smashed himself against my cervix, that rose like fist curled around and nestled against. Ribs of flesh throbbed and swelled within and acted like seals.

I just stared in abject horror as he raped me. I'd never felt something like this, never imagined something so disgusting. Then his abdomen jerked down, smashed his rubbery flesh into me, and I felt a slippery mash of congealed precum eject from him against my cervix. I threw my head back then, away, no wish to see any more. But it was no help.

Thrust after thrust, short and powerful, he ground his disgusting erection into my once pure vagina, and befouled me. Precum and lubricants dribbled between my ass cheeks and ran in yellow rivulets down my stomach to my breasts. My gut heaved until empty, my body rejected his pleasure and felt none of it's own. I wanted to die, wanted to resist, but when my eyes found the strange upright mantid girl, I saw only glee and pleasure upon her face. She would be sure to make whatever death I endured, worse than life. Yes, I realized then and there, there were worse things I could yet succumb to.

That little spark of understanding, that little notion, damned me. I suddenly wanted to live, but not only live, I wanted very much not to know what twisted little fantasy resided behind my captor's eyes. Around me the human dregs I'd rescued, watched on in horror. Watched me lose control, watched me thrash and scream, sob and beg. I felt shame then, shame for letting them down, shame for giving them hope, and shame for such a pathetic and pitiful display.

Quietly, I told the big ant above me, "I surrender." I didn't know if he could even hear, it didn't matter. My hands reached up, and grasped his slick flesh as it slopped and slurped its way back and forth inside me. So, this was how I survived? This was my purpose? To be raped by monsters? I grit my teeth and started to masturbate him and myself. My fingers found my clit, soaked in slime, and I tried desperately to find pleasure in hell. His flesh squished between my fingers and caught on the ribs, when it did, he spasmed. Inside I felt his rose bloom against my cervix.

I felt sick, even as a spark of heat ignited in my core. I masturbated as he raped me, and pleasured him as best I could. But I could not watch! I looked away, to the crowd as they watched me, to the other ants, and to her.

Aloud I told them all, "She says, this is how we survive." I shuddered, visibly as a dribble of precum oozed it's way from my fowled vulva and splattered into the dirt. "It is as unpleasant as it looks. But if we can survive, there is always hope!" That little bit of hope, that little bit of emphasis, I rolled my clit between my fingers and drifted up into orgasm.

I moaned before everyone, thrashed and bucked, drove the monstrous ant into me, and milked him in my trembling fist. I'd never felt such shame or humiliation before, never felt so valueless. I climaxed before two dozen humans, and twice that many monsters. And so too did he. His rose swelled again, larger, so large in fact that I felt like I was being torn open. His ribs bulged and locked in place, as hard as clenched muscle. Then he shuddered, his abdomen twitched, and a violent throb shook his sloppy spire. A second later cold semen blasted against my cervix, forced its way into my womb, then overflowed and gushed a few meters across the dusty grass. A second blast followed, and I felt myself cramping as I was overfilled and strained beyond belief. My belly bulged around him, and his load of genetic filth.

My eyes returned to that bulge, to stare at his dick, at his sheath, at his abdomen. It sank in for real then, that this was my life now, that this was my purpose. No servers, no programming, no dry research papers. He ejaculated a third time and I watched the pale-yellow semen as it rolled down my stomach to stain my bunched up shirt and breasts. Then I came again without assistance as his fourth ejaculation hammered against my uterus.

I rolled through that orgasm, each thrust pushed my peak higher, each deluge he pumped into me, left me breathless. I'd never felt so aroused, never felt so satisfied. I never wanted it to end. It did. My hips landed in a puddle of his cum, legs sprawled open. His blooming rose throbbed in the warm air above me, gray flesh soaked in yellow slime. He twitched, abdomen flexed, urethra gaped open and another blast of ejaculate sprayed across my face and chest. I realized, he did it on purpose, his eyes focused on me, he'd aimed to humiliate.

I licked my lips, as I returned his gaze. Bitter as the worst medication, sour as a lemon, disgusting. I didn't care. I stared back at him, wiped his filthy mess off my chin and cheek, and licked those digits clean. "I serve." I told him, quietly. Then looked to the horrified people, "We will serve, do you understand? What ever they desire, we will serve." I could imagine how I looked, fierce and triumphant. I didn't say it aloud, didn't even think it to myself, but behind those words I told them, we would be free.

"Good slave, you learn your place quickly!" the mantid girl told me, hands clasped before her chin. "Are you hungry? There wasn't much in your stomach, and what there was, you lost!"

I looked back up at her, then nodded, voice flat and empty I told her, "Yes. I am very hungry." I knew, whatever she intended, I would not enjoy it.

She grinned, my heart sank, so did her abdomen as she strode forward on four legs, then squatted. The large ant backed away to give her room. I stared up at her back end, at another similar bud of plates. They opened and she pressed her tip down against my face. Her vulva bulged out above her sphincter, swelled against the armored plates, and distended. She was far smaller than the ant, in fact the whole tip of her abdomen fit easily between my lips.

I closed my eyes, raised my hands to her rear, and cradled it as she swelled into my mouth. A clotted, sloppy wet mixture gushed free against my tongue. Sour and bitter, but also sweet. It tasted almost like semen smelled as well, not that I'd ever given a man oral before. My gorge rose empty, I tried to swallow but couldn't, she swelled further. My mind stared back at me, horrified. My mouth full of her, my womb full of his semen. I shuddered once, then as another gush of sickly-sweet slime washed against my throat, I swallowed.

She cooed at me, then mocked, "See how good your leader is? She is a born slave! Feast of me! Feast and be fulfilled!" Her vagina bulged against my throat, unrolled into an ovipositor and slopped into me, until she was unloading her nectar straight down my gullet. I swallowed and swallowed, my stomach bulged further. She everted more and more, though I gagged and choked, she forced herself down my throat while her abdomen twitched and pulsed under my fingers.

Then, the first egg pushed it's way down her passage, between my tonsils, then into my awaiting esophagus. I shuddered in horror, but refused to resist. I swallowed. Her egg laid heavy in my stomach, then another, and another. Small, round, and hard. A dozen or more were laid while the unaware watched. They saw me feast, saw me pleasure her, they didn't see her unborn offspring take nest inside. She watched with such intense scrutiny, as if seeking some hint of resistance, or perhaps shock and surprise. Was she so surprised that I would submit to her?

My mind spun with the possible outcomes. Larvae born from eggs, would they eat flesh or intestinal contents? Would I vomit up or crap out maggots? Would they burrow their way from my bloated corpse? I started to weep, even as I swallowed from her bowels and womb. My hands lowered to my own abdomen, clutched at my swollen gut. I could still feel insectile ejaculate dribble from my filthy sex. I wondered if the eggs were fertile, or if another would come to fertilize them. I didn't know if I could endure it.

Breath was short, barely a bubble and slurp between each egg she laid. I felt dizzy and my vision tunneled. She was at last done though, I choked her last egg down as she retracted her freshly cleaned ovipositor from my mouth and stepped away. "Oh yes! Good girl, aren't you satisfied now?" Her voice was weak, exhausted, but I think I saw genuine affection in her.

I looked back up at her, a wasted wreck of a human, a traitor perhaps. "Will I live?" I asked, everyone else would assume I meant, did I serve well enough. But she knew what I asked, she knew well, and grinned as she told me, "We will see, wont we?" I shuddered, closed my eyes, and tried to forget the world. I felt so full, and so disgusting. I wasn't sure I even cared anymore.

4 - Feeding Time

The wasps came. Up close they were even more terrifying than the ants or the mantid girl. They rounded up most of the men, Jim was left behind, a couple other scrawny guys. They also took the heftiest three women for their own. Each was stripped naked and laid face down in the dirt. Then I watched as the wasps stabbed their fierce dagger like stingers into the rump of each they had claimed, one for each wasp. The victims screamed of course, but no blood welled from the wound. Instead, the wound swelled like a bee sting, then their rears swelled shortly after.

I watched, helpless and forlorn, as men and women screamed their throats raw and clawed at the dirt until their bodies went limp. They were not dead though, no, their eyes moved, breath came shallow and quick, and their mouths formed mute words, but they were helpless. Those eyes, staring, those eyes full of terror and hatred, those eyes would haunt me for the rest of my life. I'd given those eyes hope, I'd given them lies. I did not look away from my failure and shame. I met each gaze and quietly said goodbye.

The wasps left, and with them left the limp human bodies, carried away upon the wind. I watched them go and knew I'd never see any one of them again. I didn't know much about insects, but I'd heard things, read the occasional article. The wasps, they had the coloring of tarantula hawks. The notable feature of the tarantula hawk, was what it did to the tarantula. Stung it, rendered it helpless, then dragged it back home to lay their eggs upon it's body. The tarantula was eaten alive, helpless, by the wasp's larvae until they chewed their way to traumatic horrific birth.

Some one had created these monsters, someone had thought through the consequences of mixing human and wasp genetics, someone had made these things to be monsters. I looked toward the mantid girl as she rounded up the remaining fifteen of us. Four men, ten women, and I, whatever I had become. I carefully rose to my feet. A cohesive glob of semen slipped free of my womanhood and splatted atop my foot. I didn't bother even trying to clean it off. I'd never felt so empty, or been so full.

We marched, or perhaps more aptly, we stumbled forth into the suburbs. Behind us, the city was a crater, only the edges of it had survived the inferno of the kinetic bombardment. Before us, empty houses glared back with accusation. The monsters had spent weeks rounding up the survivors and only we had remained, hidden in our bunker until the very end. How many tens of thousands had already endured what we were about to?

I felt guilt for fighting, guilt for my attempt at escape, my attempt to hide from a fate we had all been destined for. It was strange, that guilt, I hadn't wronged anyone in these empty homes, it wasn't my fault the monsters had come... I wept silent tears as I stumbled forward through the dust choked streets. My feet bled, my throat raw, my nose packed with dirt. I was not the first to drop. It was late at night, with no rest to be had, when the first woman stumbled, a thin thing that had been homeless before the bombardment. She collapsed into the street and could not again rise. One of the ants gently took her into his arms and cradled her under him... then as he marched, he began to rape her, all through the night. We could barely see by the star light, but we could hear her quiet sobs and the wet splatters as he used her.

No one else fell. Though we stumbled, though we cried, no one dared give themselves up to one of the beasts so easily. We struggled on in an vain attempt to avoid our fates for as long as possible. Even I, who had already endured, felt compelled to resist.

Dawn broke as clouds formed in the sky. The stars vanished and light spread until at last the brilliant sun peeked over the horizon; bloody red. Our march halted abruptly as the mantid girl turned to face us and clapped her hands, "Gather around now slaves, it is time to eat!" We looked from one to another, most didn't quite understand. We had no food, there was nothing but dust and scraggly plants along side the road. I understood, so did Jim, our eyes met, then he quickly looked away. I felt a strange sense of loss at that.

Around us the ants gathered, the smaller ones mostly with the large saber like mandibles. I however was approached by the mantid, her sweet grin full of amusement. She spoke to me, quiet so as not to be overheard, "The first feeding is such an exciting event. Shall we sit and watch? Don't worry my nestling, I'll keep you well fed until your time has come. You are mine." He words were punctuated by her hand at the back of my neck, a gentle squeeze with each.

So, I sat between her legs on the hood of a forgotten car, and watched. She held me, her arms about my waist, fingers between my legs, ever so gently toying with my messy, caked pubic mound. To my astonishment, it felt--good. My depths clenched and juices began to flow while I looked on. People had just begin to put two and two together as the ants paired off. A woman thrashed and beat her fists against the one who claimed her. Even as the ant's hands gripped her face and thumbs forced their way between her teeth, she fought.

"Worry not little nest, we expect fight. No matter what we say, they always struggle against the inevitable. Those are the females, soldiers, you see. They have such delicious nectar to give not as delicate and delicious as mine of course!" She tittered as digits forced their way up into my defiled hole. Involuntary spasms clenched upon her fingers and my gave a half roll. "You like my nectar, don't you? Don't lie to me now nestling..."

I shuddered in revolted memory of her sweet, sour, and bitter flavor. I could still taste it at the back of my throat half a day later. I started to lie, but stopped myself, "No..." I told her, then flinched as her fingers curled in my cunt and gouged flesh. I admitted, still, "It was horrible." Her grip relaxed and she resumed her gentle fingering.

"Good nest, never lie, never a deceit shall pass your lips, understood? I hate lies, so very much."

I nodded faintly as my hips rocked and depths clenched, "I won't." I would. Her thumb came down on my clit, the sharp point of her claw pierced my sensitive flesh like a knife. I howled and jerked away from her grasp, but she held tight.

"That was a deceit, nestling. We both know you will lie to me. You are only human, with only a mouth, which spews lies like wastewater from sickened bowels." As she spoke, that resistant woman at last had her mouth pierced by the soldier ant's prick. It was much smaller yet longer than the fleshy penis I'd been raped with, and I watched her throat bulge as it was forced straight down to her belly. Then the ant's abdomen began to clench and twitch. The woman's stomach bulged, then bulged again and again as she was fed.

"I'm s-sorry," I told the mantid with breathy shudders as she withdrew her thumb from the gaping wound she'd made in my vulva. Upon her digit was a lump of bloody flesh, my clit. She flicked it away as I trembled in agony and terror. I was nothing to her but a nest, my pain, my pleasure, just amusements for her.

She nodded her head at me, an exaggerated motion, "Yes, I am sure you are. Keep watching now nestling, watch all those who looked up to you as they succumb."

Through pain and tears, I watched. Jim had knelt on his own, submitted, and though he heaved and gagged upon the flesh fed down his throat, he did not fight. The ant didn't even hold his head in place, she just offered him her back end and he accepted it. Others were not so submissive, others fought, some hard enough that it took two to keep them in place. The first woman was limp and sobbing as she clutched at her engorged stomach and, strangely, her crotch. The ant released her, and he fell to hands and knees, retched, and spewed milky green into the dirt. It did her no good however, as soon as she had recovered, she was forcefed again, and again, until she kept the sludge down. She wasn't the only one either. Jim though, clutched at his mouth when it was over, eyes shut and body shook, but he did not lose his breakfast. I also noticed, he was erect, painfully erect, his penis drooling a constant stream of precum into the dirt.

"Almost done it seems, you were a good example to them!" She told me. Her fingers withdrew from my blood and lust soaked folds, she wiped them dry on my breast, then took me by the shoulders and turned me about. "Your turn!"

She guided me to the ground, off the car hood, then stood up again and brought her abdomen forward. I stared at it, then up at her as her flesh swelled open for me. "Thank you for the food," I told her, politely, and in some strange way meant it. I was not lying, I was thankful and oh how I hated myself for that gratitude I felt. Especially as the agony between my legs continued to throb.

I nestled my face into her sticky back end, wrapped my lips around her swollen vagina, then began to nurse. Her fingers curled into my matted hair as I did, I pleasured her as she let her nectar flow free across my tongue. She didn't evert like the first time, there were no eggs to lay, I got the full sickly-sweet blast of her "nectar" against my tongue, and drank. She fed me a slow trickle, only punctuated by her involuntary spasms as I pleasured her, each resulted in a overflowing mouthful. Her fluids filled my sinuses, choked my throat, and bloated my gut. I did my best to keep it down.

Before long her glands were as empty as I was full, but I continued to please her. I nursed and licked, suckled and nipped. She gasped and panted above me as she played in my hair, as her back end thrust and bobbed against my face. I pleased her as best I could, even as the pain between my legs grew unbearable and tears rained down my cheeks. I would survive, I told myself over and over, I would make her love me, make her want me around, make myself valuable to her!

She came, violently. Hair was pulled from my scalp, and her vagina mashed against the back of my throat, as her abdomen twitched and bucked. Splatters of nectar and mucous filled my mouth and throat, and I just swallowed. She could have broken my neck easily, but she reigned herself in at the last second and tore her abdomen from my mouth. It struck the car hood and bent it in two as a sticky green smear splattered upon the bumper.

She came down from the high I'd given her, and stared at me with a strange smile. I felt odd, to say the least, pain throbbed between my legs, my belly bloated, womb ached, and a confusion of warmth and lust radiated from my core. I stared back up at her, saw her hideous body, inhuman face with almost human lips, and felt desperate lust. "There... there's something in what you are feeding us," I realized, "Something to make us..."

"Clever nestling," She panted, "Yes, that is correct. In time, you won't be able to fight even if you wanted to." Her hand returned to my aching scalp and teased through my matted tresses, "In time, you will love me with every fiber of your being."

I stood, slowly. I reached, even slower, to take her face in my hands. She was so tall that I had to stand on aching tip toes to reach. But I cupped her cheeks and ran my dirty thumbs over her almost human mouth. "You are hideous, cruel, and terrifying. But... Will you ever love me?" I felt strange, I knew I was manipulating her, yet I was not lying. I knew whatever chemicals they produced that influenced me so hard, I had no resistance. Painful as my sex was at the moment, I would have let any of them claim my womb again and again on the spot! And it would get worse, so much worse. I would forget my humanity entirely soon, I could feel it. "Can you love me as more than just your nest?"

Her hand rose to mine upon her cheek, gently she touched me, inscrutable eyes stared. Her mouth worked under my thumbs, then she pushed my hands away and stood fully upright, "Time to march slaves! We have a long day ahead of us. We will rest again at noon!" She left me without answer, curious haste in her movements. I had upset her. Behind her back, I grinned and slipped a hand down between my legs, to touch. I stopped short as my finger caressed the gape where my clit had been, caked blood and re-hydrated semen clung to my fingers.

I realized of course, that I was probably going to get a severe infection and die. I realized this, and the pain left me breathless, but I felt weirdly pleased. She had left her mark on me, no matter how many nests she had, this one bore her mark. I shook my head, confused by my own notions. My self reflection wasn't me, but a thing, a nest, her nest... I felt no regret or discomfort at that thought. What the hell had she done to my thoughts?

5 - Confrontation

I woke at dawn of the fourth day. Someone's knee was draped over my face, my own elbow was in some one else's crotch, all of us had passed out, exhausted atop one another. I slowly and carefully extracted myself from the mass of humanity and crawled out into the open air. We'd been given rest in the shell of an old barn. On the field before it, mostly corn stubble, rested a dozen of our captors, while others restlessly patrolled.

I wasn't dead, nor was I mad. My sex still ached, but the wound had scabbed over. Against the side of the barn I squatted and relieved myself. My stomach was full and hard, I looked three months pregnant, and the cramps were worse than yesterday. Voided, I used the dry dirt to wipe myself as clean and dry as this world would allow. My bowels were watery and loose, but not nearly as bad as the others. That first day after feeding, everyone had collapsed in the street, vomiting and shitting themselves between cries of horror. I'd just stood there with a slight stomach ache. The ants had watched on without complaint, then returned us to marching until it was time to feed again.

I however felt stronger than ever. I had an energy like nothing I'd ever experienced before that bubbled just below my muscles. My feet had healed, and I started to jog instead of march. As my troops flagged with illness and exhaustion, I encouraged them on. It was sick and twisted, but as they weakened, I strengthened.

Away from the barn I found one of the soldiers on patrol. She gave me a look, then approached as I knelt in the dirt. Her nectar was sweet and pungent against my tongue and filled my belly to the brim. Even after I was full, I continued to nuzzle and nurse at her sticky passage. They truly enjoyed it, just as much as the mantid girl. I gave her vagina such an intimate and loving kiss. I licked, I sucked, I nuzzled and stroked, my lust had peaked and upon her I was fixated.

I spent an hour into dawn, facefucking the beautiful insect. I brought her to her peak of pleasure a dozen times and left her throbbing abdomen clean and dry of any mess we made. When I rose unsteadily to my feet again, I found her slumped on her side, unable to stand, with antenna twitching erratically while she stared. She could not speak, I could never know what went on behind those eyes, but I think perhaps I'd changed her view of the world with my mouth.

I needed more however, I was desperate for more! I found one of the big males next, he slept, but I crawled under his abdomen and teased his armored passage open. The stench hit me the second his plates slipped apart. So different from the females, unpleasantly oily and musky. I set to work, tongue first, to bring him to arousal. Only a few days ago, the feel of his cock had left me a sobbing wreck, today I wanted nothing more than to drown in him, to suck every drop of monstrous seed from whatever he had for gonads!

Mucous filled my mouth, half dry and gummy. I chewed, swallowed and chewed some more. I licked and sucked, nuzzled and scraped until his sheath was clean, and just beginning to evert. I let it, though he still slept, I enveloped his greasy bloated flesh in my mouth and used my tongue to encourage him. Every centimeter he unrolled came with a sticky smear of mucous, it tasted horrendous, made skin burn, tongue ache, and eyes water, but I fed upon him as he erected his way down my throat. Between my legs, my sex throbbed and drooled in obvious lust from what I was doing.

He came awake then as his rose bloomed in my stomach. I was barely conscious by that point, my breath little more than sticky bubbles and gasps as I swallowed and choked on him. Between my legs my fingers played, but by this point it was little more than twitches. He however rose above me with startled confusion, and rolled me onto my back by the sheer force of his erection from stem to stern. What I was doing was mad, but I felt perfectly sane. My stomach full of mucous and precum, my throat stretched to near splitting around his ribs, and that fist of a rose in my gut... I began to orgasm as he looked upon me and witnessed my depravity!

Of course, he showed no remorse or resistance. The moment he understood, he began to rape my throat with hard and violent thrusts. My gut bulged and bounced as he slammed down and forced the entire half meter of sloppy flesh inside. My face was kissed by his freshly cleaned sheath as he hilted. My orgasm rolled through me, wave after wave of pleasure rising and falling. He withdrew until his rose nestled between my tonsils, then slammed down hard enough to bruise my lips against teeth. His rose punched through, into my stomach. It hurt, I felt like something tore, but my orgasm rose higher into climax. I thrashed and bucked as he thrust again, then again. I had never felt such pleasurable violence.

When he climaxed in turn, I was barely aware. I couldn't think clearly, my vision dark and my body desperate for oxygen. His ridges had swelled in my stomach, throat, mouth and plugged me completely. His orgasm continued, on and on, my gut swelled until I felt his semen force its way into my intestine with bubbly spurts and gurgles. I cramped immediately, the pain unbearable, my hands like claws at my bloated torso. Gush after gush, he unloaded his bitter ejaculate into my overfull body while I dimly regretted my choice.

I woke again with the sun high in the sky, my head in a half dry puddle of semen. My lust had faded into a distant memory, and I felt filthy but... but I felt satisfied. This was my life now, this was my happiness! I grinned at the pale dust choked sky. I had never felt such clarity and understanding. All those years spent behind the computer terminal, numbers carefully balanced, all braces matched. This was my true purpose, a filthy spawning pool for insects. I laughed aloud and rolled over onto hands and knees.

My gut ached comfortably, as if I'd just eaten Christmas dinner. My limbs trembled with exhaustion, but not weakness. I felt stronger than ever! With a pleasant sigh, I arched my back and clenched. Urine sprayed from between my filthy, cum-crusted labia and rained down between my ankles and feet. It made me giggle as I pissed, my bladder had been so full from such a huge meal!

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Jim observed.

My flow jerked as I clenched, blasted beyond my feet into the dirt, then slowed to a trickle and ran down my mound as I stared up at him, "Oh... Yes. Isn't it amazing? I've never felt so good!"

"Good? You feel good?" The words were spat with disgust, disgust of me. "They are raping us Cassie, raping us and fucking with our heads! You can't be so far gone as to not realize this!?"

I giggled again sat up, on my ankles with hands in lap, "Oh yes, I realized it the first day. It's heinous, whoever designed them! I don't care though, that's not why I'm happy!"

He stared, mouth agape, "You knew? You didn't tell us? We could have... Could have..."

"Could have what? Gotten yourself killed?" I laughed then literally jumped to my feet from where I knelt. I landed before him steady as a rock and pressed my filthy hand to his chest. His shirt was a mess of tatters and stains now, but he still wore it. I'd discarded mine days ago. "Surrender, Jim. Take pleasure in what time we have left." I lowered that hand to his crotch and found his flaccid penis. "We never got a chance to finish..."

He recoiled at my touch with disgust, "What the fuck Cassie, you are disgusting! You smell like a sewer and look worse. You think I want to fuck you now?"

I pouted at him as he hurried back. With fists on hips I stood before him, body naked and coated with insect semen and dirt. I knew what I looked like, I knew what I smelled like, I just grinned at him, "Jim, oh Jim... You'll get it sooner or later." I laid a hand to my hard stomach and stroked slowly. I was sure now, not just the eggs that had been lain, but my womb, I was pregnant. It was only a few days, but there was no other way to describe what I felt. I wondered what they would do to Jim, he had no womb, would he just end up as a nest for something? Perhaps they would use him to impregnate others to breed us like cattle. I giggled aloud, "You're going to be a bull, and they won't care what you think!" Then I turned and ran, full of mirth and joy as his confused horror burned into my memory. It had finally dawned on him.

All around me, as I ran through the encampment, my people were being fed. They were docile now, surrendered to their morning meal without complaint. The little one, the homeless woman, to her I went. She was under a soldier on her hands and knees, nursing her belly full. The ant looked at me but expressed disinterest--or so I assumed. I squatted down behind the woman and gave her back a gentle stroke, to let her know I was there. Then, carefully, I touched her stomach just below her navel and felt it, the same hardness, the same--if slightly less mature--gravidity. She too was pregnant, no doubt about it!

While I knelt there and considered our situation, I started to stroke and tease her filthy labia. She reeked from her mating with the ants, and her own grime, but I was well beyond caring. She started to pull away from her meal and the ant clutched the back of her head to hold her in place. I continued to masturbate her while she fed, as the chemicals in her gut went to work on her mind and left her a horny, confused wreck. I brought her to orgasm, then left her to finish her meal.

I did the same to two others before feeding time ended. It seemed only right, to give them pleasure at their most desperate moments, to give them a tiny sense of joy I felt! The last one struggled against me, but the soldier gripped the woman's hips in her mandibles and held her steady for me. I gave the ant a kiss on the... mouth parts I guess, when I was done, then left the trembling woman to her meal, exhausted.

Only then, once nearly every one was finished, did I approach the mantid girl and kneel before her. "Ah nestling, I wondered if you would be hungry after your morning ordeal. You caused quite a stir."

I looked up at her, beamed a grin, "I discovered something this morning."

She gestured at me with a twist of her lips, then asked, "Oh? What have you discovered?"

I did not understand the gesture, but took her hand in both of mine and brought it to my filthy cheek. I held her a moment, kissed her black chitinous palm, then shrugged and explained, "I do not have words to describe it. To speak would be deceit. There is room in my stomach for more, do crave my love and pleasure?" I phrased it just so, to tie her pleasure in with my hunger. To insist that she learn to love me.

It made her very uncomfortable, and that amused me greatly. She started to pull away, but I clutched her hand tighter and nuzzled into her palm, "I am your nest, yours, remember? Do I not satisfy you?"

She hesitated still, and admitted, "Yes, you do--and that is the problem I think. I..." She frowned, a strange thing on her alien face, then told me at a whisper, "I do not want to grow attached to you. You are just a nest, one of millions!"

"No," I insisted, and rose to my feet before her, stepped close, into the enclosure of her limbs, then wrapped my arms around her hard, narrow waist, "No, I am yours. You said so, you believed it. Did you lie? Did you use your human like mouth for deceit?"

She scowled, her own words brought back to her, "No, nestling. I did not lie. Nor did I tell you all. You are mine, my nest, until my young are born. After that..." She trailed off and laid a hand to the back of my head and pressed my face to her hard breast. "I do not wish to grow attached," She told me again.

"But you are. You've never met someone like me. Have you ever even loved? Do you have parents? Will you love your own children after they escape from my bowels?"

"I think it's time for you to eat, nestling." Her words were quiet and reserved. Her hand pressed down, and I knelt. Her abdomen curled in and rose before me, her flesh already swollen and sticky with desire. I could smell her lust, so potent eager.

"Thank you for your love," I told her at a whisper and felt her flinch in my grasp. She couldn't see my grin of triumph. She was just like all the others in my life, so easy to twist around my finger and get what I wanted from them. I buried my face in her sticky vent and began my worship of her. In minutes I had her at the peak of pleasure. Her legs trembled around me, her abdomen throbbed and jerked in my grasp, and I drank the sweet delicious nectar from her as fast as she produced it. "You were right," I told her, paused mid swallow, "You taste better." Why had I ever thought she tasted bad? My words sent her over the edge. Her milky green fluids erupted from my overfull mouth and ran down both my breasts and over my swollen belly.

6 - Birth

Eleven days march. Even the ants looked weary as we came to rest in the shade of a gas station. I felt strong as ever, though the cramps had become an endless torment. My stomach was hard and swollen, skin stretched tight like a drum and lined with painful stretchmarks. I was not the only one either. Six other women in our troop had ended up servicing our lusty males and they were all in various stages of pregnancy. Everyone realized the truth of it, though no one spoke of it out loud.

I asked though in secret, and was answered. Thirty seven days was the average term. I was not even a third the way in yet and I already looked six months! The human body was not designed for such rapid pregnancy. Yet, I felt strong as ever, stronger even. There was a bounce in my step and a purpose in every action. I had such clarity of thought and vision, every action understood completely as I took it. I'd never been stupid or slow, you didn't get handed the keys to the most valuable property on campus by being a fool. Yet, I could achieve feats of thought I'd never even dreamed.

Once, I'd memorized thirteen digits of pi, now, I calculated four hundred thousand digits of pi in my head, one for each step I took, and never forgot my place. Then, I realized we must have walked nearly two hundred and fifty kilometers in that time judging by the length of my stride. Where the hell were we going? That was never answered. North west, that much I could tell.

I sat in the shade, and worked my way through the problems of my situation, but there were too many unknowns, too many variables to take into account. Mantid girl hedged more than was comfortable, and I had begun to suspect that she simply didn't know. She acted as if she was in charge, as if she lead this group, but... but she was as much in the dark as I was. She laid her eggs, called me her nest, but she had been surprised at the time.

I rose again and made my way around the building to where she rest, away from the ants and humans. She tended to go it alone, far away from others, isolate herself. "Nestling," She whispered as I approached.

"How old are you?" I asked, bluntly.

She flinched visibly and turned her head away, north. Her antenna though twitched back and forth, aft. "You are clever, I said so before," she muttered, bitter sounding. "We were lied to, promised a beautiful world full of joy and happiness. I was born a few hours before launch in Luna Lab Three. Two months I suppose? Basic Training is... I don't remember the time too clearly, but transit took twelve days, The battle took fifteen. I fought hard, served well, and..." Her hands fidgeted as she trailed off.

"They cast you out."

"Yes nestling, once it was over they threw me away. I needed to recruit others, promise them a nest of our own. I'm the only fertile female here, but I'm not one of them."

Another question that bothered me, "Why did you give us away to the wasps?"

"A bribe sorta. Capture squads must split the spoils with them. They are the leaders, the heroes. We pretended to be a normal capture squad."

I laid my hand to her cheek and tilted her head up, made her look at me. She was a child, a monster, but a child none the less. Stuffed full of useless knowledge, ways to kill, ways to hurt, and a fully mature body, but with no experience. Gently, carefully I drew her head to my breast and cradled her against me. "It's okay," I told her, stroked her, soothed her as best I could. Her head sagged against my chest while her arms clutched at my waist. She shook. "You don't have to lie to me, you don't have to pretend. You have permission to love me," I told her those last words with a depth of kindness she perhaps didn't deserve, she and those like her who had wiped civilization from the earth.

I did not think about the past however as I spoke, I thought about the future and what was to come. Where this clarity came from, I did not know, but I used it as best that I could. "The future is full of peril; humanity is dead, civilization has fallen, monsters roam the land. So... we head away, into the untamed wilds. I understand."

She nodded and squeezed my hips tight. Mournfully she told me, "I wish I was as clever as you... I feel the others, distant, ever distant. My antenna... I can sense them. They don't care about me, are not interested in me."

"For now. But when humans grow scarce? When slaves are dying off?"

"Yes..." She agreed. "Because I have antenna, they don't notice me. Those of us born without, the other varieties... Once the battle was won, they feasted. You aren't a person if you cannot touch minds. I was a person to them, but not one of them."

"Other varieties?" I pressed.

"Tens of thousands of varieties were created, through happenstance and experiment. Crossbreeds of one improbable creature with another. Human women pumped full of inhuman genetic material over and over again. Not all were viable, not all were useful, most were abandoned to die on the moon. A few, violent and strong enough, came with us to earth, listened to the great promises, then... they were eaten, raped, tortured, and defiled once the battle was won. I... I did too. I am a monster as much as they!" She was crying though held no tears, she clung to me hard enough to crush, but I did not pull away.

I stroked her face, her sensitive lips, her chin and throat. I cradled her and let her unload her misery into my arms. I smiled. "You are a monster, no one will question that. But you are my monster now. My beloved monster." She nodded her head and took a shaky breath. She was mine.

Gently, ever so gently, I coaxed her head down, into my lap. She resisted at first, then her antenna went still and limp. A strange smile spread over her lips and at last she said, "Yes, I suppose I am. I love you Nestling, thank you." Then she pressed her mouth to my filthy vulva and began to pleasure me. I discovered then, that she had no tongue, only her pliable lips with which to work, but she made due.

We spent the afternoon in the shade, in front of everyone. My monster nestled between my legs, bringing me delightful little pleasures as I spoke to the others. The ants, who could not hear, listened to the translation that she gave them. They were my people, all of them now. My monsters, my humans, my family. Even Jim came around to understand my point of view, though he still looked at me with only disgust in his eyes. It did not bother me; when the time came he would spend his load in my womb just like any of the others.

I was midway through when the first egg began to hatch. It was a queer feeling, a twitch below my ribs, then another and another. I felt uneasy at first, I'd never felt something alive inside like that. "I... uh, excuse me please. I think... I think I need some privacy," I told everyone, then made my way around the gas station. They respected my wishes, Humans, Ants, and my mantid alike. Alone I fell to my knees in the hot sun and clutched at my stomach.

Not pain, not yet anyway, but the movement was enough to send my bowels into convulsions. I heaved, though I'd not yet fed this afternoon, and only a thin film of green mucous splattered into the dirt. It did not help, over and over I convulsed, desperate for relief that was not to come.

The eggs hatched, pops and snaps deep within my bowels, audible and wholly unpleasant. The squirming became worse and worse then. I could see the flesh below my ribs bounce and shift as larvae wormed their way back and forth through my large intestine. "Any time now," I muttered between bouts of heaving. I strained, I waited for the pain to come, I focused on each sensation deep within. Sweat beaded on my skin, cold and clammy even in the hot sun.

Ten minutes passed, thirty, an hour. The movement slowed until it was just the occasional flutter and twitch, or the occasional stomach churn as one moved past another. For now, it seemed, they were content. Unsteady, I rose and returned to the others, then knelt at my monster's side, "They hatched."

She looked at me with her lips parted with surprise, "They did? Are you..."

"I'm fine, your nest is quite uncomfortable, and very hungry--or will be anyway. But I am fine."

She practically leaped upon me like a dog. She was so heavy and hard, I fell flat to the ground under, bruised, and felt the young burst into violent movement again in protest. I heaved helplessly and writhed almost as much as they squirmed. Instead of vomiting though, she rammed her tail end against my mouth with such excited abandon, "Eat! Eat nestling!" She told me even before I'd opened my lips, sweet-sour-bitter green mucous sprayed over my face in spurts as I tried to wrap her font in my lips and drink deeply.

I tried to relax, soon the young too, fell docile and let me fill my belly without trouble. I remained there for hours, afraid to move too much. I nursed and nursed, filled my belly to the brim, then let it settle only to do it again. I was the center of attention of course, and did my best to explain what I was going through. Soon my monster was drained, and one of the soldier ants took her place. I was bloated, but each ant seemed eager to have a chance to feed the first young and their nest. Even the males wanted to mate with my mouth and feed our young but I patently rejected that. To my astonishment, they obeyed.

Within the shelter of the gas station, we remained for the night. It was not far enough from civilization for comfort, but we were in no danger for now. A night or two would cause no harm. It was for the best, I doubted I could handle a march with a gut full of wriggling! Even as I laid still, it was all I could do to keep down what they fed me.

Shortly after dawn the young had had enough. They began to squirm with mad abandon and swim through my guts. I woke the others with my frantic howls, and was once again the center of attention. One of the woman, older than the others, seemed to have some understanding and helped me into a more comfortable position. I leaned into her, clung to her hand, then screamed as the first monster was born.

It wasn't like a natural birth, this wasn't a slow steady dilation of the cervix followed by a few hours of pushing and screaming. This was a life form as big around as my fist and as long as my fore arm, as it battered against my anus from within. Sphincter muscles tore, no matter how much I clenched and squeezed. Blood sprayed into the dirt, a green sludge oozed after, and the first larvae wriggled it's way free of my torn bowels and into the mud.

As soon as the first was out, another worked its way into my colon, and followed it's sibling into the light of day. I barely noticed the others around me, but there was a shadow as some one stooped and plucked the newborn from the mud and cradled it to her breast. Then another, and another. As fast as the larvae wriggled their way into the light, there was someone to take it up. Even after we had run out of human arms, ants followed suit.

Over forty were born that morning, forty strange inhuman children. I was too incoherent to pay it any mind however. Once the last one wriggled free of my prolapsed bowels, I fell unconscious and remained that way for the rest of the day.

7 - A New Life

I was a burden upon the others. I accepted that fact, even if it burned at my heart. I could barely walk, and my body felt so frail. Worse was that every time I looked at one of the children that had incubated within me, their nest, I felt a strange discomfort. None laid at my breast, none suckled at my nipple, none nuzzled into my throat. They were strange creatures, pale shelled and insectile, but also almost human in mannerisms and their need for attention. I felt lonely, I guess. Even the men lactated, much to Jim's discomfort and the rest of our amusement. His chest swelled with milk and nipples grew with each nursing. Mine lay untouched, unfilled.

As we marched I was carried in the arms of a male Ant. I served him as did any who were carried, his pleasure my duty for the length of my burden. My bowels hung limp and open for him, sphincter muscles torn, but flesh healed. The damage however was done. Upright, nothing held my colon or intestines inside, the ligaments torn away. I was lucky to be alive I supposed, but it was... it was frustrating. No one else seemed as worried about it as I.

Day after day, I felt stronger and healthier, and with care--by way of a belt and some wrapped cloth to hold my insides in--managed to walk on my own. I'd come to a realization though, one that I kept to myself. Day by day my stomach grew with life, whatever form it would take. Thirty seven days was not nearly enough time for a body to acclimate to pregnancy, let alone prepare for birth. More of the women were pregnant now, it seemed commonplace to give pleasure to the men, Jim included. There were still a few holdouts, but my example had spread. I wondered if anyone would survive.

Twenty days since the bunker, at most we had seventeen days to settle down. Mantid girl knew this as well as I did, and our marching pace had increased. My words still remained in every mind; the things we would need to survive in this new world. Fresh clean water, shelter, privacy, and defense. Those were the priority. The feedings had recolonized our intestinal flora, and left us pretty resistant to most pathogens, but there were other dangers. The earth was cooling, the bombardment had kicked up enough dust to drop solar output by nearly thirty percent. You could lay in the sun all day and not burn at these latitudes. That simply meant however that winter when it came, would be devastating. The ants foraged well, could eat almost anything that grew, but if nothing grew?

I laid in a male's arms, soothed by the steady rocking of his gait and thrust of his abdomen. Sloppy wet splats and slurps accompanied each step as he thrust himself into my dislocated bowels. I felt so full with his mess, packed and hammered into me over the past twenty four hours. Nothing hurt, no discomfort, even occasional pleasure, but I still ached at heart.

A halt was called shortly before dark, and I was laid gingerly into the grass. Very little dust here, wind perhaps, or simply too far from the cities for much of it to filter down. I sighed and raised my knees up as my limp bowels gurgled and voided themselves into the grass behind me. I had forgotten shame at this point, it was mostly semen in any case.

Once empty, I carefully pushed my colon back inside with slippery fingers, then crawled into the company of others. Hands stroked me, arms embraced me, I felt lips upon my cheek. My misery faded in the warm embrace of my people. "Are you hungry my queen?" Some one asked. It wasn't the first time someone had called me queen, but I hadn't taken it seriously until now. It was a human voice, full of respect and love. I couldn't even put a face or name to it though.

"Yes," I answered in the darkness. Arms encircled me, I was raised into an embrace. Only then did I know her, the fighter. Her strong arms held me steady and she placed her nipple upon my lips. Her stomach was a hard pregnant swell against my side. I blushed. I'd seen others drink from each other, something started only recently, but I'd never done it myself. With slight hesitation, I began to nurse.

Warm creamy milk flooded my mouth. I hadn't tasted anything so rich and satisfying in... Well, ever. It put the taste of normal meals to shame, made me forget for a moment what my life had become. I nestled into her, laid my hands to her breast, and for a time--forgot.

I woke, belly full, warm, and nestled in between two bodies. Not far away, there was a faint moaning and wet rhythmic splat. Someone had washed me and put my restraint on while I slept. Carefully I crawled free of the unconscious bodies and made my way into the early dawn light. I followed the mating noises outside and around the building, to find Jim and my monster. She was sitting upon his chest as her abdomen slapped up and down upon his erection. His hips bucked wildly, on the cusp of orgasm. I watched in silence until they had finished.

Eventually, as their breathing steadied and messy bodies parted, I observed aloud, "fertilizing more eggs for me?"

Jim yelped and jerked up, covered himself. My mantis monster gave me a sultry smile, licked her lips, and nodded, "Yes my queen, twelve days from fertilization to birth. We have just over fifteen until..." Until my womb was torn apart by Ant larvae.

"Smart thinking. The more offspring now, the more likely they survive through winter." I spoke casually, to hide my unease. The first experience had been a nightmare, something I did not want to go through a second time! But... but I was her nest. "How soon until you are ready to lay?"

Jim looked between us, baffled, then sputtered, "What the fuck?"

I looked back at him and chuckled, "I told you what your purpose here was, remember? Good work, you served well." He scowled at me and stomped away around the building.

She looked back at me and frowned, "You treat him badly."

"He treated me badly, I only return the favor. Now, your eggs?" I insisted.

She smiled again slightly, glanced back toward the vacancy Jim had made, then once more to me, "They are ready to be laid now, I think... I don't really know, but I'd fertilized them with one of the men the wasps took, before feeding you. I... I didn't realize that was going to happen you know!"

"I know. Come here, beloved, queen your nest again!" I felt sick to my stomach. The feeling of larvae wriggling around inside, just sent goosebumps head to toe.

"Yes my queen!" She hissed aloud and opened her arms to me. I fell into them. She was so strong, I was barely a burden to her. She laid me to the flattened grass where Jim had been only a minute before. It still felt warm. She stood over me, mouth agape. Her abdomen pulsated violently in time, a splatter of mucous dribbled free along with a rope of Jim's semen. Who's semen had I ingested with her eggs last time, I wondered?

She turned about, then slowly lowered herself, all four legs folded around me to kneel, then her abdomen descended toward my face. Another wet slurp of mucous splattered on my face. I licked it up and knew for a fact this time, the taste of a man upon her vulva. She nestled her vagina against my mouth and her pulsations grew frantic. Pump after pump, her ovipositor swelled and emerged. I nursed at it, pleased her as best I could. Fingers and tongue, lips and nose. I brought her to orgasm before she had even fully everted. Her depths clenched violently and watery nectar sprayed across my face and down my throat, mingled with fresh semen and her arousal. Bit by bit, she everted to the back of my throat, and I drank directly from her font.

I brought her to a second sopping wet orgasm after she had nearly reached my stomach. My gut clenched and gorge fought. My throat spasmed and gagged, but she was well in place. Then, to my pleasure, I felt her hands part my legs, and her face nestled in between against my sticky folds. She was better this time than last, though the scar where my clit had been, was a numb spot she could not please.

The first egg passed my lips through her ovipositor, then nestled it's way to my stomach. I swallowed and swallowed while my hips rose and fell against her touch. She undid the belt to give better access, and I felt my colon slip free onto the cool grass. Her mouth folded around my vaginal entrance, and suckled just as I suckled upon her ovipositor. It seemed a strange and twisted symmetry, but the sensation was--intense.

I came for her, lust dribbled from my depths for her to suck dry. I came for her, as egg after egg bloated my stomach for the second time. I found myself happy then, happy to still be of use, happy to have a purpose. I wasn't just a burden! My climax hit as the tension in my heart eased. She continued to nurse on me as I fed from her. A complete cycle of sexual depravity.

Her last egg had been laid an hour before we finally parted. We were both a mess, exhausted, and happy. She laid down with me, her face nestled into my throat, and held me tight against her hard torso. "I love you, I love you so much!" she proclaimed, over and over at a whisper. It was a mantra of sorts, one that she now lived by. She'd never had parents, never a lover, never a boyfriend or girlfriend. She had been alone.

I cradled her head and caressed her soft cheek as I told her, "I love you too." I reassured her, encouraged her, made her emotionally dependent upon me. It was for the best, I told myself, teach the monster to love a human, to value a human. "You are mine, now and forever," I told her, firmly.

"Yes, yes!" She hissed, joyful. How long would forever be? I laid a hand to my hard, swollen stomach in mute question. And how would she cope, without me? Once I hadn't cared, once I had only wanted to twist her into my will. Now... Now I worried.

8 - Home

We arrived at last, it wasn't that we had found the perfect place, far from it, we were simply out of time. My stomach was twice as large as any human pregnancy, skin split and bloody instead of simply stretch marks. Every hour of the day, I could feel movement, hard violent twitches. But unlike a normal pregnancy, there was no kick, no movement visible, just the internal torque. The others were not faring so well either. Only a handful able to walk on their own now, the rest spent the day in ant arms. Not even enough males, so soldiers carried too.

The land we chose was far from civilization. There was a mountain river that had cut a valley. It was well secluded, but harsh. There was little land to grow anything on, but for now it would serve. I proclaimed it viable. My monster proclaimed it far enough from others that we would go unnoticed, at least for the year.

We found a cave, small and bare, but the soldiers set about tearing the native rock from the walls. Within a day, we had a deep nest with a upward angled U shaped entrance that blocked the wind and rain. There, in the bowels of the dark earth, I and the other women were laid to rest. It was cold at first, uncomfortable, and brought back terrors of the bunker, but in time we found comfort.

That first night I spent sleepless as I stared into the darkness. All around me others slept, nursed, mated, and tried to find comfort. Morning of the thirtieth day came with only a faint illumination, just enough to know you were in the dark and not blind. Thirty days since the bunker had been breached, thirty days since my life had been altered beyond recognition. I had two days until the eggs hatched, three until I gave birth again. Seven until... until my pregnancy was complete.

The first thing I discovered, very quickly in fact, was that I was bored. No problem was at hand, no scenery to interest me as I passed, no pleasant and continuous sex all day long. I laid in the darkness and stared at nothing. I laid there and contemplated my mortality, and the future of humanity. There seemed no answer; we were little more than fodder, or cattle. They might farm us like cows, or we might go extinct. Neither option gave much hope.

The day waned on, hour by agonized hour, until the able bodied humans and ants returned. They had little to tell, some forage, a bit of ground tilled and some grain planted. There wasn't much hope it would produce anything before winter. There was a forest some kilometers to the north at least, and worst case the ants could tear trees down to feed themselves, and in turn feed us. We would survive. Or at least they would.

I woke the next morning as the others gathered themselves to leave. In desperation, I ordered the male ants to stay. I told everyone, "It is our duty to bare their young. It is their duty to keep us company!"

One of the other heavily pregnant women agreed, from across the room, "Yes, their duty! I'm going stir crazy in here!"

My order was translated for the ants, and the nine males turned back with perhaps a little too much eagerness. I did not think much for the rest of the day, and fell to an exhausted sleep shortly after the soldiers returned. I paid them little mind, too lost in exhausted pleasure as the male above me did his overly pleasant duty. I barely even noticed when I was fed.

I awoke on the thirty second morning, washed and dried, the puddle of filthy fluids I'd lain in, gone, and a mat of something under me. The others had already left, and I could hear the constant splatting and panting of women and ant in the midst of coitus. The stench in the chamber was unbelievable, to say the least!

Some one noticed me at last and approached. I felt his strong hard hands embrace my waist, then raise me into the air. I was laid down again on a slope, something new dug into the cave while I slept. I was face down upon the sticky wet stone, warm to the touch, only my breasts, shoulders, and head made contact as the male held me in position. From there below and behind me, the ground sloped toward what I could only assume was some sort of cesspool.

My colon hung limp, as he held me over the pit to do my business. Once I'd voided, he nestled his back end under my prolapsed bowels and pressed his sticky sheath close as he began to erect. It felt wonderful to my sleepy mind. Cool and sticky, his oily mucous smeared into my vulva as his flesh swelled. Wet ropes of precum dribbled between my folds and onto the slope below while I rolled my hips and ground into his sloppy cool flesh.

More and more emerged, his penis oozed and slithered into me as it did. I felt his precum splatter in and inflate me, then gush out with each thrust of my hips. It felt amazing, so thick and sticky as it splashed into my depths. I panted and moaned like a bitch in heat, desperate to feel him bloom inside me. Another male approached. His hands cradled my shoulders and raised me from the sticky stone. Then before I had reasoned through his actions, my face was nestled against his sloppy, cum soaked phallus. I could taste another woman's lust upon him, someone had had her fill. I was more than happy to finish him in her place!

The rest of the day became a blur, holes filled, holes emptied, flavors and scents foul and pleasant. I was kept occupied, and I loved it. Semen flavored my every sense, coated my every extremity, I was just a vessel for insectile lust. That was, until shortly after the soldiers returned. I'd just feasted my fill upon feminine nectar and brought the beautiful girl to orgasmic bliss. I was ready to sleep perhaps even, but it was not to be. There was a jostle in my guts, a deep unpleasant twist and jerk. I was a nest ready to hatch again.

This time I buried a male's shaft down my throat, clung to his abdomen. I could barely breathe, but there was no way I was going to vomit! I thrashed and squirmed in desperation, clawed at the stone below me. Hours passed as I suffocated myself, while bowels writhed. I could feel the presence of others, feel their concern, but none touched me, not even the male I had put to use. When at last the young larvae settled down, I fell asleep with his erection still lodged in my stomach.

The thirty third day came, and I awoke to the most incredible discomfort. I woke to find the male I'd put to use, still there, still in my throat, his penis throbbed desperately in my gullet, his ridges so swollen and hard that my neck felt like it might burst. But the worse discomfort was my bowels as the young escaped. There was no functional sphincter, no muscle to bar their way, but they still squirmed and thrashed like a fish out of water until they escaped my intestines into the open air.

It was the same as before, just less painful. I was exhausted by the time the last wriggler evacuated my bloated and bruised bowels. Only then, did I at last allow the male freedom. He pulled out and scurried off to a corner where I could hear his chitin scrape and clatter against the stone for long after. My monster approached at last, for the first time since we had arrived. She seemed timid somehow. She took my hand and held it to her cheek as she knelt at my side.

"My Queen..." she whispered, not that there could ever be privacy in the cave. "three days..."

"N-no, four days," I insisted.

"At the most," she agreed.

I forced myself to ask, "are you ready to lay again?"

She hesitated, but answered, "Tomorrow evening. I have chosen an ant male this time." I only nodded in the dark, it made no difference to me, her nest.

9 - A Final Purpose

The dawn of thirty six. I woke to the tremble and jostle of my womb. The pain in my pelvis was enough to bring tears to my eyes. I rejected the touch of a male, refused to feed, and laid in dark solitude in my nest as the pain grew and grew.

I stared at the ceiling I couldn't see, clutched my hands at my breast, and just gritted my teeth. They were moving, my babies, squirming and clawing at my insides. Wetness poured from between my folds, sticky and hot; it smelled of blood. I spread my legs as wide as I could, as if that would relieve the pressure and pain. It did not.

Hours passed. I could hear the rhythmic splat of women mating with ant, but there was no joy in it for me. Each woman here, would soon be in my place, soon feel their insides tear apart as their lover's spawn ripped free! I wept silent tears, I would not add to their fear and unease. They were happy after a fashion, and so was I... I'd found a purpose with my life, even in college I'd been aimless. Now, at the end, this hive would thrive because of me! They would possess some fraction of humanity in their collective memories. That at least, was my rational.

I felt a sharp pain, a knife through my gut. The pain so intense, so sudden, I couldn't smother the sob that escaped my throat. Hot wetness splashed from between my folds and splattered against my prolapsed bowels. Another sharp pain, a head, mandibles first, twisted against my cervix from behind. I wanted to laugh as I cried. The child wanted to be born like any other! It could have torn through my stomach wall like a hot knife through butter, but no.

A hand touched me, warm and friendly. Another. The women circled me, my people, my doomed humanity. Hands caressed my extremities. My tears were dried. My body was lifted into some one's arms, head to shoulder. My hips were lifted into some one else's lap. The pain grew and at last, I let go. "So be it," I whispered aloud. I wailed in agony and turned my face into someone's neck as I felt my uterus tear and cervix split.

Still, the child wasn't born, too large to fit through my hips. Desperate, the unborn thrashed and bucked within me. My stomach jerked and tossed back and forth. More than one within fought for the way out. No amount of gentle touches and soft caresses could cover up what I went through. With a great heave, the child forced his head through, into my vaginal passage. My pelvis cracked, my legs spread, attached to either half of my ruined body. There was no breath left to scream, only silence into which the loud crack echoed.

Into awaiting arms, the child squirmed free. My vagina tore, but it was too little to bother thought upon. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. I just shook and heaved as the second child followed the first, then the third, fourth, fifth... My stomach lay flat when it was over. Someone had bound my pelvis with the belt, but I did not expect to live long. My uterus protruded from my gaped sex, cervix chewed apart. Someone was in the process of extracting egg shells from my womb, but I was too incoherent to notice.

I slept, I awoke to agony beyond belief, and slept again. I awoke to a mouth full of nectar as gentle hands propped my head up. I passed out once more. I woke. I slept. Darkness and dream, both were fraught with agony and nightmares. Every time I woke, I expected--even hoped--it would be my last. Every time, I woke again. I woke to intestinal agony as the Mantid's children were born. I awoke to screams as other children were born to other mothers.

I woke again to screams, another woman, another birth. Vaguely I recalled the numerous screams before in my dreams, more than once. This time I remained awake, remained aware. I did not draw attention, did not seek help. I laid and listened to the suffering of another. I'd suffered as she, still suffered as she was yet to. She needed comfort... Who was there to comfort her? Was there anyone left? Was she alone with monsters?

I tried to rise, but my legs shifted unpleasantly as my pelvis bound and ground against itself. I couldn't even crawl. So I rolled over through a red haze of agony and dragged myself by hand, toward the other end of the cave. I found her in the end, her head in some one's lap, Jim, the Mantid girl held her hips. I took her trembling hand and pressed it to my cheek. She squeezed a death grip, then let out a final sob as her womb gave way before the fury of her unborn. Her pelvis shattered, hot blood splashed my side, and a quartet of newborns spilled from her sundered abdomen. She bled out rapidly and within a minute I felt her heart still.

"H-how many?" I asked, voice hoarse.

"Cassie?" Jim asked, his voice even worse than mine.

"My Queen!" the mantid girl exclaimed.

"How many survived?" I insisted.

There was a moment of silence, he at last told me, "None."

All I could say was, "oh," and fell quiet. Time stretched on, the ants busied themselves with the children. My monster touched me, gentle and timid. I took her hand. Jim too sought me out, I took his. At last, I told them, "Well then, I think it's time I serve my duty again. Call one of the males over?"

They both gasped, she told me, "No! You are too weak, you need to heal!"

Jim snapped, "Are you mad? What is wrong with you?"

"They died, I live. It... It isn't fair!" I wailed, my heart sundered and mind teetered on the brink.

My monster though, her hands curled about my waist in a gentle hug, her head pressed to my stomach, kissed it, then nodded into me, "Yes, I see. Your will is crystal clear, my queen." She summoned an ant, who gentle lifted me into his arms and carried me back to bed. I could hear Jim bitching, furious and terrified, but I was too far gone in my own misery to care.

He laid me gently to my bed and very very carefully opened my legs. Flesh was all out of place, I could feel things shift that shouldn't, prolapsed uterus and bowels, disconnected and strange. His aft end nestled in from behind as his hands held my legs firm and steady so as not to jostle my pelvis. He curled his abdomen in and nestled his half protruding phallus against my distended uterus. I waited with baited breath for him to force it all back inside. He didn't.

It felt strange, not unpleasant, not unwelcome. Just strange. His messy penis nudged my destroyed cervix open, the flesh scarred and healed, and seated himself entirely inside the cavity of my distended womb. What followed was the gentlest mating I'd ever felt, even compared to Jim. Every thrust was exact and perfectly timed. Every throb just right. I felt no pain, felt only satisfaction as his cold yellow semen filled me at last. Then it was over. My duty was done. I could at last rest. In the distance I heard Jim weep even as my monster milked the precious seed from his balls. He too had a purpose. Weak and exhausted, I smiled as best I could. So long as I did my duty, so long as I suffered worse than they who had died, so long as I lead by example...


Weeks passed as I served, as I did my duty. More and more of my monster's eggs were hatched while my womb swelled with life. My legs, the now useless things, I had removed. It made life much easier now, all that I needed was fully exposed and open to any who wished to partake. I had a purpose, I had a life, I was loved.

Twenty two days in, seven eggs slid whole from my spasming womb. Those were collected and my womb refilled. Twenty three days after that, twelve eggs dripped from my gaping, sloppy passage. Twenty one days after that, seventeen eggs. I did not die, I did not suffer any great hardship. I fed, I mated, I was kept well entertained by my beloved husbands, and my stomach was regularly refilled with my monster's eggs. I had nothing left to worry about, nothing left to think about, nothing left to do, but serve as queen.

Around me my hive grew, the cavern deepened, the defenses were completed, and hundreds of my children reached adulthood. By spring, we were an army and my bloated and destroyed body had birthed nearly all of it. My days were spent wallowing in a pool of mingled semen. I was a filthy and comfortable monster. My distorted body now housed a hundred eggs at a time, too heavy to rest above the surface. Only my distended prolapsed bowels and uterus emerged at one end for birthing and breeding, while my head was cradled at the other for breeding and feeding. I laid a dozen eggs a day, and was penetrated by just as many males, not that I really felt anything any more, but the sound alone of a penis erecting was enough to send me to my peak.

One by one, the ants went march into my chamber and fill me, on and on.

As for Jim? I rarely see him now, he spends all day in the Mantid lair, servicing his women. He knows his duty well. I hear he even learned to enjoy the birth of his own spawn, though his destroyed bowels will never be the same.



This work is © and it's creator Omo All Rights Reserved. For contact and questions, please write to