Psychic?! (the chapter 5 in my YuGiOh Series)

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#6 of YuGiOh pt.1 Series

(I thank Vampire Panther for allowing me to use his fursona in my series. You will also note that the falcon is much like Espa Roba from the Battle-City Tournament episodes. However, Espa would be a bit more like a machine and uses machine cards instead of dark monsters. That is the significant difference in this chapter.)

Jack was relieved to have won his first match, although it was easy enough to win. He handed his MP3 to Fran and Brad to fill it with songs he could listen to during his next match as he walked around, seeing others in heated matches. He came across someone who claimed to use the powers of ESP to win and told them to give him some time. He knew he needed to edit his deck a little more to be utelized to it's full potential. However, his best cards were left at home.

"I see you are considering your opponents wisely. Smart move, little fox," a familiar voice noted as the soft foot pads walked up behind him. He turned to see Spencer in his usual black denim attire and looked up at the panther, wondering what was going to happen.

"I see you also know you need to edit your deck. Try these cards," the black feline said as he handed the vulpine several cards. When the fox registered that they were Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, the entire Horus set, and a few spell cards to help out, he looked up to thank his friendly rival, only to see that he had already moved on and walked away. As the fox pondered as to why his rival was helping him out, the 'psychic' falcon behind him was wanting to get on with the match.

Jack quickly editted his deck and slipped the new cards in and looked at his feathery foe. He knew something was up with the bird as he took in his features. A strong beak, keen eyes, leather pants, and a plain white T-shirt. The falcon held up two rare cards, obviously indicating that they were the cards he was putting up for grabs should he lose. The vulpine closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, for the two cards were part of a ritual summoning.

"In response to you putting up Black Luster Soldier and his ritual, I put Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 6 and 8 on the table," he calmly responded and activated his duel disk, the holoimaging devices turning on. He had to think clearly and strategically in this match if he was to defeat this ESP using foe. They both shuffled their decks and put them into the deck slot, ready to get started.

"Since I challenged you, I'll go first," the falcon said as he drew his cards. He set two cards in his spell/trap card zone, the holoimaging following his moves as two large cards appeared face-down in front of him, ending his turn. The fox was smart enough to not draw his hand until his opponent made the first move, but as soon as he did so, the falcon looked as if he was meditating while on his hind talons.

"Psychic eh? We'll see how your 'powers' are against my deck," the vulpine barked out as he looked over his hand.

"The celestial powers that be tell me that you have White Ninja in your hand and that you plan to set him as your only line of defense, a weak move for one so looked up to," the bird said after a brief moment, causing the fox to recoil a little. He called it right, and the vulpine set his White Ninja anyway, wanting to defeat this foe, even if he was psychic, ending his turn. The falcon drew his next card and grinned as he played Koumori Dragon in attack mode, attacking the face-down White Ninja. He then set another card in his spell/trap card zone to end his turn.

As Jack drew his next card, the bird mentioned that he had just drew Exiled Force, and that he couldn't win with such a card. He summoned Exiled Force and was met with Curse of Anubis trap card, immediately putting his monster into defense position. It was the only thing the fox could do, so he ended his turn. The bird drew his next card and summoned another Koumori Dragon to the field, sending his first to destroy the vulpine's monster, the second dealing 1500 points of damage to the fox, it's breath smelling horrid and gut-wrenching. He ended his turn, allowing Jack to put up more of a defense.

"The card you just drew is Mysterious Puppeteer, a suitable defense, for now," the falcon said, and was correct, but the monster was set anyway and checked his Life Points, which stood at 6500. He ended his turn, allowing the bird to make his move. The falcon played Soul Exchange, destroying his face-down monster to summon Gravi-crush Dragon. The fox grinned since the falcon couldn't attack this turn as the bird ended his turn.

He drew his next card and looked over his hand. He played Lightning Vortex, discarding a spell card to play it, destroying his opponent's attack force, then set a Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn. He was relieved to be free of the bad breath from the dragons his opponent no longer had. His psychic foe set a monster before ending his turn, allowing the fox to try to attack. The fox drew his Horus Lv. 8 and ended his turn, not able to summon anything.

The falcon grinned as much as his beak allowed and set a monster and another card in his spell/trap card zone, ending his turn. The fox drew his next card, hoping to come up with something useful. He cursed his luck for drawing his Red-Eyes Black Dragon and ended his turn. The bird drew his next card and set another monster, obviously building up a defense against his powerful cards which he 'saw'.

Jack growled at his frustration and drew his next card and set Robbin' Goblin, ending his turn. The falcon drew his next card, still content on building up his defense to protect his Life Points and set another monster while setting his last card in his spell/trap card zone, ending his turn, the multitude of cards showing in front of him. The vulpine drew his next card, keeping his eyes closed, praying it was the right card he needed. He cursed his luck again as he saw he drew Black Pendant, ending his turn.

The falcon sensed the fox's frustration and drew his next card, setting it in his last slot in his spell/trap card zone, ending his turn. The fox tried the blind man's trick again, praying silently again for the right card. He saw he had drawn his best defensive dragon and set it quickly, ending his turn. The bird drew his next card, still intending to build his defense and ended his turn.

"You won't get the card you need, because I know all," the falcon screeched.

"If you know all, then you will know the next card I draw before I draw it!" the vulpine barked back as he drew his next card. He activated his Mystical Space Typhoon on the bird's newest spell/trap, destroying Trap Hole and breathing in a sigh of relief. He then sacrificed his monster to summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 6, grinning at how soon he'll be able to stop his opponent's spells. He took in the scent of mahogony smoldering from the Lv. 6 as he played Stamping Destruction, picking the falcon's oldest card to destroy.

"Now then, Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 6, attack his face-down monster with Black Fireball!" he called out, his new monster taking in a deep breath and releasing a pitch-black ball of flame at the oldest defensive monster the bird had, destroying a Dragon Zombie. The fox activated his dragon's level-up ability, bringing forth Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 8, the scent that of an active volcano readying to blow it's top again.

"How can this be possible? Celestial powers that be, grant me the wisdom to turn the tide of this battle to my favor!" the falcon cried out as he drew his next card. He knew Horus Lv. 8's ability of spell controlling and ended his turn, somewhat glad he had built a strong defense. The fox drew his next card and set his Armed Ninja before seeing his powerful dragon's breath attack.

"Horus, destroy another monster with Black Molten Blast!" Jack yelled out as the dragon immediately let out a massive black bolt of fire at another creature, destroying Mask of Darkness. The falcon searched his graveyard for a trap card to take back and chose Curse of Anubis, knowing it can help turn the tide if he got the right card. The fox ended his turn and the bird drew his next card. He set two cards in his spell/trap card zone and ended his turn.

As soon as the vulpine drew his next card, Curse of Anubis was activated, putting Horus into defense position, which it's holoimage did by folding it's wings around it's body. The fox set another monster and equipped Horus with Dragon Treasure to increase it's defense to 2100, a strong defense to breach. He ended his turn, waiting to see what the falcon will try.

The bird drew his next card and set another card in his spell/trap card zone, ending his turn. The fox drew his next card and switched Horus back into attack position. He flip summoned his Trap Master in an attempt to get rid of a trap and selected one at random, getting rid of the falcon's Reinforcements Trap card. He tributed both, his face-down monster and his Trap Master to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon, smiling at his old friend. He sent both of his dragons to destroy both of the bird's defensive monsters, smiling as another Dragon Zombie and The Kick Man were sent to the graveyard.

The bird drew his next card and set a spell/trap in the last slot, ending his turn, cursing his luck for not ending this fight sooner. His Life Points stood at 7500, but he knew it would not last. He looked at a balcony behind the fox and saw the familiar glint of binoculars as his brothers were watching and feeding him information about his furry foe's cards. The vulpine drew his next card and played Dragon's Gunfire, dealing 800 points of direct damage to the falcon, then equipped his Red-Eyes with Black Pendant, seeing that with the combined attack, his feathery foe would be down to 500 LP.

"Horus, Red-Eyes, combo attack this psychic foe directly!" he yelled as both of his dragon's attacked in unison, bringing the falcon down to 500 Life Points. Before the fox ended his turn, the bird activated his Solemn Wishes trap card. As the bird drew his next card, he gained 500 Life Points, bringing his total LP to 1000. He set one last monster and ended his turn. The fox drew his next card and sent his Red-Eyes to attack the face-down monster and wasn't too impressed with it being Wall of Illusion, his dragon being sent back to his hand, Black Pendant being destroyed, bringing the feathery psychic back down to 500. He finished the match having Horus attack the feathery foe, winning the match in his favor.

"N-no... I had the cards, I saw your hand, I should've won!" the falcon screeched as Jack's disc said he had won two fights. As he turned around, he saw the glint of binoculars, then turned to the falcon, an ear-piece falling onto the asphalt. Shaking his head, he knelt down to his foe and lifted his beak.

"I do not know why you were cheating, but know this, you were a powerful opponent. I respect you for that, and hope to have a match with you again, the next time being fair and square. I believe you owe me two cards now."

"Y-your right... I started playing to keep bullies from picking on my younger brothers. If I kept winning, they'd leave them alone. Here, take Black Luster Soldier and the corresponding ritual. Use them with care please."

"I will, now, go see your brothers. I think they'll still look up to you, even though you lost."

The falcon nodded and rushed towards the balcony. Jack smiled softly at the sight and looked at his favorite warrior card. After quickly editting his deck so that it fit into his strategies, he walked down the road in search of another challenge. Unbeknownst to him, a certain black dragon was watching him, churning the idea of beating this fox with such humility, it would make the fox look like a joke. The dragon grinned and headed out to intercept the young fox, his Dark World deck begging to have a worthy match.