The Depraved Sun

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Yhisondrel is left to his own devices after his partner journeys away. He wrestles with the fact that he might just need his lover and in the end, decides to take a trip of his own.

A castle sat in the middle of a city steeped in light even though the blackish-blue of the evening was descending. Tall lamps adorned the bridges glowing to show the way to the castle gates where guards and knights stood in resplendent armor with weapons ready to keep the domain of the kings safe. Of course, no one wanted to enter the castle for the most part. If they needed something or if they were desperate then they would attempt to appeal to the kings for a better life but often these things ended in fates worse than death, especially if that person caught the interest in the kings. At the moment, even the knights preferred to remain outside of the castle walls. It wasn't unusual for the kings to argue and sometimes even fight with one another but a certain chill touched the air of the castle with this latest conflict. The gates to the front of the castle opened and the knight moved aside as two uniqorn hybrids stepped out onto the bridge. One had serpentine features wearing a cloak that covered a uniform with hues of purple, gold, and white. His golden hair and white fur shone even in the darkness as he stopped at the middle of the bridge. The other king was more avian with golden eyes and plumage speckled with a frost of white. Yhisondrel had come out here hoping to convince his brother that leaving was a foolish idea. Even if it was just for a small vacation what would that accomplish? Au'ra had everything he needed right here, had everything he could ever desire in their kingdom. It was because of that foolish girl that had tainted his mind somehow, because of that hellion that had managed to put words in his mind that did not belong.

Yhisondrel's words came with quiet anger, "Au'ra...Stop this foolishness. Come back to the castle with me. If you leave then you would be escaping your only way to keep that face of yours in check."

He expected that to be that but Au'ra reached up to touch his own cheek and with a small smile muttered, "I suppose that's true. I'll have to be careful not to lift the glamour in any way but I'm sure I'll be fine. Thank you for your concern."

"But why!? Are you looking for a cure for your affliction? A permanent way to get rid of those violet eyes of yours? Or maybe you're simply bored of all of this! I can find you some sort of entertainment, we can make our own entertainment! There are always people in this kingdom to perfect to mold how we desire!" Said Yhisondrel, carefully hidden emotions starting to break and crack through his voice.

Au'ra shook his head, "No. I think I only want to leave for a bit. A month, maybe two. There are always things to perfect as you said and I'd like to see what is out there for me to mold with my own hands."

Yhisondrel was nearly shaking. Not only because Au'ra was about to leave but because he could feel that there was something hidden behind those words that he wasn't being told. Again his words came out as steady as he could state them, "Be reasonable. You'll be leaving the kingdom for quite a while, leaving only me. What if I need to leave then? What if I want to go? What would happen then? You see, the kingdom would fall to chaos! You would do that?"

He thought he saw recognition and understanding in his brother's eyes but it was something else that burned his heart, something in that violet gaze that struck his chest as Au'ra chuckled, "Please. The people here don't need us. They are all already cogs that act about their daily lives without care for themselves. They only exist to continue the cycle that we have put in place and so, I think we can leave this land to our advisors. A vacation might be nice for you too dear brother. I think you're molting from the stress of rule."

With that last quip, Au'ra turned to start walking away and Yhisondrel took a single step forward to call out, "If you leave, who knows if you'll have a place when you come back! Perhaps I will replace you even! Or maybe the people might even replace you!" That only earned a little backward wave from Au'ra while Yhisondrel continued on, "And your glamour! The light that hides your horrid corruption! I am the light that keeps you pure and clean. Would you truly leave without that? Think plainly, brother! Surely you wouldn't want anyone to see you like that?!"

Au'ra still did not answer and the sound of hooves tapping on stone began to fade away as Yhisondrel's kin and lover walked off through the dark of the night. He fell to his knees and his hands clutched the stone beneath him as his claws dug in. Left alone. Yhisondrel had been left alone and abandoned by the only one he had ever cared truly about and he didn't understand. Why would Au'ra leave him like this? He should have been the center of Au'ra's attention but here he was groveling on the ground like some sort of fool. It didn't matter. His brother would return soon enough and everything would go back to normal.

With a shaky breath, he brought himself up and a few words escaped his mouth that caused him to freeze, "I need you..."

Those words came so naturally but he hadn't expected them to come from his snout. How could that be true? How could he be the one who needed Au'ra? He was the sun that covered the darkness in Au'ra's body, he was the one who kept them together and so it didn't make sense at all that he would be the one that needed the other. With his claws digging into the palms of his hands hard enough that warm life trickled from the spots, he turned to start walking back to the castle. One of the knights attempted to broach the topic asking if something was wrong.

Yhisondrel froze and turned to the knight rigidly before muttering, "Au'ra is taking a diplomatic vacation. Nothing is wrong."

When he started walking again, the knight gave a shaky salute and remained in place as the gates closed behind Yhisondrel and the evening continued. Rest would take these thoughts away from him. Rest would keep him from seething in rage and burning everything around him. Yhisondrel retired to his quarters and into his bed he fell with eyes closed but the spot beside him felt so cold, felt so dark and wrong. His sleep that evening was labored and terrible, full of nightmares for the first time in years. Alone.

The morning came with the rise of the sun over clouds that faded away with the strength of the rays coming down to bless the land. Never had Yhisondrel found himself wishing for the comfort of darkness so heartily. A single ray of sunshine filtered through the window near the bed pecking at his open eye as he hefted himself out of bed with a grunt. What rest he had managed to get during the evening had been plagued with foolish thoughts and nightmares. Even just getting to sleep was difficult as his body was not adjusted to sleeping without another in the same bed. With a sigh, he brought himself over the edge of the bed and sat for a moment to collect himself before getting up. He didn't bother taking a robe as he stepped out and into the halls of the castle.

Sterile white walls and tiles awaited him along with a pair of his knights outside of the door who saluted him. He rolled his eyes and started to walk in the direction of the baths. Each one of his hooved steps echoed through the hall. Everything seemed to be irritating at this moment. The salutes of those men would have normally been enough to give him just enough of a push to feel perky in the morning but he was suddenly keenly aware that they were obligated to salute so their attentions did not truly matter. None of their attention mattered at all if he did not have the gaze and approval of his brother in some way shape or form. A pinch on the cheek, a snarky response, sometimes even something more violent! They were all genuine shows of affection and care that he received from his brother but without that presence grounding him he was far too aware of the fact that the eyes on him were all false. Of course, he knew they were false, of course! He had cultivated their love, their affections and more for him over the years with equal parts fear and love. Every moment of making them into his puppets had been a treasure and even the days spent with his brother their gazes were enough to make him feel something but as he stalked the halls and people greeted him with their perfect smiles and posture; he felt empty.

All the way to the baths he went with a frown on his features. He stepped through the open threshold and ignored the servants bowing to him. The bathhouse was a chamber with several pools of water fed by openings in the wall. Yhisondrel's shoulders relaxed just a bit as he felt the warmth of the steam coating him. He sighed as he took the first few steps into the nearest pool of water, body shuddering as he felt the heat of the water crawling up his form until it was at his neck. The sound of a servant stepping into the water with him could be heard and he did not react as he felt their paws along his back. When he felt their touch veering toward his front, he opened an eye to see a white-furred feline attending him. Her eyes were soft honeyed almonds and her touch was gentle. Yhisondrel turned around to face the feline, he grabbed her chin gingerly between two digits. She was a fair creature with fair eyes and a smile that did not cease. Perhaps he could feel something if he allowed himself to experience a carnal pleasure. If he could simply lose himself in this girl's touch then he would be able to forget about his foolish brother.

"What is it that you want, my lord?" Said the feline with a purr.

Her voice was soft silk that played against the back of his mind but without a life of its own. There was something about her eyes that felt vacant to him. If he used her then he would be using a toy to please himself, nothing more, nothing less. He had never been bothered by this fact before, so why should he care now? Without telling her what she wanted, he leaned down to bring his mouth over hers as he had done so many times before with other servants. He drew a hand behind her back and down all the way to grab her rear to bring her close. With his eyes closed, he started to feel the arousal building in his body but something froze in his core. He felt a phantom touch at his back along with a whisper in his ear. A memory of his brother encouraging him, telling him to keep dipping deeper into lust like the animal he was. It was irritating when his brother said it like that. He wasn't a base animal and yet, the words from his brother carried a weight that pushed him forward. When he opened his eyes, he realized his brother wasn't there beside him and felt that frozen pit inside of his body fester and grow into a heated irritation.

When he parted his mouth from the servant, he stepped away and breathed out. The servant reached out to touch his body but he shrugged her away and got out of the bath. "Sir?" Came her small voice.

Yhisondrel turned his head, almost believing that she was truly concerned for a second when he was reminded of the fact that she was nothing more than a puppet by the vacant stare and ginger smile she gave him. The king yanked a towel from one of the attendants and swatted them with it as he stepped toward the exit. He expected some sort of response, even fear but the servant kept on bowing and nothing more. Shaking, he dried himself and slipped into some robes another attendant was offering before stepping out of the baths and back into the castle. Servants and attendants were all far too meek for his tastes without his brother there to give him that extra push. Did he really have no other avenue other than to rely on Au'ra for pleasure?

He did not need Au'ra to have a good time. The king continued to assert that thought as he walked down the hall with a permanent scowl etched on his features. It wasn't that he needed Au'ra it was simply that he needed a stronger servant. Gentle touches and kisses were fine but they were not what he desired. He needed to feel something, needed to be treated roughly and shown that he existed. When he was at his room's door again, one of the knights was still lingering there on watch. The knight was a large canine with sharp eyes and with a build like that, Yhisondrel was certain to have a better experience than with any meek attendant.

"Your majesty." Said the knight with a salute as Yhisondrel stopped in front of him.

That voice was full of certainty and strength, a strength that he was more than sure could break him if the knight desired and so Yhisondrel smiled and began, "My dear knight...You've been standing there for so long. Perhaps we could retire to the comfort of my room for something a bit sweeter."

The knight cleared his throat, "Your...Majesty I uh, I don't know if that is a good idea. My post is watching your quarters and many servants could fulfill your needs."

Defiance! That was exactly what he needed and so he chuckled, "I require more than a simple gentle touch and blind obedience my sweet knight. I need someone with your strength. Your other king and my lover is gone, you see? Normally his strength would suffice but now I need another and so, I beseech you to join me."

The knight clearly still felt some reservations but the man nodded his head and followed Yhisondrel into the room. He stripped out of his robes as he stepped into his room. The door shut and he tossed his robes onto the bed before turning around with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Come! Strip for me my knight and do whatever you desire to me. Break me, hold me down, use me and show me that you love your king."

He expected a quick response, he expected the knight to be overjoyed to be given freedom to do whatever little thing came across that inferior mind to an immaculate body such as his but the knight only looked away and muttered, "I...I do not think I can do that. I have sworn to protect you. Harming you would not befit my station."

Yhisondrel blinked before chuckling, "That is admirable but I am giving you leave to do whatever it is that you want. You can even strike me for all the times that I have yelled at you. In fact, I encourage you to vent your frustrations on me even if they aren't necessarily my fault."

What was that? Was the knight...Shaking? The pile of tin and flesh shook his head, "No sir, never sir. I have never been mad at you, I swear that my love and care for you is true."

He felt the excitement he had been feeling begin to fall apart at the seams while frustration began to surface, "Fool dog. I gave you a command and I gave you an opportunity at that. You're ignoring my desires, ignoring what I asked you to do and this blessing that I have given you because you are frightened?" When the canine simply cowered his feathers fanned out and ruffled, "ARE THERE NOTHING BUT COWARDS IN THIS KINGDOM!?"

The canine winced away from his anger and Yhisondrel found his body growing hot enough that his feathers began to glow and his eyes began to seethe with the same light. When he thought he might burst, he instead breathed out and everything calmed down again. His mood still teetered on the edge but he stared at the window focusing on the sky outside.

"Your majesty?" Came the voice of the pathetic knight.

Yhisondrel breathed out to keep himself from erupting and he spoke clearly, "I am going to leave the castle soon. I need you to tell my advisors that I am going on a little vacation. Assure them that I will be back and so will my brother but that the kingdom should continue running without us and if something is out of place then they will pay."

The knight answered quickly, "Yes your majesty!"

"Dismissed," Yhisondrel said.

Soon, the king was left alone with his eyes still looking at that ever-expanding sky. To find a single shred of enjoyment in this damnable world he was going to need to crawl out of this kingdom and find someone willing to give him what he desired. Yhisondrel would never forgive Au'ra for this shame, embarrassment and yet, perhaps this was a good thing. It was certainly going to be better than sitting here waiting for one of his servants to grow a spine.

Yhisondrel left the kingdom by airship the next day. There was nothing left for him in such a place. After a good night of sleep, he had decided that it wasn't because Au'ra wasn't there but because the people of his kingdom were such a useless lot. None of them were interesting as they had already been broken one by one and even those who made snide remarks or resisted now and then only did so as slips of the tongue and usually, they groveled afterward. He traveled expecting people to not know who he was outside of the kingdom but was surprised to find that his reputation spread. If he wanted to get lost among the peons then he would need to go even further than a few cities away. Further and further he traveled until he stopped at a merchant's town so far away that no one had ever even heard of his kingdom. Eyes still looked at him with wonder and awe as he made his way through the streets. The cloak he wore did little to hide his striking plumage and golden gaze. He could not blame these new people for looking at him with such admiration. Yhisondrel was a god walking among these peons and receiving their favorable gaze even though they had no idea of his true power made him feel fantastic, except, there was a small nagging at the back of his head.

Au'ra was not someone who stood at his equal because no one could ever be his equal but...his brother and fellow king had always pushed him, argued with him and stood on the same ground as him. Being a god among the unwashed masses felt terribly lonely. Everyone talked to him with those same sparkling eyes and for a moment, he wished that someone would just spit in his face, tell him to leave their establishment or something. Yhisondrel began to be purposefully obtuse and rude with people. He pushed through crowds and moved through this backwater merchant's town with a stride that suggested he was royalty. To his dismay, most people shrugged away or just said a few upset mutters before leaving. Any attention he received felt exactly as it felt back at the kingdom; empty.

Even outside of the kingdom he felt like existing without Au'ra was useless. He could no longer admit to himself that he could function without the other's specific attention. Admitting it was useless if he could do nothing about it. Au'ra was gone in some distant land probably having the time of his life and he hadn't even bothered to ask where his sibling was going. Such a revelation stopped him in his tracks as he took a moment to compose himself. He had one hand planted on a building nearby to steady himself while his hand clutched his face. Like a fool, he had believed that he could find something outside of his kingdom to entertain himself when all he had been doing was throwing a tantrum. He hadn't even been able to ask if he could go. Yhisondrel wanted to go so bad, wanted to be with Au'ra so terribly. It was a deep pit in his core that refused to go away and he had been too slow in recognizing it. Even if he had recognized it at that moment, he would have never said anything and he was certain that he was going to keep this feeling until the grave.

When he was about to mentally prepare to make plans to go home, he felt someone's touch at his shoulder. The digits were gentle and yet tipped with claws. It reminded him of when Au'ra would wake him. When he turned his head, it was not Au'ra standing there but a fellow with white fur and deep black eyes that stared into his core. The newcomer appeared to be some sort of aurorian fox perhaps touched with the hybrid blood of a bastian due to the feline features strewn about his form. He wore a poncho that was stained with ink whether by style or mistake and again those eyes seemed to reflect a particular abyss that discomforted him. An inky darkness to his light.

A quiet question came from the vulpine fellow, "You alright there?"

Yhisondrel straightened and frowned. He was suddenly very aware that this random person was touching him. Even though this was not his kingdom, he was still a god and so he flicked the hybrid's hand off of his shoulder. The king then sneered, "I am fine. Do not presume how I am feeling."

The newcomer chuckled and reached up to give his head a pat causing Yhisondrel's eyes to grow wide as words came from the fox, "Well, you're certainly a tough one. Looking all dejected but then popping right back up. If you have that much energy then I guess I don't have to worry too much but y'know, I was more worried about you standing in front of my store and blocking traffic."

"In front of your store?" Yhisondrel turned his head to confirm what the newcomer had told him before he muttered, "I suppose what you said was right. Regardless, you have no right to tell me--"

Without listening to his full statement, the owner of the store opened the door and called out, "That's nice. If you want to buy anything you're free to come in or if you want to talk I suppose then you're welcome as well. Have a good morning."

His cheeks burned as he was thoroughly spurned. Even in this backwater little nothing of a city, the people treated him with reverence and even sometimes fear! Never had he been handled so flippantly. With a huff, he followed the hybrid into the store with his arms crossed. He found himself in a dimly lit store full of cases and shelves holding books and a few that held pots of what appeared to be ink. The shopkeeper was nowhere to be seen and so he moved to the front while searching for where that rude creature could have gone.

"Name's Wel." Said a voice suddenly. Yhisondrel's eyes darted back and forth until the charlatan showed himself from behind the counter with a sigh, "There we are. Just had to check some stuff under the counter. Now. Are you here to browse or run your mouth. It is early enough that I can spare some time, even if you seem like a bit of a sour golden stick."

Yhisondrel blinked, "Sour golden stick? Excuse me, I'll have you know that my name is Yhisondrel and where I come from I am royalty."

The shopkeeper leaned on the counter and chuckled, black tipped tail twisting back and forth as he spoke, "And what brings royalty to lil-ol Dewclaw? Here to buy something illegal in the markets or maybe you just got bored?"

Not even Au'ra had ever spoken to him this casually. He felt his feather's rising with irritation and yet, behind that irritation was an ambient excitement at being recognized by someone who thought they were on equal footing. Yhisondrel decided to answer, "I came here looking for a bit of entertainment but so far, no one has been able to provide it. The people here are boring. They look at me in awe as many do and the ones that do not usually give me a look of reproach or fear. Such is the life of a powerful being such as myself."

Wel beamed, "Powerfully annoying maybe. You're pretty, that I can't deny but if folk are fearing you or avoiding you then maybe you're just irritating to be around."

Yhisondrel blinked. He then crossed his arms and huffed, "Annoying? I am a being of immense power and beauty. Of course, I would attract the irritation of lesser creatures but it is an honor to be around me."

"I'd like to think it'll be an honor when you get out of my store but hey, you're free to keep talking if you want." Said Wel with a hum as he leaned under the desk again.

The king coughed, "Pardon, but are you always so rude to your patrons?"

"You're not paying me." Said the shopkeeper from underneath the counter.

Yhisondrel slapped the counter, "And if I did then you'd treat me right?!"

"I'd probably continue to treat you something like this but maybe with a few more thank you's put into it. Anyway, what are you buying?" Hummed Wel as he popped back up.

This fool had treated him with such disrespect from the moment they had met. At first, it was the transgression of touching his shoulder and then the constant irritation of mocking him but he had his uses for such a belligerent individual. He had been looking for someone who could actually stand up to him even if they couldn't last against his might.

From his cloak he took a pouch bound in white material and set it down gingerly on the counter with a smug smirk, "I'd like to buy your body for a bit. You've piqued my interest with your upstart nature so I'd like to allow you the opportunity to mistreat me. Given the state of this city, I figured that a monetary exchange would befit one such as yourself."

Wel's ears flicked and he tilted his head while looking down at the pouch, "So you're going to pay me...To keep being rude to you and probably fuck you senseless?"

Yhisondrel scoffed, "See what I mean? The state of this city is so foul that you use words like that to describe such a sacred and beautiful act. I am giving you the blessing of being paid by me to foster relations. Yes, I want you to break me and ruin me, to be as rude as you desire but I did not mean you could be such a disgusting cur about it. Now, will you take my offer?"

The shopkeeper hummed and took the pouch in paw to heft it up, "Maybe...If I take this offer, can I wipe that grin off your face with a good slap or two?"

His heart began to pump just a bit faster but he kept his outer composure, "You may strike me and use me as you desire."

Wel chuckled, "Never figured such a posh looking creature would be such a pervert."

Yhisondrel coughed, "Excuse me?! Everyone has needs I'll have you know!"

"That's true." Began Wel, "I shouldn't and can't judge at all but you're supposed to be above us little beasts in the streets, right?"

The king narrowed his eyes and snorted as Wel stepped around the counter and toward a door near the back, "I am above you creatures but even a god needs to be satisfied."

Wel rolled his eyes and opened the door, "Right, well. I've got a couch in the back. Once you step past this door you are not a king, you aren't a god, you're just another person. More than that, you're a victim of a creature stalking you. I'll do exactly what I want." Yhisondrel's chest began to throb and he took a step forward but stopped suddenly as the vulpine hybrid spoke, "Ah, wait. Flip the sign to closed. We'll be at this for a while."

Yhisondrel huffed, "Y-you dare command me you foolish cur?"

Those dark eyes stared into his own and for once, the smile was wiped away from the fox's features. Did he hit a nerve? Was that supposed passive-aggressive patience gone? He found himself crumpling beneath that gaze and before long he moved to turn the sign as asked before he headed toward the open door. The fox was smirking now, standing there doing nothing but waiting for Yhisondrel take the bait.

When he finally took a step into the room, he heard the fox chuckle, "Remember...You asked for this."

Yhisondrel ignored the threat behind those words and kept on walking. The room had a couch and not much else except for a table. It was the perfect room to store a few things, take a break, or get up to some sort of debauched nonsense. Of course, he would have much preferred a proper bed but he supposed he couldn't expect much from a backwater city like this. When he was about to turn to make a quip, he gasped as he felt his hair being grabbed and yanked back. It didn't take long to adjust to the simple pain of being tugged but such a simple action caused a shudder through his entire body that could not be contained. Again he tried to say something but just as his mouth opened, the grip on his hair tightened and he felt a fist dig into his side. Pain lanced from the point of contact up to his head as if roots were spreading within. Excitement burned from his heart to the rest of his body. Actual pain, actual defiance! To be reminded of existence through the pain gripping at the roots of his head while the pulse of a bruise formed on his side. It was almost good enough to warrant the trip to this hellish place, the feeling of being left so empty by one of the only things he cared about.

It wasn't enough! He needed more! More of that feeling, more of that love striking him. Yhisondrel tried to turn his head but his hair was yanked before his body was pushed forward. From behind, he heard Wel call, "Strip."

When he turned around, he saw the hybrid removing his poncho and he trembled. Such a creature, such a base and foolish beast dared to even attempt to direct his actions! There was something missing from this interaction but it only drove his arousal up the wall. He could not argue with the fox because every time he tried to open his mouth he found himself being punished for daring to speak up, for daring to think about it. As the fox approached, he decided not to strip to test Wel's patience. Almost as soon as the fox was just a few steps away, one of those large hands lashed out in a blur and struck his cheek. Stars played in the side of his vision as he found himself nearly toppling from the strike. He trembled and touched his own cheek. It was a solid blow and for a moment he reacted as if a random peon had dared touch him without his permission. He snarled and brought his face back just in time for another blow to the cheek that cut the anger from his mind and pulled him back to reality. Yhisondrel trembled and looked at the fox who simply stood there with a small smile, waiting patiently for orders to be carried out.

Slowly, the abused king began to strip out of his clothes. Bit by bit he removed what he wore until he stood there bare before the fox. His neck was seized when the last of his clothing fell to the floor, clawed digits dug through the feathers on his neck to meet bare skin and dig in just a little bit while Wel dragged his head down so their gazes met. Yhisondrel brought a hand up to try and grab the fox's wrist but the squeeze around his neck tightened before he was suddenly thrust to the couch. Breath returned to his lungs but he barely had enough time to relax as he was turned around and bent over the arm of the couch. One of his arms was seized by the wrist and bent in just the right way to cause a constant strain on his shoulder while he felt something warm sliding between his legs. Yhisondrel's cock had already slipped free of his genital slit but it only hung without use as the hybrid's canine shaft drew up his thighs and eventually settled on his slit.

"Not going to use a condom?" Yhisondrel said with a shiver.

The only reply he got was in the form of sharp fangs digging into his neck as the savage bit down. Immediately, spots of warmth began to grow from where those sharpened teeth touched his neck while he felt the fox poke and prod his slit to get into the right hole. That raw cock began to slide inside, first the tip and then suddenly, every single inch. The fox's hips drew up against his rear and he gasped as the fangs at his neck seemed to squeeze down just a bit harder just as Wel began to drive in and out of his cock. He was being pounded like a common whore! His body was being used as if Wel had been the one to pay for his services! Each thrust sent a shudder of pleasure and pain through his body as the barbs at the tip of the fox's cock flared and grazed against his inner walls. Yhisondrel could only groan and squawk as he tried his best to make some sort of effort to struggle. He failed miserably as all he could do was wiggle just a little bit beneath the fox's grasp and constant pounding. Spots of white began to appear in his vision with every push as he felt his mind start to decay.

Bit by bit, his thoughts of the fox's impudence, his hatred of the creature above him began to fade away as every thrust became another admission of love. The heated member twitching against his inner walls was a symbol of the fox's adoration for him. He could feel the passion in every movement, every little spot of pain and pleasure rolling through his form. The blood trickling down his neck, the fangs drawing that liquid and the pain he felt at his shoulder. All of these things were such beautiful ways to validate himself, such wonderful ways to show him that he was alive and existing. More, he needed so much more but he couldn't even struggle or say anything to provoke the fox. All he could do was chirp out how he wanted more with a lust drunk voice.

He suddenly felt the fox's knot at his entrance and trembled violently as Yhisondrel thought of such a base creature breeding him. His digits curled, his eyes fluttered and his own cock twitched and blew a load between them staining the floor in his blessed seed. The knot slammed inside with only a few more thrusts and began to swell, trapping them together as warm and tainted cum poured out and into his cunt. Yhisondrel groaned like a fool, drooling as he remained entirely still to receive the corruption draining into his body.

The hand at his wrist was removed and his arm came out limply to hang over the couch while the fox slowly pulled his mouth away to mutter, "You okay there King?"

Those words were gentle enough to bring him out of his lust drunk stupor as he replied, "W-what? Why should you care?"

Wel chuckled, a noise that sent shivers down his spine as the fox planted a kiss along his neck, "Because I have to take care of someone I break, right?"

Yhisondrel felt kisses pecking all over his neck on the spots where he had been bitten. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. Au'ra hadn't ever treated him so sweetly after any of their sessions. Such a thing was so strange and yet, he found himself melting to the kisses. He didn't understand. The knot came out with a wet pop causing him to shudder as his insides were stretched open again but that spot of quick pain was brushed aside by the kisses at his neck. Confused, unsure of what was happening, he was brought up and taken out of the room. Up a flight of stairs they went and into the fox's home. Yhisondrel thought that he was being captured, taken to be broken again but he was brought to a shower, water coming down to wipe away the blood before Wel made sure that he wasn't bleeding too much. The fox checked his wounds and even asked if his arm was doing okay. His neck was wrapped with bandages and disinfected. He didn't understand any of it at all. The fox planted gentle kisses along his mouth and neck before taking him back out and asking him if he wanted anything to eat. When he said no, he was taken again to the store where he finally seemed to regain some semblance of self.

"Why did you do all of that?" Asked the king.

Wel shrugged, "I hurt you. Even if it was with your permission, I needed to take care of you and make sure you were going to be alright. Gotta balance rough with a bit of sweet."

Yhisondrel felt a sickening warmth in his chest that he could not describe or understand. His cheeks were wet with something dripping from his eyes that felt so foreign. He had only ever known blind obedience and even outside of that, he had only known conflict. Anger, passion, biting and gnashing and arguments. These things proved that he existed, that he was there and that someone gave him the proof he needed to keep ongoing. Never had he thought to experience something so oddly sweet? He hated it.

With a huff and a scowl, he retreated to the back room to get his clothes. When he returned, the fox was still standing behind the counter with a smile as if nothing had happened between them. He opened his mouth a few times to try and say something but eventually, all he could manage was, "Thank you for the demonstration. I hope that you can do better next time."

Wel chuckled, "Sure. If you're ever gracing the presence of Dewclaw ever again, come on over and I'll humble you again bratty king."

Yhisondrel's cheeks burned and he turned with a huff and exited the store. His mind was a cacophony of different thoughts vying for attention. Had that been a different form of love? Had that beast truly courted him? No, it had been a paid transaction and that was all! He was just making sure that Yhisondrel could come back again. That was it. There was no true care in it at all. The only one who could ever care for him in any way was Au'ra. Even though he had found this trip to be somewhat pleasurable, now he found himself with only more chaos touching his heart. He needed to return to his kingdom, needed to see Au'ra again. Without the other, he was left either empty or confused.