Moon Scythe - Chapter 3

Story by Crabanniel on SoFurry

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#3 of Moon Scythe Series

Where am I? Am I dead? Is this death? Caseel took a breif inventory of his body. I can feel my arms, and legs, and head... He reached up and felt his face, and stopped when he could see his hands. A slight glow came from the back of his hands, a red glow. A small design seemed to be branded into his flesh. A circle and within the circle, fire, and within the fire, a large tear drop looking shape. He touched The symbol on his right hand.... it felt like stone, like a river stone, Smooth... but warm not cool. Ok this is super wierd what has happened to me?

"Ah, you're awake good." Caseel almost jumped out of teh bed he was in how did i get into a bed?"It was very hard getting you here you know. We had to make the public think you were dead, all unlicensed Are punished by death... except you; I don't suppose you know why." There was a pause and he heard some one adjust themselves somehwere nearby. "You are one of the few Sorcerer's to Sucessfully complete a blood sacrifice in many years, and unlicensed at that. I bet you know nothing of magic do you?" The masculine voice continued without waiting for a responce. "Fully fledged Magi rarely attempt a blood sacrifice.. and at that fewer succeed and live; Most make something that represents something about themselves to offer as sacrifice. You are now the master of an overwhelming power, and we will need that power in the times to come. Things are happening in the world, and they aren't for the better. So your options are: work for us, and complete your training, or I can kill you right now." There was a pause as if teh voice was waiting for a responce, the silence seemed to drag on forever.

"Ah....ummm... Well i really would rather stay alive," Caseel looked around trying to find the owner of the voice he heard. A light flickered and illuminated the face of a middle aged Panther. The Panther smiled at Caseel.

"My name is Argos, and I will be your commanding officer, welcome to the Core of Silence. My grandfather in your village spoke highly of you, even though you skipped his lessons." The panther winked at Caseel. "Come along you have rested enough, I need to show you the facilities we have here, and explain to you what we will be expecting from you." The Panther turned up the light on the lamp and set it on an end table and walked towards a door. As soon as the door opened it flooded the room with light, almost blinding Caseel. He stood up, eyes squinting, as he followed Argosthrough the door and down the hall. the side of the hall opposite his room was lined with windows, he seemed to be on the second level as he looked out across a large garden. "That is our garden where the innitiants can go to study or relax on there time off." They continued to make their way down the hallway, made a turn and descended some stairs. They moved outside and moved across a large lawn, where furs of varying species looked to be precticing marksmenship with bows crossbows, and many other weapons that Caseel had never even seen before. "this is where you will be practicing in the use of the projectile weapon that chooses you, along with some basic training in the more common weapons you may find." They continued across the field to a large pavillion. It was the largest pavillion he had ever seen, at least fou levels of a regular house. Inside teh pavillion there were many furs using swords, spears, and again a variety of weapons he had never seen before. "This is were you will learn how to use the melee weapon that chooses you, along with common weapons like swords and spears." As they walked away Caseel noticed a very cute rabbit sparring with four other furs. she had what looked like sticks on arms, that she was spinning with handles that came off of them near one end. She was small and as he lost view of her, One of her sparring partners went flying across the ring, hitting the ground and groaning. Argos turned back towards the building they had exited, across the field again, and this time took a different entrance into the largest library he had ever seen in his life. it was almost as big as his entire village and three houses high. "this is were you will be doing most of your studying, you will be learning languages, tactics, geography, culture, polotics, and how to control and use your magic." They walked though the center of the library There were long tables, with many furs studying between giant piles of books. "Ah Zero, this is Caseel our newest initiate," Caseel turned and almost screamed at what was before him. The creature was unlike anthing he had ever seen. it was scaled without legs, it's chest was of average width but its face. there was no hair, or ears, its eyes were red and had a vertical slit, and his mouth... as he smiled every single tooth was pointed.

"Ah Caseel yesss, the new blood Sorcerer... Hmmm" Zero grabbed Caseel's hand and brought it to his face, "Ah very nice." Zero turned his hand over and and examined his fingers. "Ah you are a very lucky individual," He looked up at caseel and smiled, "And you have now idea how lucky yet do you?.... No I figure not." He released Caseel's hand and looked from Argos back to Caseel. "If you require clarification within your studies you may come to me, I would love to get to learn about you some more." The Creature named Zero flashed a pointed tooth smile again and began to slither away.

"He is a Naga, and knows a lot about almost everything. That's all we really know about him." Argos looked at Caseel, "Ok you are free to explore today, but you are required to report to the Pavillion at sunrise for your studies to begin." Argos began to walk away and said over his should with a hand raised, "I hope you do well here, or else we will have to kill you for real." He chuckled as he left the library.

This would indeed be an interesting experience in Caseel's life...But i guess it's bette rthen dieing. Shrugging to himself, Caseel set out to explore the compound before he went to bed.

To Be Continued.