Laboratory Raid - Part 1

Story by Karasu on SoFurry

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Laboratory Raid - Part 1

heavily inspired by, and thus for RWolf.

The tiger sneaked through the ventilation ducts, his lithe frame flexing smoothly, even around the narrowest corners. Too frail for his species he was considered something of a curiousity. Not many knew he put this to his advantage when breaking into buildings. Like this one, Zsal Biosciences, an obscure company not much was known about. He expected to find valuable data inside, or specimens to sell to a rival company.

Gracefully he landed on the floor, his body sheathed in a black bodysuit that hugged him tightly. This was the place, a large laboratory with some of the tightest security he'd ever met, but he got through. The room was crammed with equipment, filled with loose data he began to download to his portable drive. Meanwhile he looked around. Four huge glass tanks raised his interest, they were obscured by shutters, which he began to open. Three were empty, but the fourth held a magnificient sight. A white wolf, large, no, massive, almost filling the spacious tank. Its muscles seemed impossibly strong, the chest alone held more muscle than the tiger had on his whole body. Beneath the trunk-like legs rested the wolf's member safely in its sheath, easily the size of his own arm, he guessed awestruck.

Escaping the enrapturing sight he focused on a datapanel, reading:

Subject A-176

Species: Wolf

Gender: Male

Mutation: Unstable

Suddenly a warning sounded from the terminal he was downloading from. It notified of unauthorized access, a second later the lights sprang on. He grabbed his stuff and headed for his escape, as the door opened and a guard came in. He drew his gun, as did the guard, the tiger leapt behind a console, the guard opened fire, missing the tiger, but hitting the tank, which resonated with the impact for a fraction of a second, the wolf's eyes opened, then the tank shattered. The guard jumped back in surprise and managed to evade the closing breach door, landing outside the lab.

The tiger was washed away by a wave of fluid from the tank, submerging him, he choked on some of it as he resurfaced and saw the wolf. It was on all fours and a trembling seemed to go through its body. Suddenly it seemed to explode, as its bulging muscles ripped open, revealing a dark blue, glistening tissue, that shot out from its arms and legs, flaring over its back, which began to sprout horns. The wolf looked at him, still mutating, the tiger was frozen in horror. Then it jumped. It turned him onto his back, pushing him under it. The dark blue muscles began to coagulate into thick, glossy tentacles that flailed about, coming closer, as he watched the wolf's sheath part, producing a thick, slime-dripping organ with asymetric growths, like a cluster of tentacles that had merged into one. It was a dark blue, almost black and from its tip oozed a green fluid. Barely he noticed, that the blue tentacles had found him under the creature, grabbing his extremities, easily lifting him and pushing his black-clad body against the wet fur. Something toched his anus, it would never fit, he thought, as it began to push against the fabric in his groin, the blue tentacles wrapped more tighly around him, as their insides seemed to change, first few, then many small bumps appeared on them, finally covering their undersides. They touched him again and the bumps burst on touch, sending shivers through his body. They secreted a clear blue liquid, that soaked into his suit, which began to melt before his eyes, soon he was completely naked, the tentacles gripped him tighter and shoved him against the mighty phallus. He roared, as he was split, the wolf sensing the opportunity and shooting its tongue into the tiger's throat, it also a tentacle. Their lips met, as he felt the pole entering him, working his intestines, making him hard. They kissed deeply, while the wolf rammed into the tiger and a single tentacle sneaked up and pushed against the tiger's erection. It split, a central part entering the urethra, the other wrapping around the tiger's member, milking it.

They fucked hard for a few minutes, until the wolf's cock expanded inside the tiger, like a single knot, pushing against his prostate, driving him over the edge. The tiger's cum shot into the wolf, its body immediately reacting with the fresh DNA. The wolf tensed, his whole body contracting, then he shot his load, as did the tentacles, flailing about uncontrolled, thrashing two other tubes, which spilled into the room as well. Again the tiger was submerged, but this time the wolf was shooting mutagenic semen into him at an insane rate. Immediately his body absorbed its own mass in the liquid, inducing a powerful cascade of mutation. It hit him like nothing he had ever felt, his body expanded, his insides growing, organs multiplied, muscles grew their own nervous systems, bones reinforcing themselves. His anus clenched tighter on the wolf's member, which was still pumping into him. His own length was growing rapidly, as were his testicles, pumping additional hormones into his system. The bliss pounded in on him like a tidal wave, as he came again so soon, the sensation was too much and he fell unconcious.

When he awoke the wolf stood before him, the tentacles sealed under his fur again, which had developed black stripes. The mutant seemed even bigger than before, but its growth was nothing compared to his. He was massive, no, gargantuan, like the wolf easily ten feet in height and half a ton of muscle. The floor was covered in puddles, and he knew where the liquid had gone. He grinned, this was defineately better than stealing data.

His eyes met the wolf's. The tiger stood up and without words they embraced each other, kissing deeply, their tentacular tongues entwining.

The wolf broke the kiss first, they had to escape from this place. Soon Zsal would send security, or worse, sterilize the lab. The wolf went towards one of the massive barrier doors. His paws felt over the steel surface. He shook his head, then touched the wall to its right. A grin showed his canines, then he smashed his fist against the concrete. Dust fell from the ceiling, the wall showed a large dent. A second and a third blow later he could see the room beneath. The wolf panted and licked over his bleeding fist. The tiger took his place, hammering his own fists in turn against the hole, until it was large enough for them to fit through.

They entered a hallway, doors lining its sides, now all closed with the large barrier shields, except for one at the other end of the hallway. Making their way towards it they stopped in their tracks when it suddenly opened to reveal a large exo-armor in the style of a draconian. Plasma-guns were mounted on its shoulders, trying to lock on the two targets. The tiger lunged first, hitting the metal figure square in the chest with all his weight, knocking it back, while the wolf lept to its side, ready to run his claws into its armor.

The draconian flapped his wings once and jumped back to evade the blow and avoid falling over. One plasma cannon fired, a large bolt searing across the tiger's skin, who yowled in pain. The left arm of the exo-armor pointed at the wolf, a laser beam erupting from it, slicing the white fur open to reveal dark blue muscles.

Again the tiger pounced onto the draconian who too late raised his other arm in protection, this time knocking him over and into the concrete wall. The room was soon filled with dust and debris, the plasma cannon burned into the walls and doors, the lasers melted steel and concrete alike, while the heavy claws of the tiger were joined by the wolf's powerful tentacles. The draconian's armor was severely damaged and he retreated through a blast door fast enough for the two to go after him.

The wolf was badly injured, his left leg was a burned stump, his whole hide ripped and burned open, the tentacles flailing wildly, themselves maimed and mauled. The tiger's fur instead was still in one piece, except heavily burned, but its bones and muscles underneath were bashed to pulp. Knowing their foe would return they retreated into a room, whose blast door was shredded and cut to pieces.

Inside was a laboratory, large pipes ran along the floor towards a large cylindrical container made from steel. The wolf inched farther into the room, leaning against it, while the tiger watched their back. Unnoticed by them the large cylinder had been damaged during their fight, a slight crack was on its side, where the laser had cut through the wolf, then the door and then the steel of the container.

Black ooze crawled out of it, tentatively at first, sliding over the wolfs paws, who stared in shock at it, then moving faster as it crawled up the wolf's arms. Suddenly the cylinder split open, torn by the liquid's massive force, and the ooze shot tendrils over the shocked wolf. It jerked at him, pulling him towards the remains of the container. The liquid crawled around his body now, stretching to engulf the large wolf, it shoved aside the demolished container, pinning his feet to the base, where the piping still supplied various substances. The ooze reached along his neck, finally covering his head. The blackness seemed to grow, until the wolf's shape was no longer visible, only a large black cocoon resting, where the container had.

The tiger moved closer, not understanding what had just happened. He touched the surface of the cocoon. It was warm and felt like rubber under his paw. In awe he moved over to a terminal and began reading, ignoring the pain. Soon he understood. The ooze was an effort to create a biological hazard suit, a so called fungal biopolymer, designed to grow over a given host to shield him from environmental hazards, as well as providing a life support system and armor. Currently, he figured, it was adapting to the wolf's biology.

The tiger grinned as he understood the purpose of the pipes running towards the cocoon. He went over to the nutrient control system and steadily increased the flow, then sat down exhausted. Soon the black mass began to pulsate, slowly growing, as the nutrient solution was pumped into it. When the flow had reached its upper limit the tiger noticed the cocoon taking shape, strange, rubbery organs appearing on it, as much of its mass shifted to form some sort of biomechanical latex arch, adorned by pulsating veins and lamellae. Inside a very tight black rubber bladder, suspended under the arch by slimy tubes, veins, tendons, the wolf's outlines were clearly visible. The arch sprung from a large black mass at the base, which greedily sucked the nutrients from the piping.

The draconian stood in front of the blast door that was to be his exit, commanding it to open, but the system refused his authorization. He tried to contact his superiors, but the communication channels were all blocked. Requesting a status report his display notified him of severe containment breach in this section. Scheduled sterilization was in two hours, unless the vectors were eliminated before this time. It wouldn't let im out, until those two were destroyed.

He scanned his systems, themselves badly damaged, to assess his situation. The exo-armor that covered his green-scaled, athletic body was still mostly operational, but the armored plating was damaged and in some places only his bodysuit was sealing him from the environment.

He went to a nearby security station, at least its door opening, to repair and recharge his systems. Then he would go back.

Large tentacles had grown inside the rubbery cocoon, slowly snaking up between the wolf's legs. Clearly visible to the tiger one of them crawled tentatively over his buttocks, snaking around, unil it came to rest between the captured's buttcheeks. Meanwhile another two had crawled up to the wolf's loins, one pushed against his large erection, the other seemed to engulf his scrotum, the first pushed against the entrance, when the tiger heard a door go in the hallway and jumped up. He had partly regenerated his crushed internals and walked towards the door with silent grace again. He saw the draconian inside the hallway, the exosuit was repaired in most places and the plasma cannons were glowing, searching for a target.

He hid beneath the destroyed door and waited. The draconian came closer, searching over the debris, over the farthest door past it, looking into the room, moving on distinctly, the next door was intact, the tiger sensed him coming closer, he heard him coming around the door, lokking into it, but before he could fire the tiger pounced on him with all his weight, knocking both of them over. The cannons unleashed their blaze, burning across his shoulder, the ceiling and the door on the other side. Immediately a thick, blue tentacle grew from the wound, grabbing the draconian's helmet, tearing at it. They wrestled, crashing into the opposite room. Neither noticed the glass dome in the its center, housing strange dark grey structures. Between plasma bursts the tiger had ripped of the draconian's helmet, which now hung between his wings, held by a few cables, and opened his muzzle with his shoulder-tentacle, now split in two. The tiger grinned in victory, then opened his maw and frenched the draconian with his tongue, blue and growing, secreting slimy liquids, pushing it in deeper.

The armor clad foe tried to resist, the tiger pushed him over and both fell into the dome, security glass shattering under their power. Instantly the grey structure reacted, forming metallic tendrils that searched along their skin - it tracing over the tiger's fur he could feel a light tingle, but nothing else seemed to happen to him. He rolled off of the draconian in a swift and graceful movement, looking over the armored figure amidst the structure. It reminded him of an insect hive, or an alien architecture, highly organized, but smooth and organic. The tendrils swarmed over the exosuit, searching for joints, cracks and other ports connecting to them immediately upon contact. The draconian looked up to the tiger in a grimace of anger and anxiety, as the ports on his back were invaded by the grey material. It made contact with his damaged helmet and burst into activity around the scaled neck. Tendrils from the helmet and the rest of the armor reached out over the draconic flesh, slowly pulling the helmet over his head again.

The tiger stepped back, readying his claws. The draconic exo-armor was slowly being grown over by the structure, his evolved eyes could make out the tiny fibers of it spreading over the metal, converting it into its own. And the armor was growing. The draconian stood up slowly, its movements extremely powerful, but uncoordinated, large tubes of organic metal fed into his back, just below the wings, now spires of dark grey structure. With a smooth flap he opened them, circuits were all over the metallic membrane, but not rectangular or ordered in any way, but grown, evolving even now, wires going the shortest distance, more like axons of nerve cells. The growth had reached the front plate of the helmet, it too was turning into alien matter, smooth and featureless, facing the tiger, now almost crouched, ready to pounce on an instant.