fallen star

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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Okay...I got an email a few days ago. It was something I have never gotten before. A request for a story. The request was quite within my boundaries, so here it is. To the requester, who chooses to remain anonymous, I hope you like the story!

Okay, I know nothing of Starfox. Nothing at all. The only knowledge I have is some fleeting memories of playing the game on the n64 years ago. Therefore I do not understand what relationship Krystal has with Starfox or anything. This story is simply a story featuring Krystal, in name and physical appearance only, and has no connection whatsoever to Starfox. Is Krystal even out of Starfox...? Cause if she isn't then my face is gonna be soooo red....and moreover, the only things I actually have to go off on Krystal are a few pictures, so don't chew me out over any discrepancies.

BTW this is the first story I have ever done about an anthro that has breasts! @.@ wow. If anyone has a request they would like to make for a story, then email me. I'll see what I can do. But please, don't ask for anal or rimming or Unbirthing or vore or anything like that. If you've seen it in my stories before, then feel free to ask for it, but anything else, probably not. But you can ask. Maybe I will. The best stories ideas that get sent in...well, obviously, I'll write them, won't I?

Fallen star

Krystal sighed, fluffing her pillow angrily as it refused to sit in a comfortable position as it always did. She stared up at the bleak blue/grey ceiling and sighed again.

She was lying in the rather small sleeping section of her Starship. It was a small room, only just bit enough for a bed, a desk, and a shelf for reading material. The bed consisted of a thin mattress, an uncooperative pillow and a course blanket. All of the bedding materials had an air of cheapness about them.

The point was, the bedding was cheap.

It was the only thing that Krystal could afford when she last outfitted her ship. Thieves had broken in one night a few weeks ago and made off with most of her possessions, leaving her with an empty Starship. It was just lucky that the ship's computer was locked with a Semptron 5 firewall and decryption, or she wouldn't even have had a ship to return to.

The thievery couldn't have come at a worse time. She had travelled to the planet K'jorkyr, in the hopes of meeting a future employer, only to find that the 'employer' was actually a barman who had been run out of town and was looking for a cheap hired gun to get a little revenge without getting his hands dirty.

Krystal had immediately set off to return to her ship and leave, but had discovered the thievery when she returned. The worst of it was that she had barely enough fuel left for leaving the atmosphere, let alone the stressful, fuel-consuming techniques of a re-entry. The thieves had even cracked her vault, which was stored with the combination 11, 18, 21, 19, 20, 1, 12, which was her name when the letters were substituted with numbers. She hadn't even re-fuelled her ship, thinking that she would be staying on the planet for a few days. Starship fuel was very volatile, and if left in the tanks of a Starship without the proper chemicals added to neutralise the combustible liquid, then heat by itself could send her ship up in flames. And the chemicals needed for the neutralisation process were expensive too.

She sighed and rolled over on to her other side, Taking off her clothes and letting the filtered air of the Starship ruffle her blue fur. She dragged a paw through the soft fur of her belly, enjoying the feel of the silky, warm, but most of all *clean* strands.

She wasn't a neat freak, but after spending three weeks working in a grubby bar serving drinks, having to listen to the brazen pick-up lines of the uncouth barbarians who served as patrons, cleaning up broken glass, walking through the haze of tobacco smoke, back and forth, between the kitchen's and the dining area, she had needed to feel clean.

The first thing she had done after launching and setting the ship on autopilot was to have a nice, long, hot bath. She hadn't been able have a proper bath because she was much too wary of all the assholes who would give their right arm to see her naked. Her Starship wasn't all that high off the ground, and her bathroom window was distressingly clear and large. It didn't matter much when she was out in space, as she was now, because the view from the window was epic, with the various galaxies hanging and swirling. But on the ground it was easy for any asshole to just walk up and have a peek at her during one of her private moments.

That was another reason that she had so longed for a bath. The stares.

God she hated males! They just stared at her. The hunger in their eyes was so clear a pup could see it. And the voluminous amounts of alcohol they consumed only made it worse. That was the main reason for her need of a shower, as if she could wash off the memories of the stares through mere scrubbing.

She wished all men would just up and die, and then that would do away with all the stares. She had never looked at a female *that* way before, but she didn't really look at males that way either. The first and only male she had ever gotten intimate with had turned out to be the biggest bastard this side of the galaxy. He had used her for his own purposes, wooing her to bed with promises of love and spending the rest of their lives together, and then casting her aside afterwards as if she were an empty candy wrapper.

After that, she had lost all trust in males.

The blue vixen gave another sigh and rolled back over onto her back, an arm draped carelessly over a breast. She wished that she could get an operation one day to have the cumbersome things removed, but she didn't have the guts to go through with it. Her breasts were part of her, but she hated them. They served her no real use. She didn't trust males enough to have ever have children, so she didn't need them for breast feeding,, and she didn't derive any pleasure from them at all like her old female friends had told her.

The only real purpose they served was to further inflame the lust of horny males who would just stare at her rump or breasts incessantly.

The males had good reason to stare though. Krystal was, simply put, stunning. Standing at 5'7, with luxurious blue fur, a long fluffy tail, deep emerald eyes, and very nice curves, she was quite simply one of the most beautiful vixen's ever to have lived.

Her whole body was furred with blue, except for a large patch, which stretched right from her chin, covering her muzzle, down her chest, over her breasts, down her flat belly, and between her legs, meeting the base of her tail. The very tip of her tail was the only other part of her body that bore any white fur. The only other colours that graced her body was the pink of her nipples, mouth, and the area between her legs.

Krystal sighed again and rolled over once more, wondering what she was going to do, where she was going to go, who she could try to get work off. She could head back to the main galactic hub and search for an employer, but she hated it there. The place was too big to police properly, and it was not unknown for a person to just go missing without a trace in the big, sprawling cityscape.

She rolled over once more, lying on her back, her tail slowly twitching as she tried to get to sleep.

But sleep wouldn't come, other thoughts kept intruding, thoughts of pleasure. She knew she was going into heat, and that she should find a male to satisfy her needs, but she couldn't bring herself to meet eyes with any male, because of those ever present stares.

Her paw slowly trailed across her stomach again, ruffling her fur, but this time, it had a more deliberate purpose, slowly slipping down lower, caressing her thighs as if to tease herself.

Raising her other paw, she placed it over the top of the first one, rubbing gently at the luxuriously soft fur of her inner thigh, the heat between her legs, which had already been rather hard to ignore because of her going into heat, became unbearable, making her give a little yip of pleasure as her paws flew to her lips of their own accord.

She gasped slightly and rubbed in little circles, her paws quickly becoming wet with the vixen's juices as her soft lips throbbed lightly against the rubbing paws.

A slight mewl escaped her partly open muzzle, and she stifled the sound with a gasp, one of her wet paws placed over her muzzle in embarrassment. She didn't know why, but whenever she did this, she always made the *strangest* sounds.

The vixen's tail started to twitch slowly back and forth against the bedside, her toes curling and her back arching slightly as if to push her paws harder against her wet and wanting lips.

Her paws flexed suddenly, the claws coming out, one of them delicately tracing over her clit, making her arch and yip loudly, her tail curling around and twitching spasmodically as her other paw started to thrust against her lips repeatedly, the vixen trying to force herself to orgasm as fast as possible, her heat making her more lusty than she could remember.

The vixen arched her back one last time, her paw freezing in place as her muzzle opened reflexively, the vixen letting out a long, pleasured howl which reverberated throughout the room as her legs convulsed and then collapsed.

Krystal fell back to the bed with a gasp, her fur matted from her exertions, her chest heaving and her heart pounding in her ears. She lay there for a few minutes, breathing hard, giving little yips as her body started to reacclimatize to normal functions.

She growled lightly as the feeling of lust faded into background noise, but instead of making her feel sleepy and contented, she felt different. In every other heat, playing with herself had made it better, but now it was worse. She was filled with a peculiar emptiness, and alertness, as if she was out hunting.

The growl slowly tapered off, ending in a sigh as she started to get up to go to the tiny bathroom and have another bath to clean herself. The fact that the feelings of lust hadn't dissipated only made her angrier. Angry at the fact that she had wasted so much time pleasing herself when she had in actual fact been making it worse.

She walked into the bathroom, dropping her clothes into the wash basket behind the door, turning towards the bath in the intention of filling it, and staring out at the vast vista of space.

It never got old to her, the vast galaxy spread out before her, the various nebulas and stars creating the most simply gorgeous sights.

But that wasn't what caught her attention this time. The white ship cruising smoothly beside hers, keeping pace perfectly so that the pilot's cockpit was level with her window was what caught her attention.

Her muzzle opened in a gasp of embarrassment as she used her tail and paws to cover her private areas, staring at the brazen pilot who was smiling, waving, but most insulting of all, *staring* at her.

How long had he been watching?!

She growled angrily and whirled towards the cockpit of her own Starship, snatching a robe off the door and flicking it on, slamming open the door to the cockpit and dropping herself into the seat, staring at the vast array of blinking buttons before her.

She hit a button on the right-hand side of the console, opening a communications line to the ship.

A screen lit up with an emblem, which she recognized as the mercenary insignia of the Black Raven's.

The emblem faded to reveal the grinning face of the person in the other ship.

"That was quite a show." He said without delay, his eyes dancing with amusement as he stared at the stunning vixen who he had just seen laid bare before him.

She didn't reply, but a low, dangerous growl started deep in her throat. She flicked some switches, turning off the autopilot and cutting the link to the other ship, taking the thruster bars between her paws and pulling them back smoothly, making her Starship decelerate.

The white ship shot ahead of her, filling the left side of her view port, its thrusters glowing orange.

Krystal smiled evilly, growling a little louder as she stabbed a button, a pulse of electricity causing the lights to dim in the ship for a second as a blue ball of electromagnet energy shot from beneath the short wing mounted on the left of her Starship.

The ball shot forwards at phenomenal speed, quickly closing the distance between it and the white ship, slamming into the rear end of it and exploding in a crackling blue ball of energy.

The ball didn't do any physical damage, but the electromagnet energy it released upon explosion shut down every electric system on the white ship, crippling it more effectively than a shot right to the cockpit.

Krystal pushed the thruster bars forwards, until she was level with the now-dead ship, staring into the cockpit at the pilot, who was hitting buttons with murderous intent, trying to get his ship started back up.

She waited until her looked at her, before she waved, blew him a kiss, and then set the ship back on autopilot, getting up to go for that bath. It would be hours before the white ship regained function, and by then, she would be long gone.

She dropped her robe and stepped into the bathroom again, looking at the robe for a second, and then using it as a makeshift curtain to cover the window, just in case.

A turn f the taps started yo fill the tub with hot water and she stood there waiting for it to fill completely. She flicked the tap off and tested the water with a footpaw, before sliding into the water with a happy sigh.

She settled into the water until it was up to her neck, and then started to clean herself, sliding her paws over her fur, clearing away the juices that she had accidentally smeared there, before settling back again and just relaxing.

* * *

An explosion rocked the ship.

The bathtub Krystal was lying in was overturned with the force of the explosion, spilling the blue vixen across the tiled floor in a wash of water, the pipes holding the taps to the tub twisting and snapping, water spraying from the ruptured pipes.

The vixen just lay there, stunned, the water coursing through her fur, splashing up and over her discarded clothes as another explosion hit the ship.

She got shakily to her feet, and was thrown back off them by another explosion, the slippery floor making it impossible to gain purchase properly.

Krystal decided that walking was out of the question, and began to crawl, slipping and sliding, her soft fur not very helpful in this instance.

She looked out the window and saw several ships diving for her own, each one a different colour, red beams of energy shooting from their canons with amazing accuracy, slowly but surely crippling every system on the ship.

The cockpit door was thrown open by the force of another explosion as Krystal reached. She used the handle as a tool to help get herself to her feet, and slipped and slid into the pilot seat, staring at the array of blinking red buttons with a moan of apprehension.

Her ship was pretty much dead in space. Every major system that could be destroyed without destroying the ship itself was gone. Three of her four thrusters were shut to hell, whether the cables connecting them to the cockpit were down or the engines themselves had been destroyed was uncertain, butt she couldn't activate them from here.

The long-range external antennae had been shot off, but the short range ones were still active, probably so that the ships outside could contact her and gloat.

Radar was down, countermeasures were gone, jettisoned by the on-board automatic defence system during the first strafing runs of the ships, to try and give the pilot enough time to start evasive manoeuvres.

Her weapons were gone, blown off by accurate fire from the other ships.

She couldn't do anything. The only thing she could do was turn on her only engine and fly in circles. In space there wasn't any resistance so normal wings wouldn't work. Her ship manoeuvred by minute changes in the ratio of thrusting made by her four engines.

She brought up her navigational computer, and, after adding in the factors of how damaged her ship was, she was told that she could use her single engine to reach a nearby planet, Yerth.

She hit a few buttons, setting the autopilot, and then stood up, heading for the rear of the Starship, where the hatch was, which was where the enemy would board the ship.

There was thunk as a ship docked with hers, and then a sudden vmmmm as the autopilot took advantage of the anchoring force of the other ship and started to accelerate towards the planet.

Krystal drew a sword from a hidden cupboard, one of the few things that the thieves hadn't been able to find, and stood in the hallway with it, ready for the boarding party.

She didn't have long to wait, as the hatch opened all of a sudden and three people dived into her ship, blasters in their hands.

Krystal stepped forwards as the first enemy came out of his roll, his blaster held forwards.

Their was an arc of silver and his hand feel right off, the ragged stump remaining their spraying blood over the interior of her beautiful, clean ship, and all over herself as well.

She winced as the blood stained her blue fur red.

The enemy who had his hand cut off fell to the ground, writhing in agony and losing consciousness to shock.

Krystal stepped forwards further, slicing sideways at the next enemy, who was a little quicker than the first, and managed to get his hand out of the line of fire.

But the second slice got him. Krystal quickly reversed the sword, slicing forwards and catching the second enemy a glancing blow across the muzzle, splitting opine the fur and skin there as if it were toilet paper.

Her dropped his blaster and fell to the ground, writhing with pain, his hands over his injured muzzle.

She whirled back a few steps, holding her sword close to her chest, ready to throw it or strike if any more of them came any closer.

The third enemy straightened up slowly, staring at her with venom in its eyes.

She was a female, almost a perfect match to Krystal, except her fur was red and white, instead of blue, and her eyes were a pitch black.

Krystal stared at the opposing vixen. Waiting for her to make the first move. The red fox wasn't armed like other two; she was holding a sword, much like Krystal's, only decorated in black and red, with a blue hilt.

Krystal stepped forwards, cutting off the opposing vixen from stepping into her ship fully, which in turn rendered her sword less useful than the blue vixen's because if she swung, she would hit the wall, so her offensive options were more limited than Krystal's who had more room to manoeuvre.

The red vixen lifted a paw, and hurled something at Krystal. She ducked and the object sailed over her head as the red vixen shut her eyes.

The blue vixen uttered a shriek of pain and surprise as a flash of brilliant white light lit the interior of the ship, blinding her.

She was instantly disarmed and hurled to the ground. More people filed into the ship, and the red vixen spoke.

"Take everything of value, and set the ship for a course to Yerth, leave the vixen in the flight seat. Make sure she can't move. I want her to see the end coming." The voice said impassively, before something struck her hard in the head and knocked her out.

* * *

Krystal moaned quietly and opened her eyes.

The planet filled her entire vision, impossibly huge, the ship starting to shake as it entered the first layer of planetary atmosphere.

She immediately took the controls, testing which ones were working.

They were all dead. Every last one.

Then she tried the door leading off from the cockpit. It was welded shut. She was shut in the cockpit of a dead Starship that would very soon impact the planet Yerth.

She sat down in the seat with a weary sigh, a tear slipping from her eye as she realised that she was going to die, regretting that she hadn't done everything she could to live her life to the fullest.

She put her feet up on the instrument panel and got comfortable. There was no point dying all cramped up.

She sighed wearily again and watched the planet draw closer. She could see by her trajectory that she would hit land. Better that way. She could survive a water crash, but then she would have to worry about drowning and sharks.

* * *

Kyrith was out walking in the forest when he heard it.

It was a massive sound, the sound of something screaming out of the sky and shooting overhead at tree level.

He didn't know exactly what it was, but the sound he was hearing was a sonic boom created by Krystal's ship as it rocketed past him at nearly twice the speed of sound.

As the ship reached terminal velocity, it started to break up, the slowly decaying Starship revolving in the air until hit the ground with a monumental impact, kicking up dirt and rock everywhere, the actual Starship skidding for several hundred metres, rolling and breaking up, before it finally stoped, the remains of the once proud craft scattered across several kilometres.

Kyrith immediately set out for the crash site, hoping to scavenge whatever parts he could from the wreckage and maybe get his hoverbike going again.

* * *

It was nearly two hours later that a weary Kyrith walked into the clearing created by the crashed Starship, fires still burning sporadically in some places, the metal steaming in the afternoon air.

He set about searching for the cockpit, because that was where most of the useful parts would be, and the ones that would most likely be intact too, as the cockpit was usually made so that it was the last thing to disintegrate in a crash.

It was nestled between two trees, a fire raging within it, the broken glass of the cockpit windows spewing forth with flame, the paint of the Starship burning and peeling from the intense heat.

Sighing heavily he started to turn away, but something blue laying at the foot of the cockpit attracted his attention.

He stepped over to it hesitantly. It was not unknown for smugglers to crash-land and accidentally set loose horribly carnivorous monsters on unsuspecting planets.

As he grew closer, he started to see the shape for what it really was. A vixen, lying on a plate of steel, her fur matted with dirt and singed in several places, her naked body completely on display.

He moved over closer, gently checking her beautiful neck for a pulse, and finding a weak one that beat unsteadily against his fingers.

A live one!

Immediately, he lifted her up and gently held her in his arms, carrying her back to his home, which was several kilometres away, all thoughts of fixing his hoverbike forgotten.

* * *

She groaned as she awoke, opening her eyes and squinting up at the bright light, blinking dully and trying to remember where she was.

Someone switched off the light, and she sighed with relief, relaxing slightly into the amazingly soft bed, stretching and flexing her muscles for a second before rolling over, yawning and trying to back to sleep.

Her eyes shot open as she remembered the crash, her breathing increasing exponentially as she relived those horrible last moments, the ship plunging into the ground, the front window of the cockpit breaking and her body being hurled out of it like a rag doll.

She rolled onto her back and started to feel all over her body, searching for broken bones and cuts desperately, anything to tell her that she was still alive and not in some warped kind of afterlife.

Two hands came out and held her wrists, and a soothing male voice started speaking to her. "Hey...settle down okay? You shouldn't be moving about after the crash."

She looked up and stared at the speaker. He was human, with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. He stood at about five foot six, with an average build. Nothing special.

He was perched at the end of the bed, holding her wrists between two deceptively powerful arms, staring into her eyes and trying to calm her down.

She relaxed visibly, and he let go of her wrists, and she laid them besides her.

He reached out slowly, without breaking eye contact, and pulled the blanket back up her body, so that it covered her fully once more. She hadn't even noticed that she was wearing a blanket, let alone that it had fallen down. But she was suddenly aware of the fact that she was naked save for the blanket.

She blushed heavily, the blue fur of her cheeks flushing with red, making her appear totally innocent but all the more attractive for it.

The human smiled at her and stood up, motioning for her to stay where she was.

She did as asked, sitting up and looking about the room, holding the blankets tight to her chest as she took in the room and its contents.

It was rather messy, with clothes, books, and various other things scattered about, the cupboards haphazardly organized by whatever was chucked in there at what time, rather than any actual system.

She decided that she liked it; it felt rather like a home.

As the human returned, she felt that she had the energy to give him a warm, if weak smile.

He smiled in return, and set down the tray that he was carrying on the bed. On it was a cup of juice, some bacon, some eggs, some salad of some description, and a fruit that she had never seen before.

She stared down at the feast, and then glanced at him. He was watching her intently, waiting for her to start eating, but she was much too shy to just dig in. there was something st4ange about this human, something that he did that no other male did. Something that set him apart. But she couldn't place it.

"You must be hungry...eat." He said, twitching impatiently as if to shoo away a fly.

She dove into the food hungrily, snatching up the bacon with her bare paw and gobbling it down hungrily, barely tasting the food itself but enjoying it immensely.

Next were the eggs, tossed into the air and caught with a single snap of her jaws, devoured in mere seconds, before she grabbed the salad and consumed that as well, washing it all down with the glass of juice.

She suddenly realised that she had just shown the appalling manners that she had come to associate with the males at the bar she had worked at. She looked at the human with a rueful smile on her face, her cheeks burning bright red.

He looked at her and laughed, taking the tray and returning to what she suspected was the kitchen. She heard the clink of him cleaning the tray, and then more clinking as he prepared something else.

She sighed happily, a paw resting on her belly contentedly as she leaned back into the pillow.

The human returned, and set the tray on the bed again.

Her eyes flew open as the most delightful scent reached her nose.

Ice cream.

There was a large bowl of it, just sitting there with a spoon sticking out of it, twin trails of caramel and chocolate sauce lain across the top.

Her mouth watered and she found herself almost unable to resist the sight and scent of such a delicacy.

The human must have saved the best for himself. After all, she was the one who had crashed. He had already given her a bed and a very good meal, so she wouldn't make hungry eyes at his food while he ate.

She turned her head and looked out the window so she could forget completely about the ice cream, even though its scent, which a human couldn't smell, but was so strong to her canine nose, tempted her with every passing second.

The human shifted, and then spoke. "Well...if you don't want it, I can take it back..." He said.

She snapped her head back to him and then to the ice cream, snatching it up and holding it to her chest protectively.

The movement caused the blanket to drop, revealing her breast s to the air, but she didn't care, she was totally transfixed by the ice cream. She took the spoon and held it up, marvelling at the drops of flavoursome sauce that fell from it, and then looked at him again. She held out the ice cream to him tentatively, offering it to him.

"No." he said gently, pushing it back towards her, picking up the blanket and placing it over her to protect her modesty. Again she was struck by the strangeness of this male, but she ignored it for the more pressing matter of the ice cream in front of her.

She surprised the human and herself by taking the spoon and putting it in her muzzle, savouring the ice cream with a big, goofy grin stretched across her muzzle.

He smiled as he watched the vixen savour the ice cream, enjoying the way she smiled. Surely it must have been divine intervention that had brought her to him.

She dug into the ice cream with relish, making sure that she stoped to appreciate every last mouthful. The human rose and left, leaving her alone with her indulgence.

She ate the rest of it eagerly, licking the plate clean and then whimpering when she was finished, sad that there was no more left, but more than joyful that she had actually gotten to have some. She had never had the extra money to spend on ice cream or anything else extravagant like that, because she spent all her money on fuel fro her ship to get to the next p0lanet as quick as possible.

She set the plate aside and looked towards the door to the human standing there once again, watching her with the peculiar way he had of doing so.

"You make the strangest sounds when you're enjoying yourself." He commented.

She blushed bright red again. Now she thought about it, she *was* making funny sounds while eating the ice cream. A sort of purring sound that she unconsciously made while happy.

"I have more if you want? But there's a stipulation..." He said.

She looked up at him. He hadn't made any advances towards her, but maybe that was what he wanted from her. But if he thought that she would have sex with him for ice cream then he was sorely mistaken, even though she was already well into her heat.

"You have to walk to the table." He elaborated, turning away and motioning her to follow with a wave of his hand.

She started to get up, but he quickly turned around and stopped her.

She wondered what was going on.

The human walked over to a closet and removed a silk robe, handing it to her after cutting a hole in the back for her tail, and then turning away, walking out.

She stood up, letting the blanket drop, noticing that she had several singed patches of fur. She smoothed them down and tossed on the robe with a practised movement. She then walked unsteadily out of the room and down a short hallway, which terminated in the kitchen.

The table was already set for two people. A bowl of ice cream with bottles of sauce besides it sat at the end closest to her, urging her to take the last few, tiring steps into the seat.

She plopped down into the seat with a sigh of relief, her legs shaking slightly at the exertion.

She was about to dig into the ice cream when she realised that the human was staring at her. Not even eating. Just staring.

That was when what was so strange about him hit home. He didn't *stare* at her. That was what was so strange about him. Sure, he looked at her, observed her closely, but he didn't *stare* at her.

He seemed to notice her uncomfortableness, and smiled nonchalantly. "Would it make you feel better if I was to eat something as well?" He asked.

She nodded, and he immediately rose and headed for the freezer, pulling out a tub of ice cream and scooping some into a plate, setting it down in front of himself. Then he looked thoughtful, and rose once more, heading over to her side of the table and scooping more ice cream onto her plate, before returning to his seat.

He started to eat, and she watched him a second, her green eyes sparkling happily before she dug into her own ice cream, eating much slower than before, which result in the human finishing well before she did.

She looked up, her spoon halfway to her mouth, and froze. He was staring at her again.

"Does my staring disconcert you?" He asked simply.

She cocked her head thoughtfully for a second, and then shook it slightly. "No...it's just that I'm not used to being stared at like you do..." she said.

The human smiled at her, and said, "It speaks! I was starting to think that you were mute."

She gave a smile of her own at his grin, and then returned to her ice cream.

"Just what do you mean you're not used to being stared at...an attractive female such as yourself would get more than a few second glances." He said wisely, interrupting her meal.

She glanced at him, and then said, "I *do* get stared at a lot. Just the stares aren't very nice. They're hungry stares. I hate it when males stare at me."

The human cocked his head at her thoughtfully, and then diverted his gaze, looking anywhere except at her.

"Why are you not looking at me?" She asked, confused. He hadn't stopped staring at her all, and now he was pointedly *not* looking at her.

"You don't like staring. I'm not staring." He said simply, staring out the window.

Krystal flushed bright red and muttered something that he barely caught; "I like it when you stare at me."

* * *

It was several weeks before Krystal felt that she could walk properly, and was almost always in the yard, training, trying to get her strength back.

She had found out that the human, Kyrith, lived alone in the rather large house. She was sleeping in his bed, while he slept on a couch. He always fed her the best food he had to offer, and doted upon her every need, playing chess with her, sparring with her, trying valiantly to clean her back with his eyes closed because she couldn't reach over her shoulder for very long without her arms becoming like lead weights.

She was quite strong enough to leave now, but they both kept dreaming up imaginative reasons for her to stay.

Yesterday it had been that there was a full moon, and that the creatures of the forest would be more active because of it.

* * *

It was the middle of the night, three weeks after Krystal had awoken in the human's house.

She was lying on Kyrith's bed, basically naked save for the thin robe that hugged close to her body, obscuring, and at the same revealing her womanly assets.

She slid from the bed and headed downstairs, to where Kyrith was sleeping peacefully on the couch, a sheet thrown over his shoulders.

It was completely dark, and Krystal was pretty silent, but Kyrith was light sleeper, living in the jungle alone, he was wide-awake at the softest footfall.

Krystal snuck over to the couch, sitting down at the head of it and lightly stroking the human's forehead, sighing quietly and crossing her legs as she sat down, a new nightly ritual for her.

She was slowly stroking his forehead when his eyes suddenly opened, staring right into her own.

Krystal shrieked with surprise and threw herself backwards, away from the couch, laying on her back and staring up at him petulantly.

"You've come down here every night for the last week...why?" he asked, as if asking why she tied her robe the way she did.

She opened her muzzle, a thousand different excuses dancing along her tongue, but she decided to tell the truth, she couldn't deny it any more.

"I think I'm in love with you..." She said hesitantly.

He sat up suddenly, and stared at her.

"What makes you say that?" He asked curiously.

Krystal was rather put out. That wasn't the response she had expected.

"Every male I've ever been around has stared at me, as long as I can remember. And I hate it...but with you...I *want* you to stare at me. I want you to hold me at night..." She struggled, searching for the words to express her feelings but failing miserably.

But he seemed to understand. He cocked his head at her, "Act on your instincts. What are they telling you to do?"

She stared at him for a second, and then stood up, walking over closer. "They're telling me...they're telling me to..." She began, but then just acted on what she was being told to do, leaning down and kissing him soundly.

His eyes opened wide for a second, before he relaxed and enjoyed the kiss.

She lifted her paws and rested them on his shoulders as she felt his hands likewise rest on her neck as she deepened the kiss, her tongue slowly seeking his mouth.

He acquiesced to her, opening his mouth slightly and she took the offer eagerly, thrusting her tongue into his moth and wrapping it around his own, drawing it from his mouth and into her own, smiling into the kiss.

One of her paws started to trail down his body, sliding across his chest delicately as she took a deep breath, sampling his scent.

A hand slipped lower on her body, trailing across her breast delicately.

Krystal gasped into the kiss. The feelings that the simple touch sent through her body were electric!

She felt him smile into the kiss, and gasped again as his hand found her nipple, the dextrous fingers slowly swirling around the rapidly hardening areole [what's that word? Areole, areola, I forget.]

Soft gasps started to escape her muzzle, spilling into her lovers mouth as he started to tweak and gently pinch her hard nipples, sending pleasure coursing through her body, making her back arch and the area between her legs to heat up and become quite wet.

Kyrith broke the kiss, and she whimpered at the loss, before letting out a long, loud moan as his mouth found one of her nipples through her robe, the human suckling on it happily.

She gasped, and tore the robe off, hurling it away and pulling his head back against her breast, begging him to suckle on her nipple again.

He obliged, wrapping his mouth around her bare nipple, suckling powerfully at it, a free hand squeezing her other breast and pinching the nipple.

She yipped happily and pressed him more firmly against her bosom, her muzzle hanging open with pleasure. She had never even suspected that her breasts could bring her so much pleasure!

Kyrith smiled evilly around her breast, and bit down gently, making her arch against him and howl out loud, a small orgasm coursing through her body and making her wet her thighs, her juices spilling onto the floor as the blue vixen slowly collapsed onto her rump. She whimpered again. It was over much too soon!

She looked up at the human, her green eyes bright with contentedness as he dropped down onto the floor with her, his hands stroking along her body slowly.

She purred happily and settled onto her back, loving the way his hands massaged her body so soothingly.

A hand slid up her inner thigh, slowly rubbing along the impossibly soft fur there, and she closed her eyes, content to go to sleep like this, until his hand moved a little higher, touching her already wet lips delicately.

She arched and howled out loud with surprise. She had never felt anything like it! Not even when she played with herself had it felt soooo good!

Her paws flew down to his hand, wrapping around his wrist and pushing it against her entrance eagerly. She *needed* to feel him rub her!

He obliged once again, his fingertips brushing across her swollen lips with teasing slowness, making her back arch and a mewl of pleasure to escape her muzzle. She clamped her paw over her muzzle, embarrassed to have made such a sound.

He leaned in close, and whispered in her ear, "I like it...please keep doing it?"

She nodded breathlessly and mewled again hesitantly, watching his face. His face lit up when he heard the sound, and she did it again, and again, her mewling rising in pitch as her need increased, the humans hand pleasuring her in ways she never thought possible.

The hand moved upwards slightly, and began to slowly caress a part of her opening that she hadn't even known was there, sending the most delicious waves of pleasure through her, igniting her lust more firmly than any heat could.

She basically threw him off her, scrambling to her feet and then dropping onto all fours, spreading her legs and teasingly lifting her tail, revealing her slick entrance to him, inviting him to take her.

She tensed her body, ready for his penetration, listening intently as she heard his clothes slide to the ground, and then his footsteps, as he grew closer. God she needed him inside her!

She lifted her tail as high as she could as she could, shivering with anticipation as she felt his hands on her hips.

She gave a start of surprise and howled with mad lust as she felt something slide teasingly along her lips. It definitely wasn't his cock!

She looked back, and saw him kneeling behind her, his head beneath her tail, his tongue sliding across her lips slowly, making her shiver and arch, a mewl escaping her lips with each stroke of his amazing tongue across her sensitive, heated lips.

His hands slid down her ass, and then onto her lips, holding her open while his tongue slid from her clit right up to the top, making her scream in pleasure and drop her front down onto the ground, unable to support herself, keeping her tail and rear raised high as the human continued his oral assault.

She screamed with pleasure, the tongue between her legs taking her to new heights of pleasure that she hadn't even imagined could exist, she wanted it to stop, because the constant, overwhelming pleasure was unbearable, but oh soooo good.

Her muzzle parted and gasps started to spill from it again as she felt her orgasm rise within her. She was on the brink of orgasm, her body tensed in anticipation, when he inexplicably stopped.

"Nooo..." she mewled, wishing that he would continue and wondering why he had stopped, and then howled out loud as his cock was suddenly, unexpectedly thrust between her tight lips, bringing her orgasm crashing down upon her, her entrance milking his cock furiously even as he started to fill her.

he reached over her body, taking her nipples between the fingers of each hand, playing with them as he started to thrust hard into her, rocking her back and forth as her orgasm continued.

She howled with unbelievable pleasure, her whole body shaking with sweet release, and kept on shaking, even when he first orgasm had expelled itself, a second quickly taking over where the first had left off, making her howl all the more louder, thrusting back against him eagerly as the pleasure drowned her senses.

He shifted his hand to her shoulders, pulling her tight against him as he kissed the back of her neck, hugging her tightly as he continued to pump within the beautiful vixen below him, already feeling himself growing close.

She howled continuously as he took her, feeling as if her whole body would explode with pleasure, her juices spilling from around his thrusting member, making his passage that much easier as his length probed at her moist, heated depths and found her sensitive spots with unerring accuracy.

He gasped and thrust one last time, the vixen's rippling walls finally succeeding in coaxing out his orgasm, making him groan and thrust hard within her, hilting himself in her convulsing depths, his cock throbbing and then jetting heavily, his thick, creamy cum filling her, making her scream out loud.

She felt her orgasm coursing through her body, and could also feel his cock throbbing within her, and then, it had twitched and his cum had suddenly spilled within her, the feeling of his hot seed shooting deep into her depths triggering her final, biggest orgasm, making her give the loudest howling scream and push back against him, her lips eagerly massaging him for the last few drops his hot liquid, Krystal's whole body shaking with her release.

Krystal collapsed forwards, panting and breathing hard, her chest heaving, Kyrith falling besides her.

She rolled over into his arms and kissed him soundly, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on tightly, nuzzling him gratefully.

His hands slowly stroked along her belly, soothing her and making her coo softly, her own paws stroking his chest.

"I love you." She whispered, and then kissed him again.

He waited a few moments, enjoying the kiss, before breaking it and staring into her green, sparkling eyes. "I love you too."

* * *

One month later, they were lying in bed, holding each other, enjoying a quiet moment. Krystal leaned in close and nibbled at his ear gently.

He sighed happily, and opened his eyes, staring at her questioningly, she obviously had something to say.

She leaned in and kissed him, before whispering huskily in his ear, with a big smile on her face "Kyrith...I'm pregnant..."

* * *

My first request done! Finished! Finito! And turns out I *could* do some writing on the weekend. Sorry for misleading you my loyal fans, but my friend left early. Expect a new ATOD or pokemon chapter soon!