The City of The Night

Story by Tiaris on SoFurry

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#48 of Dragon Hunter Saga

The Vampire Envoy talks about his city and it's long history.

Dramon settles into his chair, and waves over my other guardians to sit closer. And Starburst lowers his head so it would be close. Dramon starts, "my kind loves history and all aspects of it. We are not unlike your scaly friend's family in that regard. So, let's see where to start on this.

The following is Narration :

The City of the Night has been on the shores of the Nile and the Mediterranean Sea a very long time. Most of history it has been underground, due to most other species views of our kind. Like the mage species' vampires come from all of the different species. We think it was an evolutionary twit in the hopes that we would work with our less cousins and aid them in survival. The problem we've had with that is it seems that Nature put a fear instinct into our cousins to make them fear us. Our city actually started back in the old days of the Egyptian empire, back when our people were first not feared by our 'cousins'. The old Egyptians thought that everything in the world had it's place including us. So the Pharaoh's of old set aside a portion of the great city to us provided we only accept willing people to feed upon. My people accepted these terms and thrived, while we can be born of our own kind we can under certain circumstances create our people. The problem with this is, while those of us born into this life are still 'alive'. Those that are changed are technically not living any longer. To put it bluntly there is a full blood transfusion. Normally this is not done to anyone, it is considered wrong on many levels. As it can create individuals with mental problems. Our people can have progeny with the other portions of our species', however what those children come out as is a roll of the dice. On more than one occasion we had 'mixed' children running about old Egypt. Some of our best scholars taught at the old Library before the mages hid it away, which we are very thankful for. We are petitioning them to return the library to the city now. When the Romans invaded they started killing our people, so we moved all of our people to the underground portion which our dwarven brethren had been working on for the whole time we had lived above ground. The Pharaoh at the time was a human born of a vampire/human union and his mother watched him get beheaded by the Roman leader. We had to lock her away for a decade till she was sane again. Our people form very tight bonds with our families. Even like in my case where my grandfather was a cause of human nightmares, I would still fight for him; my blood would force me to. Thankfully the Elder council removed his head for us before I was born. I hear that my father had to be restrained for a hundred years after the death sentence was carried out. Our vampire Elder Council is not the City's ruling council, as the Elder's prefer to live in solitude away from large groups of people. However they chose vampires from within the City to sit upon the City's council. They also required since our restoration of the upper city, one non-vampire of each species on the council as well. With the stipulation that if there is a debate over something regarding the safety of the city as a whole the vampires would overrule the non-vampires. As you can imagine, a portion of the humans are unhappy with this. They may try coming to your City to live instead, however I doubt they would like your council set up any more than ours. During the time the city remained underground we did continue on as we had living life, creating art. We ever had people go out into the more modern world as the other species did and fill spaces we could help in. We had vampires working on the Space program, as we liked the idea of setting up a city on the moon. As we only breathe about once an hour, our air requirements are much lower than normal people. Our people were ready to reveal ourselves to the world so we could help accelerate the process. Sadly the Dragons woke up from their slumber. We did have people watching the sleeping Dragons that we could reach, since we first found their resting places. We had seen the stirrings in them for decades. We think the spell had been wearing off, and the humans drilling for oil with their 'fracking' had just put stress on it. So we believe they would have woken up anyway, somewhere down the line. Over the many centuries our city has been underground the dwarven and elven members of our city discovered a very quick way to build new buildings almost effortlessly. We have a section of the underground City that is sections off for the dwarves to build structures. When the structure is complete it is then shrunk and placed in a box, when they wish to 'build' it in it's rightful place they simply place the box and a mage reverses the spell. The clean up is some sweeping of the box remnants. So when it was determined that it was safe to rebuild on the surface our workforce dug out all of the buildings we had been storing and started mapping out a nice city. Somewhere one of the builders had built a clock tower and when it had been found it because part of the central potion of the city. The clock functions properly without 'modern' electricity, no one recalls who made it; so the creator is most likely no longer with us. The city has three old styled Gothic churches, which have received clergy since their construction. The look one the priest's faces when some of the christian vampires first attended their services was priceless. Like here we set up a religion council as well, so that all of the religions are required to work together. Again we had an amusing moment when a few of the non-vampire residents of the underground city opened up a few Egyptian temples on the surface.

{Cheshire tilts his head, "you kept the old religion alive all these years?" Dramon nods his head, as the city was first dedicated to Ra we kept all of the old practices over the years. Cheshire blinks in amazement and Dramon continues.}

Not long after the construction of the main temple to Ra we had a re-dedication ceremony. Some of the citizens had an issue with a religion that requires sacrifices, until they found out what was to come after the cattle were sacrificed. The ruling council decreed that if any temple performs a sacrifice then ninety percent of the animal must be given to the public through a butcher. We are using this as a vehicle to keep our poor fed within the city. There are a few that refuse to accept the meat, because they believe it is now tainted by it's origin. All of the cattle raisers are required to make their animals available to purchase by any who wish a sacrifice. We have also broadly announced that any religion that needs a different animal the same will be instituted. After which we had an influx of Vodun practitioners come to our City, which we had words with them about not giving any substances to unwilling people. Also that anyone given their 'zombie' chemical must be registered and length of time they are to remain under it's influence. This way if they are not following their own rules we will step in and correct the issue. We did have an issue with some Muslim people who were killing dogs in the city due to their religion saying they are bad animals. We politely informed them that any practice of theirs that interfered with those who did not follow their beliefs would not be tolerated. With an add on that in our City no one is permitted marriage till they are considered an adult by the biological 'rules' of their species.

{Ecthelon speaks up, "but that can cause it's own problems." Dramon waves his hand, "this is taken care of as well."}

Our scientists before the Dragons had discovered that while sometimes a female of the human species could start their cycles at an early age their hormone level was not in the 'adult' range until age seventeen. So it was publicly declared no human could marry till that age, as we chose in every species case to go with the later age than the sooner one. As in the younger years males mature faster, but as they pass the 'adulthood' age the females progress faster after that point. Like all other of the non-human species vampires have a very strong love for the care of children and would kill to keep them safe. After the rulings were passed down we had to punish a few groups that tried to marry off young girls to old men. It is shocking how many human groups think it is alright to do that. Their punishment was taking of all their worldly possessions, which are then gifted to the injured party. We then would post a guard on the injured party until the wrong doer understands that we will not tolerate their actions. The child is usually given a vampire that watches over them till adulthood then, making sure they complete the schooling we set up and making sure that they're not spending any money they now possess on trifles. Like a regent for the child, as most of us vampires have our own wealth we do not have any desire to take what the child owns as our own. We have a group of children learning weapons work as well, maybe we should have a child event where the children of the two City's have a competition every couple of years? The city holding it issues the prize, however I do believe your city would win any swimming challenges hands down. We have a who district of our City dedicated to Healers, though I have to say. Your one healer would probably outshine them all, along with your blacksmith. So in conclusion, for what you need to know of my City. The City of The Night is the oldest living city on the planet, and I do have some ideas on ways to have our two cities help one another.