No Frills: Daniel "Baoh" Jones

Story by The Character Consultancy on SoFurry

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#12 of Character No Frills

Character Details

_______________________________Daniel "Baoh" Jones | OC | Male | Commission | No Frills

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Daniel "Baoh" Jones is © BomberDragon

Artwork by Weepinbelly and used with their kind permissionBased on theory by:

Erikson, E., (1951) 'Childhood and Society', W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. chapter 7.

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Daniel "Baoh" Jones

Species: Humanoid lion hybrid Sex: Male Orientation: Almost completely heterosexual but has a mild bisexual leaning Age: 28 Height: 5ft 10in Weight: 165lbs, lean muscular build Fur colour: Brown with black markings Hair length: Long (and fond of it) Eye colour: Purple Siblings: Corey "Ndolkah" Brown (half-brother, 29), Marcus "Razor" Ray (half-brother, 33), and Cleo "Blade" Ray (half-sister, 33) Marcus and Cleo are twins. Superpowers: At the height of his powers Daniel can change shape (although technically he is not a shape-shifter as he always remains anchored to his original appearance and cannot mould himself into something completely different from that of humanoid lion; he can become diamond-tough or as soft as rubber, making him extremely difficult to hurt, and can grow metal spikes (which he sometimes uses to turn various parts of his body into weapons. He favours sharp weapons over clubs, bats, etc.

Daniel is a role-playable character from the superhero MMO Champions Online community. He is mild-mannered for the most part, but this has more to do with habit as he grew up as the only leonine human so suffered teasing as a result. However he can become very confident and outgoing around people he knows, trusts, or feels confident around. He has become more confident since he became a hero.

Trust & Confidence Baby

Daniel had a particularly firm and tender relationship with his mother from birth. Prior to his birth his father had walked out on his mother. He was born with leonine features.

These features came from his father, who had passed himself off as a human mutant. Whenever his mother found herself in company with Daniel and the issue of his heritage came up, she described him as a human mutant too. This was not particularly unusual in the culture Daniel grew up in.

Despite his unusual (albeit cute) appearance his mother loved him and committed herself to raising him as best she could. He was the only child she ever had. She did a good job of keeping on top of his infanthood needs, although sometimes the task of raising a baby alone felt overwhelming to her. When she felt particularly stressed Daniel would notice, and toned down his crying and other efforts to get her attention, in order not to overwhelm over completely. Overall he turned out to be quite a quiet baby. Together, they did a good job of regulating their relationship so that she could cope with raising him as a single mother.

His mother sought help wherever she could, including from relatives and other helpful people. This helped to ease some of the pressure on her and allowed her to enjoy looking after her baby. Daniel benefited from this and enjoyed their earliest days and weeks together too.

Freedom & Self-Determination Toddler

Daniel's mum put him into pre-school as soon as she could. This represented more support for her and allowed her to have some time to clean the house and have some much-needed recuperation time. She had some difficulty finding him a pre-school place due to his unusual appearance, and further difficulties with carers not watching over him reliably. Eventually she found somewhere she was satisfied with and Daniel settled in there.

The other children in pre-school were all fully human so he was the only feline-looking child there. They teased him a lot, as children tend to do, and overall Daniel had a rough time with this, and responded by withdrawing just like he had as an infant. For him, it felt as if the best way to respond to others' negative emotions was to appease the person.

His relationship with his mum became solace from the teasing of the other children, and he loved her dearly, appreciating her warmth and unconditional love towards him. Occasionally he could be a little clingy, but as a 2-3 year old this was to be expected.

His need to stay close to her meant that he became beset by self-doubt. To him, mum knew all the answers and could make everything all right. He didn't feel the same way about himself. As a result of this, he became a reserved child and sought solace in his imagination, and in the approval of the grown-ups he met while with his mum. They tended to think he was incredibly cute, and he revelled in this approval, especially since it seemed to come automatically (which of course, it did: all that had to happen was for them to see him. He didn't have to do anything to look like a cute little cat-boy).

Ambition Young childhood

Despite the problems that his appearance caused him, Daniel became more curious about his feline appearance and why he had turned out the way he had. He asked questions about his father, wondering if perhaps he looked like him.

His mother didn't give him too many details about his father as she knew she couldn't reunite them so didn't want to encourage Daniel to think about him too much. Whenever he asked she would give him as little answer as she felt would satisfy him, and would then distract him by coddling him. This was an uphill struggle at times, as Daniel saw the other children at pre-school with their dads and would wonder where his own was.

The teasing, exclusion, and general coldness he experienced from the other children continued to nudge Daniel to build relationships with the grown-ups in his life instead. He liked his teachers and became preoccupied with pleasing them - which meant doing the tasks - spelling, drawing, and other activities - that they gave him right.

By this time he had become quite dependant on grown-ups, so doing things on his own for the first time left him feeling anxious. This was driven by his desire to do things right: he either wanted to do them right or not do them at all until an adult could come along and guide him through. For him, doing things right represented two things: making things easy for the grown-ups, and pleasing the grown-ups. For him, these goals carried far more weight than the pleasure of independence.

He felt confident when he got things right, although he did need the approval of his adequate completion of the task by the teachers or his mum before he could feel it. If he found himself unable to complete a task to the standards the grown-ups were hoping for then he tended to fall apart until they reassured him.

All of this led him to become an anxious child, and one unwilling to test the boundaries (either of the rules or his own competence), as he only wanted to do things that he felt completely sure would work out. This in turn led him to wish he didn't have his feline appearance, as they made him stand out - and he didn't want to stand out. Being conspicuous raised the risk of being seen doing the wrong thing.

The more persistently cruel of the other children picked up on his anxieties and exploited them: Daniel wanted to do the right thing, so making him feel as if he'd done something wrong even when he hadn't was an effective way to get under his skin.

All of this suppressed his energy so he came across as a reserved child.

He liked playing with his toys, and one of his favourite games was to use them to play at having world wars with each other. He was interested in the concept of good versus evil, and this was his way of making sense of it. It also provided him with a sense of escapism, and as a child who felt excluded, escapism was a welcome relief.

As far as his ambitions went, he longed to be a superhero. Realistically this would take years of hard work and dedication but at this early stage in his life, he wasn't thinking of that. Just the idea of being a superhero held a real appeal for him.

The idea appealed to him for several reasons: if Daniel became a superhero, he would naturally excel at something (as all superheroes do). The idea of being naturally excellent at something meant that he wouldn't have to consciously pay minute attention to everything he did. He would be known for that thing, probably be asked to do that thing over and over, and be able to relax and stop worrying about his competence because he would be doing the very thing he was specialised to do (and well-practised in doing).

Being a superhero also meant being a leader, a protector, and being visible and being admired. All of these qualities were parts of himself that he either hadn't developed or didn't believe himself capable of. As such, these would represent autonomy and freedom from himself.

Other than that, he longed to have a nice family one day and to have a comfortable place to live. Again, his ambitions represented freedom and an easing of the anxiety he constantly felt. If he had a nice family then he would have support and positive feedback whenever he needed it. To have a comfortable home would be to have already succeeded in making a comfortable home for himself.

Productivity Older childhood

Something happened at this age that neither Daniel nor his mother were aware of at first. She was invited by a clinic to take Daniel in for some shots, so she took him to have them as she thought they were for medical purposes. However, they were not. Instead, they were experimental. The clinic itself was legitimate, but had been infiltrated by a couple of infiltrators who worked for a villainous bio-tech weapons group. These infiltrators arranged it so that, when Daniel had his shots, they were of a bacterial symbiote instead of the ones he had been brought in for. Neither mother nor child had any reason to believe anything untoward was happening, and the symbiote remained dormant in his system indefinitely.

School had made it impossible for him to avoid spending time around other children, and this had worn slowly away at his reserved nature. He developed friendships with the kinder children.

As Daniel grew a little older he started to take better control of his anxieties. That isn't to say that he overcame them completely, but with a combination of the support of his mum, the teachers, the friends he had started to gain, and his own clear thinking and willingness to take personal responsibility for himself, he turned his anxiousness into something more productive.

He still shirked away from teasing, whether real or perceived, but he retained and built on the friendships he had developed. He valued the friends he had, and was prepared to go the extra mile for them.

Occasionally a bully (or even just somebody a little too boisterous for Daniel's tastes) would pull his tail. He didn't like that one bit: it hurt badly.

Daniel also identified his strengths and capitalised on those, so that he could feel competent more of the time. As he did this, he began to feel more confident, which in turn allowed him to relax and show off more of the person he was inside. It also released a lot of the energy he had been expending on doing and being the right thing for people, and he came to surprise - and delight! - the people who had known him the longest with the sheer amount of energy he had.

With that said, he did not become proud about the work he did. He silently still feared failure so remained low-key about his achievements, although he wasn't averse to quietly basking in a job well done. It meant that he kept an ear open for any kudos or other positive feedback he was given. He also avoided being too over-bearing with his energy. Even now, he felt a need to self-control and self-regulate. At least now it was more nuanced and he was able to channel it in a way that worked better for him. He could still stress out very badly over some mistakes however. Smaller ones he could chalk up as lessons learned, but larger ones made him lose sleep and gave him bodily sensations that he could best sum up as a "hair falling out" feeling.

On that note, his pride in his appearance began to take a focus on his hair. He had long, big hair and loved it!

As far as school tasks (or indeed, outside of school tasks) went, he continued to be cooperative. He began to look at school tasks with a more critical eye: rather than just plain wanting to succeed at the tasks he was given, he began to wonder how a task would be best completed. Was he the best person for a particular sub-task, or could someone else do it better? If he was not the ideal person for the task then he wouldn't worry about it and hand it over to them. It is interesting to note that during his 7 - 12 age range, he found enough confidence in his own abilities that if he was teamed up with somebody else who was skilled at the same thing as him, he would be sensitive to the risk of showing up his team-mate by outshining them. He considered that that would be rude.

Although he was quite reserved when it came to play time, he did like gentle or good-humoured play, along with play that encouraged his imagination. If he saw a way to make a school task fun, he would do it!

He had a very strongly-held personal policy of never bullying others. He had experienced bullying himself and recognised the damage it could do, and he never wanted to subject another person to that. Despite his dream to become a superhero, he didn't even consider bullying worthwhile if the ends could be argued to justify the means. To him, there would always be another, better way. Over time this developed into a determination to help others less fortunate than himself.

Over time he outgrew his toys and moved onto playing video games. These had a similar immersive, escapist value for him, so he enjoyed them a great deal. He also took up writing, which also helped him to burn off his imagination. He definitely impressed his English teachers! At first he wrote fan fiction stories and then moved on to short science fiction and fantasy ones.

Child to Adult Transition Adolescence

As Daniel reached his teenage years and became more independent, he learned that he was not the only furry around. Although full humans comprised most of the population (which was why he'd worried that he was unique during his early childhood), there were other furries around, and some looked stranger than him! He reached out to some of these and made good friends with them. Shared experience helped a lot with this. Furthermore, some of the exotic-looking people around him were meta-powered. There weren't very many of them, but he believed they had the same experiences of being different, but had found ways to overcome that. That idea was incredibly inspiring to Daniel!

Because Daniel's father didn't play a part in his life, Daniel didn't have any one, consistent father figure. He picked up the occasional male role model from among his teachers, but these were only temporary. As a result of this, by the time he became a teenager he had some gaps in his understanding of how to talk to women.

He continued to develop his confidence and skills with working with his class mates. By now he was pretty good at working in a team, contributing, and allowing others to contribute. He added the ability to confront others who weren't pulling their weight, peacefully.

Overall he was liked by his school mates and teachers. The few who didn't tended to be more closed-minded about furries. However, Daniel managed to win some of these over as their teasing turned into curiosity. Some people outright admired him - he looked pretty good, after all!

Two of his friends who he lost contact with over time included a wheelchair-bound kid and another kid who took time off school every other week due to sickness, which was alter confirmed to be cancer. Both of them inspired Daniel to stop worrying about social standing and to enjoy life in the moment, and to treat it like the gift it was!

This change in his outlook helped to boost his popularity in school. A few still judged him negatively for being different and that had an impact on him, but the general trend for him was to enjoy the life he had. The jocks were the most likely to bully him, although some secretly felt attracted to him, and Daniel's natural feline grace earned him an easy place in the school's dance team.

His first forays into the world of dating were a little shaky. There were other teenagers who were interested in him, but mainly in the sense that they were curious about what dating a cat-boy would be like. Those who got self-conscious about showing an interest in him could be insensitive or even cruel, and for a while this shook Daniel's confidence. However, his mum reassured him that nothing was wrong with him and that they acted that way because he was special.

From there, he managed to approach relationships with renewed confidence.

A side effect of the interest his peers took in him was that they tended to want to touch his hair. He got quite tired of that and discouraged it whenever he could.

Among the school's students was a criminal underground and some teens brought knives to school. On one occasion, one teen took exception to Daniel and attacked him. Daniel had to fight for his life. The bacterial symbiote that had been lying dormant in Daniel's system was triggered by the stress he felt when he was attacked. It abruptly granted him extra strength and the fight ended with the assailant knocked out with several broken ribs. This incident left him spooked and uncertain how he had managed to shove the other boy back so hard.

In the wake of this he arranged for a health check but nothing came up. Instead his disproportionate power was chalked down to his innate strength. This didn't seem to quite fit, but for the time being Daniel, his mother, and the school were out of luck when it came to finding an answer.

Some of his school mates became wary of him as a result of the above incident but it didn't do too much damage to his reputation. Nevertheless, he kept to himself a little more after that.

Closeness in Relationships Young adulthood

He took an Associates General Education Degree which he did not finish. Instead, he left school at age 18 and went to college for a while. While he was there he started getting invited to help out with the occasional bit of hero work. He enjoyed this and decided to train in it so that he could be a more effective hero. At age 20 he began training in earnest, and working, as a full-time hero.

He started his training older than some other heroes. His training consisted of a year of in-house training followed by a year of on-the-field training, and by that time he was considered a capable hero. At age 24, he was placed with a hero group called the Wayward Angels.

Once Daniel had joined the Wayward Angels, the team helped him to trace the origin of his powers. They traced it back to a set of shots he had had as a small child, and to the switching of his medical shots for bio-tech ones. Daniel, of course, was less than pleased with this. Subsequent to this he got a confession from one of the bio-tech project partners.

He chose the hero name Baoh due to its relevance to his power-set. The name comes from an anime and resonated with him enough to apply it to himself.

As time went on his powers continued to develop (of their own account and as a result of his ongoing training). He became stronger, but he also became more durable. This was a surprise to him, but not as much as some of the other powers that he manifested: the ability to grow and jut out his bones which, upon contact with the air, would metallicize, a vampiric energy-draining ability that he could use on any energy source and direct the resulting outflow of energy either into himself or towards other sources, and in emergency situations, the ability to drain energy from a person. He found this final power highly unethical and creepy and avoided doing it at all, unless he had no choice.

He didn't automatically have good control over these powers. Early on in his training he had a tendency to 'go bezerk' with his powers, which usually involved growing muscle mass along with spikes and blades across the surface of his body. Training, hardship, and the support and guidance of the other Wayward Angels helped him to gain control.

Daniel wasn't the only one maturing as time went on: so did his symbiote. As it matured, it yielded more powers. When Daniel was a little over 27 the symbiote began to synthesize with his body all the more effectively and allowed him to shape-shift. Daniel, his team, and one of his very close friends and lovers - a shape-shifter - taught him how to harness this, so he became an effective shape-shifter himself, able to shift almost at will. This power allows him to grow taller, lose his fur in favour of leathery, armoured skin, a more whip-like tail, extra volume and a metallic appearance to his hair, a shift of fur pattern to a black and blue tone, and a shift in eye colour to near solid gold. Sometimes he would forget to retain vocal cords during his shift and if he did, he would be unable to talk until he returned to his original form.

This was the result the bio-scientists had wanted: for the recipient of the symbiote shots to be able to shift into a bio-organic anti-supernatural weapon. They had hoped to be able to use weapons like this to protect against all supernatural beings. Although Daniel was a mutant and therefore counted as supernatural, the bio-tech team had considered him harmless compared to others, so a good enough subject for their experiments. There were other mutants around who could destroy entire cities or disrupt food production and distribution, so a cat-boy, however strong, seemed harmless by comparison. They had never expected him to have this much potential.

Daniel's expression of the symbiote was more successful than the research team could have dreamed of, and when he reached the height of his career they began to pursue him to try and retrieve him. To them, he was their research data and they were prepared to get their hands on him dead or alive. Daniel came to depend very much on the rest of his team to have his back when it came to this.

Despite Daniel's monstrous form at the height of his powers, he is not monstrous in spirit and remains as conscious and aware as at any other time. He doesn't like being the centre of attention while in monster form due to the years of negative (even passively negative) judgement he's been on the receiving end of, over the years.

He avoids killing if at all possible. He is also contractually obliged to follow police ethical ruling when it comes to conflict, and that is fine with him.

Joining the heroes really opened up the possibilities of his life to him. He was put onto a placement programme, and his team became a second family to him. Again, some of the other people on the team were the strangest creatures he had ever witnessed, but that didn't put Daniel off, not one bit.

Seeing other creatures who are more 'out there' than he is has helped Daniel develop a sense of context when it comes to his own appearance. This is a lesson he has needed to learn more than once as the damage done during his earliest days of being teased left some deep cuts, but it is a lesson he feel pretty much on top of, nowadays.

He likes to work, but he also likes to have fun with it - and he very much appreciates having his second family around! His work involves using his feline physical prowess as a 'super power' of sorts to help the emergency services respond to incidents. When needed he can also fight, and can be a very impressive fighter indeed. His style is unpredictable and suits his feline heritage.

As far as sexual relationships go, he has a confidence fuelled by early success in both friendships and more direct encounters. His natural boyish looks have helped greatly with that. However, despite his wealth of sexual experience, he has a couple of people who he holds more dearly to his heart. These relationships are relatively open and all together, they are a kinky bunch.

Passing on Responsibility Middle age

Daniel has not reached this stage in life yet.

Being a hero is dangerous, however Daniel is confident enough that he will survive for long enough to one day hang up his proverbial cape. If and when that happens, he will be happy to train future generations of heroes, and/or encourage them to take a safer route through life, whether that means using safer tactics as a hero or finding something else to do entirely.

A quirk of Daniel's genes is that he's going to get bigger and stronger as time goes by, so he has not reached the pinnacle of his potential yet.

He remains sensitive about having no father present and doesn't like it when people try to raise the subject with him. It's one of the few things that can still make him angry, although as a great self-regulator he is good at calming himself down and accepting afterwards that nobody knew much about his father, not even his mother, so there is no way he could have known who he was, himself.

When he has children of his own, he is certain that he will spoil them rotten - or at least until his mate stops him! When they reach adulthood he will be sure to maintain contact with them, as his mother never gave up on him and he is determined to break the cycle that his father started.

End of Life Old age

As previously stated, Daniel has chosen a dangerous life so he has no idea when the end of his life will be. With that said, he is already living a fulfilling life and when the end of his life comes, he hopes (and believes, to a certain degree) that he will be at peace with the situation. He hopes that he can arrange to end his life in pleasant circumstances - perhaps looking at a sunset.