A Tail for Two - Chapter 2

Story by invudontseeme on SoFurry

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Shut up, fag.

Can I even begin to explain how much that line pisses me off? Sure, I've got a reputation for being the fag, but why do I deserve it? Just because I'm gay doesn't mean every person I pass inherits the right to call me a fag. Call me Nate or even the gay kid if you want, as long as you don't call me a fag. I'm proud to be what I am and if I could change my sexuality to fit everyone's wants and needs I still wouldn't. This is who I am, accept it.

"Shut up, fag!" Luke yelled at me. Sometimes I wonder if he realizes I'm still his brother, because he loves to piss me off.

"Stop calling me a fag you little bitch!" I exclaimed with my fangs showed angrily. The idea of punching him in the face grew more and more appealing the more he argued with me. Trust me, I was holding back pretty hard.

"What are you going to do; tell mom? Go ahead and tell her you're gay! She'll definitely love you after hearing that," he replied with annoying sarcasm. You see; my mom hadn't quite figured out I'm gay yet. She grew up in an area where gays weren't really accepted in society and unfortunately my brother followed in her footsteps. Luke and I used to be like best friends, but when he found out about me, we lost our brotherly bond. It's like I became more of a sister to him than a brother, so in his mind we weren't allowed to be friends anymore. Lately he's begun to grow more and more hostile against me and my sexuality, but I couldn't quite figure out why.

"Come on Luke; just give me my jacket, please," I whined, nearly pleading as if my life were at stake.

"I like the offer, but no thank you," he replied with an extreme level of rudeness, "you see; you gave me this jacket. Therefore, I'm going to keep it and wear it as much as I want."

"I know I gave it to you, but I need it Luke. I'm hanging out with Angie after school and I want to look good." For some reason I thought he'd actually believe that excuse.

"It's not for that and we both know it! You only want it because you want to look sexy for your new boyfriend." Damn he's smart.

"He's not my boyfriend Luke," I said with a sound of insecurity in my voice.

"Really?" he replied sarcastically, "If he's not your boyfriend, then why are you always holding paws and kissing in the hall?" He made a good point. Cyd and I had been growing closer and closer within the past week. Tuesday he wrote me this really sweet letter, Wednesday he gave me the best kiss I had ever received in my life, and Thursday he brought a rose to school and gave it to me in the middle of one of my classes; it was both romantic and extremely embarrassing at the same time. Now it was Friday and I was anxious to find out what he was going to do for me. The only way I could be ready for it was by looking my greatest, which sadly involved the jacket that Luke refused to give me. "You fucking faggot," he said as he turned his head away from me.

"Screw you Luke!" My fist clinched tightly and I punched the door next to him as hard as I could. I felt each claw burrow deep within the splitting wood. Realizing that I'd be in an insane amount of trouble when my mom found out, I quickly fled the room. Luke just didn't understand that "fag" wasn't a good word to use around me. 'I guess I'll just find another jacket to use,' I thought to myself, trying to get my mind off of all the anger I had built up inside me. I ended up wearing a grey, striped jacket with a large black moon on the back that Angie gave me for my birthday last year. "The moon," she said, "Is the sign of the wolf, a species I'm proud to be."

When my brother and I got out of the car, I noticed that he walked in a different direction than usual. I had no idea where he was planning on going, but it definitely wasn't school. I was thinking of ratting him out and telling my mom that he was ditching, but how could I expect him to be a good brother if I couldn't be one for him either? Someone had to take the first step if we ever wanted to be friends again.

I walked into the school cafeteria and spotted Cyd waiting anxiously at our table. As I approached closer, his smile grew wider and his eyes lit up brighter. I didn't think I'd ever get sick of staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. His tail was wagging full speed by the time I actually reached him, making him look like a small, immature puppy. "Hey guys!" I said, sitting my backpack on the table. Cyd was already pulling out a chair for me before I even began to sit down. "You know you don't have to do all of this Cyd," I said, blushing at his act of generosity, "You're being too sweet."

"It's not sweet if you deserve it," he replied softly, giving me a small kiss on my head. I laughed and asked myself, 'what did I do to deserve it?' I was so caught up in Cyd's charm that I almost didn't realize someone was missing from our table; Angie was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Justin," I asked, "Have you seen Angie?"

"No, actually I haven't. Maybe she's sick," he replied in an uninterested tone. I was kind of hoping she wasn't going to show up, because that way I wouldn't have to hang out with her after school. Sure she was my friend, but I'd much rather spend the beginning of my weekend with Cyd. I know I was obsessing a bit, but who could've blamed me?

Cyd escorted me to my first few classes every day this week; it made me feel so wanted just to have someone there who enjoyed walking by my side. He'd hold my paw tight and we'd laugh over little pointless comments we made. "Hey Nate, what're you doing after school today?" Cyd asked me as we reached my first class. I licked the tip of his nose and chuckled a little.

"I'm not doing anything; why do you ask?" I replied, completely refusing to tell him that I might still have plans with Angela.

"Well, I completely understand if you say no, but I was just wondering if you'd want to go somewhere with me after school. You see, my friend's throwing this party while his parents are out of town and you being my favorite pup and all; I just thought that-" I held my finger over his muzzle as a silent suggestion to stop speaking.

"I'd love to," I replied with a seductive smile.

"Really? Great!" He grabbed my cheek and kissed me softly before running away in glee. I could've sworn I saw him skipping as he exited the hall.

I barely made it through Composition without falling asleep in sheer exhaust. Not only was it boring, but I stayed up the entire night thinking about Cyd. I told you before, I was obsessing.

On our way to my algebra class, Lance spotted me and Cyd walking together. His eyes were filled with jealousy the same way mine did whenever I saw him with his girlfriend. Now that I thought about it, I wasn't really jealous anymore now that Cyd was around; I just laughed at the thought that he didn't have a guy as great as my Cyd. I mean Cyd; not MY Cyd, Just Cyd.

Angela finally showed up around lunch time. When I asked her why she was gone this morning, she just replied "Sorry, overslept." I didn't really believe it, but I didn't really have any reason not to trust her either. I sat back in my chair and thought about how great it would be to have Cyd eat lunch with us. Unfortunately for us both, the school was separated into two lunch periods, so we were separated as well. After gobbling down the sandwich my mom packed me, the bell rang once again and school was in session. "So are we still on for after school?" Angie asked me before heading to class.

"Actually I can't," I told her, "I've made plans with Cyd."

"Cyd?" she asked, extremely surprised, "We made these plans before you even met Cyd." She looked both confused and frustrated. Sure she was right, but it was her fault for not being there this morning, right? Wrong.

"I know Ange, but you were gone this morning, then Cyd asked me to this party, and-" I stopped when I realized that I had said too much.

"A party? You're ditching me to hang out with Cyd at some party?" I was busted.

"I'm sorry Angie, really."

"Whatever, I'll talk to you later Nate. Call me if you change your mind." I officially felt like shit. The rest of the day I spent in complete "depression mode". I had felt like I had replaced her in some way; like Cyd was so much better than her. I remember I acted the same way when I first began to date Lance. I guess when you meet a new guy you just want to be with him all the time, even if that means ditching your best friends. Maybe I just wasn't that good of a friend after all.

After school was over, I climbed up onto the hood of Cyd's car and eagerly waited for him. My legs were touching my chest and my head was buried into my knees. I barely even noticed when Cyd popped up onto the hood next to me; I was in a state of isolation too deep for my senses to react.

"You okay pup?" he asked, pulling me out of my cocoon like position.

"Not really Cyd," I replied sadly. He leaned his head onto mine and tried his best to comfort me.

"You know Nate; you're so much cuter when you're smiling." I pulled myself up and looked at his smile. Of course, against my will, I began to smile as well. Suddenly, my pocket began to vibrate, alerting me that someone trying to call. I reached deep into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone, looking at the picture of the slim husky on the screen.

"Sorry Cyd, it's my mom," I said softly. He nodded in understanding and I jumped onto my feet. I pressed the green "answer" button on my phone and placed it up to my ear. "Hey, Mom. What's up?" I asked.

"Nate, have you seen Luke at all today?" she questioned with an unsure tone in her voice.

"Yea, why?" I wondered.

"The school just called and said he hasn't showed up to any of his classes today. You sure he was at school?" She forced me to make a decision. I could tell her Luke ditched, getting payback for this morning, or I could lie to her and hope that Luke may thank me and realize that I'm still the same brother he used to do everything with.

"Yea, he walked to class with me," I said, choosing the better route, "I would put him on the phone myself, but he left school with a few friends just a couple minutes ago."

"Maybe one of these days he'll actually carry his phone to school," She said in a regretful voice, "but thanks anyway. If you see him, tell him to call me."

We said our goodbyes and I flipped closed the cell phone. I wasn't that bad at lying, but it doesn't mean I enjoyed doing it. I kicked a small rock in front of me and watched it scatter left and right as it proceeded forward.

"Everything okay?" Cyd asked from behind me. I turned around and looked at his worried face, still perched up on the car hood.

"Yea. Everything's fine." I faked a small smile at him, which made him return a real one. That smile made me laugh and my laugh made him laugh, which made me laugh harder and so on. "Well, I got to go catch the city bus. It comes in about 10 minutes and I'm barely going to make it as it is."

"Come on Nate. I'm not going to let you take the bus," he replied with a dominant look in his eye.

"Its fine Cyd, I'm used to it. I've taken it every day for the past 3 years." I laughed.

"Well I didn't know you three years ago, so get in the car and make yourself comfortable," he demanded in a soft enough tone to make it sound like I really had a choice. "It's got air conditioning!" I shook my head in embarrassment, but agreed and stepped into the car. Unlike most teenagers, his car was nice, neat, and smelled just like him. If they made air freshener in this scent, it'd be sold out within seconds of production, all purchased by me. "Where do you live?" he asked.

"Just drive up this street and take a left at McDoberman's," I directed, pointing at a strip of road, "I'll tell you where to go from there." Cyd began to drive us out of the parking lot and onto the street I had designated. As we were leaving, we passed by a few Volkswagen Buggies, which me and Angie always hit each other for whenever we saw them.

"Hey Nate, isn't that your brother?" Cyd asked. He pointed one claw outside the passenger window and I followed it to the sidewalk. He was right, it was Luke. He was with a Pit-bull and a Great Dane, both of which I had never seen before. Although Huskies were somewhat large, both of the canines he was standing with made Luke look like a Chihuahua.

"Cyd! Pull over!" I screamed, twisting my body around so that I could keep an eye on Luke. Cyd did exactly as I asked and jerked the car to the side of the street; out of harm's way. I popped the door open and stood up strong out on the sidewalk. "Luke!" I called to my brother.

"Ugh!" he grunted, "what do you want fag?" Again with that annoying word; it's not really that hard to leave it out of a sentence!

"Shut up asshole." I yelled out, trying to ignore his pointless comment. He seemed to get more and more obnoxious by the second. "Mom wanted you to call her; why weren't you in school today?"

"You told mom I wasn't at school?" he questioned angrily.

"No, I covered for you. You owe me one." I said, laughing at his worrisome face.

"Yea, whatever, Tell mom I'll call her later, I got to go." He walked right past me and his two taller friends followed. Something told me that these two were the ones influencing Luke, maybe even the ones making him become more rude towards me. I turned and watched them walk away. My brother was definitely discourteous, but he never walked away from me like that. I proceeded back to Cyd's car, still parked on the side of the road, and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Everything cool Hun?" He asked with that gorgeous smile once again on his face. The best trait about him was his ability to always be there to comfort me when I was upset.

"Yea, it's fine. Let's just get home." He put the small car back into drive and continued towards my house. I directed him on every street and turn until we reached the small home. As we approached it, I looked up at the dirty windows, cracked pavement, and poorly painted walls. "Well, now you get to see the shithole I live in," I said to him, laughing in embarrassment.

"It may be a shithole now, but when you're in it, it becomes a palace." Honestly, how the heck does anyone get this sweet? I've seen people at normal levels of sweetness, but this was just insane. It's a palace when I'm in it? How did he even come up with that? It seemed too good to be true.

We stepped out of the car and he gave me my kiss goodbye; a kiss that I anticipated the entire day. "Want me to walk you up to the door?" He asked.

"Well I would love that, but my mom wouldn't really approve of me bringing a guy home. It's kind of a long story," I joked, "thanks anyway."

"No problem pup. I'll see you tonight. Be ready about 7 o' clock. I'll pick you up!"

"I will be!" I watched him get back into his car and drive away. He looked so wonderful doing absolutely anything.

I think I spent at least four hours getting ready for this party. I had my mom iron my clothes at least 40 times and I brushed my fur ten times as much as that. I wore the brightest shirt I owned so he would notice me better and my favorite white beanie, which had holes in the top for my gray and white ears to stick through. When it came down to about 6:45, I started to count each minute individually. Surprisingly he wasn't a second early or a second late.

When the doorbell rang, I rushed myself to go and open it, where I spotted Cyd through the tiny peep-hole built into it. I slipped out through the door before my mom could realize that a guy was taking me out instead of me taking a girl out, which she was fooled into thinking. I wrapped my arms around the Shepherd's tight chest and his long arms engulfed my entire torso. "What? No kiss?" he whined in a mid-laugh.

"You can get much more than that and you know it," I told him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. I began to walk towards the car, but he grabbed me by the collar and pulled me back, giving me a kiss straight to the muzzle lasting for what seemed like an entire minute. When he pulled his head back, he gave me one last kiss on the forehead and once again escorted my way to the vehicle. The car ride was spent in almost complete silence. We both wanted to say so much, but neither one of us wanted to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

"Want me to help?" Cyd asked out of the ghostly silence.

"What?" I asked back, not realizing we had already arrived at our destination.

"Do you want me to help you out? We're here." He shook his head in a way that made fun of my obliviousness.

"Oh!" I yelled out before popping the Nissan door open. Cyd laughed and followed me out of the vehicle. He was wearing a neatly organized suit; one not fit for a party. This extremely confused me and motivated me to ask about the circumstances. "So what kind of party is it?" I asked him anxiously as we stepped up to the front door of the building.

"Well, why don't you look and see?" he asked, smirking slightly. He opened the front door for me and I gasped at the shocking surprise on the other side. Cyd didn't take me to a party; he took me to a restaurant. Rose petals led the way straight forward to a table in the center of the room. Red drapes covered every window and candle light filled every inch of the room. "Well, do you like it?" he asked with uncertainty.

"Like it? I love it!" I jumped onto him and grabbed him tight, nearly knocking him off his feet. My tail lifted up and I wrapped it around his body. The action was my way of saying I love you.

Wait a second... I love you? I can't love you; I've only known you for a week. It's impossible to fall in love this fast... isn't it?

"See Cyd, when you said you were taking me to a party, I thought you were going to get me drunk and then take me back to your car and make me your little slave," I joked as we sat down and the fancy table, "I guess I was wrong."

"Sorry pup, that's date number two," he joked back, staring out at me from above his menu.

Dinner was awesome. We both ordered a large salad with fur-a-cola; diet fur-a-cola for Cyd. He ate his salad quickly whereas I was too busy staring into his bright blue eyes to eat. We laughed about things that weren't even funny and talked about things that didn't even make since; it had to have been the best dinner I've had in my entire life. I remember one time when Lance took me out to a restaurant for my birthday. The entire time I sat in pure awkwardness and when it was over he made me pay for part of the bill; by part I mean 100% of it.

"So am I taking you back home?" Cyd asked me as we exited the building. Both of us were so full that we could barely walk.

"Yea," I confirmed, sad that the night had to end, "thanks for the amazing night Cyd. You're the best boyfriend I've ever had."

Wait a second... boyfriend? He hasn't even asked me out yet! I was so caught up in the moment that I completely forgot that we weren't even dating. I felt like I had made a huge fool out of myself, but I tried my best to hold it together. "I'm sorry Cyd; I didn't mean to say that."

"It's fine cutie," he laughed, "you just beat me to your next surprise." It took me a few moments to realize the point that he was trying to make. He was actually asking me out! I wanted to just scream in excitement, but instead I pretended like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?" I said with a huge smile on my face. Cyd's face was completely blank. He was focused on something in front of us, something on the side of the road. "Cyd, are you listening?" I asked, trying to snap him out of his state of concentration; it didn't work. I followed his eyes onto the road, trying to find out exactly what he was staring at. His head quickly turned over and looked at the mirror on the right side of the car. "What are you looking at?" I questioned.

"Did you see that?" he asked swiftly, "that kid! Did you see him?"

"No, I wasn't really paying attention, why?" I questioned in a slight panic.

"Hold onto me tight Nate."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just do it!" He was growling in a demanding yet protective way. I did as he said and held onto his arm as tight as I could. He took one side of the steering wheel and jerked it all the way to the left. The car made a quick turn and stopped in the center of the road. Cyd then slammed on the gas and drove over the median onto the right side of the road. "Now look on the sidewalk to my left. If you see a kid lying down: yell. Okay?" I nodded in agreement, scared out of my mind. We only drove for a couple seconds before I spotted exactly what he was talking about. As he claimed, there was a small figure on the side of the road.

"There! Right there!" I shouted, pointing a claw directly at the figure on the sidewalk. Cyd pulled the wheel to the right and drove onto the sidewalk, parking where it landed. He quickly got out of the car as I followed close behind, curious about what exactly was going on. I walked over to Cyd, who was staring at the traffic flying by.

"Get on my back Nate," he yelled towards me. Still in a panic, I complied. I jumped up onto his back, gripping to his body tight. He wrapped his arms around my knees and I held onto his neck with all my strength. "Now hold on, I'm going to run for it," he said loudly. I pulled my body close to his and shut my eyes as hard as I could. Cyd ran as fast as possible through the traffic, dodging the cars from both directions.

When we reached the other side of the road, he lowered me off of his back and we both ran over to the teen. As I got closer, the figure became more and more clear. It had a long tail, black and white fur, and sharp claws. Blood covered the entire back of his jacket; a jacket that was very recognizable. Why? Because it was my jacket.

"Oh my god Cyd, flip him over! Now!" I screamed. I grabbed the fur's shoulder and turned him over, quickly yet gentle. I examined the face, the body, and the bullet wound in the middle of the chest. Of all people, I could not mistake this face. It was Luke.

"Luke!" I screamed out, tears flowing down my eyes. "Luke please! Get up!" I picked up his torso and hugged him tight, whining and whimpering with ever breath. I could hear him gasping for air and his heart pounded hard, yet slow. "We got to get him to a hospital! We got to get him help!"

Without even a thought, Cyd grabbed Luke and pulled him up over his shoulder. As his body was lifted, a piece of crumbled up paper fell out of his paw. I grabbed the scrap as it nearly rolled into the street and unwrapped it hastily. The white paper was stained with red blood and black ink, but it was still legible. The words written upon it were words that I'd never be able to forget.

'His blood is on your hands. Let this be a lesson queer.'