Chiricov- Chapter 2: Good from Bad

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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#2 of Chiricov


Chapter 2

Good from Bad

A glimmer of like glinted off a clear thin wire connected to the door. My eyes saw it at the very last second, a second too late.

"EVAC!" I shouted as I turned and ran.

Trey, Nina, and Scott bolted from the porch just as the wooden farmhouse erupted into a ball of flames and a shower of splinters and pieces of wood. We dove to the ground and covered our heads. Fiery bits and pieces rained down on us.

"Shit! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I looked over to see Scott beating his almost fully engulfed leg. Nina and I took out our water bottles and emptied them over the flame, extinguishing most of the flames. We beat the others out.

"Jesus... You okay?" I asked.

"Feeling a little on the crispy side." He quickly replied trying to bring humor to the situation.

"C'mon. I'll carry you back to the Hummer." I said.

"Like hell you will, son." He replied defiantly.

I shook my head and looked at him "... don't argue." That said, I picked him up and slung him over my shoulder. He opened his mouth to protest but decided against it.

I knew that the Belkan Liberation Army (BLA) would be here soon. The three of us were in full sprint, Scott over my shoulder. We reached the Humvee and I placed Scott in the back with Trey. Nina sat in the passenger seat next to me.

She looked at me and smiled. I don't know how I managed to bring myself to do it. Next thing I know, I leaned over, took Nina's beautiful face in my paw, and kissed her. I broke the kiss after five second, what seemed like eternity.

"I'm sorry..." I said quietly. Quickly looking away, I turned on the engine and hit the gas.

I was looking at the road ahead when Nina shouted, "Behind us!"

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw 3 pick-up trucks, mounted with machine guns approaching from behind. I cursed as I reached for my M4A1 SOPMOD. I finally got hold of it; taking out a fresh clip, I loaded my gun, keeping one hand on the wheel.

"Nina, take the wheel!" I ordered.

She grabbed hold of the wheel and we swapped positions. I took out my sniper scope and my suppressor and mounted them on my rifle. I leaned out the passenger window and took aim. I pulled the trigger and opened fire. The suppressor hid the muzzle flash, so that they didn't know where on the Humvee I was. The bullets sprayed up the road, one hitting the front left tire of the lead truck. The truck tire blew out and the truck swerved of the road, rolling over as it went into the ditch beside the road. The men who were operation the machine guns in the remaining two pick-ups opened fire on us.

The, I had an idea. I crunched the numbers in my head, and calculated that the trucks were roughly two seconds back. I pulled one of the high explosive grenades from my belt. I set the timer for 2 seconds, pulled the pin, and dropped it out the window. Bull's-eye! The pickup drove over it right as it exploded. This pickup was blown to the right of the road, the pickup behind it ramming into the back of the flaming one. I looked back; all that was left was a pile of twisted metal and flames.

"WaaaaHoooo!" I shouted, overjoyed that my idea worked.

I took the wheel back from Nina and pulled out onto the field where our helicopter was waiting. I drove the Hummer inside and chained it down. Then I saw approaching headlights.

"C'mon! Take the fuck off! We've got company!" I shouted to the pilot.

The rotors began to slowly spin, quickly picking up speed. We lifted off as bullets began to riddle our chopper.

"Punch it!" I yelled.

The helicopter lurched forward and we were off. I heard a muffled groan of agony. I turned to see Nina clutching her arm, her paw, once black, stained red.

"Jesus Christ! Nina, you're hit!" I exclaimed in shock.

"No Shit, Sherlock!" she groaned as I rushed to her side. I was taken back by her words quite a lot; they hurt, Nina never swore.

"Trey get me the trauma pack," I ordered.

Trey tossed it to me and pulled out some iodine, to prevent any possible infection. I examined the wound and sighed... No bullet... it went clean through. At least that was a good thing.

"Nina... this is going to hurt... like a lot..." I said sorrowfully.

I grabbed a towel from my pack and gagged her. "Bite on this." I said, "You ready?"

She nodded and I poured the iodine over the wound. She clenched her teeth and eyes shut, screaming through the towel. I whimpered as I saw her in this intense pain. I took some gauze and placed it over the wound. Then I wrapped her wound tight.

[Three Days Later]

I woke up and stretched. I smiled. Tonight's the night. Nina's arm would be okay but Scott wasn't doing well. He had severe burned on his leg. I pushed this thought from my head and focused on tonight. I giggled. Tonight... dinner with Nina, and I ask the Big Question.

A few hours later, I was just wandering aimlessly around the base. That's when Delta Force's overall superior of this base spotted me.

"Chiricov. A word please." He said gruffly.

I gulped and silently cursed. "I'm fucked," I thought.

I followed him to his office.

"Have a seat Chiricov." He offered.

"I'll stand, if you don't mind, Sir." I replied.

"Very well." He said, "Chiricov, Scott's burns are too severe. This unfortunately leaves your team without a leader. Which..." he paused, "is why I called you in here. See, I want you to take over Scott's position of power and be the commander of your team. Will you?

I thought about it before giving my answer, "Yes, Sir. I will."

"Very good. Now... wipe that stupid smile off your face. Scott's still injured and you got a lot of reading to do." He said, tossing a folder at me.

"Thank you, Sir, for this honor." I said as I shook Hummel's hand.

"Dismissed." He said.

I left the room, closing the door behind me. The moment that door clicked, I fist pumped the air and shouted in joy, jump/skipping down the hallway, still hollering. I was overjoyed by far and to make things better I had a date with Nina in two hours. I spent 30 minutes cleaning my 2008 custom jet black Ford Excursion, polishing it until it gleamed. You could see your reflection perfectly in the Black-Out windows. For the next hour, I cleaned myself up,ce showering, trimming any loose or long hairs, and generally making myself presentable.

I was living on top of the world. I had a date with the women of my dreams, at the most romantic restaurant in the state, "Le Palm". I drove to Nina's house and knocked on the door. She opened it, dressed in a beautiful black dress.

We left for the restaurant. "I Gotta Feelin- Black Eyed Peas" was on when I turned the radio on. I already had butterflies in my stomach as I thought about what I planned to do at dinner. I was walking on air... nothing could spoil this night.

"I gotta feelin'... that tonight's gonna be a good night... that tonight's gonna be a good, good night," the lyrics sang...