Out for Snacks (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#153 of Short Stories

A lynx takes her synth friend out on the town for some fun.

~ The sun was advancing day towards evening, "That was a great museum! I really liked the exibit on those spectacular stones!", the Synth explained to the lynx.

~ "I'm glad you came to visit!", the lynx strolling alongside her friend. "Oh! Oh! The bus will still be running for at least a few hours."

~ The Synth cocked her head to the side, her eye displays indicating question marks. "...yes?"

~ The lynx's own eyes were expressions of joy and excitement, "I'm taking you to Scoops Ma' Goop!", pointing across the way to a small ice cream parlor.

~ Based on past experiences, "EEhhhh... I...", the Synth incompletely explained.

~ The lynx declined to clarify as she dragged her visting friend along, before simply pointing up to the text at the bottom of the signboard once they were inside.

~ In small, careful print, "All Flavors Available As Chilled Glucose Wafers"

~ The Synth's eye displays toggled between exclamation points and hearts, quietly mumbling to her friend, "If I tried to properly express how I feel, I believe I would blow a fuse in my facial display."