Teasing a Wolf

Story by Revresbo on SoFurry

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A cuddle session between two new boyfriends.

AN: Just a short idea I had a couple nights ago, fleshed it out into this vignette(usage?) today. Thought it was a cute little scene between new boyfriends.

Jeff gave a soft sigh and snuggled back against his boyfriend. "I can't tell you how much I missed this."

Jeff could feel Will's smile against his neck. "Been a while?"

"Been forever." He wagged his tail so far as it would move between them.

Will nuzzled Jeff's neck, ruffling his grey fur. "That long since your ex?"

Jeff grunted softly. "Partially."

"What does that mean?" Will asked the wolf.

"We were long distance. Only ever saw him once for a couple days."


Jeff shuddered at the feeling of the vulpine tongue running over his neck. "Mostly kept up over messaging and email."

"A written record? Makes it easier when you argue, knowing exactly who said what, eh?"

Jeff huffed. "There was nothing easy about our arguments. Hence 'ex.' And why you're here." He wiggled back against the fox. "I deleted most of them anyway."


Jeff could hear Will's grin, goddamn it. "All."

"Liar. What did you keep?"

"Nothing of consequence."

"Can I see?"

"Definitely not." Jeff's tone left no room for argument. Or so he thought.

"Why not?"

"Reasons. Leave it be."

"Tell me!" Will said, mimicking a whining kid perfectly as he squeezed Jeff tighter.

"No!" Jeff squirmed, his boyfriend's squeeze tickling him.


"There are like five reasons I don't want to tell you." Jeff shuddered as Will nibbled on his neck, a totally unfair move.

"What reasons, then?" Will was enjoying Jeff's jerks and shudders entirely too much.

"I can't tell you," Jeff gasped. "Telling you the reasons would defeat the purpose of not showing you the email. Those reasons are what I don't want you to see."

"Is it something about your ex you don't want me to know?"

Goddamn that fox and his teeth. "No..."

Will turned his attention to Jeff's ear. "So it's something about you?"

"Why are you questioning me so much?" Jeff did his best to sound grumpy, but it was difficult when the fox was holding him close and laying siege to ears and neck.

"Because you're cute when you're embarrassed." Will licked Jeff's cheek.

"So," Jeff did his best approximation of thoughtful while Will resumed his assault on Jeff's nape, "all I have to do is stop looking cute and you'll stop bothering me?" Jeff craned his neck to look at Will, contorting his face into a wild grin.

Will laughed. "That's adorable."

Jeff pouted. "See how adorable it is when I throw up on you."

"That," Will said, punctuating it with a lick of Jeff's nose, "would be significantly less cute."

Jeff contorted his face further, scrunching up an eye and letting his tongue loll out his mouth. "Is it still adorable?" he gurgled, doing his best to maintain the look.

"That's a trap. If I say it is, you'll say nothing you do is good enough, and if I say it isn't, you'll be offended."

"An insidiously laid trap, too," Jeff said, relinquishing the pose to speak once more. "So? Am I still adorable?" He resumed his expression, exaggerating it in a way that looked almost painful to Will.

Will laughed and buried his muzzle in Jeff's neck, forcing Jeff to lose control and laugh too. "You're very adorable."

They spent a few moments snuggling in soft chuckles.

"So why won't you tell me?" Will softly asked in Jeff's ear.

Jeff went still and sighed. Will continued to hold him as the silence stretched on.

"'Cause." Jeff's voice faltered, and Will's ears perked up. "You... you'd be..." Jeff paused, and Will nosed his neck encouragingly.

"I've missed this a lot," Jeff said. Will knew he meant the cuddling, amongst other things. "And I don't want to scare you away. Not yet."

"Oh, babe." Will pulled Jeff closer. "Did you kill someone and need help hiding the body?"

Jeff huffed, a small noise of amusement. "No."

"Then I highly doubt you'll scare me away."

After a moment, Jeff settled back against Will again, enjoying his warmth.

"Besides," Will said, "even if you did kill someone, I'm sure they deserved it."

Jeff chuckled. "Yeah. They shared one of those dumb order of operation problems."

"The horror!"

The two shared another laugh. As silence stretched comfortably between them, Jeff thought to himself, Maybe one day I'll be comfortable enough to tell him.