Druid's Ritual

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When a young man is ostracized by a secret society he is intent on spying on their ritual, except he soon finds himself in a role he hadn't planned on. And they are quite happy to adapt.


The sound of insects singing were sweetly filling the air, the lustful song of summer that rang in Donovan's ears as he crept along the line of the trees and felt the sweat starting to gather along the back of his neck. It trickled irritatingly despite the fact he'd pulled off his neck kerchief, but he ignored it as he heard the sound of people far down along the clearing. It had echoed all the way to the main house, enticing and making his jealousy stir to the point that he didn't stop to think about what he was doing. He was moving down the line of the bushes, trying his best to not draw attention not himself as his coat tails caught against some of the bushes.

He knew that the Lughnasa Society met here, it wasn't common knowledge, but he had come so close to actually joining the ranks of the elite young men that had begun to draw their way back to druid society. It was one of the societies that had sprang up over the last few years, a rising fad as people began to get in touch with more of the magic that used to flow so freely through the world. It wasn't magic that was mixed with the technologies and inventions that were flooding the world, it was going back to a time where magic was pure and powerful.

He had spent all spring going through the steps to become a member in their ranks, humiliated himself and degraded himself, he had thought he had had it made. His name hadn't been chosen. He had been quietly shuttled aside for someone that had actually come from Ireland and claimed that he was directly descended from actual Druids. He had come with scrolls and books, secrets that he claimed would bring their society to a new level. That had left Donovon in the dust, forgotten and his hard work dismissed, giving him only the smallest glimpse into the secrets they held.

He had spent his life obsessed with magic. He was the youngest son of a house that had a legacy that went back to the crusades, he had the money and time to do what he wished, and magic was his obsession. It had become so wrapped up in a world of ever changing inventions, studied and dissected, until there was little of the mysticism that it had originally been steeped in. As the Christianity had wiped out those religions that had dedicated themselves to magic, treated it as an art. It was time to bring things back to the world where they belonged.

_I could have offered my own expertise, I have studied native American magics since I was a child. _ He thought and brushed a hand over his face, smoothing his hair back as he came to the bottom of the woods.

He had spent time seeing the way the native americans still practiced their own sort of magic, so close to what the druid's had actually created. It was still primal and delightful, enchanting in its own way so that he had been delighted at the idea of being in a society where he could put that knowledge to use. He didn't want to just observe it, he wanted to be able to practice it and these people would be able to help that happen. They had magic, real magic, an understanding that could take his scholastic knowledge and turn it into reality. He didn't want to lose the chance to see the ancient magics in this place at work, he wouldn't miss the chance.

The owner of the manor had deliberately allowed this forest to stay, old growth and towering giants surrounded him as he strained to listen to the sound of the chanting. Tonight was the night of the summer solstice, one of the high holy days and he knew that they were going to be celebrating it. He had heard whispers of the debauchery that was had on that night, an ancient ceremony that was used to call down Cernnunos the Hunter. He felt his heart beating faster in his chest as he began to slip down slowly to where he could see the flicker of firelight through the woods.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jacob's eyes darted around the circle, he felt a slight shiver of anticipation and fear slide over him as the group began to set up the torches that were lifted up and set ablaze beneath the moon that was spilling silver light over them. The scent of the herbs on the fire that were spilling in the air and filled his nostrils as he moved with his chest bare and marked with a trail of the blue paste that had marked him and trailed along his chest. It was cool feeling against his hot skin as he moved towards the middle of the clearing and the fellow members laughed and grinned at him.

He had been chosen as the youngest member to take up the role of the hind in the ceremony and it left him shivering slightly as he glanced towards the man that was standing across from him. William was always well put together, wearing the most professional clothes and had an elegant voice, his manners were impeccable, but today he wore a set of broad antlers on the top of his head and the skin of a red deer on his back. He was painted and anointed in the old ways. He had bones along his throat and his eyes were flashing as he stood in front of a group of five young men what wore smaller less impressive versions of his costume.

"Here, you'll want to anoint yourself with this." One of his companions said and offered him a small bottle that held a glowing salve. "I think we forgot it."

"Does this really work?" He asked and took the pot, licking his dry feeling lips as he dipped his fingers into the mixture. "Or is it just.. in my mind."

He didn't mean to speak loudly, but the nervous energy was building up and causing him to pant out shallowly. Tonight they would call down Cernnunos the Hunter himself, summoning him to spill into the bodies they presented him for one night that would bring fertility to the lands they stood in. He would stand as the doe, his body offered up to be changed by the will of the gods into the pure example of feminine fertility. William and the group of five young men at his back would be changed into stags, masculinity embodied and take him in the body of a doe. He hardly dared believe it, and he didn't know if he felt excited or terrified of what was about to happen.

_It might just be what they're slathering on us, we might end up just hallucinating and the magic comes from our visions. _ He thought with a nervous tremor down his back.

"Do you doubt us?" William rumbled from across the bonfire. "You are the Hind to my Hart. And by the morning, you will be filled with our seed and spread the fertility to the land."

"I.. I can hardly believe I'm Chosen." Jacob answered and smeared the salve right along the curve of his neck, the scent of lavender and rosemary filled his nose. "That it'll be me."

He didn't know if he felt simple arousal or more fear, but his heart was racing as the fires lit up the entire area and he padded closer to the fire. He pulled the last bit of clothing from him as he did so, stripping himself down to enter the circle. His eyes flickered towards the book one of the men held. It wasn't older than his own books, but he had been assured that this ceremony had been held here for the last four years and it had meant the forest flourished and grew.

He tried not to think about the fact that there were those in the society that had brought leather straps and buckles, devices that could be used to help if he decided to not do his part. They had explained that without any hint of shame, wanting to make sure that he understood that if he failed in his duties, that he would be made to hold up his position. They would not let the ceremony fail, but he wouldn't either. He would do his duty, he even felt an odd liberated excitement at it. This was an honor, a great honor.

"Gather to the fire, harts and hind, gather and we will begin the ceremony!" William's voice echoed around the clearing and those in robes began to move. "The Solstice is upon us!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn:

All who die shall be reborn.

_Corn and grain, _

Corn and grain:

All that falls will rise again!

_ _

The chanting voices filled the air, sounding to the sound of a man that was beating on a hide drum and Donovan watched with wide eyes beside one of the towering torches. The scent of herbs on the air were spilling everywhere, every breath was filled with them and left him feeling slightly dizzy as he watched the men begin the ceremony. It was a ceremony that he knew, one that he had read when he was younger. The Celts had once done this ceremony, dancing in the moonlight on the solstice in order to bring fertility to the forest and lands.

There were a clutch of people by the bonfire, dressed in the skin of deer with six wearing antlers, while one stood in the middle bare headed. They were dancing wildly with their heads bouncing back and forth, trying to pattern themselves after animals as they stalked around the bare headed one. The changing tones of the chant rose and fall, but it only made him frown as he saw the bastardization that they had made out of the ceremony. The original one had never been with men in the middle of a gathering this way, the original had been meant to only have the stags in the center of the circle, sparring and locking horns, building the magic. The hind was supposed to be in the forest, hidden and changed beneath Cernunnos' touch so that she was a prize to be claimed by the strongest stag to take her.

If they'd let me joined I would have been able to tell them that. _ He thought with a slight twinge of smug satisfaction. _A broken half translated ritual.

_ _

He took a step backwards as the chanting became higher and wilder, the air growing heavier as they worked with their summoning. It would probably work with the way they had anointed the one they wanted to be the hind, but it wouldn't be anything close to real power. Perhaps it was his own fault, he had imagined that these people knew so much more than he had, but they were patching together things in a clumsy way. It caused him to give a snort and he stepped further away with a shake of his head. They probably just got drunk on the herbs and wine before having an orgy instead of the real magic that should have been there.

He pushed his way through the bushes, feeling foolish for the amount of effort he'd gone through to get here. He was at least less irritated that he hadn't made the grade for them, he would find a better society, one that was able to actually adhere to the old ways. They wouldn't turn them in bastardized versions of what they should have been. He would hold to the truth of what the druid's had known, he would introduce their magic to the Native American's smoothly. He would...

Hot air suddenly blasted against him, blowing with enough force that he nearly stumbled backwards with a choking sound as the air came with a harsh thick scent of animal musk. He nearly dropped back against a tree as the wind curled around him, something sliding through the bushes around him with a whisper of noise. The air was heavy and thick, he was barely able to draw in a breath as he froze in place. It was like hitting a wall, there was no pushing through it as something slipped through the bushes around him. Something real, something large, something that snorted and caused him to let out a short choked noise.

"Welcome..." The word wasn't really spoken, it echoed in his mind as there was a sudden dark shape stepping out in front of him.

Antlers, massive antlers, glittered like starlight as the head towered above him and eyes that glowed faintly in the darkness were fixated on him. The creature stood on two legs, but was only faintly man-shaped, the head was entirely cervine and ears lifted up high in the air. He could almost feel the weight of age clinging to the creature that took a step forward, the crackle of twigs beneath the cloven hooves echoing slightly. The heat grew until he wasn't able to think straight, his heart was pounding in his ears as the great head lowered towards him.

"Stop.." He whispered, his voice terrified as the star-light lined antlers spread around him and the muzzle came closer to him with a breath of musky animal scent. "P-please..."

"My hind..." Cerunnos breathed out before the nose brushed against him and the world exploded in a wave of liquid heat. The raw magic ran through his body in an uncontrolled wave, dropping him to his knees as the stag bellowed out above him.

Donovan hunched forward as the magic poured over him so that his jaws began to ache, pushing outwards with a strain that slipped outwards as his skin strained further and further. His fingers dug down against the forest floor with nails that were starting to thicken, growing darker as the bellowing call echoed again while his back arched upwards and his body began to twist and change. His ears were growing larger and longer, pushing out to either side of his head as his nose pushed forward and his back curved up higher in the air.

His fingers were drawing together as the nails flowed into dark hooves as his arms began to grow slender and the joints started to adjust themselves. He was breathing out a little bit too fast, causing him to let out a short wheezing breath. The magic remolded him as he rose upwards and his boots began to tear along his lower legs. The line of the seam tore open and traveled all the way down towards his ankle. It was an ankle that was lifting upwards, his foot starting to change as nails were thickening and becoming more hoof-like. His hips gave a popping noise before he realized that his nose was pushing further out, his teeth were changing in his jaws while he gulped down a breath.

There was a sudden tear of his shirt as he reached up with his changing hooves, tearing and scrabbling against his shirt so that his buttons popped off. The world was thick with the scent of musk and he heard the distant sound of other cries, sounds rising up before he stumbled forward. There were hairs that were growing all over him, stiff russet colored fur that was gliding down over his throat, itching and making his skin twitch strangely. There was no fighting against it, no denying the changes that were beginning to make his pants sag downwards.

He was left scrabbling his fingers against his shirt again, managing to tear it open so that it slid down off of his shoulders. There was a pop along the line of his spin and he let out a cry, a sound that was high pitched and loud sounding. He pulled his ears back against his head, strange feeling as his neck began to elongate and he let out a ragged noise from low in his throat. His forming hooves scrabbled against the dirt as he heaved up and tried to get his feet under him, but his body wasn't obeying him. The heat was burning over him in liquid waves, covering him so that he was drowning in it.

"Over here!" A voice called out as his pants twisted and tore down his legs to hang in strips as he swung his head around.

His neck was too long, and growing longer, his entire body was starting to change into something far larger than what he had been. His nose was starting to turn flat and black, nostrils that flared open wide caused him to try and saying something. It was a loud bleat as people came from the clearing, people in robes and holding a lantern. He tried to run, leaping forward to evade being caught, but his tearing pants sent him sprawling back towards the ground. He kicked his legs wildly, trying to get the trappings of fabric off of him as the men approached him.

He could feel the slide of cool air flushing over him with a teasing caress where there were gaps in his torn clothing and where the coating of coat of deer hair hadn't covered him. It was sliding over him as his body was stretching out further and he found that his arms were growing longer and muscles were forming where he'd never had them before. He was breathing faster as he crawled forward as people surrounded him and he heard other voices further away. He lifted a head that was wrong feeling, his neck slender and graceful, a cervine head.

"It went wrong..." Someone said with a slightly amused tone and a hand touched his hip to make him jerk away. "At least it didn't fail completely." "A night without the hind would be... disappointing." Someone else said as another set of hands moved to pull his shirt, dragging it off with a rough stroke that left him scrabbling wildly.

He tried to tell them to stop, but the bleat that came out of his throat was odd feeling, ragged as he lifted his head up. His ears trembled as another hand caught his pants and began to pull without regard to his protests. He tried to kick out, but it only flung his boots off his hooves. Hooves, cloven hooves, they were standing out against the length of legs that weren't at all human looking. The deer-like legs scrabbled wildly before there was a sudden realization that things had changed more than simply his legs and chest. The thick coat of russet colored fur faded down towards the line of his white belly, and towards his inner thighs.

He looked down to see that there was no cock nestled between his legs, not a floppy human one, not even the start of the sheath. Instead, the white fur faded down to velvety flesh, and while he watched, there was a perk of teats that were starting to jut out from his lower belly. Worse, he was looking back to see that his body was no longer male, not even remotely male, the roil in his belly was throbbing through him. Not through him, through her, her eyes could see the glimpse of the tip of a small teardrop shaped sex. It made her shudder in place, sides twitching as her clothing was stripped away.

"This... this isn't one of our members." She looked up to see a familiar face near her, crouched down with a furrowed brow. "Someone was spying on us."

There were other people, nearly six of them were surrounding her as she was left suddenly looking where one of them was picking up what was left of her jacket. There was a sudden shake and she saw that they were pulling out their kerchief with a slight frown. No, no this wasn't happening. She let out a wild noise and then gave another wild lunge upwards, but someone was pulling leather along her nose. Her attempt to give a little fling of her head to get away, but other hands gripped her ears to keep her pinned in place to allow the halter to be pulled onto her head.

"It's Donovan, one of the initiates." Someone said with a slight lilt to his voice of shock. "How the hell did he get in here?"

"He must have tried to see what we were doing." The person at her head said, making her strain with an angry bleat, the sound rushing out with rage that she couldn't get voice to.

More people were keeping her in place, hands on her body that had no right to be there, trapping her. Instincts flooded through her to run, to flee, she had to break free of them. She could smell the faint scent of the stags on the air and it called her to run into the night, feel it sliding around her newly made body and taunt them so that the chase would begin. Her body was throbbing in time with her heart beat, adrenaline coursed through her veins while she tried to lunge her way free again. She had to run, she had to lead the stags!

_No, no I'm not! I'm not going to do that. _ She thought with a tremor of warmth that tried to push that thought away.

"Why did she end up being the one changed?" Another person said, picking off another bit of clothing from her shuddering body.

"I don't know, but at least we have our hind." The first said and then reached down to catch her head before she let out a harsh noise and tried to lunge upwards to get away. "Hey! Hey now, don't get so worked up, you're about to be a part of something great."

_What? No! _ Donovan kicked out with her hind legs, but as she tried to lunge upwards, the halter drew tight and suddenly she was fouled with a rope as the men kept her pinned in place.

There was no freedom, the night was behind her, the forest alive with the shimmer of magic, but they turned her head away from her urge to flee. Her head was turned towards the bonfire, the stags that were shadows against the firelight were awaiting her. This was wrong, all wrong, she knew it in the pit of her stomach. She should have been swift footed in the forest, daring the largest and most virile stag to claim her. Instead, there was a sudden sweep of leather behind her hind legs as the lead was wrapped around her as she was hauled forward. She tried to stop them, but she couldn't, there was no evading this, no freeing herself.

"Cernnunos is waiting for you." One of the men said, and she realized that there was the sharp scent of arousal on him. This wasn't supposed to happen, none of this, they had no idea what they were doing.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jacob trembled slightly as he heaved up onto all fours and his eyes rolled a little bit, breathing rapidly as he half expected to see himself surrounded by the stags. Instead, when he turned his eyes, he saw tines hiding down along the line of his vision and the weight on his head made him swing his head about wildly. His ears flapped back and forth as he swung his gaze around the room, nostrils flaring as he tasted the air that was thick with the sharp acrid musk of deer musk on the air. He was on all four legs and turning his head to see that other deer were standing up and looking around.

He turned his head on his long neck to see that there was a sheath that was resting along his lower belly, just in front a set of heavy looking balls that hung down between his legs. The weight of it made his ears twitch backwards and he lifted his head back up with a harsh snort, blinking as he saw that the rest of the stags that surrounded him were smaller. They weren't tiny, but they were at least several hands shorter than he was. It only confused him further as he gave a little bleat and looked around to see that the head druid was standing there with a flushed red face, unchanged.

_What's happening, this wasn't supposed to happen. _ He thought and then let out a startled bark as a hand grabbed one of his antlers and jerked his head around.

"You were to be the hind!" The man said, his eyes flashing with anger so that he shrank back slightly, snorting out a hot blast.

He rolled his eyes to one side and saw his shadow cast in the firelight. He was massive, thick necked, antlers were swinging up from his head in a heavy series of tines that were like a crown. He wasn't just a stag, he was the stag. Something had gone wrong, horribly wrong, and there was not even a glimpse of a doe in the midst of them. He didn't understand, he had felt the magic take him with a roll, heard the bugling call of a stag coming from the forest just as he had been told.

William pushed the antlered hood back from him, falling back along his shoulders as he released Jacob to allowed to stumble back and he gave his head a shake. His body rippled and shifted, muscles that he had never felt were bulging beneath the sleek red-brown coat and he nearly fell against the smaller bucks. His antlers were glowing faintly in the firelight and he felt a sudden caress that ran along the line of his belly, tightening strangely as he let out a low noise. The scent of the other deer caused him to toss his head, scything his antlers back and forth so that a few of the smaller stags backed away.

"We have her! It didn't fail!" He heard the voices of others out side of the firelight.

"Who is it?" Someone else spoke up and Jacob's head swung towards them as William stepped away.

"It's not one of us!" The first voice said and they came from the forest, struggling and pulling a slender four legged form between them.

Bits of a shirt still clung to her, hanging from her forelegs, the only other thing she wore was a leather halter that was pulled over tight on her head. They had a lead pulled around her haunches so that she was stumbling and struggling forward, her eyes wide and bulging, but Jacob wasn't watching her. He drew in a breath of air that wasn't the musk of stag scent, it was the sweet alluring scent of the hind that was being forced into the firelight. Her hooves were scraping against the ground as she let out a miserably sounding bleat.

He took a step forward and let out a rough bark from low in his throat and something roiled through his mind. It was a tremor of primordial thought that made him arch his neck and stomp forward with a stomp of his cloven hooves. He heard the other stags moving, swinging his head back and forth, warning them with a dip of his head as he prepared to lunge at them. The scent of the hind was sweet and alluring, warm and delicious, making his previous thoughts fade away under the surge of his sheath that was starting to fill out and he let out another low noise in his throat.

"We have her, I... I think it's Donovan.. I found his kerchief." One of the younger members spoke up a bit nervously, holding a bit of crumpled silk. "I don't know what went wrong."

Donovan? He thought with a little tremor that tried to stir his mind away from the primordial feelings of desire that were rising as the hind bleated out again and tried to jerk backwards. The lead kept her in place while the two men moved to either side to keep her there. The fact the wild eyed female that was trying to escape was someone he knew wasn't making him ignore the stirrings of heat that had him breathing with his jaws opening up to roll the taste of the scent along the roof of his mouth. It left him feeling flushed and feral, for the doubt and fear were gone, something greater than himself was rising up.

"Obviously, he interfered." William said with a dangerous growl to his voice. "He was trying to stop our ceremony and it backfired."

"He ruined it." Another person snapped out, one of the older members that was moving around, causing Jacob to let out a sharp harsh noise, stepping forward aggressively with a high step of his powerful legs.

"No, we still have our hind." William said, the voice coming with a slightly amused tone. "Nothing changes, only that Cerrnunos will now be our newest member, leading our young stags to bring on the solstice. Jacob will fill the part admirably. Get the harness."

There was real fear in the hind's eyes, fear that he should have been appalled to see, but he barely registered it. He took another step forward, moving until he was only a few feet away from the restrained female and let out a deep throated bellow. It was more than a bellow, it seemed to make the very ground beneath him tremble and was answered by the smaller stags behind him. He was Cerrnunos this night, it was his seed that would begin to spread the magic through the forest, this was his hind this night. No matter what mind dwelled behind those frightened eyes. She was his.

~ ~ * ~ ~

_NO! NO! I will not be the female! _ Donovan locked her legs in place as the neodruids dragged her forward into the heart of the clearing.

The scent of the herbs were spilling over her again, but it wasn't the herbs that had her trying to shrink away. The musk of stag was filling the air, nearly as strong as the animalistic scent in the forest, but it was surrounding her as she struggled. Her head flung back and forth, giving little jumps as the lead that was wrapped around her haunches and pulled down tight. It bit right up above the back of her legs and she saw that the massive stag was watching her with strangely bright eyes. The ears twitched upwards and he let out a hot snort as the lead was removed from her legs only to loop around a thick peg driven into the ground.

She had barely been given enough time to figure out all four hooves before she had been dragged from the forest. Her body was not her own, it felt entirely wrong, even with the tail that was hanging down along her haunches. She felt unsteady and tried to ignore the feel the sex that was tucked beneath her tail. It felt warm and vulnerable, there was no swell between her legs, only four stiff teats that were jutting out. She could feel people watching her and that caused her ears to flush a deep dark red color.

William stalked towards her, the outfit was hanging loosely on his painted body, the anger in his eyes causing her to try and shrink away. The spell had found her in the forest just the way it had originally been designed to. For the first time since they'd been doing this ceremony, there had been someone for Cerrnunos to claim as the hind. But instead of being set free to flee the stags from the circle, she had been captured, this wasn't the way any of it was supposed to go.

"Did you think you could disrupt this ceremony in petty revenge?" William said as he stepped forward to one side, watching him with cold pitiless green eyes. "Hobble her, we'll have to make sure that she doesn't bolt."

"We've got the bridle as well, sir. If you'd like to use it?" One of the other new initiates spoke up and the former man let out an angry bleat.

The second lead was clipped to the halter, pulling it and strained in tight so that she was unable to move forward or back. She rolled her eyes to one side to keep an eye on the stag that was pawing the ground, the antlers swinging back and forth. His heavily muscled foreshoulders and neck were imposing, keeping the rest of the stags behind him. The scent was thick in her nostrils, making her heart pound faster before hands slid along her side and she realized that one of the men was shaking out a length of leather and glittering buckles.

The gear almost looked like the sort of harness one would put on a horse, but it wasn't quite right. She kept her ears down flat to her head as she gave a little yank that dragged the halter along the length of her head. She twisted her head to one side with a shudder that ran down along her spine. Her tail clamped down tightly against her ass as the buckles were flung up and a thick band was wrapped right around her neck and dug down tightly against her throat. It was long enough that it pressed right down against her fore shoulders with straps that flopped down to the ground.

_ _

Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn:

All who die shall be reborn.

_Corn and grain, _

Corn and grain:

All that falls will rise again!

_ _

The chants began again as one of the leather straps were pulled back towards her leg and she immediately tried to strike out at the man. The moment she lifted her hind hoof he caught her ankle, the fingers bit down tightly and hauled her leg forward so that the length forced her leg right up against the underside of her chest. The angle left her splaying her forelegs open wide to either side to brace herself as the movement made sure that she was forced to show off the teats that were beneath the underside of her lower belly. She tried to tuck her tail down further, but it was useless to hide herself.

She stumbled forward with a loud bleating call and she was leaning into the leads as she kicked at her bound leg, only to feel the leather tightening donw further. Her head tried to swing back, leaving her stumbling as another one of the leather straps were drawn down the length of her back. The hands were impartial, confident, as if they had had to do this to their does in the past. It made her stomach tighten oddly and there was a low noise that came across from the clearing.

The strap was drawn right up along the curve of the underside of her tail, tugging forward so that she was hunching her back in an attempt to keep it down. Her tail was yanked up higher in the air, pulling it back up to press against the line of her back. The moment it was lifted out of the way, she realized that her glistening tear shaped mound was pulled into view. There was an eager animalistic noise that came from behind her as she let out a low protesting noise. They didn't even talk to her, it was as if she were merely the beast that she had turned into.

"Come, come and taste the start of summer, taste the fertility of the world, Great Stag. Come and taste your reward." William spoke with a rich rolling tone as the buckle snugged down against her side to make sure that her tail was pinned flat to her spine.

Donovan heard the stag approaching her, the hot snorts and rough noises, making her head twist back against the leads. The stag was the epitome of a red deer, proud and strong, with sweeping horns that spread above his head like a crown. There was something of Cernnunos about him as he stepped forward with his head extended out and his nostrils began to flare open wide. His mouth was open, his tongue tip poked free as he let out a bugling sound that sent a thrill through her and made her hunch herself forward. She hobbled on three legs while the beast closed in on her.

There was no way for her to evade the muzzle that dipped down and sent out a hot moist rush that caused her entire body to shudder. She bleated out, a sound that was supposed to be words twisted into the voice of an animal before a hot thick tongue shoved out against her newly framed mound. The tongue rolled against her, pushing against the tear shaped mound and her entire body stiffened in horror and denial. The slick saliva coated against her, rubbing and causing her body to give a jolt. The tip of the tongue dug against her and she felt a sudden caress that slipped between those soft unfamiliar lips.

She reared upwards, but the fact she had one hind leg stretched up beneath her meant she nearly crashed to the ground while the tongue began to push its way through her. Her cry became shrill, almost human like, as the thick deer tongue pushed its way into her passage inch by heavy inch, squeezing through her walls until she was thrashing in place. Her eyes bulged open wide and terrified and still there was a pressured dig that slipped into the depths of unfamiliar passage. It was unlike anything she had experienced in her life, hunching her back so that her walls immediately clenched down to try and push the invading length out.

That tongue came with a hum of magic, so like the liquid heat that poured over her in the forest and made her body flush with a need that left her humiliated. It was a tremor of arousal that she didn't want to experience, one she tried to shove down and away, but the magic was humming through her as the impossibly long tongue shoved through her and curled. Her haunches tensed slightly and then there was a pull backwards with another hot breath that ran over her most intimate parts. She wasn't going to let the magic have her, she wasn't going to let herself be a part of this.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jacob snorted out a breath and it came back with the sweet thick scent of doe that caused his entire mind to boil with velvet covered thoughts of sex and need. He had been prepared to be in the form of the doe before him, he had mentally braced himself to submit, but all of that was lost. He was working his tongue into the depths of the passage, feeling the wet juices covering his tongue as he shifted his muzzle in closer with a little drag backwards. It came in a messy spill, trailing out along his newly made muzzle and he shuddered in delight.

The magic clung as tightly to his skin as his own coat of fur, his ears folded back against his head while he pushed his tongue so deep that it was straining. The tongue tip curled upwards and he gathered the wetness greedily before he started to withdraw with a slow caress. He felt her shuddering before he pulled his head back and his eyes glanced down against the quivering pink lips. He tried to give his head a shake, to think of this as Donovan, a man he knew, but what he saw was the stiff pink nipples that were standing out beneath her legs.

He pushed his tongue down and sampled them one at a time, darting and twisting around the edges as he snorted and let out a little bit of a thrust forward. He bumped against the pouch of her udder and he breathed in her scent, thick and sweet, making him dizzy as he panted out another breath. His body shifted and he stomped his hooves against the ground and he felt the tip of his cock drooping down heavily down along the underside of his cock. It was swaying back and forth as he caught a nipple and nipped it, hearing her bleat out.

There was a trickle of precum that began to gather along his cock tip, thick and syrupy, it dribbled down. He shouldn't have noticed it, it was just one more sensation, but the moment the precum touched the earth the circle of magic thrummed around them. The stag flung his head up and gaped his jaws wide, his chest rose and fell rapidly as he panted out breath after breath, rolling it over the roof of his mouth. He tipped his head so far back that his antlers brushed along his back and the little hind bucked and jerked forward. More, he wanted more.

"Get the bridle for her, the rest are restless." He heard William speaking as he pushed his tongue down and forced his tongue into that passage.

Jacob glutted the silken walls that quivered and contracted, the tightening muscles made him feel the suckling caresses as the juices started to cling further down his tongue. He let out a noise, the vibration flushing down the line of his tongue as he stepped back and slowly pulled his tongue free. It was lewd and wet sounding as the tip slipped free, pulling out with the tip dragging right up against the bulge of the clit that was swollen and puffy looking.

He moved his head upwards, slipping of its own volition to glide along the length of the warm back as the movements became jerky and wild. It was fear, real fear, but that didn't matter. He dimly felt dismayed and horrified that he was doing this to someone that obviously was trying to get free. The person he was would have never continued on, but the stag was alive with need and desire that was making him feel his heavy balls swell with need for release. No, it didn't matter, her needs didn't matter, only this mattered.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Donovan shuddered as she felt the head on her haunches and her lips were left quivering and wet beneath her tail. There were raw feeling nerves that were throbbing and it wasn't with pain, it was telling her body to try and crouch for the stag that was pushing his head higher up against her haunches. The only thing that distracted her, was the man that came forward with more polished leather straps. It caused her to pull her ears back and try to lift her head up in the air as the shook out the length of the bridle, but it wasn't like the bridle one would use on a horse.

There were two straps that seemed to be bands meant to go around her ears and one that was meant to go under her jaw, but instead of a bit, there was a dark thick ring. She gave a wild shift backwards, her head lifting up as the chest suddenly pushed forward against her with a rough push that caused her to let out a ragged little bleat. The drag of the hairs pushed against the length of her haunches, dragging back and forth with a slide that assaulted her puffy mound.

The length of the head pushed up higher against the line of her back, teeth scraped against her as hands moved to grab her ears and pulled her head up as high as the leads would allow. She tried to free herself, her nostrils flaring wide as the line of the buckles hit against the curve of her cheeks. She gave a little bit of a bob up and down before the stag suddenly pushed upwards with a loud bellow. The sound vibrated down the curve of her back as powerful legs slipped up against her haunches.

It was almost impossible to keep herself upright beneath the heavy weight, the forelegs were sliding right up along her haunches with a scrabble. It was too much, she couldn't struggle the way she needed to as the rubber ring stuffed itself between her soft lips. She was thrown forward, which only helped drive ring deeper into her muzzle and she found that the device had ridges along the outside that her teeth slipped into. Her maw was opened up wide as the leather pulled tightly down along her cheeks, making sure that she couldn't even spit the thing out of her mouth. Her tongue pushed uselessly as a hot breath suddenly slid along the curve of her neck.

Donovan's eyes bulged wide, showing white as she felt the heavy haunches nudging up against her and the slide of something hot and slippery prodding and questing along her tail. The beast was letting out short noises against her neck, greedy and panting out lewdly as the man roughly pulled the last buckle into place. The leather dug in along her cheeks and beneath her chin as she panted out of her open mouth, tasting nothing but the stag above her as he shifted his weight back and forth, shuddering slightly as she swayed on her single hind leg.

She could feel the wetness cooling along her cunny, the wetness that clung there soon smeared with the occasional glide of the hot turgid buck-flesh. She tried to evade him, swinging her hips back and forth, but his forelegs only clutched down harder against her with enough force that she felt a pang right in front of her hindlegs. His massive antlers nearly brushed her head again as he leaned down against her with enough force that she felt a hunch forward of his haunches as his cock pushed right up along the curve of her hip and jabbed wildly.

The loud grunt made her flush in utter humiliation before the twin leads were unclipped from either side of her halter, leaving her feeling the reins of the bridle dragging her long neck outwards. She didn't fight it, she was too busy feeling the push of the cock tip that slipped right along her belly with a push that ran along the curve of her teats with a slight jab. The movements were jerking forward before it glided upwards and trailed right up along the length of the puffy mound.

The was the only warning she was given as the glans pushed up against her mound, catching the puffy lips that caused her entire body to rigid. There was a loud bark in her ears before the stag's forelegs dug down against her sides and lunged forward so that the bare glistening flesh stabbed right into her passage. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as her body was stretched open wider and wider, the ring strained open wide to swallow down along the stiff spire that sank deep into her tender passage.

The ache was sharp and immediate, coupled with the surge of magic that tore through her body and felt as if it were being driven into he depths of her belly by the heavy cock tip. He sprang from the length of his sheath as he hunched down before giving a brutal series of thrusts that worked into the passage and fit himself deeper and deeper. There was a sudden stream of wet precum that drove into her, squirting out and churning with a mixture of her own juices that were squelching out around him. It took her breath away, making her lose track of everything.

Her body began to contract down with a tightness that caused him to shudder and drive forward harder with a lunge that made her stomach spasm down painfully tight. She was rasping out heavy breath as the reins yanked harder and suddenly she found that the world was being filled with the scent of more stag. She made her eyes focus as the heavy beast on her began to give sharp wild lunges forward, sinking home with a brutal jab that caused her hips to jerk up high in the air.

The ache was mixed with pleasure that was starting to run through her and her panting breath came out in a ragged hiccup as her mouth flexed down harder against the ring. She was panting heavily, feeling a trail of drool starting to build up along her lower lip as her nose was suddenly pulled beneath the spread of the belly and she saw the dark red length that was twitching slightly. She tried to fight the grip of the reins, pulling harder backwards and that only impaled her onto the cock that was hitting deep with enough force that made her tense her belly up.

"Bring her head up and turn it." She heard someone saying as the cock smeared along her muzzle, trailing messy precum against her as the smaller stag snorted and gave an instinctive thrust.

There was no way for her to get away as the reins were pulled so that her head was turned to one side and the trail of the glans bounced right up against her nose. It trailed along the mess before the next thrust hit hard inside of her, the forelegs scrabbling with a roughness that left her world spinning. The turn of her head and a hand beneath her muzzle aimed her directly towards the cock that drove forward with a lunge. Hot bestial flesh drove its way into her muzzle while the hips lunged forward, making her choke on the boned length that past her muzzle and into her throat.

The throb of magic beat through her, it was making her entire body shudder as the warmth caused her to shiver with a wave of warmth. There was no getting free of it, making her choke out a loud bleat as the stag drove his length right into the passage. The tip started to force into the depths of her throat with a brutal rub and she couldn't even close her muzzle. She dug her teeth into the rubber ring, but it didn't budge, she wasn't able to close her mouth at all.

The magic made the word tremble over the edges of her, shuddering her so that she was left clutching along the length of the boned cock that drove through her body. The heavy bodied stag hunched down harder, letting out a harsh snort at the male in front of her, but he didn't try to drive him off. Instead, the liquid spill of precum that was running along the line of her tongue. The precum and musky warmth was gliding over her taste buds, leaving her unable to think past the heat that was beating through her ears.

She felt the tip that was suddenly lunging forward with a little jerk forward that suddenly forced the cock tip right up against a barrier deep inside of her. The tip hit with bruising force that made her stomach muscles contract down strangely. She tried to bleat out only to feel the length of the cock forcing its way down the line of her throat, spreading her maw open wider and wider, choking her as she jerked her head back to try and fight the tightness of the rains. She was drooling out a mixture of precum and saliva, unable to really swallow with her mouth forcibly held open.

The movement of the cock sliding in and out of her passage, sawing and pulling through her, made her mouth flex around the cock that drove into the depths of her throat. The tightening walls seemed to arouse him to the point that he began to move his hips with rough hunches of his back. The fleshy balls slapped up against the curve of her chin, hitting with a lewd noise that made her tighten her maw down. She tried to swallow some of the saliva and precum, but it was nearly impossible, dribbling down towards the curve of her lower lip.

Donovan struggled to ignore the feel of her own arousal, the magic seemed to tease it through her, caressing her in all new places with the cock that was driving back and forth. The little glides and strokes were angled to find all new places inside of her swollen tender passage. She was growing slicker and hotter by the moment as she was bred like a beast with no regard to her own feelings or struggles.

Her forelegs bunched up as the buck on her back began to tense up, the balls suddenly slapped up against the line of her teats, hitting her obscenely so that she squeezed her eyes shut. She didn't want to see the length that was being forced down her muzzle. She didn't want to think about what was being done with her changed body, but there was no evading the tip that was hitting hard against the line of her cervix. The weight of the cock twitched upwards, growing thicker and heavier by the moment, filling her and prying her walls to the point that she could barely think.

The magic began to mount with the pressure, the throbbing squeeze of the walls clutched with enough force that the stag suddenly shuddered above her. The need was singing through her tender body, causing her to feel rippling movements that traveled through the depths of her tender belly. The forelegs caught right in front of her haunches, digging down before she heard a wild bugle erupt from above her. She knew what was coming, but even knowing didn't help her as the stag lunged himself upwards.

He kicked off the ground and his weight slammed against her hips as the cock sank home, every last inch brutally violated her so that the cock tip suddenly hit that barrier and shoved through. It should have been raw pain that ran over her body, instead two things happened at once. The magic broke over her with a rush of release that forced her to feel a tremor that poured through her and the cock sent out a stream of pressured cum that flooded the depths of her aching lower belly.

Her knees tried to give out, she nearly dropped down to the ground, but the reins forced her head to remain up for the cock to sink into her throat. Her neck ached painfully as she tried to scrabble to get her hooves up again so she wasn't crumbling. They wouldn't let her crumble, the grip of the forelegs on her haunches kept her rump aimed up with the rough sheath shoving up against her and grinding painfully.

The mixture poured into her newly made womb, spreading and flushing out over the edges with another tremor that made her choke around the cock. It was driven deep into her throat while she was forced to flex her cervical ring around the tip of the cock. It was streaming out in rope after heavy feeling rope that was churning and mixing inside of her, puddling as her walls contracted down tightly in an attempt to keep him deep inside of her no matter how her mind was screaming for her to find a way to escape, to flee. God above, this was not where he wanted to be.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jacob panted as he felt the last twitch of his cock, the mixture of his cum was pouring into the doe beneath him before he shuddered and panted, letting out a harsh noise. He slid off of her slowly, stepping backwards with a tremble that ran through his body. His cock slid free and he felt somewhat clear headed as he heard the wet noise and he dropped down to all fours behind the shuddering female. Not female, Donovan, he stumbled back with a harsh snort as he watched her crouching her hips down as her reddened sex began to drool out a spill of cum to splatter to the ground.

The sight was obscene, especially as he watched the smaller stag at her head thrusting down the length of the throat. The sawing movements were moving back and forth, twitching and sinking into the depths of the throat. Her eyes were wild looking as he took a few steps back with a series of twitch of his tail, feeling his cock hanging and swinging back and forth as he realized that the ground was glowing faintly along his hooves. The entire forest was brightening, the magic filling the night air as he panted and gave his head a rough shake.

_This isn't right, Donovan didn't agree to this, didn't have a chance to say no. _ He thought and watched as another stag snorted and began to step forward.

He felt the faint urge to drive him back, but the feeling of warmth and pleasure was still curling through him enough to not act on it. He continued to step backwards, but where he moved, he realized that the grass was growing thicker and spreading away from him with the force of the magic. It was just as the ceremony was supposed to work, it didn't seem to matter at all that their hind hadn't worn what she was supposed to wear.

The forest was growing, he realized that the trees were growing larger and the branches were rising up in the air. They were spreading, the leaves growing larger and heavier, blocking out the glimpse of the stars and the moon above them. The magic that hung on the air caused his heart to beat faster and he forget his doubts. He began to pace along the ring and watched as the doe pushed her muzzle upwards, sliding and gliding along the stiff length that was pumping in and out of her forcibly spread muzzle.

"Blessed with the seed of Cernnunos! Bind her with oak and bring the stags to take the gift that has been given to them." William intoned, causing him to step away with a hot snort and realized that the rest of the changed men were moving in closer to her.

He knew what was going to happen, the doe would be pierced with a polished wooden ring along her clit. It was meant to help lock her into the role of the Hind. She had been filled with his seed and as long as the ring remained in her clit she would remain within the forest that she was causing to grow and flourish. It was something she had been told might happen if the ceremony was strong enough. And he realized that the magic was actually causing the forest to grow, he had done this, they had done this. He opened his jaws and suddenly let out a bellowing call, one the stags answered in their higher pitched voices.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Donovan felt the trail of messy cum drooling out from her passage, the trail running down between her thighs as she heard the sound of the man talking. She couldn't quite understand what was being said, not when the world was filled with the sound of the cock slurping in and out. It was jabbing deep inside of her throat, forcing and causing her to gag and tighten her throat around the length of the cock. The movements were pulling and gripping around the boned spire before there was a yank backwards with a wet messy splatter that trickled down along the corners of her lips.

She felt the slide of the fingers along the underside of her tail, the touch causing her to jerk at her restrained leg, attempting to strike back at the person as the touch glided right up along her clit. The touch made her walls suddenly clench down, the contraction rippled through her, leaving her heaving out a ragged noise. She felt the trail of cum that was spilling out of her aching pulsing lips, there was no stopping it as it created a puddle between her legs and then the fingers started to slip right up to either side of her clit and gave a sudden pinch.

They had twisted this ceremony all out of proportion, leaving her bound and gagging along the cock that was sinking home. The sudden shudder that hit against the line of the haunches before there was a sudden leap upwards. The jump left her head jerking violently to one side as he crashed into her just as the larger stag had. Only then, it had been her aching sex, now she was gagging and choking on the length of the cock that sank home with a sudden hot wash of cum that poured through her throat.

She choked again, gagging and it was forced down his throat with a ragged noise as the balls twitched and heaved. The stream of it was rushing deeper as she gave another jerk of her head, trying to twist away from the rains. Her mouth was forced right up against the sheath, feeling it bunching up as she gagged again. She felt the mixture dribbling along the corners of her lips, dribbling and Donovan let out a short noise, choking as the stag let out a ragged snort. He jerked backwards, stepping slowly until there was a gooey trail that escaped her quivering throat.

The taste was awful, salty and musky all at once, but it helped the magic, leaving her drooping her head down towards the ground. Her jaws worked, twitching just a little bit as the reins loosened and she was allowed to drop her head down. The reins were slack, but she didn't try to leave as she dribbled the cum and saliva from her jaws. Her eyes rolled up to see the man at the other end, but he wasn't looking at her, his eyes were behind her where fingers were pulling lightly at her aching clit. She choked out a bleat, lifting her head to look back behind her.

"Silver to bind you...." The head priest murmured, even as she tried to hobble away.

She stumbled with her hind leg twitching slightly, but as she tried to get free the reins tightened on her and the men moved forward. Her lips were split open from being fucked, but that wasn't what sent a tremor of fear through her. The man held a wicked looking silver hook, one that was glittering in the light with a sharp tip that made her blanche as she let out a rasping bleat. She tried to get the words out, her head shaking wildly and yanking against the reins before her clit was drawn outwards once more. He gripped it with a polished silver handle, a thick looking ring hanging down from one of his other fingers as he slipped in closer.

"Oak to keep you..." The man continued before the hook moved out of sight, dropping down until the cold sharp tip kissed against the upper ridge of her tender clit.

The pain from that light prick made her flinch, but as it pressed against her she froze, terrified to even breathe. She didn't want the sharp tip to slip down and sink into her flesh. Her breathing came out raggedly, her nostrils flaring open wide as the man suddenly drew his hand down in a sharp strike that sank the hook into her. She dragged right into the bud of her clit, the pain burning through her in a wave so that she let out a shrill cry. She attempted to lunge forward, but the man followed her and the hook dragged through the bottom of her clit.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her breathing was coming out with a harsh sound, the pain twisting her stomach strangely. She was trembling in place with as a stag advanced towards her head with a shake of his antlers, his eyes bright and eager. The expression making him try to spit her ring free, wheezing and choking a little as the man pulled the hook through the puffy clit. The withdraw only made worse as the gaping hole wasn't left empty for long, not when he drew the polished wooden ring into the freshly pierced flesh.

"A hind for the forest, a hind for Cernnunos..." The man continued with a slide of the ring through her aching opened clit.

There was a flash that ran through her, it was a twist of the magic that held the echo of the voice that had spoken to her in the forest. She shuddered was the ring closed down tightly and the spell made her stomach muscles suddenly grow tense. She jerked back against the reins, fighting them as it dawned on her that the ring that was hanging down from her clit was being used to seal the spell. Donovan struggled to remember all of what it meant, she was tensing and gave another noise as she felt the reins growing tighter and the stag that advanced on her let out a low bellowing call.

"Take your prize..." The man announced and the ridge of the ring hung down as her clit was throbbing and aching painfully.

There was a loud call behind her, causing Donovan to shudder as one of the stags came forward his jaws parted as he scented the air. His sheath was bulging with the length of the heavy boned cock, jutting out along the length of his belly as the balls swayed back and forth. The movements bounced lightly and made her attempt to hobble forward on three legs, but another stag had already come forward, her nose nearly rammed against his side. They were closing in on her, called to her by magic and the own changes of her body.

_ _