DnD Story

Story by SilverArcticWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of DnD Stories

Basically a story on a rediculous death in a DnD game I played

So when playing DnD I died to something super stupid.

My party trying to collect snails that blind you for up to 8 minutes and everyone gets blinded

Me: *tries to leave the cave we are in and lams into a wall behind all the snails*

My party trying to kill the snails have all but the rouge and me get fully knocked out

Everyone lives with 1 hp and a snail spits acid on me knocking me out

My party leaves the cave without me

Me: *wakes up and goes deeper into the cave*

DM: Make 12 Stealth checks

Me: WTF WHY THE HELL! *succeds all but one check*

DM: So these two sentiant mushrooms just dealt 33 psychic damage and 13 necrotic damage killing you instantly and you can't be revived

Me: So I essentially got high and then vaporized?

DM: Yeah.

End of story