Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 5)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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#6 of Righting Your Wrongs

Further ** Questions**

I watched the Marowak lie down within the circle of cushions, using her bone almost like a cane at times. "If I may ask. Who is 'he' you're trying to make proud?"


"I don't blame you for not sharing. Sometimes such a burden is painful to bring up, and I won't push you for it." Rathe rolled onto her side and looked across at me. "Just remember that we are more alike than you know."

I groaned mentally. Although my knowledge on Marowaks and their kind was limited only to what was common knowledge, I had no reason to trust, or distrust the one lying opposite from me. All I could do was enjoy the moment of silence for what it was. I knew that I wasn't going to cross anyone else within my home. Today was my last mistake. I'm not going to attack anyone, not going to provoke anything. And I will accept what happens without a second mention.

But it all starts with Syne teaching me telepathy.

"Rathe," I said quietly, immediately getting her attention. "What did you do to set things right when you first arrived here?"

"That I can't tell you. The difference between you and me is that I didn't have anyone on the other side waiting for me. What you do, must be by you only. Syne will understand no matter what happens." Rathe rolled over to face the outside of the circle. "You will figure it out eventually. You will understand what needs to be done."

I didn't respond. Instead I followed suit and rolled over to face the heightened side of the circle. I was sure that it wouldn't take much for Syne to talk to me. But just how long it would take me to figure out what.

* * *

I awoke the next morning to absolute silence. I wasn't sure on when anyone else did awaken in the house. Mainly due to Kein supposedly knocking me out with his psychic ability, which, in turn, effectively cost me an entire day. But, I still wondered if Kein could teach me the telepathy, saving me the risk of talking to Syne. Then again, I don't think Kein would be so willing either after yesterday.

I took a deep breath and sighed. The sun had just started to filter through the glass, making little difference to the rest of the room. I glanced over to where Rathe once lay, finding the rest of the circle empty. Figures. I knew she wouldn't end up spending the entire night out here with me. Alone. Afraid I would probably kill her before anyone could hear anything. I hated how my first impression was left. But then again, this was exactly how I acted towards Nion, and he never gave up on me. I hoped then that either Syne or Kein were like that.

Picking myself up off the cushioned floor, I turned around and examined the rest of the deserted room. Absolutely no sound could be heard, and there was no movement to see. Wanting to waste no second of the day, I walked out of the circle and stepped through the door to what was meant to be Saria's, Syne's and my room. But, it wasn't. Not yet anyway.

Stepping through the second door I saw Syne asleep on his cushion, the cuts I gave him all but gone. I assumed that Saria had healed him during the night after I'd left. Although there were two claw-sized bare-spots on his fur, that I couldn't help but feel sorry for. His fur held such a rich purple, if but a little lighter. I stood several feet from his bed. Contemplating if I should talk to him. I could stand over him and force everything out. But, that would be too demanding. I could prod him lightly until he awoke, then explain everything I wanted to say yesterday. But, why would he listen to me now compared to yesterday?

I heard three taps on the open door. Looking behind me I saw Rathe holding her bone out to the side of the door. She shook her head slowly then turned around and left. Almost signalling for me to follow. I wanted to set things right, but I didn't want to be forced to solve my problems in a way I didn't understand. She had told me to give him time. Eventually I would know what to do and how to solve the problem. But when? How would I know? I sighed over my own indecision. By walking away I would be following another's word, but, saving myself from the potential failure of talking to Syne now. It was no use. I turned around, defeated by my own mind, and walked out of the room as silently as I had entered.

Re-entering the main room, I saw Rathe leaning against the wall just outside the door. "What do you think you were doing?"

"I was going to talk to him."

"Didn't you hear what I said last night? Something about taking your time and figuring out how to approach him."

"I do things my way, and I say I talk to him now and get it over with." I walked past Rathe as she stood up straight from against the wall.

"If that's how you see it, then go. Talk to him. See what happens if you do things your way." I ignored her taunts and continued walking, finding my position in the cushioned circle once more. "See? There is a better approach than the direct one."

"But the direct one is always easier. If you have a problem, you face it. If something's in your way, you remove it. If you want to tell someone something. You say it. Get it out of the way so you stop to think what might happen. You just do it and move on."

"And that's how you've lived all this time?" I turned back and nodded. Not responding in any other way. "That explains why you were in the wild."

"What are you talking about?"

"If that's how you think, and feel, and act around everyone, I'm not surprised that you were in the wild. If you can take out both Syne and Kein, and still be able to walk away from it the moment you awaken, I wouldn't want to be on the other side of your attacks. But, that also explains why you were released."

"You don't know anything about why I was in the wild." I stood up and walked over to the Marowak. "You don't know what I've been through."

"No, I don't. But I can assume. And if you've lived your life like that the entire time you lived with the other family, I can guess many things."

"Try. You won't know anything."

"Alright, I will. I know for sure that the trainer had to have a pokémon, otherwise you would never have been caught in the first place. And it would have to be strong too, otherwise there wouldn't be any hope of catching you either." I found no reason to answer those first comments as the assumptions were obvious. "Unless of course you had caused an avalanche and had rocks fall on you before." I looked back at Rathe glaring. "Ok, ok... I would say that the pokémon was nice to you at all opportunities, but knowing how you've acted recently, I would say that you attacked him and went into seclusion like you would have now, if you and Syne lived by yourself, you would be in the same situation as before. Now, as by the way that you don't want to mention what happened, I would assume that you were in the wrong. And because you're trying to make someone feel proud of you, it is the reason why you feel bad." Rathe moved away from the door and towards the circle of where I lay. "So I am going to make the final guess to that you did something to the one you lived with that forced your trainer to send you back into the wild." I shot my head up and stared at Rathe, slowly changing from a glance of disbelief, to a glare of near-anger. "And judging by that reaction, my-"

I leapt up from my laying position and pinned Rathe to the ground holding my blade near her neck, unfortunately she had managed to get her bone in the way. "Judging by my reaction, you won't mention any of that again." Her eyes didn't quiver, she knew exactly how close she might've been to death. But I was only giving a warning. Never again would I intentionally harm a trainer's pokémon outside battle.

"Why are you trying to hide it Luyo? If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be here today. You would still be in the wild and alone from the rest of the world." The Marowak showed no fear, but her voice had a slight edge to it. But as to what it signified, I couldn't tell. "Luyo, I'm not saying that it was a good thing that happened, I'm telling you that you are here now. Try to make good with who you have, rather than who you've lost. Remember what yesterday was."

"Yesterday was a waste of a day. I spent half of it unconscious and the rest being controlled."

"Yes, but what has it done for your physical strength? You are no longer injured, free to move around how you like. Doesn't that mean anything?" I released the pressure on the bone, pulling my head back slowly, deciding whether or not I should accept her words or try and live everything as I see it. "Everything happens for a reason Luyo. You might not see it, but everything will come if you look at the right signs."

"How do you know this? Or is it all a meaningless phrase to try and get me to leave you alone?"

"Luyo, I approached you. If I wanted I could still be asleep in the other room with Kurath and Taine. But instead I want to talk to you. Understand why you are so hard on yourself, and everyone around you." I stepped back and turned around, returning to my laying position in the cushioned circle. "You demand perfection in everything. Can't you just be happy with what is here?"

"There is nothing for me here."

"That is a lie. We are here for you. That is what we're for. Everything will come around if you wait for the right opportunity. I know that Syne migh-"

"Why do you keep bringing him up? The only reason I wanted to talk to him is to settle out any differences we have so we can get along without trying to kill each other."

Rathe lowered her head slightly, giving me straight view into her eyes. "Alright. If that's how you see it, then I won't say it again. Just don't wait to-"

Rathe stopped speaking suddenly. And the room was silent once more. Part of me was thankful for the quiet. Reminding me of home, where I would watch the world pass me by with nothing to think about outside myself. Unfortunately I now had to consider those I lived with and not just continue to live how I used to.

Then a thought struck.

Why do I have to change who I am for them? I lived my life as I had when I lived with Nion, and nothing could've been better in the long run, and if I hadn't of made the... Then he would still be here... With me.

The only difference this time around is that there are others I have to live with. And, my trainer hadn't been chasing after my kind for months. I was here out of luck, and that was all.

"It seems that neither of us seem to understand the other." Kein walked out of one of the doorways behind me. I turned around to watch him move closer. His footsteps silent, like Syne's or my own. It seemed to be a trait all mentally based fighters had. An aura of simplicity standing as a shield before the impending danger whomever we faced would be in. "And now that I know what you can do, I think it's best if we started anew."

I lifted my head to look at Kein, who had stopped at Rathe's side. "I think we're better continuing from where we are." I answered, standing up and turning to face the two properly. "But I shouldn't have acted how I did."

"I shouldn't have held you down without reason."

"Good, so the feeling is mutual?"

Kein glanced out towards the windows staring into the next building. "I suppose if you want to see it-"

"Good. Now, I need your help if I am to make good with Syne." Kein looked back at me as I took a step forward towards the two. "Since I am to be living with him, I think it's best if I fix any problems I have caused between us as soon as possible. And it will start with you teaching me how to speak through telepathy."

"You want to speak with your mind?"

"Yes. For one of two reasons. Both of which I'm sure you'll learn during my practice."

"It can't be learnt by everyone Luyo."

"I was told that dark types have the ability to-"

"Yes, they do. But the difference is-" Kein stopped himself from continuing. Inclining his head to look at the ceiling as he did. "Never mind. I believe you have the ability and power to learn the skill. All we need is the time."

"I want to learn in secret from the others. If I can learn the skill for Syne then maybe he'll accept my apology. It will come in a way he never expects it."

"I assume that to be one of the reasons you want to learn." I nodded my head slowly. Rathe standing idly by watching back towards the doors as I heard footsteps from my left side. Kein's eyes following mine to the newly awakened being. "Kurath. You're never up this early."

The Charizard moved towards the centre of the room joining the other two standing opposite me. Her footsteps coming much heavier than Rathe's and Kein's. "You weren't in the room. So something had to be up."

"Luyo was just explaining her side of the story for how she acted yesterday." Kein started. I glared at him for a second. I'm only telling her that so you don't have to convince her that you're not going to kill us. I softened my gaze to regular intensity, Which to be honest wasn't by much. "And I was in the wrong, so I have nothing against her."

"Does Syne think the same way?"

"We don't know. He hasn't awoken yet. Rathe spent the entire night out here with Luyo, so clearly doesn't have the plan to attack us." The Marowak stepped to my side and turned to face the other two.

"We have more in common than first thought." Rathe glanced towards me and nodded slightly. "Even if it took us a while to realise it."