Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#2 of WANTED: MiLF's



Wanted: MiLFs Ch. 2


STORY CONTENTS: Vaginal, M/F, Nudity, Spooge, Big-Gal, Voyeur, Condom, Oral, Gagging

COPY-RIGHTS: All characters are © Allester E. Darkflame 2009

Rajan & Rajah Wolf are © Rajan Wolffang

Story is © Allester E. Darkflame & Commissioned by Rajan Wolf


Rajah stared that the walls on concrete rising up from the ground in the cleared lot along the Highways exit point. A large sign rose up almost thirty-feet in to the air with the words "Arabian Nights - Gentlemen's Club." Of course the young wolf looked proudly up at the sign even as he noticed a busty bovine woman walking closer to him with a younger girl close behind her carrying a cute little baby bovine in her arms. "Melody!" Rajah called out with a smile, noticing another wolf that looked just like him climb from the vehicle they arrived in, "And Rajan!" He called out with a bigger grin.

Melody walked up to the smaller male and grabbed him in her big arms, hugging him close in to her cleavage. "Hello Rajah! So good to see you again, how's business?"

He smiled and gave her a hug in return as he chuckled "You saw me last week when I came by with Rajan to see you, little Alis, and your lovely daughter Viola." He responded.

A loud crashing sound echoed in the distance and their eyes turned towards the building that was nearly completed. A familiar figure of nine tails and a human figure darted around the rafters of the ceiling that were nearly done for the roof. "So uhh... how'd you ever talk him in to paying for this place Rajah?" Rajan asked curiously of his twin brother.

"I offered him free drinks and a Private room any time he wanted one within reason on the drinks of course." Rajah responded, watching Allester hefting a steel beam by himself and climbing the stairs to the ceiling while workers waited for it's placement to install.

Melody stepped up behind Rajah and picked him up with a smirk "So you got any working gals yet? Me and Viola are looking for some Mother/Daughter side jobs to do ya know."

A smile crept over Rajah's lips "Ohh dear me, I think I can work something out for you girls to start working here with. Though Viola won't be able to go on stage naked, she'll have to keep at least a bra and panties on while dancing."

"That doesn't bother me; I'll take my underwear off." Viola spoke up, smiling with a soft voice echoing from her sixteen year old lips. "It's not like I haven't done it in front of my mirror before, I know what to do."

Rajah looked over the girl and tapped his chin "Well... you do look like you're eighteen and I suppose since Allester is paying for the construction I do have the money for an underage license. Alright girl, you got a job." He chuckled, only to be strangled in to large bovine tits from both mother and daughter, Rajan left holding the baby with a smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two months Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rajah smiled as he opened the glass doors to his night club and looks around at the expansive dance floor right in the dead center. Along the back wall a stage pushed from the wall a good twenty feet before the center, left, and right points swept out another twelve feet in to the dance floor. Five feet from the end of each protrusion a golden pole rose up and struck in to the ceiling. The middle pole had vines hanging from the roof that clung to the top of the ten foot pole and provided swinging points. On the far left wall, a massive bar swept five feet from the wall and almost to the stages edge.

Behind the bar a large mirror rested against the wall, flanked by alcoholic and virgin beverages alike to decorate the darkly painted walls surface around the mirrors edge. As Rajah moved behind the bar, he smiled at the trap door hidden away beneath the bars surface that lead to a cellar and cold storage for all of his drinks at the Club. As he looked up, he could see speakers being mounted behind specially crafted decorations for opening night in three days. Just to the bars left a set of stairs lead up to the Club's second floor where rooms could be rented for a couple of hours by patrons and workers alike.

Along the wall across from the bar a dinning area was separated from the dance floor by a gold bar and railing set decorated in an Arabic design. The dinning area also had the right portion of the stage pushing in to the center of it. Each table in the area was low to the ground, as all of the seats were comfortable pillows stuffed with downy feathers and covered in fine silks. At the back of the right side wall, twin doors beckoned him through and as he stepped in, he found his old boss cooking up a storm in the kitchen. "Lookin' and Smellin' good Boss man." Rajah said with a chortle.

"You know me Raj, if there's food to be had, I am cooking it. That's the whole reason one of my conditions for paying for this building was that the kitchen be designed by me." Allester responded, turning from the stew he was cooking and looked at Rajah "Besides, I'm not your boss no more. You retired from porn, remember?"

With a chuckle, the wolf shook his head "Kind of hard to kill a Habit. I spent twelve years of my life banging women for your studio and since you did pay for all of this, it still feels right."

A simple shrug from Allester's shoulders, followed by a smile, and the Kitsune went right back to his stew. "By the way, two girls will be stopping by today for try outs. They left messages on your phone that you never pick up, thankfully my secretary is nosy."

"Right, spank Jill, hire new girls. Gotcha." Rajah snickered, turning to walk out "Guess that's why you're cooking." With that, he left and returned to the main rooms and looked to his left. The DJ booth towered over the floor in a sound proof setting so that only the microphone and speakers would produce sound, rather then picking up the noise of conversation and dinning at the tables nearby.

The final touches to the club were the tapestries that dangled from the roof in a myriad of twisting lace, silk and frills that created a natural Arabic feel to the area and helped to provide atmosphere for the dance floor. As he made his way to the stage, he made a final check of the curtains and their woven designs. Several bead chains hung just beyond the curtains for a special dance each evening.

"Hello?" a voice called out behind him, the empty club providing enough echo that he heard clearly.

"Just a moment please." He called back, turning to see a rabbit female and a skunk girl standing beside each other, whispering between themselves.

As he approached, he could hear them more clearly "...package, but maybe." He heard the rabbit say, catching the end of her sentence before she smiled at him and offered her hand. "I'm Gabby, this is Chloe. We're here for the strip jobs." She smiled brightly, her blue eyes sparkling more radiantly from her white furred face.

Rajah frowned a bit "Well, this isn't a Strip joint miss. Yes, you take your clothes off for money, but this Club is so much more then that. It's exotic, romantic, and a world far beyond our own where your dance moves come to life." He said, his voice ringing with the tone of wonderment.

Gabby smiled a bit and her friend beamed brightly. "Well good to hear. How do we apply?"

Smiling some, he motioned to the stage "Show us what you got honey, then we'll talk." He paused to walk them to a hidden door with a lock pad next to the left side of the stage. As he keyed in the code, the door opened and he motioned the girls in. "There's clothes back here. Take your pick of what to wear." He said with a smile, closing the door behind the girls. His eyes noticed Allester walking out from the kitchen with a tray of steaming stew bowls and setting it at a table. The old half-breed just smirked at Rajah before retreating to the Kitchen to finish collecting the night's dinner.

Walking back to the dinning area, Rajah sat down at the table and waiting for his friend to return, which didn't take long. Allester walked back out with fresh baked rolls along with a pot of boiling water with tea leaves in it. At the same time, the lights dimed and a thumping beat began to pulse through the air. "I took the liberty of setting up their music and lighting fur us, only on the right side." Allester said as he poured Rajah some tea and soup before his own food.

Gabby stepped out from behind the curtains first, her five foot nothing frame cloaked in a flurry of multi-colored and transparent silks with a pair of pantaloons on her curvy hips and a bra restraining her plus B cup bosom. Some green eyes shadow and red lipstick applied to her face with a tiny hint of peach blush helped to bring out the white fur that covered her body. Her left ear stood straight up from her mop of blond hair on her head, while she left her right ear bent at the half way point in a foreword tilt. Her right leg stepped daintily to the stage, and the lights reacted to the movement through motion sensors in the roof.

A blue light focused on her foot, and as she stepped more, the lights reacted in a rhythmic beat and changed colors to match those of her veils. Her smile had a dazzling glow in the dim light of the room as she twisted and pivoted on her feet, turning to reveal her curved and padded rump briefly to the males watching her. She moved fluidly along with the lights, dancing closer and closer to her audience until her right hand reached out and grasped the golden pole, swinging her weight around so that her legs rose off the stage and nearly laid her body flat in mid air before her twisting body landed on her feet and dropped her weight in to a slide backwards across the stage, two blue silks fluttering down from the air and landing at the stages edge.

She turned and rose as the music's beat began to move faster, her hips shifted and swayed, moving only her belly and hips at once while her arms rose above her head and teased two more veils from her outfit, letting the fabric drop from her shoulders and more proudly reveal her covered bosoms. Her weight turned and she twisted on her right foot, laying her body out in a full split before sliding up to her feet once more, using the pole against her back to steady herself. A coy smile crooked at the corner of her lips as she gripped the pole and lifted her body from the ground, bending in half until her ankles wrapped around the pole and she held herself upside down.

Her breasts pushed the pole in to her cleavage, and she smiled a bit more shyly as two more silk chiffons drifted to the stage bellow her. Only one remained on her face now, a deep crimson color. Holding the pole in her hands, she realized her ankles and performed a split in mid air before letting go of the pole and moving her weight so that she landed on her left foot with her right straight up in the air and her hands touching the stage, providing the two males watching her a view of the blue panties she wore beneath her transparent pantaloons.

Slowly her weight tilted foreword again, bringing her right foot down and rising up. Her bra missing and her pert breasts exposed on her chest with hard pink nipples barely seen through her thick white pelt. Her hips returned to swaying with her belly in motion, several gold coins dangling on her pantaloons began to drown out the thumping music as she moved closed and closer to the males. As she neared the edge of the stage, her hands dropped to her hips and she leapt in to the air, performing a back flip that left her pant less as she landed, clad only in her blue panties as she turned her cushiony rump to the males.

Rajah smiled, about to clap before he saw Gabby bend foreword with her legs tightly pursed together and her hands teasing down her legs. Her tapered tail twitching over her curved bum, and as she rose up slowly, she smiled coyly over her shoulder. Winking her right eye at Rajah, her fingers hooked in her panties and teased them down slowly while parting her legs in a slow split that made her body descend in slow motion. Once her legs completely parted and her cunny kissed the stage, her panties waistbands had snapped at the coupling points they were designed to do at, and she cooed in a soft voice that sounded seductive "Well?" she asked, holding her panties in her right hand, back still turned to the males.

Choking on his own drool, Rajah sputtered out senseless babble before clapping his hands and standing up... a tent in his pants said it all for her. She smiled and winked at him as she closed her legs on stage and stood up, slinging her panties over her right shoulder and turning around, showing off the blond landing strip between her legs. "So, I got the job?"

Rajah nodded his head up and down "Y-Yeah. We can get the application done in about an hour, but uh, let's see what Chloe can do yeah?"

Nodding her head, Gabby jumped off the stage and sat next to Rajah at the table while Allester poured her some tea and soup. Once more the stage lights clicked off and reset along with the music.

Chloe seemed a bit more timid and shy at first, stepping slowly from behind the curtain, using her large fluffy tail to mask her outfit but reveal her well shaped ass cheeks. The white fur of her tails underside bristled at the slow music, and she turned swiftly, but brought her tail in front of her to hide her body still more with the twin white strips running through the center of her tails dark upper fur layer. Her emerald eyes sparkled in the mellow lights that teased over her dark fur, her feet slowly creeping foreword in time with the music. Step by Step by Step, she crept, moving ever closer before stopping at the right stages beginning.

Rajah looked worried that she was scared, but the music suddenly light up and her tail moved. Her hefty breasts bound wildly on her chest, barely restrained by a bikini top with tassels hanging on the underside of her breasts. Blue fabric swept down over her belly but opened up around her belly button and then dripped between her legs once more to hide her crotch. She smirked cautiously at the audience and turned sideways, dipping down and using her tail to accent her silhouette. As she rose up, her left leg swung over her right and she stepped in a double time pace left in front of right straight up to the poll.

Grabbing the metal she climbed up a few inches and used her momentum to swing around the pole before stopping and pressing her back to the pole with her tail held down in a silken furry pole at her feet, her held tilted back as if she were exhausted. But within a moment her hands roved down her body's front and teased at the crotch of her outfit. Moving her weight once more she hooked her right ankle around the poll and pressed her busty frame against the pole. Five feet and four inches of silken skunk rolled and gyrated against the poll in an up and down hip thrusting motion before she stopped and slowly slid down the polls surface.

The friction seemed to pull at her top and pressed her breasts from the fabric so that the bikini top slide down her form once her breasts fell away from the poll and under her chest where she sat on all fours. The pillowy white orbs shook and rocked side to side as she crawled slowly towards her audience, smiling all the while as she lowered her chest a little more and let her hard black nipples streak across the stage surface. In this position, she lowered her fluffy tail over her body, masking her entire upper body from view. All that could be seen was the soft globes of her half moon shaped ass cheeks, before she suddenly rose up to her feet in a springing motion.

Her outfit gone, revealing a crimson G-string covering her crotch with floss of fabric between her ass cheeks. Her thumbs hooked in the waistband and danced the fabric over her crotch while shifting her hips side to side. Her plump figure moving gently to the music's beat before she turned just like her friend did before her, and slowly slid her panties down her hips. But instead of performing a split across the stage, her tail descended with her panties, hiding any view of her crotch and rump until she tossed the fabric away, hitting Allester right in the face.

Rajah and Gabby both snickered at this, seeing the half breed enthralled by the movements Chloe performed. That poofy tail slowly slid up her thighs at the same time her upper body moved up until finally her naked rump was exposed and the very end of her puffy sex kissed between her thighs was exposed. She turned slowly, exposing a jungle of black hair between her legs, trimmed up just enough to be tamed, but still wild. Allester clapped, signaling for the others to clap as well before Rajah smiled "You're hired as well." He said with a grin.

Chloe quickly jumped off the stage and sat beside Allester, giving him a seductive and teasing wink along with a suggestive lick over her spoon while he poured her stew and tea. After a few more minutes, Gabby sat up and whispered in Rajah's ear, nibbling along the base playfully with her front teeth, which of course made his ear twitch and flick wildly out of habit and sensitivity. He smiled at her a little and chuckled softly, standing slowly and turned to Allester and Chloe "We're uh-" he was cut off by Allester holding up his hand and waving it dismissively while he stares at the skunkess' large tits jiggling under her chest as she readied to pounce him.

Neither rabbit nor wolf needed further explanation as Gabby's arm enwrapped itself in Rajah's elbow and she walked with a swing in her hips beside him towards the stairwell on the other side of the bar. Up around a bend in the stairs and the two of them found a nice large room to hide out in with a medium sized bed in its center. To the left was a dresser with a mirror with free condoms and several kinds of lube and edible underwear. With her fluffy bum wobbling with each step bending over slightly in front of the dresser and showing off the soft lips of her sex to her wolfish boss watching her. Rummaging around a little bit inside the top drawer she pulled out a condom and smirked "Suit up puppy dog."

Without a word, Rajah began to strip his shirt off, only to have his clip on tie yanked from his shirt and small dainty fingers gripping the silk undershirt he wore beneath his jacket. Her arm yanked him foreword for a fierce kiss that made him stumble slightly before the jacket fell to the ground and his hands grabbed her butt firmly in his fingers. Squeezing the cheeks and giving a grutorial growl of lust from the soft cheeks molding over his fingers. She pushed her hips towards his, moaning in to their deep kiss while her tongue twined with his own and whirled around. She smashed her breasts to his chest at the same moment her fingers yanked his shirt open, making the top two buttons fly past her cheeks and bounce off of the wall.

She was ravenous the way she forced her tongue around in his jaws. He returned the eager kiss by lifting her up by her rump, causing a muffled gasp to spread through his lips as her eyes opened briefly in shock, only to find them closing again and letting out a soft squeak when her butt met the bed sheets. While his hands moved to work his shirt open the rest of the way, her paws yanked his belt open and slung it over her shoulder, grinning as her fingers stroked up the nice tent formed in Rajah's slacks. The button, and then the zipper worked open; his impressive flesh literally slapped her across her forehead the moment the pressure around it relaxed on his flesh. She giggled as her fingers cupped his sheath with one hand, and the other hoisting up one of his nuts while he shook his legs to kick his pants down.

Her lips engulfed the head of his dick in a lewd kiss, a look of slight pain on her face from the stretch his cock gave her jaws. But she smiled around his dick when he looked down at her worried, and a slight gagging sound echoed from the back of her throat when she pushed down his pole further. Stopping mid way along the length as another gagging reflex made her back up. Slowly pulling away she winked "Never given head to a guy your size... fuck it, never seen a dick this big before babe." She winked up at him, shivering as she wrapped her medium sized tits around his base and began to lick up and down the spire of pink wolf flesh.

Rajah's head lulled back and his eyes closed, feeling the smooth glossy fur of soft tits smothering his shaft, and a dexterous tongue darting all along his flesh before two seconds more and the fat head of his dick was stuffed in to a tight wet hole again with air brushing along his moist flesh with her every breath. He moaned in to the air, shifting his footing as his pants pooled at his ankles finally. Her fingers rolled his sack along each digit carefully, as if weighing his nut with her fingers before her head forced its way down his pole only to release a hacking cough that she fought past with a pained expression until his dick finally worked in to her throat and received a violently tight massage of throat muscles lurching and stroking his pole.

Gabby couldn't help the drool dripping from her jaws around a dick far too big for her mouth, but she would be damned before she allowed him to get away without tasting his cock, as much as she could! However she could barely fit half of his dick in to her mouth before her nose met her own tits, and that was as far as she could manage. Her right arm dropped from her tits underside, as her head lurched back from his cock with a long trail of spittle still sticking to his soaked dick flesh and her jaws at the back of her mouth. She smiled up at him, coughing a little and wiping her lips. "Maybe... we should do something I know I won't kill myself doing." She winked, turning to lay back on the bed and spreading her legs wide apart for her new boss to peer down her nude body.

At the same time, she gazed over the impressive muscles of his figure, staring at the giant staff of wolf meat jutting up from his lap, even as he unrolled a condom down his rod with a lime green coating. The rigid flesh bobbed in his lap as he leaned over her, but instead of gripping her thighs and spreading them wide, he closed them up and rolled her on to her belly. "All fours baby." He chuckled, giving her rump a firm slap and making her puffy tail jerk upright.

She smiled over her shoulder at him and planted her knees on to the bed cushions and hiked her ass high in to the air for him, smiling over her shoulder as she kept her breasts against the beds sheets. Rajah took his time, admiring the curves of her tush and running his finger along one curved half moon before his other hand gripped his rod and began to gently stroke his prick along her cunny lips. She let out a soft moan from this feeling the press of his tapered and fat dick head pushing against her tight passage, her fingers curled in the sheets and she buried her face in the bed, she hadn't lied when she said he was the biggest she'd ever seen.

The first push in to her body elicited a howling moan of pain and pleasure from her lips, muffled by the bed as she felt half of his spear rammed up her passage and her folds stretching around it to handle his spire of flesh. Her body shook as the second thrust buried the rest of his staff in to her body and she felt his hips meet her butt with a loud SMACK! After relaxing for several seconds, giving her pussy well a chance to adjust to his girth, Rajah slowly pulled back, much to the stammering moans from Gabby's lips. She quaked again at the sudden thrust that buried his dick in to her pussy and her butt against his crotch, this time a squishing, marshy sound echoed around her ears and she blushed a crimson hue when she realized just how wet she was.

Her fingers curled tighter in to the beds sheeting, leaning up on her elbows now as he began his thrusts in earnest, taking each pump faster and harder. By the time she was on all four, her small breasts were rocking back and forth beneath her chest as she moaned like a harlot on set, but real moans of pleasure, sparks were blazing in her eyes as she felt her first orgasm already forcing its way throat her belly as if she were an untouched virgin. The way his hands worshipped her ass, she felt part of him, like she belonged to him, and it felt great to her. A louder moan erupted from her lips and she let out a startled scream as her orgasm slammed in to her, making her body shudder.

But Rajah didn't stop; he could feel her muscles working over his cock flesh, grinding along his pole while the condom dulled the feel so he could enjoy himself longer. He watched her rock back and forth in time with his thrusts, using her rump in his palms to grip her hips and yank her body back against his own. Hissing with pleasure he felt her relax after her explosive release, her body going limp slightly but doing its best to keep pace with his feral drives. Each pump his hips made, caused his balls to swing between his thighs and then hers, slapping her clit and pussy lips at once before swinging away as he drew back.

His body was designed for this, making a female his and reminding her of her place on all fours. He leaned over her back and took a gentle bit of her necks nape in to his teeth and felt her lock up. The predator and prey emotions kicked in, but something about it made the feeling all the more heightened and blissful, the hair on her body stood on end, fear and pure arousal flushing down her thighs as he fucked her like a bitch in heat. At the same time, she could feel his rapid heart beat pounding against her back in the same manner he pounded her pussy with his shaft and balls. All she could do now, was remain on all fours and be taken by her new boss, used like she had never been before and she loved every second of it.

It was almost enough to blind her to his passion and her need, but then a feeling at her labia lips woke her briefly. Something was pushing against her folds, grinding tightly and hotly, and then it hit her, he was a dog; Dog's have knots. She writhed a little, reminded of his teeth on her neck and a double shiver rushed throat her as two orgasms literally hit her back to back. Her scream of pleasure heard downstairs as the bulbous knot of cock flesh forced its way in to her passage and stretched her passage, ruining her entrance for any male smaller then this man. She quaked briefly as he tested the tie, feeling how her inner flesh was pulled on by the bulb of male meat now stuffed inside her.

A distended bulge was in her crotch where his knot had joined her and she shuddered, able to feel the flesh moving inside her, even as his pace changed. It was no longer forceful, but instead very rapid. Friction built up and she let out another scream, but this time there was little to no air for her, her lungs too labored to breathe she barely managed a small squeak before she blacked out a moment, awoken only by the sudden surge of her lover's hips forcing her face in to the blankets. She heard him howl in bliss as he flooded the condom separating her insides from his seed. Even still she could feel the liquid heat rolling through her lower abdomen and she shuttered before collapsing underneath him.


In the morning, Rajah woke up to find the bed empty, but as he stood up and walked out the door naked, he realized his cock was free of condom and cum, even his crotch had been washed up. He could smell breakfast being cooked downstairs, his sharp nose catching the hint of bacon on the air. Quickly he walked downstairs and in to the club, finding his rabbit lover standing over a nude skunkess soaked in sperm and dripping semen from between her legs. As he approached, Chloe started to wake up, this was Gabby's cue.

"What the HELL girl? I thought you said you'd save your cherry for marriage?!" she snapped.

Chloe's eyes snapped up as she woke up from the yelling voice. A sheepish grin formed on her face as she realized her breasts where still dripping fresh nut and her breath reeked of cock and cum. "I uhm... Well... you see it's... well come on, he's LOADED... and he promised I could work porn if I wanted." She huffed, smiling "And I really love sex... he fucked me once and I wanted more... more damn it..." she huffed crossing her arms noisily over her chest as the sperm squished and stuck to more of her fur now.

Smiling and shaking her head, Gabby turned and sighed "You're a Nympho, I knew it. The moment I saw you, I said it, "She's a Closet whore." told all our friends." She teased "And you are, you get your cherry popped by a guy twice your age and you want more... how many times did you two fuck?"

"Seven." She said, cupping her muzzle to mockingly hide a yawn.

"S-Seven?" Gabby stared, slack jawed at her friend, how did a virgin out do HER in bed?

"Yes, Seven times. not including the four times between my tits... gods I love that ohh never felt so good having cum spit up over my tits mmm." She moaned as she licked some of the cream from her fingers off her tits.

"Ch-Chloe!" Gabby laughed and looked at Rajah "We're going to have to keep her chained up, I swear."

Rajah smiled and smirked "We have a room we can do that too." He winked at the skunkess.

She returned the wink, but then a phone range and Rajah was off to answer it. A few moments later, Allester walked out from the kitchen, still naked, and holding several trails well balanced on his arms and head. He placed four plates down on the table, each loaded with fresh cooked eggs, ham, bacon and sausage with a few pancakes. The girls dug in, drained from their romp the evening prior, but Allester took his time, curious what Rajah was doing on the phone.

It didn't take long to find out either, his head lifted and he blurted out "MARRIED?! WHEN?" he yelled in to the phone, and then gave a laugh. "Congratulations Rajan! I hope you and Melody are happy... they can still work here right? EXCELLENT!" he laughed again, smiling, rather proud of his brother now.

~~ The end.

~ Allester E. Darkflame