Flora: Candid in Dewclaw Chapter 2

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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There are plenty of people in dewclaw, many of which have beautiful personalities ready to be interviewed and used to garner more views off of the web! Along with that, perhaps a bit of promiscuity could help Toyle's numbers

Lunch had just finished and Toyle was leaning back on his seat at an outdoor cafe with his legs drawn up on Claude's lap. His eyes were glued to the screen of his compact flipping through the comments of the first part of the broadcast. People had been entertained enough but the numbers hadn't skyrocketed as he wanted them too. Every single view that he was getting was isolated to the site. There wasn't a buzz being created about the show. He supposed he could understand that it was due to the pornographic nature of the show but if he wanted the eventual website where he was posting these things to blow up then he would need more of a draw. Maybe if he simply kept up the momentum then he'd be at the right amount of engagement necessary to pull traffic onto his new website but if he was wrong then it could take months to draw the right eyes to his page. With a sigh, he looked up into the sky while searching for some sort of inspiration. Maybe he was just overthinking it, maybe all he had to do was really hit it on home with some genuinely candid stuff and he'd get what he needed. That's right, that had been the start of the show and already the viewers were sticking around and commenting for more while he was on break even! This would be a hit! All he had to do was keep on going! A sudden quiet voice brought him out of his thoughts and triumph causing him to turn his attention to Claude.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked with a sigh.

Claude shuddered, the large feline fidgeting in his seat, "Um, well, I was wondering when we were going to get up and keep going to keep filming and stuff but I was also wondering just, um..."

Toyle tilted his head, "Wondering what?"

"I was just wondering why you're teasing me so much before we get back to filming." The cameraman asked with a shudder.

With a grin, Toyle leaned back on his seat just a bit more and stretched his legs out to brush them against the bulge on Claude's skirt. As he did this, he replied, "Why I'm doing what now? Teasing you? I would never think of doing that to you right now. I'm just trying to prep you up. You see, I figure that I can't handle all of the ass in Dewclaw. Might as well have you participate too."

Claude trembled, claws trying to hold down his skirt while he muttered, "I guess...I guess that's true but if you keep this up I'll blow."

The chimera brought his taloned foot up atop of the tip of the bulge with a sigh, before bringing both of his legs back while speaking, "I guess that's true. Can't have that! Anyway, for the most part, I just needed something to fidget with while I was thinking about our next course of action and you know what? I think I do have a few ideas!" He then leaned in just a bit closer to continue, "We need something that's more of a surprise. Sure, whatever, Neon was hot and plenty of people liked her but there were too many questions if it was a pre-established interview. We want it to be candid so we're not going to notify our next interview target, right? We're just gonna waltz up and genuinely try to smooth our way through. We'll still keep it to someone we know but that's because we know some of the most interesting people in this town."

"Won't that make more trouble?" Claude asked with a small frown.

Toyle thought about it for a second before humming, "Maaaaaaaaybe but even if we get in a bit of trouble then we'll probably get the views that I want so I'd say it is a win-win situation for us. If anything, me getting in trouble will boost that engagement and that's exactly what I want."


Before Claude could convince him with those puppy eyes that something needed to change, he crossed his arms and hopped up off of the seat, "Nope! Not gonna change my mind on this one! Besides, I'll be making sure that anything that happens, happens to me and not you so that easily solves that."

Claude spoke up, a bit louder this time, "But I'm worried about what'll happen to you. I...I thought I made it clear at the start that I don't want to see you hurt."

Toyle blinked and took a peek behind himself to see Claude staring at him with the most intense puppy eyes he had ever seen on the large feline. With a breath, he turned his attention back to the front and spoke quietly, "Okay. I get you. I'll try to ease up for a bit but I need you to understand something again. If I get beat up, if I get choked out or fucked up somehow then most likely I'll enjoy it in some way. There might be some lines stepped over and I guess I'll trust you to let me know when to pull back." He then turned with his hands on his hips, "So no more of that sad look, got it? How can I focus on interviews when you're looking like that, huh?"

To his surprise, Claude gave him a big smile and got up before fishing the camera out of his bag to hoist it onto his shoulders, "Ready when you are then."

The chimera rubbed his chin and cleared his throat before turning around to look out into the crowd, "Right...Let me find a target before we turn the camera on."

Toyle started to raise a claw while narrowing his eyes. That golden gaze trailed from person to person in the various people in the crowded streets of Dewclaw. It wasn't until he saw a particular checkered pattern of clothing that he knew he had his target. Charthur! If he could get her in on this then he would absolutely make some bank in terms of views. It was an even better opportunity for this type of show since she was wearing a checkered dress of sorts that went along well enough with the black and white of her fur and the ice of her eyes.

They absolutely couldn't turn the camera on before approaching her, more than just that, they needed to hide the camera and so Toyle muttered, "Put the camera away and follow me. I've found ourselves a new target."

Both Claude and Toyle maneuvered through and around the crowd to get to where they needed to be. It wasn't that difficult with the larger feline's size encouraging people to give him room despite the fact that Claude was a gentle heart. Toyle used that to his advantage to get to Charthur before she could slip away and oh, she certainly tried when she saw them. The turf tiger ducked away from them almost immediately upon seeing Claude but Toyle spotted the fanned tip of Charthur's tail between the crowd to trail her. She eventually ducked between two buildings and leaned out just enough to look from side to side checking to see if her pursuers had given up. When she turned around with a sigh, Toyle and Claude were there with big smiles.

Charthur clutched her chest and gasped, "Curse this game of cat and mouse! It's liable to put me in death's house. What is it that you want you detestable louse."

Toyle chuckled and placed two claws on himself, "Why, Charthur, I'm just heading up a web show and I'm looking for people to interview. As you can see, I'm prepared to even do yours without the camera!"

The turf tiger crossed her arms and snorted, "I already saw the broadcast from before, I admit, it was interesting though tacky that's for sure." She then snapped and leaned forward with a huff, "And no matter what your tune, I refuse to accept any boon."

Both of his hands came up while he shrugged, "Okay okay, I get it. You're not one to be filmed but what if we just did a little voice interview. Maybe have some fun after? I know you aren't entirely disgusted with me and hey, Claude's here and pent up from the last shoot."

Her ears folded back and she stared at him with narrowed eyes, "Just words then? So you aren't planning to use that tail to take pictures under my skirt? No tricks to make the rules bend?"

Toyle stuck his tongue out and rather than lie, he said, "Caught me red-handed. Was gonna flip the compact on and catch a few candid shots."

Charthur's eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms while looking him up and down, "Hm, you think the truth will give you any sort of clout? What is this stupidity all about?"

He shrugged and sighed, "Listen, I can't convince you to get filmed or even to get interviewed with just voice so I can distract you but...Hear me out, what if I did trick you? How would that make you feel?"

She thought about that with a slight frown, paw coming up to her chin as she muttered, "I'd be embarrassed beyond belief discovering it at a later date, I'd be wondering who saw it, who saw me in this most vulnerable state. I'd be angry as well, I don't think it would be a happy ending for you, that I can tell. But..."

Toyle grinned, "But?"

Charthur's voice grew smaller, "A tiny part of me perhaps would find elation at such trickery, elation in the knowledge that I had been had" She then huffed, "I'd still beat you raw for thinking you could get away with something this bad."

He couldn't help but laugh, "So it is a deal then! We make like I'm tricking you, I film your from the neck down and even catch some candid shots just like before and you beat me raw later on for supposedly tricking you?"

The turf tiger raised a brow at him with her arms crossed again before she closed her eyes and spoke plainly, "Not my face then?"

Toyle chuckled, "Yup...We could even add in something where it seems like I turned it off entirely but kept the recording going. Think of you accepting the offer to help Claude but you don't want it being recorded so I pretend the tap the button but when you get back home, when you see the recording you see that everything is there bared for the public. Mind you, if you're sucking dick it'll be tough to hide your face all of the time."

Charthur shuddered, paws sliding up her arms to clutch them while she breathed out, "Okay...That sounds fine...And I get to beat you up after all that?"

The chimera grinned, his mask making the same face as he answered, "Yup! You can do anything you want! You can even mug me and I'd be happy to let go of all the money just to have this opportunity."

She then huffed, "Fine...Let's get this stupid thing started."

Toyle was too excited right now. He couldn't believe he had managed to get Charthur to agree to this! A bit of fear mixed in with kink but he was forgetting something wasn't he? There was something integral to this sort of play that he wasn't remembering. With a frown, he looked at his compact before muttering, "If you want the broadcast to stop entirely then I need you to give me some sort of signal, better some sort of motion of the hands."

Charthur blinked and her tense shoulders seemed to slump to a relaxed position while she answered, "I'll cover my eyes if it is too much."

With a nod, Toyle looked up at Claude and gave his stomach a pat, "You'll be out of a job for a bit but not to worry, you'll be the star of the finale where you get to finally let one loose. Sound fun?"

Claude's cheeks flushed with color beneath the fur, "Um...I guess that's okay. Is...Is the camera on your compact good enough though?" Toyle flicked the camera function on his compact and let Claude see, the large feline squinting for a moment before smiling, "Okay, that seems fine enough. Not the best but I think it'll give it a more candid look anyway."

With that settled, the masked chimera set his golden gaze on Charthur, "Okay, ready to record then?"

Charthur breathed in, eyes shut before she nodded. Toyle cleared his own through and tapped through the compact until he had the live feed on. Immediately, he made sure that the focus was on Charthur's lower body to keep her head out of the frame as he began, "Welcome back to Candid in Dewclaw where we have a very special guest! I had to track her down a bit after lunch and you might not be able to see her right now but we have Charthur with us! Took me saying I wouldn't film her in order to get this little interview going! Sorry folks, might not be as much fun as last time but you get to hear one of the most interesting personalities in all of Dewclaw, although, I'm pretty sure she hates my guts right now."

The turf tiger looked directly at him, her icy eyes burying daggers in him and he wasn't sure if that was acting or not. When she finally spoke, she managed to do it naturally enough, "What questions would you ask, make them quick and not a move toward the camera or I'll lay you flat on your ass."

"Oho! Tough words! As you can hear, our turf tiger here is quite the icy beauty with an indomitable strength that serves her in war well. Not every war she's gotten into has been a success and how about we talk about those?" Toyle said with a big grin.

Charthur leaned against the wall and shut her eyes, "If talk of losses is what you desire, then I can easily tell you how they transpire. My confidence is deadly to myself and to my foes, it is that weakness that can be exploited by those in the know. My strings are tugged easily, but see I know this fault, and with that, you can bet anyone trying to exploit it will be met readily."

With a chuckle, Toyle began, "A humble answer and at the same time brimming with that very same confidence you claim is your weakness. Now, I know that everyone loved that answer but how about something a bit more, I don't know, intimate? Tell us a bit about your sex life?"

A genuine flush of color touched the turf tiger's cheeks beneath the fur but she only snorted, "No answer."

He then stepped just a bit closer, hand coming out to touch her thigh, "Then how about we have a bit of fun. Sure, the people can't see but at least they'd be able to hear...More for my benefit and Claude's benefit really."

Charthur grabbed his wrist firmly and squeezed hard enough that he had to suck in a breath while she spoke, "If it'll get you off my back, I'll let your partner and yourself cum on my thighs but only if you let the recording go slack."

Toyle huffed, "Fine whatever, I guess if I get to get off then it'll be worth losing a listener or two."

He brushed a digit across the button but never pressed it. Meanwhile, he was judging Charthur's expression. Chest rising and falling, eyes looking from side to side but there was a goofy smile on her face. It seemed that the excitement was taking over quite nicely. At the same time, he kept the camera steady on her lower body while she gripped the sides of her dress and lifted them.

"Here...I suppose I said only my thighs but I know Claude is a good sort, so go ahead and take me whether you're kind or just in it for mean sport." She said, her voice shaking just a bit.

Claude stepped forward and reached beneath his own skirt to tug his thick segmented cock out to kiss the tip against her bare crotch. Charthur hadn't been wearing anything underneath it and he wasn't sure if that meant she had been expecting this, or if she had just decided to go without today. Toyle's own hand gravitated between his legs to dip under and grab his cock, tugging while he watched Claude start to grind against the turf tiger's crotch. Both of the large feline's paws came to grab Charthur's hips while his thrusting got faster and faster, despite the fact that he was just starting. The turf tiger's icy gaze was focused on the shaft grinding against her crotch and she slowly brought a foot up to rest atop of Claude's thighs as if she were offering herself up to him. Claude didn't seem to read the offer and simply kept on thrusting against her crotch, body shaking while he occasionally tugged her hips forward. His eyes were shut now while he leaned over her, both Charthur and Claude trembling until a sudden gasp poured between them while hot cum began to gush out onto her crotch and stomach. The toes resting on Claude's thigh tenses while the heated cum sunk through the fur. When Claude finished, he pulled away slowly, his cock sliding against her cunt before he stepped back and Charthur lowered her leg.

Toyle's gaze met Charthur's for a moment and he saw that there was some sort of mischief behind that icy stare while she purred, "Mind cleaning me up?"

Such a simple statement! He tossed the compact over to Claude while he got down on his knees to bring his mouth in contact with Charthur's cunt. He dipped his tongue under and into her pussy while pushing his nose to her crotch before slowly pulling his tongue out to drag it up to at least clean off the spots of cum below her stomach. When he finished, he got up and started to grind his cock against her cunt, panting as he started to thrust the tip inside. She didn't stop him, she even brought her leg up to loop around his hips while she let out a hiss of breath. One thrust, one push was all he needed to feel himself start letting loose inside of her. The warmth of her insides, the fact that people could catch them at this moment. All of that melded together to create a short and heated clashing in the middle of the alley that left them both with a feeling of wanting more.

When he pulled out, Charthur saw that he was still hard, saw that he could still keep going for her own pleasure and for his but she lowered her dress and stepped past him before stretching, her tail lifting her dress a bit to give them sight of her rear, "Think I'll head home now." She turned back to them with a paw over her eyes, Claude immediately flicking the switch. Charthur reacted by slumping, ears falling as she sighed, "I don't think I'll ever do that again...But it was exciting in some way. Maybe next time you'll be a better lay."

With a curt wave, she was gone and back into the crowds leaving both Claude and Toyle standing there somehow still hard and not fully satisfied. She had won that game despite the fact that he had managed to get her body on camera and he was certain the views would reflect that. When he turned over to Claude, he saw that the big guy was shivering just a bit, cock poking out beneath the skirt. He could take care of that himself right now. Toyle could see himself bending over to get railed by that fat cock and nothing would be wrong about it. He stepped forward and took hold of the other's shaft, squeezing gently while forgetting the purpose of being out there in the first place.

He was about to open his mouth to make some sort of cocky offer when he heard someone from behind, "Hey fellas! Mind if join for the show?"

The voice was loud enough to echo off the walls of the alley and enough to make Toyle jump just a bit. He turned and caught sight of the source of the voice with a sigh. Standing there with their claws at their hips was Vivian. They were a large and chubby white-furred glam tiger with black stripes here and there lining their form. Those bright purple eyes were staring down at him with a sort of humor matched only by the grin on their face. They were wearing little to nothing with shorts tightly pressed against their form. The button on the shorts had been popped off and up top, they were wearing nothing. Toyle stood there with his arms crossed while looking her up and down. Vivian was a rockstar, a celebrity that caught the eye more than once. He wanted to tell them that the show was looking for more of the general public but at the same time, Vivian would absolutely drive up the views. He supposed he could set aside the fact that there were a few conflicting issues with personality mostly, that they were the sort to suck in all of the attention and this was his show but still, he supposed he could put aside his ego for one second if it meant boosting his ego in the long run.

With a sigh, he said, "Sure but do you even know what we're doing?"

Vivian stuck their tongue out, "Sure as heck do! Was watching it on the ol' compact and saw that you were taking Charthur for a ride! Guessing that was all a setup cuz if it wasn't, both Charthur and Jasmaby are gonna kill you."

Toyle cleared his throat, "Well...Charthur's going to get back at me later for it but we made that sort of deal." He then muttered to himself, "I hope Charthur will have the sense to tell her boyfriend I've done nothing wrong." He then sighed, "Okay, anyway. You wanna be on the show? Great. Claude! Get the camera and microphone and we can start in a minute or two."

As soon as the camera was out in the open, Vivian's eyes sparkled. Toyle ignored the excitement clear on the glam tiger's face while he took the microphone and took his position next to Vivian. When Claude signaled that the feed was back on and everything was ready to start going, Toyle gave his best smile and opened his mouth to introduce himself again and Vivian before the mic was snatched out of his hands.

He blinked and looked down before looking up at Vivian who called out, "WHAT'S UP VIEWERS?! It is your resident rockstar Vivian here letting you know that I am here on Candid in Dewclaw! I fucking loved the energy I saw out in the show and had to come out here to meet and greet with this lovely little show host and his hot as hell cameraman. This little man right here is gonna ask me some questions and you know I'm pumped to do more than just answer! I came here to fuck!'

Toyle kept up appearances with a smile but internally he was about to rip out his own hair and the mask on the side of his face reflected that by frowning, single eye shut tight. When he finally got control of the mic again, he cleared his throat and began, "Well, as you can see by that amazing opening, we're here again and with a guest that found us instead of the other way around. Vivian is a big star around these parts and it is difficult to ignore their allure and their music. Even with all of your rocking and whatnot, you still have time to participate in wars and I have to ask, why? You could even find another place other than Dewclaw to exist but here you are fighting it out for various reasons and sticking to your home turf!"

Vivian didn't take the mic this time, instead, they crossed their arms and beamed, "I love this town! From the dangerous underside to the common markets and more. Getting into brawls with all of my friends is something I don't think I'll ever get tired of and you can bet that I broadcast my love of this town to every single place I visit when on tour or even just goin' out of town for fun!"

He nodded before speaking, "That sounds great an all. A regular heart warmer and hey, maybe you'd be more receptive to this question than our last guest was. Tell us about your sex life?"

There was a big grin on their face as they leaned down to answer, "Oh? I'd be glad to tell people about the time I fucked you before a concert, rode your face with my sweaty ass and made you pump out a cute load inside of me to get the stress out or maybe you mean the time I tag-teamed you with my sibling. That was fun wasn't it?"

Toyle cleared his throat, a splash of color touching his cheeks while he spoke, "Those events certainly count and they show that you have a healthy and pretty damn amazing sex life."

The mic was then wrested away from him while Vivian called out, "So! Today I'm gonna ask the people whether you want to see me ride this little punk's face until I cum or if you want me to ride his cock. Either way, I think we'll be capping this segment with a double facial from the cameraman and the little host here!"

Flustered as he was, viewer engagement drove numbers and he couldn't be exactly upset with Vivian. Especially not on camera. With a small sigh, he checked his compact and watched in amazement as the number of people asking to see Toyle get face sat rose at an alarming rate. There was only a small segment of the viewership that wanted to see his dick inside of Vivian. Well, it wasn't as if he hated ass and if people really wanted to see that then he supposed he could give them what they wanted.

Gingerly, he took the microphone back from Vivian and brought it up to read off the results, "The bulk majority of you want to see me get my face sat on by Vivian and so, I guess I've got to get my tongue working to get this chubby rockstar off before I run out of breath."

Vivan laughed and took the mic before she called out, "If that's what you wanna see then that is what you all are going to get!"

They turned off the mic and tossed it over to Claude who only just managed to catch it before it hit the floor jerking the camera around a bit. He put it away and brought the camera back into focus just in time to see Vivian start stripping. One of her claws looped through her shorts and she placed her hand against the walls while lifting a leg to tug her shorts all the way down before sliding them off. When they set it down, they turned away from the camera to give their fat ass a slap and let everyone see their sweaty rump as they spread one cheek to flash their puckered star.

Toyle for his own preparation sat on the ground before lying back. It wasn't the most graceful of positions and he could feel bubbling humiliation building from the fact that he was going to get a face full of ass on the air. When Vivian stepped over him, he took the chance to admire their rotund rear and focused on that instead of the fact that they were practically stealing the show from him. Toyle thought that they were going to take it easy on him but damn he had never been more wrong in his life. They brought their hips down all the way just when he thought that fat ass was going to kiss his face gently. Each cheek smothered his face between them while his mouth was forced to press against their sweaty pucker. His nose was pushed against the base of their tail and when he brought his hands to push up against their ass, they sat down harder on Toyle's face and began to grind against his lips.

To his own credit, Toyle opened his mouth to let his tongue out against that puckered hole smothering him rather than try to push. Most of the movements coming from his twitching digits were attempts to feel and knead over that fat ass while Vivian grinned and gave the camera two fingers each for victory. Their steady grin soon began to face into a crooked smile as they tried their best to keep themselves steady against Toyle's tongue lashing. Toyle himself had a hard time breathing but his tongue was working faster and faster more out of the fact that he was losing himself in that lovely ass. He dipped his tongue inside of their rear deeper, spittle and sweat mixing as he glazed their inner walls with saliva. When he pulled his tongue out, it was to polish the pucker, dipping around and then back inside.

His own cock was twitching, pre-cum dripping from the tip as he found himself further losing sight of what he was there for at all. Desires for fame and fortune went away with such a monster robbing him of breath and smothering his entire being. Even as he heard Vivian howl their orgasm out, he wrapped his arms around their waist to keep on licking. Vivian was shuddering now, their maw open as they breathed out lustful steam into the air that punctuated their groan. Their chubby rear was bouncing on Toyle's face, no longer trying to pull away as Toyle simply kept on digging his tongue deep inside of their ass.

When he finally could handle no more, his arms slid off of their waist and Vivian brought their hips back up slowly with a huff. They moved just a bit before falling onto their knees, chest rising and falling as the sweat dripped down their body and shimmered perfectly in the sunlight filtering between the buildings. Toyle hefted himself up and breathed in deep.

He stepped next to Vivian to grab their hair, tugging on it gingerly to angle their face up to the camera properly while speaking, "As you all can see, Vivian here is more than overjoyed to have me and Claude mark their face. They're even posing for all of you!"

Showing that they were still right in the head, Vivian gave a lop-sided grin and brought two claws up from each hand to signal victory. Toyle took hold of his cock to start stroking it against Vivian's cheek while he beckoned for Claude to come over. His other hand came down to tug and squeeze Claude's shaft poking out beneath the skirt. Each of their shafts were throbbing, ready to blow so soon from the tease and sight of Vivian's ass and now the view of her face on display for them to mark. He kept on tugging both of them off, marveling at the fact that the larger feline's cock seemed to be growing in his touch. Faster and faster both of his hands moved until he watched Claude blow first. He paused for a second while gripping the larger feline's cock, squeezing on it tightly while each heavy shot of cum coated the glam tiger's face. In the middle of that orgasm, he continued to stroke his own until the excitement built up and up and his climax was reached as well. Hot cum crossed one another in thick ropes all over the glam tiger's face.

When they finished, Toyle retrieved his mic and stepped back with a sigh, "Well, that's all for that folks. We'll be taking a break and get back to you with another guest or maybe more after thirty minutes or so. Any last comments Vivian?"

Vivian sighed as they got up and grabbed their shorts to sling it over their shoulders, not even caring that their face was thoroughly marked as they spoke, "Might have to visit again for another segment, or just find your cute lips for myself some time. Anyway, good luck with the show and rock on!"

Toyle cleared his throat and watched as Vivian headed back out into the crowds of Dewclaw. With that, he looked at the camera and smiled, "With that settled, I hope you all won't be too lonely without us and look forward to more in just a few! Goodbye!"

With that done, the broadcast was shut and Toyle was left to lean against the wall and sigh. He needed a breather after all that.