Dragon's Command

Story by Nomad779 on SoFurry

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#3 of Erotica Short Stories

Heres a slash/story piece I whipped up a while back. I had fun writing it and it portrays Ao's personality well. Hes a big cocky bottom, and he can deck anyone he likes. Dont let his size or behavior scare you though; hes a funny sweetheart as long as people aren't assholes. You don't need to know anything about my characters to read it, but their bios always help. Porn is towards the end for people who want to skip story stuff. BDSM sex/relationships are only acceptable if based on mutual trust, respect, consent, and affection and I do not support them outside these terms.

(All characters are mine. Art is mine after buying the character from Zerostar some time ago, and artist is Delicatessen on FA)https://www.sofurry.com/view/1473021 <<< full bio if you are interested in learning more about the dragon exarch.

Most of the recruits had no idea what to expect. Of course everyone had heard of Ao Shugara, house Aurion's guardian exarch. His military leadership had protected the city of Casterai time and time again from those who sought to unseat it as the most powerful city-state in the great desert. He was a legend. The dragon was also responsible for the protection of House Aurion itself, a position that was becoming increasingly more difficult as more and more houses polarized against Aurion's anti slavery agenda. Casterai united against outside threats, but the moment those disappeared the city houses went back to bickering and in some cases war amongst themselves. On the other side of the coin, the commoners and thus greater population of Casterai held house Aurion in high regard. This included Ao.

"He's supposed to be massive even for a draconian," Norik said, whispering to his friend standing stiffly beside him. Sujin glanced at him, grinning at the burly elephant.

"I heard he single handedly took down an elder scorpion when the Kvari invaded. Still has its stinger somewhere in the palace," the dragon replied. Behind them a bearded orc snorted.

"That's nothing. He killed an archon without anti-magic once," he said gruffly, crossing his meaty arms over his even meatier pectorals. A small elf beside him chuckled, causing the orc to growl.

"I supposed we shall all see in a few moments yes?" the still smiling elf said, winking at the big orc next to him. The tusked man blushed. The four men jumped as an immense bellow sounded over the training courtyard.


Dozens of men and women scurried to find an attentive position under the dragon master's fierce red eyed gaze. He slowly walked into the light towards the staircase leading to the grounds. There were audible gasps. Ao Shugara was large even for one of the draconian peoples. His shoulders and arms were corded with muscles and his thighs looked strong enough to shatter melons. He had a thick equally muscular tail that danced slightly back and forth. His chest was strong and powerful, but he had an obvious gut that left his abdominals soft. It seemed the rumors about the exarch's love of food were correct after all, though none dared voice this. Two glyphic tattoos wrapped around his bulging biceps and glowed softly, the marks of a guardian school magus. He was naked save for the glittering gold jewelry he wore all over his body. His tail and a horn had golden bands wrapped around them, and various bangles and piercings caught the hot sunlight shining down on them. Norik and his fellows eyes immediately fell between the dragon exarch's strong legs. Two thin rings of gold encircled his cock and balls, and a closed chastity cage encircled his obviously ample manhood, drawing more hushed gasps.

"Even in that cage he's massive!" Sujin hissed. Norik quickly shushed his friend as the elf behind them chuckled again.

"I'm just glad the rumors about his... unique sexual tastes are true as well. Vael Aurion is a lucky man indeed." The elf was collectively shushed this time in a chorus of SSHHH!! Ao confidently strode towards the men and women in front of him, all also naked or nearly naked. Noon had passed, but the sun still beat down on the training yard causing all to sweat. Ao walked amongst them for several minutes pausing a few times to look certain people in the eye. He stopped in front of Norik, the normally stoic elephant standing straighter as the exarch scrutinized him. Ao grinned and nodded, walking off again as the man exhaled sharply. Eventually Ao returned to the front of the courtyard and addressed his new charges.

"As you all know I am Ao Shugara Aurion! I am the exarch of our prestigious house's forces which you recruits will soon enough be joining. All of you have been selected because of talent with martial skill, or have been conscripted because of crimes. Criminals that serve well and with honor will be rewarded. Those that do not will be exiled from house Aurion and its districts." He paused for a moment and leveled his gaze once again on the men and women before him. Everyone knew the seriousness of being considered houseless. You ended up a beggar, dead, or a slave.

"You will address me as either exarch, or Master Ao. Work hard, give due respect to myself as well as your fellows, and you will go far here." Everyone winced as someone in the crowd interrupted.

"And what could the bitch prince remember about real combat? You may have been strong once, but look at you now!" The question and following statement was obviously immensely disrespectful but also incredibly stupid (and everyone assembled knew it). Several trainees immediately voiced protest until once again Ao's deep booming voice was heard.

"SILENCE!" Everyone obeyed. Ao walked up to the offending party, a large wolf covered in scars. The dragon smiled down at him, zero mirth in his eyes.

"Come forward." The wolf obeyed. Ao walked several paces away and turned to stare down the lupine.

"Attack me." The wolf blinked, as did everyone behind him. He shrugged before growling loudly and hurling himself through the air at the massive dragon; magical flames encircled the wolf's body as he prepared to strike. Ao lifted a fist and opened it toward the wolf.


In an instant the wolf was slammed into the ground, telekinetic force cracking the old stones beneath him. Norik and his friends winced. The wolf barely moved.

"Let this be a very quick and easy first lesson for all of you. My role in bed is no secret because I enjoy flaunting it. This being said it has no bearing on my skills, or capacity to slaughter every last one of you here if I wanted to." He paused as if waiting for another challenge to his statements. The courtyard was dead silent.

"My husband is the most powerful magi in Casteraii, and he chose me to be his mate. Understand what that implies about my own power. I have seen and experienced more war and suffering than all of you put together; I watched most of my house be slaughtered in front of me, I faced down Desvairada the lich single handedly and I. am. still. here. My skills are not in question, and my tastes do not make me weak. They are also absolutely none of your business. You will all respect me, or pay the price of ignorance and idiotic arrogance. Am I understood?"

"YES EXARCH!" was the unanimous response. Ao smiled, the usual ever present mirth returning to his crimson eyes.

"Excellent." To the recruit's surprise the now very humbled and bruised wolf was allowed to rejoin the others, though few remained near him. He did not speak up again. Many hours passed as Ao began teaching the recruits the basics of spellsword technique. The dramatic introduction had been rather terrifying, but everyone soon learned that the general was a friendly sort provided he was given due respect and his commands were followed. He taught with patience, and even the most uncoordinated recruits found themselves understanding and learning each stance and movement they were shown. Norik and Sujin learned faster than the rest, their new friends Benji and Caras not far behind. Eventually they took a break for water, the boys guzzling it down in the shade of a nearby porch. Norik jumped as he felt Sujin slap his rear, responding with an irritated look.

"What was that for?" Sujin laughed, sitting down near his friend.

"I've been behind you for half the exercises and you have the most perfect ass I've ever seen big boy," he said, smirking. The elephant rolled his eyes.


"Of course stud," the dragon replied. Benji walked over to them looking grumpier than usual (which was easy considering he was an orc). Caras wasn't far behind. They downed some water from the nearby fountain themselves before joining the conversation.

"You think he'll ever show us how to cast what he did to that wolf?" the orc asked. Caras laughed in response.

"You want to be knocked on your ass Benji? I can do that for you easy if that's what you really want." Norik and Sujin laughed, while the orc snorted.

"You just want me under you elf."

"Maybe?" Caras replied, raising an eyebrow. The orc immediately blushed, hunching his shoulders. Sujin glanced between the two of them, obvious glee written on his face.

"Keep this up and you two will soon be like me and Norik!" The elephant frowned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he said incredulously. Sujin stretched, lithe muscles on display for the three other men.

"It means I flirt with you all the time and you've never once taken me up on my advances over the years."

"Maybe I don't want you to flirt with me."

"Then why haven't you told me to stop?" Sujin smirked.

"See? Told you," the dragon laughed, satisfied. Caras starting making kissing noises.

"Aww is this a lovers quarrel?" he joked. Norik glared at him.

"We start sparring soon Caras. Don't forget that I can wipe the floor with your cocky ass." Benji laughed,.

"You two seriously haven't fucked? Why? How long have you been friends?" Sujin blinked. Norik blushed for the umpteenth time that day, glancing at his friend. Why indeed. As the sun began to set they started sparring, and like Norik had said, there was no one that could beat him. Not even Sujin. Already he was catching Ao's eye. In fact all four men had caught the exarch's attention at some point for different reasons.

"You four," he barked, pointing at them. "You will be the first squad group. You've already started getting to know each other from what I've seen. You will be spending all your time together from here on out." Norik released a very defeated groan causing the burly dragon to laugh.

"Get used to it my tusky friend. You're going to be squad leader." Norik blinked. Ao nodded at them before moving on to pair up more groups. Sujin clapped his friend on the back.

"Ehehehe bet you aren't so pleased about being top elephant now huh?" he said, laughing. The broad man rolled his eyes, making a decision. Here it goes, he thought.

"Shut up Sujin or you wont get one taste of my ass later tonight," he barked back.

"Pfftt har har you're hysteri-" he stopped, staring at the elephant. "Wait are you serious?" Norik made an exasperated sigh and nodded. The dragon's face exploded into a grin.

"It's about damn time!" he said, pecking the elephant on the cheek. Caras was grumbling behind them.

"I thought he might pick me as a squad leader," he pouted. His three friends looked at each other before bursting out laughing. The elf crossed his arms indignantly, clearly offended.

"Whatever. You guys are dumb." Senji grabbed his shoulder.

"Its ok Caras, we know you're mostly mad that you aren't getting laid tonight." This time Benji spoke up.

"Well... maybe he is," he grumbled under his breath, staring at the annoyed elf. Norik's eyebrows rose.

"This is assuming of course that Caras fancies me under him still," the orc said, making a dopey grin. The elf uncrossed his arms, lips slowly curling into a smile.

"You're on big boy," he paused before continuing. "Wait, are we going to be that squad that fucks each other?" Benji and Norik rolled their eyes, and Senji crossed his arms.

"Norik's mine elf," he stated flatly.

"Since when?" the elephant spluttered.

"Since you just said so." It looked like Norik was going to try and argue but he shrugged and went to go sit down. His squad soon followed suit. Once all the squads were assigned they were released for the evening. Norik and Senji retired to their new room while Benji and Caras went to their own. There were complaints in the morning about loud bellowing moans, and both Norik and Benji walked with a slight limp that next day. As for Ao, he went home to the palace to look for his husband and take a very long bath. He found Vael asleep on top of his desk, city paper ordinances and civilian requests covering the carved alabaster wood.

"Hey starlight. It's time to get in bed," he whispered, gingerly picking up the tall elf and carrying him to their room. Vael rubbed sleep from his eyes and looked up at his bearded husband.

"Mmmhh. How were the new recruits today?" he replied, yawning. Ao chuckled.

"Rowdy, but I dealt with them. There's a promising new squad that I've got my eyes on. From what I can tell they've got their eyes on each other too." Vael laughed, kissing his exarch on the cheek as they collapsed into the bed.

"Let me guess. You paired them together because you thought they'd fuck." Ao pretended innocence.

"I would never!" Vael rolled his eyes.

"And you showed up wearing this too didn't you?" the elf said, hand wrapping around the dragon's cock which was still in its gilded cage. Ao kissed him.

"I did. Please, plenty of harem servants wear them in public. Why can't I?" Vael gave him a look.

"Because you arent my harem boy Ao." The dragon smirked.

"I used to be didnt I?" Vael flinched. The exarch quickly backpedaled.

"I'm sorry that was thoughtless. I just mean that I like this. Besides, you have no idea how satisfying it is scandalizing the other nobles, or shocking the commoners when they see me. Call it my own passive rebellion against Casterai's superficial social poisons." Vael smirked.

"I... like it too if Im being honest," he whispered. Ao nuzzled the mage, pushing against the elf's hand around him.

"Heheh you like your harem boy exarch huh? You like his cage?"

"I do."

"Then come take him. It's been a long day for both of us, and it's high time you fucked me." The two of them quickly made their way to a portal dias that sent them to the oasis caverns below the city. Many houses owned sections of the caverns, and Aurion was no exception. The household had set aside a small cave with springs for them. Ao gently removed any jewelry that could fall off in the water, and belly flopped in, splashing water all over his still undressing husband.

"You ass!" Vael said, laughing as he tackled the bigger dragon. They splashed at each other and play-fought for a few minutes before Vael grabbed a bottle of jasmine perfume and a bar of soap made of shea butter. He started washing Ao after dabbing a drop of perfume on the bar, and began the process of getting the sweat and grime off of him. The burly dragon sighed, leaning against the tall mage behind him.

"Thank you starlight. It was rather hot today," he whispered. Vael kissed his cheek.

"Once I get you clean, then we can move on to some hotter activities," he replied, chuckling. A few minutes passed, and once Vael was satisfied he started feeling around Ao's big body. The dragon moaned when he felt long fingers tug ever so slightly at the edge of his slit. He loved being fucked there, but this evening his cock was already out and hard. Albeit with a cage constraining its ample length. Vael took his hand, pulling him to a stone slab covered in towels and linens. He found himself bent over the slab, still dripping water.

"Lift that thick tail of yours big boy," Vael commanded, sending shivers down the dragon's spine.

"Not even going to dry me off?"

"Do you want me to stop darling?" the mage said. Ao laughed in reply.

"Absolutely not." He lifted his tail, exposing his muscled rump and already winking hole. Vael bent to him, hand reaching between his legs to tug on his trapped manhood, while his tongue began its work on the general's ass. Ao's legs instinctively opened wider, and he started to moan as he felt the slippery tongue explore him.

"Needy today hmm?" the elf teased.

"I'm always needy for you starlight. Come on, give it to me; I know we both want it." Vael grinned, standing up. He made a gesture and Ao felt wetness across his nethers. Magic had its perks; lube that never dried until you dispelled it was one of them. Vael positioned himself against Ao's hole, before gently pressing forward. Ao sighed as he was filled, pushing back to meet his husbands hips. He felt his prostate tingle as Vael's cock brushed against it.

"Fuck me master... Please fuck me," he moaned, long tongue hanging out of his mouth as the elf began pounding him in ernest. He squeezed around the length inside him, the harsh breathing of Vael turning to a hiss. Vael wasn't very loud during sex, but Ao never held back. He loved cock, and he knew Vael loved hearing him beg and squeal for it.

"Good boy," the elf whispered, gently nibbling the dragon's neck as he slammed back into the burly dragon. Ao whined, lifting his beefy leg onto the stone slab and leaning back to lick his husband. Vael kissed him hard, hands cupping the dragon's strong pecs, pinching him, groping him, all the while still thrusting into him. Ao groaned as the elf placed two fingers in his mouth, gently gripping him, dominating him. He knew he was the elf's bitch, and he'd never have it any other way.

"On your back Ao," Vael said. The muscled dragon obeyed, getting on the slab and flipping on his broad back. He felt his husband's hands on his thick thighs, spreading them apart and opening him up once again to be taken. The dragon's cock screamed for release; he wanted to cum so bad. Vael had stuck two fingers in him, and was gently curling them against his nut, making him whimper.

"You need me boy? You need me to fuck you? Fill you? Make you my bitch?" Ao moaned, cheeks flush.


"Tell me what you want Ao."

"I want your cock master."

"Is that all big boy?"

"I want to be your ah! bitch. Come inside me!" the dragon begged, face a picture of lust and desperate need.

"That's my boy," Vael whispered, leaning down to kiss him. He pushed back inside the dragon, setting a slower pace, more sensual less rough. The mage made a hand gesture, causing magical rings to materialize around Ao's ankles and wrists, spreading him and making him truly helpless.

"I'm yours master," the dragon moaned, staring into his husband's violet eyes,

"You're mine." Vael gripped the exarch's hips and began a slow, hard pound against his prostate. Ao realized he was trying to make him cum; it would work even with the cage if this kept up.

"Ah! Ooh sir, oh master... please, don't stop!"

"You going to cum for me Ao? You going to show me how slutty you are?"

"Ah! Mmph... Yes! Great Light yes! Please master, make me come!" Ao couldn't stop moaning and whimpering, a few more thrusts against his nut and he'd blow. He loved this, but being dominated so fully that he came from being fucked alone even in chastity? Heaven. Vael was never too rough with him, and always made sure he felt safe. Ao was totally fine with being the elf's bitch in bed, (prefered it even) but sometimes Vael would ride him instead. Either way the elf always drove him wild, and loved him completely.

"Come for me boy." Ao squealed as Vael thrust into him one last time and started to grind against his nut. He whimpered once, and then lost control.

"Oh sir! I'm.. I'm gonna, master I- ahhhh!!" Ao came hard, his cum squirting and dribbling around his cage as Vael pounded against him in rapid succession, making sure every drop of his dragon milk was released. A moment later and Vael came inside him with a loud bellow, grinding against his empty nut and filling his belly with heat. The mage collapsed on the dragon's burly wet chest, immediately nuzzling into his neck.

"I love you Ao. My brave strong prince," he whispered. Ao smiled, still breathing heavily. Vael was still hard inside him.

"I love you too starlight. You done, or up for fuckin me more? Cage is a little sore at this point though, among other things." Vael chuckled.

"You want more big boy?"

"I do"

"Then let me get you out of this cage, and we'll see what we can do with that slit of yours." Ao clenched again at the thought. This would be a pleasurable night indeed.
