Zombiology - Orca

Story by Rabidwolfie on SoFurry

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#6 of Zombiology

A hungry orca encounters a zombie at sea.

Another short story in the Zombiology collection, Animals versus zombies.

The orca was craving seal as he swam towards shore. He could remember well the days of plenty, when the ocean was teeming with good things to eat. Seals and sea lions, fish, seabird chicks, even dolphins and whale calves.

Since the land dwellers had gotten sick, many of those had become scarce as traditional migration routes and breeding places had been abandoned for safer, more obscure places. Places that were harder for a lone orca to reach, never mind hunt.

Worse, some of the ill humans that made it to water resembled his favorite prey from below. The seals somehow seemed to know this and would drag the unfortunate creature through the waves to set traps for him.

He came across one such trap as he spotted what looked to be the silhouette of a lazy seal bobbing in the water. Swiftly he darted closer, ready to snap up his unsuspecting meal if he truly was fortunate enough to have found one.

As he approached, the creature seemed to sense his presence and the illusion was shattered as the zombie began to come awake. The orca slowed his speed and began to circle the creature as it splashed ineffectively in the surf.

If the whale could sigh, he would have let out one at that moment. Instead he let out a series of frustrated clicks and whistles. Foiled again. While he wasn't to the point of starvation yet, he was getting quite hungry. He couldn't even eat the zombie.

He had tried to once, but the creature had tasted so bad that he had spit it out at once. He would be better off swallowing coral. In his ire, he swam closer and grabbed one of the zombie's feet and began to dive, pulling it down with him. He felt the creature's hands occasionally brushing his flanks as it sought purchase but slipped right off again.

When he felt that he was deep enough, he released his hold and began to swim away to search out true prey, but instead of sinking as he had expected, the zombie began to float back up to the surface, tumbling head over heels as it continued to flail. The orca began to slowly circle the rising zombie, tracking its ascent with its echo location.

Finally, the zombie resurfaced, bobbing in the water like a buoy. Simultaniously annoyed that the creature would not allow itself to be disposed of while also amused at its resilience, he grabbed its foot again and one more dragged it deep below the surface before letting go. Just as before, the zombie tumbled slowly back to the surface as it continued scrambling to pursue the orca.

His hunger forgotten, the whale delighted in his new toy. Again and again he would pull the zombie down into the depths, following its trek back to the surface. The seemingly inexhaustible zombie continued to flail the entire time.

After several hours of his game, the orca grew bored of the activity and smacked the zombie with his tail, sending it flying out of the water and into the air. The zombie cartwheeled helplessly several times before crashing back down. Another smack. Another cartwheel through the air. The whale was delighted with his new game.

As the zombie landed for a third time, its arm came off at the shoulder, the fingers continuing to clench and uncoil as it reached for the orca. Curious, the orca grabbed the separated arm and dragged it around with him for several seconds before spitting it back out again. Unlike the main body, the arm began to sink. The orca dived and balanced the twitching apendage on his nose, bringing it to the surface before letting it go, and again it began to sink into the depths while the main body continued to bob and weave in the waves.

The arm was quickly abandoned and the zombie was smacked into the air several more times before the game was changed to breaching and then landing on or near the animated corpse. Less accurate than the tail flails had been, the orca mostly grazed the zombie with his large body as he leap half out of the water and allowed himself to tilt back down. The zombie continued to reach for the large mammal with its one remaining arm, teeth gnashing as if it could bite the whale right out of the air, but never managed to find purchase along his slick skin.

After several attempts, the orca finally made a direct hit after he breached, his immense body landing directly atop the zombie. He felt the crunch of shattering bones and felt the spread of something cold and oily across his flank. The zombie stopped writhing. As he swam away and circled back, he was surprised to find that his toy had finally disintegrated.

A cloud of rotted blood and squashed organs slowly spread out through the water. The zombies skull had been crushed flat and its bottom jaw weaved back and forth as it tumbled into the dark depths of the ocean. The other scattered pieces of the corpse followed at varying speeds.

The orca continued to circle slowly, tracking each piece as it sank and disappeared. Play time was over. His hunger was swift to return, reminding him of his abandoned hunt. Turning way, the zombie was forgotten as he renewed his search for food. And it didn't take him long to spot another possible seal, floating at the surface.