Zombiology - Raccoon

Story by Rabidwolfie on SoFurry

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#2 of Zombiology

A fat raccoon is unwilling to share his home with a stranger.

A short flash fic that is part of the Zombies versus animals series.

Tiny pointed teeth tore through the flimsy plastic wrapper. The smells released set the tiny black nose twitching excitedly. Nimble little fingers quickly dispatched the protective sleeve. The raccoon bit deeply into the chocolate cake, barely pausing to chew before taking another bite.

The pastry was stale, but that hardly mattered to the the fat little scavenger. Once he reached the pocket of filling, he finally paused to swallow his mouthfuls of spongy cake before he began to lick at the cream.

Deep within his human-made nest, the pudgy creature knew that he was safe to enjoy his meal. The abandoned factory was in excellent condition, stocked with enough sugary treats to feed him for several life-times. A small window high up from the ground was the only entry point, the branch of a long ago fallen tree allowing him to come and go as he pleased, although he rarely saw any reason to leave.

The swarm of hungry zombies constantly surrounding the building certainly helped to keep the predators away as well.

Every once in a while he would hear one of his undead guard dogs groan out hungrily and bang their bodies against the door, but none of them had ever managed to budge it. When the raccoon had first discovered the factory and its wealth of edibles, he had tried to share, throwing several of the snack cakes down to the shambling horde. But while they had raised their arms to beg for food, they had rudely ignored his gifts, trampling them underfoot while demanding more.

With a curiosity rivalling that of a cat, he had also thrown other, less tasty, items down to them to see if any of the random noise-making toys he discovered would amuse them as well, but everything had gone ignored.

A soft scratching sound suddenly caught the furry bandit's attention, making him turn his head to look at the shattered window. The groans of hungry zombies floated in through the small hole, calling out the alarm that something alive was near by.

The raccoon scooted in a circle before lurching to his feet and slowly waddling toward the hole. He chittered inquisitively while he made his way slowly toward his destination, his large belly dragging on the ground and through the litter of torn wrappers covering the floor. When a return chitter echoed his own, he perked his ears in interest.

It was another raccoon. The pudgy bandit hoped it was a female. He had been a little lonely the past few years, and his home would be a perfect place to raise a litter or two in safety. With renewed interest, he hurried his pace until he was able to peek out past the fallen limb.

His nose twitched in interest as he sought out the other's scent. Suddenly his lips pulled back from his tiny teeth and he hissed. A rival male! With all the speed afforded to his over-sized body, he tried to rush at the unwelcome visitor, growling furiously until his growl transformed into a startled squeak of surprise.

He was stuck!

Scratching, scrabbling and pushing with all his might, the over-fed vermin simply could not fit through the broken window pane. He wondered if the hole had shrunk, since he had been able to squeeze in and out before.

The rival let out a greeting call as he continued to approach, undisturbed by the struggle of the well-fed resident. He stopped a few inches away and sat on his haunches to watch the other curiously. Rival's nose also twitched in curiosity, but he offered no aggression. He let out another greeting, but the pudgy resident stopped his struggle to hiss in response.

Rival's ears folded back at the response, his tail whipping in surprise. The stuck resident fell limp and panted heavily, unable to free himself, while his eyes stayed locked on that of his rival.

Sensing fresh meat, the zombies below looked up at the fuzzy pair and began to groan. Their arms raised up and their bony hands made grabbing motions at the small morsels so tantalizingly out of reach.

Rival turned his attention to the undead and swiveled his head to look at them past the dead tree. The swatting paw caught him by surprise and had him skittering backwards down the tree. The rival blinked several times as he tried to figure out what had hit him. The answer came as the stuck resident thrashed at the air again and hissed, angry at being unable to reach his perceived enemy.

Rival looked at the stuck resident and cocked his head slightly, then tentatively reached out a paw. While the pudgy cake snacker swatted ineffectually as empty air, Rival patted him on top of his head. A lucky swipe managed to clip his foreleg with the tip of one claw, but it was enough to finally upset the attacked.

Rival let out an angry squeal and lashed out with both of his forepaws. Tufts of banded brown fur fluttered into the air as his own sharp claws tore shallow ruts into the top of the resident's face and ear. The scent of freshly spilled blood sent the zombies below into a frenzy of groaning and reaching.

Rival spared them a brief glance, but he quickly grew bored of the entire situation. He turned around to leave, but the resident grew frantic. He snatched one of his retreating opponent's hind legs and pulled it to his mouth. Tiny, needle sharp teeth crunched deeply into the skin and attempted to crush the brittle little bones.

The rival snarled and curled around to attack the cause of his sudden pain, which made him lose his grip on the tree limb. He let out a squeak, eyes bulging in surprise, as he fell over and disappeared.

"Oh, so that's what they eat." The fat little bandit thought to himself as he looked down at the zombie horde while they devoured his rival.

Another brief struggle allowed him to pop back out of the portal. A quick grooming took care of his disturbed fur. Satisfied that his abode was once more safe and secure, he waddled back to his half-eaten meal and happily began munching the stale cake.

Life was good.