A Sharky Pair (Commission)

Story by NadiaBlack on SoFurry

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This was a recent ten page ($30) commission about incest between anthro sharks focusing mainly on feet and musk.

If you want your own commission, please message me?

Brione was a rather family little anthro shark, but he was always a very positive young man who walked through life with pride. He was never as big as some of the great white in his neighborhood were, but he was fairly confident he showed his adulthood to everybody around him. He usually wore rtaher skimpy outfits, sometimes being mistaken for gay. He would usually just shrug at that, or even giggle and say "thanks" sometimes. He didn't really like guys that much, but he was never interested in traditional "husband" or "boyfriend" rolls for himself. They just seemed wrong to him.

He opened the door to his home "Hey mom!" he said as he walked in, looking at the enormous woman shark of a woman who had always lead him through life. She had an incredibly strong, thick thighs, a core with a layer of blubber but a lot of muscle underneath, and a bunch of breast and arm meat to top it off. She had a black main of hair that cascaded down her shoulders and a fin that stuck up through it, only the tip poking out, as was usually considered fashionable among sharks. He was utterly impressed by how she looked.

"Hey Brione" Marsha asked, picking up one of her massive thighs and placing it over the other. That gave him a great view of the loafers she wore around the house, making the blonde twink of a shark breathe out slightly, adjusting his collar to try and distract by how lustered he was in the presence of his own mother...he didn't think she noticed anything abnormal. He planned on keeping it that way.

"Hey Mom" he smiled at her and walked forward. Her tone sort of implied she was going to have a serious conversation with him, but he couldn;t think of anything in particular that she would really want from him right then and there ``Whats up? Is something going on?" he revealed more nervousness than he had intended.

"Well" Marsha started, lightly sighing "I was thinking, you are twenty two, and while you are making some money for this house, it seems odd that you haven't made any friends...or you know" he just stood there. Would she be forced to finish that "You know?" it seemed like he was either being obstinate or legitimately not getting what she was trying to lay down. "You don't seem to have a girlfriend, Brione. Is everything alright?"

He felt his sharky skin flare up and held his hands together "Ahh, I don't know, I mean maybe someday" he said, staring at his mother's feet. He felt a pressure in his pants...no way she would notice that, right? "Just haven't had the courage to ask out the right one yet is all" he shrugged at her, utterly exaggerating his motion.

"Right" she said, seeing that he was hiding something "well, if you ever want to say something about yourself, about who you ARE to me, I will always be there for you. And I want you to know that my love for you is completely unconditional" she got up and walked toward him.

His terminal height had fallen at just the right level that he was constantly looking straight into his mother's bosom when they stood face-to-face. She spread out her powerful, somewhat flabby arms and caught him in a hug that predictable shoved his face right between those massive grey mammaries.

He asked inside of them for a few minutes. She had clearly had a hard day at work and was now covered in a thin layer of sweat, a layer that he took a great deal of pride in sniffing and basing in for a few moments as she just hugged him tighter and tighter, her huge, overpowering arms getting him so close to her that he felt like he would physically become one with his own mother...then she stopped

"Okay mom, if I have anything to tell you I definitely will" he said before getting on his toes and kissing the side of her neck, finding that even at full extension he was not quite tall enough to reach her face. His mother as a Goddess to him, and he would always think of her as one. She leaned down and kissed his head, his cock hardening, precum soaking his panties as he accepted the smooch and backed away, giggling slightly as he nervously rubbed his hands together and looked awkwardly back up at her.

"Come on. Lets get some dinner" and she went out and got him some, but the entire time Brione was dying. Not literally, but the pressure building up inside of him certainly made him feel like he could drop dead at any moment. After all, his own mother was that close to him earlier that day, even going so far as t press him right into that aphrodisiac sweat of hers. How could he resist her siren's call for any longer? Well, eh realized, by being too shy to say anything.

The next day, Brione got home from his job early and looked around, seeing that his mom had worn a different pair of shoes to work today than she had the last day. She would do that pretty often, usually citing that one of her pairs had had such an intense sweat build-up that it couldn't be worn without irritating her feet. He stood in the room and closed his eyes, summoning his hunter's instincts as he took a deep whiff in the general direction of the shoes.

They were definitely filled with his mother's sweat, brimming with her brine and just leaving themselves out in the open for anybody to take advantage of the. He considered leaving them alone, but he found his erection essentially dragging him to the shoes, leading him right toward where they rested. He was pulled down to his knees, sitting up against them and staring down, his eyes nearly watering from the sheer intensity of the scent. He tried to get up, but was pulled back down by his own lust.

He told himself that he would just take one whiff and be done. Somehow that one whiff was the greatest moment in his entire life. It was like him and his mother had become a single being, her rank essence inhabiting him for as long as he held it in his lungs, and when he breathed her out he felt an emptiness inside of him that needed filling. He went in again, sniffing harder this time with what he promised himself would be his last sniff.

His entire body was melting away like butter, his legs going weak and his mouth watering as he sniffed repeatedly into the boots. They were going to make him explode right then and there, and were certainly stretching out his jeans. So he unzipped. He touched his dick, just seeing how it felt...super sensitive right then and there. He rubbed down it and a spurt of precum shot out. He looked around, the clock said his mom shouldn't be home for a little while, he could probably afford just a bit of extra-curricular fun...

He placed one of the massive boots over his head, getting on his back and fishing his cock out of his panties, slowly rubbing once and feeling sensation explode inside of him. His sharp teeth wrapped around his bottom lip and her jerked himself slightly longer, harder, feeling the sensation of having his mom and cock at the same time. It was like her scent was fucking him, his brain was just going crazy. He cranked himself again, putting his hips in for a powerful thrust as he fucked his hand again, needing to feel the most complete pleasure he possibly could from these delicious, delicious shoes.

Marsha was glad to have gotten off work early that day she beat the rush back home, the lack of traffic saving her another hour or so of emptiness before she opened up the door, taking her coat off and letting her body start to rest. Then she saw it...right there in the living room, her son was going to town on himself. She expected he would have some sexual irregularities, but this was certainly...new.

"MMMM" he moaned into the shoe, which was when she looked closely and realized that there was a shoe, one that he was breathing right into as he repeatedly violated himself. She held her thighs together, admiring the purity of his masturbation...he didn't even look away while he endlessly pleasured himself, but rather showed complete devotion to the love found in her shoes. Marsha quietly closed the door, walking toward him and staring down intently.

He was inside of her entirely, it was almost like she was in the room with him. He heard noises, like her footsteps, jerking himself harder as he imagined her in the room. Then he opened his eyes. He had to blink to make sure it was real, then suddenly took his hand off of his cock and dropped the show from his face, watching his mother look right down at him with an amazingly sweet smile all things considered.

"I assume you can explain" she giggled, kneeling in front of him and removing a shoe, before stepping out of it and revealing her socks, one so wet with sweat it was almost transparent. Just looking at it got her baby boy shooting another fountain of precum, but when she pressed it down into his belly he froze.

"M-mom. I'm sorry. Don't hate me" he managed to beg, his eyes focusing on the socked foot on his bare belly as his mother took her other shoe off, tisking at him

"I am not angry, Brione I was always wondering why you were so sexually distant, but it all makes sense now. You love me so much that nobody else in the world could ever possibly measure up, an idea that I find VERY sweet" she said as she grabbed his hand, looking down at him with a colossal smile on her face. "Follow me to my room" she commanded, getting him off of his feet and walking exactly where she lead him.

Brione felt so small and vulnerable in his mother's strong, able hands. She lead him directly into the bedroom, his knees were shaking and he realized he had no idea what was going to happen.. She playfully looked at him, her eyes going straight to his boner! He tried to cover up but she grabbed his wrists and separated them, looking down at his cock with a mildly amused expression. "Nothing to hide there, baby boy" she said as he dropped her pants, revealing her thick thighs and panty-clad crotch. His eyes were all over that, noting especially the sweat stains that were obvious on her lower body. It had been a hot day indeed.

She turned around and showed him her butt, how her panties were being eaten by her heavy cheeks. He felt his instincts poise his body for action, trying to keep calm as she got on the bed and started shaking her hips, causing that big ass of hers to shake just all over the place as she looked back at him. "Now Brione, I need you to get on this bed and start worshiping me. Can you do that?"

His field of vision was entirely occupied by her thighs, ass, and feet. He came to her with speed and gusto, leaning down to kiss her adorable, perfect feet before slowly pressing his face against a cheek and sniffing her backside. The sweat and musk was like an odor straight from heaven, and he just sort of stuck his tongue out and began to lick across her cheeks in an act of utter worship.

He kissed up and down her ass after that, getting his lips everywhere he could. She moaned for him and he started kissing harder, knowing that he could not disappoint his mother no matter what. His tongue went straight down her crack, slowly leading down to her pussy where he kissed her crotch, and she spoke to him "Hmm, let me help you out here baby boy"

She reached back and grabbed her panties, carelessly pulling them to the side and sticking her hips even further back, showing him her ripe, blooming flower and shaking it about just a bit. He followed his nose, getting deep inside of her so he could kiss and lick to his heart's content. He was unfamiliar with most of the equipment he was encountering in there, but as many young men do he made up for his ignorance with energy. His mom closed her eyes and pulled her pussy around his face

He moaned into her, the vibrations increasing her pleasure as she pressed even further onto the nose of her son. "Not the first time your head has been through there," she said, giggling as she shook back again and felt herself completely wrap his face. She was getting there, dammit. She was going to achieve orgasm just from oral! She hadn't done anything like that in quite some time.

He went in deeper still, his tongue moving all over the place as he grabbed her legs with both hands, shocking himself in so hard that he could hardly breathe. But it was all worth it in order to get that sweet scent he coveted. And inside of her it was increased far beyond what was in her boots. True, the smell was slightly different when inside of the pussy, and he did slightly prefer the specific flavor of her foot odor, but what he was getting inside of this snatch was more than enough to keep him worshiping her

"Oh fuck" she said to herself, hoping her son didn't hear her bad language as she held fast to his nose, set her teeth, and started releasing some high-pitched moans. His big chubby mom was now dominating his face with her pussy, pulsing all over him, and finally squirting down on his nose before collapsing forward into her mess of bedsheets, sighing as she shook her ass just a bit.

He felt himself jerks around, gripped, wet, and finally abandoned by his mother. He came back for more, grabbing her gigantic ass and kissing all around it, barely containing his strong urge to bite her meaty cheeks, he eventually found her pushing his head away and ticking at him. "Brione" she said, shaking a finger in his direction "Kiss my feet a few more times, sweety"

He got down and started kissing them. Soon finding his mother shifting position and pulling herself onto the bed, grabbing him under the armpits,and taking him with her! Suddenly he was across from her while she was on her butt. 'Do you like the taste of these big, sexy shark feet?" she asked with her typically smug grin.

"Mom" he moaned out "I fucking love them. I would kiss for something like that in my life. They are really amazing" he said as he felt her pushing him into a different position, setting him up to sit on the bed as she slowly set herself up opposite him and reached out with her feet, starting by slowly going around his cheeks.

He felt his chest explode with tingles as she kept going. "You should prepare for something big," she said as she moved her foot up his body, teasing his belly and nipples as she sent it up, lightly touching his face with her big toe "Can you smell that Brione? I had a very hard day at a very hot worksite again.

He could smell it alright. He could taste it. As he looked down he could feel it too, her other foot was on his cock, lightly rubbing against it as she smiled at him, making him kiss her other foot and smell it. She brought both feet down and wrapped them completely around his shaft. "Let's see what we can do, shall we?"

He leaned down, moaning slowly as she slowly moved her feet across his shaft. She was like a surgeon, a conductor, a great painter! He was sure that she had done this before to somebody just by how perfectly she was handling his shaft, but he was not in a position where he was particularly interested in asking who He was just focused on leaning back and enjoying the pleasure that she was offering him.

Marsha looked at her son's amazed, euphoric expression, finding that it redoubled her desire to truly please the young man. She could tell that he was smelling her scent from there, and as she kept rubbing his cock with her feet she could feel him slowly react more and more to how she was controlling him. He was drooling, shaking his arms, closing his eyes, and occasionally looking at her with a deep sort of lust. She waved at him and blew him a kiss "Are you enjoying yourself, baby boy?"

Was he? "Oh mommy" he groaned, falling deeper and deeper into her footjob, basking n how it was making his body shiver and shake. She was handling him like an expert and he wanted nothing more than what he had from her. He leaned in, looking at his wet, throbbing cock and smelling at her feet. The scent was inside of him and every fantasy in his head was coming true at once. He could sense his mom inside his lungs and outside his body, see her sitting down and smiling at him, it was like he had been completely engorged in his motherly influence. He found himself smiling at her "It feels amazing"

"I know it would" she said, scooting herself forward, her built chubby body shaking and shifting erotically with each tiny movement as she slowly parked herself in front of him and started going much slower and more erotically, trying her hardest to illiterate as many harsh sounds and harty wails as she could.

"UU AAAA" he started as she increased the pressure a bit. Obviously he was the kind of guy who would react strongly to any and all pleasuring of his shaft. She closed her mouth and reached a hand up to her breast, rubbing it lightly as she enjoyed her time pleasing her son's oh-so-excited cock.

"Mommy" he maned, feeling her slowly rub harder and harder "Oh Mommy" he thrust into her increasingly fast feet, finding that his cock was getting rawer and more sensitive by the minute. He felt like he was going to explode from every orifice in his body after the incredible session he had worshiping every inch of her body.

Marsha kept going at a more reasonable pace, though, teasing herself as she kept him hard and looked deep into his eyes. He was going to cum from all of this, certainly, but it would be on her terms and it would be in a way that would make her happy. He was her son after all, she had to guide him through life.

He squared his shoulders and leaned his entire body forward, his mouth open, drooling as he kept receiving the pressure against his cock. She squeezed harder and then blew a kiss at him, giggling as he shuddered and shook the bed, groaning out and feeling the pulsating beginning in his crotch and moving up.

He felt it all at once, about to cum...and then nothing. His mom took her feet off of him and let the pleasure fester, covered his cock right back up with her feet, going at him even harder, moving up and down so fast that he started shouting and moaning, shooting cum at her head, and then her chest, and then across her belly, then he collapsed into her crotch. She patted his head "We are going to have a good time together," she assured him, letting his body fall into hers.