First Impressions

Story by AIpha on SoFurry

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<insert technical jargan here> basicaly if your not of age don't read this... hell you shouldn't be on this site anyway

if you are of age, enjoy


"So... are you going to tell me what happened?"

"... No"

"I cannot help you if you don't co-operate with me sir now if you'd just-"

"No offence but I know you don't wanna be here as much as I don't, so what's the point?"

"Quite the opposite young man, I do in fact, enjoy my job thoroughly, it gives me a feel of accomplishment and at the same time the knowledge I have helped someone." He paused briefly bringing his hand up to his mouth the greying fur on his chin and his upper lip parting to let his pink tongue slide out slightly, licking a finger and proceeding to flip a page of the small note book he held in his other hand. "So I will ask again, what do you believe is the main cause for your... distress?"

The other presence who had remained still up until this point moved slightly, readjusting himself in a more comfortable manner, the short brown fur on his arms and the side of his face brushing lightly over the red leather of the lounger he lay upon. "This really isn't worth your time doc, it's really stupid and you'd just laugh anyway."

A small smile curled onto the lips of the older fur, taking is expression from soothing and sensible, too soft and mischievous, "well young sir, I do quite enjoy a good laugh, but let me be the judge of that."

A short and quiet huff came from the younger fur as he closed his eyes briefly, "... ok" He took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, "basically, it's a girl" He winced momentarily waiting for the chuckle, laugh or some sort of sneer, nothing came so he hesitantly carried on, "I really like her, but there was this accident, one thing lead to another and... now we don't talk, it's driving me insane."

The old fur nodded and made "mhmm" noises as he scribbled notes onto his paper, "this girl... older or younger?"



"No only by a week or two"

"And what kind of attitude does she have?"


"Is she a tomboy, does she belong to a following?"

"Oh... err well she can be kinda boyish sometimes... and I don't think she's in any kinda group" He scratched his brown tuft of hair on his head trying to think hard.

"Do you mind if I ask her race?"

At this he blushed as he thought to himself 'he's gonna think I'm just like every other guy now...' He coughed to clear his throat and give himself a little confidence "She's a vixen."

"Ah I see..." He wrote down a few more notes. "Strange the power that race seems to have over everyone... beauty is powerful if applied correctly" Raising his head he caught the confused gaze of the other.


With a small chuckle the elder set his notepad on a small table next to him and picked up a glass cup bring it to his lips and sipping quickly, "what I mean dear boy" he said swilling the liquid around slowly in it's container, "is as you are of wolf breed it is not uncommon for your 'alpha' instincts to kick in, thereby when you come of age you, or rather your body, finds a suitable mate. "That same chuckle rising again as he continued," vixen's are well renowned for their intelligence, good health and stunning looks, it's only natural that you conceive this to be 'worthy'."

The young brown wolf looked gob smacked, "but... that can't be right, I'm not the alpha wolf!" His voice raised through confusion and disbelief.

"Ha ha ha... young one, you do not have to be the alpha wolf to have the instincts, no one is born like that, it is through our strength and cunning we ascend to leader" Bringing his hand to his face the greying older wolf took off his glasses and wiped the lenses carefully with a silk cloth.

"i...erm... but... then why...." Distress and utter confusion racked his every stammer as the smaller wolf laid back down, his tail quizzically twitching every now and then.

Replacing his glasses and picking up his notepad again the older canine coughed, clearing his throat, "hmmm... do you have a nickname?"

"... Jay"

"Well then Jay, do you mind if I call you that?"

Jay shook his head absentmindedly, "Uh... no, sure."

"Ok Jay lets backpedal a bit here, tell me if you can, your first meeting with this young lady"

Jay laid his head back against the rest of the red lounger and closed his eyes, "ok, but I still think this is a bad idea." Everything went very quiet as blurred colours appeared before his mind's eye, these began to take the shape of objects. Unbeknownst to him the older fur also leaned back in his armchair closing his eyes, letting his imagination open up and sharing in the thoughts of his patient as Jay began subconsciously describing his recent past.


"But mooooooom!"

"No Jacob, no buts, it's your first day at secondary school and I won't have you miss it!"

"But I feel sick! My head hurts, I can't feel my legs, I can barely see..." The wolf pup kept listing as many reasons and excuses as he could to try to get out of going to school, him and all the other children from his year were all moving onto higher education and he didn't like it one bit.`

"Oh you silly little pup, look we've all been there, I know your scared but it's for your own good! The longer you put it off the harder it will be for you to go." A large Skunkette stood with her hands on her hips in front of Jacob looking down with a 'Tsking' expression. "People will be asking, 'Where's that handsome young wolf we saw on the school tour?' And I'll have to tell them he wasn't big enough for secondary school, coz he loves his mommy too much." She smiled slyly folding her jet black furred arms and wrapping her tail around him, engulfing him it the large fluffy object.

Jacob was not amused by this and began squirming for all he was worth, finally popping his head free he was instantly forced to close his eyes as a large tongue licked up his muzzle leaving a trail of spiked glistening fur in its wake. "Ah! Gack! Eewwwww," were the only noises he could make through the thick fur and the cascade of licks.

He looked up at her with large glassy eyes, his bottom lip stuck out slightly giving her his best puppy face, "do I really have to go..." She sighed and pulled him softly into her keeping her tail protectively around him and gave him a motherly cuddle, cradling his head in her hand and rubbing his shoulder blades with the other.

"You're a big boy now hun, why don't you show me how brave you can be?" She nuzzled his cheek affectionately, giving him a small lick then wiping his face and making him look more presentable.

"Ok mum," he sniffles slightly wiping his nose with his sleeve, his ears softening slightly as he gives in, he knows he can't beat her when she acts like this towards him. Wiggling slightly he pulled away from her and flattened out his top which had become ruffled and creased, he turned and picked up his back pack and standing in front of the Skunkette to attention.

Straightening herself up the female took a step back looking down at the young brown wolf, letting out a sigh she smiled warmly, "aww baby boy you look so grown up," her eyes travelled over his school uniform made up of a blazer, smart trousers and a sweater all navy blue in colour unlike the shirt he wore under it all were only the white collar was shown neatly nestling his tie, nearly out of sight.

A small blush melted onto his muzzle as he shuffled his feet nervously, no one had ever referred to him in such a mature way, he'd always thought of himself to be the baby of the family. He did up the buttons on the front of his blazer really doing anything he could to postpone having to walk out that door, that is until he felt her hands on his shoulders, "go on, the others should be just setting off for the bus stop, that is unless you want to get on by yourself?" He gave a small horrified look as she turned him around and shooed his towards the door.

"O..ok!" Jacob added hastily as he exited through the door waving to her as he rounded it and sprinted down the hallway, the rubber on the soles of his shoes squeaking upon the laminated wooden floor.

She smiled watching him go off at a high speed waving absent mindedly with one hand, the other running through the thick fur on her tail. Swishing her long silvery hair out of her face she turned on her heels and walked casually over to a good sized desk against the wall on the other side of the room, reaching it she sat on the black swivel chair behind it and looked around checking for any sign of anyone else.

Content she was alone she looked at the desk, the rough mahogany wood making up a very basic yet very practical working surface. She enjoyed the feel of the wood as she ran her fingertips slowly along the grain leading all the way to the edge of the table, reaching down and around he pulled open a small unnoticeable draw and quickly rummaged through it before pulling out a small hand sized blue book with the name 'Sam'. "Well girl, it's his big day today" she thought out loud as placed the book which was a diary on the table surface open on today's date as she searched for a pen. Finding a small biro pen she quickly scribble din the corner of the page with it to check that it still worked, happy it did she began to write down her thoughts.

_ 'Jacob heads off for his first day of secondary school today, I hope he enjoys himself and makes some new friends, I know how tough it can be but especially more so for him... I can't believe it's been nine years since I found him on my doorstep. He's such a good boy but he's just to shy, I think I'm the only one he's ever told anything to... and that's not saying a lot to say even with me he's forth holding. I just wish the others didn't treat him like he is a bad pup, it's not fair on him, also I'll have to talk to David, he's been upsetting the others a lot lately.' _

Sam closed her diary and exhaled heavily, she sat there motionless for a minute or so trying to think over what she had to do for that day, but her thoughts kept trailing back to her little wolf, "ah Jacob... whatever am I going to do with you?" stretching her arms upwards and brushing her fringe back behind her ear slightly she let out a silent yawn then stood up, there would be a lot of work today.


Everything was a blur, Jacob was pelting down the street as fast as his little legs would carry him, dodging in-between other pedestrians, ducking under a food cart and doing everything and anything else that would allow him to get there faster, 'there was no way I'm getting on that bus by myself' he kept saying to himself. A few of the older furs would shout at him to stop being so reckless, or to mind he didn't hurt himself, but he just clenched his teeth and ran faster, the wind whipping his face starting my make his eyes water and his tail flying out behind him.

Skidding round the corner at the end of the street he had to use every muscle in his body to stop him colliding with a hotdog stand, pushing off of it he continued his sprint looking back over his shoulder panting heavily as an angry male dingo shook his fist at Jacob shouting obscenities. He turned to face forward in time to see the silhouette someone stand right in front of him then his entire world flashed red as he was sent sprawling, the other giving a grunt as he was also knocked to the ground.

Struggling to get to even open his eyes he groaned, knowing that he had hit his head at a fair speed against the sidewalk was enough to make him know he was in pain, even though for the moment he was completely numb. As soon as some feeling returned he tried to move, his arms pressing on the stone beneath him and he groaned long as they shook under his weight, he felt incredibly weak.

Blinking rapidly he felt someone looming over him, stumbling as he tried to further get up he slipped landing painfully on his back with another sickening crack to the back of his head.

An almost wave like sound of many people 'ooo-ing' echoed around him, and through the dazed he felt a hand on his chest, his heavy and spaced breathing causing it to rise and fall in conjunction. "Are you alright?" the voice came quick and disgruntled, his ears were still ringing and he couldn't quite make it al out.

"... eh?" His own voice sounding as shaken and weak as his body was feeling.

"Are you ok?" this time the haze of dizziness was passing and a very distinctive female voice sand through his head, he looked up, the sun flaring off the shimmering white fur of entity above him. Long locks a thick brown hair just lightly touching his chest and as his sight returned to him he was left with the sight of her regal blue eyes staring right into his, almost piercing his skull.

"I-i-i-i-I" he stammered repeatedly unable to string together a straight sentence in front of this dazzling specimen of a female.

She sighed and lifted her small hand from his chest, "oh geez... I think I broke him," a chorus of laughs broke out all around him, this is when he realised he was surrounded by many other peering faces, dogs, cats, horses, foxes some other wolves and even a reptile or two. Breaking out into an almost instant blush he tried again to scramble to his feet, this time being more successful as she also pulled on him arm heaving him up.

"There ya go." She smiled widely as he brushed himself off, her white canine teeth showing slightly, "my dad told me this morning that at my first day of school I was gonna knock em' dead, you still seem pretty much alive so I guess I need to work at a bit huh?" Giggling softly she leaned forward and re adjusted the strap of his back on his shoulder so as to straighten out his bag that had become lop-sided during the fall.

His blush only deepened as he looked off to the side, "th-thanks."

She grabbed him by his wrist and started pulling as the crowd dispersed towards the bus stop, looking back over her shoulder at his surprised face, "thanks for what? Accidently kicking your butt on the first day?"

Jacob opened his mouth to retort but was cut off, "your kinda small and scrawny for a wolf aren't you? I thought all wolves were really big! And how come you got weird shaped ears? And a longer tail? And whys your muzzle rounded?" the flurry of questions continued as they stood there in the crowd waiting for the bus, he just stood there quite motionless though, staring at her and taking in every aspect of her so completely. Who was she?

Getting onto the bus wasn't as hard as he thought it would be, maybe everyone left him alone because he basically holding the hand of a very pretty young fur, that or no one particularly cared either way he was glad that at least nobody stared.

As she guided him further onto the bus through all the other students fussing on who sat where and why. The dark blue floor of the bus felt unusually sticky as Jacob walked over it, he didn't really want to think too far into it so he tried to get his mind off of it, "so umm, where are we sitting?" He said shyly trying not to look right at her.

She looked back only just hearing the faint question, "right here" And she sat heavily on the seat next to the window sighing contently, he just perched on the edge of the seat still feeling flustered and timid.

"..." the young wolf coughed almost silently keeping his body language closed.

"sooooo then shorty, what's your name?" She asked, he arm against the sill of the window propping up her head and letting her hair drape over the side of her face away from him.

This just made him go quieter he had no real desire to talk right now, he knew if he said something, no matter what it was he would sound foolish, so he just sat looking down the isle of the bus to the front focusing on the Pitbull driver and pretending he wasn't startled when the bus started up again and began to pull out of the bus stop.

She flicked the side of his head with her tail, "aww come on, I promise I'm not going to knock you out again, just wanna know your name." He slowly turned his head to look at her, and soon wished he hadn't, she was now sat very differently, bother her hands were on her lap held together and she was leaning ever so slightly towards him giving him un-mistakably the cutest puppy dog look you would ever see, one ear flopped down while the other stood erect, her head tilted to one side and a soft staring expression that made her eyes glisten.

"Jacob" he answered quickly then looked away hiding his blush quite well.

"Jacob? Sounds really posh doesn't it?" The white fur stifled a giggle and draped her tail over her shoulder using it as a sort of makeshift pillow, "mines Beth, nice to meet cha."

"H-hi Beth"

"Heh, I remember seeing you at the open day... I think anyway... were you the wolf who was clinging to the skunk? Almost looked like she was your mum or something" giving him a close eyed smile and a flick on the shoulder.

"... She is"

"huh?" Beth looked slightly taken aback and confused, "what?"

"She is my mom." His answer was dry and short, he hated people thinking him apart from his mother just because he looked different.

"But that don't make any sense, you're not a skunk you're a-"

"Wolf." Cutting off her sentence and finishing it he managed to say little and end the conversation in one word, he had enough of that from the other kids back home.

He folded his arms and sat quietly, Beth thought it best not to press the matter, she still wanted to know but right now probably wasn't the best time for it, the bus kept at a steady forty miles per hour down the road until it came to a 'road closed' sign. The Pitbull driver gave a annoyed grunt and stopped the bus, he turned round slightly leaning his arm on the back of the seat, "has anyone got a phone on 'em? Tha radios busted up good and I ain't got no way of gettin a message to tha school." His voice low and gravely, his words sounding forced.

The students started looking around checking to see if anyone else had pulled out there phones, Beth looked around as well and sighed sinking into her seat partly, "fine, sheesh everyone is so lazy," beginning to tap in the school phone number her face dropped and she groaned as the 'no credit' flashed on the screen. "Well that sucks... Jacob you got any credit?"

Suddenly Jacob felt very, very small, "I... err... well no..."

"Aww damn, guess everyone talks forever on these things huh?" She tossed her phone up into the air and caught it in her other hand pocketing it, "ya know what I mean?"

"No, not really"

"Oh... well how come you got no credit then?"

"Coz I don't... you know... have a phone" saying this almost seemed like he was missing an extension of himself, everyone had one so why didn't he?

"Don't have one? Did it get broken or something?" She couldn't seem to get over the fact that there was a pup without a mobile phone, it just seemed unnatural.

"No, it's just I've never actually had one... ever" right now Jacob was feeling ten inches tall, the expression on Beth's face was what sealed it, she looked utterly dumbfounded and she just stared blankly at him, he couldn't bare staring so he turned away letting out a small unnoticeable whine, "argh she thinks I'm such a loser now" he muttered to himself.

"Wow you're so weird..." That was like a smack across the face to him, all his life everyone but his mother had referred to him as a weirdo, or a loser, reject, dork, geek and many many other things, but to be called it by someone he'd just met, it's easy to say it made him feel alone and very nervous. He started fiddling with the buttons on his sleeves, but her stare was hard on his back and it burnt through him giving him a cringe. "I thought everyone had one of these," She pulled the phone halfway out her pocket flashing it at him, "how come you don't then?" her curiosity was getting the best of her and she leaned close towards him, almost resting her head on his shoulder.

The bus driver just let out an annoyed sigh, "fine you all wanna be marked absent don't blame me," and he put the bus into reverse before sharply accelerating and turning down a one way street. Everyone on the bus jerked to the right as the bus aggressively turned, it was unfortunate for Beth because she had her bodyweight shifted completely to one side, that coupled with the fast turn caused her to lose balance and fall onto Jacob's shoulder her arms gripping onto his body as she tried to stop herself falling off her seat.

Jacob let out a silent yelp as he felt something soft fall on his shoulder and cling to him, he turned his face to see what had happened, halfway through this he froze, something wasn't right here he thought as he rolled his eyes down gasping in his brain at what he saw. Beth was right there and now because of the movement of his head there muzzles were rubbing together and their noses lightly touching, for a canine this is very affectionate.

His immediate reaction was to pull away, but Beth still clung to him through shock and confusion his blazer being slowly crumpled in her hands, and he winced as he swore she was pulling out fur from underneath, bringing a stinging sensation to his eyes.

"Oh... hi there" she said almost sheepishly as she released her grip on him patting down the creases. "I didn't mean to do that... well at least you're not on the floor this time," she gave him a large grin and a pat on the shoulder still trying hard to cover up her own embarrassment, though doing a poor job as her fine white fur did little to cover the deepening red blush on her short muzzle.

The young wolf was completely speechless, his arms were rigid at his sides as his mind fumbled desperately to understand what had just happened, one minute he was annoyed the next he a had pretty young vixen clinging to him, did this mean there was a god? And that he was finally looking kindly upon Jacob... not a chance.

A quick half hearted slap to the side of his face broke him out of his trance, he looked to Beth but she was sat still holding her hands between her lap again, his gaze was drawn behind him and he almost let out a small yelp as he came face to face with the leering face of a dingo, who was sat just behind them propping himself up with his arms on the back of Jacob's chair.

"Wot do you 'fink your doin?" The golden furred dingo licked his teeth as he spoke in a slag that was hard to follow unless you grew up with that sort of crowd or in that sort of area, his clothes gave away that he fell into both of these categories, Jacob didn't know how to put it, but he knew this guy was trouble just by the almost predatory look he was receiving from him. The dingo wrinkled his nose sniffing the air around Jacob, his eyebrows forming a confused expression then he broke out in a fit of laughter, "you smell like blumin' poesies you do!"

It was to a point true, Sam had given Jacob a bath this morning and maybe she had massaged that lavender wash into his fur a little too much leaving a small aroma around him, he blushed heavily and turned back to face forward concentrating completely on the seat in front of him.

Beth battered the dingo on the side of the face, her blush just finally fading, "Leave him alone Drew, and please learn to talk, you sound as stupid as those people in the movies you watch." Drew pulled his head back as the small arctic vixen's paw mad soft contact with his face.

"Oi, I wos only teasing I wos, I don't mean nufink by it!" He grinned toothily and made a failed attempt at a innocent face.

"Yeah well your 'teasing' usually ends with someone's head down a toilet, why can't you grow you?" Puffing up her cheeks a little as she spoke her annoyance plain to see.

"But I am grown up, I'm bigger than anyone 'ere," Drew was taking pleasure in how smug he was being and the fact he thought he was winning the pointless argument.

By this time many other furs on the bus were looking at the direction of the trio making the dingo feel very proud he was the centre of attention, belittling people was very amusing to him and it gave him a sense of power. But as they say, you are at your most vulnerable when you are at your peak, "well you might be the biggest here, but I bet your lacking where it counts.

Drew's expression dropped clean off of his muzzle and a lot of onlookers made sideways giggles and more 'ooooo-ing 'sounds. Even Jacob let out a small sniffle a laughter, this made the dingo's ears burn and he grabbed over the seat and pulled Jacob back by the scruff of his neck nearly chocking him as he growled in the scared canines left ear, "wot you snickerin 'bout ya stupid runt!?'

Jacob struggled against Drew's grip and was nearly on the verge of being choked when Beth shouted out to the driver, "MISTER AIMS!" the Pittbull looked in his rear view mirror and saw the scene, he smashed his foot onto the brake and came to a skidding halt. Most of the students lurched forward and some yelped in surprise, the bus driver put the bus in park and stood up pulling at his belt and straightening his cap out marching down to a frightened looking pile of golden fur, who had sunk back into his seat.

Reaching out a large meaty paw the driver grasped Drew by the collar of his shirt and yanked him to his feet and into the isle, he gave Jacob a pet on the head as he dragged the quivering canine to the front of the bus, hit the door release and tossed him out, "No fightin' on my bus!" Laughing he sat back in his seat and closed the door.

Everyone went deadly silent and turned their gazes out the window as the vehicle started up again and drove past the evicted offender some then laughed and made rude hand gestures, then laughed harder when it began to rain.

"Well that's what he gets, stupid butt munch" Beth crossed her arms with a very knowing expression. "Fighting is stupid and just because your smaller and weaker than him doesn't give him the right to hurt you."

"..... Thanks Beth....." Her pep talk was having the opposite effect it should have been, she was quite plainly pointing out the two things he hated about himself so much, he rubbed the underneath of the arms nervously as he hugged against his knees.

Ten or so minutes passed slowly and all the time Jacob kept his head buried in his legs, poking his head up for a glance when he felt the bus come to a slow stop. Seeing furs grabbing bags and standing up he turned to Beth who was to moving like the others, "come on silly head off the bus," she grabbed his hand again and pulled him up pushing onto the isle and joining the queue of excited young and old cubs exiting the bus.

The pitter pattering of the rain diminished to a drizzle as they got off, many stretching and yawning as the sunlight broke through the clouds above them, casting long almost majestic beams of light onto the building below.

The sigh Jacob let off sounded forced as he stared at the large building looming over him, 'school...' he thought to himself just before he was yanked forward by the impatient snow vixen in front of him.

"Comeon Jakey! Schools starting!"

Jacob and Beth are <copy righted> to me

All comments are welcome, i don't know what to improve on unless you tell me (also if you say about spelling mistakes please varify the area, because some mistakes are intentional)