Slime Study: A Call to Adventure

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#17 of Tik Tik in the Big City

Tik Tik has learned so much about her new friend Eshere, but one thing remains: the slime has helped Tik Tik out so much these past few days. It's only fair that Tik Tik show her the same courtesy.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series starring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Cover by Heckabun:

"Tik Tik, you can't honestly be serious."

Tik Tik sat on the chair, one leg crossed over the other. In her mouth was her pen, which she chewed with a nervous sort of abandon.

"Tik Tik and Sis both agree it make sense." Tik Tik said, nodding. She tapped the table, which quivered underneath of her.

"Sis," I pleaded, sloshing over towards the table. "Really. I know we're not really family, but... I love you, you know?"

The table lowered down, nuzzling against my protoplasm.

"Sis know," Tik Tik said. "But love mean different things, and Sis know this kind love. Eshere want know this kind love. No problem for Eshere?"

"What... what would we even do?" I worbled, my core bouncing inside of my protoplasm. "Do you even have any tasty fluids?"

"Eshere never try?" Tik Tik asked, eyes wide. She hopped off of the chair and stepped away. "Surprised, very surprised."

Eh, she's just a prude. Must have gotten it from sucking off too many Judicators. Those hard-asses make anything difficult."

Tik Tik rubbed the back of her head. "Yes, Tik Tik worry about that. Eshere take on look from others she eat, yes?"

"Yes, of course. That's obvious."

"But, Eshere take more. Or, more copy."

"Copy... you mean I mimic things? Like Sis?"

"Not like... not yet. But learn from woman feel shame. How learn talk? How learn read Dragon speak when couldn't speak when we met?"

"I... I don't know..."

"It from more feed. Eshere feed on new things, then Eshere get stronger. Eshere get smarter. Eshere learn more, understand more."

"Yes, I suppose that makes sense, I-"

"Then, Eshere feed from Sis!" Tik Tik said, happily hopping down from her seat and stepping away.

"F... feed!? But that would entail-" My core heated up at the moment, and I skittered back into the darkness. In my little corner, the boards of the house caressed my form, holding me gently. "Sis? This is crazy. What is it that we're doing here."

"Why Eshere embarrassed?" Tik Tik asked, her hands upon her hips

"She's my..."


"My sis...?"

"Does make sense?"

"No, I..."

"Not Eshere..." Tik Tik said, tapping her head. "Memory of people eat. Embarrassed girl, Judicator. Eat from Tik Tik, get different feeling. Eat from Sis, understand."

"I... wait... that.. That makes sense. My concern, my shame. That doesn't come from me, but... I don't want to hurt people just to eat. It doesn't feel right."

"Eshere must see way around problem."

"Well... I suppose, if I ask for permission to feed, and they agree, then it's not bad!"

"See, Eshere smart!" Tik Tik clapped her hands, hopping in place.

"Yes... yes, I am smart, and I'm not that woman, and I'm not human. I shouldn't have shame about what I am. I'm... I'm a... a... Sex Jelly!"

"Ooooh!" Tik Tik cooed, shaking her rump. "Sex Jelly. Good name. Eshere write down and remember for book!"

"Damn right, I'll remember! This is what I am, and I won't be embarrassed!" I slipped out of Sis's grasp and slither on closer towards Tik Tik. I paused and slipped back, gazing at a mirror. "Oh... oh my..." Something happened to me. I had changed, morphed, taken on a more humanoid form, and yet, I didn't recognize the sex jelly before me. My core sat gently upon my chest, sending a faint warm glow across my green plasm. The curves of my chest and my waist were ill defined, but emblematic enough of a feminine shape. Strands of tendrils rolled off my head, giving me the appearance of hair, and staring at me were black eyes--new organs? Parts of my core? I don't know. "This... this is me?"

"You want? Make it yourself."

The mirror before me warped and folded into itself, and on the other side, a face quite similar to the one I made, yet fleshy and brown, smiles at me. "Sis, you too?"

Sis was like me, but slightly larger, thicker, much more defined. Something inside of me swelled when I saw her. Despite smiling at me with that humanoid face, she said nothing--could say nothing--but I smiled back and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her scrumptious form, feeling the warm, organic body she created just for me.

Tik Tik tried to sneak up from behind, but I saw her. She wrapped her little arms around me, and I let her. There's warmth coming from all of us, and that feeling of being held, of my body squishing and molding to the two around me--it is like nothing else in the world. "Yes, Tik Tik," I say, looking up towards Sis. "I think I'm ready to explore this new me, and once I figure out how to tap into Sis's mind, then we'll go find your friends."

"No," Tik Tik says, snuggling her cheek against my rump. "We find Eshere's woman, and we see if okay. Then, we find Tik Tik's friends."