Transformed Struggles- 1

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#1 of Transformed Struggles

Figure start uploading some stuff here as well. This is the only transformation chapter. The Deviantart version of this story and the Furaffinity version of this story actually ends up branching out. Haven't decided which one to put here or if I put both? the dA one alternates between a fantasy realm for the Thener and my version of a pokemon world. the FA side is more just a futuristic realm for the Thener and nothing else.

Chapter 1

The clock just sits there, unmoving as he stares at it. It is a plain thing, a static thing, he muses. A thing so unchanging that one can watch it doing nothing for an immeasurable length of time before finding it suddenly different. The hand crosses its predestined point and a sound arises, signaling a short reprieve of action, a motion made before returning to nothing.

They rise and exit, oblivious to the change. He follows. He barely catches the exchange, the motion, knowing it is all the same. And then he sees it. It is like a wall but isn't. It is a wall of water; it has no source; no exit. It simply is there. They do not see it; do not notice it. Instead they simply walk past it, not once touching it. He moves closer, his curiosity more than peaked. Once there he looks at it very carefully, his former destination completely forgotten. If it weren't for the fact that he can see it very clearly, he would have figured that it doesn't exist; it mustn't exist. The water is perfectly clear, perfectly smooth and flowing upwards without any spray or source or accumulation. It is like it is always moving without any of it getting anywhere.

His right hand tentatively moves towards it, seeking an answer on its existence. As the hand touches it the wall of water reacts and starts racing up his fingers and further into his hand. He quickly recoils, pulling his hand away as the water reaches his wrist and steps back a few steps, the knob of the door behind him hitting him in the tailbone. The water on his hand quickly dissolves, making his hand start to throb. The wall changes and begins to move; to expand towards him. Trying to destroy the wall he quickly throws his books and then his backpack at the wall, the texture of the objects oddly feeling different to his right hand. The Wall takes these offerings gently and sets them on the ground as it continues to advance, having not slowed down the least bit. He then turns and runs, clutching the wrist of his throbbing hand in his other one, not noticing the water on the doorknob nor the fact it wasn't in the right place. He turns the corner and pauses, catching his breath. The spot where he hit the doorknob is still sore from the impact and his hand is starting to hurt. He inspects the hand and his mouth opens agape as he sees before his very eyes the skin on his finger pads and palm getting thicker, fine white hairs starting to grow on the other side of it. He tries wiping off the hairs with his other hand to no avail, the sensation his hand sending him as the apparently sensitive hairs disturb him greatly as the fingers on his right hand are starting to thicken slightly and his nails growing more pointed.

He peers around the corner, looking for the location of the wall of water, finding it almost up to the corner and showing no signs of slowing down. In fact the wall seemed to be speeding up, as if gaining strength from some outside source. He turns and continues his running away, each step making the pain in his rear worse and worse to the point when he arrives at the doors to the stairs and exit he is running with a noticeable limp, a strong pressure growing at the small of his back. He reaches for the handle of the door with his right and struggles to turn it. Looking for the reason and to make sure the door is not suddenly locked he sees his right hand, or at least what's left of it. All of his fingers are significantly shorter, almost vestigial and his thumb has shrunk down to a small nub. His nails are curved and narrow, ending at a point. The entire back of his hand is coated by a thick layer of a light cream color of hair, giving the appearance of fur. The pads on his fingers and palm resemble that of an animal, looking as if meant to be tread upon instead of used to grasp. The thing that scares him the most, however, is that it is no longer restrained to just his hand. The layer of fur-like hairs has extended up half of his lower arm, the edge moving up the rest of the arm as if it were a slow fire. His rear end screaming its complaint at being forced to endure such a pressure brings him back to his present situation and the danger that would arrive from the wall of water still moving towards him.

He grabs the handle with his left and quickly opens it and passes through the portal, closing the door firmly behind him before practically leaping down the stairs towards the exit and freedom. His body slams hard against the large double door, but the door does not budge the slightest bit, jarring his right shoulder in the process. Panic starts to settle in as he tries again to get the door to budge, the pain in his waist almost unbearable. He tries desperately with his left hand to try and get the door to do anything but it behaves as if it were a wall as his former right hand passively moves and tries to undo the button of his pants to try and at least remove some of the pressure. His paw-like hand does not make easy work at getting the button of but just before he's about to try and do it instead with his left hand the right ends up tearing the button off the pants completely. It then practically tears open his zipper and was about to try and pull down the backside of his pants to relieve the pressure when he feels it already starting the pressure fading. His attention is drawn downward as his feet start to tingle and get increasingly uncomfortable. Flowing past his ankles and further down the staircase to the basement is a stream of water, not a single bit seems to be moving under the crack of the door he's trying to escape from. Abandoning this gateway he rushes back up the stairs, heading for one last hope of escape.

As he moves up the stairs, he feels an odd sensation as some part of his anatomy seems to be pushing his pants further and further down as it tries to fully stretch out; the body part already burning in the same fire that is consuming his right arm. The pain in his arm is almost to his shoulder and he clenches it as he stumbles up the stairs, tears flowing freely from his eyes and his mind is fully aware of how soft and thick the layer of hair is on his arm. When he gets close to the door to the roof access his feet almost hurt as much as the rest of him, his heels refusing to stay on the ground and his shoes feeling almost unbearably tight, making his balance even more difficult than normal and the thing pushing his pants down isn't helping much. He arrives at the door and pulls up short, using his right paw to help stop his progress by pressing it against the door. Along the door is a thin wall of water that thankfully didn't seem to be responding to the touch by his former right hand. He cries out in pain as the edge of the burning pain has reached the left side of his chest, making it difficult to breath through the pain. He turns around and sees a flow of water making its way up the stairs towards him.

Seeing no other choice he moves his left hand and grabs the handle of the door, the water soaking into his skin as he opens it and rushes outside; his motion very awkward as if his body isn't used to trying to run on two limbs; the air feeling slightly cooler and more comfortable than that in the school. He quickly scans for a tree that he can jump towards as his left hand scratches at an irritation on his neck. Catching himself he feels that area of his neck and finds more of the very soft layer of what could be confused with fur if he wasn't so convinced he can't have fur. He pulls his hand away quickly, seeing that he's already losing functionality in this hand as well. He abandons his idea of using a tree to get down and runs towards the nearest wall, having figured by the time he'd get there his hands would be of no more use to him. Not a few feet from the door his feet cramp up and combined with how his pants are down to his ankles he falls down and catches himself on his two hands, the sensation of them supporting his body feeling way too normal for comfort. Knowing he would need to get his pants and shoes off before he could make it to the edge he crawls back and places his legs in front of them, the white hairs already half way up his leg. He also sees another line working down the leg, originating from his waist and the appendage that forced his pants down as far as they did swings forwards as well and rests in front of him, swaying back and forth slowly, another pressure beginning to form in it. He places his right paw on top of it as he struggles with his left hand to get the shoelaces untied, finding no luck in just slipping them off. The sensation from this almost tail-like appendage seems very soft and sensitive and it pulses in time with each strained beat of his heart as the fire consumes it, making breathing and even maintaining consciousness very difficult. With each pulse the pressure in the appendage seems to be getting bigger and almost feels like the appendage is still swelling. The pain in his feet draw his focus back onto his feet, the pain in his body making coordinated movement difficult. On top of this his barely functional fingers and almost non-existent thumb make removing the shoe very difficult but he does manage to get one untied and off. He barely has time to note that his toes now look very similar to his fingers and that his foot has become long and slender before he gasps as his chest starts to expand outwards and barrel out and then his mouth forcefully clenches as the burning growth of hair reaches his jaw, forcing it to enlarge as well.

He struggles through the pain and tries to clench his hand and try to work on the other shoe but finds it unresponsive. Finding no other alternative he leans over and starts trying to untie his shoe using his teeth, finding the process getting scarily easier as he works. He finally gets them untied, or more accurately he manages to chew through his shoe strings and then works his other shoe off as well as his pants, finding his legs now almost fully covered in the layer of cream hair and his new appendage feeling like something is trying to pull it apart; his legs seeming to be in a wholly canine shape. He tries to push himself up onto his toes and former hands to continue running as he feels his ears start to move upwards on his head, the sensation being like someone pulling on his ears very hard and his ears responding. His nose and mouth are very noticeably in front of his eyes by a few inches and resigning himself to not being able to run normally on two legs he sets out on all fours, finding the progress very easy. He makes it half-way to the edge before he feels a tearing sensation in his new appendage and is blinded as the growth reaches his eyes, the pain forcing them shut as he feels them change. As soon as he is able he reopens his eyes and tries to move forwards but is in too much pain, the fire almost completely covering his entire body. He manages one more step before collapses onto the ground, gasping for air. As the side of his body feels the sensation of the water flowing past his body once more he finds himself starting to lose consciousness. The last thing he can feel before all sensation is lost is the feeling of something pulling him quite forcefully from his current location.