Story by wlfmn on SoFurry

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#4 of Hunted

Haraku awakens from his second brush with death a learns to accept the help of others. Left with nothing Anareecie convinces Haraku to let her travel with him.

Chapter- 4 " Of magic unknown. "

When Haraku came to, he found himself once again inside that tiny farmhouse. Only he was in a part of the house, he had never seen. To his left was a window looking out into the woods and a simple end table. Outside looked overcast so it was hard to tell what time exactly but his best guess was mid to late day. On his right was a small simple end table. On it was a bowl of murky bloody water and what looked to be several blood-soaked rags and bandages. Beyond the table, he saw the doorway to the kitchen area. He remembered this door from before...this must have been Alarune's room. Sitting upright his shoulder protested causing him to wince before examining himself. Anareecie had done her best to patch him up. His shoulder and midsection were well wrapped with fresh bandages.

His fur had also been cleaned of any blood. Now upright he noticed a rather nice looking hairbrush clogged with black fur sitting behind the bowl.

"did...did she...brush me?" he thought while ruffling the fur on his chest, he did feel quite a bit softer than he remembered. His hand grazed the brand on his left pectoral. A pentacle just like the one on Anareecies bow about the size of his fist. The wolf let out a gaping yawn as he scratched his chin. How long had he been out for he wondered? Hours, days, Maybe more? Haraku moved from the bed but as his feet touched the floor the bumped something.

Looking down he saw his mangled armor in a pile. The left shoulder sleeve of his chest piece with its giant puncture in the front, glass embedded on the surface where the vials had been broken. It had been through the wringer as he looked over some of the various claw marks that scared many of the other pieces. Even the breeches she had left on him was a little torn up. He let out a small pained grunt as he bent over and started stuffing pieces into the cavity of his chest piece. He needed to heal fully and have most of it repaired before it would be of any use again. That strong scent of Lilacs and earth crossed his snout.

Anareecie stood in the doorway leaning on the frame.

"you're awake finally." She tilted her head watching him pack his armor.

"I am" he replied looking up to give her a smile. " how long have I been lying here?" Anareeice looked to the window and back.

"little over a day. Your healing quite well though. Another few and you should be back on your feet." Haraku gave her a half chuckle.

"I'll keep that in mind." Haraku packed everything with his right arm, favoring his left for obvious reasons. Once confident nothing was going to fall out he stood up.

"wait hey where are you going?"

She stood fully in the doorway now blocking his path as he moved before her, armor in his right hand his left cradled up against his stomach.

" I'm a bounty hunter remember? I've got a head to collect." She looked a little disgusted before putting a hand in the middle of his chest as he tried to move past her. She looked up at the wolf shaking her head.

"Your in no shape to travel right now" she argued. Haraku sighed before gently brushing past her still.

"I don't have a choice lass." She looked a little confused as he stopped at the front door.

"what do you mean?" Haraku sighed and shook his head

"It's complicated." Stepping out he noticed in addition to tending to his wounds she had taken the time to bury her father under a pile of stones next to the barn.

The other bodies appeared to be untouched. Haraku made his way to the cart that was left sitting out, his horse was off to the side. After storing his gear and retrieving the rope from the bench he went over to Titus's body, sword still protruding out of his chest. Harku put a foot on the beast back and pulled the blade free. It took a few good painfilled hacks before The lions head was severed from its body. He tied the rope to it and hung it on the edge of the cart. Blood slowly dripping down the side wall. The lion's jaw was locked open with rigor mortis in a silent scream. One of the gold bands on its fangs had fallen off at some point. Haraku called to his horse while he gently tried to Slip his cloak over his shoulders without to much pain. He winced having to use his left hand to help tie the drawstring. At least under this, no one could see he was wounded and unprotected. In addition, it provided an extra layer against the cold autumn wind whipping across the land.

Behind him, he could hear Anareecie approaching, likely to try and stop him again.

"I can handle myself Anareecie now please..." his voice trailed off as he had to do a double take over his shoulder before half turning to look at her.

"Then I will have to go with you," she replied confidently. The former barmaid wood elf stood before him now wearing a pair of tight dark brown breeches with a matching leather sleeveless top that laced up in the middle. Haraku blinked looking up and down the rather stunning elf. She looked like a regular archer with her bow over her shoulder, quiver on her back.

Even if it was empty. Tucked under one arm she had a bedroll and rather warm looking fur cloak. The sack of gold from yesterday rested in her other hand. Her hair tied back in a ponytail. She was breathtaking and flawless except for the mark Titus had left on her cheek. He shook his head as if dazed for a moment and quickly turned towards the cart realizing he was staring at her. The idea of such pleasant company thrilled him deep down but he would never show it. This stubborn girl would absolutely use it against him if he did. On the other hand, she would be one more thing for him to worry about and that was the last thing he needed.

"no..." he growled "you'll get yourself killed. It's a dangerous life hunting heads."

"Then I will fight!" she countered.

"I've seen you fight. Your as much of a danger to me as an enemy." Before he could continue she jumped in front of him.

"Then you can teach me to you." Haraku looking a little annoyed sighed closing his eyes, his head hung forward slightly looking defeated.

"You're not going to take no for an answer, are you. "Anareecie shook her head

"no I won't..." she looked to the bag of gold before holding it up.

"I can pay you if it makes you feel any better." Haraku couldn't help but let a fang slip out as he smirked at the idea of being paid with his own gold by this naive little elf. "please..." she begged "this farm was my father's dream...not mine and I hate that stuffy old tavern...please...there is nothing left for me here... I'm alone now and there's nothing here but bad memories." Haraku wasn't sure what he hated more, how unbelievably stubborn she was or seeing that eager gleam in her eyes start to fade.

"fine..he sighed." Anareecie dropped the gold and the bedroll and threw her arms around him pressing her face into that soft warm fur of his belly. "thank you."

"Gah! ah careful of the ribs lass!" He grunted painfully through gritted teeth, grabbing his side as she released her grip.

"Sorry! sorry... I Promise you won't regret this. I swear!" She then let out a sharp whistle calling Pari over. "I'll get the horses ready you just rest." Her voice had a certain level of enthusiasm and a bit of a pep in her step as she went to get another harness to secure both horses to the cart.

"What in the hell am I doing" he muttered, his gaze falling to those tight leather breeches of hers as she strutted away before he picked up her things and put the bag in the bench and the bedroll and cloak in the back of the cart. He wiped his old sword off on the mane of his bounty before tossing it in the bench seat as well. The sword clattered against the various contents and he noticed his remaining flask of dwarf ale still sitting in the box and procured it setting it on his lap as he climbed up. It would help with the pain he figured. While Anareecie was giddy with excitement at the prospect of traveling.

She was more so to put this part of her life behind her as far and as fast as she could. Still, she was a little nervous about keeping the company of "Aku the Vile" as he was once known. It couldn't be that bad though right? Sure he was a little rough around the edges so far but he wasn't anything like that monstrous lion...was he? She made a slight mental note to just be a little more cautious around the wolf for now, at least until she got to know him better. Haraku closed his eyes for a moment letting his head lol back slightly. Mouth gaping just a little as he drew deep relaxing breath in through his snout holding it for a second before exhaling. The autumn air clearing his mind a little he focused on it pushing out all the other distracting scents of blood, elves, and equines.

How long had it been since he last had a companion? a friend? Or any interaction that didn't end in bloodshed or lies. A momentary grimace struck his face as his shoulder ached. His ribs felt ok as long as he kept his breaths shallow. His mind wandered until he felt a shifting on the seat as Annareecie climbed up next to him drawing him back from his thoughts.

"ready?" He asked curling his tail up between them and partially on his lap to avoid being sat on. She nodded giving him a bright smile. Using only his good hand he steered the duo towards the road once more for the last time. He was somewhat curious how she was able to be so cheerful in the fact that her father just died and her whole world was about to take some drastic changes. Perhaps she didn't grasp it quite yet. Whatever it was Haraku wasn't about to try and ruin her mood. They had a long journey ahead of them.

The two of them remained silent for some time. Occasionally they would exchange glances. Anareecie would read all the signs that they passed on the various branching roads leading to the different villages and towns. She never realized just how many people littered her quaint little corner of the woods. Haraku had traveled this road many times before however, he knew well where they were going. Being his last flask of alcohol Haraku did his best to endure without drinking it but the constant jostling of the cart wasn't doing his body any favors. His ribs were beginning to sting a little and his shoulder was steadily becoming a throbbing nuisance.

He rode it out as long as he could. But eventually, Anareecie noticed as well. The wolfs tail which at first looked relaxed resting between them was very taught and gripped his thigh the way it was curled. Part of her woodland nature was an innate ability to commune with animals, humanoid animals were no exception. She could sense he was tense and uncomfortable.

" is...everything alright?" She leaned forward a little attempting to examine his dressings. Haraku pulled the folds of his cloak around him hiding the wounds.

"I'm fine," he replied through his tone gave away more than he would admit. Anareecie looked concerned but wasn't going to push him to let her look at his injuries again.

This reminded her of something. When she had stripped his armor off she saw the pentacle branded on his chest the same one as on her bow. She had meant to ask about it but had completely forgotten.

"That symbol, the one on your chest. What is it?" Haraku raised a brow curiously casting her a momentary glance before focusing back on the road.

"Well, it's used in magic from what I have seen. Humans consider it evil, I've heard Elves call it ancient, Dwarves say it's beast magic, to Wolfkin alike, it represents a bond of sorts. Depending on where and how it's worn. "

"worn?" she asked.

"Yes, it could be a brand like mine or even embellished on a piece of jewelry, say for example if it's found on the left shoulder its a sign of ownership or belonging to another, a slave if you will. If it's on the right its more of Intimate ownership like a mate or a lover. The neck signifies friendship and any mark below the elbow like on one's forearm or palm is a mark for death." She looked somewhat confused.

" in from illness?" He smirked giving her that one fanged grin from before.

"death from any Garou that sees it." he chuckled

"whats a Garou?" Her curiosity was matched by that only of a child's

"Just think of Garous as an older more pure-blooded wolfkin, they tend to take that kind of thing more seriously.."

"Your kind sure are a strange lot." She replied. Haraku looked at her as he had been personally insulted.

"same goes for you little tree elf." he snickered. All this talking had his throat dry, popping the cork off his flask he took a generous gulp of the foul liquid before offering it to her. She sniffed the container pushing it away immediately.

"ugh! what is that?" Haraku tried not to laugh at the face she made, his maw full of ale." He took another large gulp before corking it and setting it between them

"you were a barmaid you should know." Anareecie shook her head.

"we never served anything like that there." Haraku just sort of shrugged.

"probably too strong for you anyway." Anareecie shot him an angry glair but said nothing. She certainly wasn't going to try it just to prove him wrong.

Haraku relaxed a little, the alcohol taking the edge off he conceded to allow Anareecie to drive so that he could rest some. The wolf sighed putting one foot up on the dashboard of the cart and crossed his arms getting about as comfortable as one could on a wooden bench. Anareecie resisted the urge to bother him despite the boredom that was setting in. They had been riding for a few hours now. The sky wasn't clearing up any and in fact, it seemed the temperature might have been dropping some. Certainly, Haraku wouldn't notice with all his fur but Anareecie was starting to shiver a little. One lazy eye opened just enough to see Anareecie pull her fur cloak out of the back and wrap up in it tightly, flipping the hood up as well to cover her ears from the cold wind coursing through the trees.

As more time passed darkness fell quickly, the days grow shorter with the approaching winter. Anareecie finally disturbed him.

"Will we ride through the night as well?" Haraku stirred slightly his ears perking.

"hm? Oh, no there's no need to push that hard Black Rock is only another day or two's journey on the main road." The wolf let out a yawn before noticing a strange warmth on his right hand. He felt his bandage then looked at his hand. The slight grey pads of his fingertips were coated in a thin layer of blood. Annareecie caught his hand in the corner of her eye.

"your bleeding! I told you weren't ready to be moving around." Annareecie moved to open his cloak and see but he pulled away.

" Find a spot to pull off for the night first." Anareecie gave him a stern look.

"let me see," she demanded

Harakus chops curled in a slight snarl.

"Camp first" he growled. Anareecie fell silent at the threatening gesture. All she wanted was to help.

A few minutes later he pointed to a spot off to the side where some trees had been cut creating a small clearing with only a few rotting stumps where the cart could be tucked away and out of sight.

"there" he muttered Reluctantly Anareecies steered off and into the clearing circling around so the cart was farthest from the road. Haraku slid from the seat leaving a smear of blood on the bench as he did. It looked like he had been bleeding for a while now as he sat down next to a tree with a pained exhale. Anareecie followed sitting on her knees next to him she pulls his cloak off his shoulders and shakes her head seeing how bad he let it get.

"your bandage is soaked I think you ripped your stitches out." He winced while she removed the dressing.

"Certainly feels like it." he sighed resting his head against the tree. Haraku closed his eyes while he waited for Anareecie to do her thing. She went to the cart to see what he had. She rummaged around the box and pulled out the few cloth bandages he had and grabbed his flask. Surely with how strong it was, it could kill off any infection. Anareecie uncorked it and dumped a fair amount over his shoulder.

"ah fuck that burns!"The wolf jumped catching her wrist startling her as well. His eyes shot opened to see what she just did before he released her. "That stuff is expensive," he mumbled. Anareecie Ignored the wolfs whimpering placing her hands on his shoulder. A moment later that familiar white glow radiated from her hands like the day before. She took a moment to focus. Haraku watched intently.

"that ought to hold for now." Anareecie sighed as she started rewrapping the wound. "please take it easy Haraku I can only do so much." He had to admit he had been a little harsh and the poor girl had just lost her only family. While he wasn't the easiest person to be around he felt bad about snapping at her. She was right after all. He tried to push himself and undid a bunch of her work.

"ah," he winced as she tied off the fresh dressing.

"there you should be good for now." Haraku smiled and nodded.

"thank you...again." The wolf went to put his feet under him to stand but Anareecie quickly put a firm hand on his chest and pushed him back down. The wolf looked first to the hand pressing against him then to her hazel eyes. "what ar-" She cut him off shaking her head.

"Whatever it is you plan on doing can wait, here for a while, please," she begged. Haraku really didn't like just sitting here but reluctantly he sighed with a nod. Anareecie permitted a small smile to slip before she slapped his flask into his hand. "you just sit here and drink for a while, I will get a fire going." Again Haraku kept his mouth shut this time just doing as he was told taking a sip from the flask. They were turning out to be quite the case of fire and ice. She was always so calm and curious...hopeful even. While he was brutish, unrelenting, and anxious.

It was a welcome change of pace as he watched her go bout gathering materials for a fire. Just in time too as night was quickly upon them as she got the campfire going. Anareecie laid out her bedroll and curled up with her cloak next to the fire. Settling in for the night. Haraku held out his tongue as he swallowed the last few drops of ale that familiar buzzing in the back of his skull soothed his muscles and eased his mind and while sitting there, getting drunk he had come up with the perfect idea to make up for his less than pleasant behavior.