Tending the Bartender

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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After a long day at work, Chief Bogo goes to a local bar to unwind, only to find someone there just as in need of letting off some steam as himself.

This story was written for ColdSoul. It contains rough M/F sex between consenting adults and takes place in the Zootopia universe. Also, content warning, this story contains a brief scene of harassment by a douchebro guy.

Tending the Bartender

Bogo felt his head beginning to sag and his reading glasses beginning to slide down the bridge of his broad snout as he did so, grunting and slipping them back into position. He pulled his head away from where it was resting upon one hand, elbow propped against the desk, and forced himself to sit up straight. For about the fifth time he started reading the case file over again. He wouldn't let himself go home until he had figured out what he was missing. The key detail that would make the whole thing make sense. There had to be something he'd overlooked. There had to be some way and somewhere that the bad guys had slipped up. A caribou had almost died, for God's sake. This one could not simply be chalked up on the board as unsolved.

After maybe thirty seconds of his eyes drifting over the page though, the words began to bleed into one another and the whole page soon grew fuzzy and glazed over. Bogo felt his head sagging once more, his eyes so heavy, his ability to focus utterly drained since he'd entered the office just... he glanced up at the clock upon his office wall. Just a short sixteen and a half hours before.

A knock upon the frosted glass of the office door caused the water buffalo to jump, and a deep, rumbling murmur of frustration escaped him as he saw the figure standing on the far side of that glass, illuminated from behind by the light of the precinct's bullpen where the night shift had been hard at work for several hours already.

"Come in, Clawhauser."

The cheetah entered, dressed not in his uniform but in a pair of comfortable sweats and a hooded top. He had a rucksack slung over one shoulder, and a half-eaten box of doughnuts resting in the hand not currently holding the door open.

"Chief, I'm heading out. You should probably do the same."

Bogo's eyes narrowed.

"Thank you very kindly indeed for the advice, Sargent Clawhauser. But as I outrank you, and as you seem to currently be off duty, I believe I am under no obligation to comply with that request."

He spoke curtly, defensively, but more out of frustration than any real feeling that his position was being in any way disrespected by the desk Sargent. Clawhauser simply stepped further into the room though, closing the door behind him and approaching Bogo's desk, setting the box of doughnuts down upon the case file that the Chief had been trying to read.

"And because I'm off duty, I don't have to follow your orders. Now, eat a doughnut."

Bogo raised his voice just a little in warning.


The cheetah did not relent though, tapping at the box with a few clawed fingertips.

"Have you eaten anything today, Chief? Have you taken a break? Even if you'd only worked your normal shift that'd be bad enough, but you've been here for six hours more than your shift. You know you aren't at your best. But because you've got the weekend off, and because you know how much of a fuss HR will kick up if you try to work anyway, you're so fixated on solving this one last case that you're acting like if you just stay here without even pausing, it won't count against you."

He saw Bogo's eyes drift towards an apple custard doughnut in the centre of the box. They were Clawhauser's absolute favourites, but somehow there was still one left. Almost as though it had been saved especially for him.

"You think you're the only one worried about this case, Chief? The only one who'll go above and beyond to solve it?"

Clawhauser turned his back, leaning against the desk and folding his hands across his broad chest.

"We all care, Chief. About our jobs. About our duty to protect and defend the citizens of Zootopia. And when you go off acting like you have to put all the weight on your shoulders, like you can't trust anyone else with that duty... it hurts. And I don't think you'd be thinking that way if you were well rested and relaxed."

The cheetah smiled as he heard a rustle of cardboard packaging, then the sound of something being bitten into, followed by a soft, satisfied grunt. He looked back over his shoulder to see Bogo licking his fingers clean, then down to see that the box was now one doughnut down in its prior number. The water buffalo looked up at the feline standing and regarding him, but after a few moments of red faced frustration and considering yelling at Clawhauser to get out of his office, he frowned. His brow furrowed as the sugar of the doughnut worked its magic on his gurgling, desperately hungry stomach and his exhausted mind.

"Why... are you still here, Clawhauser? Your shift finished before mine."

Saying nothing, Clawhauser just walked over to the office door and pulled it open, gesturing outside to the bullpen. Raising a heavy brow, the Chief rose from behind his desk and made his way slowly towards the door, peering out into the loud, bustling bullpen.

Indeed, tonight it was particularly loud. Particularly bustling. Not just because it was a Friday night and thus there was more activity going on than usual throughout Sahara Square that required police intervention, but because there were almost double the normal number of officers present. Wolford and Fangmeyer stood by the same desk pouring over reports at its edge while the officer actually on duty this shift gladly made space for them to do so. Hopps and Wilde were busily rooting throug filing cabinets of the far side of the pen, pulling out case files as Snarlov called them out over the crowd's combined noise. All in all there must have been at least two thirds of the day shift still present, and as Bogo looked from them to Clawhauser he couldn't help but feel exceptionally stupid. Nevertheless, he drew himself up to his full height and glared down questioningly at the cheetah.

"You all stayed behind, and not one of you put in an overtime request to me?"

Clawhauser would not be intimidated though, indeed he looked positively gleeful as he glared right back up at his boss.

"Sure we did, Chief. We put ours in at the exact same time you put in yours. Gotta follow the example set by our esteemed leadership, right?"

Bogo's muzzle opened to respond. It stayed open, though no sound came out. He raised a hand, one finger extended as though pleading for Clawhauser to wait for just a moment while he came up with an excuse... or rather, a perfectly valid reason why he had indeed totally failed to secure an overtime allowance from HR. But, of course, there was none.

He glared from Clawhauser back to his messy desk, then out once more to the bullpen where he could see Wolford now leaning against Fangmeyer slightly, nuzzling into his neck as they worked side by side. Where he could see Hopps stretching as she yawned, letting loose a brief shriek that echoed around the bullpen and made many others, himself included smirk as Nick tickled her under the arms. They were all tired, just like him. They were all getting to the end of their usefulness in terms of being awake and alert enough to make meaningful progress. Just like him.

But they were still trying, because they all cared. Just like him.

He sighed.

"Fine. I'll go. I know that when I get back on Monday, everything will have been handled as well as if I were here myself. And if for some reason that isn't the case, there'll be hell to pay."

Clawhauser beamed, watching as Bogo wandered back to his desk just long enough to tidy things up a little, and of course to eat another doughnut while he was there.

"Of course, Chief. We wouldn't have it any other way."


An hour later, Bogo was happy. Not just placid or content, but the kind of happy that came from a full stomach after a day of waiting desperately for a meal whose arrival was long overdue. The empty plate before him had not too long ago been stacked high with a prime veggie-burger, fries, onion rings, slaw and fried mushrooms. Similarly the empty glass beside it had been filled with soda, and now was empty. Leaning back in his chair in the quietest corner of the bar, listening to gentle blues guitar playing over the speaker system just slightly in competition with whatever sporting event was being covered on TV, Bogo revelled in the atmosphere around him. Citizens of Zootopia just enjoying a quiet evening in a well loved neighbourhood bar. Many of the faces were ones he recognised, a few cops, most not, and all good people without exception as far as he knew. There were a few folks up at the bar who were a little too loud for this place, a little too drunk for the male's liking in general. But he did his best to leave his authority back at the office, and just revelled in the peace. The calm. And of course, in the wake of that absolutely heavenly burger.

"Hey, baby. Come over here and talk to my friends."

Bogo tried not to pay attention. He tried not to let himself get involved. Drunk men could be insensitive assholes, but unfortunately he doubted he could make a conviction stick for sexual harassment on the grounds of a simple 'Hey baby'. Unwanted or not, most everyday folks would consider such attention just mere harmless flirting, whatever its intent.

"Uh, no, I'm okay thanks."

He glanced over, still fighting the instinctive urge to get involved, and saw a couple of the drunkards from the bar staggering along behind a lithe doe as she made her way back from the bar, clutching several glasses in between her hands as she walked towards a group that were presumably her friends.

"Hey. Don't be a bitch. We just wanna talk. What's up? You a dyke or something?"

Bogo bolted to his feet as he watched in slow motion the leader of the douches, a lion with his mane trimmed into a pattern that was probably meant to resemble fire or something equally masculine, reach out and grab the female deer by the arm. He tugged sharply at her wrist to force her to face him, and as she gasped, dropping the trio of glasses to the ground where they shattered all over, his free hand made a grab for what looked like it was going to be between the woman's legs.

Just as Bogo was simultaneously calculating how hard he could hammer the lion's skull against the bar without earning himself an internal inquiry into unnecessary violence and how long the paperwork for the assault charge he would soon be filing against that bastard would take, he saw a dark shape vault over the bar. He saw a hand whip out and grab at the lion's own wrist before the strong feline could reach his target, and heard a loud crack as another hand joined the first, gripping the lion's fingers within its palm and squeezing, twisting and yanking backwards sharply all at once.

"Fuck. Phoenix! Hey, Phoenix, it's okay!"

Aside from the normally calm atmosphere and the great food and drink available right up till closing, there was another reason why Bogo liked this bar. That reason had just leapt over said bar and was now pressing the lion to the floor, one knee in the small of his back, one hand twisting his fingers at an undeniably unnatural and no doubt agonising angle, and the other around his neck, holding his head back and squeezing so tightly that the water buffalo could see the lion's eyes bulging in fear as he realised he could neither move to escape the clutches of the bartender, nor draw breath while in them.

Bogo pulled out his badge from his jacket pocket as he ran over to the dog, the lithe borzoi's teeth bared, snarling at the drunken lion's friends as they hovered close by uncertain whether to try and help their fallen companion or not. The other couple of cops present did likewise, but they left Phoenix to Bogo as they moved other people away and made sure that the deer whom the assault had taken place against was safe and calm.

"You ever try that shit in my bar again... hell, you ever darken my door without written proof that you've been chemically castrated in preparation, I'll do the job myself, only with fewer chemicals and more teeth."

He could hear Phoenix growling to the lion under her breath as he drew close, dropping to his knees as quietly as possible but still driving the borzoi to whip her head around with teeth bared, snarling savagely. Calmly, slowly, Bogo raised his hands.

"It's just me, Phoenix. You know me. You know I'm just here to take this guy off your hands. We're gonna take him back to the ZPD, and we're gonna charge him with assault. As for you... right now you're just a good samaritan who came to this young lady's aid."

Bogo gestured towards the deer, staring across the bar from where she was seated with her friends and one of the other off duty cops, looking at the lion with fear, but also at Phoenix, at the bartender who had chatted with her and served her so politely and warmly all night, with unabashed awe.

"So let's let this guy go, and that's all it'll be. Or you can keep on choking him, and we'll have to arrest you too. Again. The choice is yours, and I have all night to wait."

The lion's eyes bulged as he continued to slowly run out of air, gurgling at the water buffalo as though asking whether Bogo was going to actively stop the bartender from choking him or not. Of course, Bogo did no such thing. He simply kept eye contact with the dog as she growled and shuddered visible, her figure lean, but with arms protruding from the black tank-top she was wearing that betrayed the muscular strength of her form.

"You did what you needed to, Phoenix."

Bogo murmured once again, still making no effort to actively interfere with the woman's actions, nor indeed to touch her in any way.

"You protected that woman. And now she's safe. Nothing is going to hurt her here. You made sure of that. So, you can stand down now, right?"

The borzoi's figure relaxed slightly, responding to that final suggestion in particular. Her eyes widened, breath she hadn't realised she had been holding rushed out only to be drawn back in again with a fresh gasp. She looked down at the lion, digging her knee deeper into his back and making him snarl in agony, but as she returned her gaze to Bogo, she relaxed her grip on the feline criminal's throat.

Soon she was off him, and as he was led away in cuffs by a uniformed officer who had arrived in the intervening time to take over proceedings, Bogo and Phoenix stood off to one side of the now much quieter, mostly empty bar. It wasn't quite official closing time yet, but after a scuffle like that most patrons had decided quite rightly that Phoenix probably wouldn't be in the mood to keep the place open. She didn't need to ask them to leave, just as she wouldn't need to ask them to return. They'd be back, and just as ever they'd feel particularly safe; man or woman, young or old, cop or civilian, knowing that their bartender had their back for whatever trouble might come through that door.

But... what about Phoenix herself? That was what Bogo found himself thinking not just then, but every time he visited this bar or every time she was brought in after beating up some douchebag who chose the wrong bar to try and be disrespectful or offensive, not just to women but to anyone without good cause. She obviously didn't need aid in a physical sense, still as strong and sharp as ever even though she was no longer active in the military. But, who had her back when she closed up at night, particularly on nights like this? Who did she go home to? Who told her that it was okay if she got angry, but that she didn't have to stay angry. That it was okay to let it go sometimes... advice which even Bogo was willing to admit he could probably do with taking himself a little more often.

"Are you going to be okay?"

After a long silence, long enough that as Bogo and Phoenix looked around upon hearing the echo of the water buffalo's rumbling words they realised that they were now absolutely alone, he broke it with that question which all at once sounded so pathetically unhelpful, yet at the same time far too intimate, far more personal than he had earned the right to ask with any sincerity.

Phoenix chuckled dryly.

"I'm over it. Just another asshole. There's been motherfuckers like him before, and there will be again."

Bogo snorted.

"So that's a no, then. Look, Phoenix. I know a thing or two about repressed emotion. Just ask my ex-wife. Bottling your anger up, holding onto it and waiting for chances like this to express it are all well and good, right up until you don't have the chance to express it. What if there are no more assholes? Are you gonna be okay with that?"

The borzoi stared at the water buffalo like he had just sprouted a second head.

"Would I be okay if assholes didn't keep coming in and harassing my customers? Yeah, I think I'd be cool with that."

Bogo's eyes narrowed.

"Really? So, if no-one comes through that door in a month or two looking for a fight... if more time passes. A year. Two. Five, and still no assholes, you're gonna be good? You're okay knowing the last time you might ever get to pin someone to the ground, choke them out and hear them cry as you nearly break their fingers, is in your past? That you'll never get to take out your anger on someone like that ever again?"

Phoenix shuddered. An average citizen might not have noticed it, so subtle was the tremor that ran down her back and through her tail, but Bogo was no average citizen.

"How long before you look for a less extreme case? Before you punch someone in the face for doing something less criminal, less deserving than assaulting one of your customers. How long before the anger you feel needs to let itself out regardless of who or why?"

The dog snarled under her breath, teeth flashing in the dimly lit bar.

"If you tell me I need to go see a shrink, I'll be sorely tempted to let that anger out right here, right now. I don't care if you're the Chief of Police, the Queen of Shiba or Gazelle herself. You'll still walk out of here with a bloody nose."

Bogo nodded.

"I don't doubt it. But, for what it's worth I wasn't going to suggest a shrink. I think you know exactly what your problems are, and that you're doing your very best to handle them each and every day. I just..."

Bogo paused. Faltered. Something he rarely did. He cleared his throat, and fought back a grunt of frustration as he felt warmth rising in his cheeks, hoping it would be hidden by his dark fur.

"I just thought you could use a friendly ear. Someone to vent at. You can yell at me if that's what you want to do. I might even let you hit me if you ask nicely. We could just talk, or... look, I'll do anything I can to help, if you'll let me. Anything in my power, if it will help you forget about the assholes of the world for even just a few minutes at a time."

Silence reigned once more after that, and Bogo neither said anything more, nor looked towards Phoenix in anticipation of her saying anything.

After several minutes however, the borzoi did speak.

A single word, spoken as a hand reached out and came to rest upon one of Bogo's own.

He looked up at her when her fingers brushed against his. She was frowning, as though conflicted. But at the same time, he could see in her eyes two feelings that he wasn't used to seeing from Phoenix in any capacity whatsoever.

Nervousness for one.

And for the other, hope.



The borzoi yelped loudly as she was driven back into the wall of Bogo's bedroom, the pair having erupted from the water buffalo's car after having driven only the couple of blocks from the bar to the male's large, minimally decorated apartment. There were no paintings on the pale wall against which Phoenix now found herself pressed, legs wrapped around Bogo's waist, grinding, dry humping against the vast bulge she could feel straining within. No paintings in the entire room, just a dark oak freestanding closet, a chest of drawers and a single, old and faded looking tapestry hanging upon one wall to offer some relief from the lack of colour. It was the bedroom of a man who did not spend much time in it other than for sleep, and as Phoenix pressed her lips to the water buffalo's own with a whine of lust she couldn't help wonder how long it had been for Bogo.

"Ah. Aahh... w-what are you... oh. Oh, Bogo..."

She gasped in shock as she felt the male's hands wrapping around her lean ass, not groping or squeezing selfishly as many men might have to indulge themselves, but pushing her up as she trembled between him and the bedroom wall. Lifting her higher and higher until her legs were no longer wrapped around his waist but instead failing to encircle his much broader, powerful chest. She grasped at his horns, blushing and hoping that she wasn't going too far by doing so, but his grunt of approval eased her fears in that regard. Soon her legs were hooked over his shoulders, and she gasped in undeniable excitement as she felt Bogo's mouth press against her midriff, his teeth securing her camo-print cargo pants within their grasp and tugging like a puppy at one end of a chew toy.

Slowly she felt her button being unfastened. The zip below being tugged down by the male's dextrous lips. She felt the hands up her ass beginning to wiggle her lower garments down the sides of her hips, lower and lower, underwear being pulled down along with them. At just the right moment his hands moved, reaching up to support her torso, holding her aloft under the arms and allowing Phoenix to let her legs fall away from the male's shoulders for a brief moment, wriggling and moaning under her breath as she shucked off her clothes, only to find herself being drawn back into position straddling the still standing male's upper body. Her head was almost touching the bedroom ceiling as she stroked Bogo's horns and moaned to him, feeling his lips on her thighs, first one, then the other, back and forth multiple times between the two. All the while though his eyes weren't peering forward at her crotch. They were staring right up at her, meeting her gaze shamelessly, seeking what she swiftly realised that the male would not proceed without.

She wrapped her legs tight around the back of his head, pulling him forward with her legs and the hands upon his horns all at once, and growled in lust as she felt her bare pussy beginning to grow damp under the onslaught of the male's hot breath.

"Goddammit, Bogo. You know I want this. F-fucking eat me out... now."

Phoenix had never felt a bovine tongue before, and it was only after it began licking her that she remembered what she'd heard. What she'd seen in clips online and heard about in indulgent stories she had read to help send herself off to sleep on nights when her body just wouldn't let her sink into slumber without some prior relief.

"H-holy shit..."

It was huge. It was broad, and thick, and long. And god, it was rough. It swept over Phoenix's exterior just once before plunging into her glistening, eager depths, and the intensity of the borzoi's yelps echoed around the bedroom as her toes curled and her fingertips dug into the ridged keratin of Bogo's horns. Barely minutes ago as they moved from the car to the apartment, blushing and clutching at one another's hands as they did so, Phoenix had silently begged whatever unkind or uncaring deities might exist in the world not to make this one a dud, not to make Bogo a man who could talk the talk but utterly failed to deliver when asked to walk in and make himself at home. Now she knew. Now she had her answer, and god was she glad that he wasn't a dud. Indeed if anything she was a little appalled by just how good his tongue felt against and within her nether regions. She'd wanted to make Bogo work to please her. She'd wanted to be able to show him that she wouldn't take just any pleasure, that if he was going to take her to bed, she would seek the best and only the best from him.

But this... god, if this wasn't already his best, Phoenix almost dreaded the idea of discovering how that felt.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, y-yes..."

Arching her back, pressing her aching depths tighter still against the male's hungry maw as his tongue began to lash her g-spot and its thick, hot length began to practically fuck her as a cock might have, Phoenix clung more desperately than ever to the buffalo's horns as he peeled away from the wall. She wailed as he stumbled out into the midst of the bedroom, and with her body still wrapped around his face began to take off his clothes. Not for a moment did he stop tonguing her as he disrobed, unbuttoning his shirt and casting it aside before moving down to his jeans. Not for a split-second did he let up on her increasingly soaked and free-flowing pussy as Phoenix grunted and yelped, losing her mind with how good his tongue felt inside her. At least, not until he was naked. Then, to Phoenix's horror, she felt his arms wrap around her lithe torso. She felt him pulling at her as his tongue withdrew from her depths, lashing her clit a few more times until her legs were like jelly, too weak to hang on around his neck.

She clung on with her hands upon his horns however, even as he pulled her away from his damp, glistening muzzle and drew her down until they were more level. Her legs were still weak as they touched the floor, but she held herself steady as they rested face to face, eye to eye, his head pulled down low in front of the borzoi as she grappled with his horns.

"Why... w-why the fuck did you stop, Bogo? I... I'm fucking close. God, t-that tongue. Your fucking tongue. Why did you think I'd want you to stop?!"

She wasn't angry. She was too hot, too worked up and horny to be angry. Fury did run through the borzoi for just a moment though as she saw the water buffalo's reaction to her snarled query. He smirked. He smirked, and then, before the dog could say or do anything else to him, he murmured to her tenderly.

"I'm not done. I won't be done... not ever, until I've felt you cum. Until I've heard you scream, and felt you squeeze your legs around my face so hard I can't breath. Until I've tasted you running down my throat."

By the time he fell silent for just a moment, Phoenix wasn't just crimson-cheeked, she was panting and fighting the urge not to do as Bogo seemingly expected of her right then and there due to his words alone.

"I just wanted to ask you a question before we really got started."

He asked it.

Phoenix's eyes widened. Her cheeks flushed brighter still. She giggled, unable to help herself, and gave him the answer that by the looks of things he had been hoping to hear.

And then...

God. Then he grabbed her. He flung her, indeed he flung both of them down onto his large bed, landing with his head between Phoenix's legs all over again. He spread her legs wide apart, hands gripping her thighs and feet sticking high up into the air as her toes splayed out, locked and frozen in anticipation. Then once again, as voraciously as ever, the buffalo buried his tongue inside of the borzoi's body, and in a frenzy of violent lashing strokes to her g-spot dragged her back to the brink of orgasm in a haze of screams, yelps and helpless thrashing that didn't even last another thirty seconds from the moment he resumed.

"Yes! Yes! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhgodyes, I... c-cumming! I'm... Bogo!"

Pheonix's feet kicked and flailed in the air. She heard the water buffalo gurgle, his own moans of elation thick, hot and wet as she soaked his face and filled his muzzle with her overflowing ecstasy. She thrashed, yelped, howled in joyous anguish as she came long and hard, half hoping the feeling would never end and half desperate to feel his cock pressing into her in place of that tongue. She growled, whined, she cried out in absolute elation as he used every trick, every sweet spot she possessed to drive the orgasm on longer and harder and deeper into the very core of her being. She waited for him to stop, to cease, to even slow down as she felt pleasure turning to overwhelmed, near-painful intensity in the wake of that peak.

Except, even when there was no denying that Phoenix's peak was over and done, the water buffalo kept on licking. Kept on suckling, slurping, and tonguing her, albeit more slowly and tenderly now.


Phoenix whimpered softly, trembling at how immensely sensitive she now found herself to every little motion his tongue made. Not pain, indeed still very much pleasure, but pleasure of a different, more overwhelming nature.

"B-Bogo... I... I've cum. Please. Y-you... you don't have to keep going. You can fuck me. You can... ah. Oh fuck. If... if you keep this up, I'm... mmhhh, yes... I'm gonna cum again..."

That was when he looked up from between her legs, and Phoenix saw in his eyes two words blazing as clear as day.

He knew.

Of course he knew. He wasn't blind, or deaf, or without taste or touch or smell or any of the senses that made it obvious how overwhelmed and yet still desperate the borzoi was in that moment.

Phoenix gasped, letting go of the male's horns for the first time in what felt like forever, fingers half numb and achingly stiff as they ran down over his face, trembling all the while.

She remembered what he'd asked her less than a couple of minutes ago.

She remembered her answer.

She saw the fire burning in the buffalo's eyes, and felt that same fire ignite within herself.

"How gentle, or... how rough should I be? You know I'll stop if you ask. I'll go easy, I'll do anything, all you have to do is tell me. But... until you do, how rough should I be?"

And as Phoenix heard herself answering within her own head, she knew why Bogo's head was still between her legs. She knew why his tongue was beginning to move within her pussy, to strike out against her g-spot all over again.

"You be rough as you like with me, Bogo. J-just... just promise you'll tell me if I'm too rough with you."


"Yes! Fuck... aaahhhh fuck!"

Spittle flew from Phoenix's muzzle as she threw back her head in a savage orgasmic scream, utterly out of control as her clawed fingertips dug into Bogo's shoulders, strong arms pushing herself up from around his huge, thick cock moments before his own powerful hands on her hips dragged her shrieking and yelping in ecstasy back down onto him again. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she toppled backwards with yet another giddy cry, strained, overwhelmed to the extreme but still every bit as desperate for what they were sharing to continue. Bogo flung himself forward along with her, pinning her body beneath his far larger, broader frame and pressing her shoulders down into the soft bedding with the heels of his palms. His nostrils were flaring, his own eyes bulging with untamed, unbridled savagery as he thrust into her, hilting his cock within her clutching, soaking depths and bellowing in rapture of his very own. He began to fuck her. To plough into her with mindless and utterly shameless intensity, holding nothing back just as he had that entire night.

Dawn's light illuminated the pair as they writhed upon the water buffalo's large and thankfully sturdy bed, at times their passionate embrace making them look like they were wrestling, warring with one another as they rolled over and over, as they each took turns claiming dominance in a wild frenzy, humping harder, deeper, faster at their lover. There were bloody scratches visible upon Bogo's back and chest, and as Phoenix was grabbed and thrown down once more, half her body hanging off the bed as Bogo rose to his knees and began to hammer into her doggy-style from behind, she could feel her torso aching where repeatedly being tossed and grabbed by his strong hands had bruised her flesh. What brief and oh so willing pain they had caused one another though was utterly outmatched by what delights they had shared. What carnal bliss they had granted their partner those past many hours of near non-stop lust.

"Oh-h-hh-hhh-hhhhhh! Go-o-ooo-ood!"

Phoenix's cries were ragged and stammering as her cries of pleasure were interrupted by the force of Bogo's pistoning hips driving his member deep inside her. He dragged her back up onto the bed fully, rolling onto his side and wrapping one arm around her chest to hold her tight against him, her back to his broad, muscular torso.

"Cum with me!"

He snorted those words as nothing less than an absolute demand, and as his other hand fell between the borzoi's legs and a thick bovid finger fell either side of Phoenix's swollen clit he began to fuck her with the relentless desperation of a man whose job had cut short far too many of what few love-making sessions had been offered to him when he was married. He fucked Phoenix with everything he had, bellowing, grunting, holding the borzoi so tight against his body she could barely tell where she ended and he began amidst their shared writhing and shaking. His cock was so big. So fucking big, stretching her, massaging relentlessly at every last inch of sensitive inner flesh she possessed. Even now, hours after he had first pressed it deep into the dog, she felt pushed to her limit. Stretched wide, blushing, feeling as though she was engaging in some forbidden obscenity just by knowing a cock like this existed.

It was obscene. It surely must have been forbidden for anything to feel this wild, this primal and base and so, so fucking incredible. But Phoenix didn't lament that fact. Indeed, she revelled in it. She could think of nothing else. She could feel nothing else. For once in her life she was free of anxieties, of frustrations and of pent up emotion that she could not feel. If anything, Bogo and his vast cock were pushing her into feeling more. More than she had believed possible. More than she had ever dared to expect of herself, never mind trusting in another to grant her.


His bellow of her name, urgent and desperate, and the sudden renewed intensity with which he grappled at her body and began to feverishly grind his fingers against her clit told the borzoi what was about to happen even before she felt his cock give an almighty lurch within her. Her mouth fell slack, her eyes wide, tongue lolling out as a keening whine rang out at a painfully high pitch through the bedroom's hot, thick air. Her entire body shook violently within his embrace as he pounded into her, thrusting hard and deep even as with a deep cry he began to unload his heavy balls inside her once more, with a force, a potency and a volume that somehow seemed to more than equal all the occasions that had come before throughout that night.

" Phoenix!"

He roared her name once more, and she tried to scream his back as her own nether regions went into meltdown around his. Hot ejaculate streaked out over his crotch and sprayed over his hefty balls as Phoenix's pussy began to violently, tightly clamp down around the cock filling her to overflowing with thick, searingly hot cum. All that escaped her muzzle in those moments however was a mindless, wordless wail of rapture. A scream of such pure and unbearable joy and satisfaction that it seemed to break the lustful, savage spell of orgasm engulfing Bogo, and led the writhing, whimpering, still cumming borzoi to hear breathlessly grunted and yet somehow tender words whispered in her ear, even as Bogo's thick cock continued to drive into her convulsing depths.

"I could listen to the sounds of you cumming forever, a-and I'd only want to hear it more."

Bogo meant it too. Phoenix simply knew that as an absolute truth, and the fact that as they came down from those shared peaks their bodies were too exhausted, too sore and overwhelmed, over-stimulated to possibly continue did not change or invalidate that truth in the slightest.

In the wake of their pleasure, they didn't speak. After hearing such uninhibited and honest gasps and cries throughout their fucking, talking now would have seemed stilted and awkward by comparison. Talking wasn't the strong point of either one of them, and they knew that, so they simply chose to avoid it.

They kissed, Phoenix craning her neck around to make out with Bogo even as he continued to hold her body against his. They felt the warmth of morning sunlight bathing their bodies, trembling, fatigued and scented as much with one another's sexual aroma as their own.

Bogo held Phoenix, and, after his cock had slipped free from her depths as it began to soften at long last, she rolled over to face him, to hold him in return, burying her face in his chest and lapping tenderly at his throat, exposed to her freely and without fear.

They felt content.

They felt calm.

They drifted to sleep in one another's embrace, eyes falling shut and breathing beginning to slow and grow deeper after hours of ragged, frantic and effortful gasping.

Peace, either of body or of mind wasn't something that came easily to either the Chief of Police or the frustrated bartender. But in those moments, they found it. They fell asleep wrapped up in it as much as in each other, and they slept, they rested in that which their lover had granted them by their actions and indeed now their mere continued presence, a peace more rare and complete than either Phoenix or Bogo had known in a long, long time.

By Jeeves

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