All Tooned Up

Story by ebuncoon on SoFurry

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Story about a man becoming a toon roo with some unexpected results.

You wander just on the edge of Toon Town, trying not to gape in wonder at the nonlinear buildings. Oddly shaped humans and animal people wander on the other side of the street, their very existence is an impossibility. The line separating the 'real' world from Toon Town is starkly clear, the tear in reality which allows it to exist, creating a shimmer in the air. You are looking for a safe place to cross the street your eyes darting to make certain you won't get caught, but just when you think it's safe; some toon hijinks occur which change your mind.

Just across the street corner, you see a cat chasing a mouse; the pair of them both wearing toon gloves and running on their hind legs. You realize that all this time there's been a light background music wafting over you, only noticeable now as the tempo picks up. There's a sudden scream and you look up, seeing a piano that is being moved break its ropes and come slamming down onto the cat, shattering the pavement. You stare stunned until you see the cat, now shaped like an accordion, slide out and walk in circles clearly dazed as stars sparkle of its head. After a few seconds, the flattened feline stuffs one of its gloved digits into its mouth and blows, popping itself back to its normal shape like a balloon. You laugh as you watch it take off after the mouse again, the piano forgotten.

You chuckle and smile to yourself waiting for a few more minutes, before moving a little further down the street. You take a deep breath, looking both ways before you dash across. Part of you thinks that you should take your time, make sure you won't get caught, but you have been waiting for this opportunity for years. You feel the slight resistance in the air as you pass into Toon Town, and your heart beats in excitement and terror. You know you are now susceptible to toon physics, but your body is still human and this place is known to be fatal at times; one of the reasons that it's illegal to cross over without a permit.

You breath in deeply, the sun's smiling face winking down at you and little blue birds darting around you head to sing a welcome. You almost feel like you should twirl like a Disney princess as you take a couple steps down the sidewalk. As you walk past an alley, you hear a voice making a hissing sound. "Pssst!" You look around and see a shady looking wolf in a tan trench coat hiding behind some crates in the alley. He's ducking a little and his eyes dart about, but he smiles when he sees he's caught your attention and waves you to him. "Yeah you! Come over here. I have something I think you'll like..." the wolf says in a Humphrey Bogart voice. You feel a little trepidation and look around, but shrug. You're already in trouble for being in Toon Town without a permit. Why not go for broke?

You walk casually but quickly down the alley, the wolf grabbing your arm in his gloved hand and pulling you behind the crates. "You a cop? You gotta tell me if you are," he says, sizing you up. You smile hoping to be disarming and shake your head. The crouching wolf is almost double your width, though it looks to be mostly muscle under that coat. He's wearing a pair of pinstriped pants and a matching vest. Thick grey fur covers his chest and face, a black shock of fur slicked back from the top of his head. The sensation of the toon's glove on your arm feels strange, almost like a squeaky balloon.

"No, I'm not a cop. I just... I needed to come here. It's been my dream forever!" You gaze down the far end of the alley, down towards Toon Town proper, the sight pulling you. You see ever stranger folk walking at the end of the alley, the sidewalk almost seeming to bounce under their feet. You tear your eyes away, focusing on the wolf and you almost think you see his pupils turn from shiny dollar signs back into black dots. He grins at you, his sharp teeth in full view. You gulp a little, feeling a bit disconcerted.

"Yeah, I thought so. I saw you scoping out the border; looking for a safe place to cross without getting caught. What you don't know is that they don't patrol the border. They patrol one or two streets inside. You keep going and you'll be snatched up in no time. And even a toon prison isn't exactly fun," the wolf slinks deeper into the shadows as he rumbles at you, his white eyes shining in the darkness. You can feel your heart sinking as he speaks, your excitement being smothered by his gruff voice. He smiles hungrily, seeming to enjoy squashing your mood. "Of course... I might have something that could help... it's highly illegal though, and it might not work," he grins at you, his sharp teeth looking more threatening than comforting. You gulp down your fear; planting your feet and inhaling sharply.

"I'm interested. I... I really want to be here," you say as firmly as you can, committing yourself to this course of action. The wolf grins and winks at you, then opens a door in the brick wall behind him that you hadn't realized was there at all. You can see a dark storeroom beyond him, only visible as it was slightly more well-lit than the shadows the wolf and door were in. He slides his bulk into the door, then stands up to his full height.

"Step this way and I'll show you what I have," he snarled hungrily at you. You slide past him, catching a whiff of clover off the canine. Weird, you think, though you don't give it too much thought. The dusty storeroom is filled with tall shelves, most of them covered with canvas sheets. The wolf shuts and locks the door behind him, then leads the way through the stacks, his tail wagging through the slit in his coat.

The dusty floor feels funny under your black rubber soled shoes, almost bouncy and you realize that the sidewalk and alley you had been on weren't full toon, despite being inside the borders of Toon Town. You try to stifle a grin as the wolf sidles up to a table. On the top of the grey canvas is a pair of giant novelty sized toon baby bottles, both filled with a thick, viscous, bubbling liquid.

Now that he's not skulking in the shadows you can see that he's about your height with most of his bulk is in his chest. He looks to you like he'd be more than capable of blowing down several houses. You find his stature instinctively intimidating, and you must force yourself not to cower.

"Here we are, two doses of raw toon paint. Really hard to come by. Don't mind the bottles. This place stores all kinds of stuff for babies and I needed something with a lid to keep the paint in. It's got a mind of its own and would have escaped if I hadn't," the wolf says, his voice thick in the dark room.

"T... toon paint? Do... do you mean I can become a toon?" You gasp, your eyes widening as you take in the bubbling white fluid. If that was true, this was beyond your wildest dreams. The wolf growled softly; his eyes glowing. Your eyes are locked onto the bubbling fluid, wondering if this could be true.

"Yeah, if it works, you'll be a toon. It might take one bottle, or it might take both. It depends on what kind of toon you end up as, at least that's what I'm told. It's gonna cost you though," the wolf smiled at you wolfishly, which you suppose is only appropriate. You grab your wallet, thin from the trip. You're more than willing to part with the last of your cash to even have a chance at becoming a toon though.

"How much?" you ask firmly. The wolf just snatches your wallet out of your hands, his gloves squeaking. He shakes his head as he thumbs through it. He looks at you judgingly and then back at the bottles. You gulp, edging closer to the bottles. I can pay you more later... this is just all the cash I have on me. I... I'll do whatever I can for this chance!" you please, you heart hammering in your chest as the wolf counts your cash and pockets it.

"This is a little light... But I guess it'll have to do," he pauses for effect. "You're gonna owe me a few favors once you're done though," he grins at you hungrily then steps back, letting you have access to the bottles. "If this doesn't work, though, you're on your own," he added. He seemed to be enjoying your discomfort all too much, almost seeming to swell in the darkness.

You reach for the bottle, your hands clinking on the bottle's cold side as you grasp it in both hands. It doesn't quite feel like glass to you, though you'd be hard pressed to explain how it differed. Only that it has more possibilities than ordinary glass; that it might shatter or explode or rocket around the room or bounce on the floor. It was strange and now that you have it your hands, you hesitate for a minute.

"How many times has this worked?" you ask quietly, your fingers gripping the strange glass tightly. This all still seems too good to be true but at the same time you can't help but question the sketchy nature of things. You can feel the paint lurching in the bottle, sloshing against the sides at your hand touches the side.

The wolf paused, looking a little thoughtful. "I've heard of it working but not for me. I have a good feeling with you though. Lucky thirteen and all..." You almost stop, but then you smile to yourself. Honestly, it wouldn't have stopped you if it was one in a million. A chance was a chance. You lift the giant bottle and are amazed at how light it is, only the bulk of it causing you to need to use both hands.

You take a deep breath then shove the toon bottle nipple into your mouth and start sucking down the bubbling toon paint. Your mouth explodes with a cacophony of flavors, the texture smoother than anything you've ever experienced before. The sensation is one of unbelievable pleasure, and a part of you never wants it to end.

You try to gasp as the surprisingly warm fluid flows down your throat, only to find your airway blocked; the paint unable or unwilling to be broken up for you to breath. You shudder, your lungs burning and your vision blurring. You decide to go for broke and start to suck harder, faster; trying to get it all in you as quick as possible. Your stomach and intestines cramp as the foreign matter fills it, and you can feel it distending as you try to gulp down three gallons of toon paint all at once.

You shudder and gasp for air as you finally down the bottle, your knees weak and shaking. Your belly is distended and your t-shirt tight as you gasp, your hands twitching. You take another ragged breath as your right-hand spasms and you see it changing, morphing into a four-fingered toon glove before your eyes. You'd be laughing with joy if you weren't still trying to catch your breath.

You sigh as all the discomforts of your body start to fade away. Pains you hadn't really known were there suddenly went away and leave you at peace. You smile a bit goofily as you enjoy the pleasant and relaxing sensations sweep over you. You feel something bump against the empty bottle, still clutched in your hands then gasp as you realize your belly is swelling comically. You can see light brown fur covering your flesh it as it expands out from under the bottom of your shirt.

You can't help but laugh, putting down the empty bottle and hefting your new mass in one human hand and one toon glove. You smile at the differing sensations, feeling the slick bouncy toon-ness with your hand while your gloved hand seems to be even more sensitive as it glides through your new thick fur. You frown, wondering if you are going to be a fat toon, hefting the mass in front of you and feeling the toon paint sloshing inside.

You feel and see your left-hand spasm, thick white paint oozing out of your pores and covering it in seconds; one of your fingers disappearing in the process. You rub your fat belly and feel the wonderful toon sensation moving up your body and into your chest and neck. You can feel your chest swell out as the change from your belly and hands meets, proceeding up to your neck.

"Yar," a coarse laugh issues from your lips and you realize you've got a short stogie clenched in your teeth. You grin as your upper body settles into its expanded size; your shirt shrinking into a too small black tank top and your soft furry belly hanging out from under the hem. You catch a glimpse of your reflection in a dusty mirror hanging off a nearby rack. You stare at your swelling jowls, noting the five o'clock shadow on your furry cheeks and chin.

As you gaze, you see something black bulging in front of your nose. It grows wider and rounder by the second until you realize it isn't in front of your nose, it is your nose! You suck deeply on your stogie, the embers burning bright in the gloom and you let out another guffawed laugh. You see and feel your muzzle grow in, your long black toon nose sliding into its permanent position in your eyeline. Your white teeth shine as you grin, your eyes changing to shine as well. You watch as your ears grow pointed and long on the top of your head. You turn to look at the wolf, only to realize that from the waist down you are still human.

"What the heck, you swine-dif-fer-rous scoundrel! I'm not fully changed!" Your voice is deep and raspy to your ears, though it has a ridiculous tone to it like most toons. Despite your gruff and bluster, you are quite pleased with the results so far. Your thick hands clench into fists and you can feel your desire to pound the wolf into a pancake growing inside you.

"You are quite something, aren't you? Managed to figure the trick of toon paint, but you forgot what I said," the wolf grunted, and you couldn't be certain if he was pleased or not by your transformation. You glance at him and see him gesture with his long muzzle over to the table and the second giant baby bottle. You grin and guffaw at yourself, staggering back over to grab the bottle in both gloved hands.

This time your toon body has no problem gulping down the viscous liquid, and you let out a loud and long burp. "Bwwaaaarrrrp!" You stagger a little under the power of your own belch, the shelves and windows shaking. You teeter some more as your ass starts to swell, your pants pulling up tight as they shrink into green shorts. You feel a wonderful pressure from your backside as a long, thick roo's tail spills out and thumps against the rack behind you. You feel your new appendage sway behind you as your lower body explosively expands.

You get a sudden idea and you physically feel the gleam in your eye as you grab your shorts and yank them open. You see your human manhood hanging from a rapidly toonifying and fattening crotch. As you watch, you see your mushroom's shaft shrink while the head spreads out. It pulls tight and then disappears into the huge round curve of belly crotch as your lower body becomes one huge sphere. The sensation makes you growl softly as you now find even the slight pressure of your shorts against your wide toon crotch erotic. You growl a little louder, both in surprise and appreciation of the new sensations. You hadn't had any real idea of what was to happen and to see your genitals disappear into a smooth toon crotch was unreal.

You stagger again as your feet start to swell and change, becoming huge roo thumpers. Your shoes start to change as well, swelling into black and green rubbery sneakers which match your slobby, macho attire. You shiver and stamp them on the floor, making the shelves bounce a little. You inhale deeply, feeling large and powerful; noting that you are now a head taller than the wolf and almost half as big again. You puff on your stogie, a grin at your lips as you realize the tables have turned, seeing he is the one looking intimidated by your new size.

"Yar, what is this? I thought you said I was going to be a toon not a blimp," you growl around your stogie, stamping over to the wolf and glowering at him. The wolf frowns at you, huffing a bit fearfully and angrily. You try to hide your grin and bump him back with your large furry gut. You stifle a moan of pleasure as he grazes your sensitive crotch. That will take some getting used too, you think. You realize you are feeling a bit of bully and you love the feeling.

"You can't get out of our deal that easy. I ain't no pushover, see?" the wolf blustered and tried to shove you back, his efforts absorbed by your new spongey mass. You bump him again, pushing him back into a tall uncovered rack behind him. Several items clattered and banged as they fell, others wobbling unsteadily. You take a long draw on your cigar stub and blow the smoke into the wolf's face.

"Neither am I now. You thought you had an easy mark, didn't you? Making my pondif-fer-rous person promise to do you a favor. Well here's a favor for you. I'm not going to pound you into the pavement. How about that?" You revel in the feeling of power as you push the wolf around. It's very clear to you now that he was going to take advantage of you somehow, an insight that had you had only guessed at before. Your new perspective is intoxicating, and you love being able to bully those smaller and weaker than yourself.

You shove the wolf, only to have him dodge at the last second, your gloved hand hitting the shelf behind him. You hear something snap seeing a bowling ball roll down the tilted shelf, knocking items off as it went. It clanked to the ground, sending a mop flipping and twisting into the air which in turn knocked over a bottle of baby oil.

A slick sheen instantly covers the floor as the bottle glugs and your feet start to dart out from under you. You kick your legs as you careen wildly about, your arms covering your face as you miss hitting a shelf. You look back and grin, only to turn and have your feet go out from under you completely, your tail tip slapping the shelf you had bumped into several times as you changed into the toon you now are.

You have a moment to gape at a large box as it falls right onto your belly. You try to grab it, clearly seeing 'ACME Baby Powder' on the label before it slams into your open muzzle and bursts. You get a mouthful of the soft white powder as the box explodes and covers you. You gasp and cough, arms wind milling as you try to get up and escape the cloud. Your fat tail and legs aren't much help, but you finally manage to push yourself out of the cloud of talcum powder. You clear your throat, shaking yourself of your powdery white coating and resume your shiny toon appearance.

"What in tarn-nif-fic-can-nation was you pont-tifer-rating, dodging me like that?" you glower at the wolf, and stomp towards him. "You better answer quick like punk; ah don't take to pranks on my person-nal-lage."

The wolf looks at you a little warily, his head tilted back to look into your eyes. You take a puff on your cigar and suddenly you seen him start to smile slowly. You furrow your brow, about to ask what's so funny when you take another draw. Only this time it's not a lungful of flavorful smoke you get, but a mouthful of rubber. You hear a soft squeak from your mouth and look down in confusion.

You can just barely see a small blue plastic shape over the curve of your muzzle, and you suck again, the sensation soothing you. Your eyes widen when you realize you are sucking on a pacifier! "What the heck?" you ask, your gruff voice squeaking like a child. You shift, feeling your underwear moving and bunching up around your waist, the sensation of your shorts turning into a large diaper oddly pleasant and comforting. "No! I nodda baby joey!" You whine in a juvenile voice.

In the mirror you can see your face getting thinner and younger, more mischievous looking; the pacifier in your muzzle attached to a clip that's pinned to your shirt. Your black tank top has changed into a too small white t-shirt with red sleeves and neck piping. A large round cartoon bomb is emblazoned on the front. You whimper as you watch your upper body dwindle, your body losing its newly gained size. In seconds you are very pear shaped, your thick rump and tail the largest parts of you and highlighted by your giant white diaper. You can see your sneakers have become red and white, matching your shirt.

"Well, well, well! You're all full of surprises! I thought you were going to be trouble there for a minute, but that box of baby powder sure did a number on you! Don't you just look like the sweetest thing now?" the wolf growls hungrily, his mouth dripping drool. You squeak in alarm, backing away. You're still adult sized, maybe a little taller than you were when you were human, but the sight of hungry sharp toothed wolf makes you wet your diaper as you back into a rack of baby supplies.

"So, I think I'm going to call in that favor after all. First, I'm going to see how you like being pounded. Then I'm going to have a little snack. And it's not like you can do anything about it is there little diaper boy? I know that you're &#$^-less like all the toons on this side of town. Not like me and the real toons from across town," the wolf grins, seeing you're backed into a corner. He growls as he unzips his comically large zipper. You gape, feeling your eyes physically bulge as he pulls out his meat, the tip censored by a little black bar.

You gulp, your Adam's apple huge in your throat. You feel a twinge in your crotch where your own genitals used to be and feel a pang of jealousy. "What's wrong little joey? You're looking a little green with envy. I guess I should have warned you. Then again, I like educating newcomers to our fair metropolis. Specially if I get to use equipment on them that they no longer have..." The big wolf pounces on you and you squeak as he rams his shaft right into the front of your diaper.

The world seems to explode, and you literally see stars and fireworks as the big wolf rams your diapered crotch. He growls holding for a moment, then slides his grossly lewd member between your thick thighs and under your soggy diaper. The sensation is beyond orgasmic, something you couldn't even describe before, and your legs turn to rubber. The only thing keeping you upright is the grinning wolf, his muzzle pushing down on yours as he grins hungrily.

You shudder and squeak happily as the huge wolf stabs your diapered front with his censored meat. Your fat, toon back is pressed against the metal rack behind you as he takes a step back. "You liked that didn't you little joey? I think you'll like this even more..." he grabs the censor bar off the tip of his dick and pulls it free before tossing it to the side. He growls softly as he lunges forward to grab you by the shoulders and flips you around. You muzzle is pushed onto a shelf and you squeak as the wolf pulls down the back of your diaper somehow.

He growls again softly as he rams you and starts to pound your fat tail. You can feel your round balloon cheeks spread as the wolf's hot shaft slams into your hole. You gasp, the sound a sharp squeak as the wolf starts to pound your wide ass, you thick tail under the other toon's arm. The wolf barks a little with each thrust pounding your tail and you squeak and moan with pleasure. You hadn't expected this kind of pounding, and while it felt great, you can't help but wish the wolf was paying attention to your front again. It had felt amazing beyond belief.

The wolf starts to howl, and you feel your belly start to expand out. You feel yourself filling up from the wolf as you become rounder and rounder. You can feel your belly slosh heavily as the wolf finishes off inside you, your insides hot and thick with cream and wolf meat. "Hmm, yes! That was very good of you little joey. It's almost a shame to eat you," the wolf huffs as he turns you back around. He is dressed and zipped up again, his eyes glinting in hunger.

You gulp, feeling your spherical body slosh. You now more closely resemble a balloon than a roo. "W... What do you mean, you're going to eat me?" You gasp in shock, your mind still hazy from the amazing toon sex the wolf just subjected you to. The wolf just growls hungrily, drool dripping from his big, sharp, shining teeth. You squeak, your gloved hand groping at your belly and shirt. You realize you can feel the bomb against your glove, almost like... it was real. You squeak as the wolf opens wide to eat you in a single bite and you pull the toon bomb from your shirt and throw it down the wolf's throat.

The wolf blinks and yelps before he the bomb detonates in a huge cartoon explosion. You cough and lean back against the storage rack, feeling your diaper pulling itself over your tail again by itself. When the smoke clears, you see the wolf's shoes, his eyes, and an unlit cigar left on the ground. The eyes glare at you and you stick out your tongue and blow a raspberry at them. "That's what you get for trying to eat me you big meanie." You decide to get out of this storeroom before the wolf pulls himself back together but before you do, you reach down with some difficulty and pick up the cigar.

You feel a rush through your gloved hand as you grab the unlit cigar off the ground. The pacifier falls free from your lips, dangling from your shirt clip. Your eyes gleam as you stuff the stogie into your lips. It lights by itself as you inhale, growling softly. "Yarrrrr," you mumble as you feel yourself swell back into your bully form. You feel that as long as the stogie is lit and, in your mouth, you'll be able to stay this way. You grin as your clothes change back, then frown when you realize you're still diapered under your shorts.

"Oh well, you win some and lose some," you mutter to yourself in your deep voice. You slosh heavily to the front door, your belly sagging and bumping on your new toon sneakers as you puff on your stogie. You're still swollen with wolf seed, but you think that this is going to be a very good day. You're a toon after all! You step out onto the sunny street; just another toon in the crowd.