Aaru - Chapter 20 (Ru'sta)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#20 of Aaru (Side Story to Malakye's Story)

Malakye struggles to come to a decision on whether or not to claim Shasmar as a mate. He feels honoured that she wants him to claim her, but fears he can't give her a life that she deserves. What decision will he ultimately make?

This is a story about Malakye's time in Aaru, and is completely optional to read in regards to the other parts of the story seires (Malakye's Story). It takes place during the gap between Book 2 - A New Dawn and Book 3 - The Mourning After I would advise to avoid any spoilers, to avoid reading it until you have finished reading Book 3 - The Mourning After.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive critisim.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"And what is humo?" I asked.

"It is an old tradition." Harlock stated.

"But one which is not commonly used. I can't remember the last time it was." Reema added. "But it is still a rightful challenge that we elders will have no choice but to uphold."

"Given my sisters status as a single female, her mate-ship status would be up for contest."

"I'm sorry, what?" I was extremely confused now.

"If an unmated female spends significant time with a male, or multiple males, and there is clear evidence to say that they were sexually active during that time, then any eligible males may make a challenge and make her their mate."

"And I could not do anything to stop them from doing so." Harlock stated bluntly. "Since I have not received a dowry from you, or officially declared you as her mate, while knowing that you two have been sexually active I cannot object to any such challenge."

"That's insane!" I shook my head.

"True, but it is the law!" Reema added. "In the rare case when such challenges are made, it is because an unmated female has fallen pregnant. But that is not a requirement. Any males who made such a challenge would fight each other to determine the victor. They may then make an official challenge for her to become their mate. If Shasmar were to reject them, then she must fight them and win in a duel in order to decline their challenge."

"Then what if I decided to object to any such challenges?" I asked. "Surely that would stop anyone from making a challenge?"

"It likely would. I doubt many Masrur would think of challenging you, even rescinding their own challenges if you were to make such a claim." Harlock smiled. "However by doing so you would be also be forced to take her as your mate. And given the fact that you are the one she has been sexually active with, she wouldn't be allowed to reject you."

"What?!" I looked at Shasmar to see if this was some kind of joke. It was evident from her expression that it wasn't. I couldn't take her as my mate! It wouldn't be fair on her! She'd have to move away with me, away from her family. And... I couldn't give her cubs! Something I know she wanted. "Well... what do we do!?"

"Shasmar must return to the village tonight." Harlock answered. "And remain by my side so there is no chance anyone can make a claim that she slept with any males, including Malakye. Nor can you sleep together again."

"BROTHER!" Shasmar objected.

"It may already be too late to prevent a challenge being issued. I shouldn't have allowed you to remain out here with Malakye for this long. There are many rumours around the village as to why you have not returned. If we are lucky then no one shall make a challenge. I know you have not yet found someone you think is worthy of being your mate, and I respect your decision sister. But if things continue on in this way then I won't be able to protect you. It would be best if you chose a mate, before the decision is made for you."

"He's right Shasmar." I sighed. "I didn't know about this tradition. If I did I never would have allowed you to put yourself in this position."

"Malakye... no..." She hugged me. "I wouldn't have changed anything. This week has been so wonderful. You treated me like I hoped a mate would. You're my best friend." She sobbed quietly into my chest. I hugged her back. "Claim me."


"Claim me as your mate!" She demanded.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************




"We should turn in for the night. We need to start packing up camp before heading to the village tomorrow." Master Jun'lao announced.

"Yes Master." Jun'bak, Hen'zi, Kao'lar and myself responded in unison.

"Malakye, stay the night." Master Jun'lao said suddenly.


"It is late and you have much to think about. I think being away from the village will grant you some extra clarity." He explained.

"Good idea." I nodded. The thought of returning to the village was stressful. If I encountered Shasmar she may inadvertently pressure me into making a decision. "Thank you Master."

"Jun'bak. Do you mind Malakye sharing your shelter?" Master Jun'lao asked.

"Not at all."

Their shelters were simple tents made from wax coated cloth. I doubted it was going to rain tonight, but the additional comfort of the sleeping mat over the bare ground was definitely a plus. I rarely stayed at camp, I'd done it only a pawful of times before. I doubt Jan'Zar or Callen would worry about me not returning to the village tonight as I had not stayed in the village all week.

After saying good night to the others Jun'bak and I settled in for the night. There was just enough room for us to both lay down on our sides without touching one another. As I prepared to meditate Jun'bak began to speak to me in hushed tone, hushed so as not to disturb the others trying to sleep nearby.

"Do you know what you will do yet?"

"About what?" I asked. "You mean Shasmar?" He nodded. "No. I haven't made up mind."

"I don't envy the choice you have to make." He said. "I have no real experience from which to advise you, but..."

"But what?"

"Have you considered that she slept with you, knowing that she was going to be putting you in the position?"

"What do you mean?!" I asked. I was a little confused by his question.

"Back home, I have heard of some females who sleep with males, purely for the intent of them falling pregnant and having the male take them as a mate." He explained. "Did she do this to you, only using this tradition to trap you in the stead of falling pregnant?"

I saw red and sat bolt upright and glared at him. How could he say such a horrid thing about Shasmar! I dug my claws into the sleeping mat and held my breath. I was so angry I didn't trust myself to move without hitting him. After a few moments I stood up and before I walked away, turned round to speak to him.

"You can insult me all you like. But if you ever suggest such a vile thing about her again..."

"I-I understand." He bowed his head apologetically. "I'm sorry for upsetting you."

I walked away from him. I couldn't be around him any longer! As I walked my anger only grew as I realised that he had apologised, not for what he had said, but because his words had upset me. That meant he truly believed that what he had suggested could be the truth. How could he be so sceptical of someone as kind hearted as Shasmar?

I stormed over to the large boulder near camp and climbed up on top of it. I lay down on the cool rock and stared up at the nights sky. The beauty of the stars was calming. And soon the worst of my anger had faded. I tried to get some rest, but my thoughts of Shasmar kept me up.

By the time the sun began to rise l still hadn't come to a final decision.

I wanted to do the right thing by Shasmar. I liked her, but I couldn't honestly say that I loved her. She was an amazing friend, and I don't think I would regret having her in my life as my mate. She said that she loved me, and asked me to claim her as my mate. I was flattered, undoubtedly, but I can't honestly say that I was the best chance at giving her a happy future.

But unexpectedly I had put her in a position where she may no longer be able to pick her own mate and I did feel guilty about that. What if the one who claimed her was abusive? There was no way to know, and I had no way to protect her once I left the village. The tradition of Homu was ridiculous and barbaric and shouldn't be a thing in these modern days. If I'd known about it I would never have given into my impulses.

But Master Kami made a valid point last night. That I should not feel guilty about the position Shasmar now found herself in. I may have been ignorant of the tradition, but she knew her own culture and traditions. While I may be the one responsible for her current predicament, she is just as responsible; if not more so. As we had prepared to go to sleep Jun'bak had made that comment, and I had snapped at him. But the more I thought about it, I remembered similar occurrences happened back in Zangar, and even in Rengilar. Those things happened more often than most furs would be willing to admit to. That meant his comment was not unreasonable... I just didn't want to believe it to be true. And now I felt guilty about my anger towards him.

Once everyone was up we began packing up the non-essentials that we wouldn't need before we departed tomorrow morning. That wasn't much to be fair. No one had much in the way of personal possessions. We spent much more time dismantling and packing up the training equipment. After a couple of hours we were pretty much done.

Despite working next to each for those hours Jun'bak and I didn't speak to each other. The truth was, that despite my guilt of snapping at him for what he said, I was still angry at him. I couldn't bring myself to apologise to him for snapping at him. So while I didn't try avoiding him, I didn't go out of my way to interact with him. I think he was doing the same thing.

I think Kao'lar and Hen'zi were aware of the tension. They acted awkwardly around us. I don't know if they knew what had happened, maybe they had heard it or Jun'bak had told them. Either way everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells when both Jun'bak and I were near one another. No doubt Master Jun'lao and Master Kami had noticed, but they didn't mention it. They just went on as normal, and gave us instructions as we continued to pack.

"Good work everyone." Master Jun'lao praised. "We shall all head to the village now."

We all arrived in time for breakfast. As much as I wanted to practise for my performance tonight I couldn't. I had told Master Jun'lao what I was intending to do tonight, but as far as I knew no one in the village knew other that Shasmar, Elder Reema and Harlock. I was nervous just thinking about it. But that nervousness was a welcome distraction from the situation with Shasmar.

After arriving at the village I pardoned myself from the group and went to join the warriors for breakfast. I was entitled to eat with the Elders as a guest of the village, however the friends I'd made were among the warriors, so this was where I usually chose to eat. It was also a relief to be away from Jun'bak for a time as well. I needed to apologise to him, I wanted to apologise, but I wasn't ready to do it yet.

After collecting my breakfast, a large bowl of warm oatmeal, I went over to the tables the warriors sat. I was greeted with many warm welcomes from the Masrur when I went to sit down to eat. I saw Coltan and Fras and went to sit with them. I hadn't spoken to them since the Hakar.

"Malakye!" Coltan smiled as I sat down next to him and his sister.

"Hey guys."

"We have missed you." Fras smiled.

"Sorry for my absence. I've been busy."

"What have you been doing?" Coltan asked curiously. Some of the other warriors sitting around us were also blatantly listening in on our conversation.

"Just training." I smiled.

"I'm sure you've been doing more than that!" He joked.

"What Malakye does is of no concern of your brother." Fras scolded her brother.

"Oh sure! You've been just as curious as I have!"

Fras flinched slightly at her brothers words and was obviously embarrassed.

"At least I have the common decency not to interrogate him about it the moment he sat down!" She spat back at him.

"Easy guys." I tried to defuse the situation. "I'm sorry I wasn't around the past week. I've been busy. I missed you as well."

"It's fine." Fras assured me. "We will have to get used to you not being around any more."

"True." I nodded.

Her words were a bitter reminder that I would no longer be able to speak to everyone here every day, and that I was leaving tomorrow. Especially Coltan and Fras. They had been invaluable friends during my time here and had taught me how to speak the local tongue. They had introduced me to most of the villages residents, and taught me so much about Masrur culture.

"So tell us Malakye." Coltan leant in close as he whispered. "Did you really claim Shasmar as your mate?" I choked on my oatmeal a little in surprise at his question.

"Where did you hear that?!" I asked.

"Many of the males in the village have been talking about it since the first night Elder Reema returned to the village alone." Fras rolled her eyes. "It's all they seem to want to talk about."

"Well of course! Shasmar is hot! Every male is jealous of you for bedding her!" Coltan chuckled. "So is it true?"

"I..." I didn't know how to answer his question. I still hadn't made a decision yet. There was no point in lying about it. "We are not mates."

"See I told you!" Fras gleefully told her brother.

"Told me what?! He didn't say they weren't fucking each other the whole time they were out there."

I felt myself flush with embarrassment at the bluntness of his words. I could hardly deny them. But I didn't regret sleeping with Shasmar either. The time I had spent with her had been incredible. I just didn't want to say anything that might make the risk of someone declaring the challenge of homu worse.

"So what's happened in the village while I was gone?" I asked hoping to change the subject.

"Waka's mate, Luuma, finally gave birth!" Fras smiled. "Two beautiful male cubs!"

"That's awesome!" I smiled.

"Everyone is so happy for them! They even had the honour of Garr present at their naming ceremony!"

"Garr even held them at the ceremony! Such an honour!" Fras gushed. "Everyone is so happy for them!"

We talked casually about other things that had happened in the village while I was away fro the rest of the meal. I was relieved that the conversation didn't return to the topic of Shasmar and myself. After breakfast I went to meet up with Jan'Zar and Callen. As expected they were with the village Elders. Garr and Khaine were with them.

"Greetings Malakye." Elder Tau welcomed me as I approached. Elder Reema was there along with the other three village elders. I bowed my head respectfully at them.

"We can begin the ceremony in a couple of hours." Elder Dromu announced. "Everything will be ready to proceed when the time comes."

"Very good." Callen nodded. "We shall begin at midday then."

"As you wish my Lord. It shall be done."

"Thank you. Now if you'll excuse us." Callen asked.

The Elders all bowed and took their leave. Reema gave me a knowing look as she passed me. She stopped next to me.

"Have you made a decision yet?" She asked. I shook my head in response. "It was not right for her to force the choice on you the way that she did. But it is a choice that you need to make. Sooner rather than later." She said before walking away.

"Is everything okay Malakye?" Callen asked.

"Yes. Everything is fine." I assured him.

"Now that you're back from your little venture, we can explain what is happening." Jan'Zar snorted.

"Today is the fa'do." Callen continued on behalf of his sister.

"Elder Reema explained that to me." I nodded.

"Good." He nodded. "You will stand with us as the Masrur offer their thanks to us. You will not need to do anything beyond that. However should any of the Masrur offer you anything, you will accept it without question and respond with the following phrase. 'Cide'fa do'grer yur kar'jan.'"

"Cide'fa do'grer yur jan'kar." I repeated. An extremely formal way of saying thanks. A prayer of sorts, wishing good fortune upon them and their family.

"That's right." Callen nodded.

Jan'Zar walked forward and stood in front of me, staring at me with a serious gaze. She loomed over me with that gaze of here, even though we were roughly the same height. She made me feel small when she looked at me like that.

"Jun'lao has explained the situation with the female, Shasmar." Her words sent a cold shiver down my spine. He told her?! Of course he had. My decision could have a substantial impact on my training going forward. It was the responsible thing for him to do. "Have you reached a decision?"

"No." I shook my head and looked away from her.

Would she declare that I couldn't take her as my mate? Even Shasmar couldn't object if the Deity of War declared it. She would undoubtedly be upset, but she would not argue it. It would certainly make things easier for me if she took the decision out of my paws.

"Then make up your mind!" She barked.

"Y-you wouldn't object if I took her as my mate?"

"Don't misunderstand." She glared at me. "You have reached a point in your training that if you wish to take a mate, you can. It's your life, and what you do with it is up to you! Whether or not I agree with you doing so is another matter. It is your choice to make. I shall not make it for you!"

She turned and walked away from me. Callen shot me a sympathetic look but turned and followed his sister. Khaine didn't seem to care and followed them. I sighed and began to follow them as well. I guess the choice was mine after all.


The fa'do was rather uneventful. The village turned out and presented Callen, Jan'Zar, Garr, Master Jun'lao and Master Kami with gifts and thanks. They in return gave them their blessings. A few of the Masrur came by and wished me all the best, a couple even offered me small trinkets to remember them by. I wasn't expecting anything and was touched by the gesture. I thanked them, and recited the blessing that Callen had told me earlier. It was nice to see the heart felt love the Masrur had for Callen and Jan'Zar.

I saw that Waka and his mate Luuma appeared with their new born cubs. The were cute. They had their mothers fur markings and their fathers muzzle. They were fast asleep, wrapped in their own blanket. After giving their offerings Callen and Jan'Zar even went as far to give a blessing to their cubs. Both Waka and Luuma were over joyed that they did that for them. I could tell from the reactions of the other villagers that those cubs would have high expectations placed upon their future.

I watched the happy couple as their cubs were fawned over by everyone nearby. It was a heart warming sight. I saw Shasmar cooing over the new born cubs. She looked so happy staring down at them. She would make an amazing mother. She deserved the kind of happiness. I remembered Jun'bak's words from last night. Could she be capable to deliberately attempting to trap me in a relationship. Looking at her as she fawned over the cubs made me doubtful that she could be capable of that.

After the ceremony came to an end the evenings festivities began to unfold. The warriors began drinking almost immediately, while many of the females went to complete the meal for tonight's feast. I remained close to Callen and Jan'Zar until the meal began. For the most part I was avoiding Shasmar. She would undoubtedly want and answer to the question which had been plaguing me all day. But I couldn't put off the decision for ever. Tonight was my last night in the village. I would be leaving tomorrow for the Capital city. I had to make a decision today.

I sat with the warriors and enjoyed their company. As we ate and drank to our hearts content, many of them came and offered me their best wishes and formal farewells. I was going to miss them all. The Masrur treated every member of their village as a member of their family. And they had treated me as if I was one of them. There were a few who tried to actively avoided me. Either through jealousy of my skill, or annoyed at the treatment I received from everyone. But they had never wronged me in any way. I left them alone and they left me alone. But even on nights like tonight, when the drink flowed freely all those issues were forgotten.

As the hours rolled by and the sun eventually set, the fires were lit in the village and the music began. Shasmar of course was in the middle of every dance. She moved so gracefully that anyone watching watched in sheer awe of her grace and beauty. A couple of the other warriors joked at how lucky I was getting the chance to bed her, and how jealous they were of me! I just laughed along with them. What else could I do? But their words just reminded me of the decision I had to make. After a few dances Harlock walked over to me.

"It's time." He said.

It was time?! Time for what?! He wanted me to make my decision now!? My heart began to hammer in my chest. I slowly rose from my seat.

"Elder Reema and Shasmar are waiting."

It was time for my performance! Part of me was extremely relieved. But at the same time a whole new nervousness washed over me. It was really time... could I do this?! If I messed up badly I risked not only embarrassing myself and Elder Reema as well. But worse, I could potentially risk offending some of the Masrur here with a poor rendition of one of their most treasured performances! I had been drinking, but I was not yet drunk. But I had enough in me to steady my nerves.

I nodded to Harlock and followed him. He led me to Reema and Shasmar who were standing outside Reema's hut. He excused himself and returned to sit with the elders. Reema smiled at me and presented me with her viol and bow. I took the instrument and let out a deep breath. The weight of the instrument I was so nervous.

"You can do this Malakye." Reema reassured me. "Just like we practised!"

Her words were reassuring. And a wave of calm washed over me. I could do this! I wanted to do this!

"I'm ready."

"Very good. I shall go and announce your performance."

We followed Reema back to the performance area. We stood to the side as she made the announcement. Seeing her the crowd quickly silenced and waited for her to speak.

"Fellow Masrur! Tonight we have a special treat!" She announced, earning a number of curious and excited noises from the crowd. "The performance will star Shasmar and Malakye! And they shall perform the ru'sta!"

There was a loud cheer of excitement from the crowd. Reema nodded to us and walked over to join the other elders. Shasmar and I walked over and took our positions. The gaze of everyone watching was heavy. I could feel their expectations weigh down on my shoulders. It was incredible. I was more nervous than when I had fought against Garr in the final round of the Hakar. I closed my eyes, placed the viol under my chin and sucked in a deep breath to calm myself. I opened my eyes and raised the bow to the strings of the viol.

The first song had a slow tempo, and with a slightly depressing tone. Representing how weak Garr was as a child. I simply trusted my body to move as it needed to, the motions having been drilled into me over the last week. As I danced I let the music flow through me. I couldn't second guess myself here.

As I transitioned into the next song, and the next part of the story, the music became tragic and suspenseful. Representing the loss of his adoptive parents and the hardships he suffered in his journey before meeting Jan'Zar. The dramatic edge fell away and I fell to my knees and stopped playing for a few moments, for dramatic effect before starting the next song.

This time the melody held a suspenseful edge to it, and this was when Shasmar joined in. She moved like a predator around me. Her moves were exaggerated, aggressive. She circled me, loomed over me. Indicating the power that Jan'Zar had over Garr's life at that point. She executed her role effortlessly. And we quickly moved on to the next act.

The next part was, musically speaking, the most challenging for me. This was the song that Garr played to Jan'Zar to prove his worth for her to spare his life. It was truly a beautiful song to listen to. Shasmar and I danced around one another as I played. It was difficult, but if I pulled this off it was all downhill after this! I played the song well enough, I played all the correct notes, but it was far from perfect. But I didn't make any serious mistakes to embarrass myself.

After this the performance flowed more easily. The dances were more complex, but the music itself was easier as I'd had the most practise with these pieces of music. For the scene when Garr appeared to fight the elves, there was a sharp spike in the music and a long pause, followed by a fast paced song, full of action and suspense as Shasmar and I danced frantically around one another.

We moved onto the final stage of the performance, and the part which arguably was the easiest. I ran through the melody and moved as I had been instructed to. Shasmar performed her own parts perfectly as we danced in front of everyone. The performance ended with me knelt on the ground, bringing the melody to its dramatic ending, a final, drawn out note which seemed to go on forever. As the note came to an end Shasmar embraced me from behind possessively, wrapping her arms around my chest and rest her head on my shoulder.

With the last note played, I lowered the viol and turned my head slightly to look at Shasmar. We looked each other in the eye and smiled at one another. We had done it! We were both slightly breathless from the performance. There were several moments of silence, during which we lost each other in each others gaze, only to be snapped back to reality as everyone began to applaud and cheer for us.

I was humbled by how well our performance was received. I looked at Reema who had a big smile on her muzzle as she clapped her paws. I smiled proudly. I had managed to pull it off! I then turned to where the elders were sat. The elders, in addition to Callen, Jan'Zar and Garr were also applauding us. Jan'Zar had an amused expression while Garr seemed a little shocked. Our eyes met and he smiled before walking forwards towards us. The crowd fell silent as he approached me.

"Well done. I hadn't been expecting that."

"I hope I did it justice." I replied.

"You did. There is still room for improvement with your music." He smirked. "I will be happy to instruct you."

"You will?" I said shocked. I felt Shasmar grab my arm and glanced at her. She was giddy with excitement. "Thank you."

"If I may?" He gestured to the viol.

"Of course." I handed it to him.

It looked so small in his massive paws. I could barely comprehend how he could play that with how large his paws were, but as he raised the viol and rested it delicately under his chin, I realised I was about to witness a true master perform! He raised the bow to the strings and began to play. To say I was completely entranced by him would be an understatement.

When he started to play the music struck me so hard he mas as well have struck me with his fist. With each and every note he played a surge of emotion bubbled up from inside of me until I couldn't hold it in check. This was what a master musician could do?! It was as if the viol was alive, and Garr was the medium for it to sing its song. He played the same song I had during my performance; the one he played to prove his worth to Jan'Zar.

While he played the same song as I had, note for note, his rendition was on a totally other level! He made the viol make sounds that I didn't think were possible! I now knew why Garr was known for his talent as a musician as much as his skill in battle! I couldn't imagine anyone being able to play as well as he could!

Before I knew it the music came to an end. It had felt like it had been only mere seconds since he began to play. I had been completely lost within the depth and beauty of the melody. I hadn't moved during the song; I don't think I could have if I'd wanted to. I was completely enraptured. When the song ended I came back to myself and realised that I was crying. Tears rolled down my muzzle freely. I was a little embarrassed and began to wipe them away. Looking round I saw that I wasn't the only one. I don't think there was a single dry eye in the village! I looked over at Jan'Zar and Callen and they too, were wiping their tears away.

"T-that..." I cleared my throat. I could barely talk without my voice breaking with a sudden flood of emotion. "Was beautiful."

"Thank you." He nodded. "It has been too long since I last played. Watching your performance made me want to play once more."

I took that as possibly the biggest compliment that anyone could have said to me at that moment. My performance had inspired him to play the most beautiful piece of of music I had ever heard. Garr had made the viol make sounds I didn't think were possible! It was as if a deity of music had appeared before us and graced us with an amazing display of prowess and talent, that no mortal could ever hope to replicate!

If the night had ended there I would have been completely satisfied. But there was still one more thing I needed to do. I turned to Shasmar and grabbed her by the paw.

"I need to talk to you."