Better Than Him - Ch. 2

Story by KetoArcticWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Better Than Him

In Chapter 2, things are heating up for Mako. But how much can the newly awakened cockslut really handle?

Two more chapters still to come!

Story by FA: dasherslash / IB: dasherslash

Characters by me with little bit help from a friend.

Better Than Him - Ch 2

Duke felt somewhat proud of himself as he placed the lemon-crumbed fish on the dining table for dinner. His specialty dish had come out really well -- probably the best one he'd ever cooked, in fact. The extra effort and love he'd put into preparing it for his lovely orca boyfriend seemed to have paid off, and as Duke sat down between Mako and his father, he was keen to see the orca enjoy their meal.

"Looks great babe", the orca said through that gorgeous smile of his.

"Aw... so do you", the shark replied in a low tone, giving his boyfriend a playful nudge.

"Heh, shush".

From across the table, Barry pushed his way into the conversation like some unwanted house intruder, as per usual. "He's not wrong", the old shark grunted, looking at Mako. "Though you'd look even hotter slurping on my big greasy dick".

Duke let out a heavy sigh, turning to his father with unimpressed eyes. "Can you not flirt with my boyfriend while we're trying to have dinner, Dad?"

"Just kiddin', son", the old shark said, though the arrogant smirk on his face didn't go away. "But if you insist... I'll flirt with him after dinner".

Duke gritted his teeth in rising anger, but then he felt Mako's hand gently rub his thigh underneath the table. He glanced at his boyfriend out of the side of his narrowed eyes, and saw Mako smiling back at him, a warm expression on his beautiful face that silently said he didn't need to worry.

The tension in his body slipped away, and Duke smiled back as he got the message. Barry could say whatever he wanted -- unlike the other soulless sluts he'd brought home in the past, he could trust Mako not to fall for it.

He was about to put his very first forkful of dinner into his mouth when his father said, "Duke. Go get your old man a beer, will ya?"

"Ugh, really?" Duke sighed, lowering his fork back to his plate. He considered himself a relatively kind and generous and helpful shark, but his father was such an asshole to him that Duke wasn't exactly keen to serve his every demand. And his father had been making a lot of demands lately. Barry had been asking him to do random shit for his father all the time since he'd gotten here a week ago with Mako, even though the older shark could often do it easier and quicker. It was weird. "Why the hell can't you--"

"Jeez, it'll only take ya a second", the older shark snapped in a louder, deeper voice. "Didn't realise the thought of doing something nice'd piss ya off so much. Ya don't have to have cry about it. If it's such a big deal I'll--".

"Fine, fine", Duke said, dropping his fork with a clank against his plate and pushing his chair away from the table to stand up. "I'll get it. You don't have to go off on a rant". He leant down to give Mako a quick kiss on the head before heading to the kitchen.

"You'll have to get one from the garage, son", his father called from the table behind him. "Haven't stocked up the kitchen fridge yet!"

Duke turned on the spot and silently plodded down the hallway towards the garage. He only noticed that the anger had returned when he reached for a can of beer in the garage fridge with a clenched fist. He had to force his fingers to relax to even pick it up. His heart was beating rapidly too, and his nose wrinkled as he thought about where it was all coming from.

Fear. He hated leaving his poor boyfriend alone with the old perv. Given the brazen filth his father said to Duke's face, he could only imagine what things Barry said behind his back. He'd been hurt so many times before by the boys he'd trusted, and the thought of it happening again with a boy he loved so much...

"No", he whispered to himself. Then he said it again more confidently, "No".

Mako's not like that. He's not like them. We're committed to each other. He loves me. He wouldn't do that to me.

Duke let out a slow breath in the quiet garage, and he felt a sense of relief move through his body, washing away the rage. He was so lucky to have finally found a guy like Mako. After being hurt so many times before, the orca was exactly the sweet kind of boy Duke needed in his life.

As he wandered back into the dining room, the shark suddenly frowned. His boyfriend's chair was empty, and the orca was nowhere to be seen. It was just Barry there, his upper body flopped back in the chair, the rest of his body stretched out and hidden underneath the tablecloth. As Duke dropped the can of beer on the table, he noticed his father's fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly. He gave his father a confused look, but Barry just returned him a very unhelpful silent smile.

"Where's Mako?" Duke prodded.

"Oh... uh... he said he wasn't feeling too great", Barry replied. "So, he stepped outside for some, ungh... fresh air".

Duke frowned at his father, noticing he sounded strangely breathless. That was another thing that had been weird about him lately. It happened relatively often, and Duke had had no idea why. But then, he didn't really care. He turned and took a step towards the front door to go find his boyfriend.

"Give him some space!" Barry called after him, his voice so loud and sudden it interrupted Duke's movement. "Kid said he'd be back in a sec. He ain't gonna get murdered out there. He'll be... mmgh, fine. Sit down and eat".

Begrudgingly, Duke turned around and sighed as he pulled out the chair and sat back down. He silently scooped up the same forkful of fish he'd attempted to eat earlier, and though it was a bit cool now, it tasted good. He looked at Mako's untouched plate and hoped the orca would be back soon before it was completely cold. He'd put a lot of effort into it just for him.

"Guh... Ugh..."

Duke glanced at his father and watched him sitting there, twitching, gritting his teeth. There were a few bites missing from his plate, but he wasn't eating right now. Instead, his hand was sitting next to his plate, gripping his fork as it wobbled unsteadily. He didn't look... normal. "Uh, Dad, are you alright?"

"Oh, heh, yeah", his father snorted. "I'm fuckin great, actually. Just, ya know, mmgh, my back's acting up a little, so... uggghh... every now and then, I can't help but, ya know... let out a little grunt... But don't mind me... hnnggh".

Duke rolled his eyes. Oh, of course, that fucking back of his. It bewildered him why his stubborn old father hadn't done anything about that after all the hassle it had been causing him lately. "You really should get that checked out, you know. I've noticed it's been really bad this week", the shark said through a sigh, as he scooped more food into his mouth. He didn't know why he bothered, because he knew his father wasn't going to do anything about it except sit there groaning in pain.

"Heh, that's real observant of ya", the old shark chuckled. The two sharks made a weird kind of eye contact as Barry continued. "Oh yeah... once it showed up it's been there all the time, won't leave me alone, night and day -- the pain, I mean. Mm. I... fuck... I appreciate the concern, but don't ya worry about me, son. I'll ride it out like the... ugghhh... like the old cowboy I am".

"Yeah, yeah", Duke said, listening to his father ramble. No big surprise -- Barry was just going to put up with the suffering rather than actually do something about it. His dad really was an idiot sometimes. Duke kept eating, but unsurprisingly, despite his father's assurances, the pained noises Barry was making only got worse.

"Dad, c'mon..."

"It's... fucking... fine... son", his father panted heavily. "I'm gonna fuckin c-- ... It's gonna pass... real soon... don't worry".

"Uuuggh", Duke groaned, though his father was groaning much louder. He grabbed his glass of water and swirled it around his mouth, looking over his shoulder towards the door and idly wondering if he should leave to go find Mako instead -- though his idiot father could be about to have a heart attack for all the noise he was making.

"And... ya know... havin ya here... I think... is helping me get there quicker", Barry grunted, a weird urgency to his voice.

Duke glanced back at his father and snorted with disbelief at the sight. "Look at you! You're fuckin sweatin! You've gotta do somethin' about this!"

But Barry just groaned wordlessly, his fork falling from his fingers as his big muscular body jerked and flexed, trickles of sweat running down his chest and leaving dark sweat marks between his twitching pecs. "Guhhhhh... Ughhhhh. Uuuggghhhhh!"

"For fuck's s--"

Barry suddenly smacked his hands against the table and gripped the tablecloth inside his big fingers, knocking a glass of water over as he shuddered forcefully, throwing his head back and letting out a loud groan that echoed through the whole house.

Duke jumped to his feet, angrily tossing a handful of napkins into the puddle. "Dad! This is stupid! You need to--"

"Guh! Duke, shut up! Uggggggghhhh. Shut up! And... go get me some... painkillers... from the... fuuucckkking bathroom!"


"Go!" Barry yelled, his voice melding into a long, low, drawn-out groan, wrenching the table-cloth towards himself with a spasm and sending water sloshing out of both the other glasses on the table.

Wide-eyed and confused, Duke just huffed with disbelief, and stomped off to the bathroom, leaving behind a melody of grunts and groans as he left the room. "Fuckin idiot", he breathed into the bathroom mirror before ruffling through the cabinet to find the good painkillers hidden towards the back.

He returned to the dining room a minute later and found it weirdly silent and still. As he tossed a couple of pills onto the table, he saw his father sitting there quietly, eating, a happy smile plastered across his face as he chewed. If his skin weren't flushed and dripping with sweat, no one would have been able to tell he was groaning in severe pain a couple minutes ago.

"Oh, thanks, son", Barry said through a mouthful of food, his face lighting up with a grin when he noticed Duke. "I'll take 'em in a minute. Looks like the pain passed. And boy, it really worked up my hunger. This ain't bad by the way". He pointed at his plate using his fork.

The old shark had a weird... dark look in his eyes, and Duke thought he saw his father wink at him, but he couldn't make sense of it at all.

"Why don't you go check on Mako?" his father added. "Maybe he found a cock to suck while ya weren't looking".

"Yeah... my pleasure", Duke scoffed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes as he left through the front door. When his father wasn't being an outright jerk, he was fuckin strange. He'd never understand what was going through the old shark's head.

Outside, there was a bit of a breeze to the cool evening air. Duke crossed his arms and wandered around the outside of the house until he found Mako leaning against a wall around the corner from the wind, staring off into the distance. "Hey!" the shark said warmly as he approached his boyfriend.

The orca turned his head and burst into a cute smile as he saw Duke. "Hey you".

"You feelin' okay?" the shark said, opening his arms and taking Mako into a tight hug, smushing his boyfriend's face between his pecs. His kissed the top of the orca's head. It was surprisingly warm despite being outside for so long.

Mako angled his head upwards and smooched Duke on the lips so firmly that the shark grunted with pleasant surprise. He squeezed his boyfriend tightly and smooched him back, while his heart did a little dance. He'd never get tired of Mako's affection. "I'm fine", the orca said with a cheeky smile, after they broke their kiss. Then he nuzzled Duke's neck and added, "Better now that you're here".

"Aw, you sweet thing", Duke grinned. Man, I really am lucky.

"Should we go back inside?"

"Just a minute", Duke replied, breathing deeply, peacefully, as he held his boy in his arms, listening to the wind around them. With Mako's head against his chest, he was sure Mako would be able to feel his heart beating for the orca. Mako sighed happily in his embrace, and everything felt... right.

As they pulled apart, Duke placed his hands on Mako's hips, and looked down into his boyfriend's eyes, the world quiet around them. "I know what you've told me", Duke said. "And I know you're not that kind of guy, but... I just wanna check... We're still good, right? I mean, I know what my dad's like, and, he hasn't, uh... he hasn't done anything to you that you didn't want him to do?"

Mako chuckled lightly. "What do you mean, babe?"

Duke grimaced with a kind of pain. "I mean, he hasn't... fuck... it's stupid, but, he hasn't forced himself on you, has he?"

The orca smiled widely with what looked like amusement on his face. "Your dad hasn't raped me, babe, if that's what you're asking. Don't worry".

Duke cringed with embarrassment. "I... That's... good. Ugh. I'm sorry, I know you'd tell me... It's just, what happened with the other guys I brought home, I..." He sighed heavily and shook his head, moving his hands up to cup Mako's face and press their noses together. "I just don't want to lose you".

Mako gripped his boyfriend's hands with his own, and in a low, serious voice, replied, "I'm yours, Duke. Not that stinking old perv. Yours".

Duke nodded and let out a quiet, relieved laugh. He felt silly for even asking. "Alright".

"I had practice dealing with old pervs every time I was around my uncle as a kid, you know".

The shark chuckled in time with Mako, and when their laughs faded, he kissed his boyfriend once more, and opened his mouth to speak. "You know, I dunno if I say it enough, but..."

* * *

"And then he said, 'I love you so much', and 'I trust you with my heart more than anyone else', as he stroked my cheek", Mako panted.

"Heh, what a fuckin moron. I can't--", Barry groaned, losing his train of thought as Mako returned to sloppily and hungrily making out with the old shark's aching, bulging balls -- his smaller body lying on top of Barry in the sixty-nine position. "Uggghh... oooohhh... fuuuuccckkk. You're so good with that tongue, kid!"

Mako raised his head from Barry's heavy nut suck just long enough to whisper, "Shhh, don't wake him up", before burying his face between the shark's balls again.

Barry chuckled, writhing with pleasure against his sweat-damp bed sheets. "Grrrr. Ya think I give a fuck, kid? If he walked in on us right now I'd just plow your throat right in front of him till ya drowned in my spooge".

"Mmmmnnngghh", came a muffled, lustful moan from down near his ball sack, and the old shark smiled to himself. Mako planted his hands on the shark's thick thighs, arching his back as he lifted himself up high enough to kiss at the shark's drooling foreskin. The orca's fat ass looked fuckin fantastic in this position, and Barry gave it a smack to watch it jiggle as Mako pleasured his cock.

"Fuck, I love your nightly tongue-bath, kid", Barry groaned.

"Mnfgh, me too", the orca whimpered. He started squishing back the thick folds of Barry's foreskin, diligently licking and lapping up the juice that oozed out of it, covering every or the many inches of foreskin flesh with his wet tongue. The thick stench of unwashed, filthy, manly cock hit Barry's nostrils, and filled his bedroom. It would have been even worse, or better, for Mako down there. Either way, the orca only pleasured him harder and faster with every second, so he had to be loving it.

Barry hadn't showered since Duke had delivered Mako to him. With the boy's slutty mouth around, he hadn't needed to. And the orca certainly had no complaints. Every time the big shark unfurled that greasy, oozing foreskin in front of the orca's face, Mako reacted like some useless addict -- mindless, desperate, ravenous. The little slut loved that shit. He lived for Barry's slimy cock like it was his purpose to drink from it.

While Mako worked his way through the foreskin to try to get at the shark's continually oozing cock head, Barry groaned, "I can't believe he still thinks anyone on the fuckin planet would choose to be with him over me".

"He's so stupid", Mako agreed between slurps. "He thinks I, mmm, love him, but... I'd rather snort your fuckin cock snot into my skull than spend time with him".

Barry laughed approvingly. "And no one would blame ya, kid. He's so fuckin impossibly dumb I can't believe he came from my own fuckin balls. Ughhhh, fuck. Someone dropped him on his head as a kid for sure, ungh. Just should've dropped him harder".

"Harder?" Mako said, pausing briefly.

Barry grinned, unsure whether the orca actually didn't understand, or just wanted to hear him say it. "Yeah kid. Much harder. Should've put an end to his miserable fuckin life. I'll always regret not having an unfortunate accident on the farm that rid me of havin' to put up with the dumb cunt all these years".

"Fuckin hell", Mako panted breathily. He didn't give more away by saying anything else, but even in the dim light of the shark's bedroom, Barry could still see the orca's cock throb hungrily at what Barry had said, drooling a thick glob of precum onto the shark's chunky pecs.

Chuckling to himself, Barry decided the little slut deserved a reward for pleasuring his boyfriend's dad while the old perv talked about ending his boyfriend... even if the orca didn't appreciate how serious he was. He leant forward and gripped the Mako's fat ass cheeks in his big hands, spread them wide, and planted his face between them, sliding his slobbery tongue up and down against the orca's hot, tight hole, which tightened and twitched wildly against his tongue.

"Oh f-fuck! Mmmnnngh!" the orca squealed, his body shivering and arms wobbling.

Barry lifted his head to tease, "Shhhhh, don't wake him up", before diving back down into that hot, sweaty, leathery heaven. The orca grinded his hips back forth while the shark ate him out -- pushing back into Barry's tongue, then clenching and thrusting his cock into the crevice between Barry's bulging pecs like he was fucking the shark's chest.

You could almost tell Mako was a virgin just from how tight he was. All Barry could think about as he ate that sweet ass was how nice it would be to break it in -- to feel it tremble and surrender to his colossal cock as he claimed it for himself.

The more the shark licked, the hungrier Mako seemed to be for Barry's cock. It wasn't long before he could feel Mako's tongue probing the inside of his foreskin and licking around his throbbing cock head in circles.

"Ugh... kid..." Barry panted. "I should warn ya. I took a piss before bed, and... let's just say, I didn't spend too long squeezing it all out".

He grinned wickedly as he felt the orca's cock throb, and noticed Mako pressing his face inside the shark's foreskin. Around his fat head, he could feel the most wonderful sensation of being... drained, as Mako sucked the juice from under his foreskin and swallowed mouthfuls of his potent cock fluid straight down his throat.

"Ughhhh... fuckin good slut, aren't ya? You'll take whatever I give ya".


"Fuuuucck", the shark groaned. He relaxed back on his arms as the pleasure took hold and buzzed through his muscular body, just enjoying the feel of Mako's hungry mouth on his cock and the orca's own hard rod grinding and pulsing and leaking against his chest. It was made all the better by the orca's beautifully fat ass wiggling and plump balls bouncing in front of Barry's snout.

But most of all, he was turned on by the knowledge that, just across the hallway, his dumb-ass son was sleeping peacefully, completely oblivious to what his father was doing to his boyfriend, no idea how horny and desperate his boyfriend was for his father's naked body and giant cock. Duke thought he'd finally found an innocent, devoted boyfriend who belonged to him, immune to other temptations... but no, Barry had seen to that in no time at all. He'd barely even needed to try. A couple of flirty jokes and the sight of his impressive cock had turned his son's angel into Barry's filthy cockslut. And now Mako was his cute little whore to use for all his perverted desires and dirty pleasures.

Duke would be so heartbroken if he knew the truth he'd probably want to die, and that made the old shark's rod throb like crazy. Barry imagined the incredible look of shattered devastation across his son's face if Duke found out what his boyfriend was doing, and... fuck... it was so beautiful... so arousing... so... uggggggh.

"Gonna blow a heavy load down your throat, kid!" Barry growled, his dick twitching out of control. "Get ready... for it... fuuuuuck!" He grabbed hold of Mako's fat ass, slick with sweat, and squeezed hard. His coconut-sized balls tightened in his sack, his whole body tensed up until a long low groan suddenly escaped his mouth, and his cock slit exploded with thick musky seed into Mako's waiting mouth. "Uuuuuuugggghhh".

While Mako drank his boyfriend's brothers down, he grinded his sweet hips back and forth, fucking the shark daddy's pecs with desperate lust. Barry could feel the orca's ass muscles clench hard just as warm wetness squirted into the shark's pec crevice, and Mako let out a gurgled moan inside Barry's cum-bloated foreskin as he came hard against Barry's chest, still slurping and sucking like the good little cockslut he was.

"Fuck yeaaahh, kid", Barry groaned as his cock gushed rivers of spooge. "Fuck yeah. That dumb cunt's got no fuckin idea what you're doin. Mmmmm. Probably dreaming about ya right now. His sweet little boy. Uggggghh. He's got no idea you're mine".

The pair grinded and thrust their naked bodies against each other, both moaning and panting. As they came hard, Barry knew they were lost in a pleasure so dirty and intimate and so fucking hot it was unlike anything Duke would ever be able to experience, not even with the boyfriend of his dreams. Barry would make sure of it.

As their orgasms slowed, he made sure Mako knew it, too.

"He can never do that for you", the old shark panted. "Never. He's a fucking wimp".

Mako just nodded as he lay his head down on Barry's thigh, the shark's big dick slapping down on top of his back. He was silent.

He often was, afterwards.

Barry raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the boy. He still had some work to do to break him in, it seemed.

They lay there quietly for a few minutes, panting and filling their lungs with the thick musky air of their cocks and balls and sweat -- the scents of their sex. Then, finally, Mako slipped off the shark's body and sat on the side of the bed, reaching down to grab his underwear off the floor. The second he went to stand up to put them on, Barry slipped an arm around him and pulled him back onto the bed next to him.

"What are y--mnngghff".

Barry shoved their mouths together and forced his tongue between the orca's lips. Before Mako could even consider squirming, the older shark rolled his massive sweaty body on top of the smaller boy while still resting on an elbow so he didn't crush him. Pinning him there underneath his hot skin, he made out with the orca as passionately as only a sexy stud like him could. As their lips smacked together and they breathed the same air, he could taste his own cock.

The orca's body softened in his arms. He melted after only a few seconds. But Barry had still recognised those few seconds for what they were. Tight unyielding lips and a hand against his chest applying pressure.

He drooled down Mako's throat as their slobbery tongues wrestled, and grinded his still oozing cock against the orca's naked body, marking him, reminding him who owned him. Reminding him how Barry was better at everything than his miserable child.

Because the guilty and fearful part of the kid that showed itself in the few silent minutes after their sex still needed reminding.

And that wasn't good enough. Barry wouldn't rest until he owned Mako completely. Until he'd taken everything from Duke.

* * *

There were moments when Mako felt content. Times when he forgot about what he'd done and the guilt he was carrying faded into the background. Like now, while he was watching Furflix with Duke in the living room, wrapped in the shark's arms, resting his head on Duke's chest, one ear listening to the television, the other to the shark's heartbeat. The orange glow of the setting sun was streaming through the borders of the closed curtains, and Duke was gently stroking Mako's back. The orca smiled.

And then he heard a door open and close, and glanced across the room to see Barry come in from where he'd been working outside. It was a hot day, and the big muscle-chunky shark was dripping with sweat. Barry met his eyes and smirked that arrogant, evil, sexy smile of his in Mako's direction as he nodded down the hallway in the direction of the bathroom. Then he walked out of the room and down the hallway without saying a word. He didn't have to.

Mako already had a boner.

In an instant, the moment he'd been sharing with his boyfriend was gone. Whatever Duke was in the middle of saying faded into background noise. Nothing he'd been appreciating a moment ago seemed to matter in comparison to the image of Barry's sweaty, musky, naked body now playing in his mind, and the sweet thoughts about Duke were quickly swatted out of his skull by an image of Barry's mammoth cock. Thinking about the feel and taste and smell of that big manly dick made his heart race, and all he could feel was lust.

Above a rumble of guilt.

"Hey, listen", Duke said, nudging the orca's head upwards with his snout.

"Mm?" the orca said, blinking out of his daze.

"Now that he's not out there... I wanna take you outside and show you something".

"Oh, uh... yeah?"

Ughhh. He wanted to be closer to Barry, not further from him.

"Why don't I meet you out there?" Mako offered. "I just want to use the bathroom first".

Duke smiled and nodded happily. The sweet, stupid idiot.

Mako peeked through the front curtains after his boyfriend left to make sure Duke was walking away from the house. And then when he was in the clear, he turned and sprinted towards the bathroom. After knocking on the door, he heard a, "Yup!"

Grinning, he opened the door and quickly slipped inside.

When he heard the noise of gushing water, his first thought was that Barry must have been running a bath with the tap turned on full. But no. Barry was standing there completely naked, his round ass to Mako, a heavy torrent of piss visible between his legs streaming into the toilet bowl.

Mako's cock throbbed hard and his face flinched with a twinge of embarrassment.

Guhhhh, why is absolutely everything he does so damn hot?

"Come on in, kid", Barry said without even turning around, safely assuming it was the orca.

Mako's feet carried him forward towards the big naked shark without waiting for the signal from his brain. With Barry completely naked and dripping with sweat, the whole bathroom smelt like him... and Mako needed more of it. He stopped behind the mammoth shark while he was still pissing, and his mind was so addled with lust it could barely operate his body. Mako just... fell forward, smushing his face against the curve of Barry's back, feeling the heat and musky moisture against his face, and inhaling deeply, before sighing with contentment. He flopped his tongue out and dragged it up the shark's spine, rolling the salty sweat around his mouth and tasting it, swooning while his cock twitched needily inside his underwear. While Barry chuckled, his piss still in heavy flow, the orca lovingly caressed his ass before reaching around to hold the shark's thick shaft for him, appreciating the gentle rumble of liquid flowing through it between his fingers. He loved anything and everything that came out of that cock.

When the waterfall came to a slow, Barry turned around with a broad grin on his face, looking pleased by Mako's attention. His cock hung heavily in front of him, semi-hard, piss still dribbling through the folds of his foreskin and splashing onto the bathroom floor between their feet. Mako let out a lustful sigh, ogling the big beautiful flesh pole not far from his face. He didn't care that Barry's foreskin was swollen and dripping with piss. God, he was so helplessly turned on by it that it made it even hotter, somehow. That cock was the sexiest thing in the world.

He was so caught up in sexual awe that he mindlessly attempted to flirt by muttering, "If you're about to have a shower... maybe I could joi--".

Barry's cock jiggled in the air tantalisingly as the big shark snorted with laughter. "A shower? Kid... why would I let all this manly sweat go to waste? I don't need a shower when I can just do this". He grabbed a purple towel from the rack nearby.

Mako's mind was so heavy with lust that it was a bit slow, and he interrupted, "Isn't that--"

"Duke's towel?" Barry finished, raising his eyebrows in fake surprise as he grinned a sharp-toothed smile. "Hm. Yeah. I think it is". With a hand gripping each end, he wiped it up his sweat-soaked chest, rubbed it over his head, and then dragged it back and forth behind him to mop up the sweat on his back.

"Oh... fuck..." Mako whimpered.

"Heh, ya like that, kid?" Barry teased, while wiping Duke's towel underneath his hot musky armpits too. As soon as he lifted his arms, the smell smacked Mako in the face, and the orca groaned.

"How often do you do that to his towel?" he asked, his voice slow, feeling dizzy.

Barry shrugged casually. "Oh, I make sure I add to it every day... one way or another". He dropped the towel to the ground, and used a foot to wipe up his drops of piss with it. "Been doin it since he was a kid. Started out slow so he wouldn't realise. Now he's been living in it so long I don't think he notices the smell at all. But I still get a kick out of knowing every time he gets clean, he smears my sweat and piss and cock juice all over his dumb wimpy body".

"Guhhhhhh". It was too much. Mako dropped to his knees and looked up weakly at the muscular god of a shark above him, tongue hanging out of his mouth, the head of Barry's cock a mere inch from his face. "You didn't use it on this yet", he panted, staring at the dripping schlong.

The shark grinned down at him. "That's what I've got you for". Then he planted a big hand on the back of Mako's head and pulled him forwards, cramming the little orca's face against his crotch and grinding it against his piss-wet cock and sweaty balls.

Feeling utterly owned, Mako could have fainted with pleasure as his senses were overwhelmed. His nostrils and lungs filled with musk and sweat and piss and precum and whatever else as all of it was wiped over his face. As Barry gently held his head in place and thrust against it, the orca's tongue glided against burning hot ball flesh and veiny cock meat, savouring the taste. There was a slight coolness from the air against his skin where the big shark's juices had been smeared, but there was an overpowering warmth radiating from Barry's crotch.

He soon felt the monstrous cock growing to full hardness against his face, and when Barry pushed him away for a second, the orca opened his mouth in perfect sync so it could be crammed full of throbbing cock and squelchy wet foreskin.

"Mmngh, fuck. How's the taste, kid?" Barry grunted.

Mako just moaned wordlessly, slurping the piss out of the fleshy folds in his mouth and licking at the hot smooth head inside, his tongue sending little shivers through Barry's godly body. The orca's own cock ached for attention, but Mako's hands had sunk into the shark's ball sack to knead and massage his swollen orbs instead. Barry's pleasure mattered more to him than his own.

"Guhhhhh. I don't think I'm gonna take long this time, kid. You're fuckin good with that mouth... fuck!"

After pleasuring that cock in so many places for so many hours over so many days and in so many different ways now, it wasn't surprising Mako had learnt a thing or two about making it feel good.

When Duke was in the shower this morning, Mako had his face buried in Barry's nuts with his hands wrapped around the shark's giant shaft.

While Duke was cooking them breakfast in the kitchen, Barry was on the other side of the counter, watching and talking to his son, and barely hiding the fact that Mako was on his knees sucking the cock snot from his pole the whole time.

As Duke was struggling to repair a piece of farm equipment outside that was unfixable in the first place, his father was watching him through the window and plowing Mako's throat.

And Mako would be in Barry's bed tonight, again, like every other night, grinding their naked bodies together in hot sweaty passionate lust before creeping across the hall to crawl back into Duke's arms.

He knew he was out of control. He couldn't stop. He didn't want to. He was a dirty whore made for pleasuring this magnificent penis and when he had it in his hands and mouth he was happier than he'd ever been in his entire life. This was happiness.

He raised his head and groaned, "That baby dick's waiting for me outside right now. I said I'd be out soon, and told him to go wait for me".

Barry's cock throbbed so hard it whacked Mako in the face. "Heheh. The dumb bitch can, nngh, wait all day. My cock comes first".

"Mmmm. This is so much more important".

Barry grunted in agreement as Mako returned to sucking his cock, feeling it throb harder and faster with every second.

He reached a hand down to grip his own aching erection through his pants and tug at it desperately as much as the material would give. It was all he needed. He thought about how his boyfriend was waiting outside patiently for him right now like a idiot, while Mako was kneeling on Duke's towel that was soaking up the piss drops of his father, hungrily sucking his incredible cock and talking shit about him, and it was so naughty and perfectly messed up that...

"Mnnnnnnnngh!" Mako whimpered, his whole body shuddering, caught off guard by just how much his body was turned on.

At the same time, Barry groaned, "Guhhhhhh! Fuck!" and he shot off his own load as the sensed the little slut's orgasm. As Mako's cock spurted wildly, filling his underwear with cum, Barry's hot thick semen flooded his mouth and gushed down his throat. As Mako gulped it down, struggling to keep up with the heavy flow, Barry growled with furious lust, "Fuckin dumb prick! Your precious boy's my little fucktoy! And that's what you fuckin deserve!"

The shark's huge muscular body trembled as he spurted wave after wave of musky seed into Mako's mouth, and though there was a lot, the well-practiced orca swallowed it all down. Like the good little slut he was, he licked hungrily at the shark's cum-streaming cock slit, feeling the thick liquid coating his insides and filling his stomach with a warm sense of bliss. All the while, the orca emptied his balls into his underwear, pleasant tingles rippling through his smaller body, and soaking in the naughty sinful pleasure. Finally, Barry let out a heavy sigh and his whole body relaxed. He took a weak step backwards, stumbling slightly from weak legs, and laughed darkly. "Did ya like that, kid?"

Mako pulled himself up from the floor by the towel rack, panting with hot cheeks, "I came in my underwear".

"Heh. Good boy". Barry picked Duke's towel up by hooking and lifting it with a foot, and he added Mako's saliva to the mix by wiping his cock head with it. Then he placed it back neatly on the rack before turning his dark eyes back to the orca. "How 'bout ya wear that for the rest of the night to remember what a real stud can do to ya?"

"Mmmngh", Mako offered as an affirmatory whimper.

Barry grinned widely and gave him a smooch on the lips before sauntering out the bathroom and into his bedroom... still naked. The orca's heart lurched a little in panic as stared down the hallway through the open door, hoping Duke hadn't just wandered back inside to find him, only to stumble across his father leaving the bathroom like that.

But, Duke wasn't there.

He was still outside.



Mako felt a tight twist in his gut and he clutched his stomach with a wobbly hand. The guilt returned like a hammer, bearing down on him stronger than ever. The orca closed his eyes and quietly sighed. "Fucking hell".

He should go find the poor dumb sweet bastard.

He passed by the kitchen on his way outside, and a nervous thought gave him pause. He nibbled his lip until he gave himself a small nod and stepped through the doorway. At the sink, he cupped his hands under running water to splash his face a couple of times, washing away some of the stench of Barry's penis, before drying it on some paper towel.

He found Duke sitting by the lake around the side of the house, his back leaning against a tree. As Mako wandered towards him, the sunset was reflecting beautifully off the water, and there was a faint chorus of insects and animals calling to each other in the reeds around the lake.

The beauty and calm did nothing to help Mako's racing heart, nor the sick feeling deep in his stomach... gurgling underneath all the cum.

Duke burst into a stupidly happy smile when he saw his boyfriend, and he patted a spot on the grass next to where he was sitting. Mako forced a smile in return, and knelt on the ground beside him, but the shark instantly wrapped and arm around him and pulled him in close for a loving side-hug.

Mako couldn't shake the feeling. Something inside of him was wrong.

"Pretty, huh?" Duke said, looking out across the lake and sighing peacefully. "This is my favourite place on the farm. Whenever Dad would get angry at me as a kid, I'd run and hide out here, and he'd never find me".

"It's really nice... babe", Mako said, his mouth surprisingly dry despite all the cum and piss he'd gulped down minutes prior.

Duke rested his head against his boyfriend's and squeezed him tighter. "When I was a teen, I used to dream about bringing my lover here one day, and sharing this with him, because it's special to me, and I..."

The shark's voice cut out, and he swallowed. A cool breeze moved through the trees and reeds around them.

"I shared it with one guy", Duke continued. "Years ago. I brought him here on our first night... because I thought we were... Well. Whatever. The next day I found him sucking my dad off in a barn. So, I was wrong". He shrugged like he didn't care, but there was a heaviness to his shoulders, and Duke looked away.

As Mako reached for his vulnerable boyfriend's hand and stroked it to comfort him, he wondered if he might be about to throw up.

The shark turned back to him with a silent smile and, after a moment, continued. "I thought I'd never feel comfortable sharing this place with anyone ever again. Because every other boy I opened myself up to broke my heart. But then I found you, and... well, now I'm sharing it again. With you". He squeezed the orca's hand.

Mako's skin felt cold as he smiled back. It felt like one half of his body was fighting with the other half, and, fuck... it felt like it was killing him.

"It's not easy for me to trust someone again after what I've been through", Duke said quietly. "But I trust you. And I love you".

"Oh, my sweet guy", Mako replied, reaching up to stroke his boyfriend's face. "I love you too". The sight of his own hand reminded him that ten minutes ago his hands were buried in Duke's father's ball sack while he sucked down Barry's piss... and his cock throbbed inside his cum-sticky underwear at the memory, to his own disgust.

What had Barry done to him? He didn't want to hurt this sweet shark who trusted him with his wounded heart. He didn't used to be like this. He didn't want to be like this... at least, he didn't think he did. Things just... didn't make sense anymore. When he was around the older shark and that massive cock, some dark part of him just took control and everything else... all of this that he had with Duke... fell away into an empty void.

I'm a horrible fucking person, he thought. What the fuck is wrong with me?

It got worse as Duke went on about how special and caring and amazing the orca was. Listing all the special things Duke loved about him. Why he wanted to be with him forever. How the orca was so different to his previous boyfriends. Throughout it all, Mako's mind screamed the opposite at him -- he was a filthy cock slut, he was betraying his boyfriend, and Duke was wrong about him.

The shark had intended this to be a special moment, and as he professed his love for Mako, he pulled his boyfriend closer and gave him sweet kisses. But then, unexpectedly, as their eyes were locked and their lips were touching, he made a move, and he slipped his fingers inside Mako's pants.

The orca instantly squealed and recoiled in fear, scrambling to wrench his entire body away and escape Duke's grasp.

The shark sat there looking stunned, understandably confused as to why his boyfriend had reacted with such horror to his touch. But maybe an inch further and his fingers would have found Mako's cum-covered hard-on. The orca's dark secret would have been revealed, and it would have broken Duke's heart to pieces.

"S-sorry, babe", Mako panted, awkwardly standing up and brushing the grass from his clothes, his skin prickling with sweat from the close call, his heart thumping out of his chest. "I'm... You just startled me, that's all. I wasn't expecting it. I'm sorry. I'm..."

He looked down at his trembling hands and felt like he was going to collapse. He needed to get out of here. Right now.

"Listen", he continued, feeling out of breath, "I'm not feeling well. I think I'm gonna go have a shower. And then we'll chat after, yeah?" He was speaking too quickly. His voice was unsteady. And he was sure he sounded nervous. But it was the best he could fucking do right now.

"Uh, alright... sure", Duke said, standing up as well, with a frown on his sweet stupid face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Promise", Mako said, giving the least convincing smile of his life. "Let's go inside, yeah?"

Mako cried in the shower. That's when he knew the guilt was eating up his soul. He couldn't keep doing this. He had to choose. He could break it off with the old shark, and forget this had ever happened, and commit to a sweet and loving partner. Or he could surrender completely to sex and pleasure like he'd never known before.

Duke's heart.

Or Barry's cock.