
Story by Tiaris on SoFurry

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#27 of Dragon Hunter Saga

Alberich and I arrive at the back door to the council chamber, just before midday; he nudges me from behind. "I have asked Cheshire to arrange for someone to bring us a meal, he amusingly said he'll have Father Peter do it seeing as how you wished to speak to him." I nod my head opening the door and stepping inside holding it for Alberich when Starburst opened the second door saying, "go on. I'll close it after I get inside." The dwarves had planned on the dragons being able to be in the council chambers as well, by making it so there was a standard sized door for humanoids to walk in and most of the four leggeds as well. To accommodate the Dragons they had added a larger set of double doors around the single door. It was even designed with them in mind for opening and shutting the doors as well. The handles on it were made to let them hook a single claw around and tug on it to open.

We enter the chambers me finding my seat which was situated on the nonhuman side of the council seats, Alberich stood next to me with Starburst settling himself behind me. He looks out of the window and rumbles out a chuckle, "I don't know what you told him Gwen; but that priest is moving quickly." I chuckle as well, "I just reminded him of his duty on the council; and informing him I wished to speak to him."

Father Peter rushes in then pauses when he sees Starburst here as well and stills completely. I shake my head, "after more than a year he still scares you?" Father Peter gulps some air, "er; um yes." He drops his head ashamed, "sorry Hunter." I wave to his chair and he hands me a wrapped package and unwraps a second and sets it on the table in front of Alberich. I unwrap what smells like a hamburger as Father Peter sits down.

I take a bite and after chewing it say, "so I have found out that you are teaching that same gender pairings are unnatural?" Father Peter winces at my tone of voice, "yes as they don't produce offspring they are unnatural." I sigh and respond, "have you seen the swans at Bakhous' farm?" Father Peter nods his head, "yes a very beautiful example of God's beauty on Earth." I chuckle, "well Father that mated pair is male; both of them." He blinks, "what?" Alberich pauses in his eating, "the mated swans are a pair of males priest; can't you hear?" Father Peter blinks again, "but how can that be?"

I sigh and respond, "because it happens in nature Father. Therefore it is impossible for it to be unnatural." The priest blinks again, "but; but Samantha said." I cut him off, "Samantha as in the mother of the boy Jason?" He nods his head and I continue, "let me guess she didn't want the one boy in our city who likes other boys to not be near her 'perfect' child." Father Peter blinks again, "there is a child who is that way? In the city?"

Starburst looks him in the eye and says, "yes -priest-; this is why you need to participate in council dealings more. Why do you think court was postponed today?" Father Peter shrugs, "I thought because there wasn't many cases today." I shake my head, "no because I took the children out to show them the swans. As they have been picking on Timothy for who he is." Father Peter pales, "the boy who was hurt by the slaver?" I nod my head and he pales more, "I will rectify this Hunter Gwen; I promise."

I nod my head, "good. As to how perfect Jason is, you will find that out once court starts." The rest of the council starts filling in, In addition to the merpeople we also had a pair of Selkies on the council as well.

When Atsuko sits down she notices Gilorndir wasn't in his spot, and I explain. "He will be absent till after what I believe will be the first case, as it affects him; he cannot rule on it." She nods her head then, a curious look appearing on her face. Jake walks into the chamber and bows to me asking, "are we ready to let the audience in and start proceedings?" I nod my head and he opens the door to allow those who wished to watch the court proceedings can file in and get settled before the first case is brought to us.

I could hear some arguing as the people filed inside and after everyone settles in place Jake comes back inside with Samantha and Jason behind him. "First case, Jason; Samantha's son. Against Gilorndir the Healer," Gilorndir walks inside Ecthelon comes in behind him looking embarrassed and settles into a seat in the back.

Samantha looks very angry and starts berating the council, "my -perfect- boy shouldn't even be here. He hasn't done anything wrong," I hold my hand up and she goes to say something more when Starburst speaks. "Hush woman until you are addressed or we will have the guard gag you." The woman stops and looks at me with disdain, I look her in the eyes. "Do you wish a truth teller be present to confirm?" She shakes her head and I turn to Gilorndir, "do you wish a truth teller present Healer?" He nods his head and the woman gets loud again, "how dare you; that stupid horse doesn't like my boy."

Alberich stamps a hoof, "girl; we are not horses. I suggest you learn some respect, woman." One of the merfolk speaks up, "well since you have an issue with our harmless truth teller -human-. We have another, and a warning goes with it. If you lie it will suffocate you," the merperson waves a hand over the water in the pool and a piece of the water separates from the rest. It divides into three pieces and covers the three people from head to toe standing in front of us.

The merperson then addresses the court, "be aware that due to this woman's objection we are using a third party truth teller. These water spirits are not on anyone's 'side', as long as you tell the truth you will be able to breathe and remain dry. If you lie it with suffocate you, I will be able to remove it before it kills you however."

Samantha freezes and the merperson continues, "oh and it will not let you move from that spot till it is removed." Samantha looks even more pissed off upon finding out she could be suffocated for lieing. I notice Ecthelon looking surprised at the methods, and I speak to the crowd. "This is a method I was reserving for more egregious crimes than this one, however due to Samantha's issues with using Cassie to detect lies we will use this now."

I indicate to Jake, "please read the charges against Jason please." Jake bows his head briefly and pulls out a piece of paper. "Jason Samantha's son is charged with propriety damage and theft. Specifically the breaking of one of the windows to Gilorndir's workshop and stealing some of the sedatives he had stored in a locked medicine trunk. When Jason was apprehended it was discovered he had, er used up all of the sedatives himself."

Samantha starts talking animatedly, "this is a farce my son would never-," she stops as the water covering her starts suffocating her. The merperson waves a hand and the water retreats from her head briefly and then reforms. "Lie number one -woman-, I have reset it. I suggest you refrain from lieing again." I glance at Father Peter and he looks pole axed and I wave at him, "something you wish to say Father Peter?" The druid next to him chuckles as Father Peter pales, "is this true Jason?" The priest stands up his hands on the table in front of him, "did you do this?"

The boy laughs, "of course I did -Father- Peter. My mom says I can do what ever I want because I am special." I roll my eyes, {ye Gods another 'special' person}. The boy sees me roll my eyes and points a finger at me, "we know your secret Hunter. We know humans can't be hurt by you, we will stop your tyranny;" he looks to his mother. "Isn't that what you said mother? We will stop her from making us follow her stupid rules and we can live how ever we want to?"

The council gasped at the boy's statements and thankfully the mother had the sense to look embarrassed. I grin wickedly, "if the rest of the council will pardon my forthrightness. Samantha, did you tell your son these things? Be aware, we will not remove the water spirit from you till you answer." The woman swallows looking scared, she then stands tall. "Of course I did, we were important people before the Dragons appeared and so we're better than you."

Father Peter sits back into his seat slowly, "you really think that." Father Peter becomes silent as he thinks, the druid next to him speaks up. "By the first oak, woman; be ye daft? If it weren't for the Hunter you'd be in the belly of some creature or sold as someone's pet. I've seen some of the shanty towns out there, and you're in haven here." He shakes his head in utter disbelief, Jake clears his throat; and I nod saying. "Gilorndir, is there anything you'd like to add?" The healer thinks a moment and then speaks, "yes. I have no desire to take anything from these two. I would recommend a shift in the guard for the boy, and for the woman to pay a fine for her own behavior." Samantha starts shaking with anger, and forgets she still had the water spirit on her. "How dare you, I haven't done anything wrong-." She starts suffocating again, the merperson waits till the woman passes out and then removes the water spirit. Strongheart turns to Tammy who was currently serving on the council, "do you have a place to keep her locked up till she wakes up?"

Tammy nods her head and waves at a couple of the guard who happily haul the woman away, then we as a group confer across a group mind channel about the boy. After we come to a decision I speak, "so Jason Samantha's son. This is your sentence, first you will serve a two year sentence in the guard. It is two years as you are still required to attend regular schooling, but you shall have no free time. If you are not in the literal class room you will be in the guard quarters, you will be escorted to and from the classroom. After your sentence is served you will then be sent to the orphan house as we have decided to strip your mother of her right to be your parent. We hope this will make you into a better person."

The merperson then removes the remaining two water spirits and an adult guardsman comes to escort the boy to the guard house. The boy looks deflated when he hears he won't live with his mother anymore.

Gilorndir steps up to his regular seat then as I slowly place my head on the table and sigh, {she's going to keep being a problem}. I wave my hand at Jake as I slowly pick my head back up. He walks out of the room and re-enters with a man behind him, "Fredrick owner of the three leaves inn outside the city gates to sue the city for property damage."

I mentally shake my head over this one, Hekkogar Strongbelly speaks. "Fredrick huh? What is this property damage you are seeking payment for?" The small-ish man stands tall, "the damages I seek have to do with the fact that when those manticores attacked last week the guards did not stop them from damaging my inn."

Hekkogar nods her head and Tammy speaks up, "but did the manticores harm you or your workers?" The man shakes his head, "no; but it is a guards job to protect anything that is a part of this city." Hekkogar raises an eyebrow at that comment, then looks to the general store keeper a middle aged woman named Nicola. "Your thoughts Nicola?" The shop keeper smiles very unamusedly, "so now you are claiming to be a part of this city Fredrick? When did you last pay taxes on your income?"

The man grabs the bottom of his shirt, "my inn is outside the city so it is not subject to city taxes; because it is separate from it." Nicola nods her head, "yes. Separate, as in not a member of this city. Even worse you grab every trader from out of the city as they pass you by to acquire the best goods for yourself before they reach the city itself."

Tammy speaks up again, "and for a non resident of the city the only 'right' you have is the right to not be killed by the hordes attacking this city. If you wish more protection join the city, we have I believe two more empty inns inside the city itself. I am sure Hekkogar would love the competition."

The man looks uncomfortable, and the rest of the council looks at me. I sigh and look down at the man, "Fredrick for wasting our time. I will be imposing a tax on any member of this city who uses your inn for any services you provide within it. Seeing as how I doubt anyone will be truthful as to what they did inside your inn it will be a blanket single gold coin per visit per person. Good luck getting customers now, this will remain in place for the remainder of the year. Also any trader selling to you before entering the city will be given a tariff upon entering the city. Of five gold coins per sale. Enjoy your day Sir." I shake my head as the man is escorted out of the court room.

The remainder of the cases were very benign in comparison to the first two, by the end Samantha had woken up from passing out and the guards dragged her back inside. Leaving her standing in front of the council with guards at any exit we look at her thinking.

Sir iron makes a suggestion, {seeing as we do not wish her near the child. Maybe we can put her in chains and have her working the fields for two seasons as her punishment. Also put her on an all vegan diet}, he tilts his head looking at her; {she looks like she could lose some weight.} The rest of the council agree with the idea, and I look at the woman in the eye.

"Samantha, current employment unknown." Father Peter interrupts, "she's been working at the church." I shake my head, "alright. Samantha church aid I sentence you to, two seasons in chains working the fields and kept on a vegan diet only. Sir Iron will be supervising you the whole time, Tammy will assign a guard rotation to you of only adults. Make those female guards Tammy please." My guard captain nods her head writing down some information.

I look at Samantha again, "let us hope this is a good lesson for you. Be it known to you that the council has elected to remove your son from your custody due to your poor choices." The woman looks furious and just before she starts yelling Shadow comes up and gags her then places the manacles on her wrists behind her back.

Father Peter speaks, "after seeing your behavior Ma'am. I believe I have to change some church policies that you had suggested to me. I now see they were not made in good faith. You shall have to find different work when you are finished with your sentence, I cannot have someone who hates what this city stands for working at the church." The Druid claps the priest on the back, "there's hope for you yet laddie."

Jake turns to the audience, "alright this concludes court for this week; as per usual sentences will be posted in the morning for all to see." I was looking forward to seeing the people's reaction to the new tax and tariff imposed due to a greedy inn keeper. The audience files out Ecthelon waiting for Gilorndir who hurries the older elf out of the building before he could do something stupid.

One of our regular traders who was leaning against the back walls waves at me and I hold up a finger; the man nods and steps outside. Father Peter grabs my hands, "please forgive my short shortsightedness Hunter. I did not know that woman," the druid starts dragging the priest away. "Have some dignity man, it's over; learn from the experience and don't let it happen again. Especially concerning the boy Timothy, you had better rectify that situation or a stern talking to will be the least of your worries."

Father Peter nods his head bowing and runs out of the council chambers.

The druid watches the man a moment, "I think this mess helped one person at least Hunter. I think the 'Father' has learned that taking advise from earthbound beings isn't as wise as that of his deity." I nod my head and a twinkle appears in his eye, "I saw the trader wanting your attention hunter. Go on I am sure your guardians have better things to do than chaperone you."

Starburst gets ready to speak and the druid give him a look and it stops Starburst, I give the druid a look. He grins at me, "don't worry about it Hunter. Go have some fun this evening, you've had a long day I have heard." I nod my head and head out to meet with the trader, who was incidentally a centaur who keeps prodding the idea of bringing his clan into the city. It would be a nice fit I thought as I headed out the door.

*After the hunter leaves a conversation happens between Alberich, Starburst and the Druid from the council. From Starburst's perspective*:

I was beside myself at what the druid suggested to Gwen. The druid knew the Arms Master was suppose to be her life partner. When the druid was sure the Hunter couldn't hear he spoke, "now listen old one. I know what is going on, if the Hunter is meant to be with that silly elf her spending time with her centaur friend isn't going to change a danged thing. Today she needs some happy time, maybe you should make sure that fool elf doesn't interrupt her tonight." The druid crosses his arms looking up at me when Alberich speaks looking first at the druid then me. "Did I miss something?" The druid laughs so hard he can't talk so I explain it to the unicorn. "You know how the elves find life partners?" Alberich nods his head and I continue, "well Gwen is Ecthelon's life partner."

Alberich looks pole axed, "ye Gods he screwed up this morning then." I nod my head and rub the bridge of my nose, "you have no idea. Did you miss it when Gwen mentally said to herself she figured she'd always be alone except for us?" Alberich pales, "she did?" I nod, "she was thinking it when she went to go look for you. You were most likely too intent on the filly to hear it."

The druid nods his head, "which is why the Hunter needs to have a relaxing night. I believe Gilorndir plans on arranging for them to converse some time tomorrow. So I suggest you keep that foolish elf away from her tonight so she can relax. It isn't like she's even compatible with a centaur anyway, you'd have to ask a God to alter her. Then she'd not be a Hunter any more, you see; there is no way for her and the trader to be more than close friends." I nod my head seeing the logic in his statements, "you have a point. Thank you Druid," he grins; "don't thank me yet. In a month once I have checked my sources I have someone you'd all like to meet, or kill; I don't know which. The head of the order is supposedly on the island, I need to find out if it is true before you go hunting him." The druid turns to Alberich, "I know you have a beef with him unicorn. Let me find out first, then you can go kill Merlin."