The 6 season war (Media views)

Story by Simon Tracer on SoFurry

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From what we have heard from local and federal governments we can only say "No comment" But after a great deal of digging, this is the truth. Now the government won't tell you this, but even in the 1980's special labs funded by the government have worked on nanites. Without the proper security needed as can be expected, one group of nanites known now as the BA escaped and hid for decades. After the Blink of 2041, they still didn't show up and some blamed that event on the BA. It wasn't till 2050 when one Martin Andrew Tones reported stolen technology that the BA started causing havoc all over the world. RAM aside of the matter saying "It was Marten's lab security, or lack of it that made this possible. I will not clean up his mess for him when he is the best for the job." The weight of the new world now on Martin's shoulders forces him to use his technology to change into robot himself and go after the BA. Fighting them seemed easy until they all just left. Martin made this statement "I know that this sounds nuts, but they are not gone fully and they will be back. I have to go after them. One of my new comrades has their first locations in his memory. I will not let you down." And then Martin left. 6 seasons of absolute nothing later the BA came back just like he said they would, but he wasn't here until 4 days later. RAM was taking it to em, but nothing seemed to cut the BA down to size. On July 9th 2051, Martin joined with RAM in force and in resources. 2 days later the war was over and Ram rebuilt the cities. It all just seems like a bad dream now and it hasn't quite been as good as it was just after the Blink.