The blink (Government views)

Story by Simon Tracer on SoFurry

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First of all and for the last time, the governments of Earth had nothing to do with this Blink event. We have been just as much in the dark as you are. To be sure, Martin and RAM are behind it and we are actually telling the truth about all this because we want the world to know for certain that we had no part in that event. We will, however, say this. The technology used in the event was not even from Earth. Nothing that powerful could have come from our Earth and time. That is all.

On the occurrence itself we have this to say. At precisely 2041, August 3rd, 1455 hours Eastern Standard Time, the people of the world, space stations or shuttles, all froze in place as each and every one of us were connected, loaded, and positioned in what would seem to be a perfect virtual copy of our solar system, on the very spot we stopped at in the real world. Everyone, including the government' organizations and even the secret ones, did not, I repeat, not notice that the transition even took place. The first of us to notice and report the fact only did so after RAM made his announcement.

"People of Earth's 21st century, you are about to hear a very troubling fact from what was your government stating that the world you are occupying is false and that everything you see is in a computer somewhere. This is not far from the truth. You might have felt it from the start of your life here, that something was right, that you're dreaming or maybe that this place is a delusion. Another fact you might have been aware of is that the world as a whole was dying, pollution was far too high, and that nothing could stop the world from using toxic forms of fuel for every working thing. After much deliberation I have come to the answer of how to fix the Earth's problems. I took humans out of the equation. Rest assured that you will be able to once again live in the real world, but only if you're willing to never again explore the foolish ways of Oil, nuclear, and coal power sources. Thanks to my staff and me you'll never have to think about the old energy forms again. The world you know and love is better than you remember. The Earth has been formatted to blend nature with the best technology money can't buy. You should be thankful, I know the Earth is. Everything runs on nature and nature is replenished by every piece of technology. Instead of cars that run on oils there are cars that run on FOFT energy packs. FOFT, Fuel of Future Times, is an amazing mix of plant, heat, pressure, and cold energy. The plant aspect is a fast growing and fast de-molecularizing mini-pack. It holds and reformats the rapidly growing plant matter into energy. The de-molecularizing feature is one of my finest tools. The heat part is simple, if the pack is in a warm, 16 degrees and up, chemicals react and produce energy. The pressure aspect is also simple. In any given pressure situation the pack's heat component works off of the force provided. More pressure means more energy. The cold energy is one of my best discoveries. At minus 1 to minus 1000 degrees Celsius a compound called "Hexofid" begins to shutter. The movement from the Hexofid is then harnessed as kinetic energy. Temperatures below 1000 degrees make Hexofid force itself to become solid and still shake. The solid Hexofid breaks up into powder and starts producing heat. The colder the environment is the safer it is. So I know that all of this isn't making you feel too much better, unless you understand it all and agree. I will let you think and talk it over now as the rest of the world is being reformatted."

As you all know RAM is long winded. After less than a week at August 8th, 0100 hours some of the first people were freed to see all of those things. The world was mostly repopulated by the end of August of 2041. And as each government was disbanded by RAM, the world over lived in luxury and (I hate myself) crime of all kinds had ceased. The world never looked better.