Out Of Time - Book 5: Times Up - Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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#1 of Out Of Time

(Don't be confused, this is the story's beginning, so please enjoy.)

It was the middle of the day, or so one could assume by the way the shadows lead across the hall. The hall, itself, was dimly lit other then what little sunlight filled the area. The hall was barely decorated, only a few military symbols hung on the walls at every ten feet. The peaceful nature orb the hall turned darker as a group of seven soldiers escorted a feline with a cybernetic left arm through a door and down that hall.

The feline was bound in cuff that locked both his arms behind his back. His steps where slow, his legs shackled so that his steps couldn't move very far from one another. His maw bound in a muzzle, keeping him from being able to speak. Each guard had a gun targeted and locked on the feline, forcing him to walk the long hall.

"Keep moving scum." One of the guards growled out.

"I can't wait till you fry." Another spoke up, which prompted equal grunts and cackles from the other guards.

The feline didn't even seem bothered by this. His cheeks stained from tears long dried over. He continued the slow long walk. His ears raised as he listened for other things. His brother should be coming for him soon. It wouldn't take SoL too much longer. His view of the timeline seeming to end not too long after he was to walk through the door at the other end of the hall.

The walk was only made shorter as half way down the hall, the guards began to push and shove the feline, hurrying him down the hall. This act made the feline grunt and trip. The guards laughed and kicked at the feline, yelling at him to get up and keep moving. Without the use of his arms, he struggled at getting up, yet managed it. He had to get onto his knees before using his legs to stand him up. As a reward for getting back on his feet, a guard kicked at his backside to get him walking again.

It wasn't till he was through the doors did the guards lay off on him. But, thankfully, the guards stopped outside in the hall. They didn't need to watch him for he stood in-front of a peer of twelve judges and the human president, the last of the remaining human kind. The feline gulped but relaxed as the sounds of a beep removed the muzzle on his maw, and released the feline from his other bindings.

"Fugitive Damian Gray. You stand before the world court accused of the mass genocide of the human race. How do you plead?" The human president spoke.

Damian took a small, uninterrupted, moment to stretch out his arms and maw before finally answering. "Not guilty."

The court all took a moment to talk to one another before an elderly wolf spoke up. "Then, in your words, what happened on September 1st Of 4569?"

Damian takes in a slow deep breath before speaking up. "Well. Your Honors and Mr. President. To be honest. To answer that question, I would have to start at the beginning." He cleared his throat and motioned for a glass of water. The judges all agree and a guard brings him a glass that was half full. 'How poetic' He thought before taking a small drink and setting the glass on the floor to his side. "This all started on the morning of October 37th in a year that has not yet come, 9723. I am one of two remaining members of a Timespace Protection Agency. A group of five scientific creations designed to monitor and police the timeline."

"Each of the five of us where created by the five devisions of science in my time." Damian paused a moment to lean down and take a drink from his water before speaking again, grateful to not be interrupted, or so he thought.

"You expect us to believe you are some kind of Time Cop?" The human spoke up.

"No. But I do expect you to shut your mouth so that I may tell the story. And hopefully I can finish it before my brother shows up and ends the timeline, seeing as you have disabled the tech in my arm, and successfully stopped me from doing my job." Damian replied, giving the human a stern glade, which served its purpose. He sighed softly then continued his story. "Now. The devision in charge of my creation was Genetics and Medical science department. I am a project, code named 'Guardian', which I believe started two days ago, your time." He took a pause here to look over at the court, who began talking to eachother I believe hushed whispers.

"So you know about Project Guardian." The human states. "This news was made public yesterday."

"True, but, what wasn't made public was the name of the doctor in charge, a Dr. Graegory Kilofnick." Damian countered, which shut the human up once more. "Until you tampered with my left arms functionality, I was equipped with Tesla cannon technology to use as a defensive measure. Now, my scans say I can barely tase someone, at least till I find a way to fix that, that is." He paused to shrug. "I'm getting off topic."

"Please, continue, but please, get to the story." An elderly female bird spoke up.

Damian bowed politely and cleared his throat. "Now. Where was I... Ah.. Yes. My arm was also equip with a touchscreen panel." He raised his left arm and pressed his thumb pad against a scanner on his inner wrist. A panel opens up and the screen illuminates.

The judges and the human begin whispering back and forth before the human nods and spoke up. "We have similar technologies like that today. This is no proof that your some future..."

The human was cut short as Damian pressed a couple commands on the screen and it projected holographic images of a few of the court at younger ages. The court begins to confer in slightly hushed whispers before nodding for Damian to continue. The feline nods and switches the image to one of a young looking female anthropomorphic hawk. "This is the eldest of the five of us. Her code name was Kaodina. She was created by the Space science division. This devision used all of its Alien resources to create her. Unlike me, she was gifted with alien DNA, which gave her 'magic' powers. We code name but her 'Witch'.