Guardians: Chapter Four

Story by Alyx Z Ranas on SoFurry

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#5 of Guardians: The First Cycle


Chapter Four: The Heart of a Monster

Sain and Alyx stood on the roof of the apartment building Sain lived in, both watching the moon rise through the night sky. Sain sat on the railing and looked down the tall building.

"So..." She looked up at Alyx, "Now that we know what the Adamos is and what it does, what do you plan to do?"

Alyx looked up at all the stars in the sky and sighed deeply,

"Well, since Zighz is the only one who actually knows how to build it and the Arcadians never got her for long enough or any blue-prints, we have several options. We could keep an eye on her and make sure no one approaches her." He studied the stars he could see, "Another option would be to kill her." Sain opened her mouth to say something before Alyx interrupted her and continued, "We won't though, the whole situation is corrupt enough. Option three would be to get her to build the thing for us."

Sain narrowed her eyes,

"What would that accomplish?"

Alyx shrugged,

"If we had one we could..." He stopped, "Nevermind, I forgot it's a literal doomsday device. We could use it as a threat, but it'd be a very empty one."

Sain nodded,

"Yeah that wouldn't work well." She looked out off in the distance, "Anyway, That was a week ago, we have a break tomorrow and as far as I'm concerned it's already started." She grinned, "I'm surprised you have so much personality behind that iron wall of discipline and leadership." She giggled a little at Alyx's expression, "You're a nice guy. A lot better than the robot I thought you were anyway."

Alyx shook his head and didn't say anything for a few seconds,

"I'll take that as a compliment I guess."

"It wasn't" Sain smiled brightly, "It was a total insult."

Alyx looked at her a little confusedly before shaking his head and walking over to the railing she was on and looking down.

"It's really stupid I know since I'm a dragon and all, but I really don't like heights."

Sain was balanced with her clawed toes holding on to the railing,

"Same here, unless I'm flying. It is weird I know." She paused and then leaned on him a little, "I wonder if all dragons feel like that."

Alyx shrugged and wrapped a single arm around her,

"I wouldn't know Sain."

Sain nodded and closed her eyes purring softly. Alyx put his head on top of hers and watched the moon climb higher. After a second Sain shifted and Alyx released her, she moved a little bit away from him to look in his eyes,

"When we questioned Zighz and she asked what nationality we are, you answered, 'a monster.' What did you mean by that?"

Alyx looked steadily back at her his eyes glowing softly in the moonlight; he lifted his hand to show the black tattoo on the back of his hand,

"Precisely what I meant." The tattoo glowed briefly and Sain flinched away from it instantly recognizing the ancient draconic symbol.

"Why do you have an Oros Boros?" She asked softly and looked away from the mark of destruction, "Why should you of all people have one?"

Alyx shrugged,

"I was chosen. They did experiments on me and I became this... I think..." He put his hand back down and shivered the rush of power exhilarating at first. "I never remember choosing to be this." He sighed and shivered a little in the cold wind that had sprung up.

Sain nodded slowly,

"I don't believe anyone chooses to be that." She noticed the wind, "Eh, its cold come on."

She turned and motioned him to follow her inside. They walked down several flights of stairs and then through a few hallways to come to a room with a metal door compared to all the other wooden doors. Sain sighed and fished out her keys she unlocked the door and gestured Alyx inside with her.

Alyx looked inside for a moment before backing up a little.

"It's late I need to head on back to my quarters at base."

Sain shook her head,

"It's late and you've got a break remember? Come in!"

She grabbed one of his arms and pulled him inside with her. Alyx stuttered a little he now stood in the middle of Sain's room. He looked around at the late English décor and noted the cases of guns down one wall. The four-poster bed in front of him was huge and the headboard was carved with amazingly intricate designs. But out of all of this the item that drew most of his attention was a piano that had been hand-painted with what looked like war scenes all over it. He looked around again,

"Uhm. Seriously I can just go home, it's not that far."

Sain snorted and sat down in a chair that faced a window,

"It's two and a half hours away. You'd get there at one thirty." She looked over at him, "Besides, I've got an extra room here you can have it for tonight, I don't mind."

Alyx sighed and sat down in a chair beside hers,

"Okay. Thanks."

Sain nodded and watched the stars again.

"Alright then." She studied a Luna moth that landed on the window for a few seconds,

"Where did you grow up Alyx?" She asked turning to him.

Alyx mulled over the question for a moment,

"I hatched in Ireland and spent most of my years as a drake there. About two years before coming of age the Germans took me in for research and development. At first it was okay I had a warm place to sleep, good food, 'friends', it was actually quite nice. But then they began dipping their fingers into my genetic make-up to see what made dragons live forever. It got nasty. After that is was more like imprisonment and then they turned me into what I am." He paused and shook his head, "I think."

Sain nodded,

"So you're originally Irish? That's better sounding than 'a monster'" She frowned, "How did you get free?"

Alyx shook his head,

"I never did. I'm still working for them."

Sain looked at him critically,

"Why didn't you ever quit? And uhh, the Germans have been gone for a long time now dude. There's not much left of the Old World since the EWII."

Alyx shrugged,

"No they still exist just with a different name. Arcadia. After the experiments they kinda broke me. My recollections of it all are broken and often incorrect." He looked down, "And I found no reason to leave after they finished with me. They paid me well, and they'd done the worst that they could to me anyway. I hate them, yes. But the past cannot be reversed and being what I am cannot be reversed either. So the Guardians operation is the best way to put myself to use anymore."

Sain shook her head,

"But don't you want revenge?"

Alyx's eyes narrowed and a low growl escaped his throat,

"Oh yes." He clenched his hands, "They will never see it coming, and I will crush them." He sighed and relaxed back to how he had been, "But not yet. There are still people out there who need saving and there are things that need to be put in effect first."

Sain nodded and sat pondering something, before Alyx looked up at her,

"So how about you? What's your story?"

Sain laughed,

"Nothing like yours. I grew up happy and well in Wales, one of the few remaining Old World Countries." She laughed, "Good life it was."

"What made you join the Arcadian military?" Alyx asked.

Sain shrugged,

"Better pay and the Guardians cover all of Europe and parts of Asia. We may only consist of thirty or so people but we cover a lot of territory." She paused, "And I think I was kind of drunk I don't remember much of the actual enlisting..."

Alyx nodded,

"I've heard that from most of the GC's." He chuckled, "Okay, why did you join the military at all if you had a good life?"

Sain looked down and laugheded quietly,

"I've always liked guns, and I want to protect people, so I figured this would be the best way to go."

"Ah, I think understand." He paused and bit his tongue for a moment before asking,

"Have you ever had a mate?"

Sain looked up at him calculatingly and shook her head,

"No, I've still got the mane and eye coloring I was born with. Have you?"

"No never. I'm not one that any females would want to be with. Don't you think it's interesting how when a dragon becomes mated they trade mane and eye colors?"

Sain nodded,

"Yeah, I've wondered about it, but I'm just a simple, happy, yet militaristic Western Pointed Shape shifter here."

Alyx stared at her,

"You're a Shifter too?"

"What? You are?" Sain stared back for a moment, "I thought I was just a genetic error."

Alyx nodded,

"We both are then. It's extremely rare, and only Western Points ever have it, about one out of every four thousand Points have it. It is merely a mutation in the genes."

Sain looked down,

"Yeah. But I hate it."

"Hmm why?"

"Because in all the texts I've read about it, they say it renders the dragon sterile. We still function the same, go into heat, generate seed, et cetera, but we can't procreate." She stopped and sighed, "I wanted children eventually."

Alyx nodded,

"Yeah I remember reading that, but I also read that Shifters could bear offspring with other Shifters if done correctly. How they managed to test it with shifters being so rare I've no clue."

Sain nodded softly,

"I remember that too, but I thought I was the only one."

Alyx shook his head,

"Apparently not."

Sain grinned,

"If only the other wasn't such an unemotional jerk." She said sarcastically throwing a pillow at Alyx.

"Hey!" Alyx tackled her out of her chair, pinned her to the floor and kissed her nose, "I have emotions and you know I do." He paused for a moment wondering why he'd suddenly tackled her, but his confusion was washed away when Sain giggled,

"Of course you do you big lummox." She shifted a little under him, "Now, let's get you off of me shall we?" She pushed him up off of her and picked him up smiling as he meeped, "I am strong remember? And you weigh what? Maybe two fifty?"

Alyx nodded wide-eyed.

"I do. Now put me down please."

Sain chuckled and set him back on his feet smiling as Alyx shivered,

"Don't do that again please. It reminds me of how small I am for a dragon" He looked down and shuffled his wings, "And please remind me to never make you angry."

"I probably won't, you're not that short, and you've already said that many times before."

Alyx nodded,

"So I have." He suddenly yawned and then blushed purple, "Sorry, I'm getting tired." He cursed his body's way of suddenly becoming drowsy.

Sain chuckled,

"Then your room is through there. Goodnight."

Alyx nodded and slunk off to the room and took all of his clothes off folding them up and depositing them on the floor. He collapsed on the bed and sighed softly closing his eyes.

. . .

Sain sat back down in her chair and looked after Alyx at the door to the room he was in. He's a shape shifter too? She asked herself and then smiled. Over the last week she'd come to like the red dragon that was the leader of their group. From his silver mane, to his yellow eyes, all the way to his tail tip he was amazing. He was a little odd but everyone was if you thought about it. She shivered and realized she'd been imagining things she shouldn't have been imagining about her commander. She blushed and pressed her legs together sighing heavily. What was wrong with her? She'd never fell for a dragon before this quickly and certainly never daydreamed of mating with them! After a few more moments she decided something and stalked away from the chair softly.

. . .

Alyx sighed softly unable to sleep. He still had Sain on his mind, she was funny, strikingly beautiful, but had her quirks. He smiled to himself he loved her and already he felt like he'd known her his entire life, well actually he kind of had he'd known here since as far back as his memory wen before becoming shattered and spotty. He sighed and thought longer and harder about her and how she made him so happy. After a few moments he sighed and made himself stop as his mind had began to wander. It was hard to fall asleep with pressure in his loins. He reluctantly stopped daydreaming and rolled over in the bed.

He heard the door to his room open and he stayed as he was, looking quite asleep. Sain stood in the door and watched the dragon before she padded over to the bed and lay down beside him cuddling against his back, purring softly. Alyx lay still and waited to see what she was doing. She kissed the back of his neck and whispered softly,

"I love you." She murred softly into one of his ears.

Alyx shifted and little and murmured,

"I love you too."

Sain squeaked and drew back,

"I didn't mean to wake you! I'm sorry."

Alyx shushed her softly,

"It's okay I wasn't asleep." He paused for a moment to think over his next words, "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Sain blushed and looked down,

"Me neither." She made a small sound as Alyx rolled over to hug her softly.

"Really?" He purred deeply as she nodded, "Why did you come in here though?"

Sain blushed deeper,

"To sleep with you." She made a face realizing what she'd said, "But just to you know sleep not..." Her voice trailed off and Alyx chuckled softly,

"It's alright I know what you meant."

Sain nodded,

"And It's kinda lonely alone in my huge bed."

Alyx smiled softy and murred, before realizing she was as nude as him he pulled back a little and looked at her. Sain hid her head as he looked at her nude form, even though as dragons nothing showed on either of them, it was still a little unnerving to be looked at like that. She chirped softly realizing that she also found it arousing. She blushed a little and involuntarily purred.

Alyx's eyes widened a little as a scent hit his nostrils and he noticed Sain's crotch darken a sliver of pink showing from between the scales. He looked away and back up to her face he smiled at her and licked her nose.

"You're gorgeous Sain."

Sain nodded slowly and rasped quietly,

"You've told me before. You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself you know."

Alyx purred and shivered as a hot wave ran through his body at this and blushed looking down; to his horror realizing his own genital slit had darkened bulging outward. He blushed dark purple,

"Uhm..." He looked away as he felt the tip of his member emerge into the air.

Sain opened her eyes to look back at Alyx and she immediately noticed his dark pink shaft slowly emerging from his slit. She stared at it only ever having seen one aroused male in her life. They both laid there on opposite sides of the bed watching each other become more and more aroused. Sain finally broke the silence,

"I'm sorry, I should probably just go back to my room." She went to stand before Alyx gently grabbed her arm.

"No stay." His eyes held her with a sincere look as he continued, "We don't have to do anything but at least stay in here with me Sain." He murred softly his member almost painfully erect, but he ignored it focusing on Sain instead.

Sain stayed where she was his touch nearly electrifying as she looked at him uncertainly before slowly laying back down. She lay there for a few moments and Alyx released her arm and looked at her. Sain merfed softly pressing herself against his body,

"What do you feel for me Alyx?"

Alyx churred softly her warm body against his before replying,

"More love than I have ever felt for anyone. I feel want to be with you forever that I'd walk across the continents for you." He replied softly, having thrown caution to the wind, deciding it was best just to be open and honest right now.

Sain lay next to him purring as she slowly pressing more and more of her body against his. Alyx rumbled softly and happily as he hugged her softly. He stiffened suddenly as something warm and wet made contact with the head of his member. Sain murred softly and rubbed herself gently against his member and smiled to herself as she felt Alyx squirm a little next to her. She moved so that she was on top of him and smiled at him softly. She rubbed her sex up and down the underside of his shaft purring harder at the pleasure it was causing.

"Are you sure about this Sain?" He rumbled quietly up at her.

"More so than ever before Alyx." She leaned down and kissed him softly.

Alyx was a little confused at first but melted into the kiss making small chirps as her warm wetness teased him soft against his member. He churred deeply and broke the kiss softly looking into her eyes lovingly,

"I love you Sain."

She smiled and just kissed him again her mind opening to his before she mentally replied,

~~I love you too Alyx~~

Alyx cheeped suddenly as their minds merged in the way only dragons could, being telepathic in kind. He began to feel everything she felt their consciousnesses melding into one. He purred hard and rubbed himself back against her enjoying the sweet friction their genitals were providing. He pulled his mind away from hers, as the sensations were nearly overwhelming; but he left a single tendril of thought though in between them,

~~Not yet love~~

He murmured mentally as she began to rub harder against him little electric jolts of pleasure coursing through their bodies as she kissed him again. Alyx twined his tongue with hers as her tail wrapped around to his causing both of them to pause as more pleasure was added to the teasing, there tails being sexually oriented as they rubbed against one another multiplying the sensation of their genital grinding.

Alyx wrapped his tail tighter along hers and rubbed around it as she continued grinding her sex against him. Sain murred and then groaned deeply her lubricants soaking Alyx's crotch as she began to feel the beginnings of an orgasm. She ground herself harder against him as her tail was stimulated by his, wrapped around it rubbing her softly. She moaned softly into his kiss as he ran his hands up her flat chest massaging her softly.

Alyx purred rubbing his tail harder against hers the tendrils of pleasure running through him scorching his senses, as her pussy was ground against his shaft teasingly. He shivered as more of her warm lubricant leaked out onto him; he smiled and bit gently down on their intertwined tongues. Sain ground harder and harder against him her entrance catching to the head of his member each time she rubbed downward. Alyx thrust against her tantalizingly warm and wet sex as she growled softly into their kiss.

Sain shivered; right on the verge of orgasm, Alyx thrust once and ground his entire length over her clitoris sending Sain over the edge. She shuddered and let out a long low groan of pleasure her sex clenching at nothing, her liquids running freely out over Alyx. She broke the kiss and leaned backward arching her back as Alyx licked her face softly. She shuddered on top of him lost in waves of ecstasy as she orgasmed long and hard.

Alyx smiled and ground himself against her as her warm lubricant leaked all over his crotch making him simply glide over her. While her orgasming sex shivered against his member and she growled out her pleasure After a few blissful moments for Sain she came back down off her orgasm and slumped down against him heavily, purring happily. She kissed Alyx lightly as his member pressed against her belly. Alyx kissed back passionately, before rolling the two of them over to lie atop her.

"That was... Awesome..." Sain whispered quietly, "But I'm not done, if you're not."

Alyx didn't answer but rather moved his hips downward to gently press his head to her warm entrance. He stopped and broke the kiss, instead licking her cheek softly chirping out a question. Sain answered it by squeezing his tail softly her mind melding to his as her hips rolled causing his tip to slip inside her warmth. Alyx murred softly and licked at her face warmly as he tried to grow accustomed to the feel of having two bodies. It was strange they were two separate consciousness's but sharing the two bodies between them, it wasn't you move, I move, it was movement by the consent and control of both sides. He gently worked himself into her wonderfully tight and warm folds. Pressing in slowly and hilting himself in her, he hadn't found or felt a hymen, but then again they were reptiles so she probably didn't have one.

Sain winced as she was spread and filled in a way she'd never been before, a small uncomfortable feeling in her sex as Alyx spread her virgin walls. He hilted himself into her and stopped letting her adjust to him. Sain wriggled a little at the odd sensations and clenched down on him involuntarily, causing him to thrust once making them both moan in unison with the thrust. Sain's body humped at his quickly for a few moments uncontrollably before she was able to stop. Alyx pulled completely out and pushed gently back in, as he continued the oddness was replaced by the thick pleasure of filling and being filled. Alyx shivered at the near alien sensations coming from the female under him, nearly overwhelming his mind. Sain purred softly, and brought her involuntary humping under control instead beginning to roll her hips with him enjoying feeling how a male felt as well as a female at the same time. She rolled against him softly the sensations of both bodies combining upon each other sending twenty times the pleasure with each push and pull of their bodies.

Alyx and Sain both closed their eyes at the same moment savoring the sensations as Sain clamped her sex down on his shaft during each pull creating more friction as his cock pulsated releasing pre into her warm wet depths. Their combined fluids soaked their bellies and thighs as the slap of their scales and the quiet slurping noises of their coitus were heard. Alyx purred a little raggedly embracing Sain in another kiss as she rubbed her tail against his making his body shiver and shudder at the pleasure of it all.

Alyx opened his eyes to watch the look of pleasure across Sain's features, he was sure he must have had the same look on his face too. He chirped suddenly as he pressed against something inside her that sent jolts of electric pleasure through her. He thrust at the same spot slowly, the feelings intensifying, and then he realized he'd found her G-spot. He shivered along with her from the pleasure before he got an idea, he continued to press and thrust across her G-spot as he reached down and rubbed her nub sending another electric shock through them. He shivered and stopped thrusting to just rub at her clit sending sporadic waves of pleasure through them, then he continued thrusting over her g-spot and pulled his hand away from her nub quickly as the all the pleasure had made his vision darken around the edges.

Sain churred softly against her lover as she began to feel orgasm approaching, their telepathy bringing both bodies to the same point. She pushed her own hand back down to rub her throbbing clitoris and rocked harder against him as Alyx sped up his thrusting, they roared in pleasure as each thrust smashed against her nub as his member was shoved deeply inside her.

Alyx shivered and stopped suddenly with both of them on the brink. He let them both cool down as Sain growled softly being deprived of what she wanted she tried to move but Alyx had asserted his hold onto both of them for the moment. After a few seconds he resumed rubbing against all of her spots making them both shiver through the link. Alyx and Sain rocked in time with each other and soon came back up to the edge of orgasm, this time Alyx didn't stop but continued thrusting as they both climaxed and roared simultaneously.

Alyx continued to roar as long as he could the combined sensations sending him to a whole new level of sexual pleasure as he finally ran out of breath and gasped for air still rocking hard against her their orgasms still raging. Sain roared for a little longer than Alyx did before quieting herself she murred softly as their bodies shivered and ground against each other. The pleasure and bliss burning bright as wave after wave of the intense climax hit them. After what seemed like hours they came down, Alyx shivering with the little aftershocks usually only felt by females. Sain kissed the dragon on top of her, purring raggedly. He didn't respond so she kissed him a few more times and upon closer inspection found the male had passed out from the pleasure. She smiled softly and licked him warmly,

"I love you..." She paused and purred harder, "My mate."

Sain rolled the two of them over so as to sleep. She slowly slipped into a deep sleep with her lover still buried deep inside her purring softly into the room. The two-mated dragons slept peacefully still entwined in coitus throughout the night, with small chirps and churls heard in their combined dreams, still wrapped in each other's arms.