Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 17

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#58 of Zootopia fictions

The 17th Chapter of First Salvo

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan

Rated M+

(c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and Alex Gray, Sheath and Knife by Harmarist (Artist ownership) Anubis and the buried bone by Harmarist (c) (Artist ownership) The K'zin by Lary Niven. (Artist ownership) Don Carnage Disney's TAIL SPIN (Artist ownership) Ikkey the Fox Kit by Inkbunny's Ikkey

Chapter 17 The Growler part 2

Government Supply Facility Otterdams, Savanna Central 2am July 18, 2040

"Yaaaaaawwwwnnnn.....smack, smack...." Kenny the white arctic wolf hadn't been a month out of the S.O.I. (School of Infantry) at Quanaco and what was he doing? Watching a fence and every now and then popping some quick views of things on his smart phone or making selfies and texts...which could land him in some serious snit if he got caught "skylarking". His reasoning? Watching a fence was boring as hell and he was fighting the urge to sit and sleep. The sight of a small lizard moving over the dirt and scrub at his feet brought some playful urge and he pointed his rifle down at the "intruder" upon his sacred post...

"HALT!" He snapped at the offending reptile.

"SPLAT!" Suddenly something wet smacked him off the head! "What the fluck?!" Kenny yelped as he patted his furry head and neck and found his paw covered in red paint!

"WHAT THE....." Kenny turned to come face to face with the barrel of an M-14 rifle and a short, stocky but muscular animal dressed in olive drab with his face covered in camo paint...."

"Shhhhhh.....oh my gawd, I killed Kenny." The grinning Tanuki said as he pointed to the ground. "Lay down Private."

Another Tanuki was busy cutting a hole in the fence line..."You killed Kenny?" "chuckle" "That makes you a bastard Osa." Corporal Gataki snickered.

Sargent Osa zip tied the legs and feet then bounded Kenny's snoot with duct tape. He took the private's cell phone found a picture of his girlfriend with her legs spread wide open and her moist "lips" parted for all to see and placed it a foot from the suffering Marine's face..."I hope you have a good explanation for your platoon officer there Private. Gazing at porn while on watch?..."tisk, tisk, tisk..."

Osa followed Gataki through the hole in the fence..."Did you have to be such a prick Sarge?" Gataki asked Osa.

Better an ass chewing now than his mother mourning her dead child later." Osa replied as he looked at his watch...."And......now."


Lieutenant Shannick (Timber Wolf) was making his check rounds at the gates along the perimeter of the facility when the next gate watch caught his eye. His back was turned to the approaching jeep lights and he was going through the manual order of arms with his watch rifle, flipping and throwing it around as if he was on parade....

"MARINE!" The Lieutenant snapped as he jumped from his jeep. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! STOP PLAYING AROUND!" Shannick snarled as he marched up. "Turn around and face me watch?!"

Suddenly....the watch turned and pushed his rifle barrel in Shannick's face! At the same time, the watches camouflage uniform split in half and fell away to reveal two armed Tanukis, one atop the shoulders of the other one! The lower one had a 45 caliber pistol pointed at Shannick's crotch...

"You're dead Lieutenant." The Taniki up top snarled. "Take a nap."

Corporal Komo took relish in "hog tying" the wolf officer's legs and feet then putting a cold chicken drum stick into his maw before tapping it shut....

"Kiss...." Komo gave the poor wolf a kiss on the snoot. "I'm sorry it's not silver spoon and fork service there sir." Komo said as he watched his partner, Lance Corporal Kiba, get into the jeep with the Lieutenant's service cap on...

"Pitty this nice jeep has to die in service to the country." Kiba said snickering. "If we could take this in our rib, it would make a sweet party "jeep-nee"

Jeep-nee (noun) A world War II American "Willie" jeep converted into a colorful long cab passenger party bus. Most commonly found in the Philippines.

Komo jumped into the passengers seat and looked at his watch...



PFC Marklov (Siberian Wolf) was just walking out of the small coffee mess on the ground floor of the Marine Force Barracks to go back to his boring front desk watch when a pair of grenades came flying through the open front doorway and rolled into his feet.....

"OH FU...."


The white hot flashes of the "bangers" blinded and stunned Marklov just long enough for someone to knock him off his feet, rip his pistol from his holster and shoot him in the neck with something! He heard another couple of heavy thuds inside the building before he passed out!


Marines were scrambling to get out of their racks and reach their weapons storage lockers....only to find that the locker doors had been fuse welded shut by strips of Thermite! Now to add to the insane chaos...a jeep came flying by the barracks building with a driver and a gunner popping blank rounds out of a Browning Automatic Rifle and a pistol!




"RISE AND SHINE PUPPIES!" Komo screamed as he slapped another magazine into his BAR. He turned his head just in time to see he was the only one in the jeep with the floor throttle set to full speed and heading for a 100 gallon propane servicing tank!

"GOOD BYE SWEET RIDE!" Komo screamed as he jumped from the jeep, rolled onto his stomach and protected his head as the jeep slammed into the propane tank, broke it from its' foundation legs and then blew it, the jeep and a row of port-a-potties sky high!

"DELIGHTFUL WORK OF ART!" Komo scrambled to his feet and joked as he ran past Kiba and tapped his radio's shoulder microphone. "Sand man is out!Sand man is out! Let the party favors go now!"


From a row of warehouses down at the dockside of the facility. The sounds of percussion grenades, fire crackers, M-80 shells and rifles served to bring down what ever security could be mounted to meet the threat. The insane chaos sewn by these night raiders had served its' intended purpose enough as two high speed rubber and aluminum rib boats raced away from the facility down the Yellow Horse estuary towards the Vole River.

The Tanuki in the two boats reached their arms over the sides and caught their swimming companions on the fly as the ribs passed them and four otters flopped into the ribs dressed in swim suits and combat web belts...

Sargent Beezler looked back with a groan...."Gawd damn it! I'm sure I rigged those damn charges to..."


Geizers of water shot up high from around the hull of a dock side medium cargo ship, indicating that the vessel would soon sink to the river bottom with its' precious cargo...

"Oh?" Beezler said as he looked at his own paws..."Set them just a little long...my bad."

"Damn Sarge." Corperal Popper "Pocky" Schmidt said as he opened a box of Pockie candy. The young Marine otter was addicted to them like crack. "You suck." He snickered to his platoon leader as he offered the box. "Pocky?"

"No, I don't want "Pocky" for the hundredth time Popper!" Beezler snorted. "Damn that stuff makes you stink up latrines."

Lance Corporal Hideki (Tanuki) at the controls of the outboard tapped Beezler on the shoulder..."Another example of wanton destruction of the training area. Do you think the Colonel will be pleased?"

"Nope." Beezler replied. "He'll probably dress us down again like always. But no one got hurt. More than a few of those dogs probably pissed themselves getting out of bed but no one got hurt." Beezler turned to the other Otter in the rib, a Corperal named Korky..."Hey Kork? What about the security boats? What did you do?"

Korky smiled back. "I welded their shafts shut."

"Nice...think you can finish welding the frame for my four wheel like I asked?" Beezler asked.

"You know the payment for it." Korky replied. "I don't "free work" Sarge."

The two ribs turned at the neck of the estuary and went full speed down the Vole River towards the Recon Marine base on Muddy Swamps Island in the Rain Forest District.

ZNDG-3 Growler Sandy Point Naval Installation (It's Sandy Point not Sandy Cove) 4am July 18, 2040

Jackson stuffed the last few articles of clothes and personal things into the spaces in his coffin locker and closed and locked the bed top. The last two things he did before leaving the berthing? He hung the picture he had taken with Judy and Nick on the wall of his bunk, taking a moment to rub a paw finger over it and whisper "I love you." softly. He then tucked the old stuffed toy that his grandmother gave him when he was a baby and took a little moment to reflect on it. There was much to live up too and he was full of pins and needles with excitement at the coming cruise....short as it would be.

The Growler had been down for six months for maintenance and now she was clean again and fully loaded. As he came up into "Broadway" the longest running passage through the ship, she was full of mammals from polar bears, tigers, foxes and badgers to mice, rats and rodents walking and running inside their tubes that ran along the bulkheads (walls) to the various shops and departments along the way. Over the ship's communication system, the "COB" (Chief of the Boat) Master Chief Eisen's (Mountain Ram) voice boomed out...

"Good morning Growler! This is Master Chief! It's been six months too long of slacking off! Now that we've thrown those disgusting land lovers off our ship and freed ourselves of their slime.....let's light off go to sea again! let's make sure everything is prepped for sea state, get all those last minute things done, get your reports to the bridge promptly and let's get the rust spots oiled up! Teeth and Claws shipmates! Let em hear our Growl!"

Jackson gave out a Fox yip and a snarl along with some others along Broadway as he made his way quickly into the crowded ICERM shop. "Morning!" He said with a wave as he coursed through the other Sailors standing around with coffee or pastries in their hands. Gilly came up and dropped a muffin in Jackson's paws....

"Complements of the Division Officer." Gilly said. "He bought like six boxes of muffins. You about to piss yourself silly yet?"

"I am so hyped right now." Jackson replied. "Every time I'd go out on the ocean on my Godfather's yacht was cool but this? I just want to get out there and do something that means a lot....you know Gill? Has a purpose to it?"

Gilly replied. "You should see my poor room mate...absolute emo wreckage. I mean it's just a thirty day post-overhaul shake cruise. Separation just sucks period."

Jackson replied. "I'm sure she'll get over it. Just write her....a lot."

Gilly pursed his lips and replied. "Yeah....write like every second. Oh by the way? How's Darla doing with those other Otters?"

"She got their respect." Jackson replied. "Her sponsor though is super cool. And I'm not worried because he's married. His wife is a technical engineering teacher at the college and Darla and I applied for the course she teaches last month. We're going to start after this cruise."

"I'm looking at culinary arts." Gilly said as he leaned on a work table. "It cost way to much to keep eating pre-packed meals and fast food."

A three tone gray and white fox named Tyre (You Tube's Tyre, oh is he adorable) came up to Jackson and put a 20 Zoobuck bill in his paw..."Thank you, thank you..." Tyre said smiling happily.

"Ty? This is too much." Jackson replied.

"It's an investment." Tyre replied. "You need to have a little business on this boat dude, seriously! There's no one right now who can do for a fox what you did. The barbers don't have the time to do it...think about it?"

Gilly took the bill and waved it in Jackson's face. "This could be something positive for the division if you smooch the right tails Jackie?"

Jackson snatched the bill back..."I'm trying NOT to get into trouble Gill?"

Chief Fireball came into the shop still dressed in....civilian clothes?

"Just had to get that last second nut bust in huh you rutting stud?" The shop's Leading Petty Officer (LPO), a honey badger named Ryan Lork snickered as he gave Fireball a pat on a calf...

"Fluck you Petty Officer Lork. Just so happens that last night we said goodbye to Chief Deboice at his retirement." Fireball looked around the crowded shop and snickered. "Can anyone here guess if I'm still drunk or not?"

"We can't tell through the musk!" Some one snapped back!

"At least I didn't miss ship's movement...like some smart asses last time? Lork?" Fireball snorted at his "LPO" He then took a cup of coffee from another mammal and waved his hoof hand...."So let's all be serious for a moment. This is our post-overhaul shakedown and we have a lot of new Sailors on board. Knowing the Captain, we are going to be in for intense training and re-fresh training which means a lot of drills, a lot of long days, a lot of calibration and a lot of training cycles so we can bring everyone up to the same level. Big thing is safety...take care of each other. For our rodents? If you have large shipmates you can go around with? Then you do that. If you don't? We'll set you up with one. All you larger mammals....step up and buddy with your smaller shipmates. Look out of each other...I know gang mentality creeps in quick and we're ICERM against ORDIE against BLACK SHOES....against BLACK GANGERS but in the end we are one ship, one team, one family and one fang. Captain will re-enforce that obviously."

"When we pull away from the pier and point the bow to sea? We are all business, all professional, all the time...daily work, posted watches, on shift or off shift. Females and Males? Yes Sir and no Mam, treat the other as if your life depends on them because out at sea? It will. No bull snit. No abuse. If you wouldn't treat your family members like snit? Don't do it out here. Everyone understands?"

Fireball watched for the reactions of his division...."Good...everyone understands. Now on the message board back there are the night and day shift assignments and the watches set for the first week. Review it now. Night shift will go back to their racks once we're under way and we won't really get into any serious drills or training until night shift has had three days to acclimate. Now let's make sure the shop is squared for sea? We expect to pull out between 6 and 6:30."

"That was the time Chief was hoping to pull out." A tiger snickered.

"You better watch your trap Raphier!" Fireball snapped back!

"I was meaning the ship departure time Chief!" Rapher replied shrugging with a smile.

Wilde House Downtown 6am July 18, 2040

Judy was coming out of the bathroom in her uniform top when her cell phone chimed on the end table. She swiped it open to see Jackson standing on the bow of the Growler with the superstructure behind him...

"Hey Mom!" Jackson said..."We're getting ready to go."

Judy shook her husband awake..."Nick? Jackson's getting ready to go to sea."

"Ok...." Nick replied. "Have fun Jackie...Do what you're told and always do a good job." Nick said with a wave which got Judy annoyed.

"Nick?! Sit up and talk to him?" Judy snorted.

"He's only going for 30 days Carrots. He's been out on the ocean like a hundred times before this." Nick said.

"This is important to him Nick....sit up!" Judy snorted as she jabbed her husband in the arm.

"Mom..." Jackson said. "Dad understands..."

Judy replied. "You just do good out there ok? And please be safe?"

Jackson kissed the screen. "I love you mom....dad....see you when we get back." Jackson clicked off which was a good thing as his Mom sat sniffing....

Nick sat up and wrapped his arms around Judy..."It's only a month and he'll have the chance to write us every day Carrots. You didn't go to pieces while he was in boot camp but now you're falling apart?"

"He wasn't on a warship." Judy said as she wiped her face.

ZNDG-3 Growler Sandy Point Naval Installation 6:15am July 18, 2040

The Bridge

Commander Titus Winsor (Hippo) stepped through the hatch at the back of the bridge deck which got the ship's boatswain popping tall and booming out..."CAPTAIN ON DECK!"

All the mammals in the compartment popped to attention and saluted Commander Winsor as he saluted back and took his place by his personal bridge chair...

"Good morning shipmates. Everything done? Reports in? Everyone that should be aboard are aboard?" Commander Winsor asked.

Lieutenant Commander Adam Saxe (Black Panther) replied. "All accounted for Sir. All departments report fully mammal'd and ready."

"Very Well "XO". Call away line handling stations forward, midships and aft. Helmsman? Call the "Chang" (Chief Engineer)...."Pur the Kittens." (Start the main Engines).

Main Engine Control Room (MER-CON)

Lieutenant Commander Sabier (Polar Bear) stood behind the four enlisted wolves manning the engine control board that commanded the two monster Lycanthro Panther turbofan jet engines (Boeing 777 Roles Royce engines) and picked up the red phone mounted on a steel support by his side...

"Chang." He answered.

"Chang...Helmsman.....order from the Captain...Pur the Kittens." The Helmsman said.

"Aye....aye....Bring the mains on line." Sabier replied as he signaled to his controllers...."Bring the mains on line!"

The wolf at the far left end, a white Siberan named Chekov started his procedure out loud in a Russian dialect....

"Engine Display Select....Port Main engine on the screen...starting Port Engine ignition sequence....Fuel nominal....hydraulics nominal.....oil nominal....flow and pressurization nominal....engage Auto-Matic Powering Unit (APU)...bringing igniters on line....engaging engine start...."

One level down below the control station inside its' sound proof armor protected encasement...the port engine wound up to idol, filling the Maine Engine Room with the muffled but still loud constant noise of a jet engine. Chekov watched his indicators for five minutes before flashing the Chang a thumbs up.

"Port Engine now at idol and running normally Sir!" Checkov yelped.

"Aye Aye! Cross bleed and start the starboard engine!" Sabier said as he pointed to a Gray wolf named Tatnom...

"Aye Aye Sir!" Tatnom replied as he repeated the start process for the starboard engine....

"Engine Display Select....Starboard Main engine on the screen...starting Starboard Engine ignition sequence cross bleed from Port Engine....Fuel nominal.... hydraulics nominal.....oil nominal....flow and pressurization nominal....engage Auto-Matic Powering Unit (APU)...bringing igniters on line....engaging engine start via the fly wheel transfer..."

Both Chekov and Tatnom watched their dials, indicators and the video display board for five minutes as the engines ran at idol. They then flashed their paw thumbs to the Chang...

"Main engines on line!" Chekov yelped.

"Concur Sir!" Tatom yelped. "Main engines on line and balanced!"

Sabier grabbed his phone. "Bridge...MER-CON....Engines on line, awaiting your orders."

ZNDG-3 Growler Sandy Point Naval Installation 6:30am July 18, 2040

Jackson was still standing on the bow with some other mammals watching the harbor tug come along the side of the ship when the orders came over the ships address system....

"Now set the sea and anchor detail for departure! Man lines forward, midships and aft!" "Now set the sea and anchor detail for departure! Man lines forward, midships and aft!"

Ayden patted Jackson on the shoulder...."Come on Jackie, time to earn that Sea Pay!" He said as they went up to the bow lines and stood ready to haul them aboard the ship as the tug began to push the Growler snug against her anti-bump pier flotation guards...

"Single up all lines forwards, midships and aft! Single up all lines forwards, midships and aft!" The address system boomed out and Ayden and Jackson worked with the others to get one of the two heavy nylon lines in from the shore.


The bridge Officer of the Deck turned to the Captain..."Harbor Master reports he is tied firm and ready to pull us into the channel Sir."

"Very Well." Winsor replied. "Haul in lines forward, midships and aft. Sound the underway horn. Signal to the Harbor Master to pull on my order."

The Bow

Jackson worked fast to lay the incoming rope line over the deck so it would dry as the call boomed out...."Haul in lines forward, midships and aft! Ship is underway! Harbor Master is clear to pull Growler into the channel!"

Jackson finished laying the rope line and stood holding onto the deck edge safety cable as the ship began to pull away from the pier. He was practically bouncing on his feet with giddy anticipation. Going out to sea on a leisure cruise was one thing...going out to do something with a purpose put a fire in his belly and Ayden could see it in the bunny-fox's face as the Growler was slowly pulled to a stop in the channel.


Commander Winsor turned to the Helm. "Helmsman...all ahead slow, course one four zero steady on."

"Aye Aye Sir! All ahead slow, course one-four-zero steady on." The Helmsman replied as she reached for her throttle control and advanced it to twenty percent. Slowly....the engines complied to the orders and the Destroyer began to move on its' own and leave the harbor tug following behind it down the channel towards the open ocean.

The Bow

"This is so cool." Jackson said as he watched the shore lines of Sandy Point slowly pass by the ship as it made its' way between the lines of channel markers and buoys to the ocean beyond.

"You're not intending to stay up all day are you?" Ayden asked. "Don't stay up after 10am because I'm not carrying your fluffy sleepy butt all over the boat tonight."

"They gave you night shift supervisor?" Jackson asked. "That's cool."

Ayden flicked a feather finger off Jackson's ear. "You WILL be in bed by ten Jackie....got that?" He warned.

"Yes Sir. I promise!" Jackson replied with a salute then he looked down at his smart phone. "Two hours should be enough to see what this ship can do." Jackson said as he looked behind the ship towards the ever shrinking skyline of the city. Quickly he sent off another text to his mother...

"Almost out of Sandy Point....see you in a month. Love you and Dad very much. Jackie."

The ship cleared the mouth of the harbor and Jackson took a moment to take the size of it in from the front. The large eight inch gun mount with the name "Bunny Gun" plastered in cartoon letters on the cannon barrel. Behind it the Vertical Rocket Launcher station with its' spring loaded door covers sat raised above the main deck. Behind that, the large super structure with the 40 millimeter gun stations lining the starboard side. "She was formidable as hell" Jackson thought as he felt the ship begin to bob up and down with the ocean waves...


The Helmsman looked back at Winsor..."Sir? We are now clear and free to navigate."

Winsor smiled..."Miss Saubrise? Open her up and let's gallop."

Petty Officer Saubrise grabbed the throttle handle and pushed it to the front stop on her control...."Aye Aye Sir! Ahead full! 40,800 Rpm!" (Revolutions per minute)

The Bow

Jackson heard the air rushing out of the stacks on the superstructure behind him and felt the wind over the deck picking up. Within a few minutes the Growler was going "balls to the wall" through the water and causing Jackson's ears to fly off his back!

"Flucken ay!" He said with a sneer of excited bliss at the feeling of the ship shaking under his feet. The steel beast was alive! The bow rising and falling even in the gentle swells rolling past the knife edge prow as it cleanly sliced through the water around it...


Winsor turned to his boatswain..."Sound alert! Prepare for heavy rolls! We're going to whip her through hard turns!"

"Aye Aye Sir!" The boatswain replied as he pulled his microphone off the bulkhead and blew his signal pipe into it....

"Now hear this! Now hear this! Stand by for heavy rolls! Ship is going into a turning evolution. Check all compartments for loose gear! All hands stand by to hold on!" "Now hear this! Now hear this! Stand by for heavy rolls! Ship is going into a turning evolution. Check all compartments for loose gear! All hands stand by to hold on!"

The Bow

Jackson found a place to sit near a large chain and anchor windlass and grabbed hold of one of the big chain links. Small boats turning on their sides looked crazy, what would a ship this big, going this fast do?


Boatswain! Sound "Battle turn to Port!" Miss Saubrise....Execute Battle turn to port! Hard over!

"Aye Aye Sir! Hard over to port!" Saubrise replied as she placed her paw finger over the small wheel on her control station and whipped it around to the left till it stopped!

The two ships rudders answered the electrical call from the bridge and swung their ends hard to the right of the ship's center line which caused the destroyer to heel hard to the right while turning sharply to the left!

The Bow

Jackson rolled onto his back and watched towards the back of the ship as the Destroyer leaned sharply to his left! The horizon line of the sea and sky went askew and the ship's wild shuttering made him think she would roll over! But she was flying through the turn without losing an ounce of speed and the experience caused Jackson to scream himself silly as the ship began to come back to equal trim....


Boatswain! Sound "Battle turn to Starboard!" Miss Saubrise....Execute Battle turn to Starboard! Hard over!

"Aye Aye Sir! Hard over to Starboard!" Saubrise replied as she placed her paw finger over the small wheel on her control station and whipped it around to the right till it stopped!

The two ships rudders answered the electrical call from the bridge and swung their ends hard to the left of the ship's center line which caused the destroyer to heel hard to the left while turning sharply to the right!

The Bow

Jackson gritted his teeth as the ship heeled over again and whipped through a shaking right turn..."Flucken awesome!" He screamed out. "Woooooooo!"


Boatswain! Sound "Battle turns to Starboard, Battle turns to port!" Miss Saubrise....Execute Battle turns to Starboard and port in quick succession! Hard over!

"Aye Aye Sir! Battle turns to Starboard, Battle turns to port!" Saubrise replied as she placed her paw finger over the small wheel on her control station and whipped it around to the right then to the left then to the right then to the left!

The Bow

Jackson was now prostrate on his paws and knees trying not to get rolled around as the ship whipped through port and starboard turns like a skier through a slalom! Having such a broad "width-wise" hull was a big advantage for the Growler as she snap rolled back and forth between course changes. Jackson felt a primal feeling in his gut and he clenched his teeth with desire to see the ship "take something on" and unleash her pent up fury! He snarled to himself..."Fluck...this is better than sex! I just want to see something get blown up!" He got to his feet with his fists clenched and balanced himself on the slanting deck as the ship whipped into tight turning circles under him...


Commander Winsor patted Saubrise on her shoulder. "Well done Miss Saubrise. Return the ship to normal. I think we've thrown all the books off the shelves in the ship's library. Reduce speed to one half...course 090."

Saubrise replied. "Aye Aye Sir! Return ship to normal cruising, speed back one half."

Winsor pointed to the Boatswain..."Sound Captain's address."

The Boatswain sounded the Captain's address call then handed his Mic to Winsor...

"Good morning Growler...this is the Captain. I'm sure everyone of you enjoyed that little execution? Sorry to the ship's librarian if we made a mass down there?"

Ship's library

The poor Sailor sloth stood midst the chaos of fallen shelves and piles of books and other library materials and pouted....

"You....................suck...................sir." He snorted slowly.


Winsor continued..."It's time to chip off the rust, oil the joints and kick some tail again Shipmates. For the next few weeks we're going to do intense round the board training to get our new shipmates up to speed, I know we have plenty of new faces. Please take care of them and don't abuse them too much? Yes...I'm talking about pranks and hazing. Do NOT let that get out of hand!"

"And speaking of pranking and hazing? I wish to welcome aboard our new "Bull Ensign" Mister Rudy Dolph. Mister Dolph? Say hello to your first command."

Winsor passed the Mic to a young light brown fur'd reindeer with a slightly red nose...."Good morning Growler! I'm excited to be aboard."

The "XO" snickered. "You sound like you're still in kindergarten there "Bull". Get some base from your deer knockers! Grab those nuts and pull em boy!"

Winsor shook Rudy on the shoulder. "Don't despair Mister Dolph. This is all part of your introduction to officer rank. That being said..."XO? If you would please bring forth.....Barney?"

Winsor hit his mic switch...."To all who can hear me take witness. Mister Dolph is being given....Barney."

The "XO" walked up with a stuffed teddy bear wearing a diaper and an embroidered Growler ball cap. "Mister Dolph? As the ship's "Bull Ensign" it is your solemn and strict duty to take charge of the ship's beloved mascot Barney Bear. You will care for Barney. You will change Barney when he makes a mess. You will eat with Barney, sleep with Barney, shower with Barney....Do not! Do not do anything "gross" with Barney! You will NOT let Barney out of your sight!"

Winsor patted Rudy on the shoulder..."Mister Dolph? If that mascot leaves your sight and just happens to jump ship at some point to pursue wine, warm bodies (we hope their females) and song in some foreign port of adventure? If he racks up a sizable bar tab and escort fine? You! You my fine Ensign!.....You? Will pay for Barney's abysmal conduct out of your own pocket. Do we have an understanding mister?"

Rudy nodded back. "Yes Sir! Barney is safe with me Sir!"

"Good." Winsor replied. "Now....to continue with my pep-talk." Winsor said as he spoke into his Mic...."To refresh a few things shipmates? Treat each other with respect, observe the regulations on relations and fraternization and follow the cell phone policy...especially the ship's smart phones! Ship's assigned phones are for "Official use only"."

"Everyone by now should know my feelings when it comes to getting into trouble or doing the wrong thing. If you are up front, honest and sincere? You WILL NOT get into trouble! If you lie, deceive and try to hide any wrong doing? Master Chief will make sure you don't get to me. You don't want that old goat mad at you. Being gored by an angry old mountain goat will NOT be pleasurable. Master Chief?"

Master Chief Eisen growled. "Any volunteers to be gored to death, come see me in my office."

"Well said Master Chief." Winsor said smirking. "The Master Chief enjoys playing "Acey Deucy" while he gores mammals to death too so at least you'll be going in style to good music."

"That all being said shipmates? It's good to be out on the sea again. Let's bust rump, bust records and show the fleet and the "huggie stuffies" at home just who is the baddest collection of mean toothed mothers in Zootopia. Teeth and Claws Growler! Let's go forth and rock the house! Captain out!"

ICERM medium mammal male berthing 9:30am

Aboard a warship, few places afforded anything close to a place of solitude and privacy than the small confinement of the shipboard "rack" (bed) a proportioned little space only as wide as a mammal's shoulders and long enough for him or her to lay flat. Rolling over the semi-comfortable mattress was itself a study in acrobatics and Yoga as the low ceiling above your head in addition to the light sitting above your face gave very little room to move without brushing your arm or getting some scrapes and a loss of fur clumps...

Jackson had brought an extra pillow to cushion his head and provide him some means of being "propped up" so he could play with his smart phone, his personal phone. Darla threw him a text....

"You got night shift I guess?" She asked.

"Yup." Jackson replied. "Almost time for taps. See you at dinner?"

"Sure." Darla replied. "Fish taccos and fries....yum. I love you xxxxx. Sleep good."

"I love you." Jackson replied with a soft smile.

Jackson swiped his cell phone to his music player and selected an album from his mother's favorite singer "Sugar Sweet Giraffe". He'd come to love the graceful crooner since Judy listened to him almost constantly when Jackson was a toddler. Taking hold of his stuffed bunny from Bonnie...Jackson said a quick prayer to Great Frith, blew a loving kiss to Vulpix the fox Godess and drifted off to sleep.

Executive Office Building, Downtown Zootopia 10:00 am July 18, 2040

City Counsel debate over tabled bill concerning use of satellites to survey Kzin.


Mayor Cesar Leo

Tundra Town: Counsel Male Winrow (Polar Bear)

Downtown: Counsel Male Chaud Tenu ( Pig )

Sahara Square: Counsel Female Avi Tolemi (Camel)

Savanna Central: Counsel Female and Counsel President Sharla Derning (Cheetah)

The Tri-Buroughs: Counsel Male Donner (Raindeer)

Defense Intelligence: Rheana Lundgrin (Honey Badger) Sancho Ricardo (Gray Wolf)

Secretary of Defense: Baghera (Black Panther)

Secretary of State: Baloo (Brown Bear)

Counsel Male Chaud Tenu: In my opinion....this idea is too fraught with difficulties and our citizens will never stand for it. Zootopia has never in her entire history considered any method of spying as having any merit nor acceptable warrant for use. You might as well classify the whole idea as antagony because that's what we will have should it even be suspected of being done. Spying is grounds for retaliatory action by those being spied upon. That fact can not be denied!

Counsel Male Donner: The continued belligerent attitude of Kzin makes gathering what intelligence we can collect on them vital to our defense! We don't know the size of their armed forces, the size of their Navy, the state of their technology, their society. We can't afford to remain blissfully blind any more because of aged notions of honor and integrity which serve only those who seek to harm our citizens!

Counsel Male Winrow: I'm against the proposal because our citizens will not stand for this counsel nor his honor giving our military and intelligence agencies such power over our space born technology. What could be an excuse to spy on potential adversaries today could become cart blanch spying on our citizens tomorrow for a list of silly infractions...

Sancho Ricardo: Excuse me? Excuse me? May I borrow the floor for a moment?"

The counsel members continued to yell and scream at each other until Morty, Ricardo's young grandson hopped onto a chair and screamed....

"WILL ALL YOU LOUD MOUTH MORONS SHUT UP AND GET YOUR SNIT TOGETHER?!" Morty blasted! The counsel quickly went silent. "You're all supposed to be adult mammals setting a good example for my growing mind? Sheesh, what a gaggle fluck from hell, it's a wonder the Kzinti didn't invade like a few years ago."

Sharla Derning: And just who do you think you are you little foul mouthed miscreant!

Sancho Ricardo: Woe! Woe!....excuse me? Did you just call my Grandson a miscreant? You're not grand opera piece of art yourself there kitty cat. My Grandson has learned more about the Kzinti in the past week than you have sitting on your tail. Which I am shocked has not crawled into your tail hole by now.

Morty: Dissing the up and coming generation will cost you big time there Maddam Prezzo."

Mayor Leo: All of you stop bickering! What exactly do you want to say Mister Sanchez?

Sancho Ricardo: I will let my Grandson speak for me. Let it rip Morty....

Morty: "Ah...hem....Karera wa itsudatsu shite ite hidoidesu. Karera no kodomo-tachi wa konketsu yaban hitodeari, shizen no h?soku ni shitagatte ikiru ni ataishinai. Karera wa saiaku no shurui no gan-sei no ken'o-kandesu. Sorera wa konzetsu sa rerubeki sekai no by?kidesu. Kodomo-tachi wa g?kan sa re, b? ni shibarare, hanbun ni hikisaka rerubekidesu. Korera no seinaru kumiai no ry?shin wa, kan?nakagiri saiaku no shi ni kurushimubekidesu. Z?topia no kuts? no yuiitsu no tekisetsuna mokuteki wa kanzen'na sh?dokudesu. Sore ga suwatte iru chiky? wa, atsui chi to kusattashitai de kirei ni sa renakereba narimasen. Karera no kodomo-tachi wa karera no naiz? o torinozoita mama watashitachi no mise ni mochikomu igai nani ni mo fusawashikunaideshou. Watashitachi no seinaru shimei wa, z?topia no ky?i kara sekai o torinozoku kotodesu.

Baloo: What kind of crazy Mumbo Jumbo did that boy just spout? Baggy? You ever heard that language before?

Baghira: Excuse me Mister Sanchez, It would seem that you now have our interests as your captives? This language is new to us.

Ricardo: That...ladies and gentle-mammals, was the language of Kzin. It comes from a propaganda broadcast we captured a week ago and my Grandson took it upon himself to translate it. If you had any worse fears about the Kzinti? Rest assured that on this propaganda transcript....everything you feared about the Kzinti is true. I won't trouble you with the long version of what Morty just said but in summery?....we're scum, we need to be exterminated, our children need to be gutted and hung from meat hooks in freezer lockers. All Zootopians are worthless perversions of nature and they just need to die.

There was a moment of silence in the room...

Sancho Ricardo: There is risk in everything in life my friends. You all risk yourselves every day to come to work. You risk your children when you send them off to school every day. Those things you might call acceptable risk. There is the risk that you could incite a war for sure....and then there's the Kzinti who are the reality. You can cling as long as you wish to your noble ideals, I will not say you are wrong nor stupid because they are noble ideas created by our noble society. You have to chose in the end which courses to take to best protect out citizens. We don't know if the Kzinti are blustering, we don't know if they're military is different than the society. We can collect a thousand pages worth of "air" if you want to call our radio ease dropping such a thing but without seeing what we might face? We could be underwhelmed or overwhelmed....I'd rather make damn sure it's the former. The choice is yours. I'm done talking.

Avi Tolemi: Though Mister Sancho has made a persuasive argument. I am not swayed by it. We do not allow our Navy to send drones over the disputed seperation line between us and Kzin because our society has long disdained even the technologies which could bring us into war. Remember the protests and fights just to put up the traffic camera networks on our motorways. And obviously we can not put the issue up for a public discussion because of the very sensitivity and secrecy required to make it effective. I believe strongly that the disciplined and professional use of our technology by our Naval forces will be enough to protect our citizens. That is a faith I am willing to endorse.

A strong "here, here" went about the chamber with the vote not requiring the Mayor's participation. The idea was soundly scrapped, which left Ricardo steaming as he and Rheana left the counsel...

"Damn those fish factory, piss pot, dumb...." Ricardo fumed.

"Gramps? It's done. Don't stress yourself out...stunk like complete dumb humps in that room." Morty snapped.

Rheana stopped in her tracks. "Young wolf? You show a lack of upbringing!"

"Damn! You know what I wish I really lacked there? Whoever you are?!" Morty snapped back.

"Morty?" Ricardo warned. "Exnay hesheb mybee ossbay"

"I don't care if she's a damn hotel cleaning lady grand paw!" Morty snapped as he unbuttoned his shorts and pulled up his shirt. "Do you see this! Yeah....get a goooooood look at them Rheana! I have to wear diapers! Do you know why I have to wear diapers? Because I'm so stressed out all the time like a lot of my friends at school! A lot of cubs and kits are scared to death! But they don't get to read what I read or see what I see and I know that despite all this embarrassing snit...I know I'm doing something important that's trying to save my friends and my generation from ending up on dinner plates! Those old fluckers in that chamber back there are going to get us all killed! Damn it!"

Morty fixed his clothes and stormed off upset, leaving Ricardo to sigh and shake his head..."He's usually less stressed than this. His home life is a real piece of work."

"Is there anything I can do Sancho?" Rheana asked.

"It would mean the world to the kid if he could spend a week at the amusement park you know? Just be a kid for a while. That pup's older than his body. He needs to seriously play and laugh. I've just never had the time for it."

Rheana pulled out her wallet and showed a folded bunch of hundred zoo bucks. "From me...spoil him rotten. Take the week off and run him into the ground...on me?"

"Gawd damn it Rheana." Ricaro replied.

"Take it. You say no and Honey Badger will kick your hump." Rheana replied.

Zootopian Fleet Marine Recon (Zoo-cons) base Muddy Swamp Island Facility 10:00 am July 18, 2040

Quansett Hut 15 Home of Zoo-con team six (The Max Rippers)

The air smelled of lubrication oil, cleaning spray and simple green as the team of Tanukis and Otters worked on picnic tables over cups of coffee, boxes of donuts and equipment field stripped across the table tops...

"Pass me a screw driver?" Corperal Popper "Pocky" Schmidt asked as he rifled a box of strawberry Pocky and worked to calibrate a re-breather SCUBA unit. "Where's the "ligher" at?" (Lighter = Marine Lieutenant Colonel)

"Probably getting his rump chewed up by the brass for us destroying the training area again." Sargent Osa replied as he sat running cleaning patches down the barrel of his M-14 rifle. "Not our fault he keeps saying "spare not the rod."

Corporal Komo snickered..."I bet that officer we hog tied was cussing up a storm for us leaving that chicken leg in his mouth. They don't feed these wolves enough raw meat. That "wet neck" will have cravings for a month."

Sargent Virgil Tracy (otter) passed by Sargent Beezler (Otter) and snickered. "Snit Sunny...if you slam your wife like you fluck up those charge settings, it's no wonder you have no kittens."

"Bit me Tracy." Sunny replied.

"Why do they make water proof note books if you never use them Sunny?" Virgil replied as he placed a muffin in front of Sunny. "For you there birthday boy."

Sunny frowned at Virgil. "You skinny prick."

The other members of team six quickly jumped upon the fighting and struggling otter and put him on the floor of the Quansett, stripping him naked of his clothes and pulling his arms and legs wide apart!

"Sarge?" Corporal Gataki snickered. "You dared to try and hide this special occasion from us?" The Tanuki said as he went and grabbed a steel kettle off a warmer...."Mmmmm....warm buttered otter stomach.....yum yum...."

"When I get up? You better be running you little piss snit!" Sunny screamed as Gataki slowly poured the butter over the Otter's furry stomach....

"Don't worry Sarge? We won't abuse you......alot?" Gataki said as he spat on his paw and rubbed it warm...."I get first dibs on this mother flucker."


Corperal Popper "Pocky" Schmidt snapped back..."You can sure dish it out but you can't take it? This calls for a special extra pink belly! Happy birthday Sarge! We love you!" Pocky said before he planted a wet kiss on the wiggling and struggling otter's mouth!

"Happy Birthday Sarge!" Gataki yelped as he brought his open paw down and spanked Sunny's belly hard!


"AHHH!.....FLUCK!" Sunny yelped.

Virgil gave Sunny an evil grin and produced a laced string which he quickly tied to Sunny's waist and then he wrapped a 20 zoo-buck into it......"Happy Birthday you sexy bitch!"


"AHHH!.....FLUCK!" Sunny yelped.

"Happy birthday Sargent!" Another team member snickered as he too wrapped a 20 zoo-buck in the lacy string then smacked Sunny's stomach hard!



"AHHHHHH TENNNNN SHUN!" A loud growling voice cried out which ended the hazing of the poor birthday otter and brought all the Marines to their feet as the yellow Bengal tiger dressed in officer's greens walked into the Quonset hut and up to the poor Sargent naked and covered in butter....

"Hmmm....birthday there Sarge?" Lieutenant Colonel Max Biter asked as he stood with his arms behind his back.

"Yes Sir." Sunny replied.

Max smiled. "You look so cute in a G-string." He said as he bent down and wrapped a hundred zoo-buck into the lacy string around Sunny's waist.

"With all due respect Sir?" Sunny snorted back. "Fluck you and the horse you had sex with last night."

Max petted Sunny on the head. "Go take a shower Sunny. That's enough belly slapping. 30 is way too much anyway." The tiger said as he continued to walk around the Marines..."Guess where I came from?" He asked.

"From getting your rumps chewed over our stunning performance Sir?" Corporal Korky (otter) replied as he went back to field stripping his 45 caliber pistol.

"Well not exactly a maximum ass chewing but close enough." Max said as he took a seat on one of the picnic tables. "Destroying the jeep, a propane tank and a row of port-a-johns wasn't exactly authorized on the schedule."

Lance Corporal Kiba snickered..."We don't work to a schedule Sir. We work to fluck up the enemy by every means available. The destruction of the jeep was a diversionary action required for the swift and successful completion of our assignment. After all....Tanukis are born and bread to adapt, modify, change, deceive and dominate."

"You can't dominate your wife with your pencil neck dick." Pocky said giggling.

"You're the practiced bottom of this gang of thugs there "Hershey kiss"." Kiba snapped.

"That's greatly offensive to me Kiba." Pocky snapped. "Say you're sorry for offending my sensitive nature."

Kiba stood up...pulled a grenade off his web belt, pulled the pin and let the grenade spoon fly off...."Fluck your sensitivity Okama-kun."

"FLUCK!" Everyone in the quanset hut was all paws and tails trying to get out until they realized the grenade was a rubber dummy...

"You can be such a prick Keeb." Osa snorted as he bopped Kiba off the head.

"Can we all stop acting like children now?" Max asked. "Can I have control now for purposes of information? Everyone, sit down."

The team members found places to sit around the Lieutenant Colonel as he pulled a manila packet from a leather satchel. "New training plans from central command. They want our team to test naval security at all our facilities, to include Recruit Training Command."

Sunny raised a paw. "Navy security? They have such a thing?"

"Yes they do smart guy." Max replied. "I'm sorry they don't represent a challenge for you. Until the mess you made of our prime training facility is cleaned up? We take what we can get to continue to justify our existence."

Max placed the packet on the picnic table. "All of you review what's contained in this packet and be well versed in it by nightfall. And NO wanton destruction! No...."extra chaos excuses to justify needless equipment damage."

"We're not promising anything." Sunny said snickering as Max warned him with a paw finger and walked out of the hut.

The home of Gordon and Grace Gray 11 am July 18, 2040

Gordon saw his older son's car pull up to the front of the house and stopped his weeding of his wife's flower beds to meet Will as he walked up...

"Hey Dad." Will said with a paw wave. "Mom bribed you to clean the flower beds again?"

"She doesn't have to promise much." Gordon replied. "You little brother's not here right now. He went into the city to play Airsoft games with some school friends. He's really fitting in with High School after all the home schooling he did between your mother and you. Remember when I complained about home schooling?"

"Yeah." Will replied. "You thought it would turn Alex into a pussy like me."

Gordon said back...."I never called you a pussy."

"No..." Will replied. "You never did from your own mouth but your actions towards me sure said enough. Anyway? I came to get more of my stuff from the garage and tell you that I did take Uncle Chancy's idea about the Marine motor pool in Savanna. I'm going to try for that supervisor position."

Gordon smiled with a nod..."Good! That's good son. I knew you'd try for it even with your aversion to the military. I think it will do you a lot of benefit."

Will stood pursing his lips. "Dad? You served twenty. Uncle Chancy is going over twenty now in the Marines. Are you disappointed in me? Seriously?"

"William? That is the....sigh.....no. No William I sm not nor have I ever been disappointed in you. How could you even say that? Ok....ok....I read what you wrote in the newspaper, I read the editorial your mother showed me..."

"And?" William asked. "Honest Dad...please be honest with me?"

"You're worried that because I served in the Navy...that I would look down on you for expressing your feelings, your worries. You feel I might see you as a coward. "Sigh"...a father always has expectations for his first and oldest son and to be honest? You were never cut out to be an inch near the military, I saw it when you were a cub; I knew you were going to do other things and the way you wrote that editorial was what I expected from you. You're worried....hell I'm worried, look how your mother reacted on Alexander...now he was the one I was expecting not to join the service at all. Ashamed of you? Not even a tenth of a tenth..."

Gordon placed his big paws on Will...even at 19 year old...to William his father was still a monstrous wolf..."You will always have my love Son. No matter what..."

"That's......that's good to hear Dad....because....(deep breath).....because....." Will couldn't finish. "Damn....I feel weak in my legs Dad..."

Gordon grabbed Will, looked for his wife and helped his Son to sit on the grass..."Still having these panic attacks?" Gordon asked. "Breath Will...put your head between your knees and breath slow..."

"Oh....this sucks." Will replied. "Some big bad wolf I make."

"I'd rather have a smart son than a big stupid blow hard any day." Gordon said as he rubbed Will's back. Soon his calm returned and Will stood up rubbing his head tuft...."Thanks....I'll just zing it right out there Dad....I'm gay."

Gordon sat back..."Well that was no surprise. It took you long enough to say anything?"

"What?!" Will replied shocked. "You knew?!"

"Well?" Gordon replied. "When you kept coming home with that blue and white male dog from Middle then high school? We sort of had the inkling. I mean...you didn't exactly "OPSEC" well enough."

Will pursed his lips..."Well fluck a duck."

"Tell me you haven't?" Gordon replied. "You're not into bestiality are you?"

"Dad?! The fluck?" Will replied. He thought to himself..."Do they know about Alex too?"...."So? You knew and "you" never wanted to ask me? What about the "talk" thing Dad? I mean....is that just the "exclusive hetero" thing or what? If you and Mom knew about it? Why didn't you ask?"

"Sigh"....Gordon breathed deeply..."Not the most comfortable subject to talk about."

"Well you were comfortable enough to talk about your "tranny Kangy" experience? How the hell did you get past that enormous tail anyway?" Will asked.

Gordon snatched his son by the shirt. "So help you if you blab that to your mother William..."

"Then..." Will said as he raised a finger. "You'll be more than happy to help me get the rest of my tools and gear into my car....right Dad?"

Gordon pursed his lips. "You little snit."

Will gave his father a toothy grin. "Would you be upset if I told you that I fell in love with a bunny?"

"Quit while you're still alive William." Gordon snorted as he followed his son into the garage.

Battalion Airsoft House 11 am July 18, 2040

"WHAM!" Alex crashed into the wall on the run inside one of the maze houses that dotted the floor of the huge warehouse that held the Airsoft combat field. Dropping to a knee, he popped off his gas powered pistol and took out a player on the rival team as she rounded a corner and didn't look down to see her adversary...

"FOOMP! FOOMP!" "Got you Alicia!" The excited wolf mid-ling snapped out as he pointed his pistol in the other direction and prepared to round that corner. A sudden slight flash of fur poking out of the corner lip stopped Alex short and he quickly snatched a BB loaded spring twist grenade from his small carry pouch to "shrapnel" (shrapenal) the "Opfork" (Opposition)!

No sooner did Alex let the spherical grenade fly, did another one come tumbling through the air back at him to bounce off his forehead....

"OH SNIT!" Alex yelped as the grenade sprung open and showered him with green BB's...."Ugh! You suck dude!" He snapped as he came around the corner and came face to face with his own team mate...Kimba Leo.

"DAMN IT KIMBA!" Alex snapped. "YOU KILLED ME!"


"PUSSY!" Alex yelped at Kimba as they walked from the house with their hands up.

"No fair Alex!" Kimba snorted back.

"No fair what?!" Alex replied.

"You called me a "Pussy" and I can't call you anything back that relates to an insult that fits you. K-9 deuche!" Kimba snorted.

Alex whopped Kimba off the shoulder. "Don't call me a dog! I'm a wolf, not a bowl licking, tongue dragging neander-mammal. Don't EVER call me a DOG!"

"Chill Alex.....chill....I didn't do it on purpose." Kimba said as they walked across the floor while the game was still running.....

"whistle....Zing!" Alex pushed Kimba backwards just as a nerf blunted arrow came flying by their faces with a small red fox hot after it wearing a diaper and screaming up a storm!

"OUTA THE WAY! OUTA THE WAY!" Ikkey shouted as he slid to a stop before the two "mid-lings, drew another arrow and snap fired it off the head of an "Opfork" "WOO HOO! Sucks too be out you two!" Ikkey snickered...till he got hit in the head with a burst of BB's...."Awe.....darn it!" Ikkey snapped as he followed Kimba and Alex out of the combat floor...

"You boast too much Ikkey." Kimba snickered. "Less talking, more shooting. And why don't you get a real weapon? And why the heck do you wear pampers dude? You're what? Seven?"

Ikkey snorted back. "Why don't you learn to hit the cat box you dork?"

Alex gave a wicked smile...."Sniggle boom Kim Kim."

The little group walked to their assigned equipment table and pulled out jugs of water while reloading their pistol magazines and arrow quiver for the next game...

"So Kimba?" Alex asked. "You're the fly on the wall with your Dad? What have you heard concerning the Kzinti?"

Kimba shook his head..."Naddah....my Dad is very careful not to open his jaws around me or my sister. Especially my little sister with her mouth. I do know my Dad is trying to convince Commander Callie to plead guilty for a reduced sentence."

Alex pouted..."He shouldn't have to plead guilty for defending his ship and crew. I know they say he lied about being attacked but if he tried to save those Kzinti and they ended up going savage...what then? He'd be guilty of not being careful enough!"

Kimba sighed..."My dad is worried that a public courts martial could cause fights to break out and the Kzinti could see that as a weakness. I do know the city counsel shot down an idea to use our satellites to spy over Kzin."

Ikkey frowned...."How about we care about playing? I care about playing. Leave all the big stuff to the adults, it's all too confusing for me to care."

"He's right." Kimba said as finished loading his magazines. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a mirror. "Take this Alex?"

"Huh? What do I do with this?" Alex asked.

"Next time you go through a combat house." Kimba said as he drew on the table with a paw finger. "Before you round a corner...put that mirror on the floor against the opposite wall so you know the way around is clear....so you don't "Friend Fluck me"? And you want to be a Marine?"

"If he's Marine like he plays Airsoft? He'll be dead before he gets off the boat." Ikkey snorted.

"Ikkey?" Alex huffed. "You want me to give you a wedgie?"

"That's the cool thing about these? You can't wedgie. And I wear em because they're very flexible, I can really tear up the floor in em and I can slide on my rump like I'm on ice! Great advantages against the larger competition." Ikkey got atop the table and sat like a feral fox with his bow cradled against a shoulder... "Guys? Why don't you flesh em out left and right and I'll nail em from high and center? I can nail baddies from at least 30 yards with this bow?"

Alex thought...."If we take a two floor. One gun and Ikkey in the windows and I'll hold the stairs. We could probably whack a score of ten before we'd have to move. I mean....Ikkey is a mean little snit with that bow?"

Kimba pursed his lips..."I don't like getting penned in a house. They could fire or lob grenades and we'd be dead super quick."

Ikkey snickered. "I can move fast enough....let's try for a two story?"

Alex twirled his pistols in his hands..."I'm gain to play Alamo."

Kimba pursed his lips...."Ok...boldness to the fanatically foolish."

The three young furs walked into the combat field and dropped their protective masks over their faces as they took their places with other members of their team at one end of the massive warehouse space in a place called "North Spawn"

Alex waved his paw....."Me, Kimba and Ikkey here are going for the two story to the right! We're gonna cover Ikkey while he snipes!"

Two older furs, a pair of tiger brothers came over...."We'll hold the first floor. The one with the bow's a mean little snit."

Ikkey waved his paw around..."I'll run first so I can get up there and start shooting....All hail my padded butt!" The young fox said as he waved his tail around and strung his first arrow while the others stacked in behind his back, each resting a paw on the one in front of them...

The game umpire took his place high in a steel tower in the middle of the combat town and raised his arm over his head....

"North Spawn stand by! South Spawn stand by! The object of the game is team elimination! Ten minute game with no re-spawn! READY?!" The umpire snarled.

Ikkey bent himself low and twisted his feet against the concrete floor as he drew back his bow string...

"SET!" The umpire snarled.

"Bring down the rain!" Alex yelled loud!


The horn went off and off went the small fox tearing over the space between the spawn point and the nearest two story house where he was through the door and up the stairs before Alex, Kimba and the two tigers were half way there!

"Snit! That kit's fast!" One of the two tigers snapped out as the group of four slid to a quick stop to take on the first group of "Opforks" trying to keep them from taking the house!

"BRAP! BRAP! BRAP! BRAP! BRAP!" The tiger brothers unloaded on the gang of players and forced them to dive for cover! "GO YOU TWO! WE GOT THESE SUCKERS PINNED!" One of the Tiger's yelled as he pushed on Kimba and got the white lion cub and Alex sprinting into the two story. The audible "twangs" coming from the second story along with the sounds of plastic BB's slapping around the floor and walls told that Ikkey was doing his deadly work quick enough to avoid getting shot!

Alex bounded the stairs and dive rolled on the floor to avoid any window shots just in time to catch a flying grenade before it sprung open and whip it back out a window at the "Opforks" below!

"POOF! POOF! POOF! POOF! POOF!" Alex cut loose some shots from his two pistols standing at a window and rolled to the side to avoid getting shot! "Hey Ikkey! You think you got them pissed off enough?"

"TWANG!" "That's number seven!" The young fox snickered as he drew up another arrow and ran low to crouch against the wall with Alex. Alex noticed that Ikkey had ditched his diaper...

"You're going bottom nude with BB guns?" Alex huffed. "You are a sick little monster." "POOF! POOF! POOF! POOF! POOF!" He unloaded his pistols again on the street below and quickly dropped their empty magazines onto the floor.

"I need more freedom to move around!" Ikkey snapped back as he caught one "Ofork" at the far end of the warehouse floor sporting a sniper rifle on the roof of another two story and let an arrow fly over in a high arcing shot!"

"BOOP!" The nerf tip struck the Panther in the forehead and he was not a very happy camper for it....

"He just flipped me off!" Ikkey snorted. "That wasn't being sporting at all."

Ikkey quickly dove for the floor as the Opforks unleashed a torrent of BB's on the second story! Alex bolted from his spot after he reloaded his pistols, grabbed Ikkey by his shirt and dragged him into the shelter of the stairs as Kimba came running up with his own pistols....

"The Tigers are still holding the first floor but it looks like we're the center of attraction now! Everyone's clustering around the house. I don't think the "Opfork" like Ikkey at all!" Kimba snorted.

Alex heard spring and percussion grenades popping off on the second floor... "Yeah! They're just a little upset. How many you got so far Ikkey?"

"Ten and that sniper." The young fox snickered. "I'm not even warmed up yet." He snorted as he sprung by Alex, jumped to a window and let another arrow fly before retreating back into the staircase....

"Got another one." Ikkey said smiling. "I'm poking out pretty far....maybe about 30 yards?"

Alex jumped up, ran to a window, popped off a few shots then got nailed trying to turn and run back...."Ugh! Grrrrrr...." He growled as he walked past Ikkey. "I didn't duck low enough."

It wasn't long after the whistle blew ending the game, giving the players another respite before starting up again. Alex didn't expect to be going home, not as tired as he was going to make himself. He'd "shack" at Chancy's house before going home.

ZNDG-3 Growler 4pm July 18, 2040 ICERM Medium Mammal berthing compartment.

Ayden slowly drew back the blue curtain in the red bathed lighting of the berthing to see Jackson sleeping with his arms cuddled around his stuffed bunny toy Bonnie had given him...

"Oh....doesn't he look so cute?" Ayden said as he turned to his partner. 2nd class Electrical specialist (English red fox) Ryan Ladon.

"Yeah....so sad to break up such a picture...lemme get a smart phone pic of this? "Click"....got it....may I?" Ryan asked Ayden.

"Of course you may." Ayden replied as Ryan drew in a deep breath....

"GET UP! GET UP! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE IN THE BERTHING! GET THE FLUCK UP!" Ryan screamed out! As suddenly others from the day shift ICERM crew screamed throughout the compartment!

"PAFOOF!" Jackson rose up like a rocket! Had it not been for Ayden putting a thick pad of foam over Jackson's head, the bunn-fox would have cracked his head open on the top of his small rack! Jackson was all wildly kicking feet and failing arms as he fell out of his bed and was instantly grabbed...!

"WHAT THE FLUCK?! WHAT THE FLUCK?!" The poor bunny-fox screeched over and over as someone threw a pair of darkened goggles over his eyes then roughly pushed him onto the floor....


Jackson wasn't half awake but he was scared snit-less! Ayden kept screaming in his ears, slapping his back, turning him around and rolling him over the deck as the poor bunny-fox flailed to get his bearings. Finally he snatched what he knew was the ladder hand rail and threw himself into an upward run till he fell onto the deck above the berthing space...where the indignity of his own urine smell caught him in the nose....

"Damn it!" Jackson yelped as he tore his goggles off and threw them angrily onto the deck. He probably would have started swinging had reason not quickly caused him to do a double take of the situation. Calmly and without a further care, he pulled his soaked underwear off and threw them into a near by trash can probably set up for the expected results ,given the color of the bag inside being "HAZMAT WARNING RED", of such a violent awakening. Jackson wasn't the only one in the berthing at least who relieved themselves from this "shock therapy" session.

Ayden, being the ICERM night shift Leading Petty Officer, gathered the upset mammals together..."Sorry for the terrible wake up call everyone. Is everyone alright? Other than the "unfortunate accidents" we expected would come from this little training session? I know some of you are probably pissed three sheets to Sunday...bear in mind it was for your benefit. Anyone care to comment as to why we were so violent with all of you just now?"

A weasel named Archie snorted out...."Because you're a big prick "P OH TWO?"

Ayden smirked then turned to Jackson..."Jackson?"

"Because had the space been filled with smoke? We'd all be dead right now." Jackson replied. "Well....I'd be dead and covered in my urine anyway."

Ayden walked up to Archie and tapped his head with a feather finger..."Yeah, I am a big prick Archie. A prick who takes care of his shipmates." Ayden waved a pair of the shaded goggles in his hand...."You all MUST! I say it again....you MUST KNOW HOW.....to get out of a space, through this ship, to your battle stations or to the main deck and you can only do this through practice, practice, practice! Every day you should come out of your berthing, out of your shop, out of the galley, out of the library, out of any compartment on this ship and work your way around with your eyes closed or you blindfolded with a shipmate watching you until every step, every sound, every touch and every smell is imprinted like a road map in your fuzzy little minds because if you wake up not ready? You will die....end of story. I WILL NOT put any of you in a plastic bag to give you to your family! The Captain warned that we will be hitting training hard on this little cruise and he damn well means it. If you doubt the Captain's word? You can go see Master Chief and I'll provide his A1 sauce when he eats your tails off. Smart mammals stay alive....not smart mammals end up dead. Is that too complex for anyone here?"

None of the "night checkers" replied. "Good...I expect and Chief Fibo will expect to see you all practicing escapes over the next week...now...get cleaned up and go to dinner. Shift change is at 7pm...that's nine-teen hundred for you hard core Sailors."

ZNDG-3 Growler 5:30pm July 18, 2040 Enlisted crew Galley

Darla waved to Jackson as he walked from the food serving line and held out her paw for him to hold it a little, their agreed on moment of unoffensive affection. "I heard you got to practice compartment escape?" Darla said with a smile. "I so flopped hard."

Jackson sat down and set two smaller plates aside his for Albert and Myler to eat. "Bet you didn't wet yourself silly?" Jackson said quietly. "Albert? How do the mice get out?"

"We have these thick walled steel tubes in our berthing which go all the way to a compartment on the main deck. There's also service tubes that run to all the Damage Control stations. Besides us ICERM rodents? All the other department rodents are told to evacuate out except for rats who are assigned to "DC Lockers" as pipe repair gangs." Albert replied. "So what's the day like Darla?"

"Today was pipe replacement down in the engine room and adding new modifications to our drone garage for the newest class of UAV's coming into the fleet next month. Rumor has it these will be armed drones." Darla replied as she enjoyed her clam dinner. "For being a navy ship's galley? These clams are actually well prepared."

Jackson smiled a little. "This "Fox-a-mode wrap" could have less spice sauce but it's ok."

Myler looked at Albert. "Where do you think they get the cheese? It's a little dry."

"I don't know." Albert replied. "But I am going to write a comment card after dinner. On the cheese though....the greens are very nice and the tomato is crispy."

Darla rested her head against a hand..."Hey Jackie? I heard there's a Spade tournament often on the ship with prizes? Would you be gain to pair up for it?"

"Oh break my leg." Jackson said as he rubbed a paw finger over Darla's paw. "Like you had to ask me?

Chancy Hyke's house Savanna Central 8pm July 18, 2040

"Ow!....ouch....ouch.....ouch.....Ahhhhhh...." Alex blew out a satisfied huff of air from his maw as he slipped into the hot Ofuno tub to defy the tightness in his young joints. Every twist and tilt of his upper body brought sharp replies of protest from his arms and legs, especially his throbbing legs as they pounded hard from the over-enthusiastic exertion of playing Airsoft all day...

Chancy walked into the bathroom and leaned against the side of the ofuno tub. "You didn't stretch...did you?"

"Obviously." Alex replied. "I didn't think I needed to."

"Then I have to postpone some fun I had planned for you this weekend. I was going to introduce you to "combatives" for real from a real "D.I." like you begged me."

"You shoud have seen me today Unk! I was tearing mammals up! Used a lot of the stuff from the MCT's (Marine Corps Training Modules)." Alex said proudly. "At least on house entries and clearing? I had them easy."

Chancy snorted..."Oh ok....you shot a bunch of second graders and wanna be's and now you're an expert? Little undisciplined snot shooters and "wag tailers" is one thing kid. Fully grown predators that will rip your throat out without batting an eye is a different story."

Alex rested his head on his folded arms on the side of the tub..."Uncle? If you retire without seeing combat? Will you be upset?"

Chancy looked hard at Alex..."What do you think?"

"I think...." Alex replied. "I think just a little. You've trained for years and never got to use any of it? I would think you'd be just a little disappointed?"

"And...." Chancy said as he poked Alex in the nose. "You are right...a little bit. If I retire without seeing combat? I'll be about 98 percent happy and two percent disappointed. That two percent is the predatory wolf in me...like I was an inch from mauling a deer and the deer got away from me and it was the only deer in the forest and I found out I was too old to chase deer any more."

Chancy slowly rubbed his nephew's head tuft...."And if you join and end up with the same result? I will be about a hundred percent happy." Chancy gave Alex a gentle kiss. "Sit in here for a while and soak up and I'll get the sofa bed ready for you."

Alex stopped Chancy just before he touched the bathroom door..."Uncle?... I'm proud of you....and......and I love you very much."

Chancy smiled back. "Mutual Alex...always with you and Will no matter what. Take all the time you want kid. No rush."

end of chapter 17