Draconic Giantess Twofer

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#6 of Random Stuff

A couple of very short dragon girl stories I randomly came up with.

Story # 1

Saph saw herself in her dream, a darker shape amongst the dark of the bedroom. Something moved, skittering over her bare midsection and moving up toward her face. She saw and felt herself tossing and turning as if she were halfway out of her body. A hand flailed lazily and unguided but fell back onto the blankets. Her tail arched and flopped over the opposite side of the bed it had been dangling from.

No details could be seen of the thing crawling on her. No part of any of this was clear- what was going on, why she was seeing it or if it was even actually happening. The creature was beginning to creep up between the canyon of her breasts.

Saph could not say what the creature's intentions were. She melted back into unconsciousness just before it reached her face.

The bedroom was flooded with light when Saph's eyes fluttered open at last. The Dragoness was laying on her side, the scaly curves of her naked body shining in the sun that streamed in through the window. The strange dream didn't occur to her until she had sat up and stretched, calling out to the morning with a deep yawn.

With a gasp, she searched the bed and sheets around her frantically then grasped at her spiky hair. Nothing lurked within it aside from the base of her horns. No horrible bugs or other nasty critters had assailed her. At last, she looked down and instantly slapped a palm to her forehead.

"Ah, that's right! I had him over last night!"

Her boyfriend. Or at least, a flattened version of him, was stuck to the inside of her left breast. She must have turned over on her side as he was moving up through her cleavage and been squished between the heavy orbs. Pinching him by the tail, she peeled the fox off and dangled him in the air. He had been pressed into a pancake of fur.

"Dang it. I have the worst luck with mates," She mused bitterly.

Well, nothing to be done about it now she figured. She plopped her boyfriend into her mouth and swallowed him. Not quite enough for a snack but she didn't want him to go to waste. But on the bright side, there were plenty of males who were into larger women.

Story # 2

"Well...I suppose there are worse places to be stuck," The voice echoed throughout the cavernous lair.

The two dragon girls giggled at the tiny fox's statement. Vitala was on one side and Saph on the other. The former was covered in deep green scales and the latter was blue as the sapphire she was named for. Both of the ladies were crouching naked and covering Saph's stone coffee table with their large scaly orbs.

Stuck in between the canyon of cleavage formed by the ladies, was a tiny male fox who was looking quite pleased with himself. Ari couldn't see a better birthday present than being held in between two great sets of dragon boobs.

Saph massaged her breasts, rocking the fox back and forth as they rubbed against Vitala's chest. Vitala sighed as she felt the stiff nipples moving against hers, and from the look of it Saph enjoyed the sensation as well. The blue Dragoness slid her hands from her breasts across to Vitala's and began to massage both pairs.

Ari enjoyed this turn of events, as did Vitala. With a mad grin, he sunk a little deeper down in their cleavage. His erection and knot pressed against the sensitive inner portion of Vitala's breasts, where her scales were a little lighter as they ran in a strip down her body. He lay back, folding his hands behind his head so that his erection poked up in the air.

Taking the cue, Vitala puckered her lips and leaned in. She planted kisses at the base of Saph's neck and moved down to her breasts, capping each kiss with a loud smooching sound. Finally she buried her snout a little ways in between Saph's boobs. The fox grunted as he felt gigantic soft lips press around his stiff cock. A moment later she pulled back and smacked her lightly frosted lips.

"I want a taste," Saph said, leaning in.

As the two dragons made out, Ari sunk out of sight while the wrestling match between the two sets of lips grew more heated. Vitala's boobs rocked up and down over top of Saph's. Their long forked tongues met and swept across each other, tangled up with soft moans and noises of pleasure.

All the sudden Vitala's eyes widened and she looked down.

"Er...hey Ari? Where'd you go?"

They both moved back from the table, but could find no sign of the fox.

"Hold on a second," Saph instructed as she reached over the table and lifted Vitala's left breast up a bit.

Stuck to the bottom of the scaly green melon was Ari, squished flat with lines in his body following the texture of the scales. Only his tail dangled down.

"Oh, damn it. Saph, I'm so sorry about that.."

Saph shrugged, "Hey, it happens. But you know...we can still fuck at least,"

Vitala brightened up, "That sounds great! What should we do about him though?"

Saph leaned down and pressed her tongue against Vitala's boob, moving up to lick the foxy pancake off her. She gulped Ari down and then began to nibble at Vitala's hard nipple.

As the two dragon girls mounted each other on the table, Ari made his way down Saph's throat and into her stomach. He would be digested even before their lovemaking was concluded, a tiny burst of energy for the giant dragoness. He had died as he lived, between giant dragon tits.