Bloode saga part 1

Story by Jack Faebloode on SoFurry

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Part 2)[](%5C)

Part 3)[](%5C)

soooo ya first story and it's like 1 in the morning so sry if I make any stupid mistakes please comment and ill fix : ) ty

Fixed everything!

I don't remember much about that night. It was a horrific time back then. I was being hunted by my own kind, and humans chasing me down whenever I got too near a small town. Back then I didn't know how to hide my change. But that was then.

But I suppose we should start at the beginning. My name's Selro Mangus Bloode. But you may call me Jack. I've been alive since the 1800s, born in a small village somewhere in Europe; I've forgotten its name. I was I strong, kind, and unselfish young man, who lived in a kind village with friendly and loving people, but most of that changed after my 19th birthday.

I was going to ask the lovely your maiden, Samantha Rose to be my wife. I was taking her out to the town winter fusible as my partner, and was going to propose to her that night.........

"Jack what you are doing! Get down from there!" An elderly woman stood looking up at her house, one hand on her back, her other on her cane she held. "I told you not to do that today! My house can stand another night with a broken roof!"

A strong young man would stand, pressing his hands to his back as he stretched, letting out a groan of relief, before looking down, a broad grin spreading over his handsome face. "You know I couldn't let my favorite baker in the village catch a cold now could I? No one could live without your bread for the day!" He let out a chuckle, moving to the latter that leaned upon the edge of the small house, climbing down

The baker let out a bark of a laugh, lifting one finger from her cane to point at Jack, "Just like your father you are! So very sweet and trying to fool me into giving your free food!" she laughed again, sapping Jack's back with her cane as he reached the ground. "You better run along now boy, nights a commin and you need to go get that dear sweet little thing you're taken to the feasible" she leaned forward, her white, wispy hair falling in strands over her face. "Between you and me", she took a deep inhale through her nose, "something interesting going to happen tonight eh?" She laughed again, smacking Jack's shoulder with her cane and left before Jack could reply.

Some people said that the baker practiced witch craft but no one could ever prove it. Or maybe it was no one wanted to prove it. She did make the best bread in town. Jack chuckled, rubbing his shoulder, and then dusting his hands together as he walked off from the baker's house.

He passed a lot of familiar people as he walked through the town, nodding his head with a smile and a hello or two every so often. Finally reaching the edge of the village he'd keep walking. His house was located right outside the edge of the village. The house used to be his father's but after his parent's death a year ago, he inherited it.

After walking for 10 min, he'd reach his house, smiling slightly to himself at the small cozy cottage next to a small lake near the forest edge. Walking behind his house he'd pull some clothes from the drying line, stripping from his dirty clothes, throwing them into a pile before taking the clean clothes with him to the edge of the lake, putting them down. He'd then walk into the lake, dunking his head to wash the sweat away. "Mmm that's much better."

He'd move farther out to the deeper part of the lake, the water only reaching his chest. Smiling he'd dig his toes into the sand, running a hand through his hair he'd stand there in the falling sun relaxing in the cool water, thinking about what was going to happen tonight. He was going to ask Sam to marry him tonight and he knew she'd say yes. Maybe he could get her to sneak away from the feasible tonight.... The thought brought a rush of heat down to his lower body.

Pushing that thought away he'd move towards the shore, stepping out of the lake. "JACK! JACK WERE ARE YOU!!?" a man came bursting from around his house, seeing him at the lake the man ran towards him and stumbled, tripping over his own two feet landing face first into the ground. He' run from the water to the man dropping on his knees to turn him but noticed an arrow sticking from the man's back.

"Oh god..." Without touching the area around the man's wound he turned him on his side. "...Simond? Oh god Simond what happened!' simond turned his head up to look at jack, his grey eyes barely seen from behind his half-closed eyelids. "!" the last word came out in a harsh gasp of breath and the man slumped, his head dropping.

"Oh god simond...." He closed his friend's eyes and stood, running, naked, to the front of his house and stopped dead looking out towards his town. It was ablaze. Red, orange and yellow flames danced from the buildings and villagers as he watched, powerless and stunned. "No...No...No no!"

He could see the outline of what looked like men running on all fours towards his small house, and without thought he did what his friend asked. He ran. Dashing towards the woods he ran as fast as he could, glancing over his shoulders, he noted that they were already more than half way here. Damn it. Faster Jack faster.

He ran through the silent woods the only noise he could her was the pounding of his own feet on the forest floor, in till a loud howl pierced the night air and struck fear into his hear. Oh god it's the wolf men! He ran for he didn't know how long in till he thought he couldn't run anymore. He stopped and leaned ageist a tree breathing deeply, his heart pounding in his ear, the bark scrapping his ass and back. He looked up the moon shining brightly halfway in the sky.

After slowing his breathing he stood still, listening for any noises. After for listening for a few minutes he let out a breath of relief. Lost them. As soon as he thought that a giant furred man jumped at him from a tree, howling. The creature's fangs sunk deep into his shoulder, its claws raking over his chest. Surprised jack fell backwards with the beat on him, dazed, the pain so overwhelming brought him strength enough to take his free arm and grab the top of the beast's muzzle.

Slipping some fingers under its jaw he pulled as hard as he could, pain racking his shoulder but the head moved, the beast letting go. In one tug he pulled as hard as he could to the side, the beast howling in surprise and pain as he fell from on top of him. Hurriedly Jack rolled over on the beast shoving his elbow into the creature's neck and pressed as hard as he could with all of his body weight till he heard a crack.

Exsaughsted and in agony he rolled off the corpse, looking up at the moon, his eyes slowly drifting closed...... that.... cinnamon? The smell in the room was thick and it smelt of cinnamon. Jack laid down upon a small bed, his body bandaged, multiple blankets covering his body. Slowly ever so slowly he opened his eyes to find himself in a small room the walls made of shabby wood so most likely he was in a cottage. Incents were burning on a dresser on the other side of the room and a door stood cracked in the corner opposite of the bed.

Where I? What happened....? I can't seem to remember anything...

Groaning he sat up pain springing up in his chest and shoulder. Immediately the door burst open, a black and green furred fox woman walked in carrying a small wooden cup. Forcing it into his hand and moving it to his lips. "Drink." Not taking his eyes from the female he sipped the liquid then pulled back coughing hard to the side. "Oh god what is that! Its nas-" the female forced the cup up and the rest of the liquid slid down into his mouth and he swallowed in surprise.

He started to cough again, and this went on for a bit till finally his burning throat cleared, the fox watching him with her head tilted. "Better now isn't it wolfing boy? When I found you I didn't know if I could save you, or if I wanted to" she talked fast he blinked rapidly before understanding what she said. He did feel better actually; the pain was very small now and controllable. What wait did she call him?

"Wolf boy?"

She laughed, standing up she moved to the dresser pulling off a mirror and handing it to him. "Look for yourself wolf boy" picking up the mirror he almost dropped it a she looked into it. He was....changed. His skin was gone now covered in a coat of black fur, he now had a muzzle and wolf ears poked up from a shaggy head of even blacker hair. He looked at his hands covered in fur, his nails long and grown, and very sharp. He turned around and groaned. Oh yay. A tail too?

Throwing off the blankets he looked down at his bare body, completely naked he was covered in black fur, his muscular chest looked broader and more...well muscular, and to top it all off his dick wasn't there. In its place was a wolf's sheath. "Oh god..." the fox eyed him up and down with a small smile.

"Not a boy. No not a boy at all. A man. An alpha. That's what you could be. You could lead your own pack with the strength you have. But that's not all you need. Do you have the brains for it to? I bet you do" she laughed her eyes lingering over his body, causing his lower body to heat up. He really looked at the female in front of him now.

He'd seen furs before and they were actually quite attractive, and his fox was no different, she was completely nude and had black fur all over her body. Green fur making swirls on her stomach leading down to her leg and wraps around it to where he couldn't see. She had very plump breasts and a slim figure.

She laughed again, and he looked up into her face, into her green eyes. "It seems you like what you see" he looked down to find his new pink member sliding from its hiding place. He blushed from under his fur placing his large paws over it trying to hide it

She laughed again moving up to the male taking his hands and pushing them to her breasts. "You do owe me for saving your life night stalker and I think this will do to repay me don't you thing? It gets so lonely out here in the forest by myself. A man would cheer me right up."

Her breasts were soft, her nipples were already pearling. It appears that she likes what she saw also. His member was still growing now poking her stomach, its thickness surprised him but what surprised him more was this lust that was building. He squeezed her breasts and smiled as she let out a small moan when he did. Oh god I can't help myself.

He bent his head down running his tongue over the females perking nipples, her head tilted back, and a louder moan coming from her lips. He took her and moved her to the bed she fell backwards with him on top of her, his hands running through her short black hair, his mouth teasing her nipples, her legs opened and wrapped around his middle, the stench of her sex reaching his nose, his cock throbbed, almost fully grown, precut dripping from his head onto her fur.

After a few minutes of teasing she somehow slipped around and she was on top of him, nibbling on his neck, running her paws through the fur on his chest, she kept moving down till he found his cock being nibbled on and licked which he found extremely pleasant, moans rising up from his throat mixed with pleasurable growls. "Oh god yes..."

She smiled and crouched over him placing the tip of his cock right at the entrance of her pussy, some of her juices run down onto his awaiting cock, moaning slightly as she took one breast, tilting her head back, she slowly sliding down. They both moaned out loudly, her louder than him, as his rod impaled her tight slit. Amazingly she slid down all way, sitting still with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, her chest rising and falling quickly.

He'd stand still impale din her, slamming her into the wall next to the bed. She moaned out as he did this, her claws digging into his back as he started to pump into this fox's pussy. He'd start to build up speed. the lust nothing like anything he's ever felt, her pussy was milking him as she rocked with orgasms her moans building up into screams as he pounded into her, his knot starting to form, slapping the entrance of her pussy.

She'd feel the knot and moan out in another orgasm "Oh gods yes fill me with everything your got! Oh gods fill me!" He'd growl loudly fucking her hard; her breath would leave her with every thrust, her claws drawing blood as he did this. Finally he'd slam into her as hard as he could, his knot finally pushing through, and he'd howl out the same time screamed his seed spilling out nonstop into her slit.

Falling back she'd land on him, his knot stuck in her, throbbing. Her body shivering with some minor orgasms before them both lay there, breathing deeply. She reached over and grabbed a blanket, pulling it over them; she'd smile kissing his cheek. "Judging by your size we'll be stuck together for a while so get some sleep my night stalker." Laying her head upon his chest he'd smile, closing his eyes. The memories of the earlier days forgotten. He slept.

Lol next one will come sometime soon :) I hope. lol please comment and rate ty