High Latitude Hospitality 3

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#33 of Commissions

Cora had gotten bigger since last we'd seen him. Grace had moved in and she was keeping him very well fed. It meant he'd put on weight on top of adding Tora to his already impressive little family of passengers. On top of that, everyone had agreed to stay even longer than the usual length of time. Cora certainly didn't mind that at all.

It meant getting warm in the shower was a little tricky since turning around in a relatively small space was more difficult. So, Grace decided to take her roommate/boyfriend to a new hot spot (literally) that had opened recently, a place that was part sauna, part spa, part bathhouse, and part upper end bar. Surely nothing would go wrong with getting drunk at such a place... especially since they encouraged their patrons to go about in the nude.

This is a commission for Megido, a continuation from part 2.

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"I'm telling you! You're gonna love it here!" Grace said.

The great ursine lady had managed to drag Cora out of the house for once. Granted it was hard getting him to anymore. He'd gotten rather large since taking on all of his passengers. Tora and Dezzy occupied his middle while Anders and Wray were comfortably stashed down below--between his knees--sloshing around in his sac. On top of that, Grace had taken it upon herself to feed the bull as much as he could eat. Her reasoning was he was eating for five. Cora saw no reason to complain. Caring for all four of his passengers for so long had given him a much more motherly figure. As it happened, he was rather liking the look. Grace made it clear she liked it on him too. His broader hips gave her more to wrap her arms around.

Summer had come and was already on its way back out, but it was still fairly chilly out. But with more sunlight--near constantly for a few days in fact--it encouraged the residents of the sleepy little town to actually go outside for more than a few minutes at a time. What was ever so slightly out of the ordinary was that even though it was summer, Dezzy was in no real hurry to leave the confines of his husband's womb. Neither were the other three quick to evacuate. Cora wasn't entirely of the mind to kick them out either. Early on when it turned warmer out, he had sat down and had a conversation with his belly and his balls. Everyone agreed that the situation was too cozy and comfortable to give up. And so they all arranged for an extended stay.

"Are you sure it's okay? I've heard that pregnant women shouldn't spend prolonged periods of time in places like this." Cora said, moving more slowly than he used to.

With all that weight to carry around, not just his kids but the layer of fat Grace had given him with all her feeding, he had the starting speed of a tractor trailer. Thankfully, Grace was big and strong enough to get him on a roll, then help him put on the brakes. He was beginning to get the hang of it though. His legs were starting to thicken even further, growing dense with the muscle he would need to move the small mountain that was himself with greater ease and grace.

"Yeah, but that's regular pregnant women. And I guess guys who are pregnant the regular way too. Ya know... with an actual baby, not a husband and three boyfriends. Your kids are gonna be fine! And you're gonna be so relaxed!" Grace said.

"It's not like I'm really stressed out or anything. But, if you think it'll be fun, then I guess I can go along. But if anyone starts to complain that it's getting too warm, I'm out. Got it?" Cora shot back.

"Got it. Now don't turn all shy on me when we get in there. You'll be more comfortable without clothes, I promise. And it's kind of expected. It's one part sauna, one part speakeasy, one part nudist club." the grolar bear said, tugging her roommate-with-benefits in through the door of the establishment.

"Nudist? Club?" Cora asked, sounding nervous already.

"Hello and welcome to Fire-Water. How can I help you?" asked the receptionist, a brightly colored avian lady.

She looked like she belonged in some tropical jungle, which is probably why she worked in a place that was known for excessive amounts of warmth and humidity. The alcohol didn't hurt either. Grace took charge immediately, grinning a wide, toothy grin that somehow didn't frighten anyone that fell into the realm of 'prey type'.

"Yes! I believe there's a reservation for two. Should be under the name 'Grace'." she said.

"Grace, yes. I have you right here. You reserved a spot in one of the larger soaking rooms. I'll show you to your pool." the parrot lady smiled brightly and turned to guide the two very large guests down the hall towards their destination.

Within about five minutes, both bull and bear were undressed and showering as thoroughly as the sauna-bar requested of them. When they were as clean as they could manage in a foreign bathroom without their usual soaps, shampoos, lotions, and loofas, the pair was shown to the pool reserved for them. Really it wasn't so much that the pool itself was reserved, but more that they had seats in the steaming watering hole set aside just for them. It felt like they were visiting some beach-side resort where the pool butted up against the bar. Only this time it was a fabricated hot spring.

Cora marveled at the facility. It must have been quite the undertaking. They had drilled deep into the rock face of one of the neighboring mountains to avoid needing monstrous amounts of insulation. Then they had drilled down far enough to hit an area of geothermal energy. That meant they would never need to power a heating system. They just pumped water into the shaft and it came back piping hot, an artificial, mammal-made hot spring. Or perhaps avian-made. The receptionist wasn't the only one who was wrapped up in brilliant, startlingly colorful plumage.

"This place is pretty impressive." Cora mused.

"Damn straight! I've been following their progress on their blog, seeing photos as they moved from phase to phase. They're even generating all their own electricity thanks to the heat they tapped into underground. It's totally green! Our own little oasis in the frigid north!" Grace said gleefully.

She didn't seem to care at all that the other guests had a complete view of her chest. There was quite a lot there to see after all, but she made no effort to conceal herself. Cora meanwhile felt more self-conscious. He was sure that letting everything hang out--especially when the kids got to moving around real good--someone was bound to see he was stuffed with more than just one or two folks in various places. That didn't exactly sound like something the general public would be comfortable with. Still, it had been over six months since Anders and Wray crawled into his sac and no one had given him any trouble. He wasn't sure if anyone had noticed, but none of the other townsfolk had been nasty about it to him. Maybe he was nervous for nothing.

"So... we just sit here, soak up the heat?" Cora asked.

"And we get shit-faced! There's a reason why it's a combination bathhouse and bar! Hang on, I'll go get us some drinks! It'll help loosen you up!" Grace said, then waded off towards one of the counters where a bartender was waiting.

He was bright pink with a beak that curved downward to a black tip. The flamingo was wearing a pressed, formal, white shirt with a black bowtie. He looked terribly fancy, and wore a big smile. Clearly he was happy to be in where it was so warm rather than outside. Sure, most of the snow had melted already. It probably still didn't get warm enough for the tropical birds to be as comfortable as those who were more attuned to the chilly high latitude climate.

After a short wait, Grace returned with two rather large beverages smelling strongly of fruit and alcohol. Cora wasn't going to get out of this without getting completely out of sorts. Thankfully, being as big as he was meant it would take more than the average person to get even just a bit tipsy. Less thankfully, Grace was similarly massive, though not in the same unusual ways the bull was. It meant she would be similarly difficult to drink under the table. He was sure to get hammered.

Ten minutes passed and both glasses were empty. The grolar bear had finished hers first, then helped the bull finish his through her own style of 'encouragement'. Apparently she really enjoyed feeding him, and it extended beyond just food. The fruit-flavored adult slushy settled into his gut, churning away on top of Dezzy and Tora while he sat in the warm, gently bubbling water. He could feel them beginning to get active. That meant he was likely going to be sporting a rather noticeable swell should anyone dive under and take a peak.

That stiffening didn't go unnoticed by the pair contained just below. Anders and Wray were starting to squirm, no doubt because the bovine's scrotum was starting to squeeze and knead away at them. Were the big fellow's groin in the open air, a quiet but audible gurgle might have been heard by those nearby. That was often a source of embarrassment while he was in public. Thankfully, Cora could shrug it off as his stomach making noise as though he were hungry.

A second round was ordered and just like the first, Cora was 'encouraged' to keep up with his 'feeder'. Grace had quite the aptitude for motivating him. Soon, a third round was procured and poured down their respective throats. Things were starting to get a little fuzzy for the bull. Grace meanwhile was showing signs of the alcohol affecting her. She was more boisterous than usual. She was less inhibited with how she showed her affection for the bovine's gut--and his swollen scrotum as well. She was even starting to slur her words.

"I think we should slow down a bit. I'm a little light-headed, and you're obviously nursing a very happy buzz." Cora said.

"What!?" Grace replied, sounding aghast, "No! No, I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. I swear I'm not drunk. I'm just... I'm just... I'm just... I really like hugging you, that's all."

It turned out she wasn't that far gone just yet. Cora could easily detect the ursine lady being playful and feigning being deeper into her state of mind than she actually was. She snapped back to what passed for clarity of mind at the moment and her eyes widened.

"Oh! They have this one drink here that's like their version of a boiler-maker!" Grace said, sounding remarkably clear.

"What makes it different?" Cora asked.

"They serve it in a tiki-mug!" Grace replied, bouncing softly in the water and clapping her paws together like a giddy school girl.

Her exuberance created a series of small waves that threatened to drown the more miniscule patrons were they to get too close.

"That's all? Just that?" the bull asked, sounding unimpressed.

"Well no, of course not," the bear replied indignantly, "I'm... I'm sure they do some other stuff to make it special."

She didn't sound all that sure, but the idea of it being in a tiki-mug absolutely delighted her. For Grace, this was as good as taking a trip to some tiny island on the equator, one with all the usual tourist trap destinations and typical food and beverage fare. Cora wasn't about to step on her fantasies so he just rolled his eyes and shoed her away.

"Well go on, go find out. It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon." he said.

Grace cackled gleefully and hurried off as fast as the water would allow her to. Hopefully no unsuspecting guest would be swept away by her wake. There was no telling how long she'd be gone. She'd taken longer to fetch the second round than the first, and even longer than that for the third. She got rather chatty when she had a few in her. It was how Cora had learned so much about her after she moved in. It was also how he found out she enjoyed the fact that he was pregnant, to say nothing of her enjoyment of keeping him so well fed.

The bull sighed quietly and reclined a bit where he sat. The warm water did feel quite lovely, especially on his hooves. That part he had not expected. It left him quietly disgruntled at the idea of going back to sticking them in the slush of autumn when the first snows began to fall again. At least now he'd be able to come back to this little 'oasis' whenever he wanted. It was shockingly affordable, given what all they offered.

While he sat there, pondering how often he could get away with coming to Fire-Water--he was thinking at least two or three times a week--he failed to notice he was being watched. In fact, he had failed to notice he had been watched since just before the second round was fetched. Finally, his gaze was dragged towards the two pairs of eyes locked on him. One belonged to a rather tawny feline with tall pointed ears. The other was a wolf from the more temperate regions. He lacked the distinct, slightly mangy appearance that arctic wolves had in the summer, thanks to a lack of winter coat. He looked like a typical grey wolf, and he was stockier than his more svelte companion. It made him blush when he finally realized he'd been the subject of their intense observation.

"Hello," he said, trying not to stammer or sound too inebriated, "Can I help you with something?"

"Sorry, we didn't mean to stare," the wolf said, "We were just trying to figure out the best way to come over and say hello."

That was an odd thing to say. Why would they need to figure out the 'best way' to do that? It puzzled Cora so much he simply had to comment on it.

"Well, just walking up and saying 'hello' is usually the best way. 'Course, I suppose swimming would be more the thing to do here," the bull said, "I don't look that scary, do I?"

"Oh, no! It's not that we think you're scary. It's just that your reputation kind of precedes you." the wolf replied.

"You're kind of a celebrity!" the caracal said, blurting it out as if he couldn't hold back a peel of laughter.

"What? Celebrity?" Cora asked, "You've got to have me confused with someone else. There's nothing exceptional about me."

"That gut of yours says otherwise," the feline said, grinning like a Cheshire cat, "And so does that mighty impressive package you've got downstairs!"

"Oh, well... that's... yeah, I suppose that would be a little unusual," Cora replied, slowly beginning to feel the pieces slide into place one by one, "Wait... my reputation? My gut? You're... interested in it?"

The tawny cat dragged himself from his companion's embrace. They had clearly been wrapped up in one another's arms. Had the bull turned to have a look earlier, he might have seen them deeply involved in one another, exploring the inside of one another's muzzles. The wolf was quickly dragged along, not left behind by the cat's attempt to approach the bovine.

"We're very interested. Word on the street has it you've got some folks you keep in there full time. I think someone said one of them is your husband? Oh, I'm Lyra by the way." the caracal said, seeming to have an almost one-track mind.

At least he was able to focus enough to introduce himself. It just didn't hit him he should until after he tried to dive headlong into the subject that was on his mind.

"I'm Marle," the wolf added, "We've been hoping to run into you at some point. We've spotted you on occasion, but either we were on our way out or you were just about out the door yourself whenever we caught you."

"You have? Really?" the bovine asked, blinking incredulously, "Why?"

"Like we said, we're interested in that gut of yours," Lyra said brightly, "So how 'bout it? Is your hubby all cuddled up in your tummy all safe and sound, snug as a bug in a rug?"

"Honey, go easy on him. We've only just introduce ourselves. Let's at least try to not come off as raging sluts for once." Marle said.

"Oh hush. You know perfectly well I like people thinking that about me." the cat shot back.

"Guys, guys! I know you're excited but... slow down a bit," Cora said, then took a breath before carrying on to answer the question, "It just so happens that yes, I do keep my husband in here."

The bull gave his tummy a gentle slap, then a rub. A goodly portion of it had been visible above the water line, even when he was seated. It was almost impossible to not notice it. The answer prompted the two smaller boys to flank the big fellow. They squeezed in close against his tummy and began massaging it, all too eager to finally shower the object of their affection with all manner of tactile blessings.

"That is just too adorable. I love it." Lyra said, his ears folding back as he leaned in.

The cat pressed a cheek to the side of the bull's stomach and began to purr, not at all wondering about whether Cora was comfortable with it or not. As it so happened, he was just lubricated enough with liquid courage that he didn't mind at all. In fact, he welcomed the attention. With Grace disappointingly absent, he was grateful he had found someone else to take up her job of fawning over his tummy.

"Well, to be clear, it's not just my husband. He's got a roommate. I guess he's my boyfriend? Or... my son? I dunno. It's hard to pin down an actual role or label for either of them. Dezzy and I were married before I started this 'rapid expansion project'. I'm Cora by the way." the bull said.

"Oh, we know who you are. You're kind of the talk of the underbelly of the town. And I don't just mean the people that want to hide under your belly!" the wolf said, then laughed at his own little joke, "Everyone's going on about how big you've gotten, how your two roommates disappeared, and how that red dragon, Tora, who came to town a few months back suddenly vanished. And how you got bigger after both instances. Everyone thinks they know what's going on, so why don't you set the record straight for us?"

The bull proceeded to explain the situation, starting back at the beginning when Anders and Wray went diving down his shaft. Usually, he would have been more restrained in his descriptions, but the alcohol had encouraged him to be more open. He answered questions as he told his story, fighting to keep from squeezing his thick, motherly thighs together as the two smaller boys continued to fawn over his middle. They even dared to dip a little lower. Each time they made contact with his bulging spire, they retreated quickly, no doubt fearing a negative reaction. When none was provided, they grew bolder and dared to linger their a bit longer. Soon, as the bull was nearing the end of his tale, the caracal was openly stroking his member, keeping him nicely stimulated to the point of squirming.

"So... that's... that's how... everyone got where they are." Cora said, closing out his recent history.

"That's one hell of a story," Lyra said as he let his paws roam over the bovine, "Sounds like you've got quite the load. I'll bet you have trouble getting around with all that you're carrying."

It had taken a while for Cora to notice during the back and forth during his storytelling. Now that the tale was over, he was beginning to pick up on subtle cues from his two little admirers. They had become difficult to detect through his own somewhat inebriated state, but without needing to focus on recollection, those cues were beginning to emerge.

Cora's new friends were just ever so slightly tipsy themselves, both Lyra and Marle. That might account for how 'friendly' they were getting. The attention to his stomach was bringing forth the familiar tightness between his legs. Both wolf and cat clearly had a rather casual attitude towards tending to all the bull's needs, not just his squirming tummy. The heavy, gravid fellow was not going to complain, not when he was being shown such affection.

"Oh, it's not so difficult. I mean, it was kind of at first. You get used to it after a little while." the bull said.

"Yeah? How's it feel?" Marle asked, his curiosity driving him to mirror his partner's more free-spirited state.

"It feels great. Ever since Dezzy and I started doing this, we've both really enjoyed it. Then Anders and Wray joined in and that kind of changed things." Cora explained.

"So, you put someone in, it feels great, and after a while you get used to the size and weight, huh?" Lyra asked.

The tone of his voice suggested to the bovine fellow that he was driving at something. That made him a little suspicious.

"Yeah... you could put it that way," Cora said, "Why are you asking?"

"Oh, no reason. Just tempted to go diving in somewhere, maybe say hi to one of your 'kids'. I was thinking downstairs, in here." the caracal said as he pressed a palm firmly against the great bloat of the bull's scrotum.

The pressure made the big cow grimace and shiver. His length twitched under his engorged stomach and he let out a huff. He could have let both of them give his occupied sac a good massage all afternoon. When he got himself back under control, he noticed that the wolf wasn't exactly trying to dissuade his feline companion. Instead, he was just rolling his eyes as though he was used to this kind of behavior from Lyra and it amused him.

"Mmm, well as tempting as it might be for you, I'd show a bit of restraint. Ever since Anders and Wray slipped in, they haven't come back out. For all you know, it might be a case of you can check out but you can never leave." Cora said.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Lyra said with a smirk.

"Honey," Marle chided gently, "Maybe you should ease down a bit. I don't think this is going to go the way you want it to. And you've had a couple so... maybe you're not thinking all that clearly."

"Nah, I know I wanna try it. Ever since I heard about mister beefcake here, I've been super curious." the caracal said.

"And you know what curiosity did to the cat, don't you?" the wolf asked.

"It got him stuffed into a big, chubby man-mom's nut-sack with two of his boyfriends?" Lyra shot back with a large grin.

Marle sighed again and turned his attention to the bull.

"You see what I have to live with? I don't think he's going to let this go." the lupine said.

"Well, curiosity can be healthy. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little tempted." Cora replied.

"Great! I'll see you inside, honey!" Lyra said with a happy little chirp of a purr.

The caracal then dove under the water and approached the bovine's shaft. Cora immediately let out a groan as he felt a pair of lips press to the head of his length. Lyra was trying to make out with it as if it were a lover. The bull shuddered and spread his legs wider, slouching a bit further than he already was. The slip in his posture pushed his rod against the cat's muzzle, trapping it in the surprisingly powerful grip of the slick, hot tunnel he sought. It stunned Lyra, but he was undaunted by it. Instead of trying to pull back for fear of not having enough air, he just pushed forward, slipping the whole of his head into that greedy passage.

Marle sighed and tried his best to sooth the big bull as he came to realize what was going on. Cora was writhing in his seat, eyes closed, fingers dancing about to find something to grasp and squeeze tight. A strong 'slurp' tugged the cat's shoulders into the dark flesh trying to consume him. It made Cora jerk with a strength that Marle wasn't prepared for. The wolf was suddenly pinned between the bull and the wall of the hot spring. He wouldn't be able to escape until the bovine could calm down enough to release him. So, he did the only thing he could; he kept rubbing away at the great dome housing two scaly lovers.

That vast swell came to life under the attention. Dezzy and Tora stirred and squirmed under the bull's short fur, though their motions weren't quite as noticeable as they had been in months past. Grace's efforts to feed her roommate had helped him put on enough weight that it concealed his boys with greater efficacy than ever before. His thickening even had a similar effect on the bulging presence of the two swinging away between his legs. Their irregular swells and distentions were less pronounced than they had been those first few months. And Lyra was eager to add to it.

A soft moo came forth from the bovine as he felt the cat's chest sink into him, followed rather quickly by his stomach. Something was different this time. It wasn't quite the same as when he took Anders and Wray. Then again, he had only vague memories of that. He had been asleep when they began their inward journey. Now, he was fully awake, though not entirely sober. Still, there was something about this time that felt new. He could feel Lyra sliding deeper into him, even trying to kick his legs as hard as he could to practically swim into him. But he could also feel something pushing back up his length from below.

He grit his teeth and clutched his belly as he felt Dezzy and Tora begin their usual 'morning' routine, making his tummy wobble and bounce with their passionate affection. Below, he was made to flex his legs until they were hard as rock. The trigger had been a rather sharp inward pull, and it had not come from the bull's shaft. Something else was working to tug the cat in. It took Cora a moment before he realized what was happening. Anders or Wray had reached back up from within his scrotum, taken hold of the overeager feline, and began dragging him in. Clearly they liked the idea of making their little 'honeymoon suite'--as they liked to call it--into even more cramped accommodations.

The bull let out a number of gentle cries as his two boyfriends conspired with his new admirer to swell his loins so much further. He trembled terribly and worked his hips back and forth. He even began trying to thrust, bucking as though he were making love to someone. Grace would be disappointed she couldn't fill that role. His writhing made the water around him slosh and splash about, drawing a little more attention than perhaps he was interested in. At the moment, he was unable to notice or care. He felt the caracal's rump slide into his throbbing mast while his gut pushed outward, then settled, over and over.

Were he sitting on the couch back home, he would have noticed a distinct moistening between his thighs and a copious oozing of clear, sticky, salty drool dribbling from his length. The hot spring had masked it all, but it didn't change the fact that he was deep in a powerful state of arousal. He was going to need to make a terrible mess in the shower when he got home. At least he still fit in the stall. Though only just.

Another tug from those between his legs dragged Lyra deeper still. Cora felt a pair of knees pass the 'mouth' of his length. At the same time, he could feel the distinct stretching of his already heavily burdened scrotum. The cat was entering the crowded, sloshing chamber below. A few muffled moans came from the bulging sac, though it was impossible to hear given how much was between them and the world above the water. The bull writhed in blissful agony as Lyra's paws were slurped up. He huffed and tried to calm himself as the tapering swell sliding through him faded and his 'guest house' expanded out to as large as it would get with three taking up residence.

"Oh god... oh god... I... he just... fuck..." the bovine managed to utter, demonstrating what degree of eloquence he was currently capable of.

"He sure did." Marle said, grinning while he remained pinned between the bull's gut and the wall of the 'tub'.

It took a few moments, but Cora managed to calm himself enough to release the wolf. Though, the now free canine wouldn't have minded being trapped there a while longer. At least now he was able to pursue his companion. Before the still panting bull had managed to catch his breath, Marle dove under the water and wrapped his arms around the bloated sac, able to see the indistinct shapes of all three trapped inside. He squeezed the great pouch of flesh, gave it a kiss, and then moved up along the gluttonous member that had just eaten his boyfriend.

Cora was at a loss for words. This was actually happening. He wasn't able to stop it. His better judgment told him it was a bad idea, taking on even more passengers. And yet he couldn't seem to hear that little voice in his head screaming at him to make this stop and somehow get Lyra out of him. It was oddly silent, or drowned out by his sex drive bellowing for more. And more was what it was going to get.

A muzzle found its way into his member, just like the caracal's had. Marle wasn't attempting to make out with his shaft like his boyfriend had. He was going straight for the gusto. He was also noticeably bigger. Stronger too. His efforts to force-feed himself to the bovine's hungry manhood were far more successful than his more slender, more effeminate companion. The whole of the wolf's head slid in and Cora was back to groaning and squirming. His belly continued to surge outward as his husband took turns with his somewhat recently added boyfriend at being pounded away by the other. That steady sloshing and swaying about was visible to the small crowd beginning to form around him. They were all so focused on the bull's gut that they had not noticed the wolf diving down his shaft.

Marle's shoulders passed without difficulty, though they did stretch Cora quite a bit. It was enough to make him clench his jaws and tense most every muscle in his entire form. The same sensation of something reaching up through the bovine from before returned, though this time there was added strength of presence. Before, it had been only two pairs of arms. Now, it was three. Since they were all working to pull their soon-to-be roommate in, and they had to cluster together as tightly as they could, but couldn't squeeze together perfectly, it meant a much stronger stretch. Cora tipped his head back and let out a great roar of a moo. His length decided in that moment that it had indeed had more than enough of being passive in the day's fun. It pulsed and turned rock hard around Marle. The act brought the wolf in up to his waist.

Any further inward motion was not permitted. Anders, Wray, and Lyra were pulling as hard as they could, not just to continue feeding the lupine into their bovine carrier's loins, but also to free their arms. Cora's shaft would not allow any movement, at least for a few heartbeats. The bull finally let out a heavy breath and everything softened. That permitted the three below to tug on Marle. He made good progress, reaching his knees, giving the hungry rod a very pronounced bulge. But again, it hardened and stopped all movement. This time, it was keen to hold there for longer than just a moment. The sensation was almost painful for Cora. There was a powerful need for him to finish what was happening, but he couldn't. It felt a bit like stopping right in the middle of trying to relieve himself, only the 'flow' was going in the other direction.

The swollen bull fought to keep himself from thrashing in the water, but with Dezzy and Tora showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon, he was bereft of any sense of respite. A spasm claimed his length, jerking Marle's legs only a desperately short distance inward. Another spasm followed a few moments later. Progress was being made but it was terribly slow. Cora leaned back, sinking deeper into the water as he was assaulted by everyone inside him. Each spasm pushed him that much closer to the end, towards a climax he was begin denied. The churning in his scrotum grew more pronounced as his three passengers put up a spirited fight, working so hard to bring this all to a conclusion.

Just as the bull slipped off the broad ledge he had been using as a seat, Marle's paws vanished into him. The wolf jerked and squirmed all the way down until--with a sudden and heavy bloat--the bovine's sac grew once more, now roughly twice the size it had been when Cora arrived at the sauna-bar. His head had slipped below the surface of the water and he sat on the bottom of the pool, almost sprawled out on his back. The tip of his shaft was very near breaking the surface of the water as he began to buck his hips feeling that sudden bloat. As it happened, a jet of white gushed forth from him, clouding the water.

Spurt after spurt of thick, potent bull seed poured into the hot spring. Many backed away, unsure exactly what to do. It had been an interesting show so far, and while it was clear the bull had gotten to enjoy a rather intense peak, they weren't exactly sure if he was okay. Cora twitched and writhed about under the water as he fought to claw his way back to clarity of thought. It was vitally important, this one thing that was in the back of his mind. He just couldn't think of what it was. He opened his mouth to let out another bellow and water began to poor in past his lips, stopping just as soon as the air escaping his lungs forced it back out. That was it! Air! Air was a good thing to breathe! Water wasn't! He needed to surface!

As soon as he was past the absolute height of his orgasm, Cora pushed off from the bottom of the pool and shoved his head back out into the air. He erupted from below and took in a huge, loud gasp of air, relieving the onlookers. Immediately, he sank back below the water again, but this time, only for a moment. In seconds, he bobbed back to the surface like a cork. His gut was the largest part of him showing, while his muzzle was a separate, smaller island just off the coast of 'Mount Cora'. His knees and a goodly portion of his shaft were visible as well. Then, just as quickly as the curious chain of islands appeared, they disappeared. The bull sank back down under the water, then bobbed back up once again, this time righted in the proper direction.

Cora managed to get his hooves under him this time and stopped the cycle of submerging and breaching. He panted for breath, ran a palm up over his face and across the top of his head to shove his mane out of his eyes. Were he not in the water, he would have stumbled back to his seat. Thankfully, he was somewhat buoyant, at least enough to make the task of carrying the whole of his weight just a little easier. With a heavy, muted thump, he landed back on the ledge where he had been resting all along before slipping out. Applause broke out from those who had witnessed the show, not realizing there had been another dimension to the whole spectacle.

"Well holy hell! Someone's havin' fun!" Grace cried as she waded her way back over to the exhausted bull, immediately beginning to grope at his gut as soon as she had a free paw.

"I... I just... oh man..." Cora sputtered as he tried to speak.

"Easy, easy... here, drink this, fast." the bear said, shoving a large cocktail glass into the bull's grasp.

Not one to argue with anyone at the moment, Cora tipped the vessel to his lips, opened his mouth, and poured the contents in. The whole of the brightly-colored and fruity alcoholic beverage was consumed in one go as if it had been a shot glass. It wasn't what Grace had intended him to do, but it certainly entertained. It was especially amusing when Cora suddenly grimaced and mashed a palm to his forehead, groaning in pain.

"God... brain freeze! What the hell was that!?" he grunted, ignoring the lady's efforts to fondle him.

"The bartender's unique spin on a daiquiri. You just downed the whole thing like it was a shot of tequila!" Grace cried, then broke into laughter, silenced only by her attempt to give him a kiss.

"You said to drink it fast!" Cora complained as he fought to warm the roof of his mouth and rid himself of that most hateful result of a too-cold drink consumed too fast.

"I didn't mean that fast! Geeze! What the hell did you do? You've got an audience!" the ursine woman said, plopping back down next to her roommate.

Before the bull could explain, another drink was shoved into his hand, this time with the insistence that he actually take the time to taste this one. An explanation was given, more drinks were ordered, and the rest of the visit to Fire-Water turned hazy. It was clear that the grolar bear was well into 'properly drunk' by the time she returned, and it only took a short while later for Cora to join her, thus the fuzziness that claimed his mind.

The sun shined rudely into the groggy bull's closed eyes, making him wince as he came back to the waking world. He had a splitting headache that insisted he try to shut out the rest of the world. He grunted and rolled onto his side, finding the action terribly difficult. Something felt off, and yet not off at all. The curious dichotomy was enough to catch his attention and force him towards wakefulness. Slowly, the bovine sat himself up, finding the action similarly challenging. There was a terrific weight and bulk making it troublesome. He was used to some bulk thanks to the two boys who called his belly home and the added chub Grace had slowly wrapped around him with her constant feeding. But this was more than normal.

With sleep still clawing away at his consciousness, Cora slid his hooves off the edge of the bed and wobbled himself up into a standing posture. Immediately, he found himself thrown forward by an unexpected and rather intense weight. Both hands moved to rest on his gut. Why did it feel so huge? Oh, right, he had drunk so much the previous day that he blacked out. Was it really the next day? He had gone with Grace just after lunch. It had been pretty early in the day in fact. Why had he let Grace talk him into drinking so heavily? And so early?

The heavy clops of supremely burdened hooves echoed down the hall as Cora struggled to make his way to the bathroom, still not entirely awake. Eventually, he squeezed himself in through the door and stood there for a moment. He didn't remember having that much trouble getting out of the bedroom or into the bathroom before. Then he looked at himself in the mirror and spotted something very curious. He didn't just feel enormous, he looked the part. His palms began roaming over the gigantic swell of his gut, finding he couldn't reach his arms all the way around it anymore. He had been able to yesterday, though only just far enough to get his fingertips to touch. Now, there was a vast portion of his tummy that was well out of reach.

"What the hell? Grace, what did you make me drink?" Cora asked, actually raising his voice to shout back through the house in the hopes of getting an answer.

He never got one. Instead, he felt motion under his short pelt as well as the rumbling of an annoyed, sleepy groan. He knew that noise, even though it was heavily muffled. His eyes moved down to his tummy rather than continue to stare at it in the mirror. Timidly, he gave one of the odd lumps a gently nudge and it shifted under the pressure.

It couldn't be. It simply couldn't. There was no possible way. He kept running those thoughts through his mind as he continued to sober. The more awake he became, the more the evidence seemed to suggest that it was indeed what had happened. He grimaced in discomfort--not physical but emotional--and dared to ask the question he was afraid of getting an actual answer to.

"Grace? Is... is that you?" Cora asked, poking at his tummy once again.

The same groan from before was the response, louder and more unhappy. Then came a few muffled words.

"Quit it, I'm tryin' ta sleep."

It was Grace. And her voice had indeed come from the vast, bloated swell of the bull's stomach. Had he eaten her? No, certainly not. For one thing, he was sure his jaws couldn't stretch that far. Or at least he thought he was sure they couldn't. She was definitely inside him, and that meant some part of him had managed to squeeze her ursine figure into him somehow. But he was pretty sure he hadn't eaten her. For another thing, he was absolutely famished. If he had somehow managed to swallow an adult grolar bear, he wouldn't be hungry at all. He'd be stuffed beyond all reason. No, the motion had felt more akin to sensing Dezzy's stirrings, as well as Tora's after he had joined the group.

That was when a little of the fog started to lift. A few flashes of memory started to shine in on Cora's mind. Visions of him back at Fire-Water telling Grace what had happened while she was probably flirting with the bartender, Marle and Lyra diving in to join Anders and Wray. He could still feel the added weight between his legs. Good lord it felt marvelous. He thought just two was enough. Now, he was wondering why he hadn't found another couple to shove in there sooner.

Memory of Grace reacting to the news hit him. She was amused, to say nothing of aroused. She wanted to see what else she could convince him to do. They had a back and forth about him being hesitant to do anything with anyone he didn't already know, how Marle and Lyra had violated that little rule he had just in that moment imposed, and that the only person in the whole bathhouse he knew at all well enough to meet his criteria was the bear spurring him on. Grace took that as directive for her to be next and dove under the water. In seconds, the very drunk bull had a very drunk, very large bear trying to crawl her way in between his legs. The details of sensation and experience were vague and cloudy, but he had just enough of them to realize what had happened.

Grace had forced her way in with Dezzy and Tora. He was pregnant with three, one of which was bigger than the other two combined. The weight of it all slammed down on him just as hard as the weight that had slammed down on his hips when he tried to get out of bed moments earlier. He groaned loudly and felt the familiar ache in his loins, desperate for relief. He turned and tried to shove himself into the shower. His gut refused to permit him in, but he was not to be denied. After several minutes of mashing, grunting, and rubbing the sides of his stomach roughly against the frame of the shower door, he managed to squeeze himself in. He turned on the water and began fondling himself. It was something of a small miracle that he was able to reach his groin in order to accomplish the task.

It took virtually no time at all to make the huge mess he expected to make. His scrotum clenched up around the four he carried against his knees, marveling at the fact that he didn't lose any one of them to his intense release. They all came alive and squirmed about the minute he tried to stuff himself into the shower, which only made the feat of not ejecting anyone that much more impressive to him. He pumped over himself harder and faster, not finding enough respite from the stimulation inside him after only a single climax. Movement claimed his gut as his other three passengers began to rouse and go to work making him moan. Cora was pushed to orgasm twice more, once from the great mast turned fountain of thick, sticky seed mashing up against his stomach, and once from the petals that had managed to swallow an entire bear almost as big as himself, sans passengers.

Still, he could not find the full depth of relief he was desperate for, so he slumped to the ground, sitting in the shower. He took up almost the entire floor as his belly spilled over his legs, mashing down on his even more ridiculously swollen scrotum. It was all just a little too much to contend with at the moment.

"Guys... I... I can't... I can't even function... as a regular adult... like this." the bull complained.

"Good. That means it feels great." Grace replied.

Cora blushed at the reasoning behind that. She was right, and he couldn't deny it. He let his head flop back against the wall of the shower and he let out a long, low groan before finally responding.

"Yeah... it feels... amazing. It feels... I dunno... just... right." the bull answered.

"What was it the wise man said? Put aside logic. Do what feels right." Grace said, flexing her nerdy muscles just a little.

"Do what feels right," Cora echoed with a roll of his eyes, "Right, and end up stuck in the shower for the rest of the day until I can manage to squeeze all of us back out. I'm so big, I might break the door."

Why didn't he have a bigger one installed after adding Tora to the family? He began mentally kicking himself for his lack of forethought. He was really hungry too. He needed to get out and get to the kitchen so he could eat. The longer he sat there trying to recover, the hungrier he would get.

"Is being that big a problem?" Dezzy asked.

His husband's voice caught the bull's attention. And in that moment, something clicked in his head. When presented with a problem, you worked on it until you found a solution, and he had already come up with one. He had just been too slow in implementing it. A bigger shower was actually a rather good idea indeed. It would prevent him from getting stuck. Just like the sense of rightness that came from his middle and even from between his legs, the idea of the bigger shower felt just as right. In fact, he could just have someone expand the bathroom and install a big, round spa he could soak in. They could even put a showerhead over it so he could stand to rinse off so that he could use the spa like an oversized bathtub.

He was liking this idea more and more. The bull rubbed his gut and shuddered as he tried to force himself up onto his hooves again. With a heavy grunt, he was back upright and positioned to escape. It took just as much effort to leave as it took to get in, but he managed to free himself. With that handled, he dried himself off--as much of himself as he could reach--and set his mind to getting to the kitchen. He would come back later to get clean properly.

"C'mon guys. Daddy's hungry enough to eat a horse." Cora said as he turned to shove himself out the door to the hall.

He might need to have the whole house renovated if this was going to be a thing.

"What, you mean Jakob next door?" Dezzy asked with a laugh.

It had been a long-standing joke between the two of them. Though it was certainly a tempting idea. If only the clydesdale living in the house one door down was into that sort of thing. Cora was sure he wasn't. If he had been, he'd have reached for his phone to call him over for breakfast. He had a lot of 'kids' to feed after all.

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