Stale, but free, Ice (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#133 of Short Stories

A dragon and kobold greet the morning in a motel.

~ The morning's spattering of light was splayed out across the parking lot and desert beyond, as Jake sat on the bed of the motel room to watch out through the open window. The dragon was still sore from the previous day's drive, and the coffee he'd made using the grounds and little machine in the room did little to wash the persistent taste of dust from his mouth.

~ "Until this trip, I didn't realize that 'complimentary' was a flavor", explained the dragon to the kobold who was carefully packing away his dirty clothes and a pilfered towel.

~ Randy grinned over to the dragon, "We can get some better coffee, when we get to a town with a diner. How's that?"

~ The dragon's feigned smile softened as it became an honest one, with a nod.