
Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#12 of Writing Practice

This is another writing prompt from the furry writing group in which I take part on Telegram.

(Interested in joining us? You can find it here: https://t.me/joinchat/CPoeZhclggenrOEh0yYwvg )

The focus of this prompt is to do a short story of "about 1000 words" with the prompt: write a story consisting only of dialogue

I decided to run with this story prompt and have some fun with it. I hope everyone enjoys reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it--- and can appreciate the humor.

Flexibility copyright 2019 comidacomida

"Damn, Blake... I had no idea you could stretch like that."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Travis."

"Well how about you move your leg just so we can find out?"

"You really think you can keep up with me, huh?"

"One way to find out."

"Just what do you think you're doing back there?"

"You'll see."


"...sorry... I guess that didn't work out quite right, did it, Blake?"

"Y' think?"

"Okay... well how about this?"

"Close... but not quite, Trav."


"...are you SURE you've done this before, Travis?"

"Yeah... it's just been awhile. Gimmie a break."

"Ow! I think you're the one who's gonna break me."

"Well excuse me for not being as experienced as you, Blake."

"You make that sound like it's a bad thing."

"Hey... I don't jud- OW!"

"What's that glare for? Turnabout is fair play, isn't it?"

"Smart ass."

"You have a better view... YOU tell ME if my ass is smart."

"Just shut up... I'm gonna try something."

".... aaaaaaand now you're on my tail."

"Oh! Sorry!"

"Are you SURE you don't need some help back there?"

"I got it... I got it.... I just need to--"


"Sorry! Tail again?"

"No... that was my paw! Watch where you--"

"I said sorry! Jesus. Anyway, I got it now."

"...do you? Are you sure this time, Trav?"

"Yeah-- I mean... I think so."

".... okay... then keep going."

"I need a second, Blake."


"Come on! Gimmie a minute."

"A second, or a minute? I can't stay like this forever, you know. My legs are gonna start getting tired."

"I'm trying... I'm trying. I don't do this every night like you do."

"Hmh... well, if you're not up to it, I can always go check to see if Aaron's willing to show me a good time."

"Blake-- you know I fucking hate Aaron... he's a douche."

"All the more reason for you to try harder."

"Not only an ass, but a pushy one too, huh?"

"Hey-- I know what I like, Trav, and if you can't do it right I may just find someone who can."

"Fucking FINE! How about... this?"

"Oh... finally stepping up your game? I approve!"

"Wow... high praise there, Mister Flexible."

"All I'm saying is that you're not bad... for a beginner."

"Just shut up already and let me concentrate."

"Sure... take your time.... just not TOO much time. I get bored you know."

"I can't imagine anyone getting bored doing this."

"Ha! Didn't I tell you about the time I went out with Sam?"

"You dated Sam for three months-- but this REALLY the time to bring up your ex?"

"Oh... well... I guess not."

"Thank you."

"... but, yeah... that's why we stopped dating. He fucking sucked at it."

"Wow, Blake... you're pretty shallow, aren't you?"

"Like I said-- I know what I want."

"So you figured you'd ask a Cheetah? You have a thing for felines, don't you?"

"Well... felines ARE supposed to be pretty flexible..."

"But Sam wasn't?"

"Eh... Lynxes-- not so much, I guess."

"And yet you were saying you'd go hit up Andy? He's a Bear, for Christ's sake."

"Sure... but, damn, even with that belly he can move!"

"Not really helping right now, Blake."

"Sorry-- I forgot how important concentration is to you for something like this... fuck, it's like being with Chad all over again."


"What? What's with that look?"

"Chad is worse than Aaron... you KNOW that, right?"

"Well, sure, but you don't have to LIKE everyone you--"

"Iiiiiii think I need to stop."

"What? Why? It's not like YOU'RE the one getting hurt here."

"You're just-- I'm really not sure what to think about this."

"About what?"

"Well... I mean... I knew about SAM... but Aaron? Chad? I mean... really? CHAD? A PANGOLIN? How does that even WORK?"

"...surprisingly well, actually. He does this thing with his tail--"

"Exactly how many people do you DO this with?"

"I guess I haven't bothered counting... why?"

"Sometimes I just don't get you, Blake."

"What's that supposed to mean, Trav? Just because I like having 'a little fun' now and again suddenly that's a problem?"

"NORMAL people don't just DO this kinda thing with everyone and their dog, Blake. Normal people find healthier, more constructive--"

"Everyone and their DOG? I mean, seriously-- how would that even WORK with a dog?"

"I'm sure I don't know, but YOU could probably find a way!"

"Dude-- you're REALLY overreacting. Listen... I just--"

"No. YOU listen. I don't know what your obsession with this is, but it's not healthy. When you're ready to hang out and do something NORMAL, then go ahead and give me a call... but about all of this? No... I don't want to do this again with you. Period."

"Jesus... overreact much?"

"Fuck off, Blake!"

"Don't slam the door on your way--- out. Well... there goes another one. Fuck... now where's my phone? Table? No. Couch? No. Change dish? Bingo. Hmm... well... it's not even eight so..."


"Hey, Aaron... it's Blake."

"Oh, hey Blake. What's up?"

"Not much... I just had Travis over... didn't go as well as I'd hoped."

"Eh-- he's a little douche, whadda you expect?"

"He just needs some time to relax... we got into it pretty heavy but he really wasn't up to the task, so--"

"....so you need a big ol' Bear to come down there and finish you off, Blakey?"

"Bah-- last time we went at it I'm pretty sure I won."

"Not even. In case you forgot, I was the one who came out on top."

"That's because you have, like, a hundred pounds on me, you fat ass."

"Heh... a fat ass that can beat YOUR little Shiba ass at Twister."

"Well, I already have the mat out and Travis was no good, so come on over and bring it."