Lost Into The Past Chapter 5

Story by smartrobert00 on SoFurry

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#5 of Lost Into The Past || A Dinosaur Train Fanfiction

Chapter 5 is here! Finally!

I spent a while on this chapter, so i hope it turned out good!

Anyways, I'm done talking. On with the story!

Chapter 5: The Day Off

Nathan awoke from his slumber, feeling really refreshed as he sat up and stretched. No one was here right now, so he decided now would be good time to actually figure out things about himself, or rather, his new self, like for starters, how old he was.

He was about to give some estimates as to his age, but something was tugging at the back of his mind, trying to tell him something. Suddenly, a random number came to his mind... Three... He didn't think much of it at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized what that number actually was.

He soon realized that three was his age. "So... I'm three years old...?" He muttered to himself. Wondering why he was three of all ages. Guess it would explain all his childish tendencies and how easily distracted he's been getting sometimes.

_I wonder what would've happened if I came here before my last birthday... Would I be two instead and about to turn three...? Or would I be three and about to turn four? Hnng, stop it Nathan! All you're doing __is confusing yourself...! _At least his age was out of the way...

...I wonder if anyone back home misses me... He thought to himself. As he began to ponder this question, he started thinking less about his current situation and more about... Well, his past situations. He remembered a few, but... For some reason, there was a memory that he had trouble remembering. It had happened a few days before he had arrived in prehistoric times, but no matter how hard he tried to remember, his mind was telling him no.

Most people would put it off and remember it when it eventually came back to them, but Nathan was too curious as to what this memory was. So he closed his eyes and tried as hard as he could to remember.

It started to come in bits and pieces, but soon he started to remember. It slowly started coming back to him.


Nathan was outside, walking down a sidewalk, minding his own business really. He had just gotten off work, so now he was making his way home. However he was stopped by someone pulling him into an ally and punching him in the gut.

"Oof...!" Nathan keeled over a little, having the air basically knocked out of him.

"W-What the...?"

"Hmph, you never were able to put up a fight, dork... You're nothing but a pathetic wimp." A harsh voice said to him, Nathan looked up to see a man slightly bigger than him and wearing a blue t-shirt and slightly ripped gave a cocky smirk as he swept his brown hair to the side.

"well i didn't have much time to react, Taylor..." Nathan muttered. Taylor responded by grabbing Nathan's collar and pushing him against a wall.

"You being smart with me, dork?" He asked.

Nathan stayed silent.

"Hmph, no wonder no one likes you... And here I thought you didn't have the guts to make conversation with anyone... You aren't even man enough to respond to me!" He slowly let go of Nathan and turned away, he looked back "I bet no one would miss ya if you left..." He muttered before walking away.

"t-that's not true..." Nathan muttered to himself. He slowly got up and fixed his glasses before starting to head off.

As he walked back home, his phone started to ring, Nathan took his phone out of his pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" He answered.

He heard his mother replying back on the phone, by the tone of her voice, it sounded serious.

After a bit of talking, Nathan's eyes widened, he put his hand to his mouth and started tearing up and shaking his head as he began talking back.

Soon he hung the phone up and stuffed in his pocket, then he ran off somewhere, silently crying at what he was just told.

Present day

Nathan opened his eyes, tears threatening to fall down his face, he couldn't explain it, but that memory... That conversation he had with his mother... He didn't remember what was said, but...

_I-I... I don't wanna remember that... _Nathan hugged his legs and began to cry quietly. He told himself that whatever it was, is better left forgotten, but the memory started to really get to him, he started to panic a little. Whatever that conversation was, it was something Nathan didn't like, nor want to remember whatever those words were.

He closed his eyes to try and force himself to forget it, but he couldn't. With his eyes shut, he slowly began to grip his chest as his breathing sped up. Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

_C-Calm down Nathan... Calm... _He kept telling himself, however it didn't help as his feelings of panic increased, only making him more and more agitated, until finally...

"G-Get out of my head..." Nathan muttered, trying to force this horrible memory out. "S-Stop it...! Stop it!" His panicked state only began to grow worse, until he eventually reached his breaking point. He let out a loud wail and started sobbing uncontrollably. He didn't feel happy, or content... No, he felt broken... Alone...

As Nathan continued sobbing, a panicked Mr. Conductor rushed in, upon seeing Nathans state he gasped and quickly made his way to him. "N-Nathan! What's wrong?!" He asked in a slightly agitated tone. Nathan didn't respond though, he kept on sobbing. Mr. Conductor pulled Nathan into a hug and began trying to calm him down.

"Nathan, it's okay, I'm here now..." He said calmly. Rubbing the little troodons head and shushing him. Eventually, Nathan was able to calm down enough to look up at Mr. Conductor, he was still crying though, but it was more sniveling instead.

"What happened, Nathan?" Mr. Conductor asked calmly. Nathan hesitated a little but he eventually spoke up.

"N-Nightmare..." He said. Which, he technically wasn't wrong, he would consider remembering something like that as a 'nightmare'.

"Guess that explains why ya screamed..." Mr. Conductor said. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. Nathan quickly looked down and shook his head.

"I-I don't wanna r-remember it..." He muttered, his sobbing slowly turning into sniffling and hiccupping.

"And that's fine Nathan, you don't have to recall it if you don't want to." Mr. Conductor said as he kept rubbing Nathan's head. Eventually he calmed down fully. "Are you feeling better?"

"Mmhmm..." Nathan muttered, nodding a little and wiping his tears away. "I-I'm sorry if I worried you when I screamed... I didn't mean too..." He said, looking down apologetically.

Mr. Conductor shook his head "It's alright Nathan, really."


"You hungry?" He asked. Nathan nodded a little. He slowly wiped his tears away and got out of the bed. Mr. Conductor offered his hand, to which Nathan accepted, they both soon began to walk to the dining-car.

After they ate, the day progressed as normal, Mr. Conductor was doing his normal conducting routine. Nathan was simply following Mr. Conductor around, as he didn't have much to do in terms of activities.

"Hey Mr. Conductor?" Nathan suddenly called out.

"Hm? What is it?" Mr. Conductor looked down at Nathan.

"Why do you... Care about me so much?" He asked. Catching Mr. Conductor a little off-guard. "I mean... When you found me I was just some random kid passed out on the tracks... And you decided to take me in for the time being... Why?"

Mr. Conductor thought for a bit before looking back down at Nathan "Well... I can't say much other than the fact that you needed help, and I was willing to give it." He answered, giving a small smile to Nathan.

"That's all...? You just did it out of the kindness of your heart?" Mr. Conductor simply nodded in response.

"You don't necessarily need a reason to do nice things, Nathan. I do nice things just because I wanna make others feel good, and it even makes me feel good as well." Mr. Conductor explained, his smile widening a little.

_That's... Actually not a bad life lesson... _I thought to myself.

"By the way Nathan, there's something I have t-" He was interrupted by a rather surprising sound to be honest.

"BLOOOH! Hello Sonny boy!" A loud voice exclaimed from behind us. Mr. Conductor jumped and yelped, and Nathan simply just whipped around to see who was talking.

Mr. Conductor turned around "M-Mother, you always seem to appear when I least expect it, huh?" He asked. He looked at Nathan and gestured to the other troodon "Nathan, this is my mother." He said.

Nathan slowly looked up at the other troodon and waved a little. "H-Hello..." He greeted.

"Pleased to meet ya, Nathan! You can just call me Mrs. Conductor!" Mrs. Conductor exclaimed.

After Mr. Conductor regained his composure, he looked at Nathan "Now then... As I was saying, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it, Mr. Conductor?" Nathan tilted his head a little.

"Well, I decided that I needed a break after conducting for so long, so I decided to take the rest of the day off. That way, I can not only rest up a little, but we could actually spend time together." Mr. Conductor explained.

"Really?!" Nathan looked rather excited. He looked like he was about to bounce off the walls in excitement. "But where are we going?"

"We're going to Troodon Town, I have a home there we can stay at, it's nothin' fancy, but it's home."

"Troodon Town, huh... You told me about it, but I never really got to look around, did I?" Nathan rubbed his chin in thought as he spoke.

Mr. Conductor was about to speak, but he suddenly heard his watch go off, he took it out of his vest pocket and looked at it before smiling. "Well you'll be able to now!" He exclaimed. He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted "Time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching, folks!" Nathan excitedly went over to one of the open booths and looked out the window, this was one of the aspects he found really intriguing; The time tunnels.

As the train entered the tunnel, several multi-colored lights flew by, kind of like in a sci-fi movie. It was like they were warping through space and time... Actually, they were! And it was fascinating to Nathan.

"You really like going through the time tunnels, don't ya?" Mr. Conductor asked, giving a light chuckle.

"Mmhmm!" Nathan exclaimed, nodding in agreement as he continued to stare. Mr. Conductor simply chuckled and ruffled Nathan's feathers, receiving a small giggle from the young troodon.

Soon they emerged from the time tunnel as they slowly began to reach the station.

"Troodon Town! Troodon Town, next stop!" Mr. Conductor exclaimed as the train eventually came to a halt. "Alright folks! Off the train so we can turn it around!" As he said that, all the passengers slowly began to walk off the train. Mr. Conductor looked at Nathan and smiled "Wanna see em turn the train around?" He asked.

Nathan gasped and nodded excitedly "Yeah!" He exclaimed. They both got off the train together and began to make their way to the round house.

Mr. Conductor and Nathan were now at the roundhouse, watching the train get turned around, Nathan watched in awe as he saw Laura pushing some sort of handle that was connected to some special track that could go around in a full circle. Mr. Conductor informed Nathan that it was called a Railway Turntable.

"Huh, guess you learn something new everyday..." Nathan muttered to himself as they watched. Soon the train was completely turned around, and with that, the two went back to the station, where Mrs. Conductor was waiting.

"Well, the train is ready to go!" She exclaimed as she entered it and looked at Mr. Conductor and Nathan "Goodbye you two! Hope you have a nice day! Oh! And try not to stress out too much Sonny Boy! It's your day off after all!"

"I won't mother!"

"Don't worry Mrs. Conductor! I'll make sure he doesn't!" Nathan said with a giggle.

"Alright then!" With that, Mrs. Conductor cupped her hands over her mouth and exclaimed "All aboard!" As the train began to chug away. Nathan then looked up at Mr. Conductor.

"So what are we gonna do first?" He asked with a rather curious look on his face.

"Hmm..." Mr. Conductor rubbed his chin. That was a really good question... Where would they start? They had the whole day ahead of them. "I have an idea, close your eyes." He told the young troodon. And he complied and closed his eyes tightly.

"But... How will I be able to see where I'm going? Plus, won't I risk tripping...?" He asked.

"Hmm, good point..." Mr. Conductor muttered before quickly coming up with a solution. "I have an idea." He said as he then picked Nathan up, receiving a small squeak from the young troodon. "Now you won't trip, and you can keep your eyes shut." Mr. Conductor said with a light chuckle.

Soon Mr. Conductor began walking, making his way to their destination.

It felt like they had been walking for ages... Well, to Nathan it did but. In reality it had just been about two minutes.

"Okay, open your eyes." Mr. Conductor said. Nathan did just that and opened his eyes up. They were at a dirt path leading into a forest area of sorts. Nathan looked up at Mr. Conductor in slight confusion. "I figured it'd be fun to go on a nature walk together!" Mr. Conductor exclaimed as he set Nathan down.

"A nature walk?! That DOES sound fun!" Nathan exclaimed. He hadn't been on a nature walk since he was a child! This was like a blast from past for him! "Let's go!" He was about to rush in, but Mr. Conductor stopped him

"Now hold on there Nathan! I know you're excited and everything, but it's important we stay together and not get separated. You don't know this area well after all."

"Okay Mr. Conductor, I'll stay with you!" Nathan exclaimed before getting closer the Mr. Conductor.

"Good, now let's go!" Mr. Conductor exclaimed before walking down the path with Nathan.

The nature walk mainly consisted of Nathan looking around, and Mr. Conductor telling him about stuff. Nathan was actually able to learn stuff about prehistoric nature too, which he was happy about.

"You enjoying yourself?" Mr. Conductor asked as he looked at the little troodon.

"Mmhmm! Sure am!" Nathan exclaimed happily.

"That's good. Is there anything you'd like to do Nathan?" Mr. Conductor asked. Right as Nathan was about to answer, his stomach growled. Causing the young troodon to giggle.

"Maybe something to eat?" He asked. Mr. Conductor gave a nod in response.

"Sure, I am feeling a bit peckish myself." As he said that, a lizard crawled on a tree next to him, he looked at it a second and; what seemed to be predatorial instinct. He went in and ate the lizard whole, licking his lips a little.

Nathan screamed slightly upon seeing the lizard being eaten. Which caused Mr. Conductor to snap his head to him in a panic.

"W-What is it?!" He asked.

"T-The poor lizard...!" Nathan exclaimed. Terrified at what he just witnessed.

Mr. Conductor's eyes widened. _Good going! You scared Nathan by doing that! _He mentally slapped himself, slightly angered for not having more control over his own predatorial instincts, especially around someone as young as Nathan. "Nathan, I...It's just part of nature..." He said, trying to justify it. "Big things eat smaller things, there isn't really a way around it..."

Nathan took a deep breath. Why am I so terrified...? I should know that this is normal for dinosaurs... So why am I scared?

Mr. Conductor kneeled down and put his arms on Nathan's shoulders, looking him in the eyes. "I promise I won't do that in front of you again..."


"Now... You hungry?" He asked. Giving a small smile. Nathan gave a little nod in response. "Then let's go get you something to eat for you." He said, standing up and heading out with Nathan to get some food.

After Nathan had eaten, Mr. Conductor decided to show the young troodon around various places on Troodon Town, and their first stop, was the roundhouse, as Nathan didn't get a whole lot of time to really look around. Mr. Conductor showed him around, even showing some of the extra train cars, and what they're for.

While they were looking, another train rolled in, it wasn't like the dinosaur train though, it looked more modern and sleek, almost like a gas turbine powered train. Nathan tilted his head a bit in confusion. Other trains in this time period? This was something that really piqued his curiosity. "Hey Mr. Conductor? What's that?" Nathan asked, pointing to the other train.

Mr. Conductor rolled his eyes a little, he was about to answer, but a voice coming from behind kept him from doing so.

"Why that's the rocket train! The fastest train in the Mesozoic!" Nathan looked over while Mr. Conductor turned around. Standing there was a more smug looking troodon, dressed similarly to Mr. Conductor, except it was less old-timey.

"Hello Thurston..." Mr. Conductor greeted in a begrudging tone. "Nathan, this is Thurston, the conductor of the rocket train."

"In the flesh!" Thurston exclaimed, folding his arms and smirking. "So what brings you here sonny boy? Didn't expect to see you of all troodons here, you get tired of that old-fashioned dinosaur train?" Nathan didn't know this troodon very well, but he could already tell that he wasn't gonna like him. His attitude was already getting to him.

"Of course not! I'll have you know I have the day-off." Mr. Conductor exclaimed. "I was just getting a tad overworked is all..."

"Hm..." Thurston then attention to the little troodon. "So, is this the mysterious troodon who appeared on the tracks that I've been hearing about?" He asked.

"um...hi..." Nathan greeted nervously.

"Yes, hello there." Thurston greeted quickly, before standing up straight "So!" He then gestured to the rocket train "What do you think of the rocket train?" He gave a smirk. Awaiting Nathan's opinion.

The young troodon gave a look at the train and thought for a bit. Then he had an out of nowhere, but potentially hilarious idea.

_If I'm around the age of three... Maybe I can freak him out by saying something that a typical toddler wouldn't normally say... Heh, let's give it a shot. _He then quickly reached into his memory and pulled out his knowledge on trains, which wasn't much, but he felt it was enough

"Well..." Nathan began. "Based on the name, I'd imagine it goes pretty fast." He said. To which Thurston nodded.

"Indeed it does!"

"Do you know how fast?"

"Um, Hmm... Look the number doesn't matter, what matters is it goes really fast!" Thurston exclaimed. This is where Nathan really let his knowledge out.

"Hmm, well based on the shape and the sleek design, it seems the wind won't push against it." Nathan began spouting out stuff he wasn't sure was true, but made him sound smart "And the fact that it's supposedly 'really fast' I'd wager that; based on it's overall design, and the fact that it's the first of its kind most likely. It's speed would be approximately 140 kilometers per hour, or 90 miles per hour." He finished.

Thurston was, to put it bluntly. Dumbfounded. And he wasn't the only one. A few other troodons listened in on Nathan's little explanation.

Even Mr. Conductor was shocked. Though he quickly regained his composure somewhat. "N-Nathan, where did you learn such big words...?" He didn't know what else to say.

Thurston shook his head a little, his eyes still wide with shock "M-My my, you have quite the prodigy here." He commented. Nathan smiled with pride, feeling proud of himself.

"Oh and to answer your question of what I think. It's pretty cool, but nothing can beat the dinosaur train!" Nathan exclaimed. Mr. Conductor couldn't help but smile upon hearing that. Why did Nathan really know this knowledge? Well, when he was young back in his own world, he always had a fascination for trains. Whether it's big or small, new or old. He liked em. though he preferred older trains due to their classic look, but as he got older, his love for trains was quickly overtaken by dinosaurs, and paleontology.

And the more Nathan thought about it, the more he realized...

He was in a place where dinosaurs are sentient, and that they use trains to go places. Those are two things he really liked, combined into one place. It kind of made him even more hesitant to leave. Knowing that he might leave all this behind.

Before he could ponder this anymore though, his thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Conductor. "So, what say I show you my home?" He asked. Nathan nodded slightly before taking Mr. Conductor's hand and soon they began to walk off.

Pretty soon, they arrived at Mr. Conductor's home, both of them entered as Mr. Conductor began to show Nathan around.

The inside wasn't too extravagant, just a few pieces of furniture and some pictures hanging on the wall, Mr. Conductor also showed Nathan the bedroom, where they'd be sleeping.

It was weird, the entire place was basically like... A small house, which caught Nathan offguard, as he didn't think there were actual _houses _in prehistoric times. It did make the young troodon feel at home though.

"Please pardon the mess, haven't been here in awhile, and I didn't think I'd be showing you around." Mr. Conductor said, chucking nervously as he looked about the area. Nathan looked around as well and...

_...What mess...? _He thought to himself. Sure he saw a few things in places they typically shouldn't be, but his house back in his world was way messier than this... The place was pretty empty, it was furnished, with the room they were currently in being the living room it seemed. As there was a small table in the center of the room, with a couch being across from it. A few plants were in the corners, and some framed photos on the wall too.

Mr. Conductor began to show Nathan around, telling him what each room was. Typical stuff mainly.

Mr. Conductor soon took Nathan to the bedroom, and surprisingly, it was an actual bed. Something Nathan once again wasn't expecting.

"And this is where we'll be sleeping." Mr. Conductor said as he gestured to the single full-sized bed in the room. "Sorry, but I don't exactly have a bed for you... I hope you're okay sleeping in the same bed as me." That caused Nathan to blush a little. He's never really slept in the same bed as someone else before. At least, not that he recalls. So this would be a new experience. Especially considering the circumstances. Nathan nodded his head a little

"Y-Yeah... I'm okay with that..." He said. Mr. Conductor saw the blush on Nathan's face and chuckled.

"Why are ya blushing?" He asked.

"I-I'm not blushing!" Nathan exclaimed. Though his face only got redder.

Mr. Conductor laughed and rubbed the young troodon's head. "There's nothing to blush about, is there?" He asked, giving a small smile.

"I...I guess not..." Nathan said, looking down at the floor.

"Now... What would ya like to do?" Mr. Conductor asked. And when Nathan thought about it. Only one thing came to mind...

"Hide and seek!" He exclaimed excitedly. Mr. Conductor laughed a little.

"Alright! Go hide then!" He exclaimed as he covered his eyes and began counting up. Nathan ran off to find a place to hide, and; with not a lot to work with. He hid under a sheet. Covering his mouth in an attempt to stay quiet.

Mr. Conductor had finished counting, he started to examine the area. And... Well he noticed an unnatural looking lump under a sheet... That happened to be in the middle of the floor. He figured it was Nathan. And the thing that solidified that thought was the fact that the young troodon's tail was so obviously sticking out from under it. Mr. Conductor went over and yanked the sheet off "Found ya!" He exclaimed as he saw Nathan looking up at him, slightly bewildered as to how Mr. Conductor figured out where he was. Mr. Conductor decided to try and get the young troodon to laugh instead of stare. So he poked Nathan in the belly. And as anticipated. Nathan burst into a fit of giggles. "Ticklish eh?" Mr. Conductor asked. A smirk growing on his face.

He began to poke Nathan in the belly more, the young troodon's giggling fit getting louder and louder. Something about the young ones laugh really made Mr. Conductor smile.

Meanwhile, Nathan was having the time of his life. He didn't remember the last time he had laughed this hard. This was something he really needed. Mr. Conductor started to feel like the father he always wanted.

Father... Something about that word resonated with Nathan... Especially when he thought about Mr. Conductor. He had this father-like vibe to him. Something that Nathan really liked.

But... Something about the word father... Also made him fearful... He couldn't remember why... But when he thought about a father-like figure, he felt fear.

Flashbacks to his past came to his mind. About his real father. They weren't clear. But... He couldn't stop feeling fearful... What was it about his dad that afraid?

Then it hit him, he remembered something that he didn't want to remember...

Abuse... Nathan's father abused him when he lived in his world... Always yelling, drinking, saying that Nathan was a mistake. It slowly started to come back to him... But he wish it hadn't. Even when he wanted to kick back and relax... His past refused to let him... He felt sadness... Fear...

His emotions were rather quick to overwhelm him. He stopped laughing too which caused Mr. Conductor to look confused.

"Nathan?" He called out.

Nathan's breathing began to speed up slowly. He knew what was coming. But he couldn't stop it.

Mr. Conductor was quick to recognize this as the beginning of one of Nathan's panic attacks. He quickly went to the young troodon's side and tried his best to calm him. "Hey, hey... Shhh... It's okay, I'm here..." He said quietly. Trying to prevent the panic attack from getting any worse.

Nathan looked up at Mr. Conductor, still panting heavily, his hands gripping his chest.

"Shh... It's alright Nathan, deep breaths..." Mr. Conductor said. Nathan listened and started taking slow, deep, breaths. Closing his eyes as he slowly began to calm himself down. Once he was calm, he was able to fully process what happened... And he was kind of surprised. Why?

Well, to his knowledge, no one he's ever met, was able to calm him down so quickly. Typically, he'd go into a panic attack, and only after it reached it's peek, he would be able to calm himself down after awhile. But this was different. Nathan was able to calm down almost instantly when Mr. Conductor was there. He couldn't explain why though... The older troodon just had a sort of... Calming presence.

"Nathan, are you alright?" Mr. Conductor asked. Snapping the young troodon out of his thoughts.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine..."

Mr. Conductor was curious as to why the young troodon freaked out, but chose not to pry, as he didn't wanna risk having the little one freak out again. "You tired?" He asked. Nathan shook his head a little. However the yawn he let out, followed by the tired look on his face. Said otherwise.

Mr. Conductor laughed and picked Nathan up, taking him to the bedroom. Once they entered, he laid the young troodon on the bed. Mr. Conductor then proceeded to take his hat and vest off. Something Nathan rarely ever saw. Without the uniform, Mr. Conductor just looked a normal troodon...

He got into bed with Nathan and pulled the covers over them, then he reached for the lights and turned them off. "Goodnight..." He said. Patting the young troodon's head as he turned over and went to sleep.

But Nathan couldn't fall asleep. His eyes didn't wanna close, no matter how hard he tried... So he stayed awake, staring at the ceiling...

He didn't really want to watch Mr. Conductor up, so he kept silent. Looking around the dim room...

Nathan's eyes widened though as he thought he saw something move in the shadows.

Afraid. He slowly sunk into the bed, hoping he was just seeing things.

His eyes darted from left to right, he let out an inaudible gasp when he saw something move again in the shadows.

He thought quickly about what he should do, so he did the only thing a rational three year old would do... Seek the help of a parental figure.

Nathan slowly looked at Mr. Conductors sleeping body. He poked it slightly "M-Mr. Conductor...?" He called out quietly. Mr. Conductor mumbled a little. But didn't acknowledge Nathan. "Mr. Conductor?" He called out louder, once again not getting a response. Nathan kept seeing things in the dark that just made him more scared. "M-Mr. Conductor!" He exclaimed loudly in a panic. And this got Mr. Conductor up, his eyes wide open with panic as he shot up.

"N-Nathan?! What is it?!" He asked as he looked down at the young troodon.

"I...I-I..." Nathan couldn't get any words out of his mouth. He felt too afraid.

Surprisingly, Mr. Conductor managed to catch on to what Nathan was so afraid of. "Are you scared of the dark, Nathan?" He asked, mostly for confirmation. Nathan nodded in response. Mr. Conductor pulled Nathan into a hug and stroked his feathers. "It's alright... Nothing's gonna hurt ya... Not while I'm around..." He reassured the young troodon.


Mr. Conductor laid back down, holding Nathan close to his chest. "Now you'll definitely be safe." He said to him. "Goodnight Nathan..."


Mr. Conductor went back to sleep. But Nathan kept his eyes open. He still felt scared.

But... He felt safer in Mr. Conductor's arms. He could hear his heartbeat with how close he was... It was kind of soothing.

Nathan could feel his eyes drooping, especially when he focused on just the heartbeat. The rhythmic pattern it had was calming.

It didn't take long before he fully dozed off. Snuggling into Mr. Conductor's chest.

Mr. Conductor's eyes opened slightly to see Nathan, causing him to smile warmly. Happy seeing the young troodon getting a good night's sleep for once. Mr. Conductor curled up a bit more around Nathan before going back to sleep.

And there it is! Chapter 5 of Lost Into the Past! I hope y'all enjoyed it!

This was a long chapter, and it was kind of hard to write. But I did it!

Anyways, feel free to let me know what you guys think down in the comments! I'll see ya next time!

This is Robert! Signing off!~