Felines are Complicated

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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#4 of Writing Group Challenges

Well, he said to meet in the library, right...?

Super-short 1000 word piece, based on the theme "Write a sequel to one of your past prompts", to which I chose https://www.sofurry.com/view/1431566

It was written for the group writing prompt challenge @ https://t.me/joinchat/CPoeZhclggenrOEh0yYwvg

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Felines are Complicated

"What am I even doing...? Why am I here...? I should have just beaten the shit out of that rodent when I had the chance..."

Damien muttered to himself as he walked through the school hallways, the big tiger jock had just finished his last period class and was on his way to the library, where he had been instructed to go by another student, Eliot... a mouse boy who had no business ordering around someone of Damien's stature.

They had met in a confrontation earlier in the day, and he wasn't even sure how it happened. In any other situation, he'd have kicked the smaller boy's ass, or shoved him into a locker, or at the very least scared him off, but he wasn't sure what came over him.

This is some bullshit! As soon as I see that runt's face, I'm caving his teeth in for thinking he can talk to me like that!

The aggressive thoughts swirled in the feline's mind as he opened the door, and entered the school library. He didn't come into the place very often, but every student knew that the study carrels in the back were the place to head to if you didn't want to be noticed.

Damien passed by the last row of books, fists still clenched in anger, and looked over towards where he expected the mouse boy to be. He didn't see him at first, but after a few steps, he spotted the familiar looking white-furred ear sticking up over the carrel's wall. A few more steps, and Eliot's face was visible, the rodent boy turned towards the approaching tiger, and every bit of anger that Damien had dissipated in a flash.

Shit... not this feeling again...

Damien wasn't feeling anger anymore, he was feeling uncomfortable... vulnerable... It didn't make sense, the tiger was a 6'6" muscular Adonis, and the mouse was over a foot shorter, and much, much less muscular, but there was still something about the mouse boy just made him feel unsure.

He took a seat next to Eliot, and spoke timidly, "So... I'm here..."

Eliot took a deep breath, as though to gather his thoughts before speaking, "That stuff you said earlier..."

"I-I didn't mean it!" The tiger spoke almost loud enough to draw attention, had there been anyone else nearby, "I-I just mean that... I've seen you... in the shower after gym class... and--"

"And you think I'm hung?" Eliot interjected, drawing a wince from the big feline.

Damien looked away with a blush, not wanting to answer the question.

"You wanted a, umm... closer look, right?" The mouse spoke again, and a pang of panic struck Damien. The feline looked back over toward the mouse anxiously, the prospect of the reveal filling him with fear and hopefulness at the same time.

Eliot stood up enough to look over the sides of the carrel, glancing around to make sure that no one else was nearby, and then unzipped his jeans slowly, lowering them midway down his thigh, enough to reveal the green boxer-briefs that he had on, a decent sized phallic-shaped bulge already present on his inner-thigh.

The mouse hooked his thumbs under his waistband, but then paused, turning a glance up at the feline to see the tiger still watching intently, eyes glued to scene just below. With another breath, Eliot tugged downward enough to let his length out into open air, placing it in full view of the tiger boy.

Damien's stare didn't waver, he almost didn't even want to blink as he ogled the smaller boy's organ. It wasn't even hard, but the plump pink organ laid there at a good seven inches, much to the shame of the tiger, who knew that his own best effort wasn't close to measuring up.

It could have been seconds, minutes, or hours that Damien was entranced by the other boy's maleness, it all felt like it happened in a split-second for Damien, until the green garment snapped back up, once again concealing the object of his infatuation.

Damien was snapped back to reality in an instant, he turned his gaze back up to the mouse's face, and then immediately turned away, the red blush showing even through his fur.

"You liked when I called you 'kitty' earlier, didn't you?"

Damien nodded slightly, still unable to look at the other boy.

"And the stuff about me... -ahem- I think you said... 'bending you over'...?"

The blush on Damien's face grew an even deeper shade of red, "I-I don't know! I... just think things sometimes... I can't help it if... you're... involved..."

Uncomfortable silence filled the air, interrupted only by the sound of Eliot pulling his zipper back up.

"Umm... Damien, do you... have a crush on me...?"

The tiger boy's heart stopped. It was something that he had not even considered as a possibility. The mouse definitely brought out some type of feelings in him, and a crush, for the lack of a better word, would explain it. He felt a shiver run through his body, and eked out a half-hearted answer.

"I... don't like guys." The words were weak and spoken with no conviction.

Damien looked towards Eliot again, hoping to gauge his reaction, and just as before, he was struck with sensations of unease and anxiety, except now, there was the possibility that all of those thoughts and feelings had a new meaning behind them.

"Well, I mean... If you--"

The mouse began to speak again, and Damien abruptly stood, "I need to go!" He spun himself away and began walking the same direction he came from, stopping only for a moment to speak a few words, "Please... don't tell..." The message was nearly inaudible, but without another word, Damien bee-lined for the entrance.

The tiger kept the brisk pace all the way until he exited the school entirely. The mouse boy's last question still heavy in his mind. With a sigh, Damien leaned back against the school's brick exterior.

"Fuck... I do, don't I...?"