(Preview) Truth or Fantasy Dick

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#11 of Patreon

Truth or Fantasy Dick: Tessa has just made the local news by using her shifter powers to dig through the rubble after a tornado buried a family under their house trapping them in their storm cellar. She's celebrating at her favorite drinking spot: an all female bar run by her best friend. During her celebration, she gets a bit too drunk and plays truth or dare. After finding out Tessa can change others, everyone starts requesting erotic changes to their bodies and daring each other to undergo transformations.

It turns out lots of her friends want to know what it's like to have a strap-on that doesn't require straps and what it's like to be hung like a fantasy dildo. (This story will feature lots of hybrid herm species like foxes with knotted horsecocks and such having boisterous sex.)

If you want to see my stuff weeks to months early and support my writing, click here to become a patron.

Truth or Fantasy Dick By Zmeydros

The moment I got out of my car, I felt like a million bucks. The whole town was enamored with me and I was about to celebrate at my most favorite place in the world: the Herry Ferry Bar.

Neon lights for just about every alcoholic beverage company out there blinked in the long narrow windows. The cracks in the concrete stairway down to the door had been freshly repaired making them a much lighter tone than the rest of the aggregate. My boots clacked on the steps as my faded jeans reflected the fuschia light pouring through the doorway.

I grabbed the railing for the brand new wheelchair ramp while I pulled up one of my socks. Getting dressed in a hurry was never fun, but somehow that's the only way I ever did it. A pair of women came out the door and walked toward the steps.

One of them gasped and looked at me just as I was standing back up. "Wait, are you *the* Tessa Furlow?"

"You can just call me Tess." I held out my hand to grab hers.

Her menagerie of rings pressed against my fingers and palm as she shook my hand. Her heavily-doctored short-cropped hair and silver stud earrings shimmered in the dim light. She retrieved her hand before saying, "They say you were digging for, what, six hours straight before you found that family? How did you do it?"

"When I shift into other forms, I enhance my muscles, metabolism, everything really. I coulda gone a couple more hours, easy." I grinned wondering if my matter-of-fact answer would be seen as bragging.

"Wow, I wish I was a shifter. I could use more stamina, that's for sure." She grinned back.

The woman's date, a wide-shouldered woman with long straight hair and a nose ring, said, "You've got plenty of stamina, hon." She winked.

The first woman blushed and said, "I think that's my cue to leave."

"I'm gonna head in and enjoy the little celebration they've got planned," I said.

The first woman said, "Oh! That's what they were setting up for. I thought it was a private, bar-wide, birthday party or something."

"Nope, all are welcome."

"In that case, maybe we'll stick around for a bit." She turned to her significant other and said, "What do you think, Elaine?"

"Yeah! I don't even have a nice buzz going yet." She motioned toward the door. "Lead the way, hot stuff."

I chuckled and entered the bar after showing my ID to the buff female bouncer just inside the door. Her pinstriped business suit made her look classy.

In the far corner of the bar was a bank of pachinko machines from ancient to present day. They weren't for gambling, they were for settling minor disputes or just pleasing eye candy. Any money you threw in came right back out so you could enjoy the show again. A few well-used pool tables were to the left of the door, pool cues and chalk against the outer wall below the narrow windows that looked out at the wheels of the cars in the parking lot. On the opposite wall was a row of electronic dart boards flanked by pinball machines.

The two women who had come in with me were heading straight for the bar, which ran along the wall to the right of the door. There was a place for a band to set up in the far left corner and a dance area with all sorts of fun lighting contraptions and some fog machines.

Seating was scattered about the bar. Every table was different. Menlo had found them here and there getting any deal she could. Her thriftiness is why she'd been able to start this bar in her mid-twenties. The property was on a canal that no longer held water. The view was gone and the property value all but disappeared. To replace the view, she'd made a bit of a spectacle out of the area that used to be the deck that overlooked the water.

That's where I was headed. Walking down the wide hallway that had doors to the bathrooms and the kitchen, I walked into the what we called "The Sunroom." It held the most eclectic, most dazzling, collection of light fixtures and light sculptures I'd ever seen. Everywhere you looked: beauty. Because there were so many, she'd modified everything to run on various colored LED's. I found her under an ornate Chinese lantern lit with orange LEDs. To her right, was an art deco wall sconce made completely of tessellated triangles lit up with green and blue lights that glacially shifted in color.

Menlo was Taiwanese and not much over five feet tall. She was ethnically Japanese, but everyone knew not to draw attention to that. She liked Japanese culture and people just fine, but she'd never even set foot on those islands. She kept her hair long, just past her shoulders, and loved to put it up in elaborate buns. Today, she had a bunch of silver bird pins keeping her hair up.

"Hey, Menlo!" I called out.

She set down her signature hot toddy with a splash of pineapple and turned away from the tall lanky woman she'd been chatting with. "Tess! So glad you could make it!"

"What? You think I'd miss my own party?" I asked.

"No, just a figure of speech, shush!" she retorted.

"And who's this?" I asked as I turned toward the lanky woman with bleached short hair.

"This is Audrey! She's new, well relatively new, in town."

"Hey there, I've heard so much about you." Audrey set down her half-gone raspberry daiquiri and held out her hand peeking at me from under her spiked bangs. Another glass was sitting next to the one she'd set down. Her cheeks were a bit flushed, but she didn't seem to be all that inebriated.

I shook her hand. "Good things, I hope."

Her hand was soft, but quite strong. "So many good things." She waggled her eyebrows.

I glared at Menlo. "Could you quit it with the whole sharing our sex life with anyone who will listen thing?"

"Only if you stop being so good in bed." Menlo shrugged.

It was Menlo's turn to feel embarrassed, so I teased her. "Am I good in bed or just good at following through on your requests for me to grow various animal dicks?"

A massive blush darkened Menlo's cheeks. I met her eyes and grinned in satisfaction.

Audrey plowed straight ahead. "Oh! Is it harder than other changes?"

"Harder." Menlo snickered.

Audrey rolled her eyes and then sucked up some daiquiri through a big cyan straw.

"Well, it was more difficult back when Menlo first started requesting it because I lacked experience, but it doesn't feel any more difficult than anything else nowadays." I was blushing a bit.

Audrey started to say something, but then her cheeks pinkened and she bit her lip.

"Out with it, you don't get to suddenly be bashful. You were asking me what she tastes like not five minutes ago," Menlo said, gesturing toward me.

"Ugh! Fine!" Audrey fidgeted for a moment. "C-can you change other people?"

I laughed. "If you want a dick anytime soon, you're out of luck. Changing others requires a bit of paperwork."

"I'm patient," she said, cheeks getting rosy.

"How long will it take to file that paperwork?" Menlo asked.

"A couple business days. It's a pretty easy electronic form now. Why? You want one too?" I poked the side of Menlo's right breast.

"It's time I tried it...while being double-teamed by you and Audrey, of course." Her grin turned predatory.

Audrey squirmed in her seat. Where did Menlo find these people?

"So, Audrey, I'm guessing you like this idea?" I teased.

She nodded and drank more of her daiquiri to avoid verbalizing whatever was on her mind.

Menlo gave a decisive nod. "It's settled, we're gonna have a threesome! When are you two free next week?"

Getting a date set in our calendars got me wet and put me in need of a distraction: it was dangerous for me to get too overly aroused in a public setting like this. After we'd all set down our phones, I said, "Menlo, suggest a beer for me to try. Something celebratory."

"Okay, so we got this fantastic shipment of oranges in. Like, they're to die for, and they taste really good in an old fashioned."

"But I said beer. Some beers taste good with orange, right?"

Audrey giggled.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You're so working man it's adorable."

"You got a problem with blue-collar people?" I asked.

"Not at all. They're often the best people...It's just, Menlo described you so well."

"I'm sure she did." I gave Menlo a withering stare.

Menlo grabbed my hip, pulled me against her, and kissed me before saying, "Stop pretending you don't like all the attention."

I licked her neck getting a nice moan out of her. "Sure, if you stop pretending I'm sluttier than you."

"I'm getting you an old fashioned with a nice slice of orange." She pulled away and walked back toward the bar.

I called after her, "Hey, I said I wanted a beer!"

"Yes you did!" she shot back.

"Does she ever get you what you ask her for?" Audrey asked.

After thinking for a moment, I said, "Maybe ten percent of the time?"

"And you put up with it because..." Audrey trailed off so I could fill in the gap.

"She's usually right." I sighed. "I know diddly squat about drinks."

"I only know sweet drinks. As far as I'm concerned, bars are just a place for adults to get dessert." She used her straw to mix the parts of her daiquiri that had melted with the parts that were still ice and then took a long sip as if to emphasize her point.

"Heh, the great thing about bars is that the dessert you bring home."

"Huh?" She tilted her head.

"You know, the type of dessert you can lick and lick and lick and there's always more of it?" I held my hands up as if I was grabbing a fine ass and pantomimed licking someone out.

She gasped and then her eyes softened as she got this happy little smile. "Yes, I love having sushi for dessert."

"Nothing like bringing some salted fish home...you know, I don't think women taste like fish. I've had a lot of sushi and--"

Elaine broke in, "So, what'cha talkin' about?"

"Bringing dessert home from bars," I offered.

Elaine's more slender, many-ringed, companion said, "Fish for dessert?" Then it was like someone had just flipped a breaker inside her. She straightened and said, "Oh my!"

"Sorry, you kinda walked into a lewd conversation," I said. "What's your name?"

"I'm Jeana." She touched her chest and then she gestured toward the stout woman next to her, "And this is--"

"Elaine, right?" I said.

"Oh, that's right, I already told you." Jeana smiled.

Elaine held out her hand and I took it, but instead of shaking it, she pulled me right into a nice big enthusiastic hug. I was in heaven. She had a fantastic bust and was a talented hugger. Once she let me go, she said, "Don't stop the lewd conversation on our account."

"In that case, what do you think women taste like? I think fish is an overused and inaccurate description." I said this with a scholarly tone that got the three women to grin as though they'd been tickled just short of laughing.

Elaine was the first to speak. "A bloody mary? Salty and tomatoey?"

"Gross!" Audrey protested.

"Well, pussies just don't taste sweet to me," Elaine shrugged.

Jeana said, "Elaine likes salty things. Never even seen her eat a candy bar."

"Salted honeydew melon." Menlo's voice came from behind me.

I backed away from the table so Menlo had room to join our conversation and she handed me my drink. Looking at the way the light was filtering through facets in the ice and deep caramel-colored liquid in my glass, I said "You know, that's pretty accurate."

"I'd say salted cantaloupe is closer," Audrey said.

We all looked at Jeana seeing if she'd be the tie breaker, she disappointed us with, "Coffee-flavored salted taffy."

My mouth fell open.

Audrey cackled.

Elaine gave Jeana a put-upon stare.

Menlo tilted her head. "How did you even...what?"

Jeana blushed and put her ring-festooned hands up in front of her as if to defend herself from our collective gaze. "Hey! You asked me, didn't you? And I gave you an answer. Truth is pussies taste like pussies, do you think you could tell someone with a virgin tongue that pussy tastes like salted cantaloupe and they'd go try one and go, 'Oh? Why did I even bother? I could have just licked a cantaloupe!'"

"Lady has a point," I said.

"And cooches can taste wildly different from each other," Audrey added.

This had us all nodding, especially Menlo.

"Wait," Elaine grabbed Jeana's arm and looked up at her. "Are you trying to tell me my snatch tastes like coffee?"

"Is it that surprising? You practically live on the stuff." Jeana booped Elaine on the nose.

Elaine acted like she was pulling the boop off her nose and then made a show of transferring it to Jeana's nose. "I got nothing."

"Ha!" Jeana exclaimed in victory before taking a drink of a tall beer she was holding.

Elaine had set a martini on the table and retrieved it so she could take a sip.

Menlo used the lull in the conversation to ask, "Anyone feel like dancing? We're about to start the music in the main room."

"Oh yeah! Count me in!" Audrey hopped out of the booth holding her drink.

Jeana said, "I don't dance, but I like watching."

Elaine started walking toward the main part of the bar and started running when the bass dropped. She was gonna be the first of us to the dance floor.

Menlo and I walked behind Audrey while I had more of my old fashioned. It was so tasty, so perfect, so what I'd been craving, that half of it was gone by the time I walked through the wide central hallway.

On the dance floor nearest us was Elaine dancing to a melodic dubstep track. Her large breasts flailed, her arms snapped into uncanny positions, and she looked like she was floating. Her enthusiasm was only matched by her talent. I'd spent so much time dancing in this bar that I had many tricks, but Elaine was going to make me look like an amateur. I suspected Elaine was the sole reason Jeana liked to watch people dance.

Audrey was a bit of a thrasher and loved to bounce on her feet. I decided to stay clear of her so I'd avoid getting whacked. Menlo was ridiculous at tutting and hip-hop footwork. I'd spent my community college years in this bar pretending to be a raver, so I had the closest style to Elaine's. I got up next to her and tried to look weightless.

It took three songs before I needed a break. Trying to keep up with her was impossible and I was beginning to suspect her voluptuous thighs and rear were almost completely muscle. To my surprise, she went over to the bar to get a pint of dark beer from the tap and came to the area near the Pachinko machines to talk to me. Her other hand had a shot of something in it. I eyed her while I was talking to three women who'd come over to speak to the star of the party. They were a group of twenty-something friends that had stolen, or shared, each other's young athletic woman look. Yoga pants, stylish ball caps, and tight spandex tops. Beautiful women that I was having some trouble telling apart.

One of them was saying, "Are you planning to shift tonight? I've always wanted to see it happen in person."

"I'd like to see it too," Elaine chimed in.

"Maybe something small? I'd have to get naked to do any serious modifications."

"I'd pay to see you naked. Especially if I got to see you transform like in one of those werewolf movies." Elaine grimaced. "Sorry if that's not the sort of thing one should say to a shifter."

The three girls looked at her and started blushing showing they were thinking exactly what she was thinking, but didn't have the guts to say it.

"Yeah, maybe don't say that sort of a thing to a shifter before you get to know them? We already feel like circus attractions." I sipped my drink to let her think about what she'd said and just as she started apologizing, I said, "It's fine, let me guess, you saw me a s big anthropomorphic female bear wolf on TV and felt a tingle in your unmentionables?"

Elaine gulped and nodded.

"Does Jeana know?"

The three girls were enjoying the drama, eyes practically sparkling.

Elaine laughed. "She's just as hot for you as I am."

Feeling damp between my legs from all this saucy attention, I tried to redirect the conversation and addressed the three girls. "What do you want to see me change into?"

"A dragon!" one of them blurted out. The other two nodded.

It was my most famous form because it allowed me to walk into fires without injury. There was a bit of orca in that form and I could heavily oxygenate my blood and spend up to twenty minutes inside before I needed to come back out. Shaking my head, I said, "I'd definitely need to get nude to do that one."

"Maybe we could have you do it out in the sunroom and only bring the people that don't mind seeing you nude," Elaine said. "Er, that's if you want to give that sort of demonstration."

I took a moment to sip my drink and think about it. There was no blaming anyone, before I became a shifter, I'd been just as curious. What was the harm in it? If there weren't any obvious signs of arousal, shifting was PG-13. Sure, shifting turned me on a bit, but I could handle myself. I had tons of friends and acquaintances at this party that had either asked to see me shift in person or wanted to see it an were afraid to ask. This way I could just satisfy everyone's curiosity all at once.

"What the hell? Why not? After a bit more dancing and another drink to deal with my stage fright, I'll turn into a dragon in front of y'all." I smiled.

Elaine held her shot glass and pint up and whooped victoriously.

The entire trio said, "Cool!" and got big blushy grins on their faces.

Considering everyone here was interested in shifters, I was wondering if I'd also be satisfying people's fetishes. I hoped this would be the case for most of them because the idea that people found shifting hot enough to jill themselves to was a big turn on for me. I couldn't think of a higher form of compliment.

The three girls nodded and then walked off to the dance floor satisfied that their wish would likely get granted tonight.

"Menlo's going to love this idea."

"Really?" Elaine tilted her head.

"She's always looking for excuses to do lewd things in her bar."

"Huh, wish I'd found this place a long time ago."

"Well, it's good to have you here, now!" I raised my glass to Elaine and she clinked it against her pint.

She replied, "If I didn't have both my hands full, I'd be groping you right now."

"And I'd welcome it," I said. "So, what are you drinking there? It seems like you're sipping one then the other."

Elaine held out the pint and the shot. "I'm drinking porter and then chasing it with dark rum. It's fantastic. Wanna try?"

"Sure!" I took the glasses from her and took down some of the dark bitter porter and then sipped from the shot. "Dang! The dry bitterness and then the sweet...it's like a rush of delicious."

"That's what Jeana calls it when I cum," Elaine said.

Handing the glasses back with a blush, I said, "You're a handful."

"Jeana says that too." She put her forearms under her breasts and hefted them to show them off.

Now I was even wetter. Much more and I'd have to dash to the restroom and get off or risk my shifter horniness spreading to others. "Come on gorgeous, lets see if you can make me feel even more like a noob on the dance floor." I finished the last fourth of my drink in one gulp. "Well, after I get the combo you just let me try."

Walking over to Menlo, who was talking to the heavyset woman behind the bar, I ate the twist of orange that had been put in my drink. It was every bit as good as Menlo claimed and it tasted even better now that booze had soaked into it.

As I set my drink down on the bar, Menlo laughed at something the bartender said and then turned to me. She had to speak over the music when she asked, "Having fun?"

"Yeah! I need another drink."

The bartender overheard me and said, "What'll you have?"

"I'd like a porter with a dark rum chaser," I said and then turned to see Menlo's jaw drop.

"Where'd you learn that one?" Menlo narrowed her eyes at me.

"I've known it for years, drink it all the time. Haven't you been paying attention?" I stood proud.

She narrowed her eyes more.

"Fine, it's what Elaine's having," I said.

"Whew, I was about to see if you'd been replaced by a double."

Once I'd sipped that drink and hung out with Menlo for a bit, I joined Elaine on the dance floor.

Things escalated faster than my inebriated good sense could follow. When Elaine rubbed against my thigh, I retaliated by rubbing against hers. The overt language of our bodies flirting got me so flustered that my nipples were rubbing against my bra. When she put both hands on my ass and pulled me against her during a slow song, I leaned in and licked at her lips. She moaned and slipped her tongue in my mouth. We'd been drinking the same drink, but it tasted different in each of our mouths.

Menlo poured napalm on our fire by getting behind me and grinding her hips into my ass. She loved her strap-ons and I imagined her taking me with one of them while I made out with Elaine. Jeana came up and rubbed herself against my well-muscled thigh and Audrey got behind Elaine and copied Menlo's antics.

This was partially my fault, it was unknown whether it was our scent or just our presence, but we had an effect on people. It's why we were the most popular sex workers on the planet. Menlo knew all about it, but clearly didn't care. Instead of trying to calm things down, she reached around to my front and slipped a hand into my pants. I gasped and then bit my lip and moaned through my nose. I hadn't realized how much I needed to be touched.

Audrey grabbed one of Elaine's sizable tits and used the other hand to do exactly what Menlo was doing. Jeana's wetness was soaking through my jeans, all of us were moaning. We were bounding into uncharted territory with the brake line cut.

It was now lesbian mating season in the bar. Seeing the bar owner openly fingering her girlfriend on the dance floor encouraged everyone to let their bodies do as they pleased. The trio I'd seen before had their hands in each other's yoga pants within five seconds of seeing Menlo do it. The DJ was playing a low erotic beat, just going with the flow.

A ringing in my ears, a tightness in my jeans, and a itch on the bottoms of my feet signaled my body begging to shift. Normally, I could control myself, but I could smell how ready they were, how much they wanted more than just this grinding dance.

People might start doing things they'd regret if I didn't try and douse this situation. I was the most used to having animalistic carnal urges, so the responsibility fell to me. Thinking with everyone rubbing on me was hard, but the answer soon came to me. Shifting would relieve some of the pressure. There was a wonderful relaxation that came with it. The sensations were pleasurable and often left me sated. I frowned as I realized what my audience would see: me caught between moans of pleasure and discomfort while avoiding fingering myself to take the edge off. When I'd been asked before, I was confident I'd be able to stay professional, but now I wasn't sure.

Audrey forced my hand when she stepped back and started pulling down her skirt. I stopped gyrating and pulled everyone's hands off of me. They blinked as they tried to process what they'd been doing.

I used that moment of pause to run over to the DJ. She was a woman with green and pink streaked hair wearing a red, black and white shirt with a vampire-fanged mouth licking its lips. Her neon green lip ring glinted in the stage lighting as it passed over her. She held up a finger and then waited till the slow part of her current track to beckon me closer. I said, "I'd like to make an announcement after this song."

Her thin lips pulled into an attractive smile before wooing me with her thick British accent. "Sure, love! You're the star, after all."

Menlo caught up to me, but the music picked up again before she could ask what I was planning. I just hooked an arm around her waist and held her against my side until it was time for me to get on stage and make my announcement.

Taking the mic from the DJ's outstretched hand, I said, "Hey everybody! I'm going to be giving a shifting demonstration. The only catch is that it'll work best if I do it nude. I was gonna use the sunroom, but I probably should see how many people are interested, first. How about you give me a show of hands? How many of you want to see me shift?"

Nearly every one of the thirty people present raised their hands. I just stared in awe. I'd guessed lots of people would be interested, but not everyone. This is when Menlo hopped up onto the stage and took the mic. "Okay! We're gonna wait for the DJ to finish her set and then we'll do the demonstration right here in the main room, how's that sound?"

There were claps, hollers, and cheers.

"Great! T-minus twenty-five minutes, then!" She handed the mic back to the DJ.

The DJ said, "Menlo, I'll stay late for ya, why not just do it now while you got everyone's attention?"

Menlo took the mic back, "You hear that? You guys okay taking a dance break?"

More cheering.

"Okay, anyone who doesn't want to see it, we'll be providing drink service to the Sunroom." Menlo handed the mic to me. "Go for it!"

There was a corner of the stage large enough for what I'd planned in front of the DJ's equipment. I went over to it, legs shaking, and started stripping. People clapped their hands in unison as if to give me a beat. I made a show of taking off my jeans and long-sleeve shirt before my undergarments.

My heart pounded and everyone whistled as I pulled off my bra. I felt light-headed when I reached down to my panties.

Menlo's hand grabbed my wrist. "Can you have your tail bust out of your panties like you did that one time?"

I blushed. "I guess it would make for a better show." My dragon form was one of my most durable, the panties would be no match. Plus, it would reduce the risk of people seeing the wet spot on my panties.

Menlo grabbed the mic from me. "Barkeep, get out a bucket for Tess's panty fund. She's gonna sacrifice a pair for us tonight."

I whispered to Menlo, "Could you get me another old fashioned before I start? I can't, you know, during the uncomfortable parts tonight."

She handed the mic to me and then said, "Sure, hon."

The bartender got out a bucket from under the counter and put it on the bar as I took the mic back. It was time to get going, the longer I was on stage, mostly naked, in front of everyone, the more chance I had of getting cold feet. "To answer the most common questions: it mostly doesn't hurt, I can control the transformation with my thoughts, and we have to make a pact with an altruistic extradimensional entity named Malfedrosti to get the magic bestowed on us. Okay, lastly, all shifters have a unique phrase to start the magic. Mine is: Rambunctious napalm peach tree!"

I traded Menlo the mic for my drink. There was no way I could narrate what was about to happen. Waiting for the magic to gather, I sipped that fantastic cocktail until my glass was empty. Menlo announced upcoming events at the bar while a hazy purple glow settled around my toes.

She stopped when my toenails grew out into claws. My ankles cracked next as plum-colored scales filled in on my feet. It felt like someone running their fingernails over my skin. The people closest to me had wide eyes and half-open mouths as they watched those scales climb my legs. I turned so that my side was facing the crowd. They'd see the most changes that way.

My panties started to complain as my hips widened and my tailbone was just starting to make a rise in them. The burning in the muscles of my legs accompanied them bulking up. The scales of my inner thighs were a lighter purple and more like a snake's belly scales. I was still wet and when those scales started coming in on my pussy, I grit my teeth. It always felt like a damn pussy massage! The thickening of my labia felt nearly as good as what was happening inside. I wasn't sure where this form came from, but it was built for rough dragon sex. I'd changed some things about it, like making it stronger so I could sift through rubble easier. The dragon sex part, however, wasn't something Menlo or I wanted to change since she loved putting her whole arm inside me. What I wouldn't have done for Menlo's arm at that moment...I could smell them, I could smell well over a dozen women getting wet from watching me transform.

The flattening of my nose and broadening of my jaws had already begun and the enhanced olfactory sense that came with it was a big distraction. I got oooh's from the crowd when I stuck out my tongue and it grew six times its length and forked before their eyes.

An awful tearing sound brought my attention to my tail. The throbbing of my tail growing was like the baseline of unheard music. That foot of tail in my panties was putting them over capacity. I watched along with the crowd as they gave out. A tear at the back widened until my tail slipped through and gained inches of length every second. I focused my attention on my hands growing out my fingernails into claws. Slicing off my abused pink panties resulted in them flying off the side of the stage. They'd been under a lot of tension.

Audrey picked them up and lifted them up for all to see while cheering not realizing that they showed how wet I'd been before I cut them off. I blushed as scales formed on my cheeks. My tail reached its five feet of length in record time.

Playing with my clit was normally how I dealt with the sharp ache on my forehead from my horns coming in, but I had to tough it out this time. The new muscles in my tail getting hooked up to my nerves was like being poked by thousands of thistle seeds. Controlling my breathing, and being slightly drunk, got me through it.

I was forced to hold my breath to arrest the moan that came with me finally being able to move my tail.

Flexing, curling, and gripping the mic stand with it brought me boundless joy. The part that I never quite understood, but was a lot of fun was happening right now as the lighter scales filled in on my chest. Two tender spots formed a few inches under my breasts and rose from my scales. These new nipples got thicker as the flesh under them warmed.

Audry, Elaine, Jeana, and most of the crowd fell into dead silence as they watched this second set of breasts come in.

Not touching them was killing me. My muzzle was almost done, the last patches of human skin on my shoulders, sides, and back, were swiftly disappearing as my snout and horns finished coming in. My ears burned as they lengthened and pointed. I'd gained a foot and a half in height, my upper breasts were DD's and the ones below were C's. They weren't always that convenient and I often made them into B cups when I had to run through a smoldering building, but tonight I wasn't doing that. I was on display. I turned to face my audience as my transformation finished.

A mix of astonishment, overwhelm, and lust was splayed across their faces. I turned around so they could see my back and tail. Menlo moved in and whispered to me, "Show them your pussy."

"What, no! That could get you in trouble," I protested.

She held up her phone. On it was a week-old article about New Jersey's supreme court ruling that public decency laws didn't apply to shifters in their transformed state. It was an effort to make shifters more able to do their jobs in situations where clothing got in the way. My scales survived fire better than any fire suit, after all. My sex tingled madly at the thought of me exposing myself to the crowd. This body wanted to be shown off.

Taking the microphone from Menlo, I turned around and said, "Seems the New Jersey supreme court just ruled that shifters don't have to observe public decency laws and Menlo just said it's okay if I show y'all my dragon pussy. What do you think about that?"

My dragon ears were sensitive and their drunken hollering made me want to cover them. Hoping I wasn't obviously wet, I put the mic back in its stand, turned around, and lifted my tail. Menlo grabbed my muscular ass cheeks and parted them. They were getting a good glimpse of my industrial-strength scaled passage and I had to put my fingers in my ears to muffle the appreciative whistles.

After Menlo let my cheeks go, she took the mic and said, "She's not done! She can grow twin dragon cocks! Who wants to see th--"

I stole the mic from her, my heart beating so fast it smarted. "Uhh, this is an all girls club no one wants to see...wait, we have trans patrons." I gulped. "Menlo's just telling tall tales, yeah, that's what I meant to say."

"I wanna see 'em ! Who's wit' me?" a slender drunkard in the back yelled.

Two more people yelled, "We are!"

"Dou-ble Dou-ble Dicks Now!" someone near the front yelled to the tune of "We will rock you!"

That chant that spread throughout everyone gathered. Drunken curiosity...I could smell the crowd's inebriation from here. I knew I wasn't gonna convince them they didn't need to see my add-ons. "So I don't accidentally unleash erotic features on the job, I have a separate phrase for those transformations." I pursued my scaly lips wondering if this was a bad idea. Oh, it was, but the buzz from my drinks was softening my anxiety and I was having a blast.

"Unchained Barbecue Forensic Blowfish," I said aloud. Knowing I'd start moaning, I turned to the DJ and said, "Hey, could you give me your most erotic beat?"

"Anything for you, love!" She checked out my ass as she got behind me to her deck and started hitting some buttons.

People cheered as a purple magic haze collected at my crotch...

((( That's it for the preview. To see the rest before August, followthis link to the full story and become a patron on my Patreon. www.patreon.com/zmeydros )))