A Dog in Blue: Runaways

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#11 of A Dog in Blue

Hello all, better late than never I suppose! Here's the end of this series! Summer may be a bit sparse from me posting wise, but I'm going to try my best to keep putting stuff out. Thanks for reading!


June 28th, 1969, 2:20 AM

The Crimson Plaza

Nathan panted and sobbed against the back wall of the office. Travis did his best to stay strong for him, but he knew it was only a matter of time before August found them back here. The German Shepherd didn't know what he feared more, that the Fox would actually do his job, or that he would just murder them both where they stood. The German Shepherd looked over at his sobbing boyfriend and trembled Travis walked to the Cattle Dog's side and sat beside him, holding his paw tight.

"I have an idea," Travis began, "But you aren't going to like it."

Nathan jumped at the sound of people screaming and blows landing from outside. It was only a matter of time before the bullets started flying.

"What is it Travis?" Nathan asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"You just need to wait here," Travis squeezed Nathan's paw even tighter, "I'm going to go and get arrested. When I make my move you run home and get the hell out of town."

The younger Dog shook his head violently. Of course, Travis growled to himself.

"No," Nathan replied, "We can get out of here together."

The German Shepherd chuckled and shook his head.

"This is the only way," Travis replied, "I can't let anything happen to you."

The Cattle Dog started to cry harder.

"I'm not leaving you," Nathan buried his head into Travis's chest, "I won't."

Travis held Nathan close and shed a couple of tears as well. He desperately wanted to believe that he and Nathan could get out of this together, but he knew the hard truth. There was a good chance he wouldn't get out of this alive. He'd either die tonight, or in jail tomorrow.

"I love you Nathan," Travis squeezed Nathan tighter and kissed the top of his head, "That's why I have to do this."

The German Shepherd got up from the floor and wiped his eyes. Nathan would understand in the end, he was sure of it. Anything was better than his lover getting the death penalty for crimes he didn't commit. Travis took a deep breath and put his paw on the door handle. He opened the door and looked back at Nathan for what he feared would be the last time. The Cattle Dog had his head in his hand, his body rocking with hard sobs. That sight almost made Travis go back to him, but the German Shepherd knew he couldn't.

He froze. Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his head. Travis knew what it was. The barrel of a service revolver.

"Where are you going Travis?" August chuckled, "Don't turn around. Walk back in that room for me."

Travis growled and stepped forward slowly. August followed the German Shepherd, his gun pressed hard into the back of Travis's head. The door squeaked shut behind Travis. He chanced a quick look around. Nathan had hid behind the desk before August got a chance to see him. The German Shepherd smirked. He was a smart kid.

"What are you doing August?" Travis asked, "Isn't it against protocol to be in here without a partner?"

August smirked.

"I don't want someone to spoil our fun," The Fox replied, "Besides, I don't know what I want to do with you yet."

Travis's eyebrow raised.

"You mean you aren't going to arrest me?" Travis asked, "That's definitely against protocol."

The German Shepherd flinched as August pulled back the hammer on his revolver. Nathan had a similar reaction behind the heavy desk, his body hitting the thick piece of furniture with an audible thud. Travis breathed a sigh of relief. August didn't seem to hear it.

"I think you get what I want to do," August snarled, "I always hated you. When I show Chief Hickling your corpse. He'll finally get that you aren't his golden boy. It'll be my turn."

Travis turned back to face August. The Fox barked and slapped Travis across the face with his gun, hard. The German Shepherd fell to his knees and let out a cry of pain. August snarled and hit Travis again, this time striking him hard on his still healing break. The German Shepherd screamed out in pain and fell to the floor, blood pooling in his muzzle. He never knew anything could hurt this bad.

"I told you not to fucking turn around!" The Fox shouted, "Get up! Get on your fucking knees Travis."

The German Shepherd whimpered and stayed prostrate on the ground. He didn't think he could do it. August growled and hauled the Dog up roughly. Tears danced in Travis's eyes. He did not want to die like this in front of Nathan.

"Open your mouth," August put the gun right in front of Travis's muzzle, "I don't want to miss."

The German Shepherd shivered and did as he was told. No sense in dragging this out. August slid the dirty barrel into Travis's mouth with a sick grin on his face. Oh well, Travis thought, at least he'd get to see Victor again.

"A-August?" Nathan asked timidly from behind the desk, "Is that you?"

August froze in his tracks and let the gun slide from Travis's muzzle. He held it loosely at his side.

"Nathan?" August whined, "I-I thought I told you not to come here again."

Travis dropped back to the floor with a groan. He couldn't believe Nathan had done this. The Cattle Dog was home free. He rolled onto his side to look at the two of them, tears rolling down his cheeks again. Nathan was standing up and rubbing his arm, looking very much like a little pup who had been caught with his paw in the cookie jar.

"I'm sorry," Nathan whimpered and hung his head, "I know I wasn't supposed to. My friend had a birthday."

August closed the distance between them and held the Cattle Dog close. Nathan's paws curled up against the Fox's uniform.

"I heard the noises and got scared," Nathan continued, "I hid back here. I thought I was alone until you came in. I'm so scared August."

The Fox sighed and rubbed over Nathan's shoulders.

"It's fine," August started to pull the Cattle Dog towards the door, "Now look, you've got a chance if you go out the back door and run towards my place. There aren't any police cars on that end of the alley."

Nathan whined and dug his heels in, pressing himself up against August.

"Don't make me go out there again!" Nathan whined, "Please, it was scary enough the last time."

The Fox gently kissed Nathan's forehead. Travis was aghast. He had never seen August be this tender with anyone. In all honesty, it scared him.

"Come on," August lifted Nathan's chin up, "Be brave. I'll come right back to you after all this is done. I promise."

The Cattle Dog looked up into August's eyes, tears brimming in them. Travis had forgot how good of an actor Nathan was. The Fox blushed hard, lips parting slightly as he looked down at the younger male.

"Be safe," Nathan leaned in and kissed the Fox on the lips, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

That was enough for August. The Fox moaned and held Nathan tight, pressing his lips against the Cattle Dog's with wild abandon. Nathan did his best to moan, lifting his tail and grinding his hips up against the cop's crotch.

"Fuck kid," August panted as he broke away, "You drive me crazy."

Nathan whined in need and kissed August again.

"Stay with me a little longer?" Nathan asked, "Till it quiets down?"

Travis almost looked away, before he saw August's paws grab Nathan's rump, and the revolver clatter to the floor.

"Fuck I shouldn't," August blushed hard, "Even though I've always wanted to do this on the job."

The German Shepherd inched closer, and slowly pulled the gun over to him. He tried to glance towards Travis, but was stopped by Nathan's paw.

"Now's your chance," Nathan licked August's nose, "It doesn't have to be for long, just long enough for things to quiet down. I promise."

August brought his lips to Nathan's again, completely oblivious to Travis standing up behind him.

"A-August," Nathan let out a breathy moan, "I need you."

Travis growled and pressed the gun into the small of August's back. He had enough of this.

"Stand up," The German Shepherd growled, "Get against the fucking wall."

August put his paws up and moved against the wall. He put his back to it, the sizeable bulge in his pants receding. Nathan moved behind Travis, head hung low and ears drooped.

"You fucking slut," August snarled, "I should have known better."

Travis growled and slapped August across the face with the revolver.

"Shut up!" Travis shouted, "I'll fucking kill you August."

The Fox laughed.

"Really?" He asked, "You're going to kill me? In cold blood? I find that hard to believe."

The German Shepherd glared at the Fox. He'd been dreaming of this ever since this psycho killed Victor. August took one look at Travis's eyes and blanched. The fear in those brown eyes made Travis hesitate, and August took full advantage of the momentary weakness.

"You motherfucker!" August shouted as he lunged forward and knocked the gun out of his hand, "I'll make both of you regret this!"

The Fox swung at Travis's jaw, brining the Dog to his knees again. He kicked Travis in the stomach, sending him backwards and cannoning his head into the floor. August barked in triumph and reached for his gun. He grabbed nothing but air. Slowly, he turned his head. Nathan stood shaking beside him, revolver pointed directly at the Fox's head.

"Nathan," August took a deep breath, "Nathan I-."

Nathan fired, filling the small office with the deafening sound of gunfire. August fell to the side, blood spurting from an exit wound just behind his ear. He was dead. The Cattle Dog shakily lowered the gun and fell to the floor with a thump. He stared blankly at the corpse in front of him. After a few moments of shock, Travis crawled forward and took the gun from Nathan.

"We have to go," Travis panted hard and set the gun beside August, "Now."

The Cattle Dog whined and hugged Travis tightly.

"I'm sorry I had to do that," Nathan whimpered, "It was the only way I could think of to distract him."

Travis rubbed Nathan's shoulders tenderly. He definitely wasn't happy about it, but he was smart enough to know that the Cattle Dog only did it to save him.

"You did the right thing," Travis began, "Now, let's get back to our car and get out of here."

The German Shepherd staggered as he got to his feet. August had done more of a number on him that he had realized. The Cattle Dog whimpered and helped Travis to his feet. Getting to the car was going to be far too slow for Travis's liking.

"Come on," Nathan held Travis's arm tight to his side, "I know what August was talking about. It'll take us longer, but we'll be able to get back without too many problems."

"Lead the way," Travis wiped some blood dripping from his nose, "I think I'll be eating soup for a little while longer."

Nathan let out a quiet chuckle as he opened the door. The shouting and fighting hadn't stopped. It sounded like two armies battling it out in the street outside of the gay bar. Smoke poured down the hallway. Someone, cop or Fur, had started a fire. Flames licked out into the back hallway. Travis hung his head. It looked like Lionel had gotten what he wanted, this brutality was sure to open a few eyes.

Nathan moved forward as quickly as he could, keeping his head low. They slid out the back door and looked around. August's squad car was still running, his partner probably still out in the streets clubbing Nathan and Travis's friends.

"Come on," Nathan began, "This way."

The Cattle Dog led Travis down the other side of the alley. They crossed three empty streets before reaching the end. From this distance, the brawl on the street turned into a dull roar. The German Shepherd was panting hard, he wasn't sure if he could make it much farther. Nathan let out a quiet groan and put his back against the wall, sliding down it with Travis beside him.

"We can rest here for a little bit," Nathan panted, "I think we're home free. We just have to loop back around to the car."

The German Shepherd nodded and put his head back against the wall. He had to stay strong until he and Nathan were far from this city.

"Travis?" James's voice asked from the edge of the alley, "Is that you?"

Travis's heart sunk. This was the worst possible person they could have run into right now.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" James asked, "Is that blood?"

The German Shepherd sighed and hung his head.

"You're not mixed up in all this are you," James groaned, "Fuck Travis. Are you kidding me?"

"Please," Nathan said softly, "Just let us go home."

James shook his head and put his hand on his nightstick.

"We'll deal with you later," James frowned, "Preferably after we throw the both of you into a cell."

Nathan started to cry again as James reached his cuffs. Travis groaned and slowly got to his feet. He knew he could swindle their way out of this. He had to.

"Don't you know who this is?" Travis began, "This is the Dog that killed Officer McNeil. You put him through the system and they'll execute him. You put me through the system and I'll be murdered in jail. Is that really how you want this to go?"

James's face softened. Travis knew just how much the way the Officer McNeil murders were resolved ate him up inside.

"What about all that blood?" James asked, "I know you guys did something."

Travis bit his lip. He was going to have to lie.

"August found us first," Travis took a deep breath, "He was going to kill me, and do worse to my friend."

The Human crossed his arms.

"So who's blood is it?" James asked, "Did you kill him?"

Travis had to fight the urge to smirk. He had always been a bad liar, but now he wasn't lying at all.

"No," The German Shepherd began, "He was beating me, and one of the patrons from the bar overpowered him."

The German Shepherd shuddered.

"It was an Australian Cattle Dog," Travis began, "Never saw the kid before in my life. He surprised him, got the gun, and blasted August away."

James looked over at Nathan. Travis prayed that he was too stupid to tell his dog breeds apart.

"Is all that true?" James asked, "Is that how it went down?"

Nathan nodded.

"Yes sir," He wrapped his arms around himself, "Every word."

The human looked down at his shoes. He was clearly having a huge inner debate.

"Please Officer," Nathan said with a quiet whine, "Just let us go. And you'll never see us again."

The Human shifted back and forth on his feet uncomfortably. He looked up at the night sky and let out a heavy sigh.

"Alright," James began, "I think the NYPD has wronged you enough. Besides, I'm not about to hand some guys the death penalty for being at the wrong bar at the wrong time."

Travis held out a paw.

"Thank you James," Travis replied, "You're a hero."

James looked down at Travis's paw in disgust. The German Shepherd pulled it back. James had grown a lot over the past month, but his homophobia must have managed to holdout.

"Move along," James said coldly, "If I see either of you again, it's jail."

Nathan slowly stood up and helped Travis out of the alleyway. His face was streaked with tears. The German Shepherd squeezed Nathan's paw as they ducked into another alleyway.

"We're almost home free," Travis chuckled, "The world is our oyster now."

The Cattle Dog nodded and wiped his eyes.

"I feel terrible," Nathan whined, "How far do we have to drive before we can stop at a motel."

Travis sighed. It was going to be a much longer drive than he had originally planned. August's death had grossly complicated things. There had been more than enough paws on that gun to muddle the prints on it, but Travis wasn't ready to risk it.

"We have to get at least a couple states away." Travis replied, "Just in case they link August to us."

Nathan whined.

"Okay Travis," Nathan nuzzled up against his boyfriend, "What happens if they do?"

"Then we keep running," Travis replied, "We run until can't run anymore."


June 29th, 9:30 PM

Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

Once they got back to the car, Travis sped home, had Nathan load the last of their belongings into the car, and started heading west. They drove as far as the German Shepherd could before pulling into a greasy roadside motel. They had been driving since 4 in the morning and only stopped for a cheap meal, gas, and bathroom breaks. From what snippets of news the two managed to hear on the radio, there was nothing more than brief and broad coverage on the protests. Travis opened the door to the small and dirty motel room. The carpets used to be a bright green, and the yellow wallpaper was peeling off the walls.

Travis was golden-furred now, thanks to a quick dye job from Nathan in a truck stop bathroom. He didn't want to do it, but it was the best way to lift suspicion off of the two fugitives. The German Shepherd let out a groan as he lifted two bags of clothes over the threshold to the room. He was sore and exhausted. Hopefully, he and Nathan got out clean enough to allow them a full night's sleep tonight. There were two beds, one of which the German Shepherd knew was not going to be used.

Nathan walked into the room and fell face first on the bed. The Cattle Dog never learned how to drive, which meant that he was the one in charge of the maps.The older Dog set the bags down beside the door before closing and locking the door behind him. Travis felt he still felt like he needed to take care of the younger Dog, even though it was abundantly clear that Nathan could handle himself.

"Nathan?" Travis asked as he closed the blinds beside the door, "Do you want me to draw you a bath?"

The younger male let out a little whine and reached out to turn the bedside lamp on.

"I just want to sleep," Nathan replied, "Are you okay?"

Travis chuckled and sat down on the bed beside Nathan. He put his paw on the younger Dog's back and stroked him through the fabric of his tee shirt.

"I'm fine love," Travis smiled, "It's been a really big day. But I think we're going to be okay."

The Cattle Dog rolled over and looked up at Travis.

"Is your face okay?" Nathan asked, "I mean it doesn't hurt does it?"

Travis shook his head. He had been careful with his muzzle all day. It was still sore, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as it did last night. Nathan blushed hard and squeezed Travis's paw.

"Can we uh," Nathan continued, "Fool around a little?"

"Are you sure?" Travis asked, "I think some sleep would be best for you right now."

The Cattle Dog shook his head. Travis chuckled. The last thing he wanted to do right now was get into an argument about something as stupid as this. He leaned down and gave Nathan a quick kiss on the forehead.

"If you want to do that," Travis replied, "I'm going to need a shower."

"You mean you're going to make me wait?" Nathan let out a little whine, "Can I come with you?"

The German Shepherd let out a quiet sigh. He desperately wanted Nathan to come in with him. It shouldn't be a problem. The two paid in cash and with Travis's dyed fur the odds of them being recognized by the motel owner was low. He still wanted to be careful. Meanwhile Nathan stripped naked, the dye on his torso and abdomen was starting to made. Travis could almost make out the flecks of salt and pepper in his boyfriends natural coat. He bit his lip and turned away. He had to shower first.

"You should stay out here," He began, "Just in case."

Nathan whined and sat up on the bed.

"You probably shouldn't shower just yet anyways," Nathan replied, "You have to let that dye set in. If you wash it out, we'll look super suspicious."

Travis groaned. He totally forgot about the dye.

"Can't we apply it again in the morning?" Travis whined, "We have enough to do it right?"

The black-furred Cattle Dog crossed his arms.

"No we don't," Nathan shook his head, "Besides even if we did. It would still look funny."

The younger male scooted over, giving Travis some room beside him. He hit the mattress with a paw.

"Now get in bed," He continued sternly, "You can shower in the morning."

Hopefully they would have time for a shower in the morning, Travis thought to himself as he walked toward the beds. First things first, the German Shepherd had to throw the motel owners off the scent. He crawled into the other bed and kicked the sheets around, making it look like someone tossed and turned all night in the (thankfully) white sheets. Nathan opened his mouth to say something smart, but Travis put a finger to his lips.

"We could have done it in both beds," Nathan said quietly, "Don't worry so much. We've got empty rooms on both sides of us. You saw the key holders in the office."

The German Shepherd reached over and turned off the light before crawling into bed with Nathan. He pushed his clothed body in close and kissed the younger Dog tenderly on the lips.

"We still have to be careful," Travis pulled back from the kiss, "You can't be loud. It's not going to do us much good if we get arrested for sodomy."

Nathan whined and nodded.

"Okay," The Cattle Dog replied, "You get those clothes off. I want to feel you next to me."

Travis didn't need to be told twice. He sat on the edge of the bed and stripped off his shirt. As his paws went down to unfasten his jeans, Nathan came up behind him and embraced him lightly. The younger male's lips came down over his shoulder and back, kissing over his sore body. His paws roamed over Travis's chest and abs, tantalizingly moving lower and lower. Travis undid his fly, and let out a quiet moan as those paws reached down the front of his jeans and groped over his package.

"Quiet darling," Nathan murred between kisses, "And I thought I was the loud one. You naughty pup."

The German Shepherd stiffened at the dirty talk and let out another quiet moan as Nathan pulled his sheath down to expose his cock. Travis squirmed out of his jeans, letting them fall to the carpeted floor. Nathan pulled his paws back for a few moments, allowing Travis to get his underwear and socks off, before reaching back down to stroke his stiff length and fondle his heavy furred sack.

"Do you want me?" The Cattle Dog asked softly, "I can show you how bad I want you."

Nathan took one of Travis's paws and put it on his own hard and drooling cock. The German Shepherd murred and slowly started to run his pads over the length of Nathan's cock, making the Cattle Dog squirm under his touch.

"I think we're going to have to put that muzzle of yours in the pillows," Travis chuckled, "You might be too loud otherwise."

The Cattle Dog let out a quiet whimper.

"L-Let me get the bed ready first," Nathan replied with a whine, "Then you can really give it to me."

There were three pillows on the double bed, perfect for what the couple had in mind. Nathan put both pillows behind the headboard, giving it a rattle to make sure the sound was sufficiently dampened. He unmade the bed, throwing the sheets and blankets to the floor. Nathan was clearly a pro at fucking in a motel. Travis smirked and moved up behind his boyfriend, hot-dogging his dick in between his lover's plump cheeks. Nathan bit his lip, grinding back as Travis kissed over his back and shoulders.

"Fuck hon," Nathan panted, "You gotta get me ready first."

Travis pushed Nathan's head into the remaining pillow. The Cattle Dog let out a moan and lifted his tail high.

"I know," Travis began as he spread Nathan's legs apart, "I'll take care of you baby."

The German Shepherd dismounted his boyfriend, kissing lower and lower down the Cattle Dog's back as he moved off of him. Nathan let out a high pitched moan, and pushed his face deeper into the covers as Travis hit his target. He kissed and licked over Nathan's tight hole, his paws spreading his boyfriend's cheeks wide. Travis's cock jumped and drooled beneath him, he was going to wreck this perfect ass tonight.

He kept rimming his boyfriend until he felt the slightest give in Nathan's tight ring. Travis smirked and took his position behind the Cattle Dog again. One paw pressed down on the Australian Cattle Dog's shoulders, while the other grabbed one of his lover's thighs and pulled it back. With practiced ease, Travis took his cock in paw, lined himself up, and slowly penetrated his lover to the hilt. Nathan squirmed and whined into the pillow underneath him, his hips humping into the white sheets beneath him.

The German Shepherd paused and breathed hard. It was going to be harder than he thought keeping quiet. He reached down and bit gently on Nathan's shoulder. His jaw felt fine now, no doubt a project of the lust pumping hard through the German Shepherd's veins. He just had to make sure not to overdo it. Slowly, he started to move his hips, dragging out his full length with each long stroke outwards and thrusting it back in with a satisfying smack. Nathan whined even louder and bit down on the pillow. His paws reached down and held onto the bare mattress tightly.

Travis took his time, tantalizingly increasing the tempo of his thrusts each time Nathan cried out beneath him. Soon, he was pumping away, each thrust driving home with an audible smack. The German Shepherd pushed down on Nathan's shoulders harder, moving his other paw up to pull Nathan's head from the pillow and plaster his paw over it. His muzzle let Nathan's shoulder go as Travis pushed himself forward. The Cattle Dog moaned quietly, kissing over Travis's paw as the German Shepherd's body weight shifted. He was driving deeper now and each thrust made both Travis and Nathan shudder and pant.

Nathan shuddered and came, Travis's finger muffling the howl as he unloaded on the mattress. The German Shepherd chuckled and pressed both paws on Nathan's back, giving long, drawn out thrusts again. He wanted to let Nathan have his full orgasm before driving his knot in. The younger Dog whined, squirmed and panted beneath him for what felt like an eternity. Once he stop, Travis drove forward as hard as he could and tied his lover. The German Shepherd grit his teeth and bit back a howl as he swelled and came, hard.

He fell forward, resting his full weight on Nathan's back. The Cattle Dog panted and whined.

"You shouldn't have tied me," Nathan panted, "Now it's gonna be harder to clean this up."

Travis panted hard, still spilling into his lover.

"Don't worry," Travis panted, "We'll take care of it. I'm sure it'll be fine."

Nathan nodded and pressed back into Travis.

"That was the best sex I've ever had," Nathan began, "I almost forgot all about last night."

The German Shepherd kissed over Nathan's back. He hoped this would help him sleep. The last thing the poor kid needed was to have more nightmares than he already did.

"If you need me to do it again," Travis smirked, "Just ask. I'm more than happy to oblige. Anything to help you forget."

The Cattle Dog let out a sigh and held the German Shepherd's paw tightly.

"I don't think it works that way baby," Nathan began, "But thank you for the offer."

The smirk fell from Travis's face. He rubbed over Nathan's shoulders with his free paw, tenderly working over the muscles there. He leaned down and kissed Nathan's cheek.

"You just go to sleep," Travis said softly, "I'll take care of the mess."

The Cattle Dog smiled slightly.

"Okay Travis," He replied, "I love you."

The German Shepherd gave the younger Dog another kiss.

"I love you too," Travis replied, "Now sleep."

He kept stroking the fur on Nathan's back, his fingers lightly tangling in the younger male's soft fur. Nathan fell asleep soon after that, breathing lightly and peacefully. The German Shepherd sighed and kept up his stroking. He could tell during the drive how bothered Nathan was. Travis hoped he'd soon recover once the pair got to their new home. Minutes passed, and Travis was finally soft enough to pull out. Nathan moaned quietly in his sleep, but didn't stir.

The German Shepherd got up from the bed and carried Nathan over to the other, clean bed. The younger Dog snuggled up immediately in the blankets. Travis let out a chuckle and turned the light back on. The mattress was even more of a mess than Travis thought. He sighed and walked into the bathroom to get paper towels. This was going to take awhile.


June 30th, 1969

9:36 AM

Travis sat up in bed, watching the news again. He knew that it had already aired earlier this morning, but seeing that he and Nathan were in the clear over and over again calmed his nerves. The younger Male slowly stirred on top of Travis's broad chest, and turned his head to look over at the neighboring mattress. It was nicely cleaned, the sheets were put back on and moused up to give the appearance that someone had slept there all night.

"Nicely done," Nathan yawned, "Looks good as new."

The German Shepherd nodded and turned off the tv.

"What were you watching?" Nathan continued, "Anything good?"

Travis shrugged.

"Just the news," He replied, "I think we're in the clear. No one seems to be making big thing out of what happened."

The Cattle Dog whined and Travis held him tighter. He could see the worry in Nathan's eyes.

"What did they say?" Nathan asked, "Did they mention it at all?"

The German Shepherd nodded. Nathan definitely deserved to hear the truth. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but Travis was still worried about how hard the younger Dog would take it.

"They just called it a Fur riot," Travis began, "A lot of injuries, a lot of arrests."

He took a deep breath. This is where things could get more traumatic.

"The Crimson Plaza burned down," The German Shepherd continued, "3 cops dead, as well as 15 protesters."

Nathan whined. The older Dog rubbed over Nathan's shoulders.

"Fuck that's bad," The Cattle Dog whimpered, "When are we going to find out if they're looking for us?"

"Couple of days," Travis shrugged, "We'll probably be across the Mississippi by then. They probably won't even air our pictures on the news out there."

The German Shepherd was very eager to change the subject. Nathan was clearly stressed out by all of this.

"So do you still want to have a farm?" Travis asked, "I know we talked about it."

Nathan chuckled quietly and let a faint smile dance across his face.

"I thought we were just being cute," The Cattle Dog replied, "Do you want a farm?"

"I want you to be happy," Travis chuckled, "If you want a tent in the woods, I'll live in a tent in the woods."

The Cattle Dog cuddled up into Travis's chest.

"At this point," Nathan kissed over the German Shepherd's chest, "I just want to be with you."

Travis couldn't help but smile. He laid back, a paw leisurely stroking over Nathan's back. In spite of everything, the Dog couldn't deny how good it felt to be cuddled up to his lover right now. Nathan looked up and kissed Travis on the cheek.

"When do we have to go?" Nathan asked, "Can we stay like this a little while longer?"

Travis kissed Nathan on the lips.

"I hope you stay this close to me forever," Travis let out a murr, "If that's okay."

Nathan chuckled.

"You know what I meant," Nathan replied, "Can we stay in bed longer?"

"Sure baby," Travis settled in to the bed, "Another hour couldn't hurt."

The Cattle Dog closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Travis's chest. He looked down at his lover and smiled. Everything had changed. He didn't know what he was going to be the next day, where he'd be living in a week, or what kind of job he'd wind up taking. None of that mattered now, because he had Nathan. Together, the two of them would make a life worth living. Travis felt it in his bones.

Things were going to turn out just fine.