Uncontrolled Affection

Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#71 of Commissions

An old commission which I never posted about two boys exploring feelings for one another.

The commissioner wished to remain anonymous and the names have been changed.

Uncontrolled Affection by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is underage and ageplay content presented within this story. You have been warned.

Cato was an 11-year-old Doberman He had recently transferred to Cloverwood Middle School a few months ago after his mother had relocated. The brown furred boy often kept to himself often finding solace in video games and drawing. Cato wasn't the most studious boy as his mind often wondered doodling various things but he still managed to get by. Recently he had been befriended by an older fur of 12, a red fox by the name of Max.

The two had become fast friends despite Cato's own respite to keep to himself. Cato was even originally averse to the idea but Max would have none of it. Cato eventually gave in and became an acquaintance of the older boy. Ever since then the two wouldn't have had it any other way. Cato only saw it as friendship, Max was seeking something more. Though since he was so young, he didn't know any better.

One day after talking to his brother, Max decided that his feelings needed dealing with. After all they constantly nagged his own insecurities to the idea of being attracted to another boy. What would his friend think? Only time would tell. This would be the day he came clean to the younger cub, Max told himself. Cato exited off the bus he always rode, the cheese wagon arriving at the same time it did every day.

Off came Cato who walked towards the school only to be intercepted by Max. Max asked how the other was before eliciting a short yet tactful response from Cato. It was odd that Max was waiting for him, normally Max was already in class since he enjoyed being early on a fairly regular basis as if to leave a good impression on his teachers. They seldom had a class together as they were separated by a grade still, that did not deter their friendship during off hours or lunch.

Max continued to break the ice unable to do as he told himself, knowing he didn't have long before the bell rang for home-room. Later he told himself-later, perhaps it could wait until lunch. The day carried on like normal with nothing really happening save for the routine of classwork and homework for later. The next time they encountered each other was gym. Gym was one of Max's favorite times of the day except for Science. Cato, on the other hand, preferred Computer Science.

The two only shared half of the period since the 7th graders were on a different PE schedule than the 6th graders. As Cato shuffled in, Max was already hot in the pursuit of showing off his athletic prowlice to the other boys. Little did Cato know Max was trying extra hard to show off today, particularly to Cato who paid him little mind. After dressing himself and going outside, Cato decided to sit PE out as his back was bothering him.

It was nearing the end of PE and Max began to approach Cato as he had just finished running his lap around the track. Max was hot and sweaty and smelt of light musk. It was quite offensive to Cato who turned his face and covered his nose to guard against the foul odor. Max frowned a little bit seemingly defeated but decided to sate his curiosity.

"Your not gonna play?" Max asked the younger cub.

"Nope, go take a shower, stinky." Cato scolded Max who walked off with his arms folded.

Max decided to spend an extra effort in the communal showers to make himself smell extra good for lunchtime. He had to make it up to his friend. He Max an extraordinary amount of time that day bathing himself. Even using an extra special shampoo which his friends had touted as a "special scent". Max was keen to try anything once. Heading out of the shower and redressing himself Max decided the test would have to wait for lunch.

Lunch, after all, was only an hour away. It was the period of both of their favorite subjects and though they didn't share it, it often went by quicker than they would have liked. The first dismissed to lunch were the 6th graders, several minutes later were the 7th graders. As such Cato found his usual spot several moments before Max even entered. Max had engineered a plan to gift a cookie to his friend - after all, every kid loved sweets.

Using his allowance to purchase the item, Max selected a chocolate chip brownie before paying for his meal and making the journey to his friend. Max huffed inward taking a deep breath before sitting down next to Cato. Cato didn't take his eyes off his meal, instead intent on finishing his meal. Max guided the treat over in front of Cato's gaze who returned the offer with a look of curiosity on his face. Max simply smiled not saying a word waiting for the boy to accept the gift. Cato returned his kindness with a grin before nibbling on the delicacy.

"Thanks." Cato said happily before devouring the delicious treat.

Max placed his paw on the younger boys shoulder before leaning in and gently kissing him on the cheek. Cato hesitated for a moment, not exactly expecting this action. Cato turned his head eyeing Max curiously as if wanting an explanation for his forwardness.

"I like you a lot Cato,I was thinking we could be fur-mates?" Max suggested calmly.

Max's own head was swirling with uncertainty but he tried to feign confidence in front of his friend who was showing some trepidation. Cato meekly nodded, not seeming adverse to the idea before eliciting a second kiss from Max who held the motion longer this time.

They even attracted some of the lunchroom attention, who began to churn with rumors of their growing relationship. After all, children are terrible at keeping secrets, especially one that was so out in the open. The bell ringed signaling the end of lunch. Not much else was said as Max dismissed himself.

"Meet me after school, I have a surprise for you." Max winked slowly before exiting the cafeteria.

To be sure neither boy was certain of what they wanted. Max's mind hung on the precipice of a decision having acted on little per-meditation. Cato's mind, on the other hand, whirled with insecurity in how he was sure it would end in disaster. He had heard of gay relationships in the media, but was this something he really wanted? Time would tell, he decided to give it a shot.

The curiosity of his own mind whirled and the end of the day couldn't come soon enough. Two hours later the final bell finally sounded meaning the day was finally at an end. For once Cato rushed with the flood of other kids who dashed their way out of their makeshift prison. After all school to most kids often caused much stress and frustration. Cato made his way outdoors and sure enough, Max was waiting out front, his paw extended outward gesturing Cato to join him.

Cato gingerly made his way before motioning closer to Max. Once near, Max took the other boys paw and clasped it tightly in his own. Max smiled but did not say a word - leading onward to his unclear destination. It was the middle afternoon and not quite hot, the weather was quite nice compared to what it would be in the coming months. The trip was not long, a winding path directing their journey to a nearby pond.

As they came closer to the small body of water, the sun began to make it's descent to setting over the horizon. It's gaze casting a soft reflection on the calm water. On the side of the spring was a log which looked over the lake. Max guided Cato to the log before allowing him to sit down next to the older boy. Max joined him soon after looking at the humble sky which was was an array of shades of yellow and red.

Max's paw squeezed Cato's hand tightly before tugging it in closely against Max's chest. Cato could feel Max's heartbeat. It was steady but reassuring as Max leaned in towards Cato aiming his snout for Cato's mouth. Max scored his soft lips against Cato's own. They locked for several moments before breaking the kiss. Max became braver with that passing moment wrestling the smaller boy against the floor before rolling into the ground eliciting a soft giggle from the pair.

Max pulled Cato in tightly hugging the smaller boy before tugging his arms over Cato and massaging his back. The younger boy murmured a soft coo before the rubbing stopped and they just sat there lying still for a moment looking into the eyes of each other. The sun had since set and dark was soon eclipsing the sky. They knew they would have to return home soon even if neither wanted to. Finally breaking from their sickly sweet moment the two picked themselves up.

Making a final kiss and hug the two made their way home. Cato was dropped off first and it was not until he arrived that they broke their tight grip in each others paw. Max meagerly waved before the younger cub returned the gesture with one of his own. Max smiled as Cato retired home to sleep for the next day and Max began his own venture. He would have to tell his brother about it. What would he think about it? Only time would tell how their relationship would play out.