Easter with Andlat (Part 1)

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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Had to rush to get it up in time!

It's Easter and Andlat is relieved that Jack's hosting. What's more, he doesn't even have to wear an embarrassing dress like his cousins do! But as more and more family members arrive, will Andlat's extraordinary luck hold out?

Try as he might, Andlat could not stop himself from giggling as he lay eyes on Jenny and Jessie, looking terribly uncomfortable in matching pastel blue Easter dresses that struck even Andlat's eye as juvenile for the twelve year old girls. They glared daggers at him, so he tried his best to hide behind Jack without making it obvious that that was what he was doing.

"Admiring the girls' dresses?" Claire asked with a smile. "Aren't they pretty, Andlat?"

"I guess." He mumbled.

"They can't really admire your outfit if you keep hiding behind your daddy, silly." Taking his paw, she gently guided him out from behind Jack so that Jenny and Jessie could see his outfit. He noticed that the robin's egg blue of his outfit was embarrassingly close to the feminine blue of their dresses and he knew that everyone else in the room had noticed as well.

"Come on, kit. Show the girls and auntie Claire your outfit." Jack coaxed. Andlat stepped out and stood there, feeling foolish.

"Turn around so we can see it all." Claire said kindly. Andlat marched around in a tight circle so that they could see every inch of his blue shorts and blue and yellow checked shirt. He wished he could be dressed a bit more maturely, but at least he was dressed like a boy, even if the socks he wore had a bit of lace around the ankles and his shoes, a embarrassingly delicate shade of blue, were, he suspected, Mary Janes.

"What a nice spin!" Jenny said.

"You must still be in ballet, hmm?" Jessie asked. Andlat remained silent, trying his hardest to resist his nervous habit of nibbling on his claws.

"Answer your cousins, Andlat." Jack said.

"Yeah." He said softly.

"And what do you wear for ballet?" Jessie asked, showing far too many teeth, it seemed, for a polite smile. Andlat tried to think up a way to deflect the question.

"Never mind, here's a photo." Jenny said, grabbing it from the end table. They had set him up, for sure! He squirmed in place as Claire and her daughters cooed over the photo of him from one of his recitals, standing there in a white tutu with matching bows on his head and his brush. He wished that such a large grin had not been coaxed out of him for the photo.

Once the excitement of the photo died down, Claire and Jack began to chat about grown-up topics. Looking toward his cousins, Andlat noticed Jenny and Jessie whispering to one another, which was never a good sign. Noticing his attention, they giggled and looked at him.

"Can we see your room?" Jenny asked, trying her best to sound innocent.

"What a great idea!" Claire declared. "Andlat, why don't you go and show your cousins your room? Quick, before grandma and grandpa get here!" Andlat frowned, but knew that he had no way to get out of it. Besides, the girls would be unpleasantly surprised when they saw his room. Maybe it would be fun.

Careful not to appear too eager, he led the way out of the living room with Jenny and Jessie enthusiastically following. He could not help but smirk as they chattered animatedly about what his nursery would look like the whole trip up the stairs. He allowed himself a grin as he stopped at his bedroom door and looked at the girls.

"Ready?" He turned the knob and giggled as they looked in on a rather typical boy's bedroom. He had a few action figures on display above his books, his bed was nicely made, even his dirty clothes were hidden away in the closet.

Trying to hide their disappointment, Jessie and Jenny walked around it, looking for something, anything to tease the little fox about.

"We know you wear tutus for ballet." Jessie said, glaring at him in frustration at not finding anything. "Where do you keep them?" Jenny threw the closet open triumphantly, only to be disappointed by the lack of anything frilly. Andlat simply remained silent.

"We're bigger than you. We can make you tell us."

"You wouldn't want to ruin your pretty dressies." Andlat said confidently. "Didn't grandma buy those for you?"

"What I want to know," Jessie said, stepping closer. "Is why didn't grandma buy you one, Emma?"

"Andlat." He corrected.

"Nope. We all know you're Emma. I bet you're wearing a diaper under your clothes. A pretty pink one with frilly plastic panties."

"Am not!"

"Prove it." Jenny said with a grin.

"Maybe she's wearing big girl panties." Jessie suggested. "Is that it, Emma?"

"Stop!" Andlat yelled. Chastising himself, he tried to calm down. Getting emotional was just playing into their paws.

"Which is it, Emma?" Jenny asked.

"C'mon, Emma. You can show us."

"I won't." Andlat backed out of his bedroom nervously.

"Well, I guess we'll have to" Jessie grabbed his wrist and pulled him back into his bedroom, closing the door. "We'll have to spank you for being a very naughty little girl, won't we?"

"You can't!"

"And why not? We're bigger than you and you have to admit you're being bad." Jenny said as Jessie pulled him toward the bed.

"Stop!" Andlat yelled, straining to get away. "What if, what if I showed you where my ballet stuff is?" The girls exchanged a smirk.

"Ballet stuff?" Jenny asked as if confused.

"Y'know, my ballet.... Stuff."

"Still not sure what you mean." Jessie said. Andlat yanked his paw free.

"C'mon." He marched out of the bedroom, but he could feel his nerve slipping away. All the same, he forced himself to walk toward the nondescript door that hid his nursery from sight. He could feel Jenny and Jessie's excitement growing with every step.

"Girls! Come down here and say hi to your grandparents!" Claire called up the stairs. Andlat wrinkled his nose and both girls giggled.

"See? Even mom knows you're Emma." Jenny said with a grin. Andlat thought about saying that it was probably just a slip of the tongue, but how could he be sure?

"Bet you anything she's in a dress by lunch." Jessie replied as if Andlat was not even there. Pushing past them, he led the way down the stairs, hoping that being back amongst the adults would prevent the girls from teasing him further. He knew that that was, if anything, a slim hope.

By the time they got downstairs, Jack and Claire's mom was already well into telling a story about their drive. She had a flair for making even the most everyday things theatrically overdramatic.

"People just don't drive like they used to, eh, mom?" Jack said, a look of feigned interest on his face. Once she started a story, there was nothing anyone could do but let her say her piece.

"You can say that again." She said in exasperation. "We would have been here half an hour ago if it had not been for the freeway being backed up."

"Well, it is Easter Sunday, you know." Claire observed. Her eyes fell on the cubs coming down the stairs, eager for some way to distract her mom from everything wrong with society today. "Oh! The girls wanted to model their new dresses for you!" Andlat smirked, mollified. Clearly, Claire did not think of him as one of the girls. "Jessie, Jenny. What do you say?"

"Thank you, Grandma." The girls said in unison, turning for her as she directed them. Andlat could hear their displeasure in their voices, but neither their grandmother nor Claire semed to hear it.

While the women cooed over Jessie and Jenny's dresses, Andlat went over to the wolf already sitting in the armchair. He looked much like Jack, just with grey on his muzzle. He smiled warmly at Andlat and did not hesitate to pick him up.

"Hi, grandpa."

"Hello there!" He said with a chuckle, his voice booming and warmly paternal. Andlat blushed as he felt one of the wolf's massive paws cup his bottom for a moment. "Oh!" The wolf said in surprise. "No diaper! You are becoming a big kid, aren't you?"

"Yes, grandpa." Andlat mumbled as the wolf set him on his lap. He smiled, bouncing Andlat slightly. Seemingly appearing out of nowhere, Andlat found a piece of hard candy in his paw. He unwrapped it and by the time the candy was in his mouth, the plastic wrapper had vanished.

"Honestly, you'll ruin the little one's appetite!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, winking roguishly at Andlat. The little fox smiled, feeling like he had a secret that he shared only with his grandpa.

Andlat sat there on the wolf's lap, not even caring that everyone else got their own seat. Whenever his wife looked away, the wolf snuck another piece of candy to Andlat, which made the little fox feel extra special. Jenny and Jessie were not getting even one piece of candy. He wondered for a moment if he should share with them. It was a holiday after all. Then again, they had been awfully mean to him upstairs.

"Grandpa? Can we give Jenny and Jessie some candy too?" He asked.

"Ah ha! So you are giving candy out again!"

"It wasn't my idea!" The wolf protested, pointing at Andlat. "There's your ringleader!"

"Mhm." Grandma said, not believing it for a second. She came over and picked Andlat up. "I'd better get you away from this bad influence. Let's go see if your Daddy needs any help." Setting the fox against her shoulder, she patted his bottom. "Hmm." was all she said as she felt his lack of diaper.

"Lunch should be done soon." Jack said by way of greeting as they stepped into the kitchen. "Maybe half an hour?"

"Alright." She said. "Your dad's been feeding this one candy this whole time, so who knows if"

"Actually, mom, thanks for reminding me. Could you get the highchair set up at the table? That's the only way we can have chairs for everyone." Seeing Andlat's face, he came over and kissed his cheek. "Don't you fuss now. You're the only one who can fit in it, so you'll be sitting there." He eyed Andlat until the fox nodded. "Good. Be good and help grandma get your highchair set up, okay?"

"Yes, daddy." The wolf smiled and returned to cooking as his mom carried Andlat back out in the dining room.

"There's your highchair!" She said, spying it at once.

"Highchair?" Jessie said with great interest from the living room.

"Yep. We only have enough chairs if Emma sits in her highchair."

"Emma?" Andlat said, but no one seemed to hear him as Jessie and Jenny practically bounced over.

"We thought you were a big girl, Emma." Jenny said. Andlat stared at her accusingly. How dare she pretend like she did not love the idea of him being trapped in the highchair?

"Eating lunch in her highchair won't hurt her." Jenny and Jessie giggled as Andlat pouted.

"I bet she's excited." Jessie teased. "Aren't you, Emma?" Andlat remained silent, watching his cousins nervously. They seemed to be endlessly devious and the last thing he wanted was for them to devise some way to humiliate him like they always did.

"You know, grandma." Jenny said deviously. "Emma was telling us earlier that she's jealous of our new dresses. How come she didn't get one?" Secretly, Andlat was curious about that too. Easter seemed like one of the holidays where every little girl got a new dress and, seeing as everyone seemed to think that he was one, it had been a bit of a surprise when one had not come for him in the mail. Andlat had not minded, but he remembered Jack teasing him about the fact that he would probably get one.

"Don't you like Emma's little outfit?" She asked the girls. They both shook their heads, trying to hide matching toothy grins. They knew that chances were Andlat would be in a dress soon enough.

"A dress would be better." Jessie said. Andlat glared at her. Jenny's eyes lit up as she came up with the perfect strategy.

"Didn't girls always wear dresses on Easter when you were our age, grandma?"

"I'm not really a girl." Andlat mumbled, wishing more than anything he had put up more of a fight when she had lifted him off of his grandpa's lap. He looked up at his grandmother, who was looking back at him with a strange look on her face, a look that made him very nervous. Without explaining herself, she turned and carried Andlat back into the kitchen where Jack was putting the final touches on a few dishes.

"How long has your little one been out of diapers?" She asked, patting Andlat's bottom as if to demonstrate where diapers typically go. Jack did not look up.

"A little while, at least during the day."

"Well, I was thinking I might put her in a diaper just for today since there's going to be a lot of excitement and little ones often forget to go potty." Andlat tried to protest, but her mind was made up and Jack was too busy to intervene. Andlat could not even be sure if he would have intervened even if he was not busy.

"Lunch will be ready soon" was all Jack said in response and Andlat whimpered as she carried him off to his crinkly fate.

Andlat had no chance of showing the older wolf his big boy bedroom. She went directly to his nursery and threw the door open. Jenny and Jessie giggled as they looked around.

"This is more like it!" Jenny said. "This room screams baby Emma!" Andlat tried to retort, but his grandma kept him busy by setting him down on the changing table and stripping him down to his blue briefs with white polka dots.

"These are odd panties." His grandma said, eyeing them. "Girls, have you seen panties like these?"

"If Emma's wearing them, they must be panties." Jessie said.

"But she should be in diapers." Jenny said. "She won't admit it, but she's asked us to take her to the potty three times already today."

"Have not!"


"She's lying, grandma!"

"Whoever's telling the truth and whoever's lying doesn't matter. You're going in a diaper, missy. Even your granddad thought you should still be in them."


"No buts." His grandma replied. "And quit that giggling, girls. Find Emma a dress that matches yours please. I'm sure she has plenty to choose from in the closet." With the girls on their quest, she was free to whisk off Andlat's underwear and get out a puffy pink diaper to put him in instead, despite his whimpers of protest. Andlat knew that his time as a boy at Easter had ended and he would spend the rest of the day as a pretty little baby girl.